[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 10bc336 - Revert "[LLDB][NativePDB] Add support for inlined functions"
Stella Stamenova via lldb-commits
lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 12 08:53:55 PST 2022
Author: Stella Stamenova
Date: 2022-01-12T08:53:19-08:00
New Revision: 10bc3362a1a8a3df2660bf65db0ec1ccab646e1b
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/10bc3362a1a8a3df2660bf65db0ec1ccab646e1b
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/10bc3362a1a8a3df2660bf65db0ec1ccab646e1b.diff
LOG: Revert "[LLDB][NativePDB] Add support for inlined functions"
This reverts commit 945aa520ef07a3edb655f3f38e4c3023658dd623.
This commit broke the windows lldb bot.
diff --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h b/lldb/include/lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h
index b5121b29fe028..5cd22bd831eef 100644
--- a/lldb/include/lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h
+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ class LineTable {
LineTable *LinkLineTable(const FileRangeMap &file_range_map);
struct Entry {
: line(0), is_start_of_statement(false), is_start_of_basic_block(false),
@@ -302,7 +303,6 @@ class LineTable {
uint16_t file_idx = 0;
struct EntrySearchInfo {
LineTable *line_table;
lldb_private::Section *a_section;
diff --git a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.cpp b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.cpp
index d8f737612c257..9f09c0accc876 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.cpp
@@ -106,24 +106,6 @@ static void ParseExtendedInfo(PdbIndex &index, CompilandIndexItem &item) {
-static void ParseInlineeLineTableForCompileUnit(CompilandIndexItem &item) {
- for (const auto &ss : item.m_debug_stream.getSubsectionsArray()) {
- if (ss.kind() != DebugSubsectionKind::InlineeLines)
- continue;
- DebugInlineeLinesSubsectionRef inlinee_lines;
- llvm::BinaryStreamReader reader(ss.getRecordData());
- if (llvm::Error error = inlinee_lines.initialize(reader)) {
- consumeError(std::move(error));
- continue;
- }
- for (const InlineeSourceLine &Line : inlinee_lines) {
- item.m_inline_map[Line.Header->Inlinee] = Line;
- }
- }
PdbCompilandId id, llvm::pdb::ModuleDebugStreamRef debug_stream,
llvm::pdb::DbiModuleDescriptor descriptor)
@@ -160,7 +142,6 @@ CompilandIndexItem &CompileUnitIndex::GetOrCreateCompiland(uint16_t modi) {
cci = std::make_unique<CompilandIndexItem>(
PdbCompilandId{modi}, std::move(debug_stream), std::move(descriptor));
ParseExtendedInfo(m_index, *cci);
- ParseInlineeLineTableForCompileUnit(*cci);
PDBStringTable &strings = cantFail(m_index.pdb().getStringTable());
diff --git a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.h b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.h
index 4ad27de986954..088de970cbf32 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.h
+++ b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/CompileUnitIndex.h
@@ -9,12 +9,10 @@
-#include "lldb/Utility/RangeMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
-#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugInlineeLinesSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringsAndChecksums.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolRecord.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeIndex.h"
@@ -71,17 +69,6 @@ struct CompilandIndexItem {
// command line, etc. This usually contains exactly 5 items which
// are references to other strings.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::codeview::TypeIndex, 5> m_build_info;
- // Inlinee lines table in this compile unit.
- std::map<llvm::codeview::TypeIndex, llvm::codeview::InlineeSourceLine>
- m_inline_map;
- // It's the line table parsed from DEBUG_S_LINES sections, mapping the file
- // address range to file index and source line number.
- using GlobalLineTable =
- lldb_private::RangeDataVector<lldb::addr_t, uint32_t,
- std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>;
- GlobalLineTable m_global_line_table;
/// Indexes information about all compile units. This is really just a map of
diff --git a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.cpp b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.cpp
index 578b369945d01..e859b1d5a86cf 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.cpp
@@ -330,65 +330,31 @@ uint32_t SymbolFileNativePDB::CalculateNumCompileUnits() {
Block &SymbolFileNativePDB::CreateBlock(PdbCompilandSymId block_id) {
CompilandIndexItem *cii = m_index->compilands().GetCompiland(block_id.modi);
CVSymbol sym = cii->m_debug_stream.readSymbolAtOffset(block_id.offset);
- CompUnitSP comp_unit = GetOrCreateCompileUnit(*cii);
+ if (sym.kind() == S_GPROC32 || sym.kind() == S_LPROC32) {
+ // This is a function. It must be global. Creating the Function entry for
+ // it automatically creates a block for it.
+ CompUnitSP comp_unit = GetOrCreateCompileUnit(*cii);
+ return GetOrCreateFunction(block_id, *comp_unit)->GetBlock(false);
+ }
+ lldbassert(sym.kind() == S_BLOCK32);
+ // This is a block. Its parent is either a function or another block. In
+ // either case, its parent can be viewed as a block (e.g. a function contains
+ // 1 big block. So just get the parent block and add this block to it.
+ BlockSym block(static_cast<SymbolRecordKind>(sym.kind()));
+ cantFail(SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs<BlockSym>(sym, block));
+ lldbassert(block.Parent != 0);
+ PdbCompilandSymId parent_id(block_id.modi, block.Parent);
+ Block &parent_block = GetOrCreateBlock(parent_id);
lldb::user_id_t opaque_block_uid = toOpaqueUid(block_id);
BlockSP child_block = std::make_shared<Block>(opaque_block_uid);
+ parent_block.AddChild(child_block);
- switch (sym.kind()) {
- case S_GPROC32:
- case S_LPROC32: {
- // This is a function. It must be global. Creating the Function entry
- // for it automatically creates a block for it.
- FunctionSP func = GetOrCreateFunction(block_id, *comp_unit);
- Block &block = func->GetBlock(false);
- if (block.GetNumRanges() == 0)
- block.AddRange(Block::Range(0, func->GetAddressRange().GetByteSize()));
- return block;
- }
- case S_BLOCK32: {
- // This is a block. Its parent is either a function or another block. In
- // either case, its parent can be viewed as a block (e.g. a function
- // contains 1 big block. So just get the parent block and add this block
- // to it.
- BlockSym block(static_cast<SymbolRecordKind>(sym.kind()));
- cantFail(SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs<BlockSym>(sym, block));
- lldbassert(block.Parent != 0);
- PdbCompilandSymId parent_id(block_id.modi, block.Parent);
- Block &parent_block = GetOrCreateBlock(parent_id);
- parent_block.AddChild(child_block);
- m_ast->GetOrCreateBlockDecl(block_id);
- m_blocks.insert({opaque_block_uid, child_block});
- break;
- }
- case S_INLINESITE: {
- // This ensures line table is parsed first so we have inline sites info.
- comp_unit->GetLineTable();
- std::shared_ptr<InlineSite> inline_site = m_inline_sites[opaque_block_uid];
- Block &parent_block = GetOrCreateBlock(inline_site->parent_id);
- parent_block.AddChild(child_block);
- // Copy ranges from InlineSite to Block.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < inline_site->ranges.GetSize(); ++i) {
- auto *entry = inline_site->ranges.GetEntryAtIndex(i);
- child_block->AddRange(
- Block::Range(entry->GetRangeBase(), entry->GetByteSize()));
- }
- child_block->FinalizeRanges();
- // Get the inlined function callsite info.
