[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 10c309a - Removing test...

Jim Ingham via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 11 18:27:47 PDT 2021

Author: Jim Ingham
Date: 2021-05-11T18:27:37-07:00
New Revision: 10c309ad81e2be156ab44a83ee56cddea20637cc

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/10c309ad81e2be156ab44a83ee56cddea20637cc
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/10c309ad81e2be156ab44a83ee56cddea20637cc.diff

LOG: Removing test...

Actually, I don't think this test is going to be stable enough
to be worthwhile.  Let me see if I can think of a better way to
test this.




diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/gdb_remote_client/TestHaltFails.py b/lldb/test/API/functionalities/gdb_remote_client/TestHaltFails.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee28b0757f9..000000000000
--- a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/gdb_remote_client/TestHaltFails.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import lldb
-from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
-from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
-from gdbclientutils import *
-class TestHaltFails(GDBRemoteTestBase):
-    class MyResponder(MockGDBServerResponder):
-        def __init__(self, timeout):
-            MockGDBServerResponder.__init__(self)
-            self.timeout = timeout
-        def setBreakpoint(self, packet):
-            return "OK"
-        def interrupt(self):
-            # Simulate process waiting longer than the interrupt
-            # timeout to stop, then sending the reply.
-            time.sleep(self.timeout)
-            return "T02reason:signal"
-        def cont(self):
-            # No response, wait for the client to interrupt us.
-            return None
-    def wait_for_and_check_event(self, wait_time, value):
-        event = lldb.SBEvent()
-        got_event = self.dbg.GetListener().WaitForEvent(wait_time, event)
-        self.assertTrue(got_event, "Failed to get event after wait")
-        self.assertTrue(lldb.SBProcess.EventIsProcessEvent(event), "Event was not a process event")
-        event_type = lldb.SBProcess.GetStateFromEvent(event)
-        self.assertEqual(event_type, value)
-    def get_to_running(self, sleep_interval, interrupt_timeout = 5):
-        self.server.responder = self.MyResponder(sleep_interval)
-        self.target = self.createTarget("a.yaml")
-        # Set a shorter (and known) interrupt timeout:
-        self.dbg.HandleCommand("settings set target.process.interrupt-timeout {0}".format(interrupt_timeout))
-        process = self.connect(self.target)
-        self.dbg.SetAsync(True)
-        # There should be a stopped event, consume that:
-        self.wait_for_and_check_event(2, lldb.eStateStopped)
-        process.Continue()
-        # There should be a running event, consume that:
-        self.wait_for_and_check_event(2, lldb.eStateRunning)
-        return process
-    @skipIfLinux # Failing on Linux, disabling to investigate
-    @skipIfReproducer # FIXME: Unexpected packet during (passive) replay
-    def test_destroy_while_running(self):
-        process = self.get_to_running(10)
-        process.Destroy()
-        # Again pretend that after failing to be interrupted, we delivered the stop
-        # and make sure we still exit properly.
-        self.wait_for_and_check_event(14, lldb.eStateExited)
-    @skipIfLinux # Failing on Linux, disabling to investigate
-    @skipIfReproducer # FIXME: Unexpected packet during (passive) replay
-    def test_async_interrupt(self):
-        """
-        Test that explicitly calling AsyncInterrupt, which then fails, leads
-        to an "eStateExited" state.
-        """
-        process = self.get_to_running(10)
-        # Now do the interrupt:
-        process.SendAsyncInterrupt()
-        # That should have caused the Halt to time out and we should
-        # be in eStateExited:
-        self.wait_for_and_check_event(15, lldb.eStateExited)
-    @skipIfLinux # Failing on Linux, disabling to investigate
-    @skipIfReproducer # FIXME: Unexpected packet during (passive) replay
-    def test_interrupt_timeout(self):
-        """
-        Test that explicitly calling AsyncInterrupt but this time with
-        an interrupt timeout longer than we're going to wait succeeds.
-        """
-        process = self.get_to_running(10, 20)
-        # Now do the interrupt:
-        process.SendAsyncInterrupt()
-        # That should have caused the Halt to time out and we should
-        # be in eStateExited:
-        self.wait_for_and_check_event(20, lldb.eStateStopped)


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