[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D47991: Improve SBThread's stepping API using SBError parameter.

Greg Clayton via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 13 07:25:48 PDT 2018

clayborg added a comment.

Looks good. Just a question about including the commented out default arguments

Comment at: source/API/SBThread.cpp:636
+void SBThread::StepOver(lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads
+                        /* = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping */) {
+  SBError error; // Ignored
might avoid showing the default argument in case it changes and we don't do this anywhere else that I know of.

Comment at: source/API/SBThread.cpp:678
+void SBThread::StepInto(lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads
+                        /* = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping */) {
   StepInto(NULL, stop_other_threads);

Comment at: source/API/SBThread.cpp:684
+                        lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads
+                        /* = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping*/) {
+  SBError error; // Ignored

Comment at: source/API/SBThread.cpp:691
+                        SBError &error, lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads
+                                        /* = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping */) {
   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_API));


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