[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D42443: [SymbolFilePDB] Add support for function symbols

Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 1 01:38:07 PST 2018

labath added inline comments.

Comment at: lit/SymbolFile/PDB/func-symbols.test:4
+RUN: clang-cl -m32 /Z7 /c /GS- %S/Inputs/FuncSymbols.cpp /o %T/FuncSymbols.cpp.obj
+RUN: link %T/FuncSymbolsTestMain.cpp.obj %T/FuncSymbols.cpp.obj /DEBUG /nodefaultlib /Entry:main /OUT:%T/FuncSymbolsTest.exe
+RUN: lldb-test symbols %T/FuncSymbolsTest.exe | FileCheck %s
zturner wrote:
> I bet we could get rid of `REQUIRES: windows` if we changed this to `lld-link`.  You're already specifying `/nodefaultlib /entry:main`, and no windows header files are included, so maybe it's worth a try?
That would be great, but you'd probably still need something like REQUIRES:lld, as lld is not currently not a mandatory requirement for building/testing.



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