[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 602e47c - [lldb] Format Python files in scripts and utils (#66053)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 14 00:54:06 PDT 2023

Author: David Spickett
Date: 2023-09-14T08:54:02+01:00
New Revision: 602e47c5f9fd2e14c7bfb6111e6558fa0d27c87f

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/602e47c5f9fd2e14c7bfb6111e6558fa0d27c87f
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/602e47c5f9fd2e14c7bfb6111e6558fa0d27c87f.diff

LOG: [lldb] Format Python files in scripts and utils (#66053)

black --exclude "third_party/" ./lldb/




diff  --git a/lldb/scripts/analyze-project-deps.py b/lldb/scripts/analyze-project-deps.py
index 89da3dc9df7b3c6..4724367e2e722d0 100755
--- a/lldb/scripts/analyze-project-deps.py
+++ b/lldb/scripts/analyze-project-deps.py
@@ -10,12 +10,21 @@
 from use_lldb_suite import lldb_root
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-    description='Analyze LLDB project #include dependencies.')
-parser.add_argument('--show-counts', default=False, action='store_true', 
-    help='When true, show the number of dependencies from each subproject')
-parser.add_argument('--discover-cycles', default=False, action='store_true',
-    help='When true, find and display all project dependency cycles.  Note,'
-         'this option is very slow')
+    description="Analyze LLDB project #include dependencies."
+    "--show-counts",
+    default=False,
+    action="store_true",
+    help="When true, show the number of dependencies from each subproject",
+    "--discover-cycles",
+    default=False,
+    action="store_true",
+    help="When true, find and display all project dependency cycles.  Note,"
+    "this option is very slow",
 args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -24,12 +33,14 @@
 src_map = {}
-include_regex = re.compile('#include \"((lldb|Plugins|clang)(.*/)+).*\"')
+include_regex = re.compile('#include "((lldb|Plugins|clang)(.*/)+).*"')
 def is_sublist(small, big):
     it = iter(big)
     return all(c in it for c in small)
 def normalize_host(str):
     if str.startswith("lldb/Host"):
         return "lldb/Host"
@@ -39,6 +50,7 @@ def normalize_host(str):
         return str.replace("lldb/../../source", "lldb")
     return str
 def scan_deps(this_dir, file):
     global src_map
     deps = {}
@@ -62,7 +74,8 @@ def scan_deps(this_dir, file):
     if this_dir not in src_map and len(deps) > 0:
         src_map[this_dir] = deps
-for (base, dirs, files) in os.walk(inc_dir):
+for base, dirs, files in os.walk(inc_dir):
     dir = os.path.basename(base)
     relative = os.path.relpath(base, inc_dir)
     inc_files = [x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] in [".h"]]
@@ -71,7 +84,7 @@ def scan_deps(this_dir, file):
         inc_path = os.path.join(base, inc)
         scan_deps(relative, inc_path)
-for (base, dirs, files) in os.walk(src_dir):
+for base, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir):
     dir = os.path.basename(base)
     relative = os.path.relpath(base, src_dir)
     src_files = [x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] in [".cpp", ".h", ".mm"]]
@@ -82,6 +95,7 @@ def scan_deps(this_dir, file):
         scan_deps(norm_base_path, src_path)
 def is_existing_cycle(path, cycles):
     # If we have a cycle like # A -> B -> C (with an implicit -> A at the end)
     # then we don't just want to check for an occurrence of A -> B -> C in the
@@ -90,12 +104,13 @@ def is_existing_cycle(path, cycles):
     # at the end), then A -> B -> C is also a cycle.  This is an important
     # optimization which reduces the search space by multiple orders of
     # magnitude.
-    for i in range(0,len(path)):
+    for i in range(0, len(path)):
         if any(is_sublist(x, path) for x in cycles):
             return True
         path = [path[-1]] + path[0:-1]
     return False
 def expand(path_queue, path_lengths, cycles, src_map):
     # We do a breadth first search, to make sure we visit all paths in order
     # of ascending length.  This is an important optimization to make sure that
@@ -127,54 +142,57 @@ def expand(path_queue, path_lengths, cycles, src_map):
             path_queue.append(cur_path + [item])
 cycles = []
 path_queue = [[x] for x in iter(src_map)]
 path_lens = [1] * len(path_queue)
 items = list(src_map.items())
-items.sort(key = lambda A : A[0])
+items.sort(key=lambda A: A[0])
-for (path, deps) in items:
+for path, deps in items:
     print(path + ":")
     sorted_deps = list(deps.items())
     if args.show_counts:
-        sorted_deps.sort(key = lambda A: (A[1], A[0]))
+        sorted_deps.sort(key=lambda A: (A[1], A[0]))
         for dep in sorted_deps:
             print("\t{} [{}]".format(dep[0], dep[1]))
-        sorted_deps.sort(key = lambda A: A[0])
+        sorted_deps.sort(key=lambda A: A[0])
         for dep in sorted_deps:
 def iter_cycles(cycles):
     global src_map
     for cycle in cycles:
         zipper = list(zip(cycle[0:-1], cycle[1:]))
-        result = [(x, src_map[x][y], y) for (x,y) in zipper]
+        result = [(x, src_map[x][y], y) for (x, y) in zipper]
         total = 0
         smallest = result[0][1]
-        for (first, value, last) in result:
+        for first, value, last in result:
             total += value
             smallest = min(smallest, value)
         yield (total, smallest, result)
 if args.discover_cycles:
     print("Analyzing cycles...")
     expand(path_queue, path_lens, cycles, src_map)
-    average = sum([len(x)+1 for x in cycles]) / len(cycles)
+    average = sum([len(x) + 1 for x in cycles]) / len(cycles)
     print("Found {} cycles.  Average cycle length = {}.".format(len(cycles), average))
     counted = list(iter_cycles(cycles))
     if args.show_counts:
-        counted.sort(key = lambda A: A[0])
-        for (total, smallest, cycle) in counted:
+        counted.sort(key=lambda A: A[0])
+        for total, smallest, cycle in counted:
             sys.stdout.write("{} deps to break: ".format(total))
-            for (first, count, last) in cycle:
+            for first, count, last in cycle:
                 sys.stdout.write(" [{}->] {}".format(count, last))
@@ -186,8 +204,8 @@ def iter_cycles(cycles):
     islands = []
     outgoing_counts = defaultdict(int)
     incoming_counts = defaultdict(int)
-    for (total, smallest, cycle) in counted:
-        for (first, count, last) in cycle:
+    for total, smallest, cycle in counted:
+        for first, count, last in cycle:
             outgoing_counts[first] += count
             incoming_counts[last] += count
     for cycle in cycles:
@@ -201,8 +219,8 @@ def iter_cycles(cycles):
         sorted = []
         for node in island:
             sorted.append((node, incoming_counts[node], outgoing_counts[node]))
-        sorted.sort(key = lambda x: x[1]+x[2])
-        for (node, inc, outg) in sorted:
+        sorted.sort(key=lambda x: x[1] + x[2])
+        for node, inc, outg in sorted:
             print("  {} [{} in, {} out]".format(node, inc, outg))

