[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Fix a bug with cancelling "attach -w" after you have run a process previously (PR #65822)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 12 17:16:42 PDT 2023

jimingham wrote:

> > It seems a bit weird to have an Execution context with a thread and a stack frame but not the process they belong to. I don't know that it would really help either. Even if you removed the process so that you no longer had to check for that being invalid, if a thread or frame had been set in the execution context, you'd still have to check for them being from the wrong process. So I don't think we would made things significantly simpler by leaving out the process. I think it's easier to deal with it when we hand them out. Jim
> Or we can have ExecutionContext have a single element so that it is always correct:
> ```
> ExecutionContext {
> ...
>    std::shared_ptr<ExecutionContextScope> m_exe_scope_sp;
> ```
> Since target, proces, thread and frames all inherit from ExecutionContextScope, all we need to do is store one item. The ExecutionContextScope API has:
> ```
>   virtual lldb::TargetSP CalculateTarget() = 0;
>   virtual lldb::ProcessSP CalculateProcess() = 0;
>   virtual lldb::ThreadSP CalculateThread() = 0;
>   virtual lldb::StackFrameSP CalculateStackFrame() = 0;
> ```
> So then everything would always be correct.

The only time this will be incorrect in this way is if you make an execution context filling in the current target & process and then hold onto it over the process in the target changing.  Internally, we only hold onto execution context's while executing a command, and we return that to ourselves in the API I fixed.  So we really don't have to fix this anywhere else to solve actual problems.

This seems like a much wider ranging change than is required to fix this bug.  I'm all for rethinking the ExecutionContextScope/ExecutionContext/ExecutionContextRef nexus, but I don't think that's a trivial rethink, and I don't have the time to undertake that right now.


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