[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r280751 - *** This commit represents a complete reformatting of the LLDB source code

Kate Stone via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 6 13:58:36 PDT 2016

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/MappedHash.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/MappedHash.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/MappedHash.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/MappedHash.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -25,535 +25,460 @@
 #include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
-class MappedHash
+class MappedHash {
-    enum HashFunctionType
-    {
-        eHashFunctionDJB        = 0u    // Daniel J Bernstein hash function that is also used by the ELF GNU_HASH sections
-    };
+  enum HashFunctionType {
+    eHashFunctionDJB = 0u // Daniel J Bernstein hash function that is also used
+                          // by the ELF GNU_HASH sections
+  };
+  static uint32_t HashStringUsingDJB(const char *s) {
+    uint32_t h = 5381;
+    for (unsigned char c = *s; c; c = *++s)
+      h = ((h << 5) + h) + c;
+    return h;
+  }
+  static uint32_t HashString(uint32_t hash_function, const char *s) {
+    if (!s)
+      return 0;
+    switch (hash_function) {
+    case MappedHash::eHashFunctionDJB:
+      return HashStringUsingDJB(s);
-    static uint32_t
-    HashStringUsingDJB (const char *s)
-    {
-        uint32_t h = 5381;
-        for (unsigned char c = *s; c; c = *++s)
-            h = ((h << 5) + h) + c;
-        return h;
-    }
-    static uint32_t
-    HashString (uint32_t hash_function, const char *s)
-    {
-        if (!s)
-            return 0;
-        switch (hash_function)
-        {
-            case MappedHash::eHashFunctionDJB:
-                return HashStringUsingDJB (s);
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        assert (!"Invalid hash function index");
-        return 0;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    assert(!"Invalid hash function index");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  static const uint32_t HASH_MAGIC = 0x48415348u;
+  static const uint32_t HASH_CIGAM = 0x48534148u;
+  template <typename T> struct Header {
+    typedef T HeaderData;
+    uint32_t
+        magic; // HASH_MAGIC or HASH_CIGAM magic value to allow endian detection
+    uint16_t version;         // Version number
+    uint16_t hash_function;   // The hash function enumeration that was used
+    uint32_t bucket_count;    // The number of buckets in this hash table
+    uint32_t hashes_count;    // The total number of unique hash values and hash
+                              // data offsets in this table
+    uint32_t header_data_len; // The size in bytes of the "header_data" template
+                              // member below
+    HeaderData header_data;   //
+    Header()
+        : magic(HASH_MAGIC), version(1), hash_function(eHashFunctionDJB),
+          bucket_count(0), hashes_count(0), header_data_len(sizeof(T)),
+          header_data() {}
+    virtual ~Header() = default;
+    size_t GetByteSize() const {
+      return sizeof(magic) + sizeof(version) + sizeof(hash_function) +
+             sizeof(bucket_count) + sizeof(hashes_count) +
+             sizeof(header_data_len) + header_data_len;
-    static const uint32_t HASH_MAGIC = 0x48415348u;
-    static const uint32_t HASH_CIGAM = 0x48534148u;
-    template <typename T>
-    struct Header
-	{
-        typedef T HeaderData;
-        uint32_t    magic;             // HASH_MAGIC or HASH_CIGAM magic value to allow endian detection        
-        uint16_t    version;           // Version number
-		uint16_t    hash_function;     // The hash function enumeration that was used
-		uint32_t    bucket_count;      // The number of buckets in this hash table
-		uint32_t    hashes_count;      // The total number of unique hash values and hash data offsets in this table
-        uint32_t    header_data_len;   // The size in bytes of the "header_data" template member below
-        HeaderData  header_data;       // 
-		Header () :
-            magic (HASH_MAGIC),
-            version (1),
-            hash_function (eHashFunctionDJB),
-            bucket_count (0),
-            hashes_count (0),
-            header_data_len (sizeof(T)),
-            header_data ()
-		{
-		}
-        virtual 
-        ~Header() = default;
-        size_t
-        GetByteSize() const
-        {
-            return  sizeof(magic) + 
-                    sizeof(version) + 
-                    sizeof(hash_function) +
-                    sizeof(bucket_count) +
-                    sizeof(hashes_count) +
-                    sizeof(header_data_len) +
-                    header_data_len;
-        }
-        virtual size_t
-        GetByteSize (const HeaderData &header_data) = 0;
-        void
-        SetHeaderDataByteSize (uint32_t header_data_byte_size)
-        {
-            header_data_len = header_data_byte_size;
-        }
+    virtual size_t GetByteSize(const HeaderData &header_data) = 0;
-        void
-        Dump (lldb_private::Stream &s)
-        {
-            s.Printf ("header.magic              = 0x%8.8x\n", magic);
-            s.Printf ("header.version            = 0x%4.4x\n", version);
-            s.Printf ("header.hash_function      = 0x%4.4x\n", hash_function);
-            s.Printf ("header.bucket_count       = 0x%8.8x %u\n", bucket_count, bucket_count);
-            s.Printf ("header.hashes_count       = 0x%8.8x %u\n", hashes_count, hashes_count);
-            s.Printf ("header.header_data_len    = 0x%8.8x %u\n", header_data_len, header_data_len);
-        }
-        virtual lldb::offset_t
-        Read (lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t offset)
-        {
-            if (data.ValidOffsetForDataOfSize (offset, 
-                                               sizeof (magic) + 
-                                               sizeof (version) + 
-                                               sizeof (hash_function) +
-                                               sizeof (bucket_count) +
-                                               sizeof (hashes_count) +
-                                               sizeof (header_data_len)))
-            {
-                magic = data.GetU32 (&offset);
-                if (magic != HASH_MAGIC)
-                {
-                    if (magic == HASH_CIGAM)
-                    {
-                        switch (data.GetByteOrder())
-                        {
-                            case lldb::eByteOrderBig:
-                                data.SetByteOrder(lldb::eByteOrderLittle);
-                                break;
-                            case lldb::eByteOrderLittle:
-                                data.SetByteOrder(lldb::eByteOrderBig);
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        // Magic bytes didn't match
-                        version = 0;
-                        return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
-                    }
-                }
-                version = data.GetU16 (&offset);
-                if (version != 1)
-                {
-                    // Unsupported version
-                    return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
-                }
-                hash_function       = data.GetU16 (&offset);
-                if (hash_function == 4)
-                    hash_function = 0; // Deal with pre-release version of this table...
-                bucket_count        = data.GetU32 (&offset);
-                hashes_count        = data.GetU32 (&offset);
-                header_data_len     = data.GetU32 (&offset);
-                return offset;
+    void SetHeaderDataByteSize(uint32_t header_data_byte_size) {
+      header_data_len = header_data_byte_size;
+    }
+    void Dump(lldb_private::Stream &s) {
+      s.Printf("header.magic              = 0x%8.8x\n", magic);
+      s.Printf("header.version            = 0x%4.4x\n", version);
+      s.Printf("header.hash_function      = 0x%4.4x\n", hash_function);
+      s.Printf("header.bucket_count       = 0x%8.8x %u\n", bucket_count,
+               bucket_count);
+      s.Printf("header.hashes_count       = 0x%8.8x %u\n", hashes_count,
+               hashes_count);
+      s.Printf("header.header_data_len    = 0x%8.8x %u\n", header_data_len,
+               header_data_len);
+    }
+    virtual lldb::offset_t Read(lldb_private::DataExtractor &data,
+                                lldb::offset_t offset) {
+      if (data.ValidOffsetForDataOfSize(
+              offset, sizeof(magic) + sizeof(version) + sizeof(hash_function) +
+                          sizeof(bucket_count) + sizeof(hashes_count) +
+                          sizeof(header_data_len))) {
+        magic = data.GetU32(&offset);
+        if (magic != HASH_MAGIC) {
+          if (magic == HASH_CIGAM) {
+            switch (data.GetByteOrder()) {
+            case lldb::eByteOrderBig:
+              data.SetByteOrder(lldb::eByteOrderLittle);
+              break;
+            case lldb::eByteOrderLittle:
+              data.SetByteOrder(lldb::eByteOrderBig);
+              break;
+            default:
+              return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
+          } else {
+            // Magic bytes didn't match
+            version = 0;
             return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
-        }
-//        // Returns a buffer that contains a serialized version of this table
-//        // that must be freed with free().
-//        virtual void *
-//        Write (int fd);
-	};
-    template <typename __KeyType, class __HeaderDataType, class __ValueType>
-    class ExportTable
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef __HeaderDataType HeaderDataType;
-        typedef Header<HeaderDataType> HeaderType;
-        typedef __KeyType KeyType;
-        typedef __ValueType ValueType;
-        struct Entry
-        {
-            uint32_t    hash;
-            KeyType     key;
-            ValueType   value;
-        };
-        typedef std::vector<ValueType> ValueArrayType;
-        typedef std::map<KeyType, ValueArrayType> HashData;
-        // Map a name hash to one or more name infos
-        typedef std::map<uint32_t, HashData> HashToHashData;
-        virtual KeyType
-        GetKeyForStringType (const char *cstr) const = 0;
-        virtual size_t
-        GetByteSize (const HashData &key_to_key_values) = 0;
-        virtual bool
-        WriteHashData (const HashData &hash_data,
-                       lldb_private::Stream &ostrm) = 0;
-        void
-        AddEntry (const char *cstr, const ValueType &value)
-        {
-            Entry entry;
-            entry.hash = MappedHash::HashString (eHashFunctionDJB, cstr);
-            entry.key = GetKeyForStringType (cstr);
-            entry.value = value;
-            m_entries.push_back (entry);
+          }
-        void
-        Save (const HeaderDataType &header_data,
-              lldb_private::Stream &ostrm)
-        {
-            if (m_entries.empty())
-                return;
-            const uint32_t num_entries = m_entries.size();
-            uint32_t i = 0;
-            HeaderType header;
-            header.magic = HASH_MAGIC;
-            header.version = 1;
-            header.hash_function = eHashFunctionDJB;
-            header.bucket_count = 0;
-            header.hashes_count = 0;
-            header.prologue_length = header_data.GetByteSize();
-            // We need to figure out the number of unique hashes first before we can
-            // calculate the number of buckets we want to use.
-            typedef std::vector<uint32_t> hash_coll;
-            hash_coll unique_hashes;
-            unique_hashes.resize (num_entries);
-            for (i=0; i<num_entries; ++i)
-                unique_hashes[i] = m_entries[i].hash;
-            std::sort (unique_hashes.begin(), unique_hashes.end());
-            hash_coll::iterator pos = std::unique (unique_hashes.begin(), unique_hashes.end());
-            const size_t num_unique_hashes = std::distance (unique_hashes.begin(), pos);
-            if (num_unique_hashes > 1024)
-                header.bucket_count = num_unique_hashes/4;
-            else if (num_unique_hashes > 16)
-                header.bucket_count = num_unique_hashes/2;
-            else
-                header.bucket_count = num_unique_hashes;
-            if (header.bucket_count == 0)
-                header.bucket_count = 1;
-            std::vector<HashToHashData> hash_buckets;
-            std::vector<uint32_t> hash_indexes (header.bucket_count, 0);
-            std::vector<uint32_t> hash_values;
-            std::vector<uint32_t> hash_offsets;
-            hash_buckets.resize (header.bucket_count);
-            uint32_t bucket_entry_empties = 0;
-            //StreamString hash_file_data(Stream::eBinary, dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetAddressByteSize(), dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetByteSize());
-            // Push all of the hashes into their buckets and create all bucket
-            // entries all populated with data.
-            for (i=0; i<num_entries; ++i)
-            {
-                const uint32_t hash = m_entries[i].hash;
-                const uint32_t bucket_idx = hash % header.bucket_count;
-                const uint32_t strp_offset = m_entries[i].str_offset;
-                const uint32_t die_offset = m_entries[i].die_offset;
-                hash_buckets[bucket_idx][hash][strp_offset].push_back(die_offset);
-            }
-            // Now for each bucket we write the bucket value which is the
-            // number of hashes and the hash index encoded into a single 
-            // 32 bit unsigned integer.
-            for (i=0; i<header.bucket_count; ++i)
-            {
-                HashToHashData &bucket_entry = hash_buckets[i];
-                if (bucket_entry.empty())
-                {
-                    // Empty bucket
-                    ++bucket_entry_empties;
-                    hash_indexes[i] = UINT32_MAX;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    const uint32_t hash_value_index = hash_values.size();
-                    uint32_t hash_count = 0;
-                    typename HashToHashData::const_iterator pos, end = bucket_entry.end();
-                    for (pos = bucket_entry.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
-                    {
-                        hash_values.push_back (pos->first);
-                        hash_offsets.push_back (GetByteSize (pos->second));
-                        ++hash_count;
-                    }
-                    hash_indexes[i] = hash_value_index;
-                }
-            }
-            header.hashes_count = hash_values.size();
-            // Write the header out now that we have the hash_count
-            header.Write (ostrm);
-            // Now for each bucket we write the start index of the hashes
-            // for the current bucket, or UINT32_MAX if the bucket is empty
-            for (i=0; i<header.bucket_count; ++i)
-            {
-                ostrm.PutHex32(hash_indexes[i]);
-            }
-            // Now we need to write out all of the hash values
-            for (i=0; i<header.hashes_count; ++i)
-            {
-                ostrm.PutHex32(hash_values[i]);
-            }
+        version = data.GetU16(&offset);
+        if (version != 1) {
+          // Unsupported version
+          return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
+        }
+        hash_function = data.GetU16(&offset);
+        if (hash_function == 4)
+          hash_function = 0; // Deal with pre-release version of this table...
+        bucket_count = data.GetU32(&offset);
+        hashes_count = data.GetU32(&offset);
+        header_data_len = data.GetU32(&offset);
+        return offset;
+      }
+      return LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET;
+    }
+    //
+    //        // Returns a buffer that contains a serialized version of this
+    //        table
+    //        // that must be freed with free().
+    //        virtual void *
+    //        Write (int fd);
+  };
+  template <typename __KeyType, class __HeaderDataType, class __ValueType>
+  class ExportTable {
+  public:
+    typedef __HeaderDataType HeaderDataType;
+    typedef Header<HeaderDataType> HeaderType;
+    typedef __KeyType KeyType;
+    typedef __ValueType ValueType;
+    struct Entry {
+      uint32_t hash;
+      KeyType key;
+      ValueType value;
+    };
-            // Now we need to write out all of the hash data offsets,
-            // there is an offset for each hash in the hashes array
-            // that was written out above
-            for (i=0; i<header.hashes_count; ++i)
-            {
-                ostrm.PutHex32(hash_offsets[i]);
-            }
+    typedef std::vector<ValueType> ValueArrayType;
-            // Now we write the data for each hash and verify we got the offset
-            // correct above...
-            for (i=0; i<header.bucket_count; ++i)
-            {
-                HashToHashData &bucket_entry = hash_buckets[i];
-                typename HashToHashData::const_iterator pos, end = bucket_entry.end();
-                for (pos = bucket_entry.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
-                {
-                    if (!bucket_entry.empty())
-                    {
-                        WriteHashData (pos->second);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
+    typedef std::map<KeyType, ValueArrayType> HashData;
+    // Map a name hash to one or more name infos
+    typedef std::map<uint32_t, HashData> HashToHashData;
+    virtual KeyType GetKeyForStringType(const char *cstr) const = 0;
+    virtual size_t GetByteSize(const HashData &key_to_key_values) = 0;
+    virtual bool WriteHashData(const HashData &hash_data,
+                               lldb_private::Stream &ostrm) = 0;
+    //
+    void AddEntry(const char *cstr, const ValueType &value) {
+      Entry entry;
+      entry.hash = MappedHash::HashString(eHashFunctionDJB, cstr);
+      entry.key = GetKeyForStringType(cstr);
+      entry.value = value;
+      m_entries.push_back(entry);
+    }
+    void Save(const HeaderDataType &header_data, lldb_private::Stream &ostrm) {
+      if (m_entries.empty())
+        return;
+      const uint32_t num_entries = m_entries.size();
+      uint32_t i = 0;
+      HeaderType header;
+      header.magic = HASH_MAGIC;
+      header.version = 1;
+      header.hash_function = eHashFunctionDJB;
+      header.bucket_count = 0;
+      header.hashes_count = 0;
+      header.prologue_length = header_data.GetByteSize();
+      // We need to figure out the number of unique hashes first before we can
+      // calculate the number of buckets we want to use.
+      typedef std::vector<uint32_t> hash_coll;
+      hash_coll unique_hashes;
+      unique_hashes.resize(num_entries);
+      for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i)
+        unique_hashes[i] = m_entries[i].hash;
+      std::sort(unique_hashes.begin(), unique_hashes.end());
+      hash_coll::iterator pos =
+          std::unique(unique_hashes.begin(), unique_hashes.end());
+      const size_t num_unique_hashes =
+          std::distance(unique_hashes.begin(), pos);
+      if (num_unique_hashes > 1024)
+        header.bucket_count = num_unique_hashes / 4;
+      else if (num_unique_hashes > 16)
+        header.bucket_count = num_unique_hashes / 2;
+      else
+        header.bucket_count = num_unique_hashes;
+      if (header.bucket_count == 0)
+        header.bucket_count = 1;
+      std::vector<HashToHashData> hash_buckets;
+      std::vector<uint32_t> hash_indexes(header.bucket_count, 0);
+      std::vector<uint32_t> hash_values;
+      std::vector<uint32_t> hash_offsets;
+      hash_buckets.resize(header.bucket_count);
+      uint32_t bucket_entry_empties = 0;
+      // StreamString hash_file_data(Stream::eBinary,
+      // dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetAddressByteSize(),
+      // dwarf->GetObjectFile()->GetByteSize());
+      // Push all of the hashes into their buckets and create all bucket
+      // entries all populated with data.
+      for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
+        const uint32_t hash = m_entries[i].hash;
+        const uint32_t bucket_idx = hash % header.bucket_count;
+        const uint32_t strp_offset = m_entries[i].str_offset;
+        const uint32_t die_offset = m_entries[i].die_offset;
+        hash_buckets[bucket_idx][hash][strp_offset].push_back(die_offset);
+      }
+      // Now for each bucket we write the bucket value which is the
+      // number of hashes and the hash index encoded into a single
+      // 32 bit unsigned integer.
+      for (i = 0; i < header.bucket_count; ++i) {
+        HashToHashData &bucket_entry = hash_buckets[i];
+        if (bucket_entry.empty()) {
+          // Empty bucket
+          ++bucket_entry_empties;
+          hash_indexes[i] = UINT32_MAX;
+        } else {
+          const uint32_t hash_value_index = hash_values.size();
+          uint32_t hash_count = 0;
+          typename HashToHashData::const_iterator pos, end = bucket_entry.end();
+          for (pos = bucket_entry.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+            hash_values.push_back(pos->first);
+            hash_offsets.push_back(GetByteSize(pos->second));
+            ++hash_count;
+          }
+          hash_indexes[i] = hash_value_index;
+        }
+      }
+      header.hashes_count = hash_values.size();
+      // Write the header out now that we have the hash_count
+      header.Write(ostrm);
+      // Now for each bucket we write the start index of the hashes
+      // for the current bucket, or UINT32_MAX if the bucket is empty
+      for (i = 0; i < header.bucket_count; ++i) {
+        ostrm.PutHex32(hash_indexes[i]);
+      }
+      // Now we need to write out all of the hash values
+      for (i = 0; i < header.hashes_count; ++i) {
+        ostrm.PutHex32(hash_values[i]);
+      }
+      // Now we need to write out all of the hash data offsets,
+      // there is an offset for each hash in the hashes array
+      // that was written out above
+      for (i = 0; i < header.hashes_count; ++i) {
+        ostrm.PutHex32(hash_offsets[i]);
+      }
+      // Now we write the data for each hash and verify we got the offset
+      // correct above...
+      for (i = 0; i < header.bucket_count; ++i) {
+        HashToHashData &bucket_entry = hash_buckets[i];
+        typename HashToHashData::const_iterator pos, end = bucket_entry.end();
+        for (pos = bucket_entry.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+          if (!bucket_entry.empty()) {
+            WriteHashData(pos->second);
+          }
+      }
+    }
-    protected:
-        typedef std::vector<Entry> collection;
-        collection m_entries;
+  protected:
+    typedef std::vector<Entry> collection;
+    collection m_entries;
+  };
+  // A class for reading and using a saved hash table from a block of data
+  // in memory
+  template <typename __KeyType, class __HeaderType, class __HashData>
+  class MemoryTable {
+  public:
+    typedef __HeaderType HeaderType;
+    typedef __KeyType KeyType;
+    typedef __HashData HashData;
+    enum Result {
+      eResultKeyMatch = 0u, // The entry was found, key matched and "pair" was
+                            // filled in successfully
+      eResultKeyMismatch =
+          1u, // Bucket hash data collision, but key didn't match
+      eResultEndOfHashData = 2u, // The chain of items for this hash data in
+                                 // this bucket is terminated, search no more
+      eResultError = 3u          // Error parsing the hash data, abort
-    // A class for reading and using a saved hash table from a block of data
-    // in memory
-    template <typename __KeyType, class __HeaderType, class __HashData>
-    class MemoryTable
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef __HeaderType HeaderType;
-        typedef __KeyType KeyType;
-        typedef __HashData HashData;
-        enum Result
-        {
-            eResultKeyMatch         = 0u, // The entry was found, key matched and "pair" was filled in successfully
-            eResultKeyMismatch      = 1u, // Bucket hash data collision, but key didn't match
-            eResultEndOfHashData    = 2u, // The chain of items for this hash data in this bucket is terminated, search no more
-            eResultError            = 3u  // Error parsing the hash data, abort
-        };
-        struct Pair
-        {
-            KeyType key;
-            HashData value;
-        };
-        MemoryTable (lldb_private::DataExtractor &data) :
-            m_header (),
-            m_hash_indexes (nullptr),
-            m_hash_values (nullptr),
-            m_hash_offsets (nullptr)
-        {
-            lldb::offset_t offset = m_header.Read (data, 0);
-            if (offset != LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET && IsValid ())
-            {
-                m_hash_indexes = (const uint32_t *)data.GetData (&offset, m_header.bucket_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
-                m_hash_values  = (const uint32_t *)data.GetData (&offset, m_header.hashes_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
-                m_hash_offsets = (const uint32_t *)data.GetData (&offset, m_header.hashes_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
-            }
-        }
+    struct Pair {
+      KeyType key;
+      HashData value;
+    };
-        virtual
-        ~MemoryTable() = default;
+    MemoryTable(lldb_private::DataExtractor &data)
+        : m_header(), m_hash_indexes(nullptr), m_hash_values(nullptr),
+          m_hash_offsets(nullptr) {
+      lldb::offset_t offset = m_header.Read(data, 0);
+      if (offset != LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET && IsValid()) {
+        m_hash_indexes = (const uint32_t *)data.GetData(
+            &offset, m_header.bucket_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
+        m_hash_values = (const uint32_t *)data.GetData(
+            &offset, m_header.hashes_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
+        m_hash_offsets = (const uint32_t *)data.GetData(
+            &offset, m_header.hashes_count * sizeof(uint32_t));
+      }
+    }
-        bool
-        IsValid () const
-        {
-            return m_header.version == 1 && 
-                   m_header.hash_function == eHashFunctionDJB && 
-                   m_header.bucket_count > 0 &&
-                   m_header.hashes_count > 0;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetHashIndex (uint32_t bucket_idx) const
-        {
-            if (m_hash_indexes && bucket_idx < m_header.bucket_count)
-                return m_hash_indexes[bucket_idx];
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetHashValue (uint32_t hash_idx) const
-        {
-            if (m_hash_values && hash_idx < m_header.hashes_count)
-                return m_hash_values[hash_idx];
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetHashDataOffset (uint32_t hash_idx) const
-        {
-            if (m_hash_offsets && hash_idx < m_header.hashes_count)
-                return m_hash_offsets[hash_idx];
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        bool
-        Find (const char *name, Pair &pair) const
-        {
-            if (!name || !name[0])
-                return false;
-            if (IsValid ())
-            {
-                const uint32_t bucket_count = m_header.bucket_count;
-                const uint32_t hash_count = m_header.hashes_count;
-                const uint32_t hash_value = MappedHash::HashString (m_header.hash_function, name);
-                const uint32_t bucket_idx = hash_value % bucket_count;
-                uint32_t hash_idx = GetHashIndex (bucket_idx);
-                if (hash_idx < hash_count)
-                {
-                    for (; hash_idx < hash_count; ++hash_idx)
-                    {
-                        const uint32_t curr_hash_value = GetHashValue (hash_idx);
-                        if (curr_hash_value == hash_value)
-                        {
-                            lldb::offset_t hash_data_offset = GetHashDataOffset (hash_idx);
-                            while (hash_data_offset != UINT32_MAX)
-                            {
-                                const lldb::offset_t prev_hash_data_offset = hash_data_offset;
-                                Result hash_result = GetHashDataForName (name, &hash_data_offset, pair);
-                                // Check the result of getting our hash data
-                                switch (hash_result)
-                                {
-                                case eResultKeyMatch:
-                                    return true;
-                                case eResultKeyMismatch:
-                                    if (prev_hash_data_offset == hash_data_offset)
-                                        return false;
-                                    break;
-                                case eResultEndOfHashData:
-                                    // The last HashData for this key has been reached, stop searching
-                                    return false;
-                                case eResultError:
-                                    // Error parsing the hash data, abort
-                                    return false;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ((curr_hash_value % bucket_count) != bucket_idx)
-                            break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
+    virtual ~MemoryTable() = default;
-        // This method must be implemented in any subclasses.
-        // The KeyType is user specified and must somehow result in a string
-        // value. For example, the KeyType might be a string offset in a string
-        // table and subclasses can store their string table as a member of the
-        // subclass and return a valie "const char *" given a "key". The value
-        // could also be a C string pointer, in which case just returning "key"
-        // will suffice.
-        virtual const char *
-        GetStringForKeyType (KeyType key) const = 0;
-        virtual bool
-        ReadHashData (uint32_t hash_data_offset,
-                      HashData &hash_data) const = 0;
-        // This method must be implemented in any subclasses and it must try to
-        // read one "Pair" at the offset pointed to by the "hash_data_offset_ptr"
-        // parameter. This offset should be updated as bytes are consumed and
-        // a value "Result" enum should be returned. If the "name" matches the
-        // full name for the "pair.key" (which must be filled in by this call),
-        // then the HashData in the pair ("pair.value") should be extracted and
-        // filled in and "eResultKeyMatch" should be returned. If "name" doesn't
-        // match this string for the key, then "eResultKeyMismatch" should be
-        // returned and all data for the current HashData must be consumed or
-        // skipped and the "hash_data_offset_ptr" offset needs to be updated to
-        // point to the next HashData. If the end of the HashData objects for
-        // a given hash value have been reached, then "eResultEndOfHashData"
-        // should be returned. If anything else goes wrong during parsing,
-        // return "eResultError" and the corresponding "Find()" function will
-        // be canceled and return false.
-        virtual Result
-        GetHashDataForName (const char *name,
-                            lldb::offset_t* hash_data_offset_ptr, 
-                            Pair &pair) const = 0;
-        const HeaderType &
-        GetHeader()
-        {
-            return m_header;
-        }
+    bool IsValid() const {
+      return m_header.version == 1 &&
+             m_header.hash_function == eHashFunctionDJB &&
+             m_header.bucket_count > 0 && m_header.hashes_count > 0;
+    }
+    uint32_t GetHashIndex(uint32_t bucket_idx) const {
+      if (m_hash_indexes && bucket_idx < m_header.bucket_count)
+        return m_hash_indexes[bucket_idx];
+      return UINT32_MAX;
+    }
-        void
-        ForEach (std::function <bool(const HashData &hash_data)> const &callback) const
-        {
-            const size_t num_hash_offsets = m_header.hashes_count;
-            for (size_t i=0; i<num_hash_offsets; ++i)
-            {
-                uint32_t hash_data_offset = GetHashDataOffset (i);
-                if (hash_data_offset != UINT32_MAX)
-                {
-                    HashData hash_data;
-                    if (ReadHashData (hash_data_offset, hash_data))
-                    {
-                        // If the callback returns false, then we are done and should stop
-                        if (callback(hash_data) == false)
-                            return;
-                    }
+    uint32_t GetHashValue(uint32_t hash_idx) const {
+      if (m_hash_values && hash_idx < m_header.hashes_count)
+        return m_hash_values[hash_idx];
+      return UINT32_MAX;
+    }
+    uint32_t GetHashDataOffset(uint32_t hash_idx) const {
+      if (m_hash_offsets && hash_idx < m_header.hashes_count)
+        return m_hash_offsets[hash_idx];
+      return UINT32_MAX;
+    }
+    bool Find(const char *name, Pair &pair) const {
+      if (!name || !name[0])
+        return false;
+      if (IsValid()) {
+        const uint32_t bucket_count = m_header.bucket_count;
+        const uint32_t hash_count = m_header.hashes_count;
+        const uint32_t hash_value =
+            MappedHash::HashString(m_header.hash_function, name);
+        const uint32_t bucket_idx = hash_value % bucket_count;
+        uint32_t hash_idx = GetHashIndex(bucket_idx);
+        if (hash_idx < hash_count) {
+          for (; hash_idx < hash_count; ++hash_idx) {
+            const uint32_t curr_hash_value = GetHashValue(hash_idx);
+            if (curr_hash_value == hash_value) {
+              lldb::offset_t hash_data_offset = GetHashDataOffset(hash_idx);
+              while (hash_data_offset != UINT32_MAX) {
+                const lldb::offset_t prev_hash_data_offset = hash_data_offset;
+                Result hash_result =
+                    GetHashDataForName(name, &hash_data_offset, pair);
+                // Check the result of getting our hash data
+                switch (hash_result) {
+                case eResultKeyMatch:
+                  return true;
+                case eResultKeyMismatch:
+                  if (prev_hash_data_offset == hash_data_offset)
+                    return false;
+                  break;
+                case eResultEndOfHashData:
+                  // The last HashData for this key has been reached, stop
+                  // searching
+                  return false;
+                case eResultError:
+                  // Error parsing the hash data, abort
+                  return false;
+              }
+            if ((curr_hash_value % bucket_count) != bucket_idx)
+              break;
+          }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
-    protected:
-        // Implementation agnostic information
-        HeaderType m_header;
-        const uint32_t *m_hash_indexes;
-        const uint32_t *m_hash_values;
-        const uint32_t *m_hash_offsets;
-    };
+    // This method must be implemented in any subclasses.
+    // The KeyType is user specified and must somehow result in a string
+    // value. For example, the KeyType might be a string offset in a string
+    // table and subclasses can store their string table as a member of the
+    // subclass and return a valie "const char *" given a "key". The value
+    // could also be a C string pointer, in which case just returning "key"
+    // will suffice.
+    virtual const char *GetStringForKeyType(KeyType key) const = 0;
+    virtual bool ReadHashData(uint32_t hash_data_offset,
+                              HashData &hash_data) const = 0;
+    // This method must be implemented in any subclasses and it must try to
+    // read one "Pair" at the offset pointed to by the "hash_data_offset_ptr"
+    // parameter. This offset should be updated as bytes are consumed and
+    // a value "Result" enum should be returned. If the "name" matches the
+    // full name for the "pair.key" (which must be filled in by this call),
+    // then the HashData in the pair ("pair.value") should be extracted and
+    // filled in and "eResultKeyMatch" should be returned. If "name" doesn't
+    // match this string for the key, then "eResultKeyMismatch" should be
+    // returned and all data for the current HashData must be consumed or
+    // skipped and the "hash_data_offset_ptr" offset needs to be updated to
+    // point to the next HashData. If the end of the HashData objects for
+    // a given hash value have been reached, then "eResultEndOfHashData"
+    // should be returned. If anything else goes wrong during parsing,
+    // return "eResultError" and the corresponding "Find()" function will
+    // be canceled and return false.
+    virtual Result GetHashDataForName(const char *name,
+                                      lldb::offset_t *hash_data_offset_ptr,
+                                      Pair &pair) const = 0;
+    const HeaderType &GetHeader() { return m_header; }
+    void ForEach(
+        std::function<bool(const HashData &hash_data)> const &callback) const {
+      const size_t num_hash_offsets = m_header.hashes_count;
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hash_offsets; ++i) {
+        uint32_t hash_data_offset = GetHashDataOffset(i);
+        if (hash_data_offset != UINT32_MAX) {
+          HashData hash_data;
+          if (ReadHashData(hash_data_offset, hash_data)) {
+            // If the callback returns false, then we are done and should stop
+            if (callback(hash_data) == false)
+              return;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  protected:
+    // Implementation agnostic information
+    HeaderType m_header;
+    const uint32_t *m_hash_indexes;
+    const uint32_t *m_hash_values;
+    const uint32_t *m_hash_offsets;
+  };
 #endif // liblldb_MappedHash_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Module.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Module.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Module.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Module.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/UUID.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/TypeSystem.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/PathMappingList.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -50,1187 +50,1087 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// The module will parse more detailed information as more queries are
 /// made.
-class Module :
-    public std::enable_shared_from_this<Module>,
-    public SymbolContextScope
+class Module : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Module>,
+               public SymbolContextScope {
-	// Static functions that can track the lifetime of module objects.
-	// This is handy because we might have Module objects that are in
-	// shared pointers that aren't in the global module list (from 
-	// ModuleList). If this is the case we need to know about it.
-    // The modules in the global list maintained by these functions
-    // can be viewed using the "target modules list" command using the
-    // "--global" (-g for short).
-    static size_t
-    GetNumberAllocatedModules ();
-    static Module *
-    GetAllocatedModuleAtIndex (size_t idx);
-    static std::recursive_mutex &
-    GetAllocationModuleCollectionMutex();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Construct with file specification and architecture.
-    ///
-    /// Clients that wish to share modules with other targets should
-    /// use ModuleList::GetSharedModule().
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] file_spec
-    ///     The file specification for the on disk representation of
-    ///     this executable image.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] arch
-    ///     The architecture to set as the current architecture in
-    ///     this module.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] object_name
-    ///     The name of an object in a module used to extract a module
-    ///     within a module (.a files and modules that contain multiple
-    ///     architectures).
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] object_offset
-    ///     The offset within an existing module used to extract a
-    ///     module within a module (.a files and modules that contain
-    ///     multiple architectures).
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Module(const FileSpec& file_spec,
-           const ArchSpec& arch,
-           const ConstString *object_name = nullptr,
-           lldb::offset_t object_offset = 0,
-           const TimeValue *object_mod_time_ptr = nullptr);
-    Module (const ModuleSpec &module_spec);
-    static lldb::ModuleSP
-    CreateJITModule (const lldb::ObjectFileJITDelegateSP &delegate_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ~Module() override;
-    bool
-    MatchesModuleSpec (const ModuleSpec &module_ref);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set the load address for all sections in a module to be the
-    /// file address plus \a slide.
