[Lldb-commits] [lldb] bd3976f - [lldb] Refactor Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile
Jonas Devlieghere via lldb-commits
lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Aug 8 20:14:12 PDT 2022
Author: Jonas Devlieghere
Date: 2022-08-08T20:14:07-07:00
New Revision: bd3976fed470343be8df9caf0e35d290455b700c
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/bd3976fed470343be8df9caf0e35d290455b700c
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/bd3976fed470343be8df9caf0e35d290455b700c.diff
LOG: [lldb] Refactor Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile
- Reduce indentation
- Extract caching of the DbgShellCommand and the dsymForUUID executable
(or equivalent)
- Check the DBGShellCommands before falling back to
- Don't check ~rc/bin/dsymForUUID
- Improve error reporting
Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D131303
diff --git a/lldb/source/Symbol/LocateSymbolFileMacOSX.cpp b/lldb/source/Symbol/LocateSymbolFileMacOSX.cpp
index 4dc42cf01716..00dbaa4b57fd 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Symbol/LocateSymbolFileMacOSX.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Symbol/LocateSymbolFileMacOSX.cpp
@@ -491,190 +491,184 @@ static bool GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(CFDictionaryRef uuid_dict,
return success;
-bool Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile(ModuleSpec &module_spec,
- Status &error, bool force_lookup) {
- bool success = false;
- const UUID *uuid_ptr = module_spec.GetUUIDPtr();
- const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr = module_spec.GetFileSpecPtr();
- // It's expensive to check for the DBGShellCommands defaults setting, only do
- // it once per lldb run and cache the result.
- static bool g_have_checked_for_dbgshell_command = false;
- static const char *g_dbgshell_command = NULL;
- if (!g_have_checked_for_dbgshell_command) {
- g_have_checked_for_dbgshell_command = true;
+/// It's expensive to check for the DBGShellCommands defaults setting. Only do
+/// it once per lldb run and cache the result.
+static llvm::StringRef GetDbgShellCommand() {
+ static std::once_flag g_once_flag;
+ static std::string g_dbgshell_command;
+ std::call_once(g_once_flag, [&]() {
CFTypeRef defaults_setting = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(
CFSTR("DBGShellCommands"), CFSTR("com.apple.DebugSymbols"));
if (defaults_setting &&
CFGetTypeID(defaults_setting) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- char cstr_buf[PATH_MAX];
- if (CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)defaults_setting, cstr_buf,
- sizeof(cstr_buf), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
- g_dbgshell_command =
- strdup(cstr_buf); // this malloc'ed memory will never be freed
+ char buffer[PATH_MAX];
+ if (CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)defaults_setting, buffer,
+ sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
+ g_dbgshell_command = buffer;
if (defaults_setting) {
+ });
+ return g_dbgshell_command;
+/// Get the dsymForUUID executable and cache the result so we don't end up
+/// stat'ing the binary over and over.
+static FileSpec GetDsymForUUIDExecutable() {
+ // The LLDB_APPLE_DSYMFORUUID_EXECUTABLE environment variable is used by the
+ // test suite to override the dsymForUUID location. Because we must be able
+ // to change the value within a single test, don't bother caching it.
+ if (const char *dsymForUUID_env =
+ FileSpec dsymForUUID_executable(dsymForUUID_env);
+ FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(dsymForUUID_executable);
+ if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dsymForUUID_executable))
+ return dsymForUUID_executable;
- // When g_dbgshell_command is NULL, the user has not enabled the use of an
+ static std::once_flag g_once_flag;
+ static FileSpec g_dsymForUUID_executable;
+ std::call_once(g_once_flag, [&]() {
+ // Try the DBGShellCommand.
+ llvm::StringRef dbgshell_command = GetDbgShellCommand();
+ if (!dbgshell_command.empty()) {
+ g_dsymForUUID_executable = FileSpec(dbgshell_command);
+ FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(g_dsymForUUID_executable);
+ if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists(g_dsymForUUID_executable))
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try dsymForUUID in /usr/local/bin
+ {
+ g_dsymForUUID_executable = FileSpec("/usr/local/bin/dsymForUUID");
+ if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists(g_dsymForUUID_executable))
+ return;
+ }
+ // We couldn't find the dsymForUUID binary.
+ g_dsymForUUID_executable = {};
+ });
+ return g_dsymForUUID_executable;
+bool Symbols::DownloadObjectAndSymbolFile(ModuleSpec &module_spec,
+ Status &error, bool force_lookup) {
+ const UUID *uuid_ptr = module_spec.GetUUIDPtr();
+ const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr = module_spec.GetFileSpecPtr();
+ llvm::StringRef dbgshell_command = GetDbgShellCommand();
+ // When dbgshell_command is empty, the user has not enabled the use of an
// external program to find the symbols, don't run it for them.