diff  --git a/lldb/scripts/android/host_art_bt.py b/lldb/scripts/android/host_art_bt.py
index 03797074aafdddd..d4c5af46d9e2f8e 100644
--- a/lldb/scripts/android/host_art_bt.py
+++ b/lldb/scripts/android/host_art_bt.py
@@ -20,45 +20,59 @@ def host_art_bt(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
     thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
     while lldb_frame_index < thread.GetNumFrames():
         frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
-        if frame.GetModule() and re.match(r'JIT\(.*?\)',
-                                          frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()):
+        if frame.GetModule() and re.match(
+            r"JIT\(.*?\)", frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
+        ):
             # Compiled Java frame
             # Get function/filename/lineno from symbol context
             symbol = frame.GetSymbol()
             if not symbol:
-                print('No symbol info for compiled Java frame: ', frame)
+                print("No symbol info for compiled Java frame: ", frame)
             line_entry = frame.GetLineEntry()
-            prettified_frames.append({
-                'function': symbol.GetName(),
-                'file': str(line_entry.GetFileSpec()) if line_entry else None,
-                'line': line_entry.GetLine() if line_entry else -1
-            })
+            prettified_frames.append(
+                {
+                    "function": symbol.GetName(),
+                    "file": str(line_entry.GetFileSpec()) if line_entry else None,
+                    "line": line_entry.GetLine() if line_entry else -1,
+                }
+            )
             # Skip art frames
             while True:
                 art_stack_visitor = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                    """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor(""" +
-                    str(art_frame_index) +
-                    """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor""")
+                    """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor("""
+                    + str(art_frame_index)
+                    + """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor"""
+                )
                 art_method = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                    art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()""")
+                    art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()"""
+                )
                 if art_method.GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0:
                     art_method_name = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)""")
+                        """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)"""
+                    )
                     art_method_name_data = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     art_method_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     error = lldb.SBError()
                     art_method_name = process.ReadCStringFromMemory(
-                        art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error)
+                        art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error
+                    )
                     if not error.Success:
-                        print('Failed to read method name')
+                        print("Failed to read method name")
                     if art_method_name != symbol.GetName():
-                        print('Function names in native symbol and art runtime stack do not match: ', symbol.GetName(), ' != ', art_method_name)
+                        print(
+                            "Function names in native symbol and art runtime stack do not match: ",
+                            symbol.GetName(),
+                            " != ",
+                            art_method_name,
+                        )
                     art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1
                 art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1
@@ -68,53 +82,69 @@ def host_art_bt(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
             if lldb_frame_index < thread.GetNumFrames():
                 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
                 if frame.GetModule() and re.match(
-                        r'JIT\(.*?\)', frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()):
+                    r"JIT\(.*?\)", frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
+                ):
                     # Another compile Java frame
                     # Don't skip; leave it to the next iteration
-                elif frame.GetSymbol() and (frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_stub' or frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_static_stub'):
+                elif frame.GetSymbol() and (
+                    frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == "art_quick_invoke_stub"
+                    or frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == "art_quick_invoke_static_stub"
+                ):
                     # art_quick_invoke_stub / art_quick_invoke_static_stub
                     # Skip until we get past the next ArtMethod::Invoke()
                     while True:
                         lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
                         if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames():
-                            print('ArtMethod::Invoke not found below art_quick_invoke_stub/art_quick_invoke_static_stub')
+                            print(
+                                "ArtMethod::Invoke not found below art_quick_invoke_stub/art_quick_invoke_static_stub"
+                            )
                         frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
-                        if frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName(
-                        ) == 'art::mirror::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)':
+                        if (
+                            frame.GetSymbol()
+                            and frame.GetSymbol().GetName()
+                            == "art::mirror::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)"
+                        ):
                             lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
-                    print('Invalid frame below compiled Java frame: ', frame)
-        elif frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline':
+                    print("Invalid frame below compiled Java frame: ", frame)
+        elif (
+            frame.GetSymbol()
+            and frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == "art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline"
+        ):
             # Interpreted JNI frame for x86_64
             # Skip art frames
             while True:
                 art_stack_visitor = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                    """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor(""" +
-                    str(art_frame_index) +
-                    """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor""")
+                    """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor("""
+                    + str(art_frame_index)
+                    + """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor"""
+                )
                 art_method = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                    art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()""")
+                    art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()"""
+                )
                 if art_method.GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0:
                     # Get function/filename/lineno from ART runtime
                     art_method_name = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)""")
+                        """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)"""
+                    )
                     art_method_name_data = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     art_method_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     error = lldb.SBError()
                     function = process.ReadCStringFromMemory(
-                        art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error)
+                        art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error
+                    )
-                    prettified_frames.append({
-                        'function': function,
-                        'file': None,
-                        'line': -1
-                    })
+                    prettified_frames.append(
+                        {"function": function, "file": None, "line": -1}
+                    )
                     art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1
@@ -124,78 +154,98 @@ def host_art_bt(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
             lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
             if lldb_frame_index < thread.GetNumFrames():
                 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
-                if frame.GetSymbol() and (frame.GetSymbol().GetName() ==
-                                          'art_quick_invoke_stub' or frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_static_stub'):
+                if frame.GetSymbol() and (
+                    frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == "art_quick_invoke_stub"
+                    or frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == "art_quick_invoke_static_stub"
+                ):
                     # art_quick_invoke_stub / art_quick_invoke_static_stub
                     # Skip until we get past the next ArtMethod::Invoke()
                     while True:
                         lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
                         if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames():
-                            print('ArtMethod::Invoke not found below art_quick_invoke_stub/art_quick_invoke_static_stub')
+                            print(
+                                "ArtMethod::Invoke not found below art_quick_invoke_stub/art_quick_invoke_static_stub"
+                            )
                         frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
-                        if frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName(
-                        ) == 'art::mirror::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)':
+                        if (
+                            frame.GetSymbol()
+                            and frame.GetSymbol().GetName()
+                            == "art::mirror::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)"
+                        ):
                             lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
-                    print('Invalid frame below compiled Java frame: ', frame)
-        elif frame.GetSymbol() and re.search(r'art::interpreter::', frame.GetSymbol().GetName()):
+                    print("Invalid frame below compiled Java frame: ", frame)
+        elif frame.GetSymbol() and re.search(
+            r"art::interpreter::", frame.GetSymbol().GetName()
+        ):
             # Interpreted Java frame
             while True:
                 lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
                 if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames():
-                    print('art::interpreter::Execute not found in interpreter frame')
+                    print("art::interpreter::Execute not found in interpreter frame")
                 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
-                if frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName(
-                ) == 'art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::MethodHelper&, art::DexFile::CodeItem const*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue)':
+                if (
+                    frame.GetSymbol()
+                    and frame.GetSymbol().GetName()
+                    == "art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::MethodHelper&, art::DexFile::CodeItem const*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue)"
+                ):
             # Skip art frames
             while True:
                 art_stack_visitor = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                    """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor(""" +
-                    str(art_frame_index) +
-                    """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor""")
+                    """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor("""
+                    + str(art_frame_index)
+                    + """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor"""
+                )
                 art_method = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                    art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()""")
+                    art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()"""
+                )
                 if art_method.GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0:
                     # Get function/filename/lineno from ART runtime
                     art_method_name = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)""")
+                        """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)"""
+                    )
                     art_method_name_data = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     art_method_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     error = lldb.SBError()
                     function = process.ReadCStringFromMemory(
-                        art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error)
+                        art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error
+                    )
                     line = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_stack_visitor.GetName() +
-                        """.GetMethod()->GetLineNumFromDexPC(""" +
-                        art_stack_visitor.GetName() +
-                        """.GetDexPc(true))""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        art_stack_visitor.GetName()
+                        + """.GetMethod()->GetLineNumFromDexPC("""
+                        + art_stack_visitor.GetName()
+                        + """.GetDexPc(true))"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     file_name = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        art_method.GetName() + """->GetDeclaringClassSourceFile()""")
+                        art_method.GetName() + """->GetDeclaringClassSourceFile()"""
+                    )
                     file_name_data = file_name.GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     file_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression(
-                        """(size_t)strlen(""" + file_name.GetName() + """)""").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+                        """(size_t)strlen(""" + file_name.GetName() + """)"""
+                    ).GetValueAsUnsigned()
                     error = lldb.SBError()
                     file_name = process.ReadCStringFromMemory(
-                        file_name_data, file_name_size + 1, error)
+                        file_name_data, file_name_size + 1, error
+                    )
                     if not error.Success():
-                        print('Failed to read source file name')
+                        print("Failed to read source file name")
-                    prettified_frames.append({
-                        'function': function,
-                        'file': file_name,
-                        'line': line
-                    })
+                    prettified_frames.append(
+                        {"function": function, "file": file_name, "line": line}
+                    )
                     art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1
@@ -205,11 +255,12 @@ def host_art_bt(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
             while True:
                 lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1
                 if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames():
-                    print('Can not get past interpreter native frames')
+                    print("Can not get past interpreter native frames")
                 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index)
                 if frame.GetSymbol() and not re.search(
-                        r'art::interpreter::', frame.GetSymbol().GetName()):
+                    r"art::interpreter::", frame.GetSymbol().GetName()
+                ):
             # Other frames. Add them as-is.
@@ -218,20 +269,32 @@ def host_art_bt(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
             if frame.GetModule():
                 module_name = frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
                 if not module_name in [
-                    'libartd.so',
-                    'dalvikvm32',
-                    'dalvikvm64',
-                        'libc.so.6']:
-                    prettified_frames.append({
-                        'function': frame.GetSymbol().GetName() if frame.GetSymbol() else None,
-                        'file': str(frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec()) if frame.GetLineEntry() else None,
-                        'line': frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine() if frame.GetLineEntry() else -1
-                    })
+                    "libartd.so",
+                    "dalvikvm32",
+                    "dalvikvm64",
+                    "libc.so.6",
+                ]:
+                    prettified_frames.append(
+                        {
+                            "function": frame.GetSymbol().GetName()
+                            if frame.GetSymbol()
+                            else None,
+                            "file": str(frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec())
+                            if frame.GetLineEntry()
+                            else None,
+                            "line": frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine()
+                            if frame.GetLineEntry()
+                            else -1,
+                        }
+                    )
     for prettified_frame in prettified_frames:
-        print(prettified_frame['function'], prettified_frame['file'], prettified_frame['line'])
+        print(
+            prettified_frame["function"],
+            prettified_frame["file"],
+            prettified_frame["line"],
+        )
 def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
-    debugger.HandleCommand(
-        'command script add -f host_art_bt.host_art_bt host_art_bt')
+    debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f host_art_bt.host_art_bt host_art_bt")