-    ///
-    /// Many times a module will be loaded in a target with a constant
-    /// offset applied to all top level sections. This function can 
-    /// set the load address for all top level sections to be the
-    /// section file address + offset.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target
-    ///     The target in which to apply the section load addresses.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] value
-    ///     if \a value_is_offset is true, then value is the offset to
-    ///     apply to all file addresses for all top level sections in
-    ///     the object file as each section load address is being set.
-    ///     If \a value_is_offset is false, then "value" is the new
-    ///     absolute base address for the image.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] value_is_offset
-    ///     If \b true, then \a value is an offset to apply to each
-    ///     file address of each top level section.
-    ///     If \b false, then \a value is the image base address that
-    ///     will be used to rigidly slide all loadable sections.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] changed
-    ///     If any section load addresses were changed in \a target,
-    ///     then \a changed will be set to \b true. Else \a changed
-    ///     will be set to false. This allows this function to be
-    ///     called multiple times on the same module for the same
-    ///     target. If the module hasn't moved, then \a changed will
-    ///     be false and no module updated notification will need to
-    ///     be sent out.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     /b True if any sections were successfully loaded in \a target,
-    ///     /b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    SetLoadAddress (Target &target, 
-                    lldb::addr_t value,
-                    bool value_is_offset,
-                    bool &changed);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext*)
-    ///
-    /// @see SymbolContextScope
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext* sc) override;
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    CalculateSymbolContextModule() override;
-    void
-    GetDescription (Stream *s,
-                    lldb::DescriptionLevel level = lldb::eDescriptionLevelFull);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the module path and object name.
-    ///
-    /// Modules can refer to object files. In this case the specification
-    /// is simple and would return the path to the file:
-    ///
-    ///     "/usr/lib/foo.dylib"
-    ///
-    /// Modules can be .o files inside of a BSD archive (.a file). In
-    /// this case, the object specification will look like:
-    ///
-    ///     "/usr/lib/foo.a(bar.o)"
-    ///
-    /// There are many places where logging wants to log this fully
-    /// qualified specification, so we centralize this functionality
-    /// here.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The object path + object name if there is one.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    std::string
-    GetSpecificationDescription () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
-    ///
-    /// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
-    /// supplied stream \a s. The dumped content will be only what has
-    /// been loaded or parsed up to this point at which this function
-    /// is called, so this is a good way to see what has been parsed
-    /// in a module.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] s
-    ///     The stream to which to dump the object description.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::DumpSymbolContext(Stream*)
-    ///
-    /// @see SymbolContextScope
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    DumpSymbolContext(Stream *s) override;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find a symbol in the object file's symbol table.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///     The name of the symbol that we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] symbol_type
-    ///     If set to eSymbolTypeAny, find a symbol of any type that
-    ///     has a name that matches \a name. If set to any other valid
-    ///     SymbolType enumeration value, then search only for
-    ///     symbols that match \a symbol_type.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     Returns a valid symbol pointer if a symbol was found,
-    ///     nullptr otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const Symbol *
-    FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType (const ConstString &name, 
-                                    lldb::SymbolType symbol_type = lldb::eSymbolTypeAny);
-    size_t
-    FindSymbolsWithNameAndType (const ConstString &name,
-                                lldb::SymbolType symbol_type, 
-                                SymbolContextList &sc_list);
-    size_t
-    FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType (const RegularExpression &regex, 
-                                     lldb::SymbolType symbol_type, 
-                                     SymbolContextList &sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find a function symbols in the object file's symbol table.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///     The name of the symbol that we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name_type_mask
-    ///     A mask that has one or more bitwise OR'ed values from the
-    ///     lldb::FunctionNameType enumeration type that indicate what
-    ///     kind of names we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A list to append any matching symbol contexts to.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of symbol contexts that were added to \a sc_list
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindFunctionSymbols (const ConstString &name,
-                         uint32_t name_type_mask,
-                         SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find compile units by partial or full path.
-    ///
-    /// Finds all compile units that match \a path in all of the modules
-    /// and returns the results in \a sc_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] path
-    ///     The name of the function we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, then append any compile units that were found
-    ///     to \a sc_list. If \b false, then the \a sc_list is cleared
-    ///     and the contents of \a sc_list are replaced.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
-    ///     matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindCompileUnits (const FileSpec &path,
-                      bool append,
-                      SymbolContextList &sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find functions by name.
-    ///
-    /// If the function is an inlined function, it will have a block,
-    /// representing the inlined function, and the function will be the
-    /// containing function.  If it is not inlined, then the block will 
-    /// be NULL.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///     The name of the compile unit we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] namespace_decl
-    ///     If valid, a namespace to search in.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name_type_mask
-    ///     A bit mask of bits that indicate what kind of names should
-    ///     be used when doing the lookup. Bits include fully qualified
-    ///     names, base names, C++ methods, or ObjC selectors. 
-    ///     See FunctionNameType for more details.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a sc_list, else
-    ///     matches replace the contents of \a sc_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
-    ///     matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindFunctions (const ConstString &name,
-                   const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
-                   uint32_t name_type_mask, 
-                   bool symbols_ok,
-                   bool inlines_ok,
-                   bool append, 
-                   SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find functions by name.
-    ///
-    /// If the function is an inlined function, it will have a block,
-    /// representing the inlined function, and the function will be the
-    /// containing function.  If it is not inlined, then the block will 
-    /// be NULL.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] regex
-    ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a sc_list, else
-    ///     matches replace the contents of \a sc_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
-    ///     matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindFunctions (const RegularExpression& regex, 
-                   bool symbols_ok, 
-                   bool inlines_ok,
-                   bool append, 
-                   SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find addresses by file/line
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target_sp
-    ///     The target the addresses are desired for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] file
-    ///     Source file to locate.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] line
-    ///     Source line to locate.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] function
-    ///	    Optional filter function. Addresses within this function will be
-    ///     added to the 'local' list. All others will be added to the 'extern' list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] output_local
-    ///     All matching addresses within 'function'
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] output_extern
-    ///     All matching addresses not within 'function'
-    void FindAddressesForLine (const lldb::TargetSP target_sp,
-                               const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line,
-                               Function *function,
-                               std::vector<Address> &output_local, std::vector<Address> &output_extern);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find global and static variables by name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///     The name of the global or static variable we are looking
-    ///     for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] parent_decl_ctx
-    ///     If valid, a decl context that results must exist within
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
-    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
-    ///     \a variable_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] max_matches
-    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
-    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] variable_list
-    ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
-    ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindGlobalVariables (const ConstString &name,
-                         const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
-                         bool append, 
-                         size_t max_matches,
-                         VariableList& variable_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find global and static variables by regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] regex
-    ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
-    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
-    ///     \a variable_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] max_matches
-    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
-    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] variable_list
-    ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
-    ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindGlobalVariables (const RegularExpression& regex, 
-                         bool append, 
-                         size_t max_matches,
-                         VariableList& variable_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find types by name.
-    ///
-    /// Type lookups in modules go through the SymbolVendor (which will
-    /// use one or more SymbolFile subclasses). The SymbolFile needs to
-    /// be able to lookup types by basename and not the fully qualified
-    /// typename. This allows the type accelerator tables to stay small,
-    /// even with heavily templatized C++. The type search will then
-    /// narrow down the search results. If "exact_match" is true, then
-    /// the type search will only match exact type name matches. If
-    /// "exact_match" is false, the type will match as long as the base
-    /// typename matches and as long as any immediate containing
-    /// namespaces/class scopes that are specified match. So to search
-    /// for a type "d" in "b::c", the name "b::c::d" can be specified
-    /// and it will match any class/namespace "b" which contains a
-    /// class/namespace "c" which contains type "d". We do this to
-    /// allow users to not always have to specify complete scoping on
-    /// all expressions, but it also allows for exact matching when
-    /// required.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sc
-    ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
-    ///     from.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] type_name
-    ///     The name of the type we are looking for that is a fully
-    ///     or partially qualified type name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] exact_match
-    ///     If \b true, \a type_name is fully qualified and must match
-    ///     exactly. If \b false, \a type_name is a partially qualified
-    ///     name where the leading namespaces or classes can be
-    ///     omitted to make finding types that a user may type
-    ///     easier.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] type_list
-    ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindTypes (const SymbolContext& sc,
-               const ConstString &type_name,
-               bool exact_match,
-               size_t max_matches,
-               llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
-               TypeList& types);
-    lldb::TypeSP
-    FindFirstType (const SymbolContext& sc,
-                   const ConstString &type_name,
-                   bool exact_match);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find types by name that are in a namespace. This function is
-    /// used by the expression parser when searches need to happen in
-    /// an exact namespace scope.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sc
-    ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
-    ///     from.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] type_name
-    ///     The name of a type within a namespace that should not include
-    ///     any qualifying namespaces (just a type basename).
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] namespace_decl
-    ///     The namespace declaration that this type must exist in.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] type_list
-    ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindTypesInNamespace (const SymbolContext& sc,
-                          const ConstString &type_name,
-                          const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
-                          size_t max_matches,
-                          TypeList& type_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get const accessor for the module architecture.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const reference to the architecture object.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const ArchSpec&
-    GetArchitecture () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get const accessor for the module file specification.
-    ///
-    /// This function returns the file for the module on the host system
-    /// that is running LLDB. This can differ from the path on the 
-    /// platform since we might be doing remote debugging.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const reference to the file specification object.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetFileSpec () const
-    {
-        return m_file;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get accessor for the module platform file specification.
-    ///
-    /// Platform file refers to the path of the module as it is known on
-    /// the remote system on which it is being debugged. For local 
-    /// debugging this is always the same as Module::GetFileSpec(). But
-    /// remote debugging might mention a file "/usr/lib/liba.dylib"
-    /// which might be locally downloaded and cached. In this case the
-    /// platform file could be something like:
-    /// "/tmp/lldb/platform-cache/remote.host.computer/usr/lib/liba.dylib"
-    /// The file could also be cached in a local developer kit directory.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const reference to the file specification object.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetPlatformFileSpec () const
-    {
-        if (m_platform_file)
-            return m_platform_file;
-        return m_file;
-    }
-    void
-    SetPlatformFileSpec (const FileSpec &file)
-    {
-        m_platform_file = file;
-    }
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetRemoteInstallFileSpec () const
-    {
-        return m_remote_install_file;
-    }
-    void
-    SetRemoteInstallFileSpec (const FileSpec &file)
-    {
-        m_remote_install_file = file;
-    }
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetSymbolFileFileSpec () const
-    {
-        return m_symfile_spec;
-    }
-    void
-    SetSymbolFileFileSpec (const FileSpec &file);
-    const TimeValue &
-    GetModificationTime () const
-    {
-        return m_mod_time;
-    }
-    const TimeValue &
-    GetObjectModificationTime () const
-    {
-        return m_object_mod_time;
-    }
-    void
-    SetObjectModificationTime (const TimeValue &mod_time)
-    {
-        m_mod_time = mod_time;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Tells whether this module is capable of being the main executable
-    /// for a process.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    IsExecutable ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Tells whether this module has been loaded in the target passed in.
-    /// This call doesn't distinguish between whether the module is loaded
-    /// by the dynamic loader, or by a "target module add" type call.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target
-    ///    The target to check whether this is loaded in.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    IsLoadedInTarget (Target *target);
-    bool
-    LoadScriptingResourceInTarget(Target *target,
-                                  Error& error,
-                                  Stream* feedback_stream = nullptr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the number of compile units for this module.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of compile units that the symbol vendor plug-in
-    ///     finds.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    GetNumCompileUnits();
-    lldb::CompUnitSP
-    GetCompileUnitAtIndex (size_t idx);
-    const ConstString &
-    GetObjectName() const;
-    uint64_t
-    GetObjectOffset() const
-    {
-        return m_object_offset;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the object file representation for the current architecture.
-    ///
-    /// If the object file has not been located or parsed yet, this
-    /// function will find the best ObjectFile plug-in that can parse
-    /// Module::m_file.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     If Module::m_file does not exist, or no plug-in was found
-    ///     that can parse the file, or the object file doesn't contain
-    ///     the current architecture in Module::m_arch, nullptr will be
-    ///     returned, else a valid object file interface will be
-    ///     returned. The returned pointer is owned by this object and
-    ///     remains valid as long as the object is around.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual ObjectFile *
-    GetObjectFile ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the unified section list for the module. This is the section
-    /// list created by the module's object file and any debug info and
-    /// symbol files created by the symbol vendor.
-    ///
-    /// If the symbol vendor has not been loaded yet, this function
-    /// will return the section list for the object file.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     Unified module section list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual SectionList *
-    GetSectionList ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Notify the module that the file addresses for the Sections have
-    /// been updated.
-    ///
-    /// If the Section file addresses for a module are updated, this
-    /// method should be called.  Any parts of the module, object file,
-    /// or symbol file that has cached those file addresses must invalidate
-    /// or update its cache.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    SectionFileAddressesChanged ();
-    uint32_t
-    GetVersion (uint32_t *versions, uint32_t num_versions);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Load an object file from memory. 
-    ///
-    /// If available, the size of the object file in memory may be 
-    /// passed to avoid additional round trips to process memory. 
-    /// If the size is not provided, a default value is used. This
-    /// value should be large enough to enable the ObjectFile plugins
-    /// to read the header of the object file without going back to the
-    /// process. 
-    ///
-    /// @return 
-    ///     The object file loaded from memory or nullptr, if the operation 
-    ///     failed (see the `error` for more information in that case).
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ObjectFile *
-    GetMemoryObjectFile (const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp, 
-                         lldb::addr_t header_addr,
-                         Error &error,
-                         size_t size_to_read = 512);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the symbol vendor interface for the current architecture.
-    ///
-    /// If the symbol vendor file has not been located yet, this
-    /// function will find the best SymbolVendor plug-in that can
-    /// use the current object file.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     If this module does not have a valid object file, or no
-    ///     plug-in can be found that can use the object file, nullptr will
-    ///     be returned, else a valid symbol vendor plug-in interface
-    ///     will be returned. The returned pointer is owned by this
-    ///     object and remains valid as long as the object is around.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual SymbolVendor*
-    GetSymbolVendor(bool can_create = true,
-                    lldb_private::Stream *feedback_strm = nullptr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get accessor the type list for this module.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A valid type list pointer, or nullptr if there is no valid
-    ///     symbol vendor for this module.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    TypeList*
-    GetTypeList ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get a pointer to the UUID value contained in this object.
-    ///
-    /// If the executable image file doesn't not have a UUID value built
-    /// into the file format, an MD5 checksum of the entire file, or
-    /// slice of the file for the current architecture should be used.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const pointer to the internal copy of the UUID value in
-    ///     this module if this module has a valid UUID value, NULL
-    ///     otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const lldb_private::UUID &
-    GetUUID ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// A debugging function that will cause everything in a module to
-    /// be parsed.
-    ///
-    /// All compile units will be parsed, along with all globals and
-    /// static variables and all functions for those compile units.
-    /// All types, scopes, local variables, static variables, global
-    /// variables, and line tables will be parsed. This can be used
-    /// prior to dumping a module to see a complete list of the
-    /// resulting debug information that gets parsed, or as a debug
-    /// function to ensure that the module can consume all of the
-    /// debug data the symbol vendor provides.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    ParseAllDebugSymbols();
-    bool
-    ResolveFileAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr, Address& so_addr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Resolve the symbol context for the given address.
-    ///
-    /// Tries to resolve the matching symbol context based on a lookup
-    /// from the current symbol vendor.  If the lazy lookup fails,
-    /// an attempt is made to parse the eh_frame section to handle 
-    /// stripped symbols.  If this fails, an attempt is made to resolve
-    /// the symbol to the previous address to handle the case of a 
-    /// function with a tail call.
-    ///
-    /// Use properties of the modified SymbolContext to inspect any
-    /// resolved target, module, compilation unit, symbol, function,
-    /// function block or line entry.  Use the return value to determine
-    /// which of these properties have been modified.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] so_addr
-    ///     A load address to resolve.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
-    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see SymbolContext::Scope).
-    ///     A combination of flags from the enumeration SymbolContextItem
-    ///     requesting a resolution depth.  Note that the flags that are
-    ///     actually resolved may be a superset of the requested flags.
-    ///     For instance, eSymbolContextSymbol requires resolution of
-    ///     eSymbolContextModule, and eSymbolContextFunction requires
-    ///     eSymbolContextSymbol.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc
-    ///     The SymbolContext that is modified based on symbol resolution.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] resolve_tail_call_address
-    ///     Determines if so_addr should resolve to a symbol in the case
-    ///     of a function whose last instruction is a call.  In this case,
-    ///     the PC can be one past the address range of the function.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The scope that has been resolved (see SymbolContext::Scope).
-    ///
-    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address& so_addr, uint32_t resolve_scope,
-                                    SymbolContext& sc, bool resolve_tail_call_address = false);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Resolve items in the symbol context for a given file and line.
-    ///
-    /// Tries to resolve \a file_path and \a line to a list of matching
-    /// symbol contexts.
-    ///
-    /// The line table entries contains addresses that can be used to
-    /// further resolve the values in each match: the function, block,
-    /// symbol. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of
-    /// information that is requested to only what is needed --
-    /// typically the module, compile unit, line table and line table
-    /// entry are sufficient.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] file_path
-    ///     A path to a source file to match. If \a file_path does not
-    ///     specify a directory, then this query will match all files
-    ///     whose base filename matches. If \a file_path does specify
-    ///     a directory, the fullpath to the file must match.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] line
-    ///     The source line to match, or zero if just the compile unit
-    ///     should be resolved.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] check_inlines
-    ///     Check for inline file and line number matches. This option
-    ///     should be used sparingly as it will cause all line tables
-    ///     for every compile unit to be parsed and searched for
-    ///     matching inline file entries.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
-    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
-    ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A symbol context list that gets matching symbols contexts
-    ///     appended to.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches that were added to \a sc_list.
-    ///
-    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (const char *file_path, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Resolve items in the symbol context for a given file and line.
-    ///
-    /// Tries to resolve \a file_spec and \a line to a list of matching
-    /// symbol contexts.
-    ///
-    /// The line table entries contains addresses that can be used to
-    /// further resolve the values in each match: the function, block,
-    /// symbol. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of
-    /// information that is requested to only what is needed --
-    /// typically the module, compile unit, line table and line table
-    /// entry are sufficient.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] file_spec
-    ///     A file spec to a source file to match. If \a file_path does
-    ///     not specify a directory, then this query will match all
-    ///     files whose base filename matches. If \a file_path does
-    ///     specify a directory, the fullpath to the file must match.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] line
-    ///     The source line to match, or zero if just the compile unit
-    ///     should be resolved.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] check_inlines
-    ///     Check for inline file and line number matches. This option
-    ///     should be used sparingly as it will cause all line tables
-    ///     for every compile unit to be parsed and searched for
-    ///     matching inline file entries.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
-    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
-    ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
-    ///     matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A integer that contains SymbolContext::Scope bits set for
-    ///     each item that was successfully resolved.
-    ///
-    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    void
-    SetFileSpecAndObjectName (const FileSpec &file,
-                              const ConstString &object_name);
-    bool
-    GetIsDynamicLinkEditor ();
-    TypeSystem *
-    GetTypeSystemForLanguage (lldb::LanguageType language);
-    // Special error functions that can do printf style formatting that will prepend the message with
-    // something appropriate for this module (like the architecture, path and object name (if any)). 
-    // This centralizes code so that everyone doesn't need to format their error and log messages on
-    // their own and keeps the output a bit more consistent.
-    void                    
-    LogMessage (Log *log, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
-    void                    
-    LogMessageVerboseBacktrace (Log *log, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
-    void
-    ReportWarning (const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
-    void
-    ReportError (const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
-    // Only report an error once when the module is first detected to be modified
-    // so we don't spam the console with many messages.
-    void
-    ReportErrorIfModifyDetected (const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Return true if the file backing this module has changed since the
-    // module was originally created  since we saved the initial file
-    // modification time when the module first gets created.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    FileHasChanged () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // SymbolVendor, SymbolFile and ObjectFile member objects should
-    // lock the module mutex to avoid deadlocks.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    std::recursive_mutex &
-    GetMutex() const
-    {
-        return m_mutex;
-    }
-    PathMappingList &
-    GetSourceMappingList ()
-    {
-        return m_source_mappings;
-    }
-    const PathMappingList &
-    GetSourceMappingList () const
-    {
-        return m_source_mappings;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Finds a source file given a file spec using the module source
-    /// path remappings (if any).
-    ///
-    /// Tries to resolve \a orig_spec by checking the module source path
-    /// remappings. It makes sure the file exists, so this call can be
-    /// expensive if the remappings are on a network file system, so
-    /// use this function sparingly (not in a tight debug info parsing
-    /// loop).
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] orig_spec
-    ///     The original source file path to try and remap.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] new_spec
-    ///     The newly remapped filespec that is guaranteed to exist.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     /b true if \a orig_spec was successfully located and
-    ///     \a new_spec is filled in with an existing file spec,
-    ///     \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    FindSourceFile (const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Remaps a source file given \a path into \a new_path.
-    ///
-    /// Remaps \a path if any source remappings match. This function
-    /// does NOT stat the file system so it can be used in tight loops
-    /// where debug info is being parsed.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] path
-    ///     The original source file path to try and remap.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] new_path
-    ///     The newly remapped filespec that is may or may not exist.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     /b true if \a path was successfully located and \a new_path
-    ///     is filled in with a new source path, \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    RemapSourceFile (const char *path, std::string &new_path) const;
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @class LookupInfo Module.h "lldb/Core/Module.h"
-    /// @brief A class that encapsulates name lookup information.
-    ///
-    /// Users can type a wide variety of partial names when setting
-    /// breakpoints by name or when looking for functions by name.
-    /// SymbolVendor and SymbolFile objects are only required to implement
-    /// name lookup for function basenames and for fully mangled names.
-    /// This means if the user types in a partial name, we must reduce this
-    /// to a name lookup that will work with all SymbolFile objects. So we
-    /// might reduce a name lookup to look for a basename, and then prune
-    /// out any results that don't match.
-    ///
-    /// The "m_name" member variable represents the name as it was typed
-    /// by the user. "m_lookup_name" will be the name we actually search
-    /// for through the symbol or objects files. Lanaguage is included in
-    /// case we need to filter results by language at a later date. The
-    /// "m_name_type_mask" member variable tells us what kinds of names we
-    /// are looking for and can help us prune out unwanted results.
-    ///
-    /// Function lookups are done in Module.cpp, ModuleList.cpp and in
-    /// BreakpointResolverName.cpp and they all now use this class to do
-    /// lookups correctly.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    class LookupInfo
-    {
-    public:
-        LookupInfo() :
-            m_name(),
-            m_lookup_name(),
-            m_language(lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown),
-            m_name_type_mask(0),
-            m_match_name_after_lookup(false)
-        {
-        }
-        LookupInfo(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask, lldb::LanguageType language);
-        const ConstString &
-        GetName() const
-        {
-            return m_name;
-        }
-        void
-        SetName(const ConstString &name)
-        {
-            m_name = name;
-        }
-        const ConstString &
-        GetLookupName() const
-        {
-            return m_lookup_name;
-        }
-        void
-        SetLookupName(const ConstString &name)
-        {
-            m_lookup_name = name;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetNameTypeMask() const
-        {
-            return m_name_type_mask;
-        }
-        void
-        SetNameTypeMask(uint32_t mask)
-        {
-            m_name_type_mask = mask;
-        }
-        void
-        Prune(SymbolContextList &sc_list, size_t start_idx) const;
-    protected:
-        ConstString m_name; ///< What the user originally typed
-        ConstString m_lookup_name; ///< The actual name will lookup when calling in the object or symbol file
-        lldb::LanguageType m_language; ///< Limit matches to only be for this language
-        uint32_t m_name_type_mask; ///< One or more bits from lldb::FunctionNameType that indicate what kind of names we are looking for
-        bool m_match_name_after_lookup; ///< If \b true, then demangled names that match will need to contain "m_name" in order to be considered a match
-    };
+  // Static functions that can track the lifetime of module objects.
+  // This is handy because we might have Module objects that are in
+  // shared pointers that aren't in the global module list (from
+  // ModuleList). If this is the case we need to know about it.
+  // The modules in the global list maintained by these functions
+  // can be viewed using the "target modules list" command using the
+  // "--global" (-g for short).
+  static size_t GetNumberAllocatedModules();
+  static Module *GetAllocatedModuleAtIndex(size_t idx);
+  static std::recursive_mutex &GetAllocationModuleCollectionMutex();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Construct with file specification and architecture.
+  ///
+  /// Clients that wish to share modules with other targets should
+  /// use ModuleList::GetSharedModule().
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] file_spec
+  ///     The file specification for the on disk representation of
+  ///     this executable image.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] arch
+  ///     The architecture to set as the current architecture in
+  ///     this module.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] object_name
+  ///     The name of an object in a module used to extract a module
+  ///     within a module (.a files and modules that contain multiple
+  ///     architectures).
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] object_offset
+  ///     The offset within an existing module used to extract a
+  ///     module within a module (.a files and modules that contain
+  ///     multiple architectures).
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Module(const FileSpec &file_spec, const ArchSpec &arch,
+         const ConstString *object_name = nullptr,
+         lldb::offset_t object_offset = 0,
+         const TimeValue *object_mod_time_ptr = nullptr);
+  Module(const ModuleSpec &module_spec);
+  static lldb::ModuleSP
+  CreateJITModule(const lldb::ObjectFileJITDelegateSP &delegate_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ~Module() override;
+  bool MatchesModuleSpec(const ModuleSpec &module_ref);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set the load address for all sections in a module to be the
+  /// file address plus \a slide.
+  ///
+  /// Many times a module will be loaded in a target with a constant
+  /// offset applied to all top level sections. This function can
+  /// set the load address for all top level sections to be the
+  /// section file address + offset.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target
+  ///     The target in which to apply the section load addresses.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] value
+  ///     if \a value_is_offset is true, then value is the offset to
+  ///     apply to all file addresses for all top level sections in
+  ///     the object file as each section load address is being set.
+  ///     If \a value_is_offset is false, then "value" is the new
+  ///     absolute base address for the image.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] value_is_offset
+  ///     If \b true, then \a value is an offset to apply to each
+  ///     file address of each top level section.
+  ///     If \b false, then \a value is the image base address that
+  ///     will be used to rigidly slide all loadable sections.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] changed
+  ///     If any section load addresses were changed in \a target,
+  ///     then \a changed will be set to \b true. Else \a changed
+  ///     will be set to false. This allows this function to be
+  ///     called multiple times on the same module for the same
+  ///     target. If the module hasn't moved, then \a changed will
+  ///     be false and no module updated notification will need to
+  ///     be sent out.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     /b True if any sections were successfully loaded in \a target,
+  ///     /b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool SetLoadAddress(Target &target, lldb::addr_t value, bool value_is_offset,
+                      bool &changed);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext*)
+  ///
+  /// @see SymbolContextScope
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext *sc) override;
+  lldb::ModuleSP CalculateSymbolContextModule() override;
+  void
+  GetDescription(Stream *s,
+                 lldb::DescriptionLevel level = lldb::eDescriptionLevelFull);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the module path and object name.
+  ///
+  /// Modules can refer to object files. In this case the specification
+  /// is simple and would return the path to the file:
+  ///
+  ///     "/usr/lib/foo.dylib"
+  ///
+  /// Modules can be .o files inside of a BSD archive (.a file). In
+  /// this case, the object specification will look like:
+  ///
+  ///     "/usr/lib/foo.a(bar.o)"
+  ///
+  /// There are many places where logging wants to log this fully
+  /// qualified specification, so we centralize this functionality
+  /// here.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The object path + object name if there is one.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  std::string GetSpecificationDescription() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
+  ///
+  /// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
+  /// supplied stream \a s. The dumped content will be only what has
+  /// been loaded or parsed up to this point at which this function
+  /// is called, so this is a good way to see what has been parsed
+  /// in a module.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] s
+  ///     The stream to which to dump the object description.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Dump(Stream *s);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::DumpSymbolContext(Stream*)
+  ///
+  /// @see SymbolContextScope
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void DumpSymbolContext(Stream *s) override;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find a symbol in the object file's symbol table.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///     The name of the symbol that we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] symbol_type
+  ///     If set to eSymbolTypeAny, find a symbol of any type that
+  ///     has a name that matches \a name. If set to any other valid
+  ///     SymbolType enumeration value, then search only for
+  ///     symbols that match \a symbol_type.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     Returns a valid symbol pointer if a symbol was found,
+  ///     nullptr otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const Symbol *FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType(
+      const ConstString &name,
+      lldb::SymbolType symbol_type = lldb::eSymbolTypeAny);
+  size_t FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(const ConstString &name,
+                                    lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
+                                    SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  size_t FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType(const RegularExpression &regex,
+                                         lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
+                                         SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find a function symbols in the object file's symbol table.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///     The name of the symbol that we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name_type_mask
+  ///     A mask that has one or more bitwise OR'ed values from the
+  ///     lldb::FunctionNameType enumeration type that indicate what
+  ///     kind of names we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A list to append any matching symbol contexts to.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of symbol contexts that were added to \a sc_list
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindFunctionSymbols(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask,
+                             SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find compile units by partial or full path.
+  ///
+  /// Finds all compile units that match \a path in all of the modules
+  /// and returns the results in \a sc_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] path
+  ///     The name of the function we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, then append any compile units that were found
+  ///     to \a sc_list. If \b false, then the \a sc_list is cleared
+  ///     and the contents of \a sc_list are replaced.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
+  ///     matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindCompileUnits(const FileSpec &path, bool append,
+                          SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find functions by name.
+  ///
+  /// If the function is an inlined function, it will have a block,
+  /// representing the inlined function, and the function will be the
+  /// containing function.  If it is not inlined, then the block will
+  /// be NULL.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///     The name of the compile unit we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] namespace_decl
+  ///     If valid, a namespace to search in.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name_type_mask
+  ///     A bit mask of bits that indicate what kind of names should
+  ///     be used when doing the lookup. Bits include fully qualified
+  ///     names, base names, C++ methods, or ObjC selectors.
+  ///     See FunctionNameType for more details.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a sc_list, else
+  ///     matches replace the contents of \a sc_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
+  ///     matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindFunctions(const ConstString &name,
+                       const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
+                       uint32_t name_type_mask, bool symbols_ok,
+                       bool inlines_ok, bool append,
+                       SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find functions by name.
+  ///
+  /// If the function is an inlined function, it will have a block,
+  /// representing the inlined function, and the function will be the
+  /// containing function.  If it is not inlined, then the block will
+  /// be NULL.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] regex
+  ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a sc_list, else
+  ///     matches replace the contents of \a sc_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
+  ///     matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindFunctions(const RegularExpression &regex, bool symbols_ok,
+                       bool inlines_ok, bool append,
+                       SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find addresses by file/line
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target_sp
+  ///     The target the addresses are desired for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] file
+  ///     Source file to locate.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] line
+  ///     Source line to locate.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] function
+  ///	    Optional filter function. Addresses within this function will be
+  ///     added to the 'local' list. All others will be added to the 'extern'
+  ///     list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] output_local
+  ///     All matching addresses within 'function'
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] output_extern
+  ///     All matching addresses not within 'function'
+  void FindAddressesForLine(const lldb::TargetSP target_sp,
+                            const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line,
+                            Function *function,
+                            std::vector<Address> &output_local,
+                            std::vector<Address> &output_extern);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find global and static variables by name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///     The name of the global or static variable we are looking
+  ///     for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] parent_decl_ctx
+  ///     If valid, a decl context that results must exist within
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
+  ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
+  ///     \a variable_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] max_matches
+  ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
+  ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] variable_list
+  ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
+  ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindGlobalVariables(const ConstString &name,
+                             const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
+                             bool append, size_t max_matches,
+                             VariableList &variable_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find global and static variables by regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] regex
+  ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
+  ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
+  ///     \a variable_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] max_matches
+  ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
+  ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] variable_list
+  ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
+  ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression &regex, bool append,
+                             size_t max_matches, VariableList &variable_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find types by name.
+  ///
+  /// Type lookups in modules go through the SymbolVendor (which will
+  /// use one or more SymbolFile subclasses). The SymbolFile needs to
+  /// be able to lookup types by basename and not the fully qualified
+  /// typename. This allows the type accelerator tables to stay small,
+  /// even with heavily templatized C++. The type search will then
+  /// narrow down the search results. If "exact_match" is true, then
+  /// the type search will only match exact type name matches. If
+  /// "exact_match" is false, the type will match as long as the base
+  /// typename matches and as long as any immediate containing
+  /// namespaces/class scopes that are specified match. So to search
+  /// for a type "d" in "b::c", the name "b::c::d" can be specified
+  /// and it will match any class/namespace "b" which contains a
+  /// class/namespace "c" which contains type "d". We do this to
+  /// allow users to not always have to specify complete scoping on
+  /// all expressions, but it also allows for exact matching when
+  /// required.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sc
+  ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
+  ///     from.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] type_name
+  ///     The name of the type we are looking for that is a fully
+  ///     or partially qualified type name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] exact_match
+  ///     If \b true, \a type_name is fully qualified and must match
+  ///     exactly. If \b false, \a type_name is a partially qualified
+  ///     name where the leading namespaces or classes can be
+  ///     omitted to make finding types that a user may type
+  ///     easier.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] type_list
+  ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t
+  FindTypes(const SymbolContext &sc, const ConstString &type_name,
+            bool exact_match, size_t max_matches,
+            llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
+            TypeList &types);
+  lldb::TypeSP FindFirstType(const SymbolContext &sc,
+                             const ConstString &type_name, bool exact_match);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find types by name that are in a namespace. This function is
+  /// used by the expression parser when searches need to happen in
+  /// an exact namespace scope.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sc
+  ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
+  ///     from.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] type_name
+  ///     The name of a type within a namespace that should not include
+  ///     any qualifying namespaces (just a type basename).
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] namespace_decl
+  ///     The namespace declaration that this type must exist in.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] type_list
+  ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindTypesInNamespace(const SymbolContext &sc,
+                              const ConstString &type_name,
+                              const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
+                              size_t max_matches, TypeList &type_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get const accessor for the module architecture.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const reference to the architecture object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const ArchSpec &GetArchitecture() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get const accessor for the module file specification.
+  ///
+  /// This function returns the file for the module on the host system
+  /// that is running LLDB. This can differ from the path on the
+  /// platform since we might be doing remote debugging.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const reference to the file specification object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const FileSpec &GetFileSpec() const { return m_file; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get accessor for the module platform file specification.