- if (!force_lookup && g_dbgshell_command == NULL) {
+ if (!force_lookup && dbgshell_command.empty())
+ return false;
+ // We need a UUID or valid (existing FileSpec.
+ if (!uuid_ptr &&
+ (!file_spec_ptr || !FileSystem::Instance().Exists(*file_spec_ptr)))
+ return false;
+ // We need a dsymForUUID binary or an equivalent executable/script.
+ FileSpec dsymForUUID_exe_spec = GetDsymForUUIDExecutable();
+ if (!dsymForUUID_exe_spec)
+ return false;
+ const std::string dsymForUUID_exe_path = dsymForUUID_exe_spec.GetPath();
+ const std::string uuid_str = uuid_ptr ? uuid_ptr->GetAsString() : "";
+ const std::string file_path_str =
+ file_spec_ptr ? file_spec_ptr->GetPath() : "";
+ Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Host);
+ // Create the dsymForUUID command.
+ StreamString command;
+ if (!uuid_str.empty()) {
+ command.Printf("%s --ignoreNegativeCache --copyExecutable %s",
+ dsymForUUID_exe_path.c_str(), uuid_str.c_str());
+ LLDB_LOGF(log, "Calling %s with UUID %s to find dSYM: %s",
+ dsymForUUID_exe_path.c_str(), uuid_str.c_str(),
+ command.GetString().data());
+ } else if (!file_path_str.empty()) {
+ command.Printf("%s --ignoreNegativeCache --copyExecutable %s",
+ dsymForUUID_exe_path.c_str(), file_path_str.c_str());
+ LLDB_LOGF(log, "Calling %s with file %s to find dSYM: %s",
+ dsymForUUID_exe_path.c_str(), file_path_str.c_str(),
+ command.GetString().data());
+ } else {
return false;
- if (uuid_ptr ||
- (file_spec_ptr && FileSystem::Instance().Exists(*file_spec_ptr))) {
- static bool g_located_dsym_for_uuid_exe = false;
- static bool g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists = false;
- static char g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path[PATH_MAX];
- if (!g_located_dsym_for_uuid_exe) {
- g_located_dsym_for_uuid_exe = true;
- const char *dsym_for_uuid_exe_path_cstr =
- FileSpec dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec;
- if (dsym_for_uuid_exe_path_cstr) {
- dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec.SetFile(dsym_for_uuid_exe_path_cstr,
- FileSpec::Style::native);
- FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec);
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists =
- FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec);
- }
+ // Invoke dsymForUUID.
+ int exit_status = -1;
+ int signo = -1;
+ std::string command_output;
+ error = Host::RunShellCommand(
+ command.GetData(),
+ FileSpec(), // current working directory
+ &exit_status, // Exit status
+ &signo, // Signal int *
+ &command_output, // Command output
+ std::chrono::seconds(
+ 640), // Large timeout to allow for long dsym download times
+ false); // Don't run in a shell (we don't need shell expansion)
+ if (error.Fail() || exit_status != 0 || command_output.empty()) {
+ LLDB_LOGF(log, "'%s' failed (exit status: %d, error: '%s', output: '%s')",
+ command.GetData(), exit_status, error.AsCString(),
+ command_output.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists) {
- dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec.SetFile("/usr/local/bin/dsymForUUID",
- FileSpec::Style::native);
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists =
- FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec);
- if (!g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists) {
- long bufsize;
- if ((bufsize = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX)) != -1) {
- char buffer[bufsize];
- struct passwd pwd;
- struct passwd *tilde_rc = NULL;
- // we are a library so we need to use the reentrant version of
- // getpwnam()
- if (getpwnam_r("rc", &pwd, buffer, bufsize, &tilde_rc) == 0 &&
- tilde_rc && tilde_rc->pw_dir) {
- std::string dsymforuuid_path(tilde_rc->pw_dir);
- dsymforuuid_path += "/bin/dsymForUUID";
- dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec.SetFile(dsymforuuid_path.c_str(),
- FileSpec::Style::native);
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists =
- FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists && g_dbgshell_command != NULL) {
- dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec.SetFile(g_dbgshell_command,
- FileSpec::Style::native);
- FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec);
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists =
- FileSystem::Instance().Exists(dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec);
- }
+ CFCData data(
+ CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (const UInt8 *)command_output.data(),
+ command_output.size(), kCFAllocatorNull));
+ CFCReleaser<CFDictionaryRef> plist(
+ (CFDictionaryRef)::CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(
+ NULL, data.get(), kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL));
+ if (!plist.get()) {
+ LLDB_LOGF(log, "'%s' failed: output is not a valid plist",
+ command.GetData());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (CFGetTypeID(plist.get()) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
