[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 322e13b - [lldb] Rewrite/expand TestCppTypedef and document a lookup bug.

Raphael Isemann via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 7 04:31:04 PDT 2021

Author: Raphael Isemann
Date: 2021-10-07T13:30:03+02:00
New Revision: 322e13b91aac23ab324c3dcbbcfe8e73894f4c28

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/322e13b91aac23ab324c3dcbbcfe8e73894f4c28
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/322e13b91aac23ab324c3dcbbcfe8e73894f4c28.diff

LOG: [lldb] Rewrite/expand TestCppTypedef and document a lookup bug.

Just regrouping the checks for the same typedef together and also giving the
different typedefs unique names. We might want to have a second test with
identical names to see how LLDB handle the potential name conflict, but that
should be a separate test and not part of the main typedef test.

Also this test is actually unintentionally passing. LLDB can't lookup typedefs
in a struct/class scope, but in the test the check passes as the local variable
in the expression evaluation scope pulls in the typedef. I added a second check
that makes it clear that this is not working right now.




diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/TestCppTypedef.py b/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/TestCppTypedef.py
index 35a2fba7ca9db..f3f54a816e69e 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/TestCppTypedef.py
+++ b/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/TestCppTypedef.py
@@ -1,63 +1,89 @@
-Test that we can retrieve typedefed types correctly
+Test typedef types.
 import lldb
 import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
 from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
 from lldbsuite.test import decorators
 class TestCppTypedef(TestBase):
     mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
     def test_typedef(self):
-            Test that we retrieve typedefed types correctly
+        Test that we retrieve typedefed types correctly
-        # Build and run until the breakpoint
         self.main_source_file = lldb.SBFileSpec("main.cpp")
-        (target, process, thread, bkpt) = lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(
-            self, "Set a breakpoint here", self.main_source_file)
+        lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(
+            self, "Set a breakpoint here", lldb.SBFileSpec("main.cpp")
+        )
-        # Get the current frame
-        frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
-        # First of all, check that we can get a typedefed type correctly in a simple case
+        # First of all, check that we can get a typedefed type correctly in a simple case.
+        expr_result = self.expect_expr(
+            "(GlobalTypedef)s",
+            result_type="GlobalTypedef",
+            result_children=[ValueCheck(value="0.5")],
+        )
-        expr_result = self.expect_expr("(SF)s", result_children=[ValueCheck(value="0.5")])
-        self.expect_expr("(ns::SF)s", result_children=[ValueCheck(value="0.5")])
-        self.expect_expr("(ST::SF)s", result_children=[ValueCheck(value="0.5")])
-        self.filecheck("image dump ast a.out", __file__, "--strict-whitespace")
-# CHECK:      {{^}}|-TypedefDecl {{.*}} SF 'S<float>'
-# CHECK:      {{^}}|-NamespaceDecl {{.*}} ns
-# CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}| `-TypedefDecl {{.*}} SF 'S<float>'
-# CHECK:      {{^}}`-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct ST definition
-# CHECK:      {{^}}  `-TypedefDecl {{.*}} SF 'S<float>'
-        typedef_type = expr_result.GetType();
-        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsValid(), "Can't get `SF` type of evaluated expression")
-        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsTypedefType(), "Type `SF` should be a typedef")
+        # The type should be a typedef.
+        typedef_type = expr_result.GetType()
+        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsTypedefType())
+        # The underlying type should be S<float>.
         typedefed_type = typedef_type.GetTypedefedType()
-        self.assertTrue(typedefed_type.IsValid(), "Can't get `SF` typedefed type")
-        self.assertEqual(typedefed_type.GetName(), "S<float>", "Got invalid `SF` typedefed type")
+        self.assertTrue(typedefed_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertEqual(typedefed_type.GetName(), "S<float>")
         # Check that we can get a typedefed type correctly in the case
         # when an elaborated type is created during the parsing
+        expr_result = self.expect_expr(
+            "(GlobalTypedef::V)s.value", result_type="GlobalTypedef::V"
+        )
-        expr_result = frame.EvaluateExpression("(SF::V)s.value")
-        self.assertTrue(expr_result.IsValid(), "Expression failed with: " + str(expr_result.GetError()))
-        typedef_type = expr_result.GetType();
-        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsValid(), "Can't get `SF::V` type of evaluated expression")
-        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsTypedefType(), "Type `SF::V` should be a typedef")
+        # The type should be a typedef.
+        typedef_type = expr_result.GetType()
+        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(typedef_type.IsTypedefType())
+        # The underlying type should be float.
         typedefed_type = typedef_type.GetTypedefedType()
-        self.assertTrue(typedefed_type.IsValid(), "Can't get `SF::V` typedefed type")
-        self.assertEqual(typedefed_type.GetName(), "float", "Got invalid `SF::V` typedefed type")
+        self.assertTrue(typedefed_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertEqual(typedefed_type.GetName(), "float")
+        # Try accessing a typedef inside a namespace.
+        self.expect_expr(
+            "(ns::NamespaceTypedef)s", result_children=[ValueCheck(value="0.5")]
+        )
+        # Try accessing a typedef inside a struct/class.
+        # FIXME: This doesn't actually work. StructTypedef just gets injected
+        # by the local variable in the expression evaluation context.
+        self.expect_expr(
+            "(ST::StructTypedef)s", result_children=[ValueCheck(value="0.5")]
+        )
+        # This doesn't work for the reason above. There is no local variable
+        # injecting OtherStructTypedef so we will actually error here.
+        self.expect(
+            "expression -- (NonLocalVarStruct::OtherStructTypedef)1",
+            error=True,
+            substrs=["no member named 'OtherStructTypedef' in 'NonLocalVarStruct'"],
+        )
+        # Check the generated Clang AST.
+        self.filecheck("image dump ast a.out", __file__, "--strict-whitespace")
+# CHECK:      {{^}}|-TypedefDecl {{.*}} GlobalTypedef 'S<float>'
+# CHECK:      {{^}}|-NamespaceDecl {{.*}} ns
+# CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}| `-TypedefDecl {{.*}} NamespaceTypedef 'S<float>'
+# CHECK:      {{^}}|-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct ST definition
+# CHECK:      {{^}}| `-TypedefDecl {{.*}} StructTypedef 'S<float>'

diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/main.cpp b/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/main.cpp
index 05757869ffecb..d4c2f51bf66c9 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/main.cpp
+++ b/lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/typedef/main.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,34 @@
-template<typename T>
-struct S {
+template <typename T> struct S {
   typedef T V;
   V value;
-typedef S<float> SF;
+typedef S<float> GlobalTypedef;
 namespace ns {
-typedef S<float> SF;
+typedef S<float> NamespaceTypedef;
 struct ST {
-  typedef S<float> SF;
+  typedef S<float> StructTypedef;
+// Struct type that is not supposed to be a local variable in the test
+// expression evaluation scope. Tests that typedef lookup can actually look
+// inside class/struct scopes.
+struct NonLocalVarStruct {
+  typedef int OtherStructTypedef;
-int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) {
-  SF s{ .5 };
-  ns::SF in_ns;
-  ST::SF in_struct;
-  return 0; // Set a breakpoint here
+int otherFunc() {
+  NonLocalVarStruct::OtherStructTypedef i = 3;
+  return i;
+int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
+  GlobalTypedef s{.5};
+  ns::NamespaceTypedef in_ns;
+  ST::StructTypedef in_struct;
+  return otherFunc(); // Set a breakpoint here


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