[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D138197: [lldb] Fix bitfield incorrectly printing when field crosses a storage unit

David Spickett via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 21 09:35:59 PST 2022

DavidSpickett added a comment.

Thanks for working on this. Due to llvm dev and vacation it took me a while to get to this.

Comment at: lldb/test/API/commands/expression/expr-bitfield-on-boundary/Makefile:3
+CXXFLAGS_EXTRAS := -gdwarf-2
Add a comment here to explain why we need dwarf v2 specifically.

Which I think is because in v4 the encoding is done such that you won't get a negative offset?

Comment at: lldb/test/API/commands/expression/expr-bitfield-on-boundary/main.cpp:3
+  unsigned char a : 7;
+  unsigned char b : 4;
Comment here that b is going across the byte boundary.

Maybe on the packed too, iirc without packed it would assign one whole byte to each of a and b.

Comment at: lldb/test/API/commands/expression/expr-bitfield-on-boundary/main.cpp:9
+  f.a = 1;
+  f.b = 2;
+  return 0; // Break here
`b` is going to be across the boundary, should we use a value that is also across the boundary?

Something like 9, so you have `0b1001`. One bit on both sides of the boundary. Just in case lldb actually is dropping one side of the value and we aren't checking for that.

Comment at: lldb/unittests/Platform/PlatformSiginfoTest.cpp:62
     for (auto field_name : llvm::split(path, '.')) {
-      uint64_t bit_offset;
Are you reasonably sure you found all these cases? Don't want to loose the sign because of an implicit cast.

If not, `-Wconversion` is worth a go though lldb probably has hundreds of those already. Perhaps compare the number of those warnings before and after this change.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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