[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] Fix a crash when using .dwp files and make type lookup reliable with the index cache (PR #79544)

David Blaikie via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 26 10:24:29 PST 2024

dwblaikie wrote:

I'm not following all of this, but it appears to be based on the premise that it's OK that sometimes split units inside a DWP file are parsed before their skeleton unit? Why is that OK/when/why/where is that happening?

I'd think any case where that happens would be a performance (& possibly correctness bug) & it'd be better to maintain the invariant that the only way you ever parse a split unit is starting from the skeleton - rather than adding maps/etc to be able to backtrack to parsing the skeleton when you already have the split unit.


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