diff  --git a/lldb/scripts/install_custom_python.py b/lldb/scripts/install_custom_python.py
index 6e263fa714e0079..04df6fbc3ceae03 100644
--- a/lldb/scripts/install_custom_python.py
+++ b/lldb/scripts/install_custom_python.py
@@ -30,122 +30,112 @@
 def copy_one_file(dest_dir, source_dir, filename):
     source_path = os.path.join(source_dir, filename)
     dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
-    print('Copying file %s ==> %s...' % (source_path, dest_path))
+    print("Copying file %s ==> %s..." % (source_path, dest_path))
     shutil.copyfile(source_path, dest_path)
-def copy_named_files(
-        dest_dir,
-        source_dir,
-        files,
-        extensions,
-        copy_debug_suffix_also):
-    for (file, ext) in itertools.product(files, extensions):
-        copy_one_file(dest_dir, source_dir, file + '.' + ext)
+def copy_named_files(dest_dir, source_dir, files, extensions, copy_debug_suffix_also):
+    for file, ext in itertools.product(files, extensions):
+        copy_one_file(dest_dir, source_dir, file + "." + ext)
         if copy_debug_suffix_also:
-            copy_one_file(dest_dir, source_dir, file + '_d.' + ext)
+            copy_one_file(dest_dir, source_dir, file + "_d." + ext)
 def copy_subdirectory(dest_dir, source_dir, subdir):
     dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, subdir)
     source_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, subdir)
-    print('Copying directory %s ==> %s...' % (source_dir, dest_dir))
+    print("Copying directory %s ==> %s..." % (source_dir, dest_dir))
     shutil.copytree(source_dir, dest_dir)
 def copy_distro(dest_dir, dest_subdir, source_dir, source_prefix):
     dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_subdir)
-    print('Copying distribution %s ==> %s' % (source_dir, dest_dir))
+    print("Copying distribution %s ==> %s" % (source_dir, dest_dir))
-    PCbuild_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'PCbuild')
+    PCbuild_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, "PCbuild")
     if source_prefix:
         PCbuild_dir = os.path.join(PCbuild_dir, source_prefix)
     # First copy the files that go into the root of the new distribution. This
     # includes the Python executables, python27(_d).dll, and relevant PDB
     # files.
-    print('Copying Python executables...')
+    print("Copying Python executables...")
+    copy_named_files(dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, ["w9xpopen"], ["exe", "pdb"], False)
+    copy_named_files(dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, ["python_d", "pythonw_d"], ["exe"], False)
-        dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, ['w9xpopen'], [
-            'exe', 'pdb'], False)
-    copy_named_files(
-        dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, [
-            'python_d', 'pythonw_d'], ['exe'], False)
-    copy_named_files(
-        dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, [
-            'python', 'pythonw'], [
-            'exe', 'pdb'], False)
-    copy_named_files(dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, ['python27'], ['dll', 'pdb'], True)
+        dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, ["python", "pythonw"], ["exe", "pdb"], False
+    )
+    copy_named_files(dest_dir, PCbuild_dir, ["python27"], ["dll", "pdb"], True)
     # Next copy everything in the Include directory.
-    print('Copying Python include directory')
-    copy_subdirectory(dest_dir, source_dir, 'Include')
+    print("Copying Python include directory")
+    copy_subdirectory(dest_dir, source_dir, "Include")
     # Copy Lib folder (builtin Python modules)
-    print('Copying Python Lib directory')
-    copy_subdirectory(dest_dir, source_dir, 'Lib')
+    print("Copying Python Lib directory")
+    copy_subdirectory(dest_dir, source_dir, "Lib")
     # Copy tools folder.  These are probably not necessary, but we copy them anyway to
     # match an official distribution as closely as possible.  Note that we don't just copy
     # the subdirectory recursively.  The source distribution ships with many more tools
     # than what you get by installing python regularly.  We only copy the tools that appear
     # in an installed distribution.
-    tools_dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'Tools')
-    tools_source_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, 'Tools')
+    tools_dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, "Tools")
+    tools_source_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, "Tools")
-    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, 'i18n')
-    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, 'pynche')
-    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, 'scripts')
-    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, 'versioncheck')
-    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, 'webchecker')
+    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, "i18n")
+    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, "pynche")
+    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, "scripts")
+    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, "versioncheck")
+    copy_subdirectory(tools_dest_dir, tools_source_dir, "webchecker")
     pyd_names = [
-        '_ctypes',
-        '_ctypes_test',
-        '_elementtree',
-        '_multiprocessing',
-        '_socket',
-        '_testcapi',
-        'pyexpat',
-        'select',
-        'unicodedata',
-        'winsound']
+        "_ctypes",
+        "_ctypes_test",
+        "_elementtree",
+        "_multiprocessing",
+        "_socket",
+        "_testcapi",
+        "pyexpat",
+        "select",
+        "unicodedata",
+        "winsound",
+    ]
     # Copy builtin extension modules (pyd files)
-    dlls_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'DLLs')
+    dlls_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, "DLLs")
-    print('Copying DLLs directory')
-    copy_named_files(dlls_dir, PCbuild_dir, pyd_names, ['pyd', 'pdb'], True)
+    print("Copying DLLs directory")
+    copy_named_files(dlls_dir, PCbuild_dir, pyd_names, ["pyd", "pdb"], True)
     # Copy libs folder (implibs for the pyd files)
-    libs_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'libs')
+    libs_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, "libs")
-    print('Copying libs directory')
-    copy_named_files(libs_dir, PCbuild_dir, pyd_names, ['lib'], False)
-    copy_named_files(libs_dir, PCbuild_dir, ['python27'], ['lib'], True)
+    print("Copying libs directory")
+    copy_named_files(libs_dir, PCbuild_dir, pyd_names, ["lib"], False)
+    copy_named_files(libs_dir, PCbuild_dir, ["python27"], ["lib"], True)
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-    description='Install a custom Python distribution')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Install a custom Python distribution")
-    '--source',
-    required=True,
-    help='The root of the source tree where Python is built.')
+    "--source", required=True, help="The root of the source tree where Python is built."
-    '--dest',
-    required=True,
-    help='The location to install the Python distributions.')
+    "--dest", required=True, help="The location to install the Python distributions."
-    '--overwrite',
+    "--overwrite",
-    action='store_true',
-    help='If the destination directory already exists, destroys its contents first.')
+    action="store_true",
+    help="If the destination directory already exists, destroys its contents first.",
-    '--silent',
+    "--silent",
-    action='store_true',
-    help='If --overwite was specified, suppress confirmation before deleting a directory tree.')
+    action="store_true",
+    help="If --overwite was specified, suppress confirmation before deleting a directory tree.",
 args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -153,23 +143,31 @@ def copy_distro(dest_dir, dest_subdir, source_dir, source_prefix):
 args.dest = os.path.normpath(args.dest)
 if not os.path.exists(args.source):
-    print('The source directory %s does not exist.  Exiting...')
+    print("The source directory %s does not exist.  Exiting...")
 if os.path.exists(args.dest):
     if not args.overwrite:
-        print('The destination directory \'%s\' already exists and --overwrite was not specified.  Exiting...' % args.dest)
+        print(
+            "The destination directory '%s' already exists and --overwrite was not specified.  Exiting..."
+            % args.dest
+        )
     while not args.silent:
-        print('Ok to recursively delete \'%s\' and all contents (Y/N)?  Choosing Y will permanently delete the contents.' % args.dest)
+        print(
+            "Ok to recursively delete '%s' and all contents (Y/N)?  Choosing Y will permanently delete the contents."
+            % args.dest
+        )
         result = str.upper(sys.stdin.read(1))
-        if result == 'N':
-            print('Unable to copy files to the destination.  The destination already exists.')
+        if result == "N":
+            print(
+                "Unable to copy files to the destination.  The destination already exists."
+            )
-        elif result == 'Y':
+        elif result == "Y":
-copy_distro(args.dest, 'x86', args.source, None)
-copy_distro(args.dest, 'x64', args.source, 'amd64')
+copy_distro(args.dest, "x86", args.source, None)
+copy_distro(args.dest, "x64", args.source, "amd64")

diff  --git a/lldb/scripts/reproducer-replay.py b/lldb/scripts/reproducer-replay.py
index 40d7cebca05d4e7..f44e3cf4935385d 100755
--- a/lldb/scripts/reproducer-replay.py
+++ b/lldb/scripts/reproducer-replay.py
@@ -10,39 +10,39 @@
 def run_reproducer(path):
-    proc = subprocess.Popen([LLDB, '--replay', path],
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(
+        [LLDB, "--replay", path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
+    )
     reason = None
         outs, errs = proc.communicate(timeout=TIMEOUT)
         success = proc.returncode == 0
-        result = 'PASSED' if success else 'FAILED'
+        result = "PASSED" if success else "FAILED"
         if not success:
             outs = outs.decode()
             errs = errs.decode()
             # Do some pattern matching to find out the cause of the failure.
-            if 'Encountered unexpected packet during replay' in errs:
-                reason = 'Unexpected packet'
-            elif 'Assertion failed' in errs:
-                reason = 'Assertion failed'
-            elif 'UNREACHABLE' in errs:
-                reason = 'Unreachable executed'
-            elif 'Segmentation fault' in errs:
-                reason = 'Segmentation fault'
-            elif 'Illegal instruction' in errs:
-                reason = 'Illegal instruction'
+            if "Encountered unexpected packet during replay" in errs:
+                reason = "Unexpected packet"
+            elif "Assertion failed" in errs:
+                reason = "Assertion failed"
+            elif "UNREACHABLE" in errs:
+                reason = "Unreachable executed"
+            elif "Segmentation fault" in errs:
+                reason = "Segmentation fault"
+            elif "Illegal instruction" in errs:
+                reason = "Illegal instruction"
-                reason = f'Exit code {proc.returncode}'
+                reason = f"Exit code {proc.returncode}"
     except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
         success = False
         outs, errs = proc.communicate()
-        result = 'TIMEOUT'
+        result = "TIMEOUT"
     if not FAILURE_ONLY or not success:
-        reason_str = f' ({reason})' if reason else ''
-        print(f'{result}: {path}{reason_str}')
+        reason_str = f" ({reason})" if reason else ""
+        print(f"{result}: {path}{reason_str}")
         if VERBOSE:
             if outs:
@@ -54,49 +54,51 @@ def find_reproducers(path):
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
         for dir in dirs:
             _, extension = os.path.splitext(dir)
-            if dir.startswith('Test') and extension == '.py':
+            if dir.startswith("Test") and extension == ".py":
                 yield os.path.join(root, dir)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='LLDB API Test Replay Driver. '
-        'Replay one or more reproducers in parallel using the specified LLDB driver. '
-        'The script will look for reproducers generated by the API lit test suite. '
-        'To generate the reproducers, pass --param \'lldb-run-with-repro=capture\' to lit.'
+        description="LLDB API Test Replay Driver. "
+        "Replay one or more reproducers in parallel using the specified LLDB driver. "
+        "The script will look for reproducers generated by the API lit test suite. "
+        "To generate the reproducers, pass --param 'lldb-run-with-repro=capture' to lit."
-        '-j',
-        '--threads',
+        "-j",
+        "--threads",
-        help='Number of threads. The number of CPU threads if not specified.')
+        help="Number of threads. The number of CPU threads if not specified.",
+    )
-        '-t',
-        '--timeout',
+        "-t",
+        "--timeout",
-        help='Replay timeout in seconds. 60 seconds if not specified.')
+        help="Replay timeout in seconds. 60 seconds if not specified.",
+    )
-        '-p',
-        '--path',
+        "-p",
+        "--path",
-        help=
-        'Path to the directory containing the reproducers. The current working directory if not specified.'
+        help="Path to the directory containing the reproducers. The current working directory if not specified.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-l",
+        "--lldb",
+        type=str,
+        required=True,
+        help="Path to the LLDB command line driver",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-v", "--verbose", help="Print replay output.", action="store_true"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--failure-only", help="Only log failures.", action="store_true"
-    parser.add_argument('-l',
-                        '--lldb',
-                        type=str,
-                        required=True,
-                        help='Path to the LLDB command line driver')
-    parser.add_argument('-v',
-                        '--verbose',
-                        help='Print replay output.',
-                        action='store_true')
-    parser.add_argument('--failure-only',
-                        help='Only log failures.',
-                        action='store_true')
     args = parser.parse_args()
     global LLDB
@@ -109,11 +111,11 @@ def find_reproducers(path):
     FAILURE_ONLY = args.failure_only
-        f'Replaying reproducers in {args.path} with {args.threads} threads and a {args.timeout} seconds timeout'
+        f"Replaying reproducers in {args.path} with {args.threads} threads and a {args.timeout} seconds timeout"
         pool = Pool(args.threads)
         pool.map(run_reproducer, find_reproducers(args.path))
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        print('Interrupted')
+        print("Interrupted")

diff  --git a/lldb/scripts/use_lldb_suite.py b/lldb/scripts/use_lldb_suite.py
index 84380f6a5592d85..6388d87b181ce03 100644
--- a/lldb/scripts/use_lldb_suite.py
+++ b/lldb/scripts/use_lldb_suite.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ def find_lldb_root():
     lldb_root = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))
     while True:
         parent = os.path.dirname(lldb_root)
-        if parent == lldb_root: # dirname('/') == '/'
+        if parent == lldb_root:  # dirname('/') == '/'
             raise Exception("use_lldb_suite_root.py not found")
         lldb_root = parent
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ def find_lldb_root():
         if os.path.isfile(test_path):
             return lldb_root
 lldb_root = find_lldb_root()
 import imp
 fp, pathname, desc = imp.find_module("use_lldb_suite_root", [lldb_root])
     imp.load_module("use_lldb_suite_root", fp, pathname, desc)

