[Lldb-commits] [lldb] c30742b - [lldb/Plugins] Clean-up ScriptedProcess python script (NFC)

Med Ismail Bennani via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 16 11:45:10 PST 2022

Author: Med Ismail Bennani
Date: 2022-02-16T11:44:07-08:00
New Revision: c30742ba73816ca61926121c82b81a766ebe1a6e

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c30742ba73816ca61926121c82b81a766ebe1a6e
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c30742ba73816ca61926121c82b81a766ebe1a6e.diff

LOG: [lldb/Plugins] Clean-up ScriptedProcess python script (NFC)

This patch removes the `my_scripted_process.py` blueprint since it's not
used anymore.

The patch also updates the base ScriptedProcess and ScriptedThread
initializers to automatically initialize convinience variables, to
access debugger from the ScriptedProcess, access the SBProcess and
ScriptedProcess object from a ScriptedThread instance.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D119386

Signed-off-by: Med Ismail Bennani <medismail.bennani at gmail.com>




diff  --git a/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/my_scripted_process.py b/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/my_scripted_process.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 202ad097d4987..0000000000000
--- a/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/my_scripted_process.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-import os,struct,signal
-from typing import Any, Dict
-import lldb
-from lldb.plugins.scripted_process import ScriptedProcess
-from lldb.plugins.scripted_process import ScriptedThread
-class MyScriptedProcess(ScriptedProcess):
-    memory_regions = [
-        lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo("stack", 0x1040b2000, 0x1040b4000, 0b110, True,
-                                True)
-    ]
-    stack_memory_dump = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
-                                     'main.stack-dump')
-    def __init__(self, target: lldb.SBTarget, args : lldb.SBStructuredData):
-        super().__init__(target, args)
-    def get_memory_region_containing_address(self, addr: int) -> lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo:
-        for region in self.memory_regions:
-            if region.GetRegionBase() <= addr < region.GetRegionEnd():
-                return region
-        return None
-    def get_thread_with_id(self, tid: int):
-        return {}
-    def get_registers_for_thread(self, tid: int):
-        return {}
-    def read_memory_at_address(self, addr: int, size: int) -> lldb.SBData:
-        data = lldb.SBData()
-        with open(self.stack_memory_dump, 'rb') as f:
-            stack_mem = f.read(-1)
-            if not stack_mem:
-                return data
-            mem_region = self.get_memory_region_containing_address(addr)
-            if not mem_region or addr + size > mem_region.GetRegionEnd():
-                return data
-            offset = addr - mem_region.GetRegionBase()
-            shrunk_stack_mem = stack_mem[offset:offset + size]
-            error = lldb.SBError()
-            data.SetData(error, shrunk_stack_mem,
-                                    self.target.GetByteOrder(),
-                                    self.target.GetAddressByteSize())
-        return data
-    def get_loaded_images(self):
-        return self.loaded_images
-    def get_process_id(self) -> int:
-        return 42
-    def should_stop(self) -> bool:
-        return True
-    def is_alive(self) -> bool:
-        return True
-    def get_scripted_thread_plugin(self):
-        return MyScriptedThread.__module__ + "." + MyScriptedThread.__name__
-class MyScriptedThread(ScriptedThread):
-    register_ctx = {
-        "rax":0x00000000000006e4,
-        "rbx":0x00000001040b6060,
-        "rcx":0x00000001040b2e00,
-        "rdx":0x00000001040b2ba8,
-        "rdi":0x000000000000002a,
-        "rsi":0x00000001040b2b98,
-        "rbp":0x00000001040b2a20,
-        "rsp":0x00000001040b2a20,
-        "r8":0x00000000003e131e,
-        "r9":0xffffffff00000000,
-        "r10":0x0000000000000000,
-        "r11":0x0000000000000246,
-        "r12":0x000000010007c3a0,
-        "r13":0x00000001040b2b18,
-        "r14":0x0000000100003f90,
-        "r15":0x00000001040b2b88,
-        "rip":0x0000000100003f61,
-        "rflags":0x0000000000000206,
-        "cs":0x000000000000002b,
-        "fs":0x0000000000000000,
-        "gs":0x0000000000000000,
-    }
-    def __init__(self, process, args):
-        super().__init__(process, args)
-    def get_thread_id(self) -> int:
-        return 0x19
-    def get_name(self) -> str:
-        return MyScriptedThread.__name__ + ".thread-1"
-    def get_stop_reason(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        return { "type": lldb.eStopReasonSignal, "data": {
-            "signal": signal.SIGINT
-        } }
-    def get_stackframes(self):
-        class ScriptedStackFrame:
-            def __init__(idx, cfa, pc, symbol_ctx):
-                self.idx = idx
-                self.cfa = cfa
-                self.pc = pc
-                self.symbol_ctx = symbol_ctx
-        symbol_ctx = lldb.SBSymbolContext()
-        frame_zero = ScriptedStackFrame(0, 0x42424242, 0x5000000, symbol_ctx)
-        self.frames.append(frame_zero)
-        return self.frame_zero[0:0]
-    def get_register_context(self) -> str:
-        return struct.pack("{}Q".format(len(self.register_ctx)), *self.register_ctx.values())
-def __lldb_init_module(debugger, dict):
-    if not 'SKIP_SCRIPTED_PROCESS_LAUNCH' in os.environ:
-        debugger.HandleCommand(
-            "process launch -C %s.%s" % (__name__,
-                                     MyScriptedProcess.__name__))
-    else:
-        print("Name of the class that will manage the scripted process: '%s.%s'"
-                % (__name__, MyScriptedProcess.__name__))
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/scripted_process.py b/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/scripted_process.py
index 363d39a43960b..88df73147d5a6 100644
--- a/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/scripted_process.py
+++ b/lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/scripted_process.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ def __init__(self, target, args):
             triple = self.target.triple
             if triple:
                 self.arch = triple.split('-')[0]
+            self.dbg = target.GetDebugger()
         if isinstance(args, lldb.SBStructuredData) and args.IsValid():
             self.args = args
@@ -217,10 +218,6 @@ def __init__(self, scripted_process, args):
         self.scripted_process = None
         self.process = None
         self.args = None
-        if isinstance(scripted_process, ScriptedProcess):
-            self.target = scripted_process.target
-            self.scripted_process = scripted_process
-            self.process = self.target.GetProcess()
         self.id = None
         self.idx = None
@@ -232,6 +229,13 @@ def __init__(self, scripted_process, args):
         self.register_ctx = {}
         self.frames = []
+        if isinstance(scripted_process, ScriptedProcess):
+            self.target = scripted_process.target
+            self.scripted_process = scripted_process
+            self.process = self.target.GetProcess()
+            self.get_register_info()
     def get_thread_id(self):
         """ Get the scripted thread identifier.
@@ -257,6 +261,7 @@ def get_state(self):
             eStateRunning,   ///< Process or thread is running and can't be examined.
             eStateStepping,  ///< Process or thread is in the process of stepping and can
                              /// not be examined.
+            eStateCrashed,   ///< Process or thread has crashed and can be examined.
             int: The state type of the scripted thread.


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