[Lldb-commits] [libcxx] [clang] [llvm] [libc] [compiler-rt] [clang-tools-extra] [lldb] [flang] [libc++][variant] P2637R3 - Member `visit` (PR #76447)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 27 07:50:53 PST 2023

github-actions[bot] wrote:


:warning: Python code formatter, darker found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

darker --check --diff -r 886655869cef2e0f11da8981da30d70ad7892ff9...653ec7af66441bf9f9885622cec12c48322767b8 libcxx/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py


View the diff from darker here.

--- generate_feature_test_macro_components.py	2023-12-25 09:05:09.000000 +0000
+++ generate_feature_test_macro_components.py	2023-12-27 15:50:38.123618 +0000
@@ -1263,11 +1263,11 @@
             "headers": ["functional"],
             "name": "__cpp_lib_variant",
             "values": {
-                "c++17": 202102, # std::visit for classes derived from std::variant
+                "c++17": 202102,  # std::visit for classes derived from std::variant
                 # "c++20": 202106, # Fully constexpr std::variant
                 # "c++26": 202306, # Member visit
             "headers": ["variant"],




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