- Declaration &decl = inline_site->inline_function_info->GetDeclaration();
- Declaration &callsite = inline_site->inline_function_info->GetCallSite();
- child_block->SetInlinedFunctionInfo(
- inline_site->inline_function_info->GetName().GetCString(), nullptr,
- &decl, &callsite);
- m_blocks.insert({opaque_block_uid, child_block});
- break;
- }
- default:
- lldbassert(false && "Symbol is not a block!");
- }
+ m_ast->GetOrCreateBlockDecl(block_id);
+ m_blocks.insert({opaque_block_uid, child_block});
return *child_block;
@@ -1005,22 +971,16 @@ uint32_t SymbolFileNativePDB::ResolveSymbolContext(
if (type == PDB_SymType::Function) {
sc.function = GetOrCreateFunction(csid, *sc.comp_unit).get();
- Block &block = sc.function->GetBlock(true);
- addr_t func_base =
- sc.function->GetAddressRange().GetBaseAddress().GetFileAddress();
- addr_t offset = file_addr - func_base;
- sc.block = block.FindInnermostBlockByOffset(offset);
+ sc.block = sc.GetFunctionBlock();
if (type == PDB_SymType::Block) {
sc.block = &GetOrCreateBlock(csid);
sc.function = sc.block->CalculateSymbolContextFunction();
- if (sc.function)
- resolved_flags |= eSymbolContextFunction;
- if (sc.block)
- resolved_flags |= eSymbolContextBlock;
- break;
+ resolved_flags |= eSymbolContextFunction;
+ resolved_flags |= eSymbolContextBlock;
+ break;
@@ -1038,24 +998,43 @@ uint32_t SymbolFileNativePDB::ResolveSymbolContext(
uint32_t SymbolFileNativePDB::ResolveSymbolContext(
const SourceLocationSpec &src_location_spec,
lldb::SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, SymbolContextList &sc_list) {
- std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(GetModuleMutex());
- const uint32_t prev_size = sc_list.GetSize();
- if (resolve_scope & eSymbolContextCompUnit) {
- for (uint32_t cu_idx = 0, num_cus = GetNumCompileUnits(); cu_idx < num_cus;
- ++cu_idx) {
- CompileUnit *cu = ParseCompileUnitAtIndex(cu_idx).get();
- if (!cu)
- continue;
+ return 0;
- bool file_spec_matches_cu_file_spec = FileSpec::Match(
- src_location_spec.GetFileSpec(), cu->GetPrimaryFile());
- if (file_spec_matches_cu_file_spec) {
- cu->ResolveSymbolContext(src_location_spec, resolve_scope, sc_list);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return sc_list.GetSize() - prev_size;
+static void AppendLineEntryToSequence(LineTable &table, LineSequence &sequence,
+ const CompilandIndexItem &cci,
+ lldb::addr_t base_addr,
+ uint32_t file_number,
+ const LineFragmentHeader &block,
+ const LineNumberEntry &cur) {
+ LineInfo cur_info(cur.Flags);
+ if (cur_info.isAlwaysStepInto() || cur_info.isNeverStepInto())
+ return;
+ uint64_t addr = base_addr + cur.Offset;
+ bool is_statement = cur_info.isStatement();
+ bool is_prologue = IsFunctionPrologue(cci, addr);
+ bool is_epilogue = IsFunctionEpilogue(cci, addr);
+ uint32_t lno = cur_info.getStartLine();
+ table.AppendLineEntryToSequence(&sequence, addr, lno, 0, file_number,
+ is_statement, false, is_prologue, is_epilogue,
+ false);
+static void TerminateLineSequence(LineTable &table,
+ const LineFragmentHeader &block,
+ lldb::addr_t base_addr, uint32_t file_number,
+ uint32_t last_line,
+ std::unique_ptr<LineSequence> seq) {
+ // The end is always a terminal entry, so insert it regardless.
+ table.AppendLineEntryToSequence(seq.get(), base_addr + block.CodeSize,
+ last_line, 0, file_number, false, false,
+ false, false, true);
+ table.InsertSequence(seq.get());
bool SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseLineTable(CompileUnit &comp_unit) {
@@ -1066,21 +1045,16 @@ bool SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseLineTable(CompileUnit &comp_unit) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(GetModuleMutex());
PdbSymUid cu_id(comp_unit.GetID());
lldbassert(cu_id.kind() == PdbSymUidKind::Compiland);
- uint16_t modi = cu_id.asCompiland().modi;
- CompilandIndexItem *cii = m_index->compilands().GetCompiland(modi);
- lldbassert(cii);
- // Parse DEBUG_S_LINES subsections first, then parse all S_INLINESITE records
- // in this CU. Add line entries into the set first so that if there are line
- // entries with same addres, the later is always more accurate than the
- // former.
- std::set<LineTable::Entry, LineTableEntryComparator> line_set;
+ CompilandIndexItem *cci =
+ m_index->compilands().GetCompiland(cu_id.asCompiland().modi);
+ lldbassert(cci);
+ auto line_table = std::make_unique<LineTable>(&comp_unit);
// This is basically a copy of the .debug$S subsections from all original COFF
// object files merged together with address relocations applied. We are
// looking for all DEBUG_S_LINES subsections.
for (const DebugSubsectionRecord &dssr :
- cii->m_debug_stream.getSubsectionsArray()) {
+ cci->m_debug_stream.getSubsectionsArray()) {
if (dssr.kind() != DebugSubsectionKind::Lines)
@@ -1095,111 +1069,42 @@ bool SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseLineTable(CompileUnit &comp_unit) {
uint64_t virtual_addr =
m_index->MakeVirtualAddress(lfh->RelocSegment, lfh->RelocOffset);
+ const auto &checksums = cci->m_strings.checksums().getArray();
+ const auto &strings = cci->m_strings.strings();
for (const LineColumnEntry &group : lines) {
- llvm::Expected<uint32_t> file_index_or_err =
- GetFileIndex(*cii, group.NameIndex);
- if (!file_index_or_err)
+ // Indices in this structure are actually offsets of records in the
+ // DEBUG_S_FILECHECKSUMS subsection. Those entries then have an index
+ // into the global PDB string table.
+ auto iter = checksums.at(group.NameIndex);
+ if (iter == checksums.end())
- uint32_t file_index = file_index_or_err.get();
- lldbassert(!group.LineNumbers.empty());
- CompilandIndexItem::GlobalLineTable::Entry line_entry(
- for (const LineNumberEntry &entry : group.LineNumbers) {
- LineInfo cur_info(entry.Flags);
- if (cur_info.isAlwaysStepInto() || cur_info.isNeverStepInto())
- continue;
- uint64_t addr = virtual_addr + entry.Offset;
- bool is_statement = cur_info.isStatement();
- bool is_prologue = IsFunctionPrologue(*cii, addr);
- bool is_epilogue = IsFunctionEpilogue(*cii, addr);
+ llvm::Expected<llvm::StringRef> efn =
+ strings.getString(iter->FileNameOffset);
+ if (!efn) {
+ llvm::consumeError(efn.takeError());
+ continue;
+ }
- uint32_t lno = cur_info.getStartLine();
+ // LLDB wants the index of the file in the list of support files.
