[Lldb-commits] [lldb] DebugInfoD tests + fixing issues exposed by tests (PR #85693)

Kevin Frei via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 19 08:24:26 PDT 2024

@@ -4377,26 +4377,40 @@ const std::shared_ptr<SymbolFileDWARFDwo> &SymbolFileDWARF::GetDwpSymbolFile() {
     FileSpecList search_paths = Target::GetDefaultDebugFileSearchPaths();
     ModuleSpec module_spec;
     module_spec.GetFileSpec() = m_objfile_sp->GetFileSpec();
+    FileSpec dwp_filespec;
     for (const auto &symfile : symfiles.files()) {
       module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec() =
           FileSpec(symfile.GetPath() + ".dwp", symfile.GetPathStyle());
       LLDB_LOG(log, "Searching for DWP using: \"{0}\"",
-      FileSpec dwp_filespec =
+      dwp_filespec =
           PluginManager::LocateExecutableSymbolFile(module_spec, search_paths);
       if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dwp_filespec)) {
-        LLDB_LOG(log, "Found DWP file: \"{0}\"", dwp_filespec);
-        DataBufferSP dwp_file_data_sp;
-        lldb::offset_t dwp_file_data_offset = 0;
-        ObjectFileSP dwp_obj_file = ObjectFile::FindPlugin(
-            GetObjectFile()->GetModule(), &dwp_filespec, 0,
-            FileSystem::Instance().GetByteSize(dwp_filespec), dwp_file_data_sp,
-            dwp_file_data_offset);
-        if (dwp_obj_file) {
-          m_dwp_symfile = std::make_shared<SymbolFileDWARFDwo>(
-              *this, dwp_obj_file, DIERef::k_file_index_mask);
-          break;
-        }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dwp_filespec)) {
+      LLDB_LOG(log, "No DWP file found locally");
+      // Fill in the UUID for the module we're trying to match for, so we can
+      // find the correct DWP file, as the Debuginfod plugin uses *only* this
+      // data to correctly match the DWP file with the binary.
+      module_spec.GetUUID() = m_objfile_sp->GetUUID();
+      dwp_filespec =
+          PluginManager::LocateExecutableSymbolFile(module_spec, search_paths);
+      // Set it back so it's not outliving the m_objfile_sp shared pointer.
+      module_spec.GetUUID() = {};
kevinfrei wrote:

Actually, that line of code is left-over from a previous iteration (before I moved it to after the original loop). @clayborg had removed the assignment for other reasons, but it needs to be there for the Debuginfod plugin. It's not used again, and doesn't hurt anything (the original value is actually {}, because that module_spec is a file-loc only skeleton). I've removed the line.


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