+ LLDB_LOGF(log, "'%s' failed: output plist is not a valid CFDictionary",
+ command.GetData());
+ return false;
+ }
- if (g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists)
- dsym_for_uuid_exe_spec.GetPath(g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path,
- sizeof(g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path));
+ if (!uuid_str.empty()) {
+ CFCString uuid_cfstr(uuid_str.c_str());
+ CFDictionaryRef uuid_dict =
+ (CFDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plist.get(), uuid_cfstr.get());
+ return GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(uuid_dict, module_spec, error);
+ }
+ if (const CFIndex num_values = ::CFDictionaryGetCount(plist.get())) {
+ std::vector<CFStringRef> keys(num_values, NULL);
+ std::vector<CFDictionaryRef> values(num_values, NULL);
+ ::CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(plist.get(), NULL,
+ (const void **)&values[0]);
+ if (num_values == 1) {
+ return GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(values[0], module_spec, error);
- if (g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_exists) {
- std::string uuid_str;
- char file_path[PATH_MAX];
- file_path[0] = '\0';
- if (uuid_ptr)
- uuid_str = uuid_ptr->GetAsString();
- if (file_spec_ptr)
- file_spec_ptr->GetPath(file_path, sizeof(file_path));
- StreamString command;
- if (!uuid_str.empty())
- command.Printf("%s --ignoreNegativeCache --copyExecutable %s",
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path, uuid_str.c_str());
- else if (file_path[0] != '\0')
- command.Printf("%s --ignoreNegativeCache --copyExecutable %s",
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path, file_path);
- if (!command.GetString().empty()) {
- Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Host);
- int exit_status = -1;
- int signo = -1;
- std::string command_output;
- if (log) {
- if (!uuid_str.empty())
- LLDB_LOGF(log, "Calling %s with UUID %s to find dSYM",
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path, uuid_str.c_str());
- else if (file_path[0] != '\0')
- LLDB_LOGF(log, "Calling %s with file %s to find dSYM",
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path, file_path);
- }
- error = Host::RunShellCommand(
- command.GetData(),
- FileSpec(), // current working directory
- &exit_status, // Exit status
- &signo, // Signal int *
- &command_output, // Command output
- std::chrono::seconds(
- 640), // Large timeout to allow for long dsym download times
- false); // Don't run in a shell (we don't need shell expansion)
- if (error.Success() && exit_status == 0 && !command_output.empty()) {
- CFCData data(CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(
- NULL, (const UInt8 *)command_output.data(), command_output.size(),
- kCFAllocatorNull));
- CFCReleaser<CFDictionaryRef> plist(
- (CFDictionaryRef)::CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(
- NULL, data.get(), kCFPropertyListImmutable, NULL));
- if (plist.get() &&
- CFGetTypeID(plist.get()) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
- if (!uuid_str.empty()) {
- CFCString uuid_cfstr(uuid_str.c_str());
- CFDictionaryRef uuid_dict = (CFDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(
- plist.get(), uuid_cfstr.get());
- success = GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(uuid_dict,
- module_spec, error);
- } else {
- const CFIndex num_values = ::CFDictionaryGetCount(plist.get());
- if (num_values > 0) {
- std::vector<CFStringRef> keys(num_values, NULL);
- std::vector<CFDictionaryRef> values(num_values, NULL);
- ::CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(plist.get(), NULL,
- (const void **)&values[0]);
- if (num_values == 1) {
- success = GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(
- values[0], module_spec, error);
- return success;
- } else {
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
- ModuleSpec curr_module_spec;
- if (GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(
- values[i], curr_module_spec, error)) {
- if (module_spec.GetArchitecture().IsCompatibleMatch(
- curr_module_spec.GetArchitecture())) {
- module_spec = curr_module_spec;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!uuid_str.empty())
- LLDB_LOGF(log, "Called %s on %s, no matches",
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path, uuid_str.c_str());
- else if (file_path[0] != '\0')
- LLDB_LOGF(log, "Called %s on %s, no matches",
- g_dsym_for_uuid_exe_path, file_path);
+ for (CFIndex i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
+ ModuleSpec curr_module_spec;
+ if (GetModuleSpecInfoFromUUIDDictionary(values[i], curr_module_spec,
+ error)) {
+ if (module_spec.GetArchitecture().IsCompatibleMatch(
+ curr_module_spec.GetArchitecture())) {
+ module_spec = curr_module_spec;
+ return true;
- return success;
+ return false;
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