[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r287308 - Delete more dead code in ValueObject.
Zachary Turner via lldb-commits
lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 17 20:30:47 PST 2016
Author: zturner
Date: Thu Nov 17 22:30:47 2016
New Revision: 287308
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=287308&view=rev
Delete more dead code in ValueObject.
Apparently these two enormous functions were dead. Which is
good, since one was largely a copy of another function with
only a few minor tweaks.
Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h?rev=287308&r1=287307&r2=287308&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h Thu Nov 17 22:30:47 2016
@@ -401,15 +401,6 @@ public:
ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target = nullptr);
- int GetValuesForExpressionPath(
- const char *expression, lldb::ValueObjectListSP &list,
- const char **first_unparsed = nullptr,
- ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop = nullptr,
- ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type = nullptr,
- const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options =
- GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
- ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target = nullptr);
virtual bool IsInScope() { return true; }
virtual lldb::offset_t GetByteOffset() { return 0; }
@@ -1015,18 +1006,6 @@ private:
ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type,
const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options,
- ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target);
- // this method will ONLY expand [] expressions into a VOList and return
- // the number of elements it added to the VOList
- // it will NOT loop through expanding the follow-up of the expression_cstr
- // for all objects in the list
- int ExpandArraySliceExpression(
- const char *expression_cstr, const char **first_unparsed,
- lldb::ValueObjectSP root, lldb::ValueObjectListSP &list,
- ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
- ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type,
- const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options,
ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target);
Modified: lldb/trunk/source/Core/ValueObject.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/source/Core/ValueObject.cpp?rev=287308&r1=287307&r2=287308&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/source/Core/ValueObject.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/source/Core/ValueObject.cpp Thu Nov 17 22:30:47 2016
@@ -2236,92 +2236,6 @@ ValueObjectSP ValueObject::GetValueForEx
// you know I did not do it
-int ValueObject::GetValuesForExpressionPath(
- const char *expression, ValueObjectListSP &list,
- const char **first_unparsed, ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
- ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type,
- const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options,
- ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target) {
- const char *dummy_first_unparsed;
- ExpressionPathScanEndReason dummy_reason_to_stop;
- ExpressionPathEndResultType dummy_final_value_type;
- ExpressionPathAftermath dummy_final_task_on_target =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathNothing;
- ValueObjectSP ret_val = GetValueForExpressionPath_Impl(
- expression, first_unparsed ? first_unparsed : &dummy_first_unparsed,
- reason_to_stop ? reason_to_stop : &dummy_reason_to_stop,
- final_value_type ? final_value_type : &dummy_final_value_type, options,
- final_task_on_target ? final_task_on_target
- : &dummy_final_task_on_target);
- if (!ret_val.get()) // if there are errors, I add nothing to the list
- return 0;
- if ((reason_to_stop ? *reason_to_stop : dummy_reason_to_stop) !=
- eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrayRangeOperatorMet) {
- // I need not expand a range, just post-process the final value and return
- if (!final_task_on_target ||
- *final_task_on_target == ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathNothing) {
- list->Append(ret_val);
- return 1;
- }
- if (ret_val.get() &&
- (final_value_type ? *final_value_type : dummy_final_value_type) ==
- eExpressionPathEndResultTypePlain) // I can only deref and
- // takeaddress of plain objects
- {
- if (*final_task_on_target ==
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathDereference) {
- Error error;
- ValueObjectSP final_value = ret_val->Dereference(error);
- if (error.Fail() || !final_value.get()) {
- if (reason_to_stop)
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDereferencingFailed;
- if (final_value_type)
- *final_value_type =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- *final_task_on_target = ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathNothing;
- list->Append(final_value);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (*final_task_on_target ==
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathTakeAddress) {
- Error error;
- ValueObjectSP final_value = ret_val->AddressOf(error);
- if (error.Fail() || !final_value.get()) {
- if (reason_to_stop)
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonTakingAddressFailed;
- if (final_value_type)
- *final_value_type =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- *final_task_on_target = ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathNothing;
- list->Append(final_value);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- return ExpandArraySliceExpression(
- first_unparsed ? *first_unparsed : dummy_first_unparsed,
- first_unparsed ? first_unparsed : &dummy_first_unparsed, ret_val, list,
- reason_to_stop ? reason_to_stop : &dummy_reason_to_stop,
- final_value_type ? final_value_type : &dummy_final_value_type, options,
- final_task_on_target ? final_task_on_target
- : &dummy_final_task_on_target);
- }
- // in any non-covered case, just do the obviously right thing
- list->Append(ret_val);
- return 1;
ValueObjectSP ValueObject::GetValueForExpressionPath_Impl(
const char *expression_cstr, const char **first_unparsed,
ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
@@ -2854,314 +2768,6 @@ ValueObjectSP ValueObject::GetValueForEx
- }
-int ValueObject::ExpandArraySliceExpression(
- const char *expression_cstr, const char **first_unparsed,
- ValueObjectSP root, ValueObjectListSP &list,
- ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
- ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_result,
- const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options,
- ExpressionPathAftermath *what_next) {
- if (!root.get())
- return 0;
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- while (true) {
- const char *expression_cstr =
- *first_unparsed; // hide the top level expression_cstr
- CompilerType root_compiler_type = root->GetCompilerType();
- CompilerType pointee_compiler_type;
- Flags pointee_compiler_type_info;
- Flags root_compiler_type_info(
- root_compiler_type.GetTypeInfo(&pointee_compiler_type));
- if (pointee_compiler_type)
- pointee_compiler_type_info.Reset(pointee_compiler_type.GetTypeInfo());
- if (!expression_cstr || *expression_cstr == '\0') {
- *reason_to_stop = ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEndOfString;
- list->Append(root);
- return 1;
- }
- switch (*expression_cstr) {
- case '[': {
- if (!root_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsArray) &&
- !root_compiler_type_info.Test(
- eTypeIsPointer)) // if this is not a T[] nor a T*
- {
- if (!root_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsScalar)) // if this is not even
- // a scalar, this
- // syntax is just
- // plain wrong!