diff  --git a/lldb/scripts/verify_api.py b/lldb/scripts/verify_api.py
index f3f0748023bc207..9d14a58121bfbc8 100755
--- a/lldb/scripts/verify_api.py
+++ b/lldb/scripts/verify_api.py
@@ -10,58 +10,67 @@
 def extract_exe_symbol_names(arch, exe_path, match_str):
     command = 'dsymutil --arch %s -s "%s" | grep "%s" | colrm 1 69' % (
-        arch, exe_path, match_str)
+        arch,
+        exe_path,
+        match_str,
+    )
     (command_exit_status, command_output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
     if command_exit_status == 0:
         if command_output:
             return command_output[0:-1].split("'\n")
-            print('error: command returned no output')
+            print("error: command returned no output")
-        print('error: command failed with exit status %i\n    command: %s' % (command_exit_status, command))
+        print(
+            "error: command failed with exit status %i\n    command: %s"
+            % (command_exit_status, command)
+        )
     return list()
 def verify_api(all_args):
-    '''Verify the API in the specified library is valid given one or more binaries.'''
+    """Verify the API in the specified library is valid given one or more binaries."""
     usage = "usage: verify_api --library <path> [ --library <path> ...] executable1 [executable2 ...]"
-    description = '''Verify the API in the specified library is valid given one or more binaries.
+    description = """Verify the API in the specified library is valid given one or more binaries.
         verify_api.py --library ~/Documents/src/lldb/build/Debug/LLDB.framework/LLDB --arch x86_64 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns/DebuggerLLDB.ideplugin/Contents/MacOS/DebuggerLLDB --api-regex lldb
-    '''
+    """
     parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-        description=description,
-        prog='verify_api',
-        usage=usage)
+        description=description, prog="verify_api", usage=usage
+    )
-        '-v',
-        '--verbose',
-        action='store_true',
-        dest='verbose',
-        help='display verbose debug info',
-        default=False)
+        "-v",
+        "--verbose",
+        action="store_true",
+        dest="verbose",
+        help="display verbose debug info",
+        default=False,
+    )
-        '-a',
-        '--arch',
-        type='string',
-        action='append',
-        dest='archs',
-        help='architecture to use when checking the api')
+        "-a",
+        "--arch",
+        type="string",
+        action="append",
+        dest="archs",
+        help="architecture to use when checking the api",
+    )
-        '-r',
-        '--api-regex',
-        type='string',
-        dest='api_regex_str',
-        help='Exclude any undefined symbols that do not match this regular expression when searching for missing APIs.')
+        "-r",
+        "--api-regex",
+        type="string",
+        dest="api_regex_str",
+        help="Exclude any undefined symbols that do not match this regular expression when searching for missing APIs.",
+    )
-        '-l',
-        '--library',
-        type='string',
-        action='append',
-        dest='libraries',
-        help='Specify one or more libraries that will contain all needed APIs for the executables.')
+        "-l",
+        "--library",
+        type="string",
+        action="append",
+        dest="libraries",
+        help="Specify one or more libraries that will contain all needed APIs for the executables.",
+    )
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(all_args)
     api_external_symbols = list()
@@ -69,18 +78,19 @@ def verify_api(all_args):
         for arch in options.archs:
             for library in options.libraries:
                 external_symbols = extract_exe_symbol_names(
-                    arch, library, "(     SECT EXT)")
+                    arch, library, "(     SECT EXT)"
+                )
                 if external_symbols:
                     for external_symbol in external_symbols:
-        print('error: must specify one or more architectures with the --arch option')
+        print("error: must specify one or more architectures with the --arch option")
     if options.verbose:
         print("API symbols:")
-        for (i, external_symbol) in enumerate(api_external_symbols):
+        for i, external_symbol in enumerate(api_external_symbols):
             print("[%u] %s" % (i, external_symbol))
     api_regex = None
@@ -92,24 +102,29 @@ def verify_api(all_args):
             print('Verifying (%s) "%s"...' % (arch, exe_path))
             exe_errors = 0
             undefined_symbols = extract_exe_symbol_names(
-                arch, exe_path, "(     UNDF EXT)")
+                arch, exe_path, "(     UNDF EXT)"
+            )
             for undefined_symbol in undefined_symbols:
                 if api_regex:
                     match = api_regex.search(undefined_symbol)
                     if not match:
                         if options.verbose:
-                            print('ignoring symbol: %s' % (undefined_symbol))
+                            print("ignoring symbol: %s" % (undefined_symbol))
                 if undefined_symbol in api_external_symbols:
                     if options.verbose:
-                        print('verified symbol: %s' % (undefined_symbol))
+                        print("verified symbol: %s" % (undefined_symbol))
-                    print('missing symbol: %s' % (undefined_symbol))
+                    print("missing symbol: %s" % (undefined_symbol))
                     exe_errors += 1
             if exe_errors:
-                print('error: missing %u API symbols from %s' % (exe_errors, options.libraries))
+                print(
+                    "error: missing %u API symbols from %s"
+                    % (exe_errors, options.libraries)
+                )
-                print('success')
+                print("success")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lldb-repro/lldb-repro.py b/lldb/utils/lldb-repro/lldb-repro.py
index 928e1008984b847..30788d6a815e1aa 100755
--- a/lldb/utils/lldb-repro/lldb-repro.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lldb-repro/lldb-repro.py
@@ -34,23 +34,27 @@ def main():
     # Compute an MD5 hash based on the input arguments and the current working
     # directory.
     h = hashlib.md5()
-    h.update(' '.join(sys.argv[2:]).encode('utf-8'))
-    h.update(os.getcwd().encode('utf-8'))
+    h.update(" ".join(sys.argv[2:]).encode("utf-8"))
+    h.update(os.getcwd().encode("utf-8"))
     input_hash = h.hexdigest()
     # Use the hash to "uniquely" identify a reproducer path.
     reproducer_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), input_hash)
     # Create a new lldb invocation with capture or replay enabled.
-    lldb = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'lldb')
+    lldb = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "lldb")
     new_args = [lldb]
     if sys.argv[1] == "replay":
-        new_args.extend(['--replay', reproducer_path])
+        new_args.extend(["--replay", reproducer_path])
     elif sys.argv[1] == "capture":
-        new_args.extend([
-            '--capture', '--capture-path', reproducer_path,
-            '--reproducer-generate-on-exit'
-        ])
+        new_args.extend(
+            [
+                "--capture",
+                "--capture-path",
+                reproducer_path,
+                "--reproducer-generate-on-exit",
+            ]
+        )
@@ -60,10 +64,10 @@ def main():
     # The driver always exists with a zero exit code during replay. Store the
     # exit code and return that for tests that expect a non-zero exit code.
-    exit_code_path = os.path.join(reproducer_path, 'exit_code.txt')
+    exit_code_path = os.path.join(reproducer_path, "exit_code.txt")
     if sys.argv[1] == "replay":
         replay_exit_code = exit_code
-        with open(exit_code_path, 'r') as f:
+        with open(exit_code_path, "r") as f:
             exit_code = int(f.read())
         if replay_exit_code != 0:
             print("error: replay failed with exit code {}".format(replay_exit_code))
@@ -72,11 +76,11 @@ def main():
             return 1 if (exit_code == 0) else 0
         shutil.rmtree(reproducer_path, True)
     elif sys.argv[1] == "capture":
-        with open(exit_code_path, 'w') as f:
-            f.write('%d' % exit_code)
+        with open(exit_code_path, "w") as f:
+            f.write("%d" % exit_code)
     return exit_code
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/breakwin.py b/lldb/utils/lui/breakwin.py
index a12b3a96fe413ee..038afa2b16ee3a7 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/breakwin.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/breakwin.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 class BreakWin(cui.ListWin):
     def __init__(self, driver, x, y, w, h):
         super(BreakWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, h)
         self.driver = driver
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ def handleEvent(self, event):
             if lldb.SBBreakpoint.EventIsBreakpointEvent(event):
         if isinstance(event, int):
-            if event == ord('d'):
+            if event == ord("d"):
             if event == curses.ascii.NL or event == curses.ascii.SP:
@@ -72,14 +71,14 @@ def update(self):
             text = lldbutil.get_description(bp)
             # FIXME: Use an API for this, not parsing the description.
-            match = re.search('SBBreakpoint: id = ([^,]+), (.*)', text)
+            match = re.search("SBBreakpoint: id = ([^,]+), (.*)", text)
                 id = match.group(1)
                 desc = match.group(2).strip()
                 if bp.IsEnabled():
-                    text = '%s: %s' % (id, desc)
+                    text = "%s: %s" % (id, desc)
-                    text = '%s: (disabled) %s' % (id, desc)
+                    text = "%s: (disabled) %s" % (id, desc)
             except ValueError as e:
                 # bp unparsable
@@ -87,7 +86,8 @@ def update(self):
             if self.showDetails.setdefault(bp.id, False):
                 for location in bp:
                     desc = lldbutil.get_description(
-                        location, lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull)
-                    text += '\n  ' + desc
+                        location, lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull
+                    )
+                    text += "\n  " + desc

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/commandwin.py b/lldb/utils/lui/commandwin.py
index 7b2fdc1c09eaf91..8b0ecedc7d33ad9 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/commandwin.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/commandwin.py
@@ -13,21 +13,20 @@
 class History(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.data = {}
         self.pos = 0
-        self.tempEntry = ''
+        self.tempEntry = ""
     def previous(self, curr):
         if self.pos == len(self.data):
             self.tempEntry = curr
         if self.pos < 0:
-            return ''
+            return ""
         if self.pos == 0:
             self.pos -= 1
-            return ''
+            return ""
         if self.pos > 0:
             self.pos -= 1
             return self.data[self.pos]
@@ -38,13 +37,13 @@ def next(self):
         if self.pos < len(self.data):
             return self.data[self.pos]
-        elif self.tempEntry != '':
+        elif self.tempEntry != "":
             return self.tempEntry
-            return ''
+            return ""
     def add(self, c):
-        self.tempEntry = ''
+        self.tempEntry = ""
         self.pos = len(self.data)
         if self.pos == 0 or self.data[self.pos - 1] != c:
             self.data[self.pos] = c
@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ def add(self, c):
 class CommandWin(cui.TitledWin):
     def __init__(self, driver, x, y, w, h):
         super(CommandWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, h, "Commands")
         self.command = ""
@@ -72,7 +70,8 @@ def tabCompleteCallback(content):
             matches = lldb.SBStringList()
             commandinterpreter = self.getCommandInterpreter()
-                self.data, self.el.index, 0, -1, matches)
+                self.data, self.el.index, 0, -1, matches
+            )
             if matches.GetSize() == 2:
                 self.el.content += matches.GetStringAtIndex(0)
                 self.el.index = len(self.el.content)
@@ -90,19 +89,17 @@ def tabCompleteCallback(content):
         self.startline = self.win.getmaxyx()[0] - 2
         self.el = cui.CursesEditLine(
-            self.win,
-            self.history,
-            enterCallback,
-            tabCompleteCallback)
+            self.win, self.history, enterCallback, tabCompleteCallback
+        )
         self.el.prompt = self.driver.getPrompt()
         self.el.showPrompt(self.startline, 0)
     def handleCommand(self, cmd):
-       # enter!
+        # enter!
         self.win.scroll(1)  # TODO: scroll more for longer commands
-        if cmd == '':
-            cmd = self.history.previous('')
-        elif cmd in ('q', 'quit'):
+        if cmd == "":
+            cmd = self.history.previous("")
+        elif cmd in ("q", "quit"):
@@ -114,13 +111,13 @@ def handleCommand(self, cmd):
             out = ret.GetError()
             attr = curses.color_pair(3)  # red on black
-        self.win.addstr(self.startline, 0, out + '\n', attr)
+        self.win.addstr(self.startline, 0, out + "\n", attr)
         self.el.showPrompt(self.startline, 0)
     def handleEvent(self, event):
         if isinstance(event, int):
-            if event == curses.ascii.EOT and self.el.content == '':
+            if event == curses.ascii.EOT and self.el.content == "":
                 # When the command is empty, treat CTRL-D as EOF.