+ auto fn_iter = llvm::find(cci->m_file_list, *efn);
+ lldbassert(fn_iter != cci->m_file_list.end());
+ uint32_t file_index = std::distance(cci->m_file_list.begin(), fn_iter);
- line_set.emplace(addr, lno, 0, file_index, is_statement, false,
- is_prologue, is_epilogue, false);
+ std::unique_ptr<LineSequence> sequence(
+ line_table->CreateLineSequenceContainer());
+ lldbassert(!group.LineNumbers.empty());
- if (line_entry.GetRangeBase() != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
- line_entry.SetRangeEnd(addr);
- cii->m_global_line_table.Append(line_entry);
- }
- line_entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
- line_entry.data = {file_index, lno};
+ for (const LineNumberEntry &entry : group.LineNumbers) {
+ AppendLineEntryToSequence(*line_table, *sequence, *cci, virtual_addr,
+ file_index, *lfh, entry);
LineInfo last_line(group.LineNumbers.back().Flags);
- line_set.emplace(virtual_addr + lfh->CodeSize, last_line.getEndLine(), 0,
- file_index, false, false, false, false, true);
- if (line_entry.GetRangeBase() != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
- line_entry.SetRangeEnd(virtual_addr + lfh->CodeSize);
- cii->m_global_line_table.Append(line_entry);
- }
+ TerminateLineSequence(*line_table, *lfh, virtual_addr, file_index,
+ last_line.getEndLine(), std::move(sequence));
- cii->m_global_line_table.Sort();
- // Parse all S_INLINESITE in this CU.
- const CVSymbolArray &syms = cii->m_debug_stream.getSymbolArray();
- for (auto iter = syms.begin(); iter != syms.end();) {
- if (iter->kind() != S_LPROC32 && iter->kind() != S_GPROC32) {
- ++iter;
- continue;
- }
- uint32_t record_offset = iter.offset();
- CVSymbol func_record =
- cii->m_debug_stream.readSymbolAtOffset(record_offset);
- SegmentOffsetLength sol = GetSegmentOffsetAndLength(func_record);
- addr_t file_vm_addr = m_index->MakeVirtualAddress(sol.so);
- AddressRange func_range(file_vm_addr, sol.length,
- comp_unit.GetModule()->GetSectionList());
- Address func_base = func_range.GetBaseAddress();
- PdbCompilandSymId func_id{modi, record_offset};
- // Iterate all S_INLINESITEs in the function.
- auto parse_inline_sites = [&](SymbolKind kind, PdbCompilandSymId id) {
- if (kind != S_INLINESITE)
- return false;
- ParseInlineSite(id, func_base);
- for (const auto &line_entry :
- m_inline_sites[toOpaqueUid(id)]->line_entries) {
- // If line_entry is not terminal entry, remove previous line entry at
- // the same address and insert new one. Terminal entry inside an inline
- // site might not be terminal entry for its parent.
- if (!line_entry.is_terminal_entry)
- line_set.erase(line_entry);
- line_set.insert(line_entry);
- }
- // No longer useful after adding to line_set.
- m_inline_sites[toOpaqueUid(id)]->line_entries.clear();
- return true;
- };
- ParseSymbolArrayInScope(func_id, parse_inline_sites);
- // Jump to the end of the function record.
- iter = syms.at(getScopeEndOffset(func_record));
- }
- cii->m_global_line_table.Clear();
- // Add line entries in line_set to line_table.
- auto line_table = std::make_unique<LineTable>(&comp_unit);
- std::unique_ptr<LineSequence> sequence(
- line_table->CreateLineSequenceContainer());
- for (const auto &line_entry : line_set) {
- line_table->AppendLineEntryToSequence(
- sequence.get(), line_entry.file_addr, line_entry.line,
- line_entry.column, line_entry.file_idx,
- line_entry.is_start_of_statement, line_entry.is_start_of_basic_block,
- line_entry.is_prologue_end, line_entry.is_epilogue_begin,
- line_entry.is_terminal_entry);
- }
- line_table->InsertSequence(sequence.get());
if (line_table->GetSize() == 0)
return false;
@@ -1212,33 +1117,6 @@ bool SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseDebugMacros(CompileUnit &comp_unit) {
return false;
-SymbolFileNativePDB::GetFileIndex(const CompilandIndexItem &cii,
- uint32_t file_id) {
- auto index_iter = m_file_indexes.find(file_id);
- if (index_iter != m_file_indexes.end())
- return index_iter->getSecond();
- const auto &checksums = cii.m_strings.checksums().getArray();
- const auto &strings = cii.m_strings.strings();
- // Indices in this structure are actually offsets of records in the
- // DEBUG_S_FILECHECKSUMS subsection. Those entries then have an index
- // into the global PDB string table.
- auto iter = checksums.at(file_id);
- if (iter == checksums.end())
- return llvm::make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::no_entry);
- llvm::Expected<llvm::StringRef> efn = strings.getString(iter->FileNameOffset);
- if (!efn) {
- return efn.takeError();
- }
- // LLDB wants the index of the file in the list of support files.
- auto fn_iter = llvm::find(cii.m_file_list, *efn);
- lldbassert(fn_iter != cii.m_file_list.end());
- m_file_indexes[file_id] = std::distance(cii.m_file_list.begin(), fn_iter);
- return m_file_indexes[file_id];
bool SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseSupportFiles(CompileUnit &comp_unit,
FileSpecList &support_files) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(GetModuleMutex());
@@ -1263,220 +1141,11 @@ bool SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseImportedModules(
return false;
-void SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseInlineSite(PdbCompilandSymId id,
- Address func_addr) {
- lldb::user_id_t opaque_uid = toOpaqueUid(id);
- if (m_inline_sites.find(opaque_uid) != m_inline_sites.end())
- return;
- addr_t func_base = func_addr.GetFileAddress();
- CompilandIndexItem *cii = m_index->compilands().GetCompiland(id.modi);
- CVSymbol sym = cii->m_debug_stream.readSymbolAtOffset(id.offset);
- CompUnitSP comp_unit = GetOrCreateCompileUnit(*cii);
- InlineSiteSym inline_site(static_cast<SymbolRecordKind>(sym.kind()));
- cantFail(SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs<InlineSiteSym>(sym, inline_site));
- PdbCompilandSymId parent_id(id.modi, inline_site.Parent);
- std::shared_ptr<InlineSite> inline_site_sp =
- std::make_shared<InlineSite>(parent_id);
- // Get the inlined function declaration info.
- auto iter = cii->m_inline_map.find(inline_site.Inlinee);
- if (iter == cii->m_inline_map.end())
- return;
- InlineeSourceLine inlinee_line = iter->second;
- const FileSpecList &files = comp_unit->GetSupportFiles();
- FileSpec decl_file;
- llvm::Expected<uint32_t> file_index_or_err =
- GetFileIndex(*cii, inlinee_line.Header->FileID);
- if (!file_index_or_err)
- return;
- uint32_t decl_file_idx = file_index_or_err.get();
- decl_file = files.GetFileSpecAtIndex(decl_file_idx);
- uint32_t decl_line = inlinee_line.Header->SourceLineNum;
- std::unique_ptr<Declaration> decl_up =
- std::make_unique<Declaration>(decl_file, decl_line);
- // Parse range and line info.