+  ///
+  /// Platform file refers to the path of the module as it is known on
+  /// the remote system on which it is being debugged. For local
+  /// debugging this is always the same as Module::GetFileSpec(). But
+  /// remote debugging might mention a file "/usr/lib/liba.dylib"
+  /// which might be locally downloaded and cached. In this case the
+  /// platform file could be something like:
+  /// "/tmp/lldb/platform-cache/remote.host.computer/usr/lib/liba.dylib"
+  /// The file could also be cached in a local developer kit directory.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const reference to the file specification object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const FileSpec &GetPlatformFileSpec() const {
+    if (m_platform_file)
+      return m_platform_file;
+    return m_file;
+  }
+  void SetPlatformFileSpec(const FileSpec &file) { m_platform_file = file; }
+  const FileSpec &GetRemoteInstallFileSpec() const {
+    return m_remote_install_file;
+  }
+  void SetRemoteInstallFileSpec(const FileSpec &file) {
+    m_remote_install_file = file;
+  }
+  const FileSpec &GetSymbolFileFileSpec() const { return m_symfile_spec; }
+  void SetSymbolFileFileSpec(const FileSpec &file);
+  const TimeValue &GetModificationTime() const { return m_mod_time; }
+  const TimeValue &GetObjectModificationTime() const {
+    return m_object_mod_time;
+  }
+  void SetObjectModificationTime(const TimeValue &mod_time) {
+    m_mod_time = mod_time;
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Tells whether this module is capable of being the main executable
+  /// for a process.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool IsExecutable();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Tells whether this module has been loaded in the target passed in.
+  /// This call doesn't distinguish between whether the module is loaded
+  /// by the dynamic loader, or by a "target module add" type call.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target
+  ///    The target to check whether this is loaded in.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool IsLoadedInTarget(Target *target);
+  bool LoadScriptingResourceInTarget(Target *target, Error &error,
+                                     Stream *feedback_stream = nullptr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the number of compile units for this module.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of compile units that the symbol vendor plug-in
+  ///     finds.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t GetNumCompileUnits();
+  lldb::CompUnitSP GetCompileUnitAtIndex(size_t idx);
+  const ConstString &GetObjectName() const;
+  uint64_t GetObjectOffset() const { return m_object_offset; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the object file representation for the current architecture.
+  ///
+  /// If the object file has not been located or parsed yet, this
+  /// function will find the best ObjectFile plug-in that can parse
+  /// Module::m_file.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     If Module::m_file does not exist, or no plug-in was found
+  ///     that can parse the file, or the object file doesn't contain
+  ///     the current architecture in Module::m_arch, nullptr will be
+  ///     returned, else a valid object file interface will be
+  ///     returned. The returned pointer is owned by this object and
+  ///     remains valid as long as the object is around.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual ObjectFile *GetObjectFile();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the unified section list for the module. This is the section
+  /// list created by the module's object file and any debug info and
+  /// symbol files created by the symbol vendor.
+  ///
+  /// If the symbol vendor has not been loaded yet, this function
+  /// will return the section list for the object file.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     Unified module section list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual SectionList *GetSectionList();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Notify the module that the file addresses for the Sections have
+  /// been updated.
+  ///
+  /// If the Section file addresses for a module are updated, this
+  /// method should be called.  Any parts of the module, object file,
+  /// or symbol file that has cached those file addresses must invalidate
+  /// or update its cache.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void SectionFileAddressesChanged();
+  uint32_t GetVersion(uint32_t *versions, uint32_t num_versions);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Load an object file from memory.
+  ///
+  /// If available, the size of the object file in memory may be
+  /// passed to avoid additional round trips to process memory.
+  /// If the size is not provided, a default value is used. This
+  /// value should be large enough to enable the ObjectFile plugins
+  /// to read the header of the object file without going back to the
+  /// process.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The object file loaded from memory or nullptr, if the operation
+  ///     failed (see the `error` for more information in that case).
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ObjectFile *GetMemoryObjectFile(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp,
+                                  lldb::addr_t header_addr, Error &error,
+                                  size_t size_to_read = 512);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the symbol vendor interface for the current architecture.
+  ///
+  /// If the symbol vendor file has not been located yet, this
+  /// function will find the best SymbolVendor plug-in that can
+  /// use the current object file.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     If this module does not have a valid object file, or no
+  ///     plug-in can be found that can use the object file, nullptr will
+  ///     be returned, else a valid symbol vendor plug-in interface
+  ///     will be returned. The returned pointer is owned by this
+  ///     object and remains valid as long as the object is around.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual SymbolVendor *
+  GetSymbolVendor(bool can_create = true,
+                  lldb_private::Stream *feedback_strm = nullptr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get accessor the type list for this module.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A valid type list pointer, or nullptr if there is no valid
+  ///     symbol vendor for this module.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  TypeList *GetTypeList();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get a pointer to the UUID value contained in this object.
+  ///
+  /// If the executable image file doesn't not have a UUID value built
+  /// into the file format, an MD5 checksum of the entire file, or
+  /// slice of the file for the current architecture should be used.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const pointer to the internal copy of the UUID value in
+  ///     this module if this module has a valid UUID value, NULL
+  ///     otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const lldb_private::UUID &GetUUID();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// A debugging function that will cause everything in a module to
+  /// be parsed.
+  ///
+  /// All compile units will be parsed, along with all globals and
+  /// static variables and all functions for those compile units.
+  /// All types, scopes, local variables, static variables, global
+  /// variables, and line tables will be parsed. This can be used
+  /// prior to dumping a module to see a complete list of the
+  /// resulting debug information that gets parsed, or as a debug
+  /// function to ensure that the module can consume all of the
+  /// debug data the symbol vendor provides.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void ParseAllDebugSymbols();
+  bool ResolveFileAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr, Address &so_addr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Resolve the symbol context for the given address.
+  ///
+  /// Tries to resolve the matching symbol context based on a lookup
+  /// from the current symbol vendor.  If the lazy lookup fails,
+  /// an attempt is made to parse the eh_frame section to handle
+  /// stripped symbols.  If this fails, an attempt is made to resolve
+  /// the symbol to the previous address to handle the case of a
+  /// function with a tail call.
+  ///
+  /// Use properties of the modified SymbolContext to inspect any
+  /// resolved target, module, compilation unit, symbol, function,
+  /// function block or line entry.  Use the return value to determine
+  /// which of these properties have been modified.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] so_addr
+  ///     A load address to resolve.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] resolve_scope
+  ///     The scope that should be resolved (see SymbolContext::Scope).
+  ///     A combination of flags from the enumeration SymbolContextItem
+  ///     requesting a resolution depth.  Note that the flags that are
+  ///     actually resolved may be a superset of the requested flags.
+  ///     For instance, eSymbolContextSymbol requires resolution of
+  ///     eSymbolContextModule, and eSymbolContextFunction requires
+  ///     eSymbolContextSymbol.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc
+  ///     The SymbolContext that is modified based on symbol resolution.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] resolve_tail_call_address
+  ///     Determines if so_addr should resolve to a symbol in the case
+  ///     of a function whose last instruction is a call.  In this case,
+  ///     the PC can be one past the address range of the function.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The scope that has been resolved (see SymbolContext::Scope).
+  ///
+  /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t
+  ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(const Address &so_addr, uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                 SymbolContext &sc,
+                                 bool resolve_tail_call_address = false);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Resolve items in the symbol context for a given file and line.
+  ///
+  /// Tries to resolve \a file_path and \a line to a list of matching
+  /// symbol contexts.
+  ///
+  /// The line table entries contains addresses that can be used to
+  /// further resolve the values in each match: the function, block,
+  /// symbol. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of
+  /// information that is requested to only what is needed --
+  /// typically the module, compile unit, line table and line table
+  /// entry are sufficient.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] file_path
+  ///     A path to a source file to match. If \a file_path does not
+  ///     specify a directory, then this query will match all files
+  ///     whose base filename matches. If \a file_path does specify
+  ///     a directory, the fullpath to the file must match.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] line
+  ///     The source line to match, or zero if just the compile unit
+  ///     should be resolved.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] check_inlines
+  ///     Check for inline file and line number matches. This option
+  ///     should be used sparingly as it will cause all line tables
+  ///     for every compile unit to be parsed and searched for
+  ///     matching inline file entries.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] resolve_scope
+  ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
+  ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A symbol context list that gets matching symbols contexts
+  ///     appended to.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches that were added to \a sc_list.
+  ///
+  /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath(const char *file_path, uint32_t line,
+                                           bool check_inlines,
+                                           uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                           SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Resolve items in the symbol context for a given file and line.
+  ///
+  /// Tries to resolve \a file_spec and \a line to a list of matching
+  /// symbol contexts.
+  ///
+  /// The line table entries contains addresses that can be used to
+  /// further resolve the values in each match: the function, block,
+  /// symbol. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of
+  /// information that is requested to only what is needed --
+  /// typically the module, compile unit, line table and line table
+  /// entry are sufficient.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] file_spec
+  ///     A file spec to a source file to match. If \a file_path does
+  ///     not specify a directory, then this query will match all
+  ///     files whose base filename matches. If \a file_path does
+  ///     specify a directory, the fullpath to the file must match.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] line
+  ///     The source line to match, or zero if just the compile unit
+  ///     should be resolved.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] check_inlines
+  ///     Check for inline file and line number matches. This option
+  ///     should be used sparingly as it will cause all line tables
+  ///     for every compile unit to be parsed and searched for
+  ///     matching inline file entries.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] resolve_scope
+  ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
+  ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
+  ///     matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A integer that contains SymbolContext::Scope bits set for
+  ///     each item that was successfully resolved.
+  ///
+  /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec(const FileSpec &file_spec,
+                                            uint32_t line, bool check_inlines,
+                                            uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                            SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  void SetFileSpecAndObjectName(const FileSpec &file,
+                                const ConstString &object_name);
+  bool GetIsDynamicLinkEditor();
+  TypeSystem *GetTypeSystemForLanguage(lldb::LanguageType language);
+  // Special error functions that can do printf style formatting that will
+  // prepend the message with
+  // something appropriate for this module (like the architecture, path and
+  // object name (if any)).
+  // This centralizes code so that everyone doesn't need to format their error
+  // and log messages on
+  // their own and keeps the output a bit more consistent.
+  void LogMessage(Log *log, const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
+  void LogMessageVerboseBacktrace(Log *log, const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
+  void ReportWarning(const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+  void ReportError(const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+  // Only report an error once when the module is first detected to be modified
+  // so we don't spam the console with many messages.
+  void ReportErrorIfModifyDetected(const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Return true if the file backing this module has changed since the
+  // module was originally created  since we saved the initial file
+  // modification time when the module first gets created.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool FileHasChanged() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SymbolVendor, SymbolFile and ObjectFile member objects should
+  // lock the module mutex to avoid deadlocks.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  std::recursive_mutex &GetMutex() const { return m_mutex; }
+  PathMappingList &GetSourceMappingList() { return m_source_mappings; }
+  const PathMappingList &GetSourceMappingList() const {
+    return m_source_mappings;
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Finds a source file given a file spec using the module source
+  /// path remappings (if any).
+  ///
+  /// Tries to resolve \a orig_spec by checking the module source path
+  /// remappings. It makes sure the file exists, so this call can be
+  /// expensive if the remappings are on a network file system, so
+  /// use this function sparingly (not in a tight debug info parsing
+  /// loop).
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] orig_spec
+  ///     The original source file path to try and remap.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] new_spec
+  ///     The newly remapped filespec that is guaranteed to exist.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     /b true if \a orig_spec was successfully located and
+  ///     \a new_spec is filled in with an existing file spec,
+  ///     \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool FindSourceFile(const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Remaps a source file given \a path into \a new_path.
+  ///
+  /// Remaps \a path if any source remappings match. This function
+  /// does NOT stat the file system so it can be used in tight loops
+  /// where debug info is being parsed.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] path
+  ///     The original source file path to try and remap.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] new_path
+  ///     The newly remapped filespec that is may or may not exist.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     /b true if \a path was successfully located and \a new_path
+  ///     is filled in with a new source path, \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool RemapSourceFile(const char *path, std::string &new_path) const;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @class LookupInfo Module.h "lldb/Core/Module.h"
+  /// @brief A class that encapsulates name lookup information.
+  ///
+  /// Users can type a wide variety of partial names when setting
+  /// breakpoints by name or when looking for functions by name.
+  /// SymbolVendor and SymbolFile objects are only required to implement
+  /// name lookup for function basenames and for fully mangled names.
+  /// This means if the user types in a partial name, we must reduce this
+  /// to a name lookup that will work with all SymbolFile objects. So we
+  /// might reduce a name lookup to look for a basename, and then prune
+  /// out any results that don't match.
+  ///
+  /// The "m_name" member variable represents the name as it was typed
+  /// by the user. "m_lookup_name" will be the name we actually search
+  /// for through the symbol or objects files. Lanaguage is included in
+  /// case we need to filter results by language at a later date. The
+  /// "m_name_type_mask" member variable tells us what kinds of names we
+  /// are looking for and can help us prune out unwanted results.
+  ///
+  /// Function lookups are done in Module.cpp, ModuleList.cpp and in
+  /// BreakpointResolverName.cpp and they all now use this class to do
+  /// lookups correctly.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  class LookupInfo {
+  public:
+    LookupInfo()
+        : m_name(), m_lookup_name(), m_language(lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown),
+          m_name_type_mask(0), m_match_name_after_lookup(false) {}
+    LookupInfo(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask,
+               lldb::LanguageType language);
+    const ConstString &GetName() const { return m_name; }
+    void SetName(const ConstString &name) { m_name = name; }
+    const ConstString &GetLookupName() const { return m_lookup_name; }
+    void SetLookupName(const ConstString &name) { m_lookup_name = name; }
+    uint32_t GetNameTypeMask() const { return m_name_type_mask; }
+    void SetNameTypeMask(uint32_t mask) { m_name_type_mask = mask; }
+    void Prune(SymbolContextList &sc_list, size_t start_idx) const;
+  protected:
+    ConstString m_name;        ///< What the user originally typed
+    ConstString m_lookup_name; ///< The actual name will lookup when calling in
+                               ///the object or symbol file
+    lldb::LanguageType
+        m_language;            ///< Limit matches to only be for this language
+    uint32_t m_name_type_mask; ///< One or more bits from lldb::FunctionNameType
+                               ///that indicate what kind of names we are
+                               ///looking for
+    bool m_match_name_after_lookup; ///< If \b true, then demangled names that
+                                    ///match will need to contain "m_name" in
+                                    ///order to be considered a match
+  };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member Variables
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;       ///< A mutex to keep this object happy in multi-threaded environments.
-    TimeValue                   m_mod_time;     ///< The modification time for this module when it was created.
-    ArchSpec                    m_arch;         ///< The architecture for this module.
-    UUID                        m_uuid;         ///< Each module is assumed to have a unique identifier to help match it up to debug symbols.
-    FileSpec                    m_file;         ///< The file representation on disk for this module (if there is one).
-    FileSpec                    m_platform_file;///< The path to the module on the platform on which it is being debugged
-    FileSpec                    m_remote_install_file;  ///< If set when debugging on remote platforms, this module will be installed at this location
-    FileSpec                    m_symfile_spec; ///< If this path is valid, then this is the file that _will_ be used as the symbol file for this module
-    ConstString                 m_object_name;  ///< The name an object within this module that is selected, or empty of the module is represented by \a m_file.
-    uint64_t                    m_object_offset;
-    TimeValue                   m_object_mod_time;
-    lldb::ObjectFileSP          m_objfile_sp;   ///< A shared pointer to the object file parser for this module as it may or may not be shared with the SymbolFile
-    lldb::SymbolVendorUP        m_symfile_ap;   ///< A pointer to the symbol vendor for this module.
-    std::vector<lldb::SymbolVendorUP> m_old_symfiles; ///< If anyone calls Module::SetSymbolFileFileSpec() and changes the symbol file,
-                                                      ///< we need to keep all old symbol files around in case anyone has type references to them
-    TypeSystemMap               m_type_system_map;    ///< A map of any type systems associated with this module
-    PathMappingList             m_source_mappings; ///< Module specific source remappings for when you have debug info for a module that doesn't match where the sources currently are
-    lldb::SectionListUP         m_sections_ap; ///< Unified section list for module that is used by the ObjectFile and and ObjectFile instances for the debug info
-    std::atomic<bool>           m_did_load_objfile;
-    std::atomic<bool>           m_did_load_symbol_vendor;
-    std::atomic<bool>           m_did_parse_uuid;
-    mutable bool                m_file_has_changed:1,
-                                m_first_file_changed_log:1;   /// See if the module was modified after it was initially opened.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Resolve a file or load virtual address.
-    ///
-    /// Tries to resolve \a vm_addr as a file address (if \a
-    /// vm_addr_is_file_addr is true) or as a load address if \a
-    /// vm_addr_is_file_addr is false) in the symbol vendor.
-    /// \a resolve_scope indicates what clients wish to resolve
-    /// and can be used to limit the scope of what is parsed.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] vm_addr
-    ///     The load virtual address to resolve.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] vm_addr_is_file_addr
-    ///     If \b true, \a vm_addr is a file address, else \a vm_addr
-    ///     if a load address.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
-    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
-    ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] so_addr
-    ///     The section offset based address that got resolved if
-    ///     any bits are returned.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc
-    //      The symbol context that has objects filled in. Each bit
-    ///     in the \a resolve_scope pertains to a member in the \a sc.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A integer that contains SymbolContext::Scope bits set for
-    ///     each item that was successfully resolved.
-    ///
-    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr, 
-                                    bool vm_addr_is_file_addr, 
-                                    uint32_t resolve_scope, 
-                                    Address& so_addr, 
-                                    SymbolContext& sc);
-    void 
-    SymbolIndicesToSymbolContextList (Symtab *symtab, 
-                                      std::vector<uint32_t> &symbol_indexes, 
-                                      SymbolContextList &sc_list);
-    bool
-    SetArchitecture (const ArchSpec &new_arch);
-    SectionList *
-    GetUnifiedSectionList();
-    friend class ModuleList;
-    friend class ObjectFile;
-    friend class SymbolFile;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member Variables
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex; ///< A mutex to keep this object happy
+                                        ///in multi-threaded environments.
+  TimeValue m_mod_time; ///< The modification time for this module when it was
+                        ///created.
+  ArchSpec m_arch;      ///< The architecture for this module.
+  UUID m_uuid; ///< Each module is assumed to have a unique identifier to help
+               ///match it up to debug symbols.
+  FileSpec m_file; ///< The file representation on disk for this module (if
+                   ///there is one).
+  FileSpec m_platform_file; ///< The path to the module on the platform on which
+                            ///it is being debugged
+  FileSpec m_remote_install_file; ///< If set when debugging on remote
+                                  ///platforms, this module will be installed at
+                                  ///this location
+  FileSpec m_symfile_spec;   ///< If this path is valid, then this is the file
+                             ///that _will_ be used as the symbol file for this
+                             ///module
+  ConstString m_object_name; ///< The name an object within this module that is
+                             ///selected, or empty of the module is represented
+                             ///by \a m_file.
+  uint64_t m_object_offset;
+  TimeValue m_object_mod_time;
+  lldb::ObjectFileSP m_objfile_sp; ///< A shared pointer to the object file
+                                   ///parser for this module as it may or may
+                                   ///not be shared with the SymbolFile
+  lldb::SymbolVendorUP
+      m_symfile_ap; ///< A pointer to the symbol vendor for this module.
+  std::vector<lldb::SymbolVendorUP>
+      m_old_symfiles; ///< If anyone calls Module::SetSymbolFileFileSpec() and
+                      ///changes the symbol file,
+  ///< we need to keep all old symbol files around in case anyone has type
+  ///references to them
+  TypeSystemMap m_type_system_map;   ///< A map of any type systems associated
+                                     ///with this module
+  PathMappingList m_source_mappings; ///< Module specific source remappings for
+                                     ///when you have debug info for a module
+                                     ///that doesn't match where the sources
+                                     ///currently are
+  lldb::SectionListUP m_sections_ap; ///< Unified section list for module that
+                                     ///is used by the ObjectFile and and
+                                     ///ObjectFile instances for the debug info
+  std::atomic<bool> m_did_load_objfile;
+  std::atomic<bool> m_did_load_symbol_vendor;
+  std::atomic<bool> m_did_parse_uuid;
+  mutable bool m_file_has_changed : 1,
+      m_first_file_changed_log : 1; /// See if the module was modified after it
+                                    /// was initially opened.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Resolve a file or load virtual address.
+  ///
+  /// Tries to resolve \a vm_addr as a file address (if \a
+  /// vm_addr_is_file_addr is true) or as a load address if \a
+  /// vm_addr_is_file_addr is false) in the symbol vendor.
+  /// \a resolve_scope indicates what clients wish to resolve
+  /// and can be used to limit the scope of what is parsed.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] vm_addr
+  ///     The load virtual address to resolve.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] vm_addr_is_file_addr
+  ///     If \b true, \a vm_addr is a file address, else \a vm_addr
+  ///     if a load address.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] resolve_scope
+  ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
+  ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] so_addr
+  ///     The section offset based address that got resolved if
+  ///     any bits are returned.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc
+  //      The symbol context that has objects filled in. Each bit
+  ///     in the \a resolve_scope pertains to a member in the \a sc.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A integer that contains SymbolContext::Scope bits set for
+  ///     each item that was successfully resolved.
+  ///
+  /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr,
+                                          bool vm_addr_is_file_addr,
+                                          uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                          Address &so_addr, SymbolContext &sc);
+  void SymbolIndicesToSymbolContextList(Symtab *symtab,
+                                        std::vector<uint32_t> &symbol_indexes,
+                                        SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  bool SetArchitecture(const ArchSpec &new_arch);
+  SectionList *GetUnifiedSectionList();
+  friend class ModuleList;
+  friend class ObjectFile;
+  friend class SymbolFile;
-    Module (); // Only used internally by CreateJITModule ()
-    size_t
-    FindTypes_Impl (const SymbolContext& sc, 
-                    const ConstString &name,
-                    const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx,
-                    bool append, 
-                    size_t max_matches,
-                    llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
-                    TypeMap& types);
+  Module(); // Only used internally by CreateJITModule ()
+  size_t FindTypes_Impl(
+      const SymbolContext &sc, const ConstString &name,
+      const CompilerDeclContext *parent_decl_ctx, bool append,
+      size_t max_matches,
+      llvm::DenseSet<lldb_private::SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
+      TypeMap &types);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleChild.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleChild.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleChild.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleChild.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,72 +19,67 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// @brief A mix in class that contains a pointer back to the module
 ///        that owns the object which inherits from it.
-class ModuleChild
+class ModuleChild {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Construct with owning module.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module
-    ///     The module that owns the object that inherits from this
-    ///     class.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ModuleChild (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Copy constructor.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] rhs
-    ///     A const ModuleChild class reference to copy.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ModuleChild (const ModuleChild& rhs);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ~ModuleChild();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Assignment operator.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] rhs
-    ///     A const ModuleChild class reference to copy.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const reference to this object.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const ModuleChild&
-    operator= (const ModuleChild& rhs);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get const accessor for the module pointer.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const pointer to the module that owns the object that
-    ///     inherits from this class.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    GetModule () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set accessor for the module pointer.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module
-    ///     A new module that owns the object that inherits from this
-    ///      class.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    SetModule (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Construct with owning module.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module
+  ///     The module that owns the object that inherits from this
+  ///     class.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ModuleChild(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Copy constructor.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] rhs
+  ///     A const ModuleChild class reference to copy.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ModuleChild(const ModuleChild &rhs);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ~ModuleChild();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Assignment operator.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] rhs
+  ///     A const ModuleChild class reference to copy.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const reference to this object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const ModuleChild &operator=(const ModuleChild &rhs);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get const accessor for the module pointer.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const pointer to the module that owns the object that
+  ///     inherits from this class.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ModuleSP GetModule() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set accessor for the module pointer.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module
+  ///     A new module that owns the object that inherits from this
+  ///      class.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void SetModule(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member variables
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ModuleWP m_module_wp;   ///< The Module that owns the object that inherits
-                                  ///< from this class.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member variables
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ModuleWP m_module_wp; ///< The Module that owns the object that inherits
+                              ///< from this class.
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ModuleChild_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ModuleChild_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/Iterable.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -32,585 +32,515 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// Modules in the module collection class are stored as reference
 /// counted shared pointers to Module objects.
-class ModuleList
+class ModuleList {
-    class Notifier
-    {
-    public:
-        virtual
-        ~Notifier() = default;
-        virtual void
-        ModuleAdded (const ModuleList& module_list, const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp) = 0;
-        virtual void
-        ModuleRemoved (const ModuleList& module_list, const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp) = 0;
-        virtual void
-        ModuleUpdated (const ModuleList& module_list, const lldb::ModuleSP& old_module_sp,
-                       const lldb::ModuleSP& new_module_sp) = 0;
-        virtual void
-        WillClearList (const ModuleList& module_list) = 0;
-    };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Default constructor.
-    ///
-    /// Creates an empty list of Module objects.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ModuleList ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Copy Constructor.
-    ///
-    /// Creates a new module list object with a copy of the modules from
-    /// \a rhs.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] rhs
-    ///     Another module list object.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ModuleList (const ModuleList& rhs);
-    ModuleList (ModuleList::Notifier* notifier);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ~ModuleList ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Assignment operator.
-    ///
-    /// Copies the module list from \a rhs into this list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] rhs
-    ///     Another module list object.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const reference to this object.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const ModuleList&
-    operator= (const ModuleList& rhs);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Append a module to the module list.
-    ///
-    /// Appends the module to the collection.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module_sp
-    ///     A shared pointer to a module to add to this collection.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Append (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Append a module to the module list and remove any equivalent
-    /// modules. Equivalent modules are ones whose file, platform file
-    /// and architecture matches.
-    ///
-    /// Replaces the module to the collection.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module_sp
-    ///     A shared pointer to a module to replace in this collection.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    ReplaceEquivalent (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    bool
-    AppendIfNeeded (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    void
-    Append (const ModuleList& module_list);
-    bool
-    AppendIfNeeded (const ModuleList& module_list);
-    bool
-    ReplaceModule (const lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp, const lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Clear the object's state.
-    ///
-    /// Clears the list of modules and releases a reference to each
-    /// module object and if the reference count goes to zero, the
-    /// module will be deleted.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Clear ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Clear the object's state.
-    ///
-    /// Clears the list of modules and releases a reference to each
-    /// module object and if the reference count goes to zero, the
-    /// module will be deleted. Also release all memory that might be
-    /// held by any collection classes (like std::vector)
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Destroy();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Dump the description of each module contained in this list.
-    ///
-    /// Dump the description of each module contained in this list to
-    /// the supplied stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] s
-    ///     The stream to which to dump the object description.
-    ///
-    /// @see Module::Dump(Stream *) const
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s) const;
-    void
-    LogUUIDAndPaths (Log *log, const char *prefix_cstr);
-    std::recursive_mutex &
-    GetMutex() const
-    {
-        return m_modules_mutex;
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetIndexForModule (const Module *module) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the module shared pointer for the module at index \a idx.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] idx
-    ///     An index into this module collection.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A shared pointer to a Module which can contain NULL if
-    ///     \a idx is out of range.
-    ///
-    /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    GetModuleAtIndex (size_t idx) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the module shared pointer for the module at index \a idx without
-    /// acquiring the ModuleList mutex.  This MUST already have been 
-    /// acquired with ModuleList::GetMutex and locked for this call to be safe.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] idx
-    ///     An index into this module collection.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A shared pointer to a Module which can contain NULL if
-    ///     \a idx is out of range.
-    ///
-    /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    GetModuleAtIndexUnlocked (size_t idx) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the module pointer for the module at index \a idx.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] idx
-    ///     An index into this module collection.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A pointer to a Module which can by nullptr if \a idx is out
-    ///     of range.
-    ///
-    /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Module*
-    GetModulePointerAtIndex (size_t idx) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the module pointer for the module at index \a idx without
-    /// acquiring the ModuleList mutex.  This MUST already have been 
-    /// acquired with ModuleList::GetMutex and locked for this call to be safe.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] idx
-    ///     An index into this module collection.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A pointer to a Module which can by nullptr if \a idx is out
-    ///     of range.
-    ///
-    /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Module*
-    GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked (size_t idx) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find compile units by partial or full path.
-    ///
-    /// Finds all compile units that match \a path in all of the modules
-    /// and returns the results in \a sc_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] path
-    ///     The name of the compile unit we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, then append any compile units that were found
-    ///     to \a sc_list. If \b false, then the \a sc_list is cleared
-    ///     and the contents of \a sc_list are replaced.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] sc_list
-    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
-    ///     matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindCompileUnits (const FileSpec &path,
-                      bool append,
-                      SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @see Module::FindFunctions ()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindFunctions (const ConstString &name,
-                   uint32_t name_type_mask,
-                   bool include_symbols,
-                   bool include_inlines,
-                   bool append,
-                   SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @see Module::FindFunctionSymbols ()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindFunctionSymbols (const ConstString &name,
-                         uint32_t name_type_mask,
-                         SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @see Module::FindFunctions ()
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-        FindFunctions(const RegularExpression &name,
-        bool include_symbols,
-        bool include_inlines,
-        bool append,
-        SymbolContextList& sc_list);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find global and static variables by name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///     The name of the global or static variable we are looking
-    ///     for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
-    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
-    ///     \a variable_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] max_matches
-    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
-    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] variable_list
-    ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
-    ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindGlobalVariables (const ConstString &name,
-                         bool append,
-                         size_t max_matches,
-                         VariableList& variable_list) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find global and static variables by regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] regex
-    ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
-    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
-    ///     \a variable_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] max_matches
-    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
-    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] variable_list
-    ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
-    ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindGlobalVariables (const RegularExpression& regex,
-                         bool append,
-                         size_t max_matches,
-                         VariableList& variable_list) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Finds the first module whose file specification matches \a
-    /// file_spec.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] file_spec_ptr
-    ///     A file specification object to match against the Module's
-    ///     file specifications. If \a file_spec does not have
-    ///     directory information, matches will occur by matching only
-    ///     the basename of any modules in this list. If this value is
-    ///     NULL, then file specifications won't be compared when
-    ///     searching for matching modules.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] arch_ptr
-    ///     The architecture to search for if non-NULL. If this value
-    ///     is NULL no architecture matching will be performed.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uuid_ptr
-    ///     The uuid to search for if non-NULL. If this value is NULL
-    ///     no uuid matching will be performed.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] object_name
-    ///     An optional object name that must match as well. This value
-    ///     can be NULL.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] matching_module_list
-    ///     A module list that gets filled in with any modules that
-    ///     match the search criteria.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matching modules found by the search.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindModules (const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                 ModuleList& matching_module_list) const;
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    FindModule (const Module *module_ptr) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Find a module by UUID
-    //
-    // The UUID value for a module is extracted from the ObjectFile and
-    // is the MD5 checksum, or a smarter object file equivalent, so 
-    // finding modules by UUID values is very efficient and accurate.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    FindModule (const UUID &uuid) const;
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    FindFirstModule (const ModuleSpec &module_spec) const;
-    size_t
-    FindSymbolsWithNameAndType (const ConstString &name,
-                                lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
-                                SymbolContextList &sc_list,
-                                bool append = false) const;
-    size_t
-    FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType (const RegularExpression &regex, 
-                                     lldb::SymbolType symbol_type, 
-                                     SymbolContextList &sc_list,
-                                     bool append = false) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find types by name.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sc
-    ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
-    ///     from.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///     The name of the type we are looking for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] append
-    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
-    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
-    ///     \a variable_list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] max_matches
-    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
-    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] encoding
-    ///     Limit the search to specific types, or get all types if
-    ///     set to Type::invalid.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] udt_name
-    ///     If the encoding is a user defined type, specify the name
-    ///     of the user defined type ("struct", "union", "class", etc).
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] type_list
-    ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    FindTypes (const SymbolContext& sc,
-               const ConstString &name,
-               bool name_is_fully_qualified,
-               size_t max_matches,
-               llvm::DenseSet<SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
-               TypeList& types) const;
-    bool
-    FindSourceFile (const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find addresses by file/line
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target_sp
-    ///     The target the addresses are desired for.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] file
-    ///     Source file to locate.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] line
-    ///     Source line to locate.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] function
-    ///     Optional filter function. Addresses within this function will be
-    ///     added to the 'local' list. All others will be added to the 'extern' list.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] output_local
-    ///     All matching addresses within 'function'
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] output_extern
-    ///     All matching addresses not within 'function'
-    void FindAddressesForLine (const lldb::TargetSP target_sp,
-                               const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line,
-                               Function *function,
-                               std::vector<Address> &output_local, std::vector<Address> &output_extern);
-    bool
-    Remove (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    size_t
-    Remove (ModuleList &module_list);
-    bool
-    RemoveIfOrphaned (const Module *module_ptr);
-    size_t
-    RemoveOrphans (bool mandatory);
-    bool
-    ResolveFileAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr,
-                        Address& so_addr) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address &,uint32_t,SymbolContext&)
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address& so_addr,
-                                    uint32_t resolve_scope,
-                                    SymbolContext& sc) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (const char *,uint32_t,bool,uint32_t,SymbolContextList&)
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (const char *file_path,
-                                     uint32_t line,
-                                     bool check_inlines,
-                                     uint32_t resolve_scope,
-                                     SymbolContextList& sc_list) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (const FileSpec &,uint32_t,bool,uint32_t,SymbolContextList&)
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (const FileSpec &file_spec,
-                                     uint32_t line,
-                                     bool check_inlines,
-                                     uint32_t resolve_scope,
-                                     SymbolContextList& sc_list) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Gets the size of the module list.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of modules in the module list.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    GetSize () const;
-    bool
-    LoadScriptingResourcesInTarget(Target *target,
-                                   std::list<Error>& errors,
-                                   Stream* feedback_stream = nullptr,
-                                   bool continue_on_error = true);
-    static bool
-    ModuleIsInCache (const Module *module_ptr);
-    static Error
-    GetSharedModule (const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                     lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
-                     const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr,
-                     lldb::ModuleSP *old_module_sp_ptr,
-                     bool *did_create_ptr,
-                     bool always_create = false);
-    static bool
-    RemoveSharedModule (lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    static size_t
-    FindSharedModules (const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
-                       ModuleList &matching_module_list);
-    static size_t
-    RemoveOrphanSharedModules (bool mandatory);
-    static bool
-    RemoveSharedModuleIfOrphaned (const Module *module_ptr);
+  class Notifier {
+  public:
+    virtual ~Notifier() = default;
+    virtual void ModuleAdded(const ModuleList &module_list,
+                             const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) = 0;
+    virtual void ModuleRemoved(const ModuleList &module_list,
+                               const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) = 0;
+    virtual void ModuleUpdated(const ModuleList &module_list,
+                               const lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp,
+                               const lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp) = 0;
+    virtual void WillClearList(const ModuleList &module_list) = 0;
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Default constructor.
+  ///
+  /// Creates an empty list of Module objects.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ModuleList();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Copy Constructor.
+  ///
+  /// Creates a new module list object with a copy of the modules from
+  /// \a rhs.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] rhs
+  ///     Another module list object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ModuleList(const ModuleList &rhs);
+  ModuleList(ModuleList::Notifier *notifier);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ~ModuleList();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Assignment operator.
+  ///
+  /// Copies the module list from \a rhs into this list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] rhs
+  ///     Another module list object.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const reference to this object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const ModuleList &operator=(const ModuleList &rhs);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Append a module to the module list.
+  ///
+  /// Appends the module to the collection.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module_sp
+  ///     A shared pointer to a module to add to this collection.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Append(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Append a module to the module list and remove any equivalent
+  /// modules. Equivalent modules are ones whose file, platform file
+  /// and architecture matches.
