[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D93895: Implement vAttachWait in lldb-server

Augusto Noronha via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 6 03:01:47 PST 2021

augusto2112 added a comment.

Ok, that makes sense!

Let me summarize the work that needs to be done, correct me if I get something wrong:

- Change back `vAttachWait` and `vAttachOrWait` to the original format of sending only the process name.

- Add default values for  "waitfor-interval-usec" and "waitfor-duration-sec" on ProcessGDBRemoteProperties.td.

- Add a new `jAttachWait` packet type, which sends a json which will read the values saved on the settings.  Question: would we need a `jAttachOrWait` variant? Or could we send something like "ignore-existing" in `jAttachWait`?

- Add a `qJAttachWaitSupported` packet. If  `jAttachWait` isn't supported, fallback to vAttachWait (we should also probably warn the user that their custom settings won't be used in this case).

- Add a test for `jAttachWait`.

Question: would we also keep the `waitfor-interval` and `waitfor-duration` command line options as well, and when they're missing, default to the settings? Or do we forego them completely?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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