- uint32_t code_offset = 0;
- int32_t line_offset = 0;
- bool has_base = false;
- bool is_new_line_offset = false;
- bool is_start_of_statement = false;
- // The first instruction is the prologue end.
- bool is_prologue_end = true;
- auto change_code_offset = [&](uint32_t code_delta) {
- if (has_base) {
- inline_site_sp->ranges.Append(RangeSourceLineVector::Entry(
- code_offset, code_delta, decl_line + line_offset));
- is_prologue_end = false;
- is_start_of_statement = false;
- } else {
- is_start_of_statement = true;
- }
- has_base = true;
- code_offset += code_delta;
- if (is_new_line_offset) {
- LineTable::Entry line_entry(func_base + code_offset,
- decl_line + line_offset, 0, decl_file_idx,
- true, false, is_prologue_end, false, false);
- inline_site_sp->line_entries.push_back(line_entry);
- is_new_line_offset = false;
- }
- };
- auto change_code_length = [&](uint32_t length) {
- inline_site_sp->ranges.Append(RangeSourceLineVector::Entry(
- code_offset, length, decl_line + line_offset));
- has_base = false;
- LineTable::Entry end_line_entry(func_base + code_offset + length,
- decl_line + line_offset, 0, decl_file_idx,
- false, false, false, false, true);
- inline_site_sp->line_entries.push_back(end_line_entry);
- };
- auto change_line_offset = [&](int32_t line_delta) {
- line_offset += line_delta;
- if (has_base) {
- LineTable::Entry line_entry(
- func_base + code_offset, decl_line + line_offset, 0, decl_file_idx,
- is_start_of_statement, false, is_prologue_end, false, false);
- inline_site_sp->line_entries.push_back(line_entry);
- } else {
- // Add line entry in next call to change_code_offset.
- is_new_line_offset = true;
- }
- };
- for (auto &annot : inline_site.annotations()) {
- switch (annot.OpCode) {
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::CodeOffset:
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::ChangeCodeOffset:
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::ChangeCodeOffsetBase:
- change_code_offset(annot.U1);
- break;
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::ChangeLineOffset:
- change_line_offset(annot.S1);
- break;
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::ChangeCodeLength:
- change_code_length(annot.U1);
- code_offset += annot.U1;
- break;
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::ChangeCodeOffsetAndLineOffset:
- change_code_offset(annot.U1);
- change_line_offset(annot.S1);
- break;
- case BinaryAnnotationsOpCode::ChangeCodeLengthAndCodeOffset:
- change_code_offset(annot.U2);
- change_code_length(annot.U1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- inline_site_sp->ranges.Sort();
- inline_site_sp->ranges.CombineConsecutiveEntriesWithEqualData();
- // Get the inlined function callsite info.
- std::unique_ptr<Declaration> callsite_up;
- if (!inline_site_sp->ranges.IsEmpty()) {
- auto *entry = inline_site_sp->ranges.GetEntryAtIndex(0);
- addr_t base_offset = entry->GetRangeBase();
- if (cii->m_debug_stream.readSymbolAtOffset(parent_id.offset).kind() ==
- // Its parent is another inline site, lookup parent site's range vector
- // for callsite line.
- ParseInlineSite(parent_id, func_base);
- std::shared_ptr<InlineSite> parent_site =
- m_inline_sites[toOpaqueUid(parent_id)];
- FileSpec &parent_decl_file =
- parent_site->inline_function_info->GetDeclaration().GetFile();
- if (auto *parent_entry =
- parent_site->ranges.FindEntryThatContains(base_offset)) {
- callsite_up =
- std::make_unique<Declaration>(parent_decl_file, parent_entry->data);
- }
- } else {
- // Its parent is a function, lookup global line table for callsite.
- if (auto *entry = cii->m_global_line_table.FindEntryThatContains(
- func_base + base_offset)) {
- const FileSpec &callsite_file =
- files.GetFileSpecAtIndex(entry->data.first);
- callsite_up =
- std::make_unique<Declaration>(callsite_file, entry->data.second);
- }
- }
- }
- // Get the inlined function name.
- CVType inlinee_cvt = m_index->ipi().getType(inline_site.Inlinee);
- std::string inlinee_name;
- if (inlinee_cvt.kind() == LF_MFUNC_ID) {
- MemberFuncIdRecord mfr;
- cantFail(
- TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs<MemberFuncIdRecord>(inlinee_cvt, mfr));
- LazyRandomTypeCollection &types = m_index->tpi().typeCollection();
- inlinee_name.append(std::string(types.getTypeName(mfr.ClassType)));
- inlinee_name.append("::");
- inlinee_name.append(mfr.getName().str());
- } else if (inlinee_cvt.kind() == LF_FUNC_ID) {
- FuncIdRecord fir;
- cantFail(TypeDeserializer::deserializeAs<FuncIdRecord>(inlinee_cvt, fir));
- TypeIndex parent_idx = fir.getParentScope();
- if (!parent_idx.isNoneType()) {
- LazyRandomTypeCollection &ids = m_index->ipi().typeCollection();
- inlinee_name.append(std::string(ids.getTypeName(parent_idx)));
- inlinee_name.append("::");
- }
- inlinee_name.append(fir.getName().str());
- }
- inline_site_sp->inline_function_info = std::make_shared<InlineFunctionInfo>(
- inlinee_name.c_str(), llvm::StringRef(), decl_up.get(),
- callsite_up.get());
- m_inline_sites[opaque_uid] = inline_site_sp;
size_t SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseBlocksRecursive(Function &func) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(GetModuleMutex());
- PdbCompilandSymId func_id = PdbSymUid(func.GetID()).asCompilandSym();
- // After we iterate through inline sites inside the function, we already get
- // all the info needed, removing from the map to save memory.
- std::set<uint64_t> remove_uids;
- auto parse_inline_sites = [&](SymbolKind kind, PdbCompilandSymId id) {
- if (kind != S_INLINESITE)
- return false;
- GetOrCreateBlock(id);
- remove_uids.insert(toOpaqueUid(id));
- return true;
- };
- size_t count = ParseSymbolArrayInScope(func_id, parse_inline_sites);
- for (uint64_t uid : remove_uids) {
- m_inline_sites.erase(uid);
- }
- return count;
-size_t SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseSymbolArrayInScope(
- PdbCompilandSymId parent_id,
- llvm::function_ref<bool(SymbolKind, PdbCompilandSymId)> fn) {
- CompilandIndexItem *cii = m_index->compilands().GetCompiland(parent_id.modi);
- CVSymbolArray syms =
- cii->m_debug_stream.getSymbolArrayForScope(parent_id.offset);
- size_t count = 1;
- for (auto iter = syms.begin(); iter != syms.end(); ++iter) {
- PdbCompilandSymId child_id(parent_id.modi, iter.offset());
- if (fn(iter->kind(), child_id))
- ++count;
- }
- return count;
+ GetOrCreateBlock(PdbSymUid(func.GetID()).asCompilandSym());
+ // FIXME: Parse child blocks
+ return 1;
void SymbolFileNativePDB::DumpClangAST(Stream &s) { m_ast->Dump(s); }
@@ -1727,9 +1396,6 @@ size_t SymbolFileNativePDB::ParseVariablesForBlock(PdbCompilandSymId block_id) {
case S_BLOCK32:
- // TODO: Handle inline site case.