+  ///
+  /// Replaces the module to the collection.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module_sp
+  ///     A shared pointer to a module to replace in this collection.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void ReplaceEquivalent(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  bool AppendIfNeeded(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  void Append(const ModuleList &module_list);
+  bool AppendIfNeeded(const ModuleList &module_list);
+  bool ReplaceModule(const lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp,
+                     const lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Clear the object's state.
+  ///
+  /// Clears the list of modules and releases a reference to each
+  /// module object and if the reference count goes to zero, the
+  /// module will be deleted.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Clear();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Clear the object's state.
+  ///
+  /// Clears the list of modules and releases a reference to each
+  /// module object and if the reference count goes to zero, the
+  /// module will be deleted. Also release all memory that might be
+  /// held by any collection classes (like std::vector)
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Destroy();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Dump the description of each module contained in this list.
+  ///
+  /// Dump the description of each module contained in this list to
+  /// the supplied stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] s
+  ///     The stream to which to dump the object description.
+  ///
+  /// @see Module::Dump(Stream *) const
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Dump(Stream *s) const;
+  void LogUUIDAndPaths(Log *log, const char *prefix_cstr);
+  std::recursive_mutex &GetMutex() const { return m_modules_mutex; }
+  size_t GetIndexForModule(const Module *module) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the module shared pointer for the module at index \a idx.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] idx
+  ///     An index into this module collection.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A shared pointer to a Module which can contain NULL if
+  ///     \a idx is out of range.
+  ///
+  /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ModuleSP GetModuleAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the module shared pointer for the module at index \a idx without
+  /// acquiring the ModuleList mutex.  This MUST already have been
+  /// acquired with ModuleList::GetMutex and locked for this call to be safe.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] idx
+  ///     An index into this module collection.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A shared pointer to a Module which can contain NULL if
+  ///     \a idx is out of range.
+  ///
+  /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ModuleSP GetModuleAtIndexUnlocked(size_t idx) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the module pointer for the module at index \a idx.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] idx
+  ///     An index into this module collection.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A pointer to a Module which can by nullptr if \a idx is out
+  ///     of range.
+  ///
+  /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Module *GetModulePointerAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the module pointer for the module at index \a idx without
+  /// acquiring the ModuleList mutex.  This MUST already have been
+  /// acquired with ModuleList::GetMutex and locked for this call to be safe.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] idx
+  ///     An index into this module collection.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A pointer to a Module which can by nullptr if \a idx is out
+  ///     of range.
+  ///
+  /// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Module *GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked(size_t idx) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find compile units by partial or full path.
+  ///
+  /// Finds all compile units that match \a path in all of the modules
+  /// and returns the results in \a sc_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] path
+  ///     The name of the compile unit we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, then append any compile units that were found
+  ///     to \a sc_list. If \b false, then the \a sc_list is cleared
+  ///     and the contents of \a sc_list are replaced.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] sc_list
+  ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
+  ///     matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindCompileUnits(const FileSpec &path, bool append,
+                          SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @see Module::FindFunctions ()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindFunctions(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask,
+                       bool include_symbols, bool include_inlines, bool append,
+                       SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @see Module::FindFunctionSymbols ()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindFunctionSymbols(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask,
+                             SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @see Module::FindFunctions ()
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindFunctions(const RegularExpression &name, bool include_symbols,
+                       bool include_inlines, bool append,
+                       SymbolContextList &sc_list);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find global and static variables by name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///     The name of the global or static variable we are looking
+  ///     for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
+  ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
+  ///     \a variable_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] max_matches
+  ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
+  ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] variable_list
+  ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
+  ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindGlobalVariables(const ConstString &name, bool append,
+                             size_t max_matches,
+                             VariableList &variable_list) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find global and static variables by regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] regex
+  ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
+  ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
+  ///     \a variable_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] max_matches
+  ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
+  ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] variable_list
+  ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
+  ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression &regex, bool append,
+                             size_t max_matches,
+                             VariableList &variable_list) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Finds the first module whose file specification matches \a
+  /// file_spec.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] file_spec_ptr
+  ///     A file specification object to match against the Module's
+  ///     file specifications. If \a file_spec does not have
+  ///     directory information, matches will occur by matching only
+  ///     the basename of any modules in this list. If this value is
+  ///     NULL, then file specifications won't be compared when
+  ///     searching for matching modules.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] arch_ptr
+  ///     The architecture to search for if non-NULL. If this value
+  ///     is NULL no architecture matching will be performed.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uuid_ptr
+  ///     The uuid to search for if non-NULL. If this value is NULL
+  ///     no uuid matching will be performed.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] object_name
+  ///     An optional object name that must match as well. This value
+  ///     can be NULL.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] matching_module_list
+  ///     A module list that gets filled in with any modules that
+  ///     match the search criteria.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matching modules found by the search.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindModules(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
+                     ModuleList &matching_module_list) const;
+  lldb::ModuleSP FindModule(const Module *module_ptr) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Find a module by UUID
+  //
+  // The UUID value for a module is extracted from the ObjectFile and
+  // is the MD5 checksum, or a smarter object file equivalent, so
+  // finding modules by UUID values is very efficient and accurate.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ModuleSP FindModule(const UUID &uuid) const;
+  lldb::ModuleSP FindFirstModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec) const;
+  size_t FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(const ConstString &name,
+                                    lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
+                                    SymbolContextList &sc_list,
+                                    bool append = false) const;
+  size_t FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType(const RegularExpression &regex,
+                                         lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
+                                         SymbolContextList &sc_list,
+                                         bool append = false) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find types by name.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sc
+  ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
+  ///     from.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///     The name of the type we are looking for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] append
+  ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
+  ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
+  ///     \a variable_list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] max_matches
+  ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
+  ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] encoding
+  ///     Limit the search to specific types, or get all types if
+  ///     set to Type::invalid.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] udt_name
+  ///     If the encoding is a user defined type, specify the name
+  ///     of the user defined type ("struct", "union", "class", etc).
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] type_list
+  ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t FindTypes(const SymbolContext &sc, const ConstString &name,
+                   bool name_is_fully_qualified, size_t max_matches,
+                   llvm::DenseSet<SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
+                   TypeList &types) const;
+  bool FindSourceFile(const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find addresses by file/line
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target_sp
+  ///     The target the addresses are desired for.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] file
+  ///     Source file to locate.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] line
+  ///     Source line to locate.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] function
+  ///     Optional filter function. Addresses within this function will be
+  ///     added to the 'local' list. All others will be added to the 'extern'
+  ///     list.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] output_local
+  ///     All matching addresses within 'function'
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] output_extern
+  ///     All matching addresses not within 'function'
+  void FindAddressesForLine(const lldb::TargetSP target_sp,
+                            const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line,
+                            Function *function,
+                            std::vector<Address> &output_local,
+                            std::vector<Address> &output_extern);
+  bool Remove(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  size_t Remove(ModuleList &module_list);
+  bool RemoveIfOrphaned(const Module *module_ptr);
+  size_t RemoveOrphans(bool mandatory);
+  bool ResolveFileAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr, Address &so_addr) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address
+  /// &,uint32_t,SymbolContext&)
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(const Address &so_addr,
+                                          uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                          SymbolContext &sc) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (const char
+  /// *,uint32_t,bool,uint32_t,SymbolContextList&)
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath(const char *file_path, uint32_t line,
+                                           bool check_inlines,
+                                           uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                           SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (const FileSpec
+  /// &,uint32_t,bool,uint32_t,SymbolContextList&)
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec(const FileSpec &file_spec,
+                                            uint32_t line, bool check_inlines,
+                                            uint32_t resolve_scope,
+                                            SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Gets the size of the module list.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of modules in the module list.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t GetSize() const;
+  bool LoadScriptingResourcesInTarget(Target *target, std::list<Error> &errors,
+                                      Stream *feedback_stream = nullptr,
+                                      bool continue_on_error = true);
+  static bool ModuleIsInCache(const Module *module_ptr);
+  static Error GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
+                               lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
+                               const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr,
+                               lldb::ModuleSP *old_module_sp_ptr,
+                               bool *did_create_ptr,
+                               bool always_create = false);
+  static bool RemoveSharedModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  static size_t FindSharedModules(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
+                                  ModuleList &matching_module_list);
+  static size_t RemoveOrphanSharedModules(bool mandatory);
-    void
-    ForEach (std::function <bool (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp)> const &callback) const;
+  static bool RemoveSharedModuleIfOrphaned(const Module *module_ptr);
+  void ForEach(std::function<bool(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp)> const
+                   &callback) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Class typedefs.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    typedef std::vector<lldb::ModuleSP> collection; ///< The module collection type.
-    void
-    AppendImpl (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier = true);
-    bool
-    RemoveImpl (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier = true);
-    collection::iterator
-    RemoveImpl (collection::iterator pos, bool use_notifier = true);
-    void
-    ClearImpl (bool use_notifier = true);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member variables.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    collection m_modules; ///< The collection of modules.
-    mutable std::recursive_mutex m_modules_mutex;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Class typedefs.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  typedef std::vector<lldb::ModuleSP>
+      collection; ///< The module collection type.
+  void AppendImpl(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier = true);
+  bool RemoveImpl(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier = true);
+  collection::iterator RemoveImpl(collection::iterator pos,
+                                  bool use_notifier = true);
+  void ClearImpl(bool use_notifier = true);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member variables.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  collection m_modules; ///< The collection of modules.
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_modules_mutex;
+  Notifier *m_notifier;
-    Notifier* m_notifier;
-    typedef LockingAdaptedIterable<collection, lldb::ModuleSP, vector_adapter, std::recursive_mutex> ModuleIterable;
-    ModuleIterable
-    Modules()
-    {
-        return ModuleIterable(m_modules, GetMutex());
-    }
-    typedef AdaptedIterable<collection, lldb::ModuleSP, vector_adapter> ModuleIterableNoLocking;
-    ModuleIterableNoLocking
-    ModulesNoLocking ()
-    {
-        return ModuleIterableNoLocking(m_modules);
-    }
+  typedef LockingAdaptedIterable<collection, lldb::ModuleSP, vector_adapter,
+                                 std::recursive_mutex>
+      ModuleIterable;
+  ModuleIterable Modules() { return ModuleIterable(m_modules, GetMutex()); }
+  typedef AdaptedIterable<collection, lldb::ModuleSP, vector_adapter>
+      ModuleIterableNoLocking;
+  ModuleIterableNoLocking ModulesNoLocking() {
+    return ModuleIterableNoLocking(m_modules);
+  }
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -25,575 +25,397 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class ModuleSpec
+class ModuleSpec {
-    ModuleSpec () :
-        m_file (),
-        m_platform_file (),
-        m_symbol_file (),
-        m_arch (),
-        m_uuid (),
-        m_object_name (),
-        m_object_offset (0),
-        m_object_size (0),
-        m_object_mod_time (),
-        m_source_mappings ()
-    {
-    }
-    ModuleSpec (const FileSpec &file_spec) :
-        m_file (file_spec),
-        m_platform_file (),
-        m_symbol_file (),
-        m_arch (),
-        m_uuid (),
-        m_object_name (),
-        m_object_offset (0),
-        m_object_size (file_spec.GetByteSize ()),
-        m_object_mod_time (),
-        m_source_mappings ()
-    {
-    }
-    ModuleSpec (const FileSpec &file_spec, const ArchSpec &arch) :
-        m_file (file_spec),
-        m_platform_file (),
-        m_symbol_file (),
-        m_arch (arch),
-        m_uuid (),
-        m_object_name (),
-        m_object_offset (0),
-        m_object_size (file_spec.GetByteSize ()),
-        m_object_mod_time (),
-        m_source_mappings ()
-    {
-    }
-    ModuleSpec (const ModuleSpec &rhs) :
-        m_file (rhs.m_file),
-        m_platform_file (rhs.m_platform_file),
-        m_symbol_file (rhs.m_symbol_file),
-        m_arch (rhs.m_arch),
-        m_uuid (rhs.m_uuid),
-        m_object_name (rhs.m_object_name),
-        m_object_offset (rhs.m_object_offset),
-        m_object_size (rhs.m_object_size),
-        m_object_mod_time (rhs.m_object_mod_time),
-        m_source_mappings (rhs.m_source_mappings)
-    {
-    }
-    ModuleSpec &
-    operator = (const ModuleSpec &rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs)
-        {
-            m_file = rhs.m_file;
-            m_platform_file = rhs.m_platform_file;
-            m_symbol_file = rhs.m_symbol_file;
-            m_arch = rhs.m_arch;
-            m_uuid = rhs.m_uuid;
-            m_object_name = rhs.m_object_name;
-            m_object_offset = rhs.m_object_offset;
-            m_object_size = rhs.m_object_size;
-            m_object_mod_time = rhs.m_object_mod_time;
-            m_source_mappings = rhs.m_source_mappings;
-        }
-        return *this;
+  ModuleSpec()
+      : m_file(), m_platform_file(), m_symbol_file(), m_arch(), m_uuid(),
+        m_object_name(), m_object_offset(0), m_object_size(0),
+        m_object_mod_time(), m_source_mappings() {}
+  ModuleSpec(const FileSpec &file_spec)
+      : m_file(file_spec), m_platform_file(), m_symbol_file(), m_arch(),
+        m_uuid(), m_object_name(), m_object_offset(0),
+        m_object_size(file_spec.GetByteSize()), m_object_mod_time(),
+        m_source_mappings() {}
+  ModuleSpec(const FileSpec &file_spec, const ArchSpec &arch)
+      : m_file(file_spec), m_platform_file(), m_symbol_file(), m_arch(arch),
+        m_uuid(), m_object_name(), m_object_offset(0),
+        m_object_size(file_spec.GetByteSize()), m_object_mod_time(),
+        m_source_mappings() {}
+  ModuleSpec(const ModuleSpec &rhs)
+      : m_file(rhs.m_file), m_platform_file(rhs.m_platform_file),
+        m_symbol_file(rhs.m_symbol_file), m_arch(rhs.m_arch),
+        m_uuid(rhs.m_uuid), m_object_name(rhs.m_object_name),
+        m_object_offset(rhs.m_object_offset), m_object_size(rhs.m_object_size),
+        m_object_mod_time(rhs.m_object_mod_time),
+        m_source_mappings(rhs.m_source_mappings) {}
+  ModuleSpec &operator=(const ModuleSpec &rhs) {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      m_file = rhs.m_file;
+      m_platform_file = rhs.m_platform_file;
+      m_symbol_file = rhs.m_symbol_file;
+      m_arch = rhs.m_arch;
+      m_uuid = rhs.m_uuid;
+      m_object_name = rhs.m_object_name;
+      m_object_offset = rhs.m_object_offset;
+      m_object_size = rhs.m_object_size;
+      m_object_mod_time = rhs.m_object_mod_time;
+      m_source_mappings = rhs.m_source_mappings;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  FileSpec *GetFileSpecPtr() { return (m_file ? &m_file : nullptr); }
+  const FileSpec *GetFileSpecPtr() const {
+    return (m_file ? &m_file : nullptr);
+  }
+  FileSpec &GetFileSpec() { return m_file; }
+  const FileSpec &GetFileSpec() const { return m_file; }
+  FileSpec *GetPlatformFileSpecPtr() {
+    return (m_platform_file ? &m_platform_file : nullptr);
+  }
+  const FileSpec *GetPlatformFileSpecPtr() const {
+    return (m_platform_file ? &m_platform_file : nullptr);
+  }
+  FileSpec &GetPlatformFileSpec() { return m_platform_file; }
+  const FileSpec &GetPlatformFileSpec() const { return m_platform_file; }
+  FileSpec *GetSymbolFileSpecPtr() {
+    return (m_symbol_file ? &m_symbol_file : nullptr);
+  }
+  const FileSpec *GetSymbolFileSpecPtr() const {
+    return (m_symbol_file ? &m_symbol_file : nullptr);
+  }
+  FileSpec &GetSymbolFileSpec() { return m_symbol_file; }
+  const FileSpec &GetSymbolFileSpec() const { return m_symbol_file; }
+  ArchSpec *GetArchitecturePtr() {
+    return (m_arch.IsValid() ? &m_arch : nullptr);
+  }
+  const ArchSpec *GetArchitecturePtr() const {
+    return (m_arch.IsValid() ? &m_arch : nullptr);
+  }
+  ArchSpec &GetArchitecture() { return m_arch; }
+  const ArchSpec &GetArchitecture() const { return m_arch; }
+  UUID *GetUUIDPtr() { return (m_uuid.IsValid() ? &m_uuid : nullptr); }
+  const UUID *GetUUIDPtr() const {
+    return (m_uuid.IsValid() ? &m_uuid : nullptr);
+  }
+  UUID &GetUUID() { return m_uuid; }
+  const UUID &GetUUID() const { return m_uuid; }
+  ConstString &GetObjectName() { return m_object_name; }
+  const ConstString &GetObjectName() const { return m_object_name; }
+  uint64_t GetObjectOffset() const { return m_object_offset; }
+  void SetObjectOffset(uint64_t object_offset) {
+    m_object_offset = object_offset;
+  }
+  uint64_t GetObjectSize() const { return m_object_size; }
+  void SetObjectSize(uint64_t object_size) { m_object_size = object_size; }
+  TimeValue &GetObjectModificationTime() { return m_object_mod_time; }
+  const TimeValue &GetObjectModificationTime() const {
+    return m_object_mod_time;
+  }
+  PathMappingList &GetSourceMappingList() const { return m_source_mappings; }
+  void Clear() {
+    m_file.Clear();
+    m_platform_file.Clear();
+    m_symbol_file.Clear();
+    m_arch.Clear();
+    m_uuid.Clear();
+    m_object_name.Clear();
+    m_object_offset = 0;
+    m_object_size = 0;
+    m_source_mappings.Clear(false);
+    m_object_mod_time.Clear();
+  }
+  explicit operator bool() const {
+    if (m_file)
+      return true;
+    if (m_platform_file)
+      return true;
+    if (m_symbol_file)
+      return true;
+    if (m_arch.IsValid())
+      return true;
+    if (m_uuid.IsValid())
+      return true;
+    if (m_object_name)
+      return true;
+    if (m_object_size)
+      return true;
+    if (m_object_mod_time.IsValid())
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  void Dump(Stream &strm) const {
+    bool dumped_something = false;
+    if (m_file) {
+      strm.PutCString("file = '");
+      strm << m_file;
+      strm.PutCString("'");
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_platform_file) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.PutCString("platform_file = '");
+      strm << m_platform_file;
+      strm.PutCString("'");
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_symbol_file) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.PutCString("symbol_file = '");
+      strm << m_symbol_file;
+      strm.PutCString("'");
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_arch.IsValid()) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.Printf("arch = ");
+      m_arch.DumpTriple(strm);
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_uuid.IsValid()) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.PutCString("uuid = ");
+      m_uuid.Dump(&strm);
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_object_name) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.Printf("object_name = %s", m_object_name.GetCString());
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_object_offset > 0) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.Printf("object_offset = %" PRIu64, m_object_offset);
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_object_size > 0) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.Printf("object size = %" PRIu64, m_object_size);
+      dumped_something = true;
+    }
+    if (m_object_mod_time.IsValid()) {
+      if (dumped_something)
+        strm.PutCString(", ");
+      strm.Printf("object_mod_time = 0x%" PRIx64,
+                  m_object_mod_time.GetAsSecondsSinceJan1_1970());
+    }
+  }
+  bool Matches(const ModuleSpec &match_module_spec,
+               bool exact_arch_match) const {
+    if (match_module_spec.GetUUIDPtr() &&
+        match_module_spec.GetUUID() != GetUUID())
+      return false;
+    if (match_module_spec.GetObjectName() &&
+        match_module_spec.GetObjectName() != GetObjectName())
+      return false;
+    if (match_module_spec.GetFileSpecPtr()) {
+      const FileSpec &fspec = match_module_spec.GetFileSpec();
+      if (!FileSpec::Equal(fspec, GetFileSpec(),
+                           fspec.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() == false))
+        return false;
-    FileSpec *
-    GetFileSpecPtr ()
-    {
-        return (m_file ? &m_file : nullptr);
-    }
-    const FileSpec *
-    GetFileSpecPtr () const
-    {
-        return (m_file ? &m_file : nullptr);
-    }
-    FileSpec &
-    GetFileSpec ()
-    {
-        return m_file;
-    }
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetFileSpec () const
-    {
-        return m_file;
-    }
-    FileSpec *
-    GetPlatformFileSpecPtr ()
-    {
-        return (m_platform_file ? &m_platform_file : nullptr);
-    }
-    const FileSpec *
-    GetPlatformFileSpecPtr () const
-    {
-        return (m_platform_file ? &m_platform_file : nullptr);
-    }
-    FileSpec &
-    GetPlatformFileSpec ()
-    {
-        return m_platform_file;
-    }
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetPlatformFileSpec () const
-    {
-        return m_platform_file;
-    }
-    FileSpec *
-    GetSymbolFileSpecPtr ()
-    {
-        return (m_symbol_file ? &m_symbol_file : nullptr);
-    }
-    const FileSpec *
-    GetSymbolFileSpecPtr () const
-    {
-        return (m_symbol_file ? &m_symbol_file : nullptr);
-    }
-    FileSpec &
-    GetSymbolFileSpec ()
-    {
-        return m_symbol_file;
-    }
-    const FileSpec &
-    GetSymbolFileSpec () const
-    {
-        return m_symbol_file;
-    }
-    ArchSpec *
-    GetArchitecturePtr ()
-    {
-        return (m_arch.IsValid() ? &m_arch : nullptr);
-    }
-    const ArchSpec *
-    GetArchitecturePtr () const
-    {
-        return (m_arch.IsValid() ? &m_arch : nullptr);
-    }
-    ArchSpec &
-    GetArchitecture ()
-    {
-        return m_arch;
-    }
-    const ArchSpec &
-    GetArchitecture () const
-    {
-        return m_arch;
-    }
-    UUID *
-    GetUUIDPtr ()
-    {
-        return (m_uuid.IsValid() ? &m_uuid : nullptr);
-    }
-    const UUID *
-    GetUUIDPtr () const
-    {
-        return (m_uuid.IsValid() ? &m_uuid : nullptr);
-    }
-    UUID &
-    GetUUID ()
-    {
-        return m_uuid;
-    }
-    const UUID &
-    GetUUID () const
-    {
-        return m_uuid;
-    }
-    ConstString &
-    GetObjectName ()
-    {
-        return m_object_name;
-    }
-    const ConstString &
-    GetObjectName () const
-    {
-        return m_object_name;
-    }
-    uint64_t
-    GetObjectOffset () const
-    {
-        return m_object_offset;
-    }
-    void
-    SetObjectOffset (uint64_t object_offset)
-    {
-        m_object_offset = object_offset;
-    }
-    uint64_t
-    GetObjectSize () const
-    {
-        return m_object_size;
-    }
-    void
-    SetObjectSize (uint64_t object_size)
-    {
-        m_object_size = object_size;
-    }
-    TimeValue &
-    GetObjectModificationTime ()
-    {
-        return m_object_mod_time;
-    }
-    const TimeValue &
-    GetObjectModificationTime () const
-    {
-        return m_object_mod_time;
-    }
-    PathMappingList &
-    GetSourceMappingList () const
-    {
-        return m_source_mappings;
-    }
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        m_file.Clear();
-        m_platform_file.Clear();
-        m_symbol_file.Clear();
-        m_arch.Clear();
-        m_uuid.Clear();
-        m_object_name.Clear();
-        m_object_offset = 0;
-        m_object_size = 0;
-        m_source_mappings.Clear(false);
-        m_object_mod_time.Clear();
-    }
-    explicit operator bool () const
-    {
-        if (m_file)
-            return true;
-        if (m_platform_file)
-            return true;
-        if (m_symbol_file)
-            return true;
-        if (m_arch.IsValid())
-            return true;
-        if (m_uuid.IsValid())
-            return true;
-        if (m_object_name)
-            return true;
-        if (m_object_size)
-            return true;
-        if (m_object_mod_time.IsValid())
-            return true;
+    if (GetPlatformFileSpec() && match_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpecPtr()) {
+      const FileSpec &fspec = match_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec();
+      if (!FileSpec::Equal(fspec, GetPlatformFileSpec(),
+                           fspec.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() == false))
         return false;
-    void
-    Dump (Stream &strm) const
-    {
-        bool dumped_something = false;
-        if (m_file)
-        {
-            strm.PutCString("file = '");
-            strm << m_file;
-            strm.PutCString("'");
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_platform_file)
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.PutCString("platform_file = '");
-            strm << m_platform_file;
-            strm.PutCString("'");
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_symbol_file)
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.PutCString("symbol_file = '");
-            strm << m_symbol_file;
-            strm.PutCString("'");
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_arch.IsValid())
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.Printf("arch = ");
-            m_arch.DumpTriple(strm);
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_uuid.IsValid())
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.PutCString("uuid = ");
-            m_uuid.Dump(&strm);
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_object_name)
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.Printf("object_name = %s", m_object_name.GetCString());
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_object_offset > 0)
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.Printf("object_offset = %" PRIu64, m_object_offset);
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_object_size > 0)
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.Printf("object size = %" PRIu64, m_object_size);
-            dumped_something = true;
-        }
-        if (m_object_mod_time.IsValid())
-        {
-            if (dumped_something)
-                strm.PutCString(", ");
-            strm.Printf("object_mod_time = 0x%" PRIx64, m_object_mod_time.GetAsSecondsSinceJan1_1970());
-        }
+    // Only match the symbol file spec if there is one in this ModuleSpec
+    if (GetSymbolFileSpec() && match_module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpecPtr()) {
+      const FileSpec &fspec = match_module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec();
+      if (!FileSpec::Equal(fspec, GetSymbolFileSpec(),
+                           fspec.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() == false))
+        return false;
-    bool
-    Matches (const ModuleSpec &match_module_spec, bool exact_arch_match) const
-    {
-        if (match_module_spec.GetUUIDPtr() && match_module_spec.GetUUID() != GetUUID())
-            return false;
-        if (match_module_spec.GetObjectName() && match_module_spec.GetObjectName() != GetObjectName())
-            return false;
-        if (match_module_spec.GetFileSpecPtr())
-        {
-            const FileSpec &fspec = match_module_spec.GetFileSpec();
-            if (!FileSpec::Equal(fspec, GetFileSpec(), fspec.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() == false))
-                return false;
-        }
-        if (GetPlatformFileSpec() && match_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpecPtr())
-        {
-            const FileSpec &fspec = match_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec();
-            if (!FileSpec::Equal(fspec, GetPlatformFileSpec(), fspec.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() == false))
-                return false;
-        }
-        // Only match the symbol file spec if there is one in this ModuleSpec
-        if (GetSymbolFileSpec() && match_module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpecPtr())
-        {
-            const FileSpec &fspec = match_module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec();
-            if (!FileSpec::Equal(fspec, GetSymbolFileSpec(), fspec.GetDirectory().IsEmpty() == false))
-                return false;
-        }
-        if (match_module_spec.GetArchitecturePtr())
-        {
-            if (exact_arch_match)
-            {
-                if (!GetArchitecture().IsExactMatch(match_module_spec.GetArchitecture()))
-                    return false;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if (!GetArchitecture().IsCompatibleMatch(match_module_spec.GetArchitecture()))
-                    return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
+    if (match_module_spec.GetArchitecturePtr()) {
+      if (exact_arch_match) {
+        if (!GetArchitecture().IsExactMatch(
+                match_module_spec.GetArchitecture()))
+          return false;
+      } else {
+        if (!GetArchitecture().IsCompatibleMatch(
+                match_module_spec.GetArchitecture()))
+          return false;
+      }
+    return true;
+  }
-    FileSpec m_file;
-    FileSpec m_platform_file;
-    FileSpec m_symbol_file;
-    ArchSpec m_arch;
-    UUID m_uuid;
-    ConstString m_object_name;
-    uint64_t m_object_offset;
-    uint64_t m_object_size;
-    TimeValue m_object_mod_time;
-    mutable PathMappingList m_source_mappings;
+  FileSpec m_file;
+  FileSpec m_platform_file;
+  FileSpec m_symbol_file;
+  ArchSpec m_arch;
+  UUID m_uuid;
+  ConstString m_object_name;
+  uint64_t m_object_offset;
+  uint64_t m_object_size;
+  TimeValue m_object_mod_time;
+  mutable PathMappingList m_source_mappings;
-class ModuleSpecList
+class ModuleSpecList {
-    ModuleSpecList() : m_specs(), m_mutex() {}
-    ModuleSpecList(const ModuleSpecList &rhs) : m_specs(), m_mutex()
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_guard(m_mutex);
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_guard(rhs.m_mutex);
-        m_specs = rhs.m_specs;
-    }
-    ~ModuleSpecList() = default;
-    ModuleSpecList &
-    operator=(const ModuleSpecList &rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_guard(m_mutex);
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_guard(rhs.m_mutex);
-            m_specs = rhs.m_specs;
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetSize() const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return m_specs.size();
-    }
-    void
-    Clear()
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_specs.clear();
-    }
-    void
-    Append(const ModuleSpec &spec)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_specs.push_back(spec);
-    }
-    void
-    Append(const ModuleSpecList &rhs)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_guard(m_mutex);
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_guard(rhs.m_mutex);
-        m_specs.insert(m_specs.end(), rhs.m_specs.begin(), rhs.m_specs.end());
-    }
-    // The index "i" must be valid and this can't be used in
-    // multi-threaded code as no mutex lock is taken.
-    ModuleSpec &
-    GetModuleSpecRefAtIndex (size_t i)
-    {
-        return m_specs[i];
-    }
-    bool
-    GetModuleSpecAtIndex(size_t i, ModuleSpec &module_spec) const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        if (i < m_specs.size())
-        {
-            module_spec = m_specs[i];
-            return true;
-        }
-        module_spec.Clear();
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    FindMatchingModuleSpec(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, ModuleSpec &match_module_spec) const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        bool exact_arch_match = true;
-        for (auto spec : m_specs)
-        {
-            if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match))
-            {
-                match_module_spec = spec;
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
+  ModuleSpecList() : m_specs(), m_mutex() {}
-        // If there was an architecture, retry with a compatible arch
-        if (module_spec.GetArchitecturePtr())
-        {
-            exact_arch_match = false;
-            for (auto spec : m_specs)
-            {
-                if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match))
-                {
-                    match_module_spec = spec;
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        match_module_spec.Clear();
-        return false;
-    }
-    size_t
-    FindMatchingModuleSpecs(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, ModuleSpecList &matching_list) const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        bool exact_arch_match = true;
-        const size_t initial_match_count = matching_list.GetSize();
-        for (auto spec : m_specs)
-        {
-            if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match))
-                matching_list.Append(spec);
-        }
-        // If there was an architecture, retry with a compatible arch if no matches were found
-        if (module_spec.GetArchitecturePtr() && (initial_match_count == matching_list.GetSize()))
-        {
-            exact_arch_match = false;
-            for (auto spec : m_specs)
-            {
-                if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match))
-                    matching_list.Append(spec);
-            }
-        }
-        return matching_list.GetSize() - initial_match_count;
+  ModuleSpecList(const ModuleSpecList &rhs) : m_specs(), m_mutex() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_guard(m_mutex);
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_guard(rhs.m_mutex);
+    m_specs = rhs.m_specs;
+  }
+  ~ModuleSpecList() = default;
+  ModuleSpecList &operator=(const ModuleSpecList &rhs) {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_guard(m_mutex);
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_guard(rhs.m_mutex);
+      m_specs = rhs.m_specs;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  size_t GetSize() const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_specs.size();
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_specs.clear();
+  }
+  void Append(const ModuleSpec &spec) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_specs.push_back(spec);
+  }
+  void Append(const ModuleSpecList &rhs) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_guard(m_mutex);
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_guard(rhs.m_mutex);
+    m_specs.insert(m_specs.end(), rhs.m_specs.begin(), rhs.m_specs.end());
+  }
+  // The index "i" must be valid and this can't be used in
+  // multi-threaded code as no mutex lock is taken.
+  ModuleSpec &GetModuleSpecRefAtIndex(size_t i) { return m_specs[i]; }
+  bool GetModuleSpecAtIndex(size_t i, ModuleSpec &module_spec) const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    if (i < m_specs.size()) {
+      module_spec = m_specs[i];
+      return true;
+    }
+    module_spec.Clear();
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool FindMatchingModuleSpec(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
+                              ModuleSpec &match_module_spec) const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    bool exact_arch_match = true;
+    for (auto spec : m_specs) {
+      if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match)) {
+        match_module_spec = spec;
+        return true;
+      }
-    void
-    Dump(Stream &strm)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        uint32_t idx = 0;
-        for (auto spec : m_specs)
-        {
-            strm.Printf("[%u] ", idx);
-            spec.Dump(strm);
-            strm.EOL();
-            ++idx;
-        }
+    // If there was an architecture, retry with a compatible arch
+    if (module_spec.GetArchitecturePtr()) {
+      exact_arch_match = false;
+      for (auto spec : m_specs) {
+        if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match)) {
+          match_module_spec = spec;
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    match_module_spec.Clear();
+    return false;
+  }
+  size_t FindMatchingModuleSpecs(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
+                                 ModuleSpecList &matching_list) const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    bool exact_arch_match = true;
+    const size_t initial_match_count = matching_list.GetSize();
+    for (auto spec : m_specs) {
+      if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match))
+        matching_list.Append(spec);
+    }
+    // If there was an architecture, retry with a compatible arch if no matches
+    // were found
+    if (module_spec.GetArchitecturePtr() &&
+        (initial_match_count == matching_list.GetSize())) {
+      exact_arch_match = false;
+      for (auto spec : m_specs) {
+        if (spec.Matches(module_spec, exact_arch_match))
+          matching_list.Append(spec);
+      }
+    }
+    return matching_list.GetSize() - initial_match_count;
+  }
+  void Dump(Stream &strm) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    uint32_t idx = 0;
+    for (auto spec : m_specs) {
+      strm.Printf("[%u] ", idx);
+      spec.Dump(strm);
+      strm.EOL();
+      ++idx;
+  }
-    typedef std::vector<ModuleSpec> collection; ///< The module collection type.
-    collection m_specs; ///< The collection of modules.
-    mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+  typedef std::vector<ModuleSpec> collection; ///< The module collection type.
+  collection m_specs;                         ///< The collection of modules.