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/cui.py b/lldb/utils/lui/cui.py
index fffb812fbb9f630..06ffc4feadd4590 100755
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/cui.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/cui.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 class CursesWin(object):
     def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
         self.win = curses.newwin(h, w, y, x)
         self.focus = False
@@ -34,11 +33,10 @@ def draw(self):
 class TextWin(CursesWin):
     def __init__(self, x, y, w):
         super(TextWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, 1)
-        self.text = ''
+        self.text = ""
         self.reverse = False
     def canFocus(self):
@@ -48,8 +46,8 @@ def draw(self):
         w = self.win.getmaxyx()[1]
         text = self.text
         if len(text) > w:
-            #trunc_length = len(text) - w
-            text = text[-w + 1:]
+            # trunc_length = len(text) - w
+            text = text[-w + 1 :]
         if self.reverse:
             self.win.addstr(0, 0, text, curses.A_REVERSE)
@@ -64,7 +62,6 @@ def setText(self, text):
 class TitledWin(CursesWin):
     def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, title):
         super(TitledWin, self).__init__(x, y + 1, w, h - 1)
         self.title = title
@@ -82,7 +79,6 @@ def draw(self):
 class ListWin(CursesWin):
     def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
         super(ListWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, h)
         self.items = []
@@ -101,10 +97,10 @@ def draw(self):
         firstSelected = -1
         lastSelected = -1
         for i, item in enumerate(self.items):
-            lines = self.items[i].split('\n')
-            lines = lines if lines[len(lines) - 1] != '' else lines[:-1]
+            lines = self.items[i].split("\n")
+            lines = lines if lines[len(lines) - 1] != "" else lines[:-1]
             if len(lines) == 0:
-                lines = ['']
+                lines = [""]
             if i == self.getSelected():
                 firstSelected = len(allLines)
@@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ def draw(self):
             attr = curses.A_NORMAL
             if i >= firstSelected and i <= lastSelected:
                 attr = curses.A_REVERSE
-                line = '{0:{width}}'.format(line, width=w - 1)
+                line = "{0:{width}}".format(line, width=w - 1)
             # Ignore the error we get from drawing over the bottom-right char.
@@ -170,7 +166,6 @@ def handleSelect(self, index):
 class InputHandler(threading.Thread):
     def __init__(self, screen, queue):
         super(InputHandler, self).__init__()
         self.screen = screen
@@ -183,7 +178,7 @@ def run(self):
 class CursesUI(object):
-    """ Responsible for updating the console UI with curses. """
+    """Responsible for updating the console UI with curses."""
     def __init__(self, screen, event_queue):
         self.screen = screen
@@ -220,7 +215,6 @@ def handleEvent(self, event):
     def eventLoop(self):
@@ -247,7 +241,7 @@ def eventLoop(self):
 class CursesEditLine(object):
-    """ Embed an 'editline'-compatible prompt inside a CursesWin. """
+    """Embed an 'editline'-compatible prompt inside a CursesWin."""
     def __init__(self, win, history, enterCallback, tabCompleteCallback):
         self.win = win
@@ -255,8 +249,8 @@ def __init__(self, win, history, enterCallback, tabCompleteCallback):
         self.enterCallback = enterCallback
         self.tabCompleteCallback = tabCompleteCallback
-        self.prompt = ''
-        self.content = ''
+        self.prompt = ""
+        self.content = ""
         self.index = 0
         self.startx = -1
         self.starty = -1
@@ -269,16 +263,16 @@ def draw(self, prompt=None):
             self.starty -= 1
             if self.starty < 0:
-                raise RuntimeError('Input too long; aborting')
+                raise RuntimeError("Input too long; aborting")
         (y, x) = (self.starty, self.startx)
         self.win.move(y, x)
         self.win.addstr(y, x, prompt)
         remain = self.content
-        self.win.addstr(remain[:w - len(prompt)])
-        remain = remain[w - len(prompt):]
-        while remain != '':
+        self.win.addstr(remain[: w - len(prompt)])
+        remain = remain[w - len(prompt) :]
+        while remain != "":
             y += 1
             self.win.addstr(y, 0, remain[:w])
             remain = remain[w:]
@@ -287,7 +281,7 @@ def draw(self, prompt=None):
         self.win.move(self.starty + length / w, length % w)
     def showPrompt(self, y, x, prompt=None):
-        self.content = ''
+        self.content = ""
         self.index = 0
         self.startx = x
         self.starty = y
@@ -299,26 +293,27 @@ def handleEvent(self, event):
         key = event
         if self.startx == -1:
-            raise RuntimeError('Trying to handle input without prompt')
+            raise RuntimeError("Trying to handle input without prompt")
         if key == curses.ascii.NL:
         elif key == curses.ascii.TAB:
         elif curses.ascii.isprint(key):
-            self.content = self.content[:self.index] + \
-                chr(key) + self.content[self.index:]
+            self.content = (
+                self.content[: self.index] + chr(key) + self.content[self.index :]
+            )
             self.index += 1
         elif key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == curses.ascii.BS:
             if self.index > 0:
                 self.index -= 1
-                self.content = self.content[
-                    :self.index] + self.content[self.index + 1:]
+                self.content = (
+                    self.content[: self.index] + self.content[self.index + 1 :]
+                )
         elif key == curses.KEY_DC or key == curses.ascii.DEL or key == curses.ascii.EOT:
-            self.content = self.content[
-                :self.index] + self.content[self.index + 1:]
+            self.content = self.content[: self.index] + self.content[self.index + 1 :]
         elif key == curses.ascii.VT:  # CTRL-K
-            self.content = self.content[:self.index]
+            self.content = self.content[: self.index]
         elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT or key == curses.ascii.STX:  # left or CTRL-B
             if self.index > 0:
                 self.index -= 1

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/debuggerdriver.py b/lldb/utils/lui/debuggerdriver.py
index f94ce5face7d4f3..c5d9da56170aaca 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/debuggerdriver.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/debuggerdriver.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 class DebuggerDriver(Thread):
-    """ Drives the debugger and responds to events. """
+    """Drives the debugger and responds to events."""
     def __init__(self, debugger, event_queue):
@@ -31,41 +31,45 @@ def initialize(self, debugger):
         if not self.listener.IsValid():
             raise "Invalid listener"
-        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(self.debugger,
-                                                  lldb.SBTarget.GetBroadcasterClassName(),
-                                                  lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged
-                                                  #| lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitModuleLoaded
-                                                  #| lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitModuleUnloaded
-                                                  | lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged
-                                                  #| lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitSymbolLoaded
-                                                  )
-        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(self.debugger,
-                                                  lldb.SBThread.GetBroadcasterClassName(),
-                                                  lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitStackChanged
-                                                  #  lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged
-                                                  | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitThreadSuspended
-                                                  | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitThreadResumed
-                                                  | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitSelectedFrameChanged
-                                                  | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitThreadSelected
-                                                  )
-        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(self.debugger,
-                                                  lldb.SBProcess.GetBroadcasterClassName(),
-                                                  lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged
-                                                  | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitInterrupt
-                                                  | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitSTDOUT
-                                                  | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitSTDERR
-                                                  | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitProfileData
-                                                  )
-        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(self.debugger,
-                                                  lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.GetBroadcasterClass(),
-                                                  lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit
-                                                  | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitResetPrompt
-                                                  | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived
-                                                  | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData
-                                                  | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData
-                                                  )
+        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(
+            self.debugger,
+            lldb.SBTarget.GetBroadcasterClassName(),
+            lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged
+            # | lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitModuleLoaded
+            # | lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitModuleUnloaded
+            | lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged
+            # | lldb.SBTarget.eBroadcastBitSymbolLoaded
+        )
+        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(
+            self.debugger,
+            lldb.SBThread.GetBroadcasterClassName(),
+            lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitStackChanged
+            #  lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged
+            | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitThreadSuspended
+            | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitThreadResumed
+            | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitSelectedFrameChanged
+            | lldb.SBThread.eBroadcastBitThreadSelected,
+        )
+        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(
+            self.debugger,
+            lldb.SBProcess.GetBroadcasterClassName(),
+            lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged
+            | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitInterrupt
+            | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitSTDOUT
+            | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitSTDERR
+            | lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitProfileData,
+        )
+        self.listener.StartListeningForEventClass(
+            self.debugger,
+            lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.GetBroadcasterClass(),
+            lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit
+            | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitResetPrompt
+            | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived
+            | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData
+            | lldb.SBCommandInterpreter.eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData,
+        )
     def createTarget(self, target_image, args=None):
         self.handleCommand("target create %s" % target_image)

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/eventwin.py b/lldb/utils/lui/eventwin.py
index c8d14d7aeb03fea..4ff8dd0b4eb7e2d 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/eventwin.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/eventwin.py
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@
 class EventWin(cui.TitledWin):
     def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
-        super(EventWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, h, 'LLDB Event Log')
+        super(EventWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, h, "LLDB Event Log")
         super(EventWin, self).draw()

