[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [MLIR] Enabling Intel GPU Integration. (PR #65539)

Jianhui Li via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 8 21:55:19 PDT 2023

Jianhui-Li wrote:

> > We really just need a "mlir-runner" with target-platform as command parameters.
> What kind of "target-platform" command parameters do you have in mind? (other than what we do now)

The current way of mlir-cpu-runner using the share library name to indicate target-platform looks good to me: Cuda, Rocm, and SYCL with this PR.  Vulkan could be added same way.  mlir-cpu-spirv-runner could be refactored to be mlir-opt passes generating spirv binary and feed to mlir-cpu-runner.  

If we reach that state, the name "mlir-cpu-runner" could be promoted to "mlir-runner". That would clear up a lot of misunderstanding.  The "mlir-runner" is really running MLIR programs on a target platform, and has little to do with enabling specific language or runtime features of a target platform.  For example, we say "SYCL runner", people think it is about running SYCL program on top of MLIR. 


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