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Opcode.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Opcode.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Opcode.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Opcode.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -21,266 +21,253 @@
 #include "lldb/Host/Endian.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
-namespace lldb
-    class SBInstruction;
+namespace lldb {
+class SBInstruction;
 } // namespace lldb
 namespace lldb_private {
-    class Opcode
-    {
-    public:
-        enum Type
-        {
-            eTypeInvalid,
-            eType8,
-            eType16,
-            eType16_2, // a 32-bit Thumb instruction, made up of two words
-            eType32,
-            eType64,
-            eTypeBytes
-        };
-        Opcode () : m_byte_order (lldb::eByteOrderInvalid), m_type (eTypeInvalid)
-        {
-        }
-        Opcode (uint8_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) : m_byte_order (order), m_type (eType8)
-        {
-            m_data.inst8 = inst;
-        }
-        Opcode (uint16_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) : m_byte_order (order), m_type (eType16)
-        {
-            m_data.inst16 = inst;
-        }
-        Opcode (uint32_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) : m_byte_order (order), m_type (eType32)
-        {
-            m_data.inst32 = inst;
-        }
-        Opcode (uint64_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) : m_byte_order (order), m_type (eType64)
-        {
-            m_data.inst64 = inst;
-        }
-        Opcode (uint8_t *bytes, size_t length) : m_byte_order (lldb::eByteOrderInvalid)
-        {
-            SetOpcodeBytes (bytes, length);
-        }
-        void
-        Clear()
-        {
-            m_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid;
-            m_type = Opcode::eTypeInvalid;
-        }
-        Opcode::Type
-        GetType () const
-        {
-            return m_type;
-        }
-        uint8_t
-        GetOpcode8 (uint8_t invalid_opcode = UINT8_MAX) const
-        {
-            switch (m_type)
-            {
-            case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:  break;
-            case Opcode::eType8:        return m_data.inst8;
-            case Opcode::eType16:       break;
-            case Opcode::eType16_2:     break;
-            case Opcode::eType32:       break;
-            case Opcode::eType64:       break;
-            case Opcode::eTypeBytes:    break;
-            }
-            return invalid_opcode;
-        }
-        uint16_t
-        GetOpcode16 (uint16_t invalid_opcode = UINT16_MAX) const
-        {
-            switch (m_type)
-            {
-            case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:  break;
-            case Opcode::eType8:        return m_data.inst8;
-            case Opcode::eType16:       return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_16(m_data.inst16) : m_data.inst16;
-            case Opcode::eType16_2:     break;
-            case Opcode::eType32:       break;
-            case Opcode::eType64:       break;
-            case Opcode::eTypeBytes:    break;
-            }
-            return invalid_opcode;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetOpcode32 (uint32_t invalid_opcode = UINT32_MAX) const
-        {
-            switch (m_type)
-            {
-            case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:  break;
-            case Opcode::eType8:        return m_data.inst8;
-            case Opcode::eType16:       return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_16(m_data.inst16) : m_data.inst16;
-            case Opcode::eType16_2:     // passthrough
-            case Opcode::eType32:       return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_32(m_data.inst32) : m_data.inst32;
-            case Opcode::eType64:       break;
-            case Opcode::eTypeBytes:    break;
-            }
-            return invalid_opcode;
-        }
-        uint64_t
-        GetOpcode64 (uint64_t invalid_opcode = UINT64_MAX) const
-        {
-            switch (m_type)
-            {
-            case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:  break;
-            case Opcode::eType8:        return m_data.inst8;
-            case Opcode::eType16:       return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_16(m_data.inst16) : m_data.inst16;
-            case Opcode::eType16_2:     // passthrough
-            case Opcode::eType32:       return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_32(m_data.inst32) : m_data.inst32;
-            case Opcode::eType64:       return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_64(m_data.inst64) : m_data.inst64;
-            case Opcode::eTypeBytes:    break;
-            }
-            return invalid_opcode;
-        }
-        void
-        SetOpcode8 (uint8_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
-        {
-            m_type = eType8;
-            m_data.inst8 = inst;
-            m_byte_order = order;
-        }
-        void
-        SetOpcode16 (uint16_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
-        {
-            m_type = eType16;
-            m_data.inst16 = inst;
-            m_byte_order = order;
-        }
-        void
-        SetOpcode16_2 (uint32_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
-        {
-            m_type = eType16_2;
-            m_data.inst32 = inst;
-            m_byte_order = order;
-        }
-        void
-        SetOpcode32 (uint32_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
-        {
-            m_type = eType32;
-            m_data.inst32 = inst;
-            m_byte_order = order;
-        }
-        void
-        SetOpcode64 (uint64_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
-        {
-            m_type = eType64;
-            m_data.inst64 = inst;
-            m_byte_order = order;
-        }
-        void
-        SetOpcodeBytes (const void *bytes, size_t length)
-        {
-            if (bytes != nullptr && length > 0)
-            {
-                m_type = eTypeBytes;
-                m_data.inst.length = length;
-                assert (length < sizeof (m_data.inst.bytes));
-                memcpy (m_data.inst.bytes, bytes, length);
-                m_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                m_type = eTypeInvalid;
-                m_data.inst.length = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        int
-        Dump (Stream *s, uint32_t min_byte_width);
-        const void *
-        GetOpcodeBytes () const
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Opcode::eTypeBytes) ? m_data.inst.bytes : nullptr);
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetByteSize () const
-        {
-            switch (m_type)
-            {
-            case Opcode::eTypeInvalid: break;
-            case Opcode::eType8:     return sizeof(m_data.inst8);
-            case Opcode::eType16:    return sizeof(m_data.inst16);
-            case Opcode::eType16_2:  // passthrough
-            case Opcode::eType32:    return sizeof(m_data.inst32);
-            case Opcode::eType64:    return sizeof(m_data.inst64);
-            case Opcode::eTypeBytes: return m_data.inst.length;
-            }
-            return 0;
-        }
-        // Get the opcode exactly as it would be laid out in memory.
-        uint32_t
-        GetData (DataExtractor &data) const;
-    protected:
-        friend class lldb::SBInstruction;
-        const void *
-        GetOpcodeDataBytes () const
-        {
-            switch (m_type)
-            {
-                case Opcode::eTypeInvalid: break;
-                case Opcode::eType8:     return &m_data.inst8;
-                case Opcode::eType16:    return &m_data.inst16;
-                case Opcode::eType16_2:  // passthrough
-                case Opcode::eType32:    return &m_data.inst32;
-                case Opcode::eType64:    return &m_data.inst64;
-                case Opcode::eTypeBytes: return m_data.inst.bytes;
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        lldb::ByteOrder
-        GetDataByteOrder () const;
-        bool
-        GetEndianSwap() const
-        {
-            return (m_byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderBig && endian::InlHostByteOrder() == lldb::eByteOrderLittle) ||
-                   (m_byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderLittle && endian::InlHostByteOrder() == lldb::eByteOrderBig);
-        }
-        lldb::ByteOrder m_byte_order;
-        Opcode::Type m_type;
-        union
-        {
-            uint8_t inst8;
-            uint16_t inst16;
-            uint32_t inst32;
-            uint64_t inst64;
-            struct
-            {
-                uint8_t bytes[16]; // This must be big enough to handle any opcode for any supported target.
-                uint8_t length;
-            } inst;
-        } m_data;
-    };
+class Opcode {
+  enum Type {
+    eTypeInvalid,
+    eType8,
+    eType16,
+    eType16_2, // a 32-bit Thumb instruction, made up of two words
+    eType32,
+    eType64,
+    eTypeBytes
+  };
+  Opcode() : m_byte_order(lldb::eByteOrderInvalid), m_type(eTypeInvalid) {}
+  Opcode(uint8_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
+      : m_byte_order(order), m_type(eType8) {
+    m_data.inst8 = inst;
+  }
+  Opcode(uint16_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
+      : m_byte_order(order), m_type(eType16) {
+    m_data.inst16 = inst;
+  }
+  Opcode(uint32_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
+      : m_byte_order(order), m_type(eType32) {
+    m_data.inst32 = inst;
+  }
+  Opcode(uint64_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order)
+      : m_byte_order(order), m_type(eType64) {
+    m_data.inst64 = inst;
+  }
+  Opcode(uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)
+      : m_byte_order(lldb::eByteOrderInvalid) {
+    SetOpcodeBytes(bytes, length);
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    m_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid;
+    m_type = Opcode::eTypeInvalid;
+  }
+  Opcode::Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
+  uint8_t GetOpcode8(uint8_t invalid_opcode = UINT8_MAX) const {
+    switch (m_type) {
+    case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType8:
+      return m_data.inst8;
+    case Opcode::eType16:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType16_2:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType32:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType64:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eTypeBytes:
+      break;
+    }
+    return invalid_opcode;
+  }
+  uint16_t GetOpcode16(uint16_t invalid_opcode = UINT16_MAX) const {
+    switch (m_type) {
+    case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType8:
+      return m_data.inst8;
+    case Opcode::eType16:
+      return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_16(m_data.inst16) : m_data.inst16;
+    case Opcode::eType16_2:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType32:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType64:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eTypeBytes:
+      break;
+    }
+    return invalid_opcode;
+  }
+  uint32_t GetOpcode32(uint32_t invalid_opcode = UINT32_MAX) const {
+    switch (m_type) {
+    case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType8:
+      return m_data.inst8;
+    case Opcode::eType16:
+      return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_16(m_data.inst16) : m_data.inst16;
+    case Opcode::eType16_2: // passthrough
+    case Opcode::eType32:
+      return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_32(m_data.inst32) : m_data.inst32;
+    case Opcode::eType64:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eTypeBytes:
+      break;
+    }
+    return invalid_opcode;
+  }
+  uint64_t GetOpcode64(uint64_t invalid_opcode = UINT64_MAX) const {
+    switch (m_type) {
+    case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType8:
+      return m_data.inst8;
+    case Opcode::eType16:
+      return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_16(m_data.inst16) : m_data.inst16;
+    case Opcode::eType16_2: // passthrough
+    case Opcode::eType32:
+      return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_32(m_data.inst32) : m_data.inst32;
+    case Opcode::eType64:
+      return GetEndianSwap() ? llvm::ByteSwap_64(m_data.inst64) : m_data.inst64;
+    case Opcode::eTypeBytes:
+      break;
+    }
+    return invalid_opcode;
+  }
+  void SetOpcode8(uint8_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) {
+    m_type = eType8;
+    m_data.inst8 = inst;
+    m_byte_order = order;
+  }
+  void SetOpcode16(uint16_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) {
+    m_type = eType16;
+    m_data.inst16 = inst;
+    m_byte_order = order;
+  }
+  void SetOpcode16_2(uint32_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) {
+    m_type = eType16_2;
+    m_data.inst32 = inst;
+    m_byte_order = order;
+  }
+  void SetOpcode32(uint32_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) {
+    m_type = eType32;
+    m_data.inst32 = inst;
+    m_byte_order = order;
+  }
+  void SetOpcode64(uint64_t inst, lldb::ByteOrder order) {
+    m_type = eType64;
+    m_data.inst64 = inst;
+    m_byte_order = order;
+  }
+  void SetOpcodeBytes(const void *bytes, size_t length) {
+    if (bytes != nullptr && length > 0) {
+      m_type = eTypeBytes;
+      m_data.inst.length = length;
+      assert(length < sizeof(m_data.inst.bytes));
+      memcpy(m_data.inst.bytes, bytes, length);
+      m_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid;
+    } else {
+      m_type = eTypeInvalid;
+      m_data.inst.length = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  int Dump(Stream *s, uint32_t min_byte_width);
+  const void *GetOpcodeBytes() const {
+    return ((m_type == Opcode::eTypeBytes) ? m_data.inst.bytes : nullptr);
+  }
+  uint32_t GetByteSize() const {
+    switch (m_type) {
+    case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType8:
+      return sizeof(m_data.inst8);
+    case Opcode::eType16:
+      return sizeof(m_data.inst16);
+    case Opcode::eType16_2: // passthrough
+    case Opcode::eType32:
+      return sizeof(m_data.inst32);
+    case Opcode::eType64:
+      return sizeof(m_data.inst64);
+    case Opcode::eTypeBytes:
+      return m_data.inst.length;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Get the opcode exactly as it would be laid out in memory.
+  uint32_t GetData(DataExtractor &data) const;
+  friend class lldb::SBInstruction;
+  const void *GetOpcodeDataBytes() const {
+    switch (m_type) {
+    case Opcode::eTypeInvalid:
+      break;
+    case Opcode::eType8:
+      return &m_data.inst8;
+    case Opcode::eType16:
+      return &m_data.inst16;
+    case Opcode::eType16_2: // passthrough
+    case Opcode::eType32:
+      return &m_data.inst32;
+    case Opcode::eType64:
+      return &m_data.inst64;
+    case Opcode::eTypeBytes:
+      return m_data.inst.bytes;
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  lldb::ByteOrder GetDataByteOrder() const;
+  bool GetEndianSwap() const {
+    return (m_byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderBig &&
+            endian::InlHostByteOrder() == lldb::eByteOrderLittle) ||
+           (m_byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderLittle &&
+            endian::InlHostByteOrder() == lldb::eByteOrderBig);
+  }
+  lldb::ByteOrder m_byte_order;
+  Opcode::Type m_type;
+  union {
+    uint8_t inst8;
+    uint16_t inst16;
+    uint32_t inst32;
+    uint64_t inst64;
+    struct {
+      uint8_t bytes[16]; // This must be big enough to handle any opcode for any
+                         // supported target.
+      uint8_t length;
+    } inst;
+  } m_data;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -18,20 +18,15 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class PluginInterface
+class PluginInterface {
-    virtual
-    ~PluginInterface () {}
+  virtual ~PluginInterface() {}
-    virtual ConstString
-    GetPluginName() = 0;
-    virtual uint32_t
-    GetPluginVersion() = 0;
+  virtual ConstString GetPluginName() = 0;
+  virtual uint32_t GetPluginVersion() = 0;
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_PluginInterface_h_
+#endif // liblldb_PluginInterface_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginManager.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginManager.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginManager.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/PluginManager.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -14,592 +14,517 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class PluginManager
+class PluginManager {
-    static void
-    Initialize ();
-    static void
-    Terminate ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ABI
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    ABICreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (ABICreateInstance create_callback);
-    static ABICreateInstance
-    GetABICreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static ABICreateInstance
-    GetABICreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Disassembler
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    DisassemblerCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (DisassemblerCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static DisassemblerCreateInstance
-    GetDisassemblerCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static DisassemblerCreateInstance
-    GetDisassemblerCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // DynamicLoader
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name,
-                   const char *description,
-                   DynamicLoaderCreateInstance create_callback,
-                   DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (DynamicLoaderCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static DynamicLoaderCreateInstance
-    GetDynamicLoaderCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static DynamicLoaderCreateInstance
-    GetDynamicLoaderCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // JITLoader
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name,
-                   const char *description,
-                   JITLoaderCreateInstance create_callback,
-                   DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (JITLoaderCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static JITLoaderCreateInstance
-    GetJITLoaderCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static JITLoaderCreateInstance
-    GetJITLoaderCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // EmulateInstruction
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    EmulateInstructionCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (EmulateInstructionCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static EmulateInstructionCreateInstance
-    GetEmulateInstructionCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static EmulateInstructionCreateInstance
-    GetEmulateInstructionCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // OperatingSystem
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
-                               OperatingSystemCreateInstance create_callback,
-                               DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (OperatingSystemCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static OperatingSystemCreateInstance
-    GetOperatingSystemCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static OperatingSystemCreateInstance
-    GetOperatingSystemCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Language
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    LanguageCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (LanguageCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static LanguageCreateInstance
-    GetLanguageCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static LanguageCreateInstance
-    GetLanguageCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // LanguageRuntime
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback,
-                    LanguageRuntimeGetCommandObject command_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance
-    GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static LanguageRuntimeGetCommandObject
-    GetLanguageRuntimeGetCommandObjectAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance
-    GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // SystemRuntime
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    SystemRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (SystemRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static SystemRuntimeCreateInstance
-    GetSystemRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static SystemRuntimeCreateInstance
-    GetSystemRuntimeCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ObjectFile
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name,
-                   const char *description,
-                   ObjectFileCreateInstance create_callback,
-                   ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance create_memory_callback,
-                   ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications get_module_specifications,
-                   ObjectFileSaveCore save_core = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (ObjectFileCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static ObjectFileCreateInstance
-    GetObjectFileCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance
-    GetObjectFileCreateMemoryCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications
-    GetObjectFileGetModuleSpecificationsCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static ObjectFileCreateInstance
-    GetObjectFileCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance
-    GetObjectFileCreateMemoryCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static Error
-    SaveCore (const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp, const FileSpec &outfile);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ObjectContainer
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    ObjectContainerCreateInstance create_callback,
-                    ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications get_module_specifications);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (ObjectContainerCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static ObjectContainerCreateInstance
-    GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static ObjectContainerCreateInstance
-    GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications
-    GetObjectContainerGetModuleSpecificationsCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // LogChannel
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    LogChannelCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (LogChannelCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static LogChannelCreateInstance
-    GetLogChannelCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static LogChannelCreateInstance
-    GetLogChannelCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static const char *
-    GetLogChannelCreateNameAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Platform
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name,
-                   const char *description,
-                   PlatformCreateInstance create_callback,
-                   DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (PlatformCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static PlatformCreateInstance
-    GetPlatformCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static PlatformCreateInstance
-    GetPlatformCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static const char *
-    GetPlatformPluginNameAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static const char *
-    GetPlatformPluginDescriptionAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static size_t
-    AutoCompletePlatformName (const char *partial_name, 
-                              StringList &matches);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Process
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name,
-                   const char *description,
-                   ProcessCreateInstance create_callback,
-                   DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (ProcessCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static ProcessCreateInstance
-    GetProcessCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static ProcessCreateInstance
-    GetProcessCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static const char *
-    GetProcessPluginNameAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static const char *
-    GetProcessPluginDescriptionAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ScriptInterpreter
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description, lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang,
-                               ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin(ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance
-    GetScriptInterpreterCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
-    static lldb::ScriptInterpreterSP
-    GetScriptInterpreterForLanguage(lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang,
-                                    CommandInterpreter &interpreter);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // StructuredDataPlugin
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Register a StructuredDataPlugin class along with optional
-    /// callbacks for debugger initialization and Process launch info
-    /// filtering and manipulation.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] name
-    ///    The name of the plugin.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] description
-    ///    A description string for the plugin.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] create_callback
-    ///    The callback that will be invoked to create an instance of
-    ///    the callback.  This may not be nullptr.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] debugger_init_callback
-    ///    An optional callback that will be made when a Debugger
-    ///    instance is initialized.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] filter_callback
-    ///    An optional callback that will be invoked before LLDB
-    ///    launches a process for debugging.  The callback must
-    ///    do the following:
-    ///    1. Only do something if the plugin's behavior is enabled.
-    ///    2. Only make changes for processes that are relevant to the
-    ///       plugin.  The callback gets a pointer to the Target, which
-    ///       can be inspected as needed.  The ProcessLaunchInfo is
-    ///       provided in read-write mode, and may be modified by the
-    ///       plugin if, for instance, additional environment variables
-    ///       are needed to support the feature when enabled.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///    Returns true upon success; otherwise, false.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name,
-                   const char *description,
-                   StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance create_callback,
-                   DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr,
-                   StructuredDataFilterLaunchInfo filter_callback
-                   = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin(StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance
-    GetStructuredDataPluginCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
-    static StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance
-    GetStructuredDataPluginCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
-    static StructuredDataFilterLaunchInfo
-    GetStructuredDataFilterCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx,
-                                           bool &iteration_complete);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // SymbolFile
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    SymbolFileCreateInstance create_callback,
-                    DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (SymbolFileCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static SymbolFileCreateInstance
-    GetSymbolFileCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static SymbolFileCreateInstance
-    GetSymbolFileCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // SymbolVendor
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    SymbolVendorCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (SymbolVendorCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static SymbolVendorCreateInstance
-    GetSymbolVendorCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static SymbolVendorCreateInstance
-    GetSymbolVendorCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // UnwindAssembly
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance
-    GetUnwindAssemblyCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance
-    GetUnwindAssemblyCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // MemoryHistory
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    MemoryHistoryCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (MemoryHistoryCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static MemoryHistoryCreateInstance
-    GetMemoryHistoryCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static MemoryHistoryCreateInstance
-    GetMemoryHistoryCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // InstrumentationRuntime
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback,
-                    InstrumentationRuntimeGetType get_type_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static InstrumentationRuntimeGetType
-    GetInstrumentationRuntimeGetTypeCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance
-    GetInstrumentationRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance
-    GetInstrumentationRuntimeCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // TypeSystem
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    TypeSystemCreateInstance create_callback,
-                    TypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguages enumerate_languages_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (TypeSystemCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static TypeSystemCreateInstance
-    GetTypeSystemCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static TypeSystemCreateInstance
-    GetTypeSystemCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static TypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguages
-    GetTypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static TypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguages
-    GetTypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // REPL
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static bool
-    RegisterPlugin (const ConstString &name,
-                    const char *description,
-                    REPLCreateInstance create_callback,
-                    REPLEnumerateSupportedLanguages enumerate_languages_callback);
-    static bool
-    UnregisterPlugin (REPLCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static REPLCreateInstance
-    GetREPLCreateCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static REPLCreateInstance
-    GetREPLCreateCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    static REPLEnumerateSupportedLanguages
-    GetREPLEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
-    static REPLEnumerateSupportedLanguages
-    GetREPLSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackForPluginName (const ConstString &name);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Some plug-ins might register a DebuggerInitializeCallback
-    // callback when registering the plug-in. After a new Debugger
-    // instance is created, this DebuggerInitialize function will get
-    // called. This allows plug-ins to install Properties and do any
-    // other initialization that requires a debugger instance.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static void
-    DebuggerInitialize (Debugger &debugger);
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSettingForDynamicLoaderPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                      const ConstString &setting_name);
-    static bool
-    CreateSettingForDynamicLoaderPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                         const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                         const ConstString &description,
-                                         bool is_global_property);
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSettingForPlatformPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                       const ConstString &setting_name);
-    static bool
-    CreateSettingForPlatformPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                         const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                         const ConstString &description,
-                                         bool is_global_property);
+  static void Initialize();
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSettingForProcessPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static void Terminate();
-    static bool
-    CreateSettingForProcessPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                   const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                   const ConstString &description,
-                                   bool is_global_property);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ABI
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             ABICreateInstance create_callback);
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSettingForSymbolFilePlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                   const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(ABICreateInstance create_callback);
+  static ABICreateInstance GetABICreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static ABICreateInstance
+  GetABICreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Disassembler
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             DisassemblerCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(DisassemblerCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static DisassemblerCreateInstance
+  GetDisassemblerCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static DisassemblerCreateInstance
+  GetDisassemblerCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // DynamicLoader
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 DynamicLoaderCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(DynamicLoaderCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static DynamicLoaderCreateInstance
+  GetDynamicLoaderCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static DynamicLoaderCreateInstance
+  GetDynamicLoaderCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // JITLoader
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 JITLoaderCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(JITLoaderCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static JITLoaderCreateInstance
+  GetJITLoaderCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static JITLoaderCreateInstance
+  GetJITLoaderCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // EmulateInstruction
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             EmulateInstructionCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool
+  UnregisterPlugin(EmulateInstructionCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static EmulateInstructionCreateInstance
+  GetEmulateInstructionCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static EmulateInstructionCreateInstance
+  GetEmulateInstructionCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // OperatingSystem
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             OperatingSystemCreateInstance create_callback,
+                             DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(OperatingSystemCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static OperatingSystemCreateInstance
+  GetOperatingSystemCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static OperatingSystemCreateInstance
+  GetOperatingSystemCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Language
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             LanguageCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(LanguageCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static LanguageCreateInstance GetLanguageCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static LanguageCreateInstance
+  GetLanguageCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // LanguageRuntime
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 LanguageRuntimeGetCommandObject command_callback = nullptr);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance
+  GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static LanguageRuntimeGetCommandObject
+  GetLanguageRuntimeGetCommandObjectAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static LanguageRuntimeCreateInstance
+  GetLanguageRuntimeCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SystemRuntime
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             SystemRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(SystemRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static SystemRuntimeCreateInstance
+  GetSystemRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static SystemRuntimeCreateInstance
+  GetSystemRuntimeCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ObjectFile
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 ObjectFileCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance create_memory_callback,
+                 ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications get_module_specifications,
+                 ObjectFileSaveCore save_core = nullptr);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(ObjectFileCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static ObjectFileCreateInstance
+  GetObjectFileCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance
+  GetObjectFileCreateMemoryCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications
+  GetObjectFileGetModuleSpecificationsCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static ObjectFileCreateInstance
+  GetObjectFileCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static ObjectFileCreateMemoryInstance
+  GetObjectFileCreateMemoryCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static Error SaveCore(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp,
+                        const FileSpec &outfile);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ObjectContainer
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 ObjectContainerCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications get_module_specifications);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(ObjectContainerCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static ObjectContainerCreateInstance
+  GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static ObjectContainerCreateInstance
+  GetObjectContainerCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static ObjectFileGetModuleSpecifications
+  GetObjectContainerGetModuleSpecificationsCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // LogChannel
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             LogChannelCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(LogChannelCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static LogChannelCreateInstance
+  GetLogChannelCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static LogChannelCreateInstance
+  GetLogChannelCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static const char *GetLogChannelCreateNameAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Platform
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 PlatformCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
-    static bool
-    CreateSettingForSymbolFilePlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                      const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                      const ConstString &description,
-                                      bool is_global_property);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(PlatformCreateInstance create_callback);
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSettingForJITLoaderPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
+  static PlatformCreateInstance GetPlatformCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static PlatformCreateInstance
+  GetPlatformCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static const char *GetPlatformPluginNameAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static const char *GetPlatformPluginDescriptionAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static size_t AutoCompletePlatformName(const char *partial_name,
+                                         StringList &matches);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Process
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 ProcessCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(ProcessCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static ProcessCreateInstance GetProcessCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static ProcessCreateInstance
+  GetProcessCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static const char *GetProcessPluginNameAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static const char *GetProcessPluginDescriptionAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // ScriptInterpreter
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang,
+                             ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static ScriptInterpreterCreateInstance
+  GetScriptInterpreterCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static lldb::ScriptInterpreterSP
+  GetScriptInterpreterForLanguage(lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang,
+                                  CommandInterpreter &interpreter);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // StructuredDataPlugin
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Register a StructuredDataPlugin class along with optional
+  /// callbacks for debugger initialization and Process launch info
+  /// filtering and manipulation.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] name
+  ///    The name of the plugin.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] description
+  ///    A description string for the plugin.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] create_callback
+  ///    The callback that will be invoked to create an instance of
+  ///    the callback.  This may not be nullptr.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] debugger_init_callback
+  ///    An optional callback that will be made when a Debugger
+  ///    instance is initialized.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] filter_callback
+  ///    An optional callback that will be invoked before LLDB
+  ///    launches a process for debugging.  The callback must
+  ///    do the following:
+  ///    1. Only do something if the plugin's behavior is enabled.
+  ///    2. Only make changes for processes that are relevant to the
+  ///       plugin.  The callback gets a pointer to the Target, which
+  ///       can be inspected as needed.  The ProcessLaunchInfo is
+  ///       provided in read-write mode, and may be modified by the
+  ///       plugin if, for instance, additional environment variables
+  ///       are needed to support the feature when enabled.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///    Returns true upon success; otherwise, false.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr,
+                 StructuredDataFilterLaunchInfo filter_callback = nullptr);
+  static bool
+  UnregisterPlugin(StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance
+  GetStructuredDataPluginCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static StructuredDataPluginCreateInstance
+  GetStructuredDataPluginCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static StructuredDataFilterLaunchInfo
+  GetStructuredDataFilterCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx,
+                                         bool &iteration_complete);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SymbolFile
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 SymbolFileCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 DebuggerInitializeCallback debugger_init_callback = nullptr);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(SymbolFileCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static SymbolFileCreateInstance
+  GetSymbolFileCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static SymbolFileCreateInstance
+  GetSymbolFileCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SymbolVendor
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             SymbolVendorCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(SymbolVendorCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static SymbolVendorCreateInstance
+  GetSymbolVendorCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static SymbolVendorCreateInstance
+  GetSymbolVendorCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // UnwindAssembly
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance
+  GetUnwindAssemblyCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static UnwindAssemblyCreateInstance
+  GetUnwindAssemblyCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // MemoryHistory
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                             MemoryHistoryCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(MemoryHistoryCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static MemoryHistoryCreateInstance
+  GetMemoryHistoryCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static MemoryHistoryCreateInstance
+  GetMemoryHistoryCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // InstrumentationRuntime
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 InstrumentationRuntimeGetType get_type_callback);
+  static bool
+  UnregisterPlugin(InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static InstrumentationRuntimeGetType
+  GetInstrumentationRuntimeGetTypeCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance
+  GetInstrumentationRuntimeCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static InstrumentationRuntimeCreateInstance
+  GetInstrumentationRuntimeCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // TypeSystem
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool RegisterPlugin(
+      const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+      TypeSystemCreateInstance create_callback,
+      TypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguages enumerate_languages_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(TypeSystemCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static TypeSystemCreateInstance
+  GetTypeSystemCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static TypeSystemCreateInstance
+  GetTypeSystemCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static TypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguages
+  GetTypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static TypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguages
+  GetTypeSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackForPluginName(
+      const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // REPL
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static bool
+  RegisterPlugin(const ConstString &name, const char *description,
+                 REPLCreateInstance create_callback,
+                 REPLEnumerateSupportedLanguages enumerate_languages_callback);
+  static bool UnregisterPlugin(REPLCreateInstance create_callback);
+  static REPLCreateInstance GetREPLCreateCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static REPLCreateInstance
+  GetREPLCreateCallbackForPluginName(const ConstString &name);
+  static REPLEnumerateSupportedLanguages
+  GetREPLEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+  static REPLEnumerateSupportedLanguages
+  GetREPLSystemEnumerateSupportedLanguagesCallbackForPluginName(
+      const ConstString &name);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Some plug-ins might register a DebuggerInitializeCallback
+  // callback when registering the plug-in. After a new Debugger
+  // instance is created, this DebuggerInitialize function will get
+  // called. This allows plug-ins to install Properties and do any
+  // other initialization that requires a debugger instance.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static void DebuggerInitialize(Debugger &debugger);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForDynamicLoaderPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
                                    const ConstString &setting_name);
-    static bool
-    CreateSettingForJITLoaderPlugin (Debugger &debugger,
-                                     const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                     const ConstString &description,
-                                     bool is_global_property);
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP GetSettingForOperatingSystemPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
-                                                                            const ConstString &setting_name);
-    static bool CreateSettingForOperatingSystemPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
-                                                      const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                                      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
-    static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSettingForStructuredDataPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
-                                      const ConstString &setting_name);
-    static bool
-    CreateSettingForStructuredDataPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
-                                         const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
-                                         const ConstString &description,
-                                         bool is_global_property);
+  static bool CreateSettingForDynamicLoaderPlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForPlatformPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
+                              const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool CreateSettingForPlatformPlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForProcessPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
+                             const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool CreateSettingForProcessPlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForSymbolFilePlugin(Debugger &debugger,
+                                const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool CreateSettingForSymbolFilePlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForJITLoaderPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
+                               const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool CreateSettingForJITLoaderPlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForOperatingSystemPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
+                                     const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool CreateSettingForOperatingSystemPlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
+  static lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
+  GetSettingForStructuredDataPlugin(Debugger &debugger,
+                                    const ConstString &setting_name);
+  static bool CreateSettingForStructuredDataPlugin(
+      Debugger &debugger, const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &properties_sp,
+      const ConstString &description, bool is_global_property);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RangeMap.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RangeMap.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RangeMap.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RangeMap.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -25,1545 +25,1138 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Templatized classes for dealing with generic ranges and also
-    // collections of ranges, or collections of ranges that have associated
-    // data.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // A simple range class where you get to define the type of the range
-    // base "B", and the type used for the range byte size "S".
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template <typename B, typename S>
-    struct Range
-    {
-        typedef B BaseType;
-        typedef S SizeType;
-        BaseType base;
-        SizeType size;
-        Range () :
-            base (0),
-            size (0)
-        {
-        }
-        Range (BaseType b, SizeType s) :
-            base (b),
-            size (s)
-        {
-        }
-        void
-        Clear (BaseType b = 0)
-        {
-            base = b;
-            size = 0;
-        }
-        // Set the start value for the range, and keep the same size
-        BaseType
-        GetRangeBase () const
-        {
-            return base;
-        }
-        void
-        SetRangeBase (BaseType b)
-        {
-            base = b;
-        }
-        void
-        Slide (BaseType slide)
-        {
-            base += slide;
-        }
-        BaseType
-        GetRangeEnd () const
-        {
-            return base + size;
-        }
-        void
-        SetRangeEnd (BaseType end)
-        {
-            if (end > base)
-                size = end - base;
-            else
-                size = 0;
-        }
-        SizeType
-        GetByteSize () const
-        {
-            return size;
-        }
-        void
-        SetByteSize (SizeType s)
-        {
-            size = s;
-        }
-        bool
-        IsValid() const
-        {
-            return size > 0;
-        }
-        bool
-        Contains (BaseType r) const
-        {
-            return (GetRangeBase() <= r) && (r < GetRangeEnd());
-        }
-        bool
-        ContainsEndInclusive (BaseType r) const
-        {
-            return (GetRangeBase() <= r) && (r <= GetRangeEnd());
-        }
-        bool 
-        Contains (const Range& range) const
-        {
-            return Contains(range.GetRangeBase()) && ContainsEndInclusive(range.GetRangeEnd());
-        }
-        // Returns true if the two ranges adjoing or intersect
-        bool
-        DoesAdjoinOrIntersect (const Range &rhs) const
-        {
-            const BaseType lhs_base = this->GetRangeBase();
-            const BaseType rhs_base = rhs.GetRangeBase();
-            const BaseType lhs_end = this->GetRangeEnd();
-            const BaseType rhs_end = rhs.GetRangeEnd();
-            bool result = (lhs_base <= rhs_end) && (lhs_end >= rhs_base);
-            return result;
-        }
-        // Returns true if the two ranges intersect
-        bool
-        DoesIntersect (const Range &rhs) const
-        {
-            const BaseType lhs_base = this->GetRangeBase();
-            const BaseType rhs_base = rhs.GetRangeBase();
-            const BaseType lhs_end = this->GetRangeEnd();
-            const BaseType rhs_end = rhs.GetRangeEnd();
-            bool result = (lhs_base < rhs_end) && (lhs_end > rhs_base);
-            return result;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator < (const Range &rhs) const
-        {
-            if (base == rhs.base)
-                return size < rhs.size;
-            return base < rhs.base;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator == (const Range &rhs) const
-        {
-            return base == rhs.base && size == rhs.size;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator != (const Range &rhs) const
-        {
-            return  base != rhs.base || size != rhs.size;
-        }
-    };
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // A range array class where you get to define the type of the ranges
-    // that the collection contains.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template <typename B, typename S, unsigned N>
-    class RangeArray
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef B BaseType;
-        typedef S SizeType;
-        typedef Range<B,S> Entry;
-        typedef llvm::SmallVector<Entry, N> Collection;
-        RangeArray() = default;
-        ~RangeArray() = default;
-        void
-        Append (const Entry &entry)
-        {
-            m_entries.push_back (entry);
-        }
-        void
-        Append (B base, S size)
-        {
-            m_entries.emplace_back(base, size);
-        }
-        bool
-        RemoveEntrtAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
-        {
-            if (idx < m_entries.size())
-            {
-                m_entries.erase (m_entries.begin() + idx);
-                return true;
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        void
-        Sort ()
-        {
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-                std::stable_sort (m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
-        }
-        bool
-        IsSorted () const
-        {
-            typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        void
-        CombineConsecutiveRanges ()
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            // Can't combine if ranges if we have zero or one range
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-            {
-                // The list should be sorted prior to calling this function
-                typename Collection::iterator pos;
-                typename Collection::iterator end;
-                typename Collection::iterator prev;
-                bool can_combine = false;
-                // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-                // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-                for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-                {
-                    if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos))
-                    {
-                        can_combine = true;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
-                // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place. 
