[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [LLDB] Add more helper functions to CompilerType class (second try). (PR #73472)

Jonas Devlieghere via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 27 08:28:34 PST 2023

@@ -302,6 +303,256 @@ bool CompilerType::IsBeingDefined() const {
   return false;
+bool CompilerType::IsSmartPtrType() const {
+  // These regular expressions cover shared, unique and weak pointers both from
+  // stdlibc++ and libc+++.
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex(
+      "^std::__[[:alnum:]]+::unique_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex(
+      "^std::__[[:alnum:]]+::shared_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex(
+      "^std::__[[:alnum:]]+::weak_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  //
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex_2(
+      "^std::unique_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex_2(
+      "^std::shared_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex_2(
+      "^std::weak_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  //
+  llvm::StringRef name = GetTypeName();
+  return k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex_2.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex_2.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex_2.match(name);
+bool CompilerType::IsInteger() const {
+  // This is used when you don't care about the signedness of the integer.
+  bool is_signed;
+  return IsIntegerType(is_signed);
+bool CompilerType::IsFloat() const {
+  uint32_t count = 0;
+  bool is_complex = false;
+  return IsFloatingPointType(count, is_complex);
+bool CompilerType::IsEnumerationType() const {
+  // This is used when you don't care about the signedness of the enum.
+  bool is_signed;
+  return IsEnumerationType(is_signed);
+bool CompilerType::IsUnscopedEnumerationType() const {
+  return IsEnumerationType() && !IsScopedEnumerationType();
+bool CompilerType::IsIntegerOrUnscopedEnumerationType() const {
+  return IsInteger() || IsUnscopedEnumerationType();
+bool CompilerType::IsSigned() const {
+  if (IsEnumerationType()) {
+    return IsEnumerationIntegerTypeSigned();
+  }
+  return GetTypeInfo() & lldb::eTypeIsSigned;
+bool CompilerType::IsNullPtrType() const {
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() ==
+         lldb::eBasicTypeNullPtr;
+bool CompilerType::IsBoolean() const {
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() == lldb::eBasicTypeBool;
+bool CompilerType::IsEnumerationIntegerTypeSigned() const {
+  if (IsValid()) {
+    return GetEnumerationIntegerType().GetTypeInfo() & lldb::eTypeIsSigned;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool CompilerType::IsScalarOrUnscopedEnumerationType() const {
+  return IsScalarType() || IsUnscopedEnumerationType();
+bool CompilerType::IsPromotableIntegerType() const {
+  // Unscoped enums are always considered as promotable, even if their
+  // underlying type does not need to be promoted (e.g. "int").
+  if (IsUnscopedEnumerationType()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  switch (GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration()) {
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeBool:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeSignedChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeShort:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedShort:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeWChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeSignedWChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeChar16:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeChar32:
+    return true;
+  default:
+    return false;
+  }
+bool CompilerType::IsPointerToVoid() const {
+  if (!IsValid())
+    return false;
+  return IsPointerType() &&
+         GetPointeeType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() == lldb::eBasicTypeVoid;
+bool CompilerType::IsRecordType() const {
+  if (!IsValid())
+    return false;
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetTypeClass() &
+         (lldb::eTypeClassClass | lldb::eTypeClassStruct |
+          lldb::eTypeClassUnion);
+// Checks whether `target_base` is a virtual base of `type` (direct or
+// indirect). If it is, stores the first virtual base type on the path from
+// `type` to `target_type`.
+bool CompilerType::IsVirtualBase(CompilerType target_base,
+                                 CompilerType *virtual_base,
+                                 bool carry_virtual) const {
+  if (CompareTypes(target_base)) {
+    return carry_virtual;
+  }
+  if (!carry_virtual) {
+    uint32_t num_virtual_bases = GetNumVirtualBaseClasses();
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_virtual_bases; ++i) {
+      uint32_t bit_offset;
+      auto base = GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(i, &bit_offset);
+      if (base.IsVirtualBase(target_base, virtual_base,
+                             /*carry_virtual*/ true)) {
+        if (virtual_base) {
+          *virtual_base = base;
+        }
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  uint32_t num_direct_bases = GetNumDirectBaseClasses();
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_direct_bases; ++i) {
+    uint32_t bit_offset;
+    auto base = GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(i, &bit_offset);
+    if (base.IsVirtualBase(target_base, virtual_base, carry_virtual)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool CompilerType::IsContextuallyConvertibleToBool() const {
+  return IsScalarType() || IsUnscopedEnumerationType() || IsPointerType() ||
+         IsNullPtrType() || IsArrayType();
+bool CompilerType::IsBasicType() const {
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() !=
+         lldb::eBasicTypeInvalid;
+std::string CompilerType::TypeDescription() {
+  auto name = GetTypeName();
+  auto canonical_name = GetCanonicalType().GetTypeName();
+  if (name.IsEmpty() || canonical_name.IsEmpty()) {
+    return "''"; // should not happen
JDevlieghere wrote:

Should not happen as in we can guarantee that (in which case this should be an `assert`) or as in this would only happen for broken input? 


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