[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Add the ability to define a Python based command that uses CommandObjectParsed (PR #70734)

Med Ismail Bennani via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Feb 10 22:32:38 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+This module implements a couple of utility classes to make writing
+lldb parsed commands more Pythonic.
+The way to use it is to make a class for your command that inherits from ParsedCommandBase.
+That will make an LLDBOptionValueParser which you will use for your
+option definition, and to fetch option values for the current invocation
+of your command.  Access to the OV parser is through:
+Next, implement setup_command_definition() in your new command class, and call:
+  self.get_parser().add_option()
+to add all your options.  The order doesn't matter for options, lldb will sort them
+alphabetically for you when it prints help.
+Similarly you can define the arguments with:
+  self.get_parser().add_argument()
+At present, lldb doesn't do as much work as it should verifying arguments, it
+only checks that commands that take no arguments don't get passed arguments.
+Then implement the execute function for your command as:
+    def __call__(self, debugger, args_list, exe_ctx, result):
+The arguments will be a list of strings.  
+You can access the option values using the 'dest' string you passed in when defining the option.
+And if you need to know whether a given option was set by the user or not, you can
+use the was_set API.  
+So for instance, if you have an option whose "dest" is "my_option", then:
+    self.get_parser().my_option
+will fetch the value, and:
+    self.get_parser().was_set("my_option")
+will return True if the user set this option, and False if it was left at its default
+There are example commands in the lldb testsuite at:
+import inspect
+import lldb
+import sys
+from abc import abstractmethod
+class LLDBOptionValueParser:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # This is a dictionary of dictionaries.  The key is the long option
+        # name, and the value is the rest of the definition.
+        self.options_dict = {}
+        self.args_array = []
+    # Some methods to translate common value types.  Should return a
+    # tuple of the value and an error value (True => error) if the
+    # type can't be converted.
+    # FIXME: Need a way to push the conversion error string back to lldb.
+    @staticmethod
+    def to_bool(in_value):
+        error = True
+        value = False
+        if type(in_value) != str or len(in_value) == 0:
+            return (value, error)
+        low_in = in_value.lower()
+        if low_in in ["y", "yes", "t", "true", "1"]:
+            value = True
+            error = False
+        if not value and low_in in ["n", "no", "f", "false", "0"]:
+            value = False
+            error = False
+        return (value, error)
+    @staticmethod
+    def to_int(in_value):
+        #FIXME: Not doing errors yet...
+        return (int(in_value), False)
+    @staticmethod
+    def to_unsigned(in_value):
+        # FIXME: find an unsigned converter...
+        # And handle errors.
+        return (int(in_value), False)
+    translators = {
+        lldb.eArgTypeBoolean : to_bool,
+        lldb.eArgTypeBreakpointID : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeByteSize : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeCount : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeFrameIndex : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeIndex : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeLineNum : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeNumLines : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeNumberPerLine : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeOffset : to_int,
+        lldb.eArgTypeThreadIndex : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeUnsignedInteger : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeWatchpointID : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeColumnNum : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeRecognizerID : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeTargetID : to_unsigned,
+        lldb.eArgTypeStopHookID : to_unsigned
+    }
+    @classmethod
+    def translate_value(cls, value_type, value):
+        try:
+            return cls.translators[value_type](value)
+        except KeyError:
+            # If we don't have a translator, return the string value.
+            return (value, False)
+    # FIXME: would this be better done on the C++ side?
+    # The common completers are missing some useful ones.
+    # For instance there really should be a common Type completer
+    # And an "lldb command name" completer.
+    completion_table = {
+        lldb.eArgTypeAddressOrExpression : lldb.eVariablePathCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeArchitecture : lldb.eArchitectureCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeBreakpointID : lldb.eBreakpointCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange : lldb.eBreakpointCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeBreakpointName : lldb.eBreakpointNameCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeClassName : lldb.eSymbolCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeDirectoryName : lldb.eDiskDirectoryCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeExpression : lldb.eVariablePathCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeExpressionPath : lldb.eVariablePathCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeFilename : lldb.eDiskFileCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeFrameIndex : lldb.eFrameIndexCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeFunctionName : lldb.eSymbolCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol : lldb.eSymbolCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeLanguage : lldb.eTypeLanguageCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypePath : lldb.eDiskFileCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypePid : lldb.eProcessIDCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeProcessName : lldb.eProcessNameCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeRegisterName : lldb.eRegisterCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeRunArgs : lldb.eDiskFileCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeShlibName : lldb.eModuleCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeSourceFile : lldb.eSourceFileCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeSymbol : lldb.eSymbolCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeThreadIndex : lldb.eThreadIndexCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeVarName : lldb.eVariablePathCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypePlatform : lldb.ePlatformPluginCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeWatchpointID : lldb.eWatchpointIDCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange : lldb.eWatchpointIDCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeModuleUUID : lldb.eModuleUUIDCompletion,
+        lldb.eArgTypeStopHookID : lldb.eStopHookIDCompletion
+    }
+    @classmethod
+    def determine_completion(cls, arg_type):
+        return cls.completion_table.get(arg_type, lldb.eNoCompletion)
+    def get_option_element(self, long_name):
+        # Fixme: Is it worth making a long_option dict holding the rest of
+        # the options dict so this lookup is faster?
+        return self.options_dict.get(long_name, None)
+    def option_parsing_started(self):
+        # This makes the ivars for all the "dest" values in the array and gives them
+        # their default values.
+        for key, elem in self.options_dict.items():
+            elem['_value_set'] = False
+            try:
+                object.__setattr__(self, elem["dest"], elem["default"])
+            except AttributeError:
+                # It isn't an error not to have a "dest" variable name, you'll
+                # just have to manage this option's value on your own.
+                continue
+    def set_enum_value(self, enum_values, input):
+        candidates = []
+        for candidate in enum_values:
+            # The enum_values are a two element list of value & help string.
+            value = candidate[0]
+            if value.startswith(input):
+                candidates.append(value)
+        if len(candidates) == 1:
+            return (candidates[0], False)
+        else:
+            return (input, True)
+    def set_option_value(self, exe_ctx, opt_name, opt_value):
+        elem = self.get_option_element(opt_name)
+        if not elem:
+            return False
+        if "enum_values" in elem:
+            (value, error) = self.set_enum_value(elem["enum_values"], opt_value)
+        else:
+            (value, error)  = __class__.translate_value(elem["value_type"], opt_value)
+        if error:
+            return False
+        object.__setattr__(self, elem["dest"], value)
+        elem["_value_set"] = True
+        return True
+    def was_set(self, opt_name):
+        elem = self.get_option_element(opt_name)
+        if not elem:
+            return False
+        try:
+            return elem["_value_set"]
+        except AttributeError:
+            return False
+    def is_enum_opt(self, opt_name):
+        elem = self.get_option_element(opt_name)
+        if not elem:
+            return False
+        return "enum_values" in elem
+    def add_option(self, short_option, long_option, help, default,
+                   dest = None, required=False, groups = None,
+                   value_type=lldb.eArgTypeNone, completion_type=None,
+                   enum_values=None):
+        """
+        short_option: one character, must be unique, not required
+        long_option: no spaces, must be unique, required
+        help: a usage string for this option, will print in the command help
+        default: the initial value for this option (if it has a value)
+        dest: the name of the property that gives you access to the value for
+                 this value.  Defaults to the long option if not provided.
+        required: if true, this option must be provided or the command will error out
+        groups: Which "option groups" does this option belong to
+        value_type: one of the lldb.eArgType enum values.  Some of the common arg
+                    types also have default completers, which will be applied automatically.
+        completion_type: currently these are values form the lldb.CompletionType enum, I
+                         haven't done custom completions yet.
+        enum_values: An array of duples: ["element_name", "element_help"].  If provided,
+                     only one of the enum elements is allowed.  The value will be the 
+                     element_name for the chosen enum element as a string. 
+        """
+        if not dest:
+            dest = long_option
+        if not completion_type:
+            completion_type = self.determine_completion(value_type)
+        dict = {"short_option" : short_option,
+                "required" : required,
+                "help" : help,
+                "value_type" : value_type,
+                "completion_type" : completion_type,
+                "dest" : dest,
+                "default" : default}
+        if enum_values:
+            dict["enum_values"] = enum_values
+        if groups:
+            dict["groups"] = groups
+        self.options_dict[long_option] = dict
+    def make_argument_element(self, arg_type, repeat = "optional", groups = None):
+        element = {"arg_type" : arg_type, "repeat" : repeat}
+        if groups:
+            element["groups"] = groups
+        return element
+    def add_argument_set(self, arguments):
+        self.args_array.append(arguments)
+class ParsedCommandBase:
medismailben wrote:

If this is supposed to be the base implementation, I think it needs to move to https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/lldb/examples/python/templates in its own file.

Also, I'd drop the `Base` suffix on the class name, since we don't do this for other base implementation classes.


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