-                if (can_combine)
-                {
-                    Collection minimal_ranges;
-                    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-                    {
-                        if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos))
-                            minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd (std::max<BaseType>(prev->GetRangeEnd(), pos->GetRangeEnd()));
-                        else
-                            minimal_ranges.push_back (*pos);
-                    }
-                    // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
-                    // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
-                    // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
-                    m_entries.swap (minimal_ranges);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        BaseType
-        GetMinRangeBase (BaseType fail_value) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (m_entries.empty())
-                return fail_value;
-            // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
-            // first range's base
-            return m_entries.front().GetRangeBase();
-        }
-        BaseType
-        GetMaxRangeEnd (BaseType fail_value) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (m_entries.empty())
-                return fail_value;
-            // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
-            // last range's end
-            return m_entries.back().GetRangeEnd();
-        }
-        void
-        Slide (BaseType slide)
-        {
-            typename Collection::iterator pos, end;
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
-                pos->Slide (slide);
-        }
-        void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-            m_entries.clear();
-        }
-        bool
-        IsEmpty () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.empty();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.size();
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        GetEntryAtIndex (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
-        }
-        // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this function
-        const Entry &
-        GetEntryRef (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return m_entries[i];
-        }
-        Entry *
-        Back()
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        Back() const
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        static bool 
-        BaseLessThan (const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs)
-        {
-            return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        FindEntryIndexThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                Entry entry (addr, 1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return std::distance (begin, pos);
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                        return std::distance (begin, pos);
-                }
-            }
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                Entry entry (addr, 1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos); 
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos); 
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (const Entry &range) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos); 
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(range))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos); 
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-    protected:
-        Collection m_entries;
-    };
-    template <typename B, typename S>
-    class RangeVector
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef B BaseType;
-        typedef S SizeType;
-        typedef Range<B,S> Entry;
-        typedef std::vector<Entry> Collection;
-        RangeVector() = default;
-        ~RangeVector() = default;
-        void
-        Append (const Entry &entry)
-        {
-            m_entries.push_back (entry);
-        }
-        void
-        Append (B base, S size)
-        {
-            m_entries.emplace_back(base, size);
-        }
-        bool
-        RemoveEntrtAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
-        {
-            if (idx < m_entries.size())
-            {
-                m_entries.erase (m_entries.begin() + idx);
-                return true;
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        void
-        Sort ()
-        {
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-                std::stable_sort (m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
-        }
-        bool
-        IsSorted () const
-        {
-            typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        void
-        CombineConsecutiveRanges ()
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            // Can't combine if ranges if we have zero or one range
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-            {
-                // The list should be sorted prior to calling this function
-                typename Collection::iterator pos;
-                typename Collection::iterator end;
-                typename Collection::iterator prev;
-                bool can_combine = false;
-                // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-                // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-                for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-                {
-                    if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos))
-                    {
-                        can_combine = true;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
-                // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place.
-                if (can_combine)
-                {
-                    Collection minimal_ranges;
-                    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-                    {
-                        if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos))
-                            minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd (std::max<BaseType>(prev->GetRangeEnd(), pos->GetRangeEnd()));
-                        else
-                            minimal_ranges.push_back (*pos);
-                    }
-                    // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
-                    // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
-                    // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
-                    m_entries.swap (minimal_ranges);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        BaseType
-        GetMinRangeBase (BaseType fail_value) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (m_entries.empty())
-                return fail_value;
-            // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
-            // first range's base
-            return m_entries.front().GetRangeBase();
-        }
-        BaseType
-        GetMaxRangeEnd (BaseType fail_value) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (m_entries.empty())
-                return fail_value;
-            // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
-            // last range's end
-            return m_entries.back().GetRangeEnd();
-        }
-        void
-        Slide (BaseType slide)
-        {
-            typename Collection::iterator pos, end;
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
-                pos->Slide (slide);
-        }
-        void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-            m_entries.clear();
-        }
-        void
-        Reserve (typename Collection::size_type size)
-        {
-            m_entries.reserve (size);
-        }
-        bool
-        IsEmpty () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.empty();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.size();
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        GetEntryAtIndex (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
-        }
-        // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this function
-        const Entry &
-        GetEntryRef (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return m_entries[i];
-        }
-        Entry *
-        Back()
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        Back() const
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        static bool
-        BaseLessThan (const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs)
-        {
-            return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        FindEntryIndexThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                Entry entry (addr, 1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return std::distance (begin, pos);
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                        return std::distance (begin, pos);
-                }
-            }
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                Entry entry (addr, 1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos);
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (const Entry &range) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos);
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(range))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-    protected:
-        Collection m_entries;
-    };
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // A simple range  with data class where you get to define the type of
-    // the range base "B", the type used for the range byte size "S", and
-    // the type for the associated data "T".
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template <typename B, typename S, typename T>
-    struct RangeData : public Range<B,S>
-    {
-        typedef T DataType;
-        DataType data;
-        RangeData () :
-            Range<B,S> (),
-            data ()
-        {
-        }
-        RangeData (B base, S size) :
-            Range<B,S> (base, size),
-            data ()
-        {
-        }
-        RangeData (B base, S size, DataType d) :
-            Range<B,S> (base, size),
-            data (d)
-        {
-        }
-        bool
-        operator < (const RangeData &rhs) const
-        {
-            if (this->base == rhs.base)
-            {
-                if (this->size == rhs.size)
-                    return this->data < rhs.data;
-                else
-                    return this->size < rhs.size;
-            }
-            return this->base < rhs.base;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator == (const RangeData &rhs) const
-        {
-            return this->GetRangeBase() == rhs.GetRangeBase() &&
-                   this->GetByteSize() == rhs.GetByteSize() &&
-                   this->data      == rhs.data;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator != (const RangeData &rhs) const
-        {
-            return this->GetRangeBase() != rhs.GetRangeBase() ||
-                   this->GetByteSize() != rhs.GetByteSize() ||
-                   this->data      != rhs.data;
-        }
-    };
-    template <typename B, typename S, typename T, unsigned N>
-    class RangeDataArray
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef RangeData<B,S,T> Entry;
-        typedef llvm::SmallVector<Entry, N> Collection;
-        RangeDataArray() = default;
-        ~RangeDataArray() = default;
-        void
-        Append (const Entry &entry)
-        {
-            m_entries.push_back (entry);
-        }
-        void
-        Sort ()
-        {
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-                std::stable_sort (m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
-        }
-        bool
-        IsSorted () const
-        {
-            typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        void
-        CombineConsecutiveEntriesWithEqualData ()
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            typename Collection::iterator pos;
-            typename Collection::iterator end;
-            typename Collection::iterator prev;
-            bool can_combine = false;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data)
-                {
-                    can_combine = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
-            // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place. 
-            if (can_combine)
-            {
-                Collection minimal_ranges;
-                for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-                {
-                    if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data)
-                        minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd (pos->GetRangeEnd());
-                    else
-                        minimal_ranges.push_back (*pos);
-                }
-                // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
-                // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
-                // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
-                m_entries.swap (minimal_ranges);
-            }
-        }
-        void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-            m_entries.clear();
-        }
-        bool
-        IsEmpty () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.empty();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.size();
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        GetEntryAtIndex (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
-        }
-        // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this function
-        const Entry &
-        GetEntryRef (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return m_entries[i];
-        }
-        static bool
-        BaseLessThan (const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs)
-        {
-            return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        FindEntryIndexThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry (addr, 1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return std::distance (begin, pos);
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                        return std::distance (begin, pos);
-                }
-            }
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (B addr)
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry;
-                entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
-                entry.SetByteSize(1);
-                typename Collection::iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos); 
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos); 
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry;
-                entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
-                entry.SetByteSize(1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos); 
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(addr))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos); 
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (const Entry &range) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range))
-                {
-                    return &(*pos); 
-                }
-                else if (pos != begin)
-                {
-                    --pos;
-                    if (pos->Contains(range))
-                    {
-                        return &(*pos); 
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        Entry *
-        Back()
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        Back() const
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-    protected:
-        Collection m_entries;
-    };
-    // Same as RangeDataArray, but uses std::vector as to not
-    // require static storage of N items in the class itself
-    template <typename B, typename S, typename T>
-    class RangeDataVector
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef RangeData<B,S,T> Entry;
-        typedef std::vector<Entry> Collection;
-        RangeDataVector() = default;
-        ~RangeDataVector() = default;
-        void
-        Append (const Entry &entry)
-        {
-            m_entries.push_back (entry);
-        }
-        void
-        Sort ()
-        {
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-                std::stable_sort (m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
-        }
-        bool
-        IsSorted () const
-        {
-            typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        void
-        CombineConsecutiveEntriesWithEqualData ()
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            typename Collection::iterator pos;
-            typename Collection::iterator end;
-            typename Collection::iterator prev;
-            bool can_combine = false;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data)
-                {
-                    can_combine = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
-            // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place.
-            if (can_combine)
-            {
-                Collection minimal_ranges;
-                for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-                {
-                    if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data)
-                        minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd (pos->GetRangeEnd());
-                    else
-                        minimal_ranges.push_back (*pos);
-                }
-                // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
-                // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
-                // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
-                m_entries.swap (minimal_ranges);
-            }
-        }
-        // Calculate the byte size of ranges with zero byte sizes by finding
-        // the next entry with a base address > the current base address
-        void
-        CalculateSizesOfZeroByteSizeRanges (S full_size = 0)
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            typename Collection::iterator pos;
-            typename Collection::iterator end;
-            typename Collection::iterator next;
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
-            {
-                if (pos->GetByteSize() == 0)
-                {
-                    // Watch out for multiple entries with same address and make sure
-                    // we find an entry that is greater than the current base address
-                    // before we use that for the size
-                    auto curr_base = pos->GetRangeBase();
-                    for (next = pos + 1; next != end; ++next)
-                    {
-                        auto next_base = next->GetRangeBase();
-                        if (next_base > curr_base)
-                        {
-                            pos->SetByteSize (next_base - curr_base);
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (next == end && full_size > curr_base)
-                        pos->SetByteSize (full_size - curr_base);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-            m_entries.clear();
-        }
-        void
-        Reserve (typename Collection::size_type size)
-        {
-            m_entries.resize (size);
-        }
-        bool
-        IsEmpty () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.empty();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.size();
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        GetEntryAtIndex (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
-        }
-        Entry *
-        GetMutableEntryAtIndex (size_t i)
-        {
-            return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
-        }
-        // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this function
-        const Entry &
-        GetEntryRef (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return m_entries[i];
-        }
-        static bool
-        BaseLessThan (const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs)
-        {
-            return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        FindEntryIndexThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry (addr, 1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                while(pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
-                    --pos;
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                    return std::distance (begin, pos);
-            }
-            return UINT32_MAX;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        FindEntryIndexesThatContain(B addr, std::vector<uint32_t> &indexes) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos;
-                for (const auto &entry : m_entries)
-                {
-                    if (entry.Contains(addr))
-                        indexes.push_back(entry.data);
-                }
-            }
-            return indexes.size() ;
-        }
-        Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (B addr)
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry;
-                entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
-                entry.SetByteSize(1);
-                typename Collection::iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                while(pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
-                    --pos;
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                    return &(*pos);
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry;
-                entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
-                entry.SetByteSize(1);
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                while(pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
-                    --pos;
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
-                    return &(*pos);
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContains (const Entry &range) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
-                while(pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(range))
-                    --pos;
-                if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range))
-                    return &(*pos);
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry*
-        FindEntryStartsAt (B addr) const
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                auto begin = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end();
-                auto pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, Entry(addr, 1), BaseLessThan);
-                if (pos != end && pos->base == addr)
-                    return &(*pos);
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        // This method will return the entry that contains the given address, or the
-        // entry following that address.  If you give it an address of 0 and the first
-        // entry starts at address 0x100, you will get the entry at 0x100.  
-        //
-        // For most uses, FindEntryThatContains is the correct one to use, this is a 
-        // less commonly needed behavior.  It was added for core file memory regions, 
-        // where we want to present a gap in the memory regions as a distinct region, 
-        // so we need to know the start address of the next memory section that exists.
-        const Entry *
-        FindEntryThatContainsOrFollows(B addr) const
-        {
-            assert(IsSorted());
-            if (!m_entries.empty())
-            {
-                typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
-                    std::lower_bound(m_entries.begin(), end, addr, [](const Entry &lhs, B rhs_base) -> bool {
-                        return lhs.GetRangeEnd() <= rhs_base;
-                    });
-                while (pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
-                    --pos;
-                if (pos != end)
-                    return &(*pos);
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        Entry *
-        Back()
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        Back() const
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-    protected:
-        Collection m_entries;
-    };
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // A simple range  with data class where you get to define the type of
-    // the range base "B", the type used for the range byte size "S", and
-    // the type for the associated data "T".
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template <typename B, typename T>
-    struct AddressData
-    {
-        typedef B BaseType;
-        typedef T DataType;
-        BaseType addr;
-        DataType data;
-        AddressData () :
-            addr (),
-            data ()
-        {
-        }
-        AddressData (B a, DataType d) :
-            addr (a),
-            data (d)
-        {
-        }
-        bool
-        operator < (const AddressData &rhs) const
-        {
-            if (this->addr == rhs.addr)
-                return this->data < rhs.data;
-            return this->addr < rhs.addr;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator == (const AddressData &rhs) const
-        {
-            return this->addr == rhs.addr &&
-                   this->data == rhs.data;
-        }
-        bool
-        operator != (const AddressData &rhs) const
-        {
-            return this->addr != rhs.addr ||
-                   this->data == rhs.data;
-        }
-    };
-    template <typename B, typename T, unsigned N>
-    class AddressDataArray
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef AddressData<B,T> Entry;
-        typedef llvm::SmallVector<Entry, N> Collection;
-        AddressDataArray() = default;
-        ~AddressDataArray() = default;
-        void
-        Append (const Entry &entry)
-        {
-            m_entries.push_back (entry);
-        }
-        void
-        Sort ()
-        {
-            if (m_entries.size() > 1)
-                std::stable_sort (m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
-        }
-        bool
-        IsSorted () const
-        {
-            typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
-            // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
-            // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
-            for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end; prev = pos++)
-            {
-                if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-            m_entries.clear();
-        }
-        bool
-        IsEmpty () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.empty();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize () const
-        {
-            return m_entries.size();
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        GetEntryAtIndex (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
-        }
-        // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this function
-        const Entry &
-        GetEntryRef (size_t i) const
-        {
-            return m_entries[i];
-        }
-        static bool 
-        BaseLessThan (const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs)
-        {
-            return lhs.addr < rhs.addr;
-        }
-        Entry *
-        FindEntry (B addr, bool exact_match_only)
-        {
-            assert (IsSorted());
-            if ( !m_entries.empty() )
-            {
-                Entry entry;
-                entry.addr = addr;
-                typename Collection::iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
-                typename Collection::iterator end = m_entries.end();
-                typename Collection::iterator pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
-                while(pos != begin && pos[-1].addr == addr)
-                    --pos;
-                if (pos != end)
-                {
-                    if (pos->addr == addr || !exact_match_only)
-                        return &(*pos);
-                }
-            }
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        FindNextEntry (const Entry *entry)
-        {
-            if (entry >= &*m_entries.begin() && entry + 1 < &*m_entries.end())
-                return entry + 1;
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        Entry *
-        Back()
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-        const Entry *
-        Back() const
-        {
-            return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
-        }
-    protected:
-        Collection m_entries;
-    };
+// Templatized classes for dealing with generic ranges and also
+// collections of ranges, or collections of ranges that have associated
+// data.
+// A simple range class where you get to define the type of the range
+// base "B", and the type used for the range byte size "S".
+template <typename B, typename S> struct Range {
+  typedef B BaseType;
+  typedef S SizeType;
+  BaseType base;
+  SizeType size;
+  Range() : base(0), size(0) {}
+  Range(BaseType b, SizeType s) : base(b), size(s) {}
+  void Clear(BaseType b = 0) {
+    base = b;
+    size = 0;
+  }
+  // Set the start value for the range, and keep the same size
+  BaseType GetRangeBase() const { return base; }
+  void SetRangeBase(BaseType b) { base = b; }
+  void Slide(BaseType slide) { base += slide; }
+  BaseType GetRangeEnd() const { return base + size; }
+  void SetRangeEnd(BaseType end) {
+    if (end > base)
+      size = end - base;
+    else
+      size = 0;
+  }
+  SizeType GetByteSize() const { return size; }
+  void SetByteSize(SizeType s) { size = s; }
+  bool IsValid() const { return size > 0; }
+  bool Contains(BaseType r) const {
+    return (GetRangeBase() <= r) && (r < GetRangeEnd());
+  }
+  bool ContainsEndInclusive(BaseType r) const {
+    return (GetRangeBase() <= r) && (r <= GetRangeEnd());
+  }
+  bool Contains(const Range &range) const {
+    return Contains(range.GetRangeBase()) &&
+           ContainsEndInclusive(range.GetRangeEnd());
+  }
+  // Returns true if the two ranges adjoing or intersect
+  bool DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(const Range &rhs) const {
+    const BaseType lhs_base = this->GetRangeBase();
+    const BaseType rhs_base = rhs.GetRangeBase();
+    const BaseType lhs_end = this->GetRangeEnd();
+    const BaseType rhs_end = rhs.GetRangeEnd();
+    bool result = (lhs_base <= rhs_end) && (lhs_end >= rhs_base);
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Returns true if the two ranges intersect
+  bool DoesIntersect(const Range &rhs) const {
+    const BaseType lhs_base = this->GetRangeBase();
+    const BaseType rhs_base = rhs.GetRangeBase();
+    const BaseType lhs_end = this->GetRangeEnd();
+    const BaseType rhs_end = rhs.GetRangeEnd();
+    bool result = (lhs_base < rhs_end) && (lhs_end > rhs_base);
+    return result;
+  }
+  bool operator<(const Range &rhs) const {
+    if (base == rhs.base)
+      return size < rhs.size;
+    return base < rhs.base;
+  }
+  bool operator==(const Range &rhs) const {
+    return base == rhs.base && size == rhs.size;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const Range &rhs) const {
+    return base != rhs.base || size != rhs.size;
+  }
+// A range array class where you get to define the type of the ranges
+// that the collection contains.
+template <typename B, typename S, unsigned N> class RangeArray {
+  typedef B BaseType;
+  typedef S SizeType;
+  typedef Range<B, S> Entry;
+  typedef llvm::SmallVector<Entry, N> Collection;
+  RangeArray() = default;
+  ~RangeArray() = default;
+  void Append(const Entry &entry) { m_entries.push_back(entry); }
+  void Append(B base, S size) { m_entries.emplace_back(base, size); }
+  bool RemoveEntrtAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+    if (idx < m_entries.size()) {
+      m_entries.erase(m_entries.begin() + idx);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  void Sort() {
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1)
+      std::stable_sort(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
+  }
+  bool IsSorted() const {
+    typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void CombineConsecutiveRanges() {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    // Can't combine if ranges if we have zero or one range
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1) {
+      // The list should be sorted prior to calling this function
+      typename Collection::iterator pos;
+      typename Collection::iterator end;
+      typename Collection::iterator prev;
+      bool can_combine = false;
+      // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+      // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+      for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end;
+           pos != end; prev = pos++) {
+        if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos)) {
+          can_combine = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
+      // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place.
+      if (can_combine) {
+        Collection minimal_ranges;
+        for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end;
+             pos != end; prev = pos++) {
+          if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos))
+            minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd(
+                std::max<BaseType>(prev->GetRangeEnd(), pos->GetRangeEnd()));
+          else
+            minimal_ranges.push_back(*pos);
+        }
+        // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
+        // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
+        // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
+        m_entries.swap(minimal_ranges);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  BaseType GetMinRangeBase(BaseType fail_value) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (m_entries.empty())
+      return fail_value;
+    // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
+    // first range's base
+    return m_entries.front().GetRangeBase();
+  }
+  BaseType GetMaxRangeEnd(BaseType fail_value) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (m_entries.empty())
+      return fail_value;
+    // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
+    // last range's end
+    return m_entries.back().GetRangeEnd();
+  }
+  void Slide(BaseType slide) {
+    typename Collection::iterator pos, end;
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
+      pos->Slide(slide);
+  }
+  void Clear() { m_entries.clear(); }
+  bool IsEmpty() const { return m_entries.empty(); }
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_entries.size(); }
+  const Entry *GetEntryAtIndex(size_t i) const {
+    return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
+  }
+  // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this
+  // function
+  const Entry &GetEntryRef(size_t i) const { return m_entries[i]; }
+  Entry *Back() { return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back()); }
+  const Entry *Back() const {
+    return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
+  }
+  static bool BaseLessThan(const Entry &lhs, const Entry &rhs) {
+    return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
+  }
+  uint32_t FindEntryIndexThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry(addr, 1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return std::distance(begin, pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr))
+          return std::distance(begin, pos);
+      }
+    }
+    return UINT32_MAX;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry(addr, 1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(const Entry &range) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(range)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  Collection m_entries;
+template <typename B, typename S> class RangeVector {
+  typedef B BaseType;
+  typedef S SizeType;
+  typedef Range<B, S> Entry;
+  typedef std::vector<Entry> Collection;
+  RangeVector() = default;
+  ~RangeVector() = default;
+  void Append(const Entry &entry) { m_entries.push_back(entry); }
+  void Append(B base, S size) { m_entries.emplace_back(base, size); }
+  bool RemoveEntrtAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+    if (idx < m_entries.size()) {
+      m_entries.erase(m_entries.begin() + idx);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  void Sort() {
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1)
+      std::stable_sort(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
+  }
+  bool IsSorted() const {
+    typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void CombineConsecutiveRanges() {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    // Can't combine if ranges if we have zero or one range
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1) {
+      // The list should be sorted prior to calling this function
+      typename Collection::iterator pos;
+      typename Collection::iterator end;
+      typename Collection::iterator prev;
+      bool can_combine = false;
+      // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+      // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+      for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end;
+           pos != end; prev = pos++) {
+        if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos)) {
+          can_combine = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
+      // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place.
+      if (can_combine) {
+        Collection minimal_ranges;
+        for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end;
+             pos != end; prev = pos++) {
+          if (prev != end && prev->DoesAdjoinOrIntersect(*pos))
+            minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd(
+                std::max<BaseType>(prev->GetRangeEnd(), pos->GetRangeEnd()));
+          else
+            minimal_ranges.push_back(*pos);
+        }
+        // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
+        // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
+        // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
+        m_entries.swap(minimal_ranges);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  BaseType GetMinRangeBase(BaseType fail_value) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (m_entries.empty())
+      return fail_value;
+    // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
+    // first range's base
+    return m_entries.front().GetRangeBase();
+  }
+  BaseType GetMaxRangeEnd(BaseType fail_value) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (m_entries.empty())
+      return fail_value;
+    // m_entries must be sorted, so if we aren't empty, we grab the
+    // last range's end
+    return m_entries.back().GetRangeEnd();
+  }
+  void Slide(BaseType slide) {
+    typename Collection::iterator pos, end;
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
+      pos->Slide(slide);
+  }
+  void Clear() { m_entries.clear(); }
+  void Reserve(typename Collection::size_type size) { m_entries.reserve(size); }
+  bool IsEmpty() const { return m_entries.empty(); }
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_entries.size(); }
+  const Entry *GetEntryAtIndex(size_t i) const {
+    return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
+  }
+  // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this
+  // function
+  const Entry &GetEntryRef(size_t i) const { return m_entries[i]; }
+  Entry *Back() { return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back()); }
+  const Entry *Back() const {
+    return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
+  }
+  static bool BaseLessThan(const Entry &lhs, const Entry &rhs) {
+    return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
+  }
+  uint32_t FindEntryIndexThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry(addr, 1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return std::distance(begin, pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr))
+          return std::distance(begin, pos);
+      }
+    }
+    return UINT32_MAX;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry(addr, 1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(const Entry &range) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(range)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  Collection m_entries;
+// A simple range  with data class where you get to define the type of
+// the range base "B", the type used for the range byte size "S", and
+// the type for the associated data "T".
+template <typename B, typename S, typename T>
+struct RangeData : public Range<B, S> {
+  typedef T DataType;
+  DataType data;
+  RangeData() : Range<B, S>(), data() {}
+  RangeData(B base, S size) : Range<B, S>(base, size), data() {}
+  RangeData(B base, S size, DataType d) : Range<B, S>(base, size), data(d) {}
+  bool operator<(const RangeData &rhs) const {
+    if (this->base == rhs.base) {
+      if (this->size == rhs.size)
+        return this->data < rhs.data;
+      else
+        return this->size < rhs.size;
+    }
+    return this->base < rhs.base;
+  }
+  bool operator==(const RangeData &rhs) const {
+    return this->GetRangeBase() == rhs.GetRangeBase() &&
+           this->GetByteSize() == rhs.GetByteSize() && this->data == rhs.data;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const RangeData &rhs) const {
+    return this->GetRangeBase() != rhs.GetRangeBase() ||
+           this->GetByteSize() != rhs.GetByteSize() || this->data != rhs.data;
+  }
+template <typename B, typename S, typename T, unsigned N> class RangeDataArray {
+  typedef RangeData<B, S, T> Entry;
+  typedef llvm::SmallVector<Entry, N> Collection;
+  RangeDataArray() = default;
+  ~RangeDataArray() = default;
+  void Append(const Entry &entry) { m_entries.push_back(entry); }
+  void Sort() {
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1)
+      std::stable_sort(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
+  }
+  bool IsSorted() const {
+    typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void CombineConsecutiveEntriesWithEqualData() {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    typename Collection::iterator pos;
+    typename Collection::iterator end;
+    typename Collection::iterator prev;
+    bool can_combine = false;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data) {
+        can_combine = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
+    // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place.
+    if (can_combine) {
+      Collection minimal_ranges;
+      for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end;
+           pos != end; prev = pos++) {
+        if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data)
+          minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd(pos->GetRangeEnd());
+        else
+          minimal_ranges.push_back(*pos);
+      }
+      // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
+      // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
+      // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
+      m_entries.swap(minimal_ranges);
+    }
+  }
+  void Clear() { m_entries.clear(); }
+  bool IsEmpty() const { return m_entries.empty(); }
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_entries.size(); }
+  const Entry *GetEntryAtIndex(size_t i) const {
+    return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
+  }
+  // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this
+  // function
+  const Entry &GetEntryRef(size_t i) const { return m_entries[i]; }
+  static bool BaseLessThan(const Entry &lhs, const Entry &rhs) {
+    return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
+  }
+  uint32_t FindEntryIndexThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry(addr, 1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return std::distance(begin, pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr))
+          return std::distance(begin, pos);
+      }
+    }
+    return UINT32_MAX;
+  }
+  Entry *FindEntryThatContains(B addr) {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry;
+      entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
+      entry.SetByteSize(1);
+      typename Collection::iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry;
+      entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
+      entry.SetByteSize(1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(addr)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(const Entry &range) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range)) {
+        return &(*pos);
+      } else if (pos != begin) {
+        --pos;
+        if (pos->Contains(range)) {
+          return &(*pos);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  Entry *Back() { return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back()); }
+  const Entry *Back() const {
+    return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
+  }
+  Collection m_entries;
+// Same as RangeDataArray, but uses std::vector as to not
+// require static storage of N items in the class itself
+template <typename B, typename S, typename T> class RangeDataVector {
+  typedef RangeData<B, S, T> Entry;
+  typedef std::vector<Entry> Collection;
+  RangeDataVector() = default;
+  ~RangeDataVector() = default;
+  void Append(const Entry &entry) { m_entries.push_back(entry); }
+  void Sort() {
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1)
+      std::stable_sort(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
+  }
+  bool IsSorted() const {
+    typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void CombineConsecutiveEntriesWithEqualData() {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    typename Collection::iterator pos;
+    typename Collection::iterator end;
+    typename Collection::iterator prev;
+    bool can_combine = false;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data) {
+        can_combine = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // We we can combine at least one entry, then we make a new collection
+    // and populate it accordingly, and then swap it into place.
+    if (can_combine) {
+      Collection minimal_ranges;
+      for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end;
+           pos != end; prev = pos++) {
+        if (prev != end && prev->data == pos->data)
+          minimal_ranges.back().SetRangeEnd(pos->GetRangeEnd());
+        else
+          minimal_ranges.push_back(*pos);
+      }
+      // Use the swap technique in case our new vector is much smaller.
+      // We must swap when using the STL because std::vector objects never
+      // release or reduce the memory once it has been allocated/reserved.
+      m_entries.swap(minimal_ranges);
+    }
+  }
+  // Calculate the byte size of ranges with zero byte sizes by finding
+  // the next entry with a base address > the current base address
+  void CalculateSizesOfZeroByteSizeRanges(S full_size = 0) {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    typename Collection::iterator pos;
+    typename Collection::iterator end;
+    typename Collection::iterator next;
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+      if (pos->GetByteSize() == 0) {
+        // Watch out for multiple entries with same address and make sure
+        // we find an entry that is greater than the current base address
+        // before we use that for the size
+        auto curr_base = pos->GetRangeBase();
+        for (next = pos + 1; next != end; ++next) {
+          auto next_base = next->GetRangeBase();
+          if (next_base > curr_base) {
+            pos->SetByteSize(next_base - curr_base);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (next == end && full_size > curr_base)
+          pos->SetByteSize(full_size - curr_base);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void Clear() { m_entries.clear(); }
+  void Reserve(typename Collection::size_type size) { m_entries.resize(size); }
+  bool IsEmpty() const { return m_entries.empty(); }
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_entries.size(); }
+  const Entry *GetEntryAtIndex(size_t i) const {
+    return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
+  }
+  Entry *GetMutableEntryAtIndex(size_t i) {
+    return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
+  }
+  // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this
+  // function
+  const Entry &GetEntryRef(size_t i) const { return m_entries[i]; }
+  static bool BaseLessThan(const Entry &lhs, const Entry &rhs) {
+    return lhs.GetRangeBase() < rhs.GetRangeBase();
+  }
+  uint32_t FindEntryIndexThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry(addr, 1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      while (pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
+        --pos;
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
+        return std::distance(begin, pos);
+    }
+    return UINT32_MAX;
+  }
+  uint32_t FindEntryIndexesThatContain(B addr,
+                                       std::vector<uint32_t> &indexes) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos;
+      for (const auto &entry : m_entries) {
+        if (entry.Contains(addr))
+          indexes.push_back(entry.data);
+      }
+    }
+    return indexes.size();
+  }
+  Entry *FindEntryThatContains(B addr) {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry;
+      entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
+      entry.SetByteSize(1);
+      typename Collection::iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      while (pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
+        --pos;
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
+        return &(*pos);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry;
+      entry.SetRangeBase(addr);
+      entry.SetByteSize(1);
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      while (pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
+        --pos;
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(addr))
+        return &(*pos);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContains(const Entry &range) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, range, BaseLessThan);
+      while (pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(range))
+        --pos;
+      if (pos != end && pos->Contains(range))
+        return &(*pos);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindEntryStartsAt(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      auto begin = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end();
+      auto pos = std::lower_bound(begin, end, Entry(addr, 1), BaseLessThan);
+      if (pos != end && pos->base == addr)
+        return &(*pos);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // This method will return the entry that contains the given address, or the
+  // entry following that address.  If you give it an address of 0 and the first
+  // entry starts at address 0x100, you will get the entry at 0x100.
+  //
+  // For most uses, FindEntryThatContains is the correct one to use, this is a
+  // less commonly needed behavior.  It was added for core file memory regions,
+  // where we want to present a gap in the memory regions as a distinct region,
+  // so we need to know the start address of the next memory section that
+  // exists.
+  const Entry *FindEntryThatContainsOrFollows(B addr) const {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      typename Collection::const_iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::const_iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(m_entries.begin(), end, addr,
+                           [](const Entry &lhs, B rhs_base) -> bool {
+                             return lhs.GetRangeEnd() <= rhs_base;
+                           });
+      while (pos != begin && pos[-1].Contains(addr))
+        --pos;
+      if (pos != end)
+        return &(*pos);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  Entry *Back() { return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back()); }
+  const Entry *Back() const {
+    return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
+  }
+  Collection m_entries;
+// A simple range  with data class where you get to define the type of
+// the range base "B", the type used for the range byte size "S", and
+// the type for the associated data "T".