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/lldbutil.py b/lldb/utils/lui/lldbutil.py
index 2bf5e8ac0ef0540..6cbf4a302f65f35 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/lldbutil.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/lldbutil.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ def which(program):
                 return exe_file
     return None
 # ===================================================
 # Disassembly for an SBFunction or an SBSymbol object
 # ===================================================
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ def disassemble(target, function_or_symbol):
         print(i, file=buf)
     return buf.getvalue()
 # ==========================================================
 # Integer (byte size 1, 2, 4, and 8) to bytearray conversion
 # ==========================================================
@@ -75,11 +77,11 @@ def int_to_bytearray(val, bytesize):
     # Little endian followed by a format character.
     template = "<%c"
     if bytesize == 2:
-        fmt = template % 'h'
+        fmt = template % "h"
     elif bytesize == 4:
-        fmt = template % 'i'
+        fmt = template % "i"
     elif bytesize == 4:
-        fmt = template % 'q'
+        fmt = template % "q"
         return None
@@ -101,11 +103,11 @@ def bytearray_to_int(bytes, bytesize):
     # Little endian followed by a format character.
     template = "<%c"
     if bytesize == 2:
-        fmt = template % 'h'
+        fmt = template % "h"
     elif bytesize == 4:
-        fmt = template % 'i'
+        fmt = template % "i"
     elif bytesize == 4:
-        fmt = template % 'q'
+        fmt = template % "q"
         return None
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ def get_description(obj, option=None):
         o lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull
         o lldb.eDescriptionLevelVerbose
-    method = getattr(obj, 'GetDescription')
+    method = getattr(obj, "GetDescription")
     if not method:
         return None
     tuple = (lldb.SBTarget, lldb.SBBreakpointLocation, lldb.SBWatchpoint)
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ def get_description(obj, option=None):
 # Convert some enum value to its string counterpart
 # =================================================
 def state_type_to_str(enum):
     """Returns the stateType string given an enum."""
     if enum == lldb.eStateInvalid:
@@ -280,60 +283,70 @@ def value_type_to_str(enum):
 # Get stopped threads due to each stop reason.
 # ==================================================
-def sort_stopped_threads(process,
-                         breakpoint_threads=None,
-                         crashed_threads=None,
-                         watchpoint_threads=None,
-                         signal_threads=None,
-                         exiting_threads=None,
-                         other_threads=None):
-    """ Fills array *_threads with threads stopped for the corresponding stop
-        reason.
+def sort_stopped_threads(
+    process,
+    breakpoint_threads=None,
+    crashed_threads=None,
+    watchpoint_threads=None,
+    signal_threads=None,
+    exiting_threads=None,
+    other_threads=None,
+    """Fills array *_threads with threads stopped for the corresponding stop
+    reason.
-    for lst in [breakpoint_threads,
-                watchpoint_threads,
-                signal_threads,
-                exiting_threads,
-                other_threads]:
+    for lst in [
+        breakpoint_threads,
+        watchpoint_threads,
+        signal_threads,
+        exiting_threads,
+        other_threads,
+    ]:
         if lst is not None:
             lst[:] = []
     for thread in process:
         dispatched = False
-        for (reason, list) in [(lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint, breakpoint_threads),
-                               (lldb.eStopReasonException, crashed_threads),
-                               (lldb.eStopReasonWatchpoint, watchpoint_threads),
-                               (lldb.eStopReasonSignal, signal_threads),
-                               (lldb.eStopReasonThreadExiting, exiting_threads),
-                               (None, other_threads)]:
+        for reason, list in [
+            (lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint, breakpoint_threads),
+            (lldb.eStopReasonException, crashed_threads),
+            (lldb.eStopReasonWatchpoint, watchpoint_threads),
+            (lldb.eStopReasonSignal, signal_threads),
+            (lldb.eStopReasonThreadExiting, exiting_threads),
+            (None, other_threads),
+        ]:
             if not dispatched and list is not None:
                 if thread.GetStopReason() == reason or reason is None:
                     dispatched = True
 # ==================================================
 # Utility functions for setting breakpoints
 # ==================================================
 def run_break_set_by_file_and_line(
-        test,
-        file_name,
-        line_number,
-        extra_options=None,
-        num_expected_locations=1,
-        loc_exact=False,
-        module_name=None):
+    test,
+    file_name,
+    line_number,
+    extra_options=None,
+    num_expected_locations=1,
+    loc_exact=False,
+    module_name=None,
     """Set a breakpoint by file and line, returning the breakpoint number.
     If extra_options is not None, then we append it to the breakpoint set command.
     If num_expected_locations is -1 we check that we got AT LEAST one location, otherwise we check that num_expected_locations equals the number of locations.
-    If loc_exact is true, we check that there is one location, and that location must be at the input file and line number."""
+    If loc_exact is true, we check that there is one location, and that location must be at the input file and line number.
+    """
     if file_name is None:
-        command = 'breakpoint set -l %d' % (line_number)
+        command = "breakpoint set -l %d" % (line_number)
         command = 'breakpoint set -f "%s" -l %d' % (file_name, line_number)
@@ -352,26 +365,28 @@ def run_break_set_by_file_and_line(
-            module_name=module_name)
+            module_name=module_name,
+        )
-            test,
-            break_results,
-            num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+            test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations
+        )
     return get_bpno_from_match(break_results)
 def run_break_set_by_symbol(
-        test,
-        symbol,
-        extra_options=None,
-        num_expected_locations=-1,
-        sym_exact=False,
-        module_name=None):
+    test,
+    symbol,
+    extra_options=None,
+    num_expected_locations=-1,
+    sym_exact=False,
+    module_name=None,
     """Set a breakpoint by symbol name.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line.
-    If sym_exact is true, then the output symbol must match the input exactly, otherwise we do a substring match."""
+    If sym_exact is true, then the output symbol must match the input exactly, otherwise we do a substring match.
+    """
     command = 'breakpoint set -n "%s"' % (symbol)
     if module_name:
@@ -388,22 +403,19 @@ def run_break_set_by_symbol(
-            module_name=module_name)
+            module_name=module_name,
+        )
-            test,
-            break_results,
-            num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+            test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations
+        )
     return get_bpno_from_match(break_results)
 def run_break_set_by_selector(
-        test,
-        selector,
-        extra_options=None,
-        num_expected_locations=-1,
-        module_name=None):
+    test, selector, extra_options=None, num_expected_locations=-1, module_name=None
     """Set a breakpoint by selector.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line."""
     command = 'breakpoint set -S "%s"' % (selector)
@@ -423,21 +435,19 @@ def run_break_set_by_selector(
-            module_name=module_name)
+            module_name=module_name,
+        )
-            test,
-            break_results,
-            num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+            test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations
+        )
     return get_bpno_from_match(break_results)
 def run_break_set_by_regexp(
-        test,
-        regexp,
-        extra_options=None,
-        num_expected_locations=-1):
+    test, regexp, extra_options=None, num_expected_locations=-1
     """Set a breakpoint by regular expression match on symbol name.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line."""
     command = 'breakpoint set -r "%s"' % (regexp)
@@ -446,19 +456,14 @@ def run_break_set_by_regexp(
     break_results = run_break_set_command(test, command)
-    check_breakpoint_result(
-        test,
-        break_results,
-        num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+    check_breakpoint_result(test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations)
     return get_bpno_from_match(break_results)
 def run_break_set_by_source_regexp(
-        test,
-        regexp,
-        extra_options=None,
-        num_expected_locations=-1):
+    test, regexp, extra_options=None, num_expected_locations=-1
     """Set a breakpoint by source regular expression.  Common options are the same as run_break_set_by_file_and_line."""
     command = 'breakpoint set -p "%s"' % (regexp)
     if extra_options:
@@ -466,10 +471,7 @@ def run_break_set_by_source_regexp(
     break_results = run_break_set_command(test, command)
-    check_breakpoint_result(
-        test,
-        break_results,
-        num_locations=num_expected_locations)
+    check_breakpoint_result(test, break_results, num_locations=num_expected_locations)
     return get_bpno_from_match(break_results)
@@ -496,120 +498,120 @@ def run_break_set_command(test, command):
         r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): (?P<num_locations>[0-9]+) locations\.$",
         r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): (?P<num_locations>no) locations \(pending\)\.",
         r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): where = (?P<module>.*)`(?P<symbol>[+\-]{0,1}[^+]+)( \+ (?P<offset>[0-9]+)){0,1}( \[inlined\] (?P<inline_symbol>.*)){0,1} at (?P<file>[^:]+):(?P<line_no>[0-9]+), address = (?P<address>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$",
-        r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): where = (?P<module>.*)`(?P<symbol>.*)( \+ (?P<offset>[0-9]+)){0,1}, address = (?P<address>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$"]
+        r"^Breakpoint (?P<bpno>[0-9]+): where = (?P<module>.*)`(?P<symbol>.*)( \+ (?P<offset>[0-9]+)){0,1}, address = (?P<address>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$",
+    ]
     match_object = test.match(command, patterns)
     break_results = match_object.groupdict()
     # We always insert the breakpoint number, setting it to -1 if we couldn't find it
     # Also, make sure it gets stored as an integer.
-    if not 'bpno' in break_results:
-        break_results['bpno'] = -1
+    if not "bpno" in break_results:
+        break_results["bpno"] = -1
-        break_results['bpno'] = int(break_results['bpno'])
+        break_results["bpno"] = int(break_results["bpno"])
     # We always insert the number of locations
     # If ONE location is set for the breakpoint, then the output doesn't mention locations, but it has to be 1...
     # We also make sure it is an integer.
-    if not 'num_locations' in break_results:
+    if not "num_locations" in break_results:
         num_locations = 1
-        num_locations = break_results['num_locations']
-        if num_locations == 'no':
+        num_locations = break_results["num_locations"]
+        if num_locations == "no":
             num_locations = 0
-            num_locations = int(break_results['num_locations'])
+            num_locations = int(break_results["num_locations"])
-    break_results['num_locations'] = num_locations
+    break_results["num_locations"] = num_locations
-    if 'line_no' in break_results:
-        break_results['line_no'] = int(break_results['line_no'])
+    if "line_no" in break_results:
+        break_results["line_no"] = int(break_results["line_no"])
     return break_results
 def get_bpno_from_match(break_results):
-    return int(break_results['bpno'])
+    return int(break_results["bpno"])
 def check_breakpoint_result(
-        test,
-        break_results,
-        file_name=None,
-        line_number=-1,
-        symbol_name=None,
-        symbol_match_exact=True,
-        module_name=None,
-        offset=-1,
-        num_locations=-1):
-    out_num_locations = break_results['num_locations']
+    test,
+    break_results,
+    file_name=None,
+    line_number=-1,
+    symbol_name=None,
+    symbol_match_exact=True,
+    module_name=None,
+    offset=-1,
+    num_locations=-1,
+    out_num_locations = break_results["num_locations"]
     if num_locations == -1:
-        test.assertTrue(out_num_locations > 0,
-                        "Expecting one or more locations, got none.")
+        test.assertTrue(
+            out_num_locations > 0, "Expecting one or more locations, got none."
+        )
             num_locations == out_num_locations,
-            "Expecting %d locations, got %d." %
-            (num_locations,
-             out_num_locations))
+            "Expecting %d locations, got %d." % (num_locations, out_num_locations),
+        )
     if file_name:
         out_file_name = ""
-        if 'file' in break_results:
-            out_file_name = break_results['file']
+        if "file" in break_results:
+            out_file_name = break_results["file"]
             file_name == out_file_name,
-            "Breakpoint file name '%s' doesn't match resultant name '%s'." %
-            (file_name,
-             out_file_name))
+            "Breakpoint file name '%s' doesn't match resultant name '%s'."
+            % (file_name, out_file_name),
+        )
     if line_number != -1:
         out_file_line = -1
-        if 'line_no' in break_results:
-            out_line_number = break_results['line_no']
+        if "line_no" in break_results:
+            out_line_number = break_results["line_no"]
             line_number == out_line_number,
-            "Breakpoint line number %s doesn't match resultant line %s." %
-            (line_number,
-             out_line_number))
+            "Breakpoint line number %s doesn't match resultant line %s."
+            % (line_number, out_line_number),
+        )
     if symbol_name:
         out_symbol_name = ""
         # Look first for the inlined symbol name, otherwise use the symbol
         # name:
-        if 'inline_symbol' in break_results and break_results['inline_symbol']:
-            out_symbol_name = break_results['inline_symbol']
-        elif 'symbol' in break_results:
-            out_symbol_name = break_results['symbol']
+        if "inline_symbol" in break_results and break_results["inline_symbol"]:
+            out_symbol_name = break_results["inline_symbol"]
+        elif "symbol" in break_results:
+            out_symbol_name = break_results["symbol"]
         if symbol_match_exact:
                 symbol_name == out_symbol_name,
-                "Symbol name '%s' doesn't match resultant symbol '%s'." %
-                (symbol_name,
-                 out_symbol_name))
+                "Symbol name '%s' doesn't match resultant symbol '%s'."
+                % (symbol_name, out_symbol_name),
+            )
-                out_symbol_name.find(symbol_name) != -
-                1,
-                "Symbol name '%s' isn't in resultant symbol '%s'." %
-                (symbol_name,
-                 out_symbol_name))
+                out_symbol_name.find(symbol_name) != -1,
+                "Symbol name '%s' isn't in resultant symbol '%s'."
+                % (symbol_name, out_symbol_name),
+            )
     if module_name:
         out_nodule_name = None
-        if 'module' in break_results:
-            out_module_name = break_results['module']
+        if "module" in break_results:
+            out_module_name = break_results["module"]
-            module_name.find(out_module_name) != -
-            1,
-            "Symbol module name '%s' isn't in expected module name '%s'." %
-            (out_module_name,
-             module_name))
+            module_name.find(out_module_name) != -1,
+            "Symbol module name '%s' isn't in expected module name '%s'."
+            % (out_module_name, module_name),
+        )
 # ==================================================
 # Utility functions related to Threads and Processes
@@ -658,7 +660,7 @@ def get_stopped_thread(process, reason):
 def get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint(process, bkpt):
-    """ For a stopped process returns the thread stopped at the breakpoint passed in bkpt"""
+    """For a stopped process returns the thread stopped at the breakpoint passed in bkpt"""
     stopped_threads = []
     threads = []
@@ -677,7 +679,7 @@ def get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint(process, bkpt):
 def continue_to_breakpoint(process, bkpt):
-    """ Continues the process, if it stops, returns the threads stopped at bkpt; otherwise, returns None"""
+    """Continues the process, if it stops, returns the threads stopped at bkpt; otherwise, returns None"""
     if process.GetState() != lldb.eStateStopped:
         return None
@@ -703,6 +705,7 @@ def get_function_names(thread):
     Returns a sequence of function names from the stack frames of this thread.
     def GetFuncName(i):
         return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i).GetFunctionName()
@@ -713,6 +716,7 @@ def get_symbol_names(thread):
     Returns a sequence of symbols for this thread.
     def GetSymbol(i):
         return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i).GetSymbol().GetName()
@@ -723,6 +727,7 @@ def get_pc_addresses(thread):
     Returns a sequence of pc addresses for this thread.
     def GetPCAddress(i):
         return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i).GetPCAddress()
@@ -733,9 +738,9 @@ def get_filenames(thread):
     Returns a sequence of file names from the stack frames of this thread.
     def GetFilename(i):
-        return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(
-            i).GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
+        return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i).GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
     return [GetFilename(i) for i in range(thread.GetNumFrames())]
@@ -744,6 +749,7 @@ def get_line_numbers(thread):
     Returns a sequence of line numbers from the stack frames of this thread.
     def GetLineNumber(i):
         return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i).GetLineEntry().GetLine()
@@ -754,9 +760,9 @@ def get_module_names(thread):
     Returns a sequence of module names from the stack frames of this thread.
     def GetModuleName(i):
-        return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(
-            i).GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
+        return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i).GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
     return [GetModuleName(i) for i in range(thread.GetNumFrames())]
@@ -765,6 +771,7 @@ def get_stack_frames(thread):
     Returns a sequence of stack frames for this thread.
     def GetStackFrame(i):
         return thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i)
@@ -790,8 +797,13 @@ def print_stacktrace(thread, string_buffer=False):
         desc = "stop reason=" + stop_reason_to_str(thread.GetStopReason())
         desc = ""
-    print("Stack trace for thread id={0:#x} name={1} queue={2} ".format(
-        thread.GetThreadID(), thread.GetName(), thread.GetQueueName()) + desc, file=output)
+    print(
+        "Stack trace for thread id={0:#x} name={1} queue={2} ".format(
+            thread.GetThreadID(), thread.GetName(), thread.GetQueueName()
+        )
+        + desc,
+        file=output,
+    )
     for i in range(depth):
         frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i)
@@ -802,13 +814,31 @@ def print_stacktrace(thread, string_buffer=False):
             file_addr = addrs[i].GetFileAddress()
             start_addr = frame.GetSymbol().GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress()
             symbol_offset = file_addr - start_addr
-            print("  frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset}".format(
-                num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mods[i], symbol=symbols[i], offset=symbol_offset), file=output)
+            print(
+                "  frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset}".format(
+                    num=i,
+                    addr=load_addr,
+                    mod=mods[i],
+                    symbol=symbols[i],
+                    offset=symbol_offset,
+                ),
+                file=output,
+            )
-            print("  frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{func} at {file}:{line} {args}".format(
-                num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mods[i], func='%s [inlined]' %
-                funcs[i] if frame.IsInlined() else funcs[i], file=files[i], line=lines[i], args=get_args_as_string(
-                    frame, showFuncName=False) if not frame.IsInlined() else '()'), file=output)
+            print(
+                "  frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{func} at {file}:{line} {args}".format(
+                    num=i,
+                    addr=load_addr,
+                    mod=mods[i],
+                    func="%s [inlined]" % funcs[i] if frame.IsInlined() else funcs[i],
+                    file=files[i],
+                    line=lines[i],
+                    args=get_args_as_string(frame, showFuncName=False)
+                    if not frame.IsInlined()
+                    else "()",
+                ),
+                file=output,
+            )
     if string_buffer:
         return output.getvalue()
@@ -827,6 +857,7 @@ def print_stacktraces(process, string_buffer=False):
     if string_buffer:
         return output.getvalue()
 # ===================================
 # Utility functions related to Frames
 # ===================================
@@ -859,9 +890,7 @@ def get_args_as_string(frame, showFuncName=True):
     vars = frame.GetVariables(True, False, False, True)  # type of SBValueList
     args = []  # list of strings
     for var in vars:
-        args.append("(%s)%s=%s" % (var.GetTypeName(),
-                                   var.GetName(),
-                                   var.GetValue()))
+        args.append("(%s)%s=%s" % (var.GetTypeName(), var.GetName(), var.GetValue()))
     if frame.GetFunction():
         name = frame.GetFunction().GetName()
     elif frame.GetSymbol():
@@ -882,15 +911,20 @@ def print_registers(frame, string_buffer=False):
     print("Register sets for " + str(frame), file=output)
     registerSet = frame.GetRegisters()  # Return type of SBValueList.
-    print("Frame registers (size of register set = %d):" % registerSet.GetSize(
-    ), file=output)
+    print(
+        "Frame registers (size of register set = %d):" % registerSet.GetSize(),
+        file=output,
+    )
     for value in registerSet:
-        #print >> output, value
-        print("%s (number of children = %d):" % (
-            value.GetName(), value.GetNumChildren()), file=output)
+        # print >> output, value
+        print(
+            "%s (number of children = %d):" % (value.GetName(), value.GetNumChildren()),
+            file=output,
+        )
         for child in value:
-            print("Name: %s, Value: %s" % (
-                child.GetName(), child.GetValue()), file=output)
+            print(
+                "Name: %s, Value: %s" % (child.GetName(), child.GetValue()), file=output
+            )
     if string_buffer:
         return output.getvalue()
@@ -950,6 +984,7 @@ def get_ESRs(frame):
     return get_registers(frame, "exception state")
 # ======================================
 # Utility classes/functions for SBValues
 # ======================================
@@ -970,11 +1005,15 @@ def format(self, value, buffer=None, indent=0):
             val = value.GetValue()
         if val is None and value.GetNumChildren() > 0:
             val = "%s (location)" % value.GetLocation()
-        print("{indentation}({type}) {name} = {value}".format(
-            indentation=' ' * indent,
-            type=value.GetTypeName(),
-            name=value.GetName(),
-            value=val), file=output)
+        print(
+            "{indentation}({type}) {name} = {value}".format(
+                indentation=" " * indent,
+                type=value.GetTypeName(),
+                name=value.GetName(),
+                value=val,
+            ),
+            file=output,
+        )
         return output.getvalue()
@@ -996,8 +1035,7 @@ def format(self, value, buffer=None):
         BasicFormatter.format(self, value, buffer=output)
         for child in value:
-            BasicFormatter.format(
-                self, child, buffer=output, indent=self.cindent)
+            BasicFormatter.format(self, child, buffer=output, indent=self.cindent)
         return output.getvalue()
@@ -1025,14 +1063,12 @@ def format(self, value, buffer=None):
         new_indent = self.lindent + self.cindent
         for child in value:
             if child.GetSummary() is not None:
-                BasicFormatter.format(
-                    self, child, buffer=output, indent=new_indent)
+                BasicFormatter.format(self, child, buffer=output, indent=new_indent)
                 if child.GetNumChildren() > 0:
                     rdf = RecursiveDecentFormatter(indent_level=new_indent)
                     rdf.format(child, buffer=output)
-                    BasicFormatter.format(
-                        self, child, buffer=output, indent=new_indent)
+                    BasicFormatter.format(self, child, buffer=output, indent=new_indent)
         return output.getvalue()