- return 0;
lldbassert(false && "Symbol is not a block!");
return 0;
diff --git a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.h b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.h
index f1b6e34ca346b..56a5ec0a464d7 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.h
+++ b/lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/NativePDB/SymbolFileNativePDB.h
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
-#include "lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
@@ -162,25 +161,6 @@ class SymbolFileNativePDB : public SymbolFile {
void DumpClangAST(Stream &s) override;
- struct LineTableEntryComparator {
- bool operator()(const lldb_private::LineTable::Entry &lhs,
- const lldb_private::LineTable::Entry &rhs) const {
- return lhs.file_addr < rhs.file_addr;
- }
- };
- // From address range relative to function base to source line number.
- using RangeSourceLineVector =
- lldb_private::RangeDataVector<uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t>;
- // InlineSite contains information in a S_INLINESITE record.
- struct InlineSite {
- PdbCompilandSymId parent_id;
- std::shared_ptr<InlineFunctionInfo> inline_function_info;
- RangeSourceLineVector ranges;
- std::vector<lldb_private::LineTable::Entry> line_entries;
- InlineSite(PdbCompilandSymId parent_id) : parent_id(parent_id){};
- };
uint32_t CalculateNumCompileUnits() override;
lldb::CompUnitSP ParseCompileUnitAtIndex(uint32_t index) override;
@@ -245,16 +225,6 @@ class SymbolFileNativePDB : public SymbolFile {
VariableList &variables);
size_t ParseVariablesForBlock(PdbCompilandSymId block_id);
- llvm::Expected<uint32_t> GetFileIndex(const CompilandIndexItem &cii,
- uint32_t file_id);
- size_t ParseSymbolArrayInScope(
- PdbCompilandSymId parent,
- llvm::function_ref<bool(llvm::codeview::SymbolKind, PdbCompilandSymId)>
- fn);
- void ParseInlineSite(PdbCompilandSymId inline_site_id, Address func_addr);
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator m_allocator;
lldb::addr_t m_obj_load_address = 0;
@@ -271,9 +241,6 @@ class SymbolFileNativePDB : public SymbolFile {
llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, lldb::FunctionSP> m_functions;
llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, lldb::CompUnitSP> m_compilands;
llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, lldb::TypeSP> m_types;
- llvm::DenseMap<lldb::user_id_t, std::shared_ptr<InlineSite>> m_inline_sites;
- // A map from file id in records to file index in support files.
- llvm::DenseMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> m_file_indexes;
} // namespace npdb
diff --git a/lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/Inputs/inline_sites.lldbinit b/lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/Inputs/inline_sites.lldbinit
deleted file mode 100644
index 362e79252e66b..0000000000000
--- a/lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/Inputs/inline_sites.lldbinit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-image dump line-table a.cpp -v
-b a.cpp:5
-b a.h:5
-b a.h:6
-b a.h:7
-b b.h:6
-b c.h:6
-image lookup -a 0x140001003 -v
-image lookup -a 0x140001004 -v
-image lookup -a 0x140001014 -v
-image lookup -a 0x14000101a -v
-image lookup -a 0x140001021 -v
-image lookup -a 0x140001028 -v
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/inline_sites.s b/lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/inline_sites.s
deleted file mode 100644
index efe266e23a6ad..0000000000000
--- a/lldb/test/Shell/SymbolFile/NativePDB/inline_sites.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-# clang-format off
-# REQUIRES: lld, x86
-# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=x86_64-windows-msvc --filetype=obj %s > %t.obj
-# RUN: lld-link -debug:full -nodefaultlib -entry:main %t.obj -out:%t.exe
-# RUN: env LLDB_USE_NATIVE_PDB_READER=1 %lldb -f %t.exe -s \
-# RUN: %p/Inputs/inline_sites.lldbinit 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-# Compiled from the following files, but replaced the call to abort with nop.
-# a.cpp:
-# #include "stdlib.h"
-# #include "a.h"
-# int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-# Namespace1::foo(2);
-# return 0;
-# }
-# a.h:
-# #include "b.h"
-# namespace Namespace1 {
-# inline void foo(int x) {
-# static volatile int gv_foo;
-# ++gv_foo;
-# if (!gv_foo)
-# abort();
-# Class1::bar(x + 1);
-# }
-# }
-# b.h:
-# #include "c.h"
-# class Class1 {
-# public:
-# inline static void bar(int x) {
-# static volatile int gv_bar;
-# ++gv_bar;
-# Namespace2::Class2::func(x + 1);
-# }
-# };
-# c.h:
-# namespace Namespace2{
-# class Class2{
-# public:
-# inline static void func(int x) {
-# static volatile int gv_func;
-# gv_func += x;
-# }
-# };
-# }
-# CHECK: (lldb) image dump line-table a.cpp -v
-# CHECK-NEXT: Line table for /tmp/a.cpp in
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000140001000: /tmp/a.cpp:3
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000140001004: /tmp/a.h:5, is_start_of_statement = TRUE, is_prologue_end = TRUE
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x000000014000100a: /tmp/a.h:6
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000140001014: /tmp/b.h:6, is_start_of_statement = TRUE, is_prologue_end = TRUE
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x000000014000101a: /tmp/c.h:6, is_start_of_statement = TRUE, is_prologue_end = TRUE
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000140001021: /tmp/a.cpp:5
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000140001028: /tmp/a.h:7, is_start_of_statement = TRUE
-# CHECK-NEXT: 0x000000014000102a: /tmp/a.cpp:5, is_terminal_entry = TRUE
-# CEHCK: (lldb) b a.cpp:5
-# CHECK: Breakpoint 1: where = {{.*}}`main + 33 at a.cpp:5, address = 0x0000000140001021
-# CEHCK: (lldb) b a.h:5
-# CHECK: Breakpoint 2: where = {{.*}}`main + 4 [inlined] Namespace1::foo at a.h:5, address = 0x0000000140001004
-# CEHCK: (lldb) b a.h:6
-# CHECK: Breakpoint 3: where = {{.*}}`main + 10 [inlined] Namespace1::foo + 6 at a.h:6, address = 0x000000014000100a
-# CEHCK: (lldb) b a.h:7
-# CHECK: Breakpoint 4: where = {{.*}}`main + 40 [inlined] Namespace1::foo at a.h:7, address = 0x0000000140001028
-# CEHCK: (lldb) b b.h:6
-# CHECK: Breakpoint 5: where = {{.*}}`main + 20 [inlined] Class1::bar at b.h:6, address = 0x0000000140001014
-# CEHCK: (lldb) b c.h:6
-# CHECK: Breakpoint 6: where = {{.*}}`main + 26 [inlined] Namespace2::Class2::func at c.h:6, address = 0x000000014000101a
-# CEHCK-LABEL: (lldb) image lookup -a 0x140001003 -v
-# CHECK: Summary: {{.*}}`main + 3 at a.cpp:3
-# CHECK: Function: id = {{.*}}, name = "main", range = [0x0000000140001000-0x000000014000102a)
-# CHECK: Blocks: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001000-0x14000102a)