+template <typename B, typename T> struct AddressData {
+  typedef B BaseType;
+  typedef T DataType;
+  BaseType addr;
+  DataType data;
+  AddressData() : addr(), data() {}
+  AddressData(B a, DataType d) : addr(a), data(d) {}
+  bool operator<(const AddressData &rhs) const {
+    if (this->addr == rhs.addr)
+      return this->data < rhs.data;
+    return this->addr < rhs.addr;
+  }
+  bool operator==(const AddressData &rhs) const {
+    return this->addr == rhs.addr && this->data == rhs.data;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const AddressData &rhs) const {
+    return this->addr != rhs.addr || this->data == rhs.data;
+  }
+template <typename B, typename T, unsigned N> class AddressDataArray {
+  typedef AddressData<B, T> Entry;
+  typedef llvm::SmallVector<Entry, N> Collection;
+  AddressDataArray() = default;
+  ~AddressDataArray() = default;
+  void Append(const Entry &entry) { m_entries.push_back(entry); }
+  void Sort() {
+    if (m_entries.size() > 1)
+      std::stable_sort(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end());
+  }
+  bool IsSorted() const {
+    typename Collection::const_iterator pos, end, prev;
+    // First we determine if we can combine any of the Entry objects so we
+    // don't end up allocating and making a new collection for no reason
+    for (pos = m_entries.begin(), end = m_entries.end(), prev = end; pos != end;
+         prev = pos++) {
+      if (prev != end && *pos < *prev)
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void Clear() { m_entries.clear(); }
+  bool IsEmpty() const { return m_entries.empty(); }
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_entries.size(); }
+  const Entry *GetEntryAtIndex(size_t i) const {
+    return ((i < m_entries.size()) ? &m_entries[i] : nullptr);
+  }
+  // Clients must ensure that "i" is a valid index prior to calling this
+  // function
+  const Entry &GetEntryRef(size_t i) const { return m_entries[i]; }
+  static bool BaseLessThan(const Entry &lhs, const Entry &rhs) {
+    return lhs.addr < rhs.addr;
+  }
+  Entry *FindEntry(B addr, bool exact_match_only) {
+    assert(IsSorted());
+    if (!m_entries.empty()) {
+      Entry entry;
+      entry.addr = addr;
+      typename Collection::iterator begin = m_entries.begin();
+      typename Collection::iterator end = m_entries.end();
+      typename Collection::iterator pos =
+          std::lower_bound(begin, end, entry, BaseLessThan);
+      while (pos != begin && pos[-1].addr == addr)
+        --pos;
+      if (pos != end) {
+        if (pos->addr == addr || !exact_match_only)
+          return &(*pos);
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const Entry *FindNextEntry(const Entry *entry) {
+    if (entry >= &*m_entries.begin() && entry + 1 < &*m_entries.end())
+      return entry + 1;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  Entry *Back() { return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back()); }
+  const Entry *Back() const {
+    return (m_entries.empty() ? nullptr : &m_entries.back());
+  }
+  Collection m_entries;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegisterValue.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegisterValue.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegisterValue.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegisterValue.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -18,376 +18,258 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
-#include "lldb/Host/Endian.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Scalar.h"
+#include "lldb/Host/Endian.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    class RegisterValue
-    {
-    public:
-        enum
-        {
-            kMaxRegisterByteSize = 32u
-        };
-        enum Type
-        {
-            eTypeInvalid,
-            eTypeUInt8,
-            eTypeUInt16,
-            eTypeUInt32,
-            eTypeUInt64,
-            eTypeUInt128,
-            eTypeFloat,
-            eTypeDouble,
-            eTypeLongDouble,
-            eTypeBytes
-        };
-        RegisterValue () : 
-            m_type (eTypeInvalid),
-            m_scalar ((unsigned long)0)
-        {
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (uint8_t inst) : 
-            m_type (eTypeUInt8)
-        {
-            m_scalar = inst;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (uint16_t inst) : 
-            m_type (eTypeUInt16)
-        {
-            m_scalar = inst;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (uint32_t inst) : 
-            m_type (eTypeUInt32)
-        {
-            m_scalar = inst;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (uint64_t inst) : 
-            m_type (eTypeUInt64)
-        {
-            m_scalar = inst;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (llvm::APInt inst) :
-            m_type (eTypeUInt128)
-        {
-            m_scalar = llvm::APInt(inst);
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (float value) : 
-            m_type (eTypeFloat)
-        {
-            m_scalar = value;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (double value) : 
-            m_type (eTypeDouble)
-        {
-            m_scalar = value;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (long double value) : 
-            m_type (eTypeLongDouble)
-        {
-            m_scalar = value;
-        }
-        explicit 
-        RegisterValue (uint8_t *bytes, size_t length, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order)
-        {
-            SetBytes (bytes, length, byte_order);
-        }
-        RegisterValue::Type
-        GetType () const
-        {
-            return m_type;
-        }
-        bool
-        CopyValue (const RegisterValue &rhs);
-        void
-        SetType (RegisterValue::Type type)
-        {
-            m_type = type;
-        }
-        RegisterValue::Type
-        SetType (const RegisterInfo *reg_info);
-        bool
-        GetData (DataExtractor &data) const;
-        // Copy the register value from this object into a buffer in "dst"
-        // and obey the "dst_byte_order" when copying the data. Also watch out
-        // in case "dst_len" is longer or shorter than the register value 
-        // described by "reg_info" and only copy the least significant bytes 
-        // of the register value, or pad the destination with zeroes if the
-        // register byte size is shorter that "dst_len" (all while correctly
-        // abiding the "dst_byte_order"). Returns the number of bytes copied
-        // into "dst".
-        uint32_t
-        GetAsMemoryData (const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
-                         void *dst, 
-                         uint32_t dst_len, 
-                         lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order,
-                         Error &error) const;
-        uint32_t
-        SetFromMemoryData (const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
-                           const void *src,
-                           uint32_t src_len,
-                           lldb::ByteOrder src_byte_order,
-                           Error &error);
-        bool
-        GetScalarValue (Scalar &scalar) const;
-        uint8_t
-        GetAsUInt8(uint8_t fail_value = UINT8_MAX, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const
-        {
-            if (m_type == eTypeUInt8)
-            {
-                if (success_ptr)
-                    *success_ptr = true;                
-                return m_scalar.UChar(fail_value);
-            }
-            if (success_ptr)
-                *success_ptr = true;
-            return fail_value;
-        }
-        uint16_t
-        GetAsUInt16(uint16_t fail_value = UINT16_MAX, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        uint32_t
-        GetAsUInt32(uint32_t fail_value = UINT32_MAX, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        uint64_t
-        GetAsUInt64(uint64_t fail_value = UINT64_MAX, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        llvm::APInt
-        GetAsUInt128(const llvm::APInt& fail_value, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        float
-        GetAsFloat(float fail_value = 0.0f, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        double
-        GetAsDouble(double fail_value = 0.0, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        long double
-        GetAsLongDouble(long double fail_value = 0.0, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
-        void
-        SetValueToInvalid ()
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeInvalid;
-        }
-        bool
-        ClearBit (uint32_t bit);
-        bool
-        SetBit (uint32_t bit);
-        bool
-        operator == (const RegisterValue &rhs) const;
-        bool
-        operator != (const RegisterValue &rhs) const;
-        void
-        operator = (uint8_t uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt8;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (uint16_t uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt16;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (uint32_t uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt32;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (uint64_t uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt64;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (llvm::APInt uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt128;
-            m_scalar = llvm::APInt(uint);
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (float f)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeFloat;
-            m_scalar = f;
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (double f)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeDouble;
-            m_scalar = f;
-        }
-        void
-        operator = (long double f)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeLongDouble;
-            m_scalar = f;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUInt8 (uint8_t uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt8;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUInt16 (uint16_t uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt16;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUInt32 (uint32_t uint, Type t = eTypeUInt32)
-        {
-            m_type = t;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUInt64 (uint64_t uint, Type t = eTypeUInt64)
-        {
-            m_type = t;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUInt128 (llvm::APInt uint)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeUInt128;
-            m_scalar = uint;
-        }
-        bool
-        SetUInt (uint64_t uint, uint32_t byte_size);
-        void
-        SetFloat (float f)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeFloat;
-            m_scalar = f;
-        }
-        void
-        SetDouble (double f)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeDouble;
-            m_scalar = f;
-        }
-        void
-        SetLongDouble (long double f)
-        {
-            m_type = eTypeLongDouble;
-            m_scalar = f;
-        }
-        void
-        SetBytes (const void *bytes, size_t length, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
-        bool
-        SignExtend (uint32_t sign_bitpos);
-        Error
-        SetValueFromCString (const RegisterInfo *reg_info, 
-                             const char *value_str);
-        Error
-        SetValueFromData (const RegisterInfo *reg_info, 
-                          DataExtractor &data, 
-                          lldb::offset_t offset,
-                          bool partial_data_ok);
-        // The default value of 0 for reg_name_right_align_at means no alignment at all.
-        bool
-        Dump (Stream *s, 
-              const RegisterInfo *reg_info, 
-              bool prefix_with_name,
-              bool prefix_with_alt_name,
-              lldb::Format format,
-              uint32_t reg_name_right_align_at = 0) const;
-        const void *
-        GetBytes () const;
-        lldb::ByteOrder
-        GetByteOrder () const
-        {
-            if (m_type == eTypeBytes)
-                return buffer.byte_order;
-            return endian::InlHostByteOrder();
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetByteSize () const;
-        static uint32_t
-        GetMaxByteSize ()
-        {
-            return kMaxRegisterByteSize;
-        }
-        void
-        Clear();
-    protected:
-        RegisterValue::Type m_type;
-        Scalar m_scalar;
-        struct
-        {
-            uint8_t bytes[kMaxRegisterByteSize]; // This must be big enough to hold any register for any supported target.
-            uint8_t length;
-            lldb::ByteOrder byte_order;
-        } buffer;
-    };
+class RegisterValue {
+  enum { kMaxRegisterByteSize = 32u };
+  enum Type {
+    eTypeInvalid,
+    eTypeUInt8,
+    eTypeUInt16,
+    eTypeUInt32,
+    eTypeUInt64,
+    eTypeUInt128,
+    eTypeFloat,
+    eTypeDouble,
+    eTypeLongDouble,
+    eTypeBytes
+  };
+  RegisterValue() : m_type(eTypeInvalid), m_scalar((unsigned long)0) {}
+  explicit RegisterValue(uint8_t inst) : m_type(eTypeUInt8) { m_scalar = inst; }
+  explicit RegisterValue(uint16_t inst) : m_type(eTypeUInt16) {
+    m_scalar = inst;
+  }
+  explicit RegisterValue(uint32_t inst) : m_type(eTypeUInt32) {
+    m_scalar = inst;
+  }
+  explicit RegisterValue(uint64_t inst) : m_type(eTypeUInt64) {
+    m_scalar = inst;
+  }
+  explicit RegisterValue(llvm::APInt inst) : m_type(eTypeUInt128) {
+    m_scalar = llvm::APInt(inst);
+  }
+  explicit RegisterValue(float value) : m_type(eTypeFloat) { m_scalar = value; }
+  explicit RegisterValue(double value) : m_type(eTypeDouble) {
+    m_scalar = value;
+  }
+  explicit RegisterValue(long double value) : m_type(eTypeLongDouble) {
+    m_scalar = value;
+  }
+  explicit RegisterValue(uint8_t *bytes, size_t length,
+                         lldb::ByteOrder byte_order) {
+    SetBytes(bytes, length, byte_order);
+  }
+  RegisterValue::Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
+  bool CopyValue(const RegisterValue &rhs);
+  void SetType(RegisterValue::Type type) { m_type = type; }
+  RegisterValue::Type SetType(const RegisterInfo *reg_info);
+  bool GetData(DataExtractor &data) const;
+  // Copy the register value from this object into a buffer in "dst"
+  // and obey the "dst_byte_order" when copying the data. Also watch out
+  // in case "dst_len" is longer or shorter than the register value
+  // described by "reg_info" and only copy the least significant bytes
+  // of the register value, or pad the destination with zeroes if the
+  // register byte size is shorter that "dst_len" (all while correctly
+  // abiding the "dst_byte_order"). Returns the number of bytes copied
+  // into "dst".
+  uint32_t GetAsMemoryData(const RegisterInfo *reg_info, void *dst,
+                           uint32_t dst_len, lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order,
+                           Error &error) const;
+  uint32_t SetFromMemoryData(const RegisterInfo *reg_info, const void *src,
+                             uint32_t src_len, lldb::ByteOrder src_byte_order,
+                             Error &error);
+  bool GetScalarValue(Scalar &scalar) const;
+  uint8_t GetAsUInt8(uint8_t fail_value = UINT8_MAX,
+                     bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const {
+    if (m_type == eTypeUInt8) {
+      if (success_ptr)
+        *success_ptr = true;
+      return m_scalar.UChar(fail_value);
+    }
+    if (success_ptr)
+      *success_ptr = true;
+    return fail_value;
+  }
+  uint16_t GetAsUInt16(uint16_t fail_value = UINT16_MAX,
+                       bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  uint32_t GetAsUInt32(uint32_t fail_value = UINT32_MAX,
+                       bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  uint64_t GetAsUInt64(uint64_t fail_value = UINT64_MAX,
+                       bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  llvm::APInt GetAsUInt128(const llvm::APInt &fail_value,
+                           bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  float GetAsFloat(float fail_value = 0.0f, bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  double GetAsDouble(double fail_value = 0.0,
+                     bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  long double GetAsLongDouble(long double fail_value = 0.0,
+                              bool *success_ptr = nullptr) const;
+  void SetValueToInvalid() { m_type = eTypeInvalid; }
+  bool ClearBit(uint32_t bit);
+  bool SetBit(uint32_t bit);
+  bool operator==(const RegisterValue &rhs) const;
+  bool operator!=(const RegisterValue &rhs) const;
+  void operator=(uint8_t uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt8;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void operator=(uint16_t uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt16;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void operator=(uint32_t uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt32;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void operator=(uint64_t uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt64;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void operator=(llvm::APInt uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt128;
+    m_scalar = llvm::APInt(uint);
+  }
+  void operator=(float f) {
+    m_type = eTypeFloat;
+    m_scalar = f;
+  }
+  void operator=(double f) {
+    m_type = eTypeDouble;
+    m_scalar = f;
+  }
+  void operator=(long double f) {
+    m_type = eTypeLongDouble;
+    m_scalar = f;
+  }
+  void SetUInt8(uint8_t uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt8;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void SetUInt16(uint16_t uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt16;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void SetUInt32(uint32_t uint, Type t = eTypeUInt32) {
+    m_type = t;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void SetUInt64(uint64_t uint, Type t = eTypeUInt64) {
+    m_type = t;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  void SetUInt128(llvm::APInt uint) {
+    m_type = eTypeUInt128;
+    m_scalar = uint;
+  }
+  bool SetUInt(uint64_t uint, uint32_t byte_size);
+  void SetFloat(float f) {
+    m_type = eTypeFloat;
+    m_scalar = f;
+  }
+  void SetDouble(double f) {
+    m_type = eTypeDouble;
+    m_scalar = f;
+  }
+  void SetLongDouble(long double f) {
+    m_type = eTypeLongDouble;
+    m_scalar = f;
+  }
+  void SetBytes(const void *bytes, size_t length, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
+  bool SignExtend(uint32_t sign_bitpos);
+  Error SetValueFromCString(const RegisterInfo *reg_info,
+                            const char *value_str);
+  Error SetValueFromData(const RegisterInfo *reg_info, DataExtractor &data,
+                         lldb::offset_t offset, bool partial_data_ok);
+  // The default value of 0 for reg_name_right_align_at means no alignment at
+  // all.
+  bool Dump(Stream *s, const RegisterInfo *reg_info, bool prefix_with_name,
+            bool prefix_with_alt_name, lldb::Format format,
+            uint32_t reg_name_right_align_at = 0) const;
+  const void *GetBytes() const;
+  lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const {
+    if (m_type == eTypeBytes)
+      return buffer.byte_order;
+    return endian::InlHostByteOrder();
+  }
+  uint32_t GetByteSize() const;
+  static uint32_t GetMaxByteSize() { return kMaxRegisterByteSize; }
+  void Clear();
+  RegisterValue::Type m_type;
+  Scalar m_scalar;
+  struct {
+    uint8_t bytes[kMaxRegisterByteSize]; // This must be big enough to hold any
+                                         // register for any supported target.
+    uint8_t length;
+    lldb::ByteOrder byte_order;
+  } buffer;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -16,26 +16,20 @@
 typedef llvm_regmatch_t regmatch_t;
 typedef llvm_regex_t regex_t;
-inline int regcomp(llvm_regex_t * a, const char *b, int c)
-    return llvm_regcomp(a, b, c);
+inline int regcomp(llvm_regex_t *a, const char *b, int c) {
+  return llvm_regcomp(a, b, c);
-inline size_t regerror(int a, const llvm_regex_t *b, char *c, size_t d)
-    return llvm_regerror(a, b, c, d);
+inline size_t regerror(int a, const llvm_regex_t *b, char *c, size_t d) {
+  return llvm_regerror(a, b, c, d);
-inline int regexec(const llvm_regex_t * a, const char * b, size_t c,
-    llvm_regmatch_t d [], int e)
-    return llvm_regexec(a, b, c, d, e);
+inline int regexec(const llvm_regex_t *a, const char *b, size_t c,
+                   llvm_regmatch_t d[], int e) {
+  return llvm_regexec(a, b, c, d, e);
-inline void regfree(llvm_regex_t * a)
-    llvm_regfree(a);
+inline void regfree(llvm_regex_t *a) { llvm_regfree(a); }
 #if __ANDROID_NDK__
 #include <regex>
@@ -47,9 +41,8 @@ inline void regfree(llvm_regex_t * a)
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-namespace llvm
-    class StringRef;
+namespace llvm {
+class StringRef;
 } // namespace llvm
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -62,182 +55,157 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// \c regcomp(), \c regerror(), \c regexec(), and \c regfree() from
 /// the header file in \c /usr/include/regex\.h.
-class RegularExpression
+class RegularExpression {
-    class Match
-    {
-    public:
-        Match (uint32_t max_matches) :
-            m_matches ()
-        {
-            if (max_matches > 0)
-                m_matches.resize(max_matches + 1);
-        }
-        void
-        Clear()
-        {
-            const size_t num_matches = m_matches.size();
-            regmatch_t invalid_match = { -1, -1 };
-            for (size_t i=0; i<num_matches; ++i)
-                m_matches[i] = invalid_match;
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize () const
-        {
-            return m_matches.size();
-        }
-        regmatch_t *
-        GetData ()
-        {
-            return (m_matches.empty() ? nullptr : m_matches.data());
-        }
-        bool
-        GetMatchAtIndex (const char* s, uint32_t idx, std::string& match_str) const;
-        bool
-        GetMatchAtIndex (const char* s, uint32_t idx, llvm::StringRef& match_str) const;
-        bool
-        GetMatchSpanningIndices (const char* s, uint32_t idx1, uint32_t idx2, llvm::StringRef& match_str) const;
-    protected:
-        std::vector<regmatch_t> m_matches; ///< Where parenthesized subexpressions results are stored
-    };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Default constructor.
-    ///
-    /// The default constructor that initializes the object state such
-    /// that it contains no compiled regular expression.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    RegularExpression ();
-    explicit
-    RegularExpression (const char* re);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor.
-    ///
-    /// Any previously compiled regular expression contained in this
-    /// object will be freed.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ~RegularExpression ();
-    RegularExpression (const RegularExpression &rhs);
-    const RegularExpression & operator=(const RegularExpression &rhs);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Compile a regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// Compile a regular expression using the supplied regular
-    /// expression text. The compiled regular expression lives
-    /// in this object so that it can be readily used for regular
-    /// expression matches. Execute() can be called after the regular
-    /// expression is compiled. Any previously compiled regular
-    /// expression contained in this object will be freed.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] re
-    ///     A NULL terminated C string that represents the regular
-    ///     expression to compile.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     \b true if the regular expression compiles successfully,
-    ///     \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    Compile (const char* re);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Executes a regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// Execute a regular expression match using the compiled regular
-    /// expression that is already in this object against the match
-    /// string \a s. If any parens are used for regular expression
-    /// matches \a match_count should indicate the number of regmatch_t
-    /// values that are present in \a match_ptr.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] string
-    ///     The string to match against the compile regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] match
-    ///     A pointer to a RegularExpression::Match structure that was
-    ///     properly initialized with the desired number of maximum
-    ///     matches, or nullptr if no parenthesized matching is needed.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     \b true if \a string matches the compiled regular
-    ///     expression, \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    Execute(const char* string, Match *match = nullptr) const;
-    size_t
-    GetErrorAsCString (char *err_str, size_t err_str_max_len) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Free the compiled regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// If this object contains a valid compiled regular expression,
-    /// this function will free any resources it was consuming.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Free ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Access the regular expression text.
-    ///
-    /// Returns the text that was used to compile the current regular
-    /// expression.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The NULL terminated C string that was used to compile the
-    ///     current regular expression
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const char*
-    GetText () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Test if valid.
-    ///
-    /// Test if this object contains a valid regular expression.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     \b true if the regular expression compiled and is ready
-    ///     for execution, \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    IsValid () const;
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        Free();
-        m_re.clear();
-        m_comp_err = 1;
+  class Match {
+  public:
+    Match(uint32_t max_matches) : m_matches() {
+      if (max_matches > 0)
+        m_matches.resize(max_matches + 1);
+    }
+    void Clear() {
+      const size_t num_matches = m_matches.size();
+      regmatch_t invalid_match = {-1, -1};
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_matches; ++i)
+        m_matches[i] = invalid_match;
-    int
-    GetErrorCode() const
-    {
-        return m_comp_err;
+    size_t GetSize() const { return m_matches.size(); }
+    regmatch_t *GetData() {
+      return (m_matches.empty() ? nullptr : m_matches.data());
-    bool
-    operator < (const RegularExpression& rhs) const;
+    bool GetMatchAtIndex(const char *s, uint32_t idx,
+                         std::string &match_str) const;
+    bool GetMatchAtIndex(const char *s, uint32_t idx,
+                         llvm::StringRef &match_str) const;
+    bool GetMatchSpanningIndices(const char *s, uint32_t idx1, uint32_t idx2,
+                                 llvm::StringRef &match_str) const;
+  protected:
+    std::vector<regmatch_t>
+        m_matches; ///< Where parenthesized subexpressions results are stored
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Default constructor.
+  ///
+  /// The default constructor that initializes the object state such
+  /// that it contains no compiled regular expression.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  RegularExpression();
+  explicit RegularExpression(const char *re);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor.
+  ///
+  /// Any previously compiled regular expression contained in this
+  /// object will be freed.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ~RegularExpression();
+  RegularExpression(const RegularExpression &rhs);
+  const RegularExpression &operator=(const RegularExpression &rhs);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Compile a regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// Compile a regular expression using the supplied regular
+  /// expression text. The compiled regular expression lives
+  /// in this object so that it can be readily used for regular
+  /// expression matches. Execute() can be called after the regular
+  /// expression is compiled. Any previously compiled regular
+  /// expression contained in this object will be freed.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] re
+  ///     A NULL terminated C string that represents the regular
+  ///     expression to compile.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     \b true if the regular expression compiles successfully,
+  ///     \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool Compile(const char *re);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Executes a regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// Execute a regular expression match using the compiled regular
+  /// expression that is already in this object against the match
+  /// string \a s. If any parens are used for regular expression
+  /// matches \a match_count should indicate the number of regmatch_t
+  /// values that are present in \a match_ptr.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] string
+  ///     The string to match against the compile regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] match
+  ///     A pointer to a RegularExpression::Match structure that was
+  ///     properly initialized with the desired number of maximum
+  ///     matches, or nullptr if no parenthesized matching is needed.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     \b true if \a string matches the compiled regular
+  ///     expression, \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool Execute(const char *string, Match *match = nullptr) const;
+  size_t GetErrorAsCString(char *err_str, size_t err_str_max_len) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Free the compiled regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// If this object contains a valid compiled regular expression,
+  /// this function will free any resources it was consuming.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Free();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Access the regular expression text.
+  ///
+  /// Returns the text that was used to compile the current regular
+  /// expression.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The NULL terminated C string that was used to compile the
+  ///     current regular expression
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const char *GetText() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Test if valid.
+  ///
+  /// Test if this object contains a valid regular expression.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     \b true if the regular expression compiled and is ready
+  ///     for execution, \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool IsValid() const;
+  void Clear() {
+    Free();
+    m_re.clear();
+    m_comp_err = 1;
+  }
+  int GetErrorCode() const { return m_comp_err; }
+  bool operator<(const RegularExpression &rhs) const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member variables
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    std::string m_re;   ///< A copy of the original regular expression text
-    int m_comp_err;     ///< Error code for the regular expression compilation
-    regex_t m_preg;     ///< The compiled regular expression
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member variables
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  std::string m_re; ///< A copy of the original regular expression text
+  int m_comp_err;   ///< Error code for the regular expression compilation
+  regex_t m_preg;   ///< The compiled regular expression
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/STLUtils.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/STLUtils.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/STLUtils.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/STLUtils.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -24,61 +24,50 @@
 // C string less than compare function object
-struct CStringCompareFunctionObject
-    bool operator() (const char* s1, const char* s2) const
-    {
-        return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0;
-    }
+struct CStringCompareFunctionObject {
+  bool operator()(const char *s1, const char *s2) const {
+    return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0;
+  }
 // C string equality function object (binary predicate).
-struct CStringEqualBinaryPredicate
-    bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
-    {
-        return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
-    }
+struct CStringEqualBinaryPredicate {
+  bool operator()(const char *s1, const char *s2) const {
+    return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
+  }
 // Templated type for finding an entry in a std::map<F,S> whose value
 // is equal to something
-template <class F, class S>
-class ValueEquals
+template <class F, class S> class ValueEquals {
-    ValueEquals (const S& val) : second_value(val)
-    {}
+  ValueEquals(const S &val) : second_value(val) {}
-    // Compare the second item
-    bool operator() (std::pair<const F, S> elem)
-    {
-        return elem.second == second_value;
-    }
+  // Compare the second item
+  bool operator()(std::pair<const F, S> elem) {
+    return elem.second == second_value;
+  }
-    S second_value;
+  S second_value;
 template <class T>
-inline void
-PrintAllCollectionElements(std::ostream &s,
-                           const T& coll,
-                           const char* header_cstr = nullptr,
-                           const char* separator_cstr = " ")
-    typename T::const_iterator pos;
-    if (header_cstr)
-        s << header_cstr;
-    for (pos=coll.begin(); pos!=coll.end(); ++pos) {
-        s << *pos << separator_cstr;
-    }
-    s << std::endl;
+inline void PrintAllCollectionElements(std::ostream &s, const T &coll,
+                                       const char *header_cstr = nullptr,
+                                       const char *separator_cstr = " ") {
+  typename T::const_iterator pos;
+  if (header_cstr)
+    s << header_cstr;
+  for (pos = coll.begin(); pos != coll.end(); ++pos) {
+    s << *pos << separator_cstr;
+  }
+  s << std::endl;
 // The function object below can be used to delete a STL container that
@@ -86,10 +75,8 @@ PrintAllCollectionElements(std::ostream
 // Usage: std::for_each(vector.begin(), vector.end(), for_each_delete());
-struct for_each_cplusplus_delete
-   template <typename T>
-   void operator()(T *ptr){ delete ptr;}
+struct for_each_cplusplus_delete {
+  template <typename T> void operator()(T *ptr) { delete ptr; }
 typedef std::vector<std::string> STLStringArray;

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Scalar.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Scalar.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Scalar.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Scalar.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #define liblldb_Scalar_h_
 #include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
 #define NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128 2
 #define BITWIDTH_INT128 128
@@ -27,343 +27,307 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // their types and values before performing these operations. Type
 // promotion currently follows the ANSI C type promotion rules.
-class Scalar
+class Scalar {
-    enum Type
-    {
-        e_void = 0,
-        e_sint,
-        e_uint,
-        e_slong,
-        e_ulong,
-        e_slonglong,
-        e_ulonglong,
-        e_float,
-        e_double,
-        e_long_double,
-        e_uint128,
-        e_sint128,
-        e_uint256,
-        e_sint256
-    };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Scalar();
-    Scalar(int v)               : m_type(e_sint),        m_float((float)0) { m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(int) * 8, v, true);}
-    Scalar(unsigned int v)      : m_type(e_uint),        m_float((float)0) { m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(int) * 8, v);}
-    Scalar(long v)              : m_type(e_slong),       m_float((float)0) { m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long) * 8, v, true);}
-    Scalar(unsigned long v)     : m_type(e_ulong),       m_float((float)0) { m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long) * 8, v);}
-    Scalar(long long v)         : m_type(e_slonglong),   m_float((float)0) { m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long long) * 8, v, true);}
-    Scalar(unsigned long long v): m_type(e_ulonglong),   m_float((float)0) { m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long long) * 8, v);}
-    Scalar(float v)             : m_type(e_float),       m_float(v) { m_float   = llvm::APFloat(v); }
-    Scalar(double v)            : m_type(e_double),      m_float(v) { m_float   = llvm::APFloat(v); }
-    Scalar(long double v, bool ieee_quad)
-        : m_type(e_long_double), m_float((float)0), m_ieee_quad(ieee_quad)
-        {
-            if(ieee_quad)
-                m_float = llvm::APFloat(llvm::APFloat::IEEEquad, llvm::APInt(BITWIDTH_INT128, NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128, ((type128 *)&v)->x));
-            else
-                m_float = llvm::APFloat(llvm::APFloat::x87DoubleExtended, llvm::APInt(BITWIDTH_INT128, NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128, ((type128 *)&v)->x));
-        }
-    Scalar(llvm::APInt v) :
-        m_type(),
-        m_float((float)0)
-        {
-            m_integer = llvm::APInt(v);
-            switch(m_integer.getBitWidth())
-            {
-            case 8:
-            case 16:
-            case 32:
-                if(m_integer.isSignedIntN(sizeof(sint_t) * 8))
-                    m_type = e_sint;
-                else
-                    m_type = e_uint;
-                break;
-            case 64:
-                if(m_integer.isSignedIntN(sizeof(slonglong_t) * 8))
-                    m_type = e_slonglong;
-                else
-                    m_type = e_ulonglong;
-                break;
-            case 128:
-                if(m_integer.isSignedIntN(BITWIDTH_INT128))
-                    m_type = e_sint128;
-                else
-                    m_type = e_uint128;
-                break;
-            case 256:
-                if(m_integer.isSignedIntN(BITWIDTH_INT256))
-                    m_type = e_sint256;
-                else
-                    m_type = e_uint256;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    Scalar(const Scalar& rhs);
-    //Scalar(const RegisterValue& reg_value);
-    virtual ~Scalar();
-    bool
-    SignExtend (uint32_t bit_pos);
-    bool
-    ExtractBitfield (uint32_t bit_size, 
-                     uint32_t bit_offset);
-    bool
-    SetBit(uint32_t bit);
-    bool
-    ClearBit(uint32_t bit);
-    const void *
-    GetBytes() const;
-    size_t
-    GetByteSize() const;
-    bool
-    GetData (DataExtractor &data, size_t limit_byte_size = UINT32_MAX) const;
-    size_t
-    GetAsMemoryData (void *dst,
-                     size_t dst_len, 
-                     lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order,
-                     Error &error) const;
-    bool
-    IsZero() const;
-    void
-    Clear() { m_type = e_void; m_integer.clearAllBits(); }
-    const char *
-    GetTypeAsCString() const;
-    void
-    GetValue (Stream *s, bool show_type) const;
-    bool
-    IsValid() const
-    {
-        return (m_type >= e_sint) && (m_type <= e_long_double);
+  enum Type {
+    e_void = 0,
+    e_sint,
+    e_uint,
+    e_slong,
+    e_ulong,
+    e_slonglong,
+    e_ulonglong,
+    e_float,
+    e_double,
+    e_long_double,
+    e_uint128,
+    e_sint128,
+    e_uint256,
+    e_sint256
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Scalar();
+  Scalar(int v) : m_type(e_sint), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(int) * 8, v, true);
+  }
+  Scalar(unsigned int v) : m_type(e_uint), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(int) * 8, v);
+  }
+  Scalar(long v) : m_type(e_slong), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long) * 8, v, true);
+  }
+  Scalar(unsigned long v) : m_type(e_ulong), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long) * 8, v);
+  }
+  Scalar(long long v) : m_type(e_slonglong), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long long) * 8, v, true);
+  }
+  Scalar(unsigned long long v) : m_type(e_ulonglong), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(sizeof(long long) * 8, v);
+  }
+  Scalar(float v) : m_type(e_float), m_float(v) { m_float = llvm::APFloat(v); }
+  Scalar(double v) : m_type(e_double), m_float(v) {
+    m_float = llvm::APFloat(v);
+  }
+  Scalar(long double v, bool ieee_quad)
+      : m_type(e_long_double), m_float((float)0), m_ieee_quad(ieee_quad) {
+    if (ieee_quad)
+      m_float = llvm::APFloat(llvm::APFloat::IEEEquad,
+                              llvm::APInt(BITWIDTH_INT128, NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128,
+                                          ((type128 *)&v)->x));
+    else
+      m_float = llvm::APFloat(llvm::APFloat::x87DoubleExtended,
+                              llvm::APInt(BITWIDTH_INT128, NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128,
+                                          ((type128 *)&v)->x));
+  }
+  Scalar(llvm::APInt v) : m_type(), m_float((float)0) {
+    m_integer = llvm::APInt(v);
+    switch (m_integer.getBitWidth()) {
+    case 8:
+    case 16:
+    case 32:
+      if (m_integer.isSignedIntN(sizeof(sint_t) * 8))
+        m_type = e_sint;
+      else
+        m_type = e_uint;
+      break;
+    case 64:
+      if (m_integer.isSignedIntN(sizeof(slonglong_t) * 8))
+        m_type = e_slonglong;
+      else
+        m_type = e_ulonglong;
+      break;
+    case 128:
+      if (m_integer.isSignedIntN(BITWIDTH_INT128))
+        m_type = e_sint128;
+      else
+        m_type = e_uint128;
+      break;
+    case 256:
+      if (m_integer.isSignedIntN(BITWIDTH_INT256))
+        m_type = e_sint256;
+      else
+        m_type = e_uint256;
+      break;
+  }
+  Scalar(const Scalar &rhs);
+  // Scalar(const RegisterValue& reg_value);
+  virtual ~Scalar();
-    bool
-    Promote(Scalar::Type type);
+  bool SignExtend(uint32_t bit_pos);
-    bool
-    Cast (Scalar::Type type);
-    bool
-    MakeSigned ();
-    bool
-    MakeUnsigned ();
-    static const char *
-    GetValueTypeAsCString (Scalar::Type value_type);
-    static Scalar::Type
-    GetValueTypeForSignedIntegerWithByteSize (size_t byte_size);
-    static Scalar::Type
-    GetValueTypeForUnsignedIntegerWithByteSize (size_t byte_size);
-    static Scalar::Type
-    GetValueTypeForFloatWithByteSize (size_t byte_size);
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // All operators can benefits from the implicit conversions that will
-    // happen automagically by the compiler, so no temporary objects will
-    // need to be created. As a result, we currently don't need a variety of
-    // overloaded set value accessors.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Scalar& operator= (const int i);
-    Scalar& operator= (unsigned int v);
-    Scalar& operator= (long v);
-    Scalar& operator= (unsigned long v);
-    Scalar& operator= (long long v);
-    Scalar& operator= (unsigned long long v);
-    Scalar& operator= (float v);
-    Scalar& operator= (double v);
-    Scalar& operator= (long double v);
-    Scalar& operator= (llvm::APInt v);
-    Scalar& operator= (const Scalar& rhs);      // Assignment operator
-    Scalar& operator+= (const Scalar& rhs);
-    Scalar& operator<<= (const Scalar& rhs);    // Shift left
-    Scalar& operator>>= (const Scalar& rhs);    // Shift right (arithmetic)
-    Scalar& operator&= (const Scalar& rhs);
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Shifts the current value to the right without maintaining the current
-    // sign of the value (if it is signed).
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    ShiftRightLogical(const Scalar& rhs);   // Returns true on success
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Takes the absolute value of the current value if it is signed, else
-    // the value remains unchanged.
-    // Returns false if the contained value has a void type.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    AbsoluteValue();                        // Returns true on success
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Negates the current value (even for unsigned values).
-    // Returns false if the contained value has a void type.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    UnaryNegate();                          // Returns true on success
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Inverts all bits in the current value as long as it isn't void or
-    // a float/double/long double type.
-    // Returns false if the contained value has a void/float/double/long
-    // double type, else the value is inverted and true is returned.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    OnesComplement();                       // Returns true on success
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Access the type of the current value.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Scalar::Type
-    GetType() const { return m_type; }
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Returns a casted value of the current contained data without
-    // modifying the current value. FAIL_VALUE will be returned if the type
-    // of the value is void or invalid.