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/lui.py b/lldb/utils/lui/lui.py
index 98e1c63ce4141ae..42ea3c6787306b7 100755
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/lui.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/lui.py
@@ -38,17 +38,11 @@
 def handle_args(driver, argv):
     parser = OptionParser()
-        "-p",
-        "--attach",
-        dest="pid",
-        help="Attach to specified Process ID",
-        type="int")
+        "-p", "--attach", dest="pid", help="Attach to specified Process ID", type="int"
+    )
-        "-c",
-        "--core",
-        dest="core",
-        help="Load specified core file",
-        type="string")
+        "-c", "--core", dest="core", help="Load specified core file", type="string"
+    )
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
@@ -60,9 +54,7 @@ def handle_args(driver, argv):
             print("Error: expecting integer PID, got '%s'" % options.pid)
     elif options.core is not None:
         if not os.path.exists(options.core):
-            raise Exception(
-                "Specified core file '%s' does not exist." %
-                options.core)
+            raise Exception("Specified core file '%s' does not exist." % options.core)
     elif len(args) == 2:
         if not os.path.isfile(args[1]):
@@ -80,7 +72,6 @@ def sigint_handler(signal, frame):
 class LLDBUI(cui.CursesUI):
     def __init__(self, screen, event_queue, driver):
         super(LLDBUI, self).__init__(screen, event_queue)
@@ -94,19 +85,21 @@ def __init__(self, screen, event_queue, driver):
         self.status_win = statuswin.StatusWin(0, h - 1, w, 1)
         h -= 1
         self.command_win = commandwin.CommandWin(
-            driver, 0, h - command_win_height, w, command_win_height)
+            driver, 0, h - command_win_height, w, command_win_height
+        )
         h -= command_win_height
-        self.source_win = sourcewin.SourceWin(driver, 0, 0,
-                                              w - break_win_width - 1, h)
-        self.break_win = breakwin.BreakWin(driver, w - break_win_width, 0,
-                                           break_win_width, h)
-        self.wins = [self.status_win,
-                     # self.event_win,
-                     self.source_win,
-                     self.break_win,
-                     self.command_win,
-                     ]
+        self.source_win = sourcewin.SourceWin(driver, 0, 0, w - break_win_width - 1, h)
+        self.break_win = breakwin.BreakWin(
+            driver, w - break_win_width, 0, break_win_width, h
+        )
+        self.wins = [
+            self.status_win,
+            # self.event_win,
+            self.source_win,
+            self.break_win,
+            self.command_win,
+        ]
         self.focus = len(self.wins) - 1  # index of command window;
@@ -116,12 +109,14 @@ def handleEvent(self, event):
             if event == curses.KEY_F10:
             if event == 20:  # ctrl-T
                 def foo(cmd):
                     ret = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
                     self.driver.getCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand(cmd, ret)
-                foo('target create a.out')
-                foo('b main')
-                foo('run')
+                foo("target create a.out")
+                foo("b main")
+                foo("run")
         super(LLDBUI, self).handleEvent(event)
@@ -145,6 +140,7 @@ def main(screen):
     handle_args(driver, sys.argv)
 if __name__ == "__main__":