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorInvalid;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else if (!options.m_allow_bitfields_syntax) // if this is a scalar,
- // check that we can
- // expand bitfields
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorNotAllowed;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (*(expression_cstr + 1) ==
- ']') // if this is an unbounded range it only works for arrays
- {
- if (!root_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsArray)) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEmptyRangeNotAllowed;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else // expand this into list
- {
- const size_t max_index = root->GetNumChildren() - 1;
- for (size_t index = 0; index < max_index; index++) {
- ValueObjectSP child = root->GetChildAtIndex(index, true);
- list->Append(child);
- }
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr + 2;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return max_index; // tell me number of items I added to the VOList
- }
- }
- const char *separator_position = ::strchr(expression_cstr + 1, '-');
- const char *close_bracket_position = ::strchr(expression_cstr + 1, ']');
- if (!close_bracket_position) // if there is no ], this is a syntax error
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- }
- if (!separator_position ||
- separator_position > close_bracket_position) // if no separator, this
- // is either [] or [N]
- {
- char *end = NULL;
- unsigned long index = ::strtoul(expression_cstr + 1, &end, 0);
- if (end != close_bracket_position) // if something weird is in
- // our way return an error
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- }
- if (end - expression_cstr ==
- 1) // if this is [], only return a valid value for arrays
- {
- if (root_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsArray)) {
- const size_t max_index = root->GetNumChildren() - 1;
- for (size_t index = 0; index < max_index; index++) {
- ValueObjectSP child = root->GetChildAtIndex(index, true);
- list->Append(child);
- }
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr + 2;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return max_index; // tell me number of items I added to the VOList
- } else {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEmptyRangeNotAllowed;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // from here on we do have a valid index
- if (root_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsArray)) {
- root = root->GetChildAtIndex(index, true);
- if (!root.get()) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- list->Append(root);
- *first_unparsed = end + 1; // skip ]
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return 1;
- }
- } else if (root_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsPointer)) {
- if (*what_next ==
- ValueObject::
- eExpressionPathAftermathDereference && // if this is a
- // ptr-to-scalar, I
- // am accessing it
- // by index and I
- // would have
- // deref'ed anyway,
- // then do it now
- // and use this as
- // a bitfield
- pointee_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsScalar)) {
- Error error;
- root = root->Dereference(error);
- if (error.Fail() || !root.get()) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDereferencingFailed;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- *what_next = eExpressionPathAftermathNothing;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- root = root->GetSyntheticArrayMember(index, true);
- if (!root.get()) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- list->Append(root);
- *first_unparsed = end + 1; // skip ]
- *reason_to_stop = ValueObject::
- eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- } else /*if (ClangASTContext::IsScalarType(root_compiler_type))*/
- {
- root = root->GetSyntheticBitFieldChild(index, index, true);
- if (!root.get()) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else // we do not know how to expand members of bitfields, so we
- // just return and let the caller do any further processing
- {
- list->Append(root);
- *first_unparsed = end + 1; // skip ]
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- } else // we have a low and a high index
- {
- char *end = NULL;
- unsigned long index_lower = ::strtoul(expression_cstr + 1, &end, 0);
- if (end != separator_position) // if something weird is in our
- // way return an error
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- }
- unsigned long index_higher = ::strtoul(separator_position + 1, &end, 0);
- if (end != close_bracket_position) // if something weird is in
- // our way return an error
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- }
- if (index_lower > index_higher) // swap indices if required
- std::swap(index_lower, index_higher);
- if (root_compiler_type_info.Test(
- eTypeIsScalar)) // expansion only works for scalars
- {
- root =
- root->GetSyntheticBitFieldChild(index_lower, index_higher, true);
- if (!root.get()) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- list->Append(root);
- *first_unparsed = end + 1; // skip ]
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return 1;
- }
- } else if (root_compiler_type_info.Test(
- eTypeIsPointer) && // if this is a ptr-to-scalar, I am
- // accessing it by index and I would
- // have deref'ed anyway, then do it
- // now and use this as a bitfield
- *what_next ==
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathDereference &&
- pointee_compiler_type_info.Test(eTypeIsScalar)) {
- Error error;
- root = root->Dereference(error);
- if (error.Fail() || !root.get()) {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDereferencingFailed;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- } else {
- *what_next = ValueObject::eExpressionPathAftermathNothing;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- for (unsigned long index = index_lower; index <= index_higher;
- index++) {
- ValueObjectSP child = root->GetChildAtIndex(index, true);
- list->Append(child);
- }
- *first_unparsed = end + 1;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded;
- *final_result =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList;
- return index_higher - index_lower +
- 1; // tell me number of items I added to the VOList
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- default: // some non-[ separator, or something entirely wrong, is in the way
- {
- *first_unparsed = expression_cstr;
- *reason_to_stop =
- ValueObject::eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol;
- *final_result = ValueObject::eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid;
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- }
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