-    //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    int
-    SInt(int fail_value = 0) const;
-    unsigned char
-    UChar(unsigned char fail_value = 0) const;
-    signed char
-    SChar(char fail_value = 0) const;
-    unsigned short
-    UShort(unsigned short fail_value = 0) const;
-    short
-    SShort(short fail_value = 0) const;
-    unsigned int
-    UInt(unsigned int fail_value = 0) const;
-    long
-    SLong(long fail_value = 0) const;
-    unsigned long
-    ULong(unsigned long fail_value = 0) const;
-    long long
-    SLongLong(long long fail_value = 0) const;
-    unsigned long long
-    ULongLong(unsigned long long fail_value = 0) const;
-    llvm::APInt
-    SInt128(llvm::APInt& fail_value) const;
-    llvm::APInt
-    UInt128(const llvm::APInt& fail_value) const;
-    llvm::APInt
-    SInt256(llvm::APInt& fail_value) const;
-    llvm::APInt
-    UInt256(const llvm::APInt& fail_value) const;
-    float
-    Float(float fail_value = 0.0f) const;
-    double
-    Double(double fail_value = 0.0) const;
-    long double
-    LongDouble(long double fail_value = 0.0) const;
-    Error
-    SetValueFromCString (const char *s, lldb::Encoding encoding, size_t byte_size);
-    Error
-    SetValueFromData (DataExtractor &data, lldb::Encoding encoding, size_t byte_size);
-    static bool
-    UIntValueIsValidForSize (uint64_t uval64, size_t total_byte_size)
-    {
-        if (total_byte_size > 8)
-            return false;
+  bool ExtractBitfield(uint32_t bit_size, uint32_t bit_offset);
-        if (total_byte_size == 8)
-            return true;
+  bool SetBit(uint32_t bit);
-        const uint64_t max = ((uint64_t)1 << (uint64_t)(total_byte_size * 8)) - 1;
-        return uval64 <= max;
-    }
+  bool ClearBit(uint32_t bit);
-    static bool
-    SIntValueIsValidForSize (int64_t sval64, size_t total_byte_size)
-    {
-        if (total_byte_size > 8)
-            return false;
-        if (total_byte_size == 8)
-            return true;
-        const int64_t max = ((int64_t)1 << (uint64_t)(total_byte_size * 8 - 1)) - 1;
-        const int64_t min = ~(max);
-        return min <= sval64 && sval64 <= max;
-    }
+  const void *GetBytes() const;
+  size_t GetByteSize() const;
+  bool GetData(DataExtractor &data, size_t limit_byte_size = UINT32_MAX) const;
+  size_t GetAsMemoryData(void *dst, size_t dst_len,
+                         lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order, Error &error) const;
+  bool IsZero() const;
+  void Clear() {
+    m_type = e_void;
+    m_integer.clearAllBits();
+  }
+  const char *GetTypeAsCString() const;
+  void GetValue(Stream *s, bool show_type) const;
+  bool IsValid() const {
+    return (m_type >= e_sint) && (m_type <= e_long_double);
+  }
+  bool Promote(Scalar::Type type);
+  bool Cast(Scalar::Type type);
+  bool MakeSigned();
+  bool MakeUnsigned();
+  static const char *GetValueTypeAsCString(Scalar::Type value_type);
+  static Scalar::Type
+  GetValueTypeForSignedIntegerWithByteSize(size_t byte_size);
+  static Scalar::Type
+  GetValueTypeForUnsignedIntegerWithByteSize(size_t byte_size);
+  static Scalar::Type GetValueTypeForFloatWithByteSize(size_t byte_size);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // All operators can benefits from the implicit conversions that will
+  // happen automagically by the compiler, so no temporary objects will
+  // need to be created. As a result, we currently don't need a variety of
+  // overloaded set value accessors.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Scalar &operator=(const int i);
+  Scalar &operator=(unsigned int v);
+  Scalar &operator=(long v);
+  Scalar &operator=(unsigned long v);
+  Scalar &operator=(long long v);
+  Scalar &operator=(unsigned long long v);
+  Scalar &operator=(float v);
+  Scalar &operator=(double v);
+  Scalar &operator=(long double v);
+  Scalar &operator=(llvm::APInt v);
+  Scalar &operator=(const Scalar &rhs); // Assignment operator
+  Scalar &operator+=(const Scalar &rhs);
+  Scalar &operator<<=(const Scalar &rhs); // Shift left
+  Scalar &operator>>=(const Scalar &rhs); // Shift right (arithmetic)
+  Scalar &operator&=(const Scalar &rhs);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Shifts the current value to the right without maintaining the current
+  // sign of the value (if it is signed).
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool ShiftRightLogical(const Scalar &rhs); // Returns true on success
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Takes the absolute value of the current value if it is signed, else
+  // the value remains unchanged.
+  // Returns false if the contained value has a void type.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool AbsoluteValue(); // Returns true on success
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Negates the current value (even for unsigned values).
+  // Returns false if the contained value has a void type.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool UnaryNegate(); // Returns true on success
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Inverts all bits in the current value as long as it isn't void or
+  // a float/double/long double type.
+  // Returns false if the contained value has a void/float/double/long
+  // double type, else the value is inverted and true is returned.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool OnesComplement(); // Returns true on success
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Access the type of the current value.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Scalar::Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Returns a casted value of the current contained data without
+  // modifying the current value. FAIL_VALUE will be returned if the type
+  // of the value is void or invalid.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  int SInt(int fail_value = 0) const;
+  unsigned char UChar(unsigned char fail_value = 0) const;
+  signed char SChar(char fail_value = 0) const;
+  unsigned short UShort(unsigned short fail_value = 0) const;
+  short SShort(short fail_value = 0) const;
+  unsigned int UInt(unsigned int fail_value = 0) const;
+  long SLong(long fail_value = 0) const;
+  unsigned long ULong(unsigned long fail_value = 0) const;
+  long long SLongLong(long long fail_value = 0) const;
+  unsigned long long ULongLong(unsigned long long fail_value = 0) const;
+  llvm::APInt SInt128(llvm::APInt &fail_value) const;
+  llvm::APInt UInt128(const llvm::APInt &fail_value) const;
+  llvm::APInt SInt256(llvm::APInt &fail_value) const;
+  llvm::APInt UInt256(const llvm::APInt &fail_value) const;
+  float Float(float fail_value = 0.0f) const;
+  double Double(double fail_value = 0.0) const;
+  long double LongDouble(long double fail_value = 0.0) const;
+  Error SetValueFromCString(const char *s, lldb::Encoding encoding,
+                            size_t byte_size);
+  Error SetValueFromData(DataExtractor &data, lldb::Encoding encoding,
+                         size_t byte_size);
+  static bool UIntValueIsValidForSize(uint64_t uval64, size_t total_byte_size) {
+    if (total_byte_size > 8)
+      return false;
+    if (total_byte_size == 8)
+      return true;
+    const uint64_t max = ((uint64_t)1 << (uint64_t)(total_byte_size * 8)) - 1;
+    return uval64 <= max;
+  }
+  static bool SIntValueIsValidForSize(int64_t sval64, size_t total_byte_size) {
+    if (total_byte_size > 8)
+      return false;
+    if (total_byte_size == 8)
+      return true;
+    const int64_t max = ((int64_t)1 << (uint64_t)(total_byte_size * 8 - 1)) - 1;
+    const int64_t min = ~(max);
+    return min <= sval64 && sval64 <= max;
+  }
-    typedef char                schar_t;
-    typedef unsigned char       uchar_t;
-    typedef short               sshort_t;
-    typedef unsigned short      ushort_t;
-    typedef int                 sint_t;
-    typedef unsigned int        uint_t;
-    typedef long                slong_t;
-    typedef unsigned long       ulong_t;
-    typedef long long           slonglong_t;
-    typedef unsigned long long  ulonglong_t;
-    typedef float               float_t;
-    typedef double              double_t;
-    typedef long double         long_double_t;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Classes that inherit from Scalar can see and modify these
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Scalar::Type m_type;
-    llvm::APInt m_integer;
-    llvm::APFloat m_float;
-    bool m_ieee_quad = false;
+  typedef char schar_t;
+  typedef unsigned char uchar_t;
+  typedef short sshort_t;
+  typedef unsigned short ushort_t;
+  typedef int sint_t;
+  typedef unsigned int uint_t;
+  typedef long slong_t;
+  typedef unsigned long ulong_t;
+  typedef long long slonglong_t;
+  typedef unsigned long long ulonglong_t;
+  typedef float float_t;
+  typedef double double_t;
+  typedef long double long_double_t;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Classes that inherit from Scalar can see and modify these
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Scalar::Type m_type;
+  llvm::APInt m_integer;
+  llvm::APFloat m_float;
+  bool m_ieee_quad = false;
-    friend const Scalar operator+   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator-   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator/   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator*   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator&   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator|   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator%   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator^   (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator<<  (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend const Scalar operator>>  (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend          bool operator== (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend          bool operator!= (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend          bool operator<  (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend          bool operator<= (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend          bool operator>  (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-    friend          bool operator>= (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator+(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator-(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator/(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator*(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator&(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator|(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator%(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator^(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator<<(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend const Scalar operator>>(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend bool operator==(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend bool operator!=(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend bool operator<(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend bool operator<=(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend bool operator>(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+  friend bool operator>=(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
@@ -381,23 +345,23 @@ private:
 //  Differentiate among members functions, non-member functions, and
 //  friend functions
-const Scalar operator+ (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator- (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator/ (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator* (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator& (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator| (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator% (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator^ (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator<< (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-const Scalar operator>> (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-bool operator== (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-bool operator!= (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-bool operator<  (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-bool operator<= (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-bool operator>  (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
-bool operator>= (const Scalar& lhs, const Scalar& rhs);
+const Scalar operator+(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator-(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator/(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator*(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator&(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator|(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator%(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator^(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator<<(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+const Scalar operator>>(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+bool operator==(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+bool operator!=(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+bool operator<(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+bool operator<=(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+bool operator>(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
+bool operator>=(const Scalar &lhs, const Scalar &rhs);
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_Scalar_h_
+#endif // liblldb_Scalar_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -30,45 +30,40 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search.
-class Searcher
+class Searcher {
-    typedef enum {
-        eCallbackReturnStop = 0,  // Stop the iteration
-        eCallbackReturnContinue,  // Continue the iteration
-        eCallbackReturnPop        // Pop one level up and continue iterating
-    } CallbackReturn;
-    typedef enum {
-        eDepthTarget,
-        eDepthModule,
-        eDepthCompUnit,
-        eDepthFunction,
-        eDepthBlock,
-        eDepthAddress
-    } Depth;
-    Searcher ();
-    virtual ~Searcher ();
-    virtual CallbackReturn
-    SearchCallback (SearchFilter &filter,
-                    SymbolContext &context,
-                    Address *addr,
-                    bool complete) = 0;
-    virtual Depth
-    GetDepth () = 0;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Prints a canonical description for the searcher to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] s
-    ///   Stream to which the output is copied.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    GetDescription(Stream *s);
+  typedef enum {
+    eCallbackReturnStop = 0, // Stop the iteration
+    eCallbackReturnContinue, // Continue the iteration
+    eCallbackReturnPop       // Pop one level up and continue iterating
+  } CallbackReturn;
+  typedef enum {
+    eDepthTarget,
+    eDepthModule,
+    eDepthCompUnit,
+    eDepthFunction,
+    eDepthBlock,
+    eDepthAddress
+  } Depth;
+  Searcher();
+  virtual ~Searcher();
+  virtual CallbackReturn SearchCallback(SearchFilter &filter,
+                                        SymbolContext &context, Address *addr,
+                                        bool complete) = 0;
+  virtual Depth GetDepth() = 0;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Prints a canonical description for the searcher to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] s
+  ///   Stream to which the output is copied.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void GetDescription(Stream *s);
@@ -82,206 +77,188 @@ public:
 /// General Outline:
 /// Provides the callback and search depth for the SearchFilter search.
-/// The search is done by cooperation between the search filter and the searcher.
+/// The search is done by cooperation between the search filter and the
+/// searcher.
 /// The search filter does the heavy work of recursing through the SymbolContext
-/// space of the target program's symbol space.  The Searcher specifies the depth
-/// at which it wants its callback to be invoked.  Note that since the resolution
+/// space of the target program's symbol space.  The Searcher specifies the
+/// depth
+/// at which it wants its callback to be invoked.  Note that since the
+/// resolution
 /// of the Searcher may be greater than that of the SearchFilter, before the
 /// Searcher qualifies an address it should pass it to "AddressPasses."
 /// The default implementation is "Everything Passes."
-class SearchFilter
+class SearchFilter {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target
-    ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    SearchFilter (const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp);
-    SearchFilter (const SearchFilter& rhs);
-    virtual
-    ~SearchFilter ();
-    SearchFilter&
-    operator=(const SearchFilter& rhs);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method with a file spec to see if that spec passes the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] spec
-    ///    The file spec to check against the filter.
-    /// @return
-    ///    \b true if \a spec passes, and \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool
-    ModulePasses (const FileSpec &spec);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method with a Module to see if that module passes the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module
-    ///    The Module to check against the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///    \b true if \a module passes, and \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool
-    ModulePasses (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method with a Address to see if \a address passes the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] addr
-    ///    The address to check against the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///    \b true if \a address passes, and \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool
-    AddressPasses (Address &addr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method with a FileSpec to see if \a file spec passes the filter
-    /// as the name of a compilation unit.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] fileSpec
-    ///    The file spec to check against the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///    \b true if \a file spec passes, and \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool
-    CompUnitPasses (FileSpec &fileSpec);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method with a CompileUnit to see if \a comp unit passes the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] compUnit
-    ///    The CompileUnit to check against the filter.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///    \b true if \a Comp Unit passes, and \b false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool
-    CompUnitPasses (CompileUnit &compUnit);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method to do the search using the Searcher.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] searcher
-    ///    The searcher to drive with this search.
-    ///
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    Search (Searcher &searcher);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Call this method to do the search using the Searcher in the module list
-    /// \a modules.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] searcher
-    ///    The searcher to drive with this search.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] modules
-    ///    The module list within which to restrict the search.
-    ///
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    SearchInModuleList (Searcher &searcher, ModuleList &modules);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// This determines which items are REQUIRED for the filter to pass.
-    /// For instance, if you are filtering by Compilation Unit, obviously
-    /// symbols that have no compilation unit can't pass  So return eSymbolContextCU
-    /// and search callbacks can then short cut the search to avoid looking at
-    /// things that obviously won't pass.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///    The required elements for the search, which is an or'ed together
-    ///    set of lldb:SearchContextItem enum's.
-    ///
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual uint32_t
-    GetFilterRequiredItems ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Prints a canonical description for the search filter to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] s
-    ///   Stream to which the output is copied.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    GetDescription(Stream *s);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Standard "Dump" method.  At present it does nothing.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    Dump (Stream *s) const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target
+  ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  SearchFilter(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp);
+  SearchFilter(const SearchFilter &rhs);
+  virtual ~SearchFilter();
+  SearchFilter &operator=(const SearchFilter &rhs);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method with a file spec to see if that spec passes the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] spec
+  ///    The file spec to check against the filter.
+  /// @return
+  ///    \b true if \a spec passes, and \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual bool ModulePasses(const FileSpec &spec);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method with a Module to see if that module passes the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module
+  ///    The Module to check against the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///    \b true if \a module passes, and \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual bool ModulePasses(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method with a Address to see if \a address passes the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] addr
+  ///    The address to check against the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///    \b true if \a address passes, and \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual bool AddressPasses(Address &addr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method with a FileSpec to see if \a file spec passes the filter
+  /// as the name of a compilation unit.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] fileSpec
+  ///    The file spec to check against the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///    \b true if \a file spec passes, and \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual bool CompUnitPasses(FileSpec &fileSpec);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method with a CompileUnit to see if \a comp unit passes the
+  /// filter.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] compUnit
+  ///    The CompileUnit to check against the filter.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///    \b true if \a Comp Unit passes, and \b false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual bool CompUnitPasses(CompileUnit &compUnit);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method to do the search using the Searcher.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] searcher
+  ///    The searcher to drive with this search.
+  ///
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void Search(Searcher &searcher);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Call this method to do the search using the Searcher in the module list
+  /// \a modules.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] searcher
+  ///    The searcher to drive with this search.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] modules
+  ///    The module list within which to restrict the search.
+  ///
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void SearchInModuleList(Searcher &searcher, ModuleList &modules);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// This determines which items are REQUIRED for the filter to pass.
+  /// For instance, if you are filtering by Compilation Unit, obviously
+  /// symbols that have no compilation unit can't pass  So return
+  /// eSymbolContextCU
+  /// and search callbacks can then short cut the search to avoid looking at
+  /// things that obviously won't pass.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///    The required elements for the search, which is an or'ed together
+  ///    set of lldb:SearchContextItem enum's.
+  ///
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual uint32_t GetFilterRequiredItems();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Prints a canonical description for the search filter to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] s
+  ///   Stream to which the output is copied.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void GetDescription(Stream *s);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Standard "Dump" method.  At present it does nothing.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void Dump(Stream *s) const;
-    lldb::SearchFilterSP
-    CopyForBreakpoint (Breakpoint &breakpoint);
+  lldb::SearchFilterSP CopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint);
-    // These are utility functions to assist with the search iteration.  They are used by the
-    // default Search method.
+  // These are utility functions to assist with the search iteration.  They are
+  // used by the
+  // default Search method.
+  Searcher::CallbackReturn DoModuleIteration(const SymbolContext &context,
+                                             Searcher &searcher);
+  Searcher::CallbackReturn DoModuleIteration(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
+                                             Searcher &searcher);
-    Searcher::CallbackReturn
-    DoModuleIteration (const SymbolContext &context,
-                       Searcher &searcher);
-    Searcher::CallbackReturn
-    DoModuleIteration (const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp,
-                       Searcher &searcher);
-    Searcher::CallbackReturn
-    DoCUIteration (const lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp,
-                   const SymbolContext &context,
-                   Searcher &searcher);
-    Searcher::CallbackReturn
-    DoFunctionIteration (Function *function,
-                         const SymbolContext &context,
-                         Searcher &searcher);
-    virtual lldb::SearchFilterSP
-    DoCopyForBreakpoint (Breakpoint &breakpoint) = 0;
-    void
-    SetTarget(lldb::TargetSP &target_sp)
-    {
-        m_target_sp = target_sp;
-    }
+  Searcher::CallbackReturn DoCUIteration(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
+                                         const SymbolContext &context,
+                                         Searcher &searcher);
-    lldb::TargetSP m_target_sp;   // Every filter has to be associated with a target for
-                                  // now since you need a starting place for the search.
+  Searcher::CallbackReturn DoFunctionIteration(Function *function,
+                                               const SymbolContext &context,
+                                               Searcher &searcher);
+  virtual lldb::SearchFilterSP DoCopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint) = 0;
+  void SetTarget(lldb::TargetSP &target_sp) { m_target_sp = target_sp; }
+  lldb::TargetSP
+      m_target_sp; // Every filter has to be associated with a target for
+                   // now since you need a starting place for the search.
-/// @class SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches SearchFilter.h "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
-/// @brief This is a SearchFilter that searches through all modules.  It also consults the Target::ModuleIsExcludedForUnconstrainedSearches.
+/// @class SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches SearchFilter.h
+/// "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
+/// @brief This is a SearchFilter that searches through all modules.  It also
+/// consults the Target::ModuleIsExcludedForUnconstrainedSearches.
-class SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches :
-    public SearchFilter
+class SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches : public SearchFilter {
-    SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches (const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp) : SearchFilter(target_sp) {}
-    ~SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches() override = default;
-    bool 
-    ModulePasses (const FileSpec &module_spec) override;
-    bool
-    ModulePasses (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) override;
+  SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp)
+      : SearchFilter(target_sp) {}
+  ~SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches() override = default;
+  bool ModulePasses(const FileSpec &module_spec) override;
+  bool ModulePasses(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) override;
-    lldb::SearchFilterSP
-    DoCopyForBreakpoint (Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
+  lldb::SearchFilterSP DoCopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
@@ -289,176 +266,139 @@ protected:
 /// @brief This is a SearchFilter that restricts the search to a given module.
-class SearchFilterByModule :
-    public SearchFilter
+class SearchFilterByModule : public SearchFilter {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search,
-    /// and the module to restrict the search to.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target
-    ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module
-    ///    The Module that limits the search.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    SearchFilterByModule (const lldb::TargetSP &targetSP,
-                          const FileSpec &module);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search,
+  /// and the module to restrict the search to.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target
+  ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module
+  ///    The Module that limits the search.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  SearchFilterByModule(const lldb::TargetSP &targetSP, const FileSpec &module);
-    SearchFilterByModule (const SearchFilterByModule& rhs);
+  SearchFilterByModule(const SearchFilterByModule &rhs);
-    ~SearchFilterByModule() override;
+  ~SearchFilterByModule() override;
-    SearchFilterByModule&
-    operator=(const SearchFilterByModule& rhs);
+  SearchFilterByModule &operator=(const SearchFilterByModule &rhs);
-    bool
-    ModulePasses (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) override;
+  bool ModulePasses(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) override;
-    bool
-    ModulePasses (const FileSpec &spec) override;
+  bool ModulePasses(const FileSpec &spec) override;
-    bool
-    AddressPasses (Address &address) override;
+  bool AddressPasses(Address &address) override;
-    bool
-    CompUnitPasses (FileSpec &fileSpec) override;
+  bool CompUnitPasses(FileSpec &fileSpec) override;
-    bool
-    CompUnitPasses (CompileUnit &compUnit) override;
+  bool CompUnitPasses(CompileUnit &compUnit) override;
-    void
-    GetDescription(Stream *s) override;
+  void GetDescription(Stream *s) override;
-    uint32_t
-    GetFilterRequiredItems () override;
+  uint32_t GetFilterRequiredItems() override;
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s) const override;
+  void Dump(Stream *s) const override;
-    void
-    Search (Searcher &searcher) override;
+  void Search(Searcher &searcher) override;
-    lldb::SearchFilterSP
-    DoCopyForBreakpoint (Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
+  lldb::SearchFilterSP DoCopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
-    FileSpec m_module_spec;
+  FileSpec m_module_spec;
-class SearchFilterByModuleList :
-    public SearchFilter
+class SearchFilterByModuleList : public SearchFilter {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search,
-    /// and the module list to restrict the search to.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target
-    ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module
-    ///    The Module that limits the search.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    SearchFilterByModuleList (const lldb::TargetSP &targetSP,
-                              const FileSpecList &module_list);
-    SearchFilterByModuleList (const SearchFilterByModuleList& rhs);
-    ~SearchFilterByModuleList() override;
-    SearchFilterByModuleList&
-    operator=(const SearchFilterByModuleList& rhs);
-    bool
-    ModulePasses (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) override;
-    bool
-    ModulePasses (const FileSpec &spec) override;
-    bool
-    AddressPasses (Address &address) override;
-    bool
-    CompUnitPasses (FileSpec &fileSpec) override;
-    bool
-    CompUnitPasses (CompileUnit &compUnit) override;
-    void
-    GetDescription(Stream *s) override;
-    uint32_t
-    GetFilterRequiredItems () override;
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s) const override;
-    void
-    Search (Searcher &searcher) override;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search,
+  /// and the module list to restrict the search to.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target
+  ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module
+  ///    The Module that limits the search.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  SearchFilterByModuleList(const lldb::TargetSP &targetSP,
+                           const FileSpecList &module_list);
+  SearchFilterByModuleList(const SearchFilterByModuleList &rhs);
+  ~SearchFilterByModuleList() override;
+  SearchFilterByModuleList &operator=(const SearchFilterByModuleList &rhs);
+  bool ModulePasses(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) override;
+  bool ModulePasses(const FileSpec &spec) override;
+  bool AddressPasses(Address &address) override;
+  bool CompUnitPasses(FileSpec &fileSpec) override;
+  bool CompUnitPasses(CompileUnit &compUnit) override;
+  void GetDescription(Stream *s) override;
+  uint32_t GetFilterRequiredItems() override;
+  void Dump(Stream *s) const override;
+  void Search(Searcher &searcher) override;
-    lldb::SearchFilterSP
-    DoCopyForBreakpoint (Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
+  lldb::SearchFilterSP DoCopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
-    FileSpecList m_module_spec_list;
+  FileSpecList m_module_spec_list;
-class SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU :
-    public SearchFilterByModuleList
+class SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU : public SearchFilterByModuleList {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search,
-    /// and the module list to restrict the search to.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] target
-    ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] module
-    ///    The Module that limits the search.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU (const lldb::TargetSP &targetSP,
-                                   const FileSpecList &module_list,
-                                   const FileSpecList &cu_list);
-    SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU (const SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU& rhs);
-    ~SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU() override;
-    SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU&
-    operator=(const SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU& rhs);
-    bool
-    AddressPasses (Address &address) override;
-    bool
-    CompUnitPasses (FileSpec &fileSpec) override;
-    bool
-    CompUnitPasses (CompileUnit &compUnit) override;
-    void
-    GetDescription(Stream *s) override;
-    uint32_t
-    GetFilterRequiredItems () override;
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s) const override;
-    void
-    Search (Searcher &searcher) override;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// The basic constructor takes a Target, which gives the space to search,
+  /// and the module list to restrict the search to.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] target
+  ///    The Target that provides the module list to search.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] module
+  ///    The Module that limits the search.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU(const lldb::TargetSP &targetSP,
+                                const FileSpecList &module_list,
+                                const FileSpecList &cu_list);
+  SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU(const SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU &rhs);
+  ~SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU() override;
+  SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU &
+  operator=(const SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU &rhs);
+  bool AddressPasses(Address &address) override;
+  bool CompUnitPasses(FileSpec &fileSpec) override;
+  bool CompUnitPasses(CompileUnit &compUnit) override;
+  void GetDescription(Stream *s) override;
+  uint32_t GetFilterRequiredItems() override;
+  void Dump(Stream *s) const override;
+  void Search(Searcher &searcher) override;
-    lldb::SearchFilterSP
-    DoCopyForBreakpoint (Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
+  lldb::SearchFilterSP DoCopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint) override;
-    FileSpecList m_cu_spec_list;
+  FileSpecList m_cu_spec_list;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Section.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Section.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Section.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Section.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -10,380 +10,254 @@
 #ifndef liblldb_Section_h_
 #define liblldb_Section_h_
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/AddressRange.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Flags.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/ModuleChild.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/RangeMap.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/UserID.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/VMRange.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include <limits.h>
 namespace lldb_private {
-class SectionList
+class SectionList {
-    typedef std::vector<lldb::SectionSP>  collection;
-    typedef collection::iterator        iterator;
-    typedef collection::const_iterator  const_iterator;
+  typedef std::vector<lldb::SectionSP> collection;
+  typedef collection::iterator iterator;
+  typedef collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  SectionList();
-    SectionList();
+  ~SectionList();
-    ~SectionList();
+  SectionList &operator=(const SectionList &rhs);
-    SectionList &
-    operator =(const SectionList& rhs);
+  size_t AddSection(const lldb::SectionSP &section_sp);
-    size_t
-    AddSection (const lldb::SectionSP& section_sp);
+  size_t AddUniqueSection(const lldb::SectionSP &section_sp);
-    size_t
-    AddUniqueSection (const lldb::SectionSP& section_sp);
+  size_t FindSectionIndex(const Section *sect);
-    size_t
-    FindSectionIndex (const Section* sect);
+  bool ContainsSection(lldb::user_id_t sect_id) const;
-    bool
-    ContainsSection(lldb::user_id_t sect_id) const;
+  void Dump(Stream *s, Target *target, bool show_header, uint32_t depth) const;
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s, Target *target, bool show_header, uint32_t depth) const;
+  lldb::SectionSP FindSectionByName(const ConstString &section_dstr) const;
-    lldb::SectionSP
-    FindSectionByName (const ConstString &section_dstr) const;
+  lldb::SectionSP FindSectionByID(lldb::user_id_t sect_id) const;
-    lldb::SectionSP
-    FindSectionByID (lldb::user_id_t sect_id) const;
+  lldb::SectionSP FindSectionByType(lldb::SectionType sect_type,
+                                    bool check_children,
+                                    size_t start_idx = 0) const;
-    lldb::SectionSP
-    FindSectionByType (lldb::SectionType sect_type, bool check_children, size_t start_idx = 0) const;
+  lldb::SectionSP
+  FindSectionContainingFileAddress(lldb::addr_t addr,
+                                   uint32_t depth = UINT32_MAX) const;
-    lldb::SectionSP
-    FindSectionContainingFileAddress (lldb::addr_t addr, uint32_t depth = UINT32_MAX) const;
+  // Get the number of sections in this list only
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_sections.size(); }
-    // Get the number of sections in this list only
-    size_t
-    GetSize () const
-    {
-        return m_sections.size();
-    }
+  // Get the number of sections in this list, and any contained child sections
+  size_t GetNumSections(uint32_t depth) const;
-    // Get the number of sections in this list, and any contained child sections
-    size_t
-    GetNumSections (uint32_t depth) const;
+  bool ReplaceSection(lldb::user_id_t sect_id,
+                      const lldb::SectionSP &section_sp,
+                      uint32_t depth = UINT32_MAX);
-    bool
-    ReplaceSection (lldb::user_id_t sect_id, const lldb::SectionSP& section_sp, uint32_t depth = UINT32_MAX);
+  // Warning, this can be slow as it's removing items from a std::vector.
+  bool DeleteSection(size_t idx);
-    // Warning, this can be slow as it's removing items from a std::vector.
-    bool
-    DeleteSection (size_t idx);
+  lldb::SectionSP GetSectionAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
-    lldb::SectionSP
-    GetSectionAtIndex (size_t idx) const;
+  size_t Slide(lldb::addr_t slide_amount, bool slide_children);
-    size_t
-    Slide (lldb::addr_t slide_amount, bool slide_children);
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        m_sections.clear();
-    }
+  void Clear() { m_sections.clear(); }
-    collection  m_sections;
+  collection m_sections;
-class Section :
-    public std::enable_shared_from_this<Section>,
-    public ModuleChild,
-    public UserID,
-    public Flags
+class Section : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Section>,
+                public ModuleChild,
+                public UserID,
+                public Flags {
-    // Create a root section (one that has no parent)
-    Section (const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
-             ObjectFile *obj_file,
-             lldb::user_id_t sect_id,
-             const ConstString &name,
-             lldb::SectionType sect_type,
-             lldb::addr_t file_vm_addr,
-             lldb::addr_t vm_size,
-             lldb::offset_t file_offset,
-             lldb::offset_t file_size,
-             uint32_t log2align,
-             uint32_t flags,
-             uint32_t target_byte_size = 1);
-    // Create a section that is a child of parent_section_sp
-    Section (const lldb::SectionSP &parent_section_sp,    // NULL for top level sections, non-NULL for child sections
-             const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
-             ObjectFile *obj_file,
-             lldb::user_id_t sect_id,
-             const ConstString &name,
-             lldb::SectionType sect_type,
-             lldb::addr_t file_vm_addr,
-             lldb::addr_t vm_size,
-             lldb::offset_t file_offset,
-             lldb::offset_t file_size,
-             uint32_t log2align,
-             uint32_t flags,
-             uint32_t target_byte_size = 1);
-    ~Section ();
-    static int
-    Compare (const Section& a, const Section& b);
-    bool
-    ContainsFileAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr) const;
-    SectionList&
-    GetChildren ()
-    {
-        return m_children;
-    }
-    const SectionList&
-    GetChildren () const
-    {
-        return m_children;
-    }
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s, Target *target, uint32_t depth) const;
-    void
-    DumpName (Stream *s) const;
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetLoadBaseAddress (Target *target) const;
-    bool
-    ResolveContainedAddress (lldb::addr_t offset, Address &so_addr) const;
-    lldb::offset_t
-    GetFileOffset () const
-    {
-        return m_file_offset;
-    }
-    void
-    SetFileOffset (lldb::offset_t file_offset) 
-    {
-        m_file_offset = file_offset;
-    }
-    lldb::offset_t
-    GetFileSize () const
-    {
-        return m_file_size;
-    }
-    void
-    SetFileSize (lldb::offset_t file_size)
-    {
-        m_file_size = file_size;
-    }
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetFileAddress () const;
-    bool
-    SetFileAddress (lldb::addr_t file_addr);
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetOffset () const;
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetByteSize () const
-    {
-        return m_byte_size;
-    }
-    void
-    SetByteSize (lldb::addr_t byte_size)
-    {
-        m_byte_size = byte_size;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsFake() const
-    {
-        return m_fake;
-    }
-    void
-    SetIsFake(bool fake)
-    {
-        m_fake = fake;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsEncrypted () const
-    {
-        return m_encrypted;
-    }
-    void
-    SetIsEncrypted (bool b)
-    {
-        m_encrypted = b;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsDescendant (const Section *section);
-    const ConstString&
-    GetName () const
-    {
-        return m_name;
-    }
-    bool
-    Slide (lldb::addr_t slide_amount, bool slide_children);
-    lldb::SectionType
-    GetType () const
-    {
-        return m_type;
-    }
-    lldb::SectionSP
-    GetParent () const
-    {
-        return m_parent_wp.lock();
-    }
-    bool
-    IsThreadSpecific () const
-    {
-        return m_thread_specific;
-    }
-    void
-    SetIsThreadSpecific (bool b)
-    {
-        m_thread_specific = b;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the permissions as OR'ed bits from lldb::Permissions
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    GetPermissions() const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set the permissions using bits OR'ed from lldb::Permissions
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    SetPermissions(uint32_t permissions);
-    ObjectFile *
-    GetObjectFile ()
-    {
-        return m_obj_file;
-    }
-    const ObjectFile *
-    GetObjectFile () const 
-    {
-        return m_obj_file;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Read the section data from the object file that the section
-    /// resides in.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] dst
-    ///     Where to place the data
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] dst_len
-    ///     How many bytes of section data to read
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] offset
-    ///     The offset in bytes within this section's data at which to
-    ///     start copying data from.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of bytes read from the section, or zero if the
-    ///     section has no data or \a offset is not a valid offset
-    ///     in this section.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::offset_t
-    GetSectionData (void *dst, lldb::offset_t dst_len, lldb::offset_t offset = 0);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the shared reference to the section data from the object
-    /// file that the section resides in. No copies of the data will be
-    /// make unless the object file has been read from memory. If the
-    /// object file is on disk, it will shared the mmap data for the
-    /// entire object file.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] data
-    ///     Where to place the data, address byte size, and byte order
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of bytes read from the section, or zero if the
-    ///     section has no data or \a offset is not a valid offset
-    ///     in this section.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::offset_t
-    GetSectionData (DataExtractor& data) const;
-    uint32_t GetLog2Align()
-    {
-        return m_log2align;
-    }
-    void
-    SetLog2Align(uint32_t align)
-    {