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/sandbox.py b/lldb/utils/lui/sandbox.py
index 8bb4e3595f805a8..3bcf3d5915d93c4 100755
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/sandbox.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/sandbox.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 class SandboxUI(cui.CursesUI):
     def __init__(self, screen, event_queue):
         super(SandboxUI, self).__init__(screen, event_queue)
@@ -34,10 +33,10 @@ def __init__(self, screen, event_queue):
         h2 = height / 2
         self.wins = []
-        #self.wins.append(cui.TitledWin(w2, h2, w2, h2, "Test Window 4"))
+        # self.wins.append(cui.TitledWin(w2, h2, w2, h2, "Test Window 4"))
         list_win = cui.ListWin(w2, h2, w2, h2)
         for i in range(0, 40):
-            list_win.addItem('Item %s' % i)
+            list_win.addItem("Item %s" % i)
         self.wins.append(cui.TitledWin(0, 0, w2, h2, "Test Window 1"))
         self.wins.append(cui.TitledWin(w2, 0, w2, h2, "Test Window 2"))
@@ -52,12 +51,12 @@ def __init__(self, screen, event_queue):
         # self.wins[0].win.scrollok(1)
         # self.el = cui.CursesEditLine(self.wins[0].win, None,
         #  lambda c: callback('got', c), lambda c: callback('tab', c))
-        #self.el.prompt = '>>> '
-        #self.el.showPrompt(10, 0)
+        # self.el.prompt = '>>> '
+        # self.el.showPrompt(10, 0)
     def handleEvent(self, event):
         if isinstance(event, int):
-            if event == ord('q'):
+            if event == ord("q"):
             # self.el.handleEvent(event)
         super(SandboxUI, self).handleEvent(event)
@@ -70,6 +69,7 @@ def main(screen):
     sandbox = SandboxUI(screen, event_queue)
 if __name__ == "__main__":

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/sourcewin.py b/lldb/utils/lui/sourcewin.py
index c3add058f125eed..efe3c01f3ebd11c 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/sourcewin.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/sourcewin.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 class SourceWin(cui.TitledWin):
     def __init__(self, driver, x, y, w, h):
         super(SourceWin, self).__init__(x, y, w, h, "Source")
         self.sourceman = driver.getSourceManager()
@@ -35,9 +34,10 @@ def __init__(self, driver, x, y, w, h):
             from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
             self.formatter = TerminalFormatter()
         except ImportError:
-            #self.win.addstr("\nWarning: no 'pygments' library found. Syntax highlighting is disabled.")
+            # self.win.addstr("\nWarning: no 'pygments' library found. Syntax highlighting is disabled.")
             self.lexer = None
             self.formatter = None
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ def handleEvent(self, event):
             if lldb.SBBreakpoint.EventIsBreakpointEvent(event):
-            if lldb.SBProcess.EventIsProcessEvent(event) and \
-                    not lldb.SBProcess.GetRestartedFromEvent(event):
+            if lldb.SBProcess.EventIsProcessEvent(
+                event
+            ) and not lldb.SBProcess.GetRestartedFromEvent(event):
                 process = lldb.SBProcess.GetProcessFromEvent(event)
                 if not process.IsValid():
@@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ def notifyExited(self, process):
         pid = process.GetProcessID()
         ec = process.GetExitStatus()
-            "\nProcess %s [%d] has exited with exit-code %d" %
-            (target, pid, ec))
+            "\nProcess %s [%d] has exited with exit-code %d" % (target, pid, ec)
+        )
     def pageUp(self):
         if self.viewline > 0:
@@ -100,8 +101,8 @@ def updateViewline(self):
         if self.viewline < 0:
             raise Exception(
-                "negative viewline: pc=%d viewline=%d" %
-                (self.pc_line, self.viewline))
+                "negative viewline: pc=%d viewline=%d" % (self.pc_line, self.viewline)
+            )
     def refreshSource(self, process=None):
         (self.height, self.width) = self.win.getmaxyx()
@@ -126,9 +127,14 @@ def refreshSource(self, process=None):
         if self.formatter is not None:
             from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename
             self.lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(self.filename)
-        bps = [] if not self.filename in self.breakpoints else self.breakpoints[self.filename]
+        bps = (
+            []
+            if not self.filename in self.breakpoints
+            else self.breakpoints[self.filename]
+        )
         if self.content:
             self.formatContent(self.content, self.pc_line, bps)
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ def formatContent(self, content, pc_line, breakpoints):
                 marker = self.markerBP
             line = "%s%3d %s" % (marker, line_num, self.highlight(content[i]))
             if len(line) >= self.width:
-                line = line[0:self.width - 1] + "\n"
+                line = line[0 : self.width - 1] + "\n"
             self.win.addstr(line, attr)
             source += line
             count = count + 1
@@ -168,6 +174,7 @@ def formatContent(self, content, pc_line, breakpoints):
     def highlight(self, source):
         if self.lexer and self.formatter:
             from pygments import highlight
             return highlight(source, self.lexer, self.formatter)
             return source
@@ -202,9 +209,8 @@ def getLocations(event):
                 # hack! getting the LineEntry via SBBreakpointLocation.GetAddress.GetLineEntry does not work good for
                 # inlined frames, so we get the description (which does take
                 # into account inlined functions) and parse it.
-                desc = lldbutil.get_description(
-                    location, lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull)
-                match = re.search('at\ ([^:]+):([\d]+)', desc)
+                desc = lldbutil.get_description(location, lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull)
+                match = re.search("at\ ([^:]+):([\d]+)", desc)
                     path = match.group(1)
                     line = int(match.group(2).strip())
@@ -219,20 +225,26 @@ def getLocations(event):
             return locs
         event_type = lldb.SBBreakpoint.GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(event)
-        if event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeAdded \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded:
+        if (
+            event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeAdded
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded
+        ):
-        elif event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled:
+        elif (
+            event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled
+        ):
-        elif event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeThreadChanged \
-                or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeInvalidType:
+        elif (
+            event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeThreadChanged
+            or event_type == lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeInvalidType
+        ):
             # no-op

diff  --git a/lldb/utils/lui/statuswin.py b/lldb/utils/lui/statuswin.py
index 2d3cc217c0199d5..20f81181de43aaa 100644
--- a/lldb/utils/lui/statuswin.py
+++ b/lldb/utils/lui/statuswin.py
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
 class StatusWin(cui.TextWin):
     def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
         super(StatusWin, self).__init__(x, y, w)
         self.keys = [  # ('F1', 'Help', curses.KEY_F1),
-            ('F3', 'Cycle-focus', curses.KEY_F3),
-            ('F10', 'Quit', curses.KEY_F10)]
+            ("F3", "Cycle-focus", curses.KEY_F3),
+            ("F10", "Quit", curses.KEY_F10),
+        ]
     def draw(self):
-        self.win.addstr(0, 0, '')
+        self.win.addstr(0, 0, "")
         for key in self.keys:
-            self.win.addstr('{0}'.format(key[0]), curses.A_REVERSE)
-            self.win.addstr(' {0} '.format(key[1]), curses.A_NORMAL)
+            self.win.addstr("{0}".format(key[0]), curses.A_REVERSE)
+            self.win.addstr(" {0} ".format(key[1]), curses.A_NORMAL)
         super(StatusWin, self).draw()
     def handleEvent(self, event):


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