[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D118814: [lldb] Don't keep demangled names in memory after indexing

Jonas Devlieghere via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 4 10:18:05 PST 2022

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rGaed965d55d46: [lldb] Don't construct the demangled strings while indexing the symbol table (authored by JDevlieghere).
Herald added a project: LLDB.

Changed prior to commit:

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/macosx/dyld-trie-symbols/TestDyldTrieSymbols.py
--- lldb/test/API/macosx/dyld-trie-symbols/TestDyldTrieSymbols.py
+++ lldb/test/API/macosx/dyld-trie-symbols/TestDyldTrieSymbols.py
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(unstripped_Z3pat_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
         unstripped_pat_symbols = unstripped_target.FindSymbols("pat")
         self.assertEqual(unstripped_pat_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
-        unstripped_patint_symbols = unstripped_target.FindSymbols("pat(int)")
-        self.assertEqual(unstripped_patint_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
         unstripped_bar_symbols = unstripped_target.FindSymbols("bar")
         self.assertEqual(unstripped_bar_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
@@ -77,8 +75,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(stripped_Z3pat_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
         stripped_pat_symbols = stripped_target.FindSymbols("pat")
         self.assertEqual(stripped_pat_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
-        stripped_patint_symbols = stripped_target.FindSymbols("pat(int)")
-        self.assertEqual(stripped_patint_symbols.GetSize(), 1)
         # bar should have been strippped.  We should not find it, or the
         # stripping went wrong.
Index: lldb/source/Symbol/Symtab.cpp
--- lldb/source/Symbol/Symtab.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Symbol/Symtab.cpp
@@ -328,8 +328,10 @@
         const SymbolType type = symbol->GetType();
         if (type == eSymbolTypeCode || type == eSymbolTypeResolver) {
-          if (mangled.DemangleWithRichManglingInfo(rmc, lldb_skip_name))
+          if (mangled.DemangleWithRichManglingInfo(rmc, lldb_skip_name)) {
             RegisterMangledNameEntry(value, class_contexts, backlog, rmc);
+            continue;
+          }
Index: lldb/source/Core/Mangled.cpp
--- lldb/source/Core/Mangled.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Core/Mangled.cpp
@@ -214,24 +214,16 @@
   case eManglingSchemeItanium:
     // We want the rich mangling info here, so we don't care whether or not
     // there is a demangled string in the pool already.
-    if (context.FromItaniumName(m_mangled)) {
-      // If we got an info, we have a name. Copy to string pool and connect the
-      // counterparts to accelerate later access in GetDemangledName().
-      m_demangled.SetStringWithMangledCounterpart(context.ParseFullName(),
-                                                  m_mangled);
-      return true;
-    } else {
-      m_demangled.SetCString("");
-      return false;
-    }
+    return context.FromItaniumName(m_mangled);
   case eManglingSchemeMSVC: {
     // We have no rich mangling for MSVC-mangled names yet, so first try to
     // demangle it if necessary.
     if (!m_demangled && !m_mangled.GetMangledCounterpart(m_demangled)) {
       if (char *d = GetMSVCDemangledStr(m_mangled.GetCString())) {
-        // If we got an info, we have a name. Copy to string pool and connect
-        // the counterparts to accelerate later access in GetDemangledName().
+        // Without the rich mangling info we have to demangle the full name.
+        // Copy it to string pool and connect the counterparts to accelerate
+        // later access in GetDemangledName().

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