[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] Fix Intel PT plugin compile errors (PR #77252)

Walter Erquinigo via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 8 07:59:45 PST 2024

@@ -103,12 +103,10 @@ TraceIntelPTBundleLoader::CreateEmptyProcess(lldb::pid_t pid,
   ParsedProcess parsed_process;
   parsed_process.target_sp = target_sp;
-  // This should instead try to directly create an instance of ProcessTrace.
-  // ProcessSP process_sp = target_sp->CreateProcess(
-  //    /*listener*/ nullptr, "trace",
-  //    /*crash_file*/ nullptr,
-  //    /*can_connect*/ false);
+  ProcessSP process_sp = target_sp->CreateProcess(
+      /*listener*/ nullptr, "trace",
+      /*crash_file*/ nullptr,
+      /*can_connect*/ false);
walter-erquinigo wrote:

Actually, if you could just do

ProcessTrace::CreateInstance(target_sp, /*listener*/ nullptr, /*crash_file*/ nullptr, /*can_connect*/ false);

Then we could consider this part of the code as fixed. You also need to make that `ProcessTrace::CreateInstance` function `public` instead of `private`.


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