[Lldb-commits] [llvm] [lldb] DEBUGINFOD based DWP acquisition for LLDB (PR #70996)

Kevin Frei via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 2 16:14:30 PDT 2023

kevinfrei wrote:

> > Yes, that specific kind of refactoring seemed like a good idea, but given that this is my first real foray into the LLDB space, I didn't want to bite off that much work to start with.
> I'd be happy to help with that and I'm sure @clayborg wouldn't mind providing guidance in this space.
> > Once I've got the full DEBUGINFOD capabilities plumbed, refactoring it out into a SymbolServer plug-in makes lots of sense.
> That's fine if the new code can be more self contained. This patch is adding things like a `HTTPClient` to the debugger or a dependency on `Debuginfod.h` in Target. I don't think either of those things belong there. At the very least should be abstracted behind `LocateSymbol`. All its functions are static which makes that hard, which is why I suggested symbol server plugin. Maybe as an intermediate step we can start by turning that class into something that can be instantiated?

Are you asking me to create a SymbolServer class for *this* change, or do you want me to get this diff polished & landed, then create the abstraction before adding anything more? (Either is fine: I just can't quite tell what you're looking for right now)

I also agree: it made me someone uncomfortable adding those dependencies where they were added. Even just hiding them in a SymbolServer.h file would help.


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