-# CHECK: LineEntry: [0x0000000140001000-0x0000000140001004): /tmp/a.cpp:3
-# CEHCK-LABEL: (lldb) image lookup -a 0x140001004 -v
-# CHECK: Summary: {{.*}}`main + 4 [inlined] Namespace1::foo at a.h:5
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 4 at a.cpp:4
-# CHECK: Function: id = {{.*}}, name = "main", range = [0x0000000140001000-0x000000014000102a)
-# CHECK: Blocks: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001000-0x14000102a)
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, ranges = [0x140001004-0x140001021)[0x140001028-0x14000102a), name = "Namespace1::foo", decl = a.h:3
-# CHECK: LineEntry: [0x0000000140001004-0x000000014000100a): /tmp/a.h:5
-# CEHCK-LABEL: (lldb) image lookup -a 0x140001014 -v
-# CHECK: Summary: {{.*}}`main + 20 [inlined] Class1::bar at b.h:6
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 20 [inlined] Namespace1::foo + 16 at a.h:8
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 4 at a.cpp:4
-# CHECK: Function: id = {{.*}}, name = "main", range = [0x0000000140001000-0x000000014000102a)
-# CHECK: Blocks: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001000-0x14000102a)
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, ranges = [0x140001004-0x140001021)[0x140001028-0x14000102a), name = "Namespace1::foo", decl = a.h:3
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001014-0x140001021), name = "Class1::bar", decl = b.h:4
-# CHECK: LineEntry: [0x0000000140001014-0x000000014000101a): /tmp/b.h:6
-# CEHCK-LABEL: (lldb) image lookup -a 0x14000101a -v
-# CHECK: Summary: {{.*}}`main + 26 [inlined] Namespace2::Class2::func at c.h:6
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 26 [inlined] Class1::bar + 6 at b.h:7
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 20 [inlined] Namespace1::foo + 16 at a.h:8
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 4 at a.cpp:4
-# CHECK: Function: id = {{.*}}, name = "main", range = [0x0000000140001000-0x000000014000102a)
-# CHECK: Blocks: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001000-0x14000102a)
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, ranges = [0x140001004-0x140001021)[0x140001028-0x14000102a), name = "Namespace1::foo", decl = a.h:3
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001014-0x140001021), name = "Class1::bar", decl = b.h:4
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x14000101a-0x140001021), name = "Namespace2::Class2::func", decl = c.h:4
-# CHECK: LineEntry: [0x000000014000101a-0x0000000140001021): /tmp/c.h:6
-# CEHCK-LABEL: (lldb) image lookup -a 0x140001021 -v
-# CHECK: Summary: {{.*}}`main + 33 at a.cpp:5
-# CHECK: Function: id = {{.*}}, name = "main", range = [0x0000000140001000-0x000000014000102a)
-# CHECK: Blocks: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001000-0x14000102a)
-# CHECK: LineEntry: [0x0000000140001021-0x0000000140001028): /tmp/a.cpp:5
-# CEHCK-LABEL: (lldb) image lookup -a 0x140001028 -v
-# CHECK: Summary: {{.*}}`main + 40 [inlined] Namespace1::foo at a.h:7
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}`main + 40 at a.cpp:4
-# CHECK: Function: id = {{.*}}, name = "main", range = [0x0000000140001000-0x000000014000102a)
-# CHECK: Blocks: id = {{.*}}, range = [0x140001000-0x14000102a)
-# CHECK-NEXT: id = {{.*}}, ranges = [0x140001004-0x140001021)[0x140001028-0x14000102a), name = "Namespace1::foo", decl = a.h:3
-# CHECK: LineEntry: [0x0000000140001028-0x000000014000102a): /tmp/a.h:7
- .text
- .def @feat.00;
- .scl 3;
- .type 0;
- .endef
- .globl @feat.00
-.set @feat.00, 0
- .intel_syntax noprefix
- .file "a.cpp"
- .def main;
- .scl 2;
- .type 32;
- .endef
- .section .text,"xr",one_only,main
- .globl main # -- Begin function main
-main: # @main
- .cv_func_id 0
- .cv_file 1 "/tmp/a.cpp" "4ECCDD2814054DCF80EA72F4349036C4" 1
- .cv_loc 0 1 3 0 # a.cpp:3:0
-.seh_proc main
-# %bb.0: # %entry
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- $rdx
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- $ecx
- #DEBUG_VALUE: foo:x <- 2
- sub rsp, 40
- .seh_stackalloc 40
- .seh_endprologue
- .cv_file 2 "/tmp/./a.h" "9E656AFA1B1B681265C87EEA8BBE073E" 1
- .cv_inline_site_id 1 within 0 inlined_at 1 4 0
- .cv_loc 1 2 5 0 # ./a.h:5:0
- inc dword ptr [rip + "?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC"]
- .cv_loc 1 2 6 0 # ./a.h:6:0
- mov eax, dword ptr [rip + "?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC"]
- test eax, eax
- je .LBB0_2
-# %bb.1: # %"?foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z.exit"
- #DEBUG_VALUE: foo:x <- 2
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- $ecx
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- $rdx
- #DEBUG_VALUE: bar:x <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 1, DW_OP_stack_value] 2
- .cv_file 3 "/tmp/./b.h" "BE52983EB17A3B0DA14E68A5CCBC4399" 1
- .cv_inline_site_id 2 within 1 inlined_at 2 8 0
- .cv_loc 2 3 6 0 # ./b.h:6:0
- inc dword ptr [rip + "?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC"]
- #DEBUG_VALUE: func:x <- 4
- .cv_file 4 "/tmp/./c.h" "D1B76A1C2A54DBEA648F3A11496166B8" 1
- .cv_inline_site_id 3 within 2 inlined_at 3 7 0
- .cv_loc 3 4 6 0 # ./c.h:6:0
- add dword ptr [rip + "?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC"], 4
- .cv_loc 0 1 5 0 # a.cpp:5:0
- xor eax, eax
- add rsp, 40
- ret
-.LBB0_2: # %if.then.i
- #DEBUG_VALUE: foo:x <- 2
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- $ecx
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- $rdx
- .cv_loc 1 2 7 0 # ./a.h:7:0
- nop
- int3
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx
- #DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx
- .seh_endproc
- # -- End function
- .section .bss,"bw",discard,"?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC"
- .globl "?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC" # @"?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC"
- .p2align 2
-"?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC":
- .long 0 # 0x0
- .section .bss,"bw",discard,"?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC"
- .globl "?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC" # @"?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC"
- .p2align 2
-"?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC":
- .long 0 # 0x0
- .section .bss,"bw",discard,"?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC"
- .globl "?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC" # @"?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC"
- .p2align 2
-"?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC":
- .long 0 # 0x0
- .section .drectve,"yn"
- .ascii " /DEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib"
- .ascii " /DEFAULTLIB:oldnames.lib"
- .section .debug$S,"dr"
- .p2align 2
- .long 4 # Debug section magic
- .long 241
- .long .Ltmp8-.Ltmp7 # Subsection size
- .short .Ltmp10-.Ltmp9 # Record length
- .short 4353 # Record kind: S_OBJNAME
- .long 0 # Signature
- .asciz "/tmp/a-e5dd01.obj" # Object name
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp12-.Ltmp11 # Record length
- .short 4412 # Record kind: S_COMPILE3
- .long 1 # Flags and language
- .short 208 # CPUType
- .short 14 # Frontend version
- .short 0
- .short 0
- .short 0
- .short 14000 # Backend version
- .short 0
- .short 0
- .short 0
- .asciz "clang version 14.0.0" # Null-terminated compiler version string
- .p2align 2
- .p2align 2
- .long 246 # Inlinee lines subsection
- .long .Ltmp14-.Ltmp13 # Subsection size
- .long 0 # Inlinee lines signature
- # Inlined function foo starts at ./a.h:3
- .long 4099 # Type index of inlined function
- .cv_filechecksumoffset 2 # Offset into filechecksum table
- .long 3 # Starting line number
- # Inlined function bar starts at ./b.h:4
- .long 4106 # Type index of inlined function
- .cv_filechecksumoffset 3 # Offset into filechecksum table
- .long 4 # Starting line number
- # Inlined function func starts at ./c.h:4
- .long 4113 # Type index of inlined function
- .cv_filechecksumoffset 4 # Offset into filechecksum table
- .long 4 # Starting line number
- .p2align 2
- .section .debug$S,"dr",associative,main
- .p2align 2
- .long 4 # Debug section magic
- .long 241 # Symbol subsection for main
- .long .Ltmp16-.Ltmp15 # Subsection size
- .short .Ltmp18-.Ltmp17 # Record length
- .short 4423 # Record kind: S_GPROC32_ID
- .long 0 # PtrParent
- .long 0 # PtrEnd
- .long 0 # PtrNext
- .long .Lfunc_end0-main # Code size
- .long 0 # Offset after prologue
- .long 0 # Offset before epilogue
- .long 4117 # Function type index
- .secrel32 main # Function section relative address
- .secidx main # Function section index
- .byte 0 # Flags
- .asciz "main" # Function name
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp20-.Ltmp19 # Record length
- .short 4114 # Record kind: S_FRAMEPROC
- .long 40 # FrameSize
- .long 0 # Padding
- .long 0 # Offset of padding
- .long 0 # Bytes of callee saved registers
- .long 0 # Exception handler offset
- .short 0 # Exception handler section
- .long 81920 # Flags (defines frame register)
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp22-.Ltmp21 # Record length
- .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL
- .long 116 # TypeIndex
- .short 1 # Flags
- .asciz "argc"
- .p2align 2
- .cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin0 .Ltmp5, reg, 18
- .short .Ltmp24-.Ltmp23 # Record length
- .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL
- .long 4114 # TypeIndex
- .short 1 # Flags
- .asciz "argv"
- .p2align 2
- .cv_def_range .Lfunc_begin0 .Ltmp5, reg, 331
- .short .Ltmp26-.Ltmp25 # Record length
- .short 4365 # Record kind: S_GDATA32
- .long 4118 # Type
- .secrel32 "?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC" # DataOffset
- .secidx "?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC" # Segment
- .asciz "Namespace1::foo::gv_foo" # Name
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp28-.Ltmp27 # Record length
- .short 4365 # Record kind: S_GDATA32
- .long 4118 # Type
- .secrel32 "?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC" # DataOffset
- .secidx "?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC" # Segment
- .asciz "Class1::bar::gv_bar" # Name
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp30-.Ltmp29 # Record length
- .short 4365 # Record kind: S_GDATA32
- .long 4118 # Type
- .secrel32 "?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC" # DataOffset
- .secidx "?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC" # Segment
- .asciz "Namespace2::Class2::func::gv_func" # Name
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp32-.Ltmp31 # Record length
- .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE
- .long 0 # PtrParent
- .long 0 # PtrEnd
- .long 4099 # Inlinee type index
- .cv_inline_linetable 1 2 3 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp34-.Ltmp33 # Record length
- .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL
- .long 116 # TypeIndex
- .short 257 # Flags
- .asciz "x"
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp36-.Ltmp35 # Record length
- .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE
- .long 0 # PtrParent
- .long 0 # PtrEnd
- .long 4106 # Inlinee type index
- .cv_inline_linetable 2 3 4 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp38-.Ltmp37 # Record length
- .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL
- .long 116 # TypeIndex
- .short 257 # Flags
- .asciz "x"
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp40-.Ltmp39 # Record length
- .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE
- .long 0 # PtrParent
- .long 0 # PtrEnd
- .long 4113 # Inlinee type index
- .cv_inline_linetable 3 4 4 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp42-.Ltmp41 # Record length
- .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL
- .long 116 # TypeIndex
- .short 257 # Flags
- .asciz "x"
- .p2align 2
- .short 2 # Record length
- .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END
- .short 2 # Record length
- .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END
- .short 2 # Record length
- .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END
- .short 2 # Record length
- .short 4431 # Record kind: S_PROC_ID_END
- .p2align 2
- .cv_linetable 0, main, .Lfunc_end0
- .section .debug$S,"dr"
- .long 241
- .long .Ltmp44-.Ltmp43 # Subsection size
- .short .Ltmp46-.Ltmp45 # Record length
- .short 4360 # Record kind: S_UDT
- .long 4103 # Type
- .asciz "Class1"
- .p2align 2
- .short .Ltmp48-.Ltmp47 # Record length
- .short 4360 # Record kind: S_UDT
- .long 4110 # Type
- .asciz "Namespace2::Class2"
- .p2align 2
- .p2align 2
- .cv_filechecksums # File index to string table offset subsection
- .cv_stringtable # String table
- .long 241
- .long .Ltmp50-.Ltmp49 # Subsection size
- .short .Ltmp52-.Ltmp51 # Record length
- .short 4428 # Record kind: S_BUILDINFO
- .long 4121 # LF_BUILDINFO index
- .p2align 2
- .p2align 2
- .section .debug$T,"dr"
- .p2align 2
- .long 4 # Debug section magic
- # StringId (0x1000)
- .short 0x12 # Record length
- .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
- .long 0x0 # Id
- .asciz "Namespace1" # StringData
- .byte 241
- # ArgList (0x1001)
- .short 0xa # Record length
- .short 0x1201 # Record kind: LF_ARGLIST
- .long 0x1 # NumArgs
- .long 0x74 # Argument: int
- # Procedure (0x1002)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1008 # Record kind: LF_PROCEDURE
- .long 0x3 # ReturnType: void
- .byte 0x0 # CallingConvention: NearC
- .byte 0x0 # FunctionOptions
- .short 0x1 # NumParameters
- .long 0x1001 # ArgListType: (int)
- # FuncId (0x1003)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1601 # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID
- .long 0x1000 # ParentScope: Namespace1
- .long 0x1002 # FunctionType: void (int)
- .asciz "foo" # Name
- # Class (0x1004)
- .short 0x2a # Record length
- .short 0x1504 # Record kind: LF_CLASS
- .short 0x0 # MemberCount
- .short 0x280 # Properties ( ForwardReference (0x80) | HasUniqueName (0x200) )
- .long 0x0 # FieldList
- .long 0x0 # DerivedFrom
- .long 0x0 # VShape
- .short 0x0 # SizeOf
- .asciz "Class1" # Name
- .asciz ".?AVClass1@@" # LinkageName
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # MemberFunction (0x1005)
- .short 0x1a # Record length
- .short 0x1009 # Record kind: LF_MFUNCTION
- .long 0x3 # ReturnType: void
- .long 0x1004 # ClassType: Class1
- .long 0x0 # ThisType
- .byte 0x0 # CallingConvention: NearC
- .byte 0x0 # FunctionOptions
- .short 0x1 # NumParameters
- .long 0x1001 # ArgListType: (int)
- .long 0x0 # ThisAdjustment
- # FieldList (0x1006)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1203 # Record kind: LF_FIELDLIST
- .short 0x1511 # Member kind: OneMethod ( LF_ONEMETHOD )
- .short 0xb # Attrs: Public, Static
- .long 0x1005 # Type: void Class1::(int)
- .asciz "bar" # Name
- # Class (0x1007)
- .short 0x2a # Record length
- .short 0x1504 # Record kind: LF_CLASS
- .short 0x1 # MemberCount
- .short 0x200 # Properties ( HasUniqueName (0x200) )
- .long 0x1006 # FieldList: <field list>
- .long 0x0 # DerivedFrom
- .long 0x0 # VShape
- .short 0x1 # SizeOf
- .asciz "Class1" # Name
- .asciz ".?AVClass1@@" # LinkageName
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # StringId (0x1008)
- .short 0x12 # Record length
- .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
- .long 0x0 # Id
- .asciz "/tmp/./b.h" # StringData
- .byte 241
- # UdtSourceLine (0x1009)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1606 # Record kind: LF_UDT_SRC_LINE
- .long 0x1007 # UDT: Class1
- .long 0x1008 # SourceFile: /tmp/./b.h
- .long 0x2 # LineNumber
- # MemberFuncId (0x100A)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1602 # Record kind: LF_MFUNC_ID
- .long 0x1004 # ClassType: Class1
- .long 0x1005 # FunctionType: void Class1::(int)
- .asciz "bar" # Name
- # Class (0x100B)
- .short 0x42 # Record length
- .short 0x1504 # Record kind: LF_CLASS
- .short 0x0 # MemberCount
- .short 0x280 # Properties ( ForwardReference (0x80) | HasUniqueName (0x200) )
- .long 0x0 # FieldList
- .long 0x0 # DerivedFrom
- .long 0x0 # VShape
- .short 0x0 # SizeOf
- .asciz "Namespace2::Class2" # Name
- .asciz ".?AVClass2 at Namespace2@@" # LinkageName
- .byte 243
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # MemberFunction (0x100C)
- .short 0x1a # Record length
- .short 0x1009 # Record kind: LF_MFUNCTION
- .long 0x3 # ReturnType: void
- .long 0x100b # ClassType: Namespace2::Class2
- .long 0x0 # ThisType
- .byte 0x0 # CallingConvention: NearC
- .byte 0x0 # FunctionOptions
- .short 0x1 # NumParameters
- .long 0x1001 # ArgListType: (int)
- .long 0x0 # ThisAdjustment
- # FieldList (0x100D)
- .short 0x12 # Record length
- .short 0x1203 # Record kind: LF_FIELDLIST
- .short 0x1511 # Member kind: OneMethod ( LF_ONEMETHOD )
- .short 0xb # Attrs: Public, Static
- .long 0x100c # Type: void Namespace2::Class2::(int)
- .asciz "func" # Name
- .byte 243
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # Class (0x100E)
- .short 0x42 # Record length
- .short 0x1504 # Record kind: LF_CLASS
- .short 0x1 # MemberCount
- .short 0x200 # Properties ( HasUniqueName (0x200) )
- .long 0x100d # FieldList: <field list>
- .long 0x0 # DerivedFrom
- .long 0x0 # VShape
- .short 0x1 # SizeOf
- .asciz "Namespace2::Class2" # Name
- .asciz ".?AVClass2 at Namespace2@@" # LinkageName
- .byte 243
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # StringId (0x100F)
- .short 0x12 # Record length
- .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
- .long 0x0 # Id
- .asciz "/tmp/./c.h" # StringData
- .byte 241
- # UdtSourceLine (0x1010)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1606 # Record kind: LF_UDT_SRC_LINE
- .long 0x100e # UDT: Namespace2::Class2
- .long 0x100f # SourceFile: /tmp/./c.h
- .long 0x2 # LineNumber
- # MemberFuncId (0x1011)
- .short 0x12 # Record length
- .short 0x1602 # Record kind: LF_MFUNC_ID
- .long 0x100b # ClassType: Namespace2::Class2
- .long 0x100c # FunctionType: void Namespace2::Class2::(int)
- .asciz "func" # Name
- .byte 243
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # Pointer (0x1012)
- .short 0xa # Record length
- .short 0x1002 # Record kind: LF_POINTER
- .long 0x670 # PointeeType: char*
- .long 0x1000c # Attrs: [ Type: Near64, Mode: Pointer, SizeOf: 8 ]
- # ArgList (0x1013)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1201 # Record kind: LF_ARGLIST
- .long 0x2 # NumArgs
- .long 0x74 # Argument: int
- .long 0x1012 # Argument: char**
- # Procedure (0x1014)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1008 # Record kind: LF_PROCEDURE
- .long 0x74 # ReturnType: int
- .byte 0x0 # CallingConvention: NearC
- .byte 0x0 # FunctionOptions
- .short 0x2 # NumParameters
- .long 0x1013 # ArgListType: (int, char**)
- # FuncId (0x1015)
- .short 0x12 # Record length
- .short 0x1601 # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID
- .long 0x0 # ParentScope
- .long 0x1014 # FunctionType: int (int, char**)
- .asciz "main" # Name
- .byte 243
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # Modifier (0x1016)
- .short 0xa # Record length
- .short 0x1001 # Record kind: LF_MODIFIER
- .long 0x74 # ModifiedType: int
- .short 0x2 # Modifiers ( Volatile (0x2) )
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # StringId (0x1017)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
- .long 0x0 # Id
- .asciz "/tmp" # StringData
- .byte 243
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # StringId (0x1018)
- .short 0xe # Record length
- .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
- .long 0x0 # Id
- .asciz "a.cpp" # StringData
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- # BuildInfo (0x1019)
- .short 0x1a # Record length
- .short 0x1603 # Record kind: LF_BUILDINFO
- .short 0x5 # NumArgs
- .long 0x1017 # Argument: /tmp
- .long 0x0 # Argument
- .long 0x1018 # Argument: a.cpp
- .long 0x0 # Argument
- .long 0x0 # Argument
- .byte 242
- .byte 241
- .addrsig
- .addrsig_sym "?gv_foo@?1??foo at Namespace1@@YAXH at Z@4HC"
- .addrsig_sym "?gv_bar@?1??bar at Class1@@SAXH at Z@4HC"
- .addrsig_sym "?gv_func@?1??func at Class2@Namespace2@@SAXH at Z@4HC"
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