[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Change debugserver to report the cpu(sub)type of process, not the host. (PR #82938)

Jonas Devlieghere via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 25 15:28:32 PST 2024

@@ -1568,15 +1569,16 @@ bool Target::SetArchitecture(const ArchSpec &arch_spec, bool set_platform,
       if (m_arch.GetSpec().IsCompatibleMatch(other)) {
         compatible_local_arch = true;
-        bool arch_changed, vendor_changed, os_changed, os_ver_changed,
-            env_changed;
-        m_arch.GetSpec().PiecewiseTripleCompare(other, arch_changed,
-                                                vendor_changed, os_changed,
-                                                os_ver_changed, env_changed);
-        if (!arch_changed && !vendor_changed && !os_changed && !env_changed)
+        if (m_arch.GetSpec().GetTriple() == other.GetTriple())
           replace_local_arch = false;
+        // Workaround for for pre-2024 debugserver, which always
+        // returns arm64e on arm64e-capable hardware regardless of
+        // what the process is. This can be deleted at some point in
+        // the future.
JDevlieghere wrote:

@jasonmolenda I really wish we could report a version number from debugserver so we don't have to make guesses as to what's supported and what not. This is the second time this has come up in a few months (I think previously this came up in the context of large watchpoints?). Maybe it's time to bite the bullet? 


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