[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D103626: [lldb][AArch64] Remove non address bits from memory read arguments

David Spickett via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 3 09:09:24 PDT 2021

DavidSpickett created this revision.
Herald added subscribers: danielkiss, kristof.beyls.
DavidSpickett requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLDB.
Herald added a subscriber: lldb-commits.

Addresses on AArch64 can have top byte tags, memory tags and pointer
authentication signatures in the upper bits.

While testing memory tagging I found that memory read couldn't
read a range if the two addresses had different tags. The same
could apply to signed pointers given the right circumstance.

(lldb) memory read mte_buf_alt_tag mte_buf+16
error: end address (0x900fffff7ff8010) must be greater than the start
address (0xa00fffff7ff8000).

Or it would try to read a lot more memory than expected.

(lldb) memory read mte_buf mte_buf_alt_tag+16
error: Normally, 'memory read' will not read over 1024 bytes of data.
error: Please use --force to override this restriction just once.
error: or set target.max-memory-read-size if you will often need a
larger limit.

Fix this by removing non address bits before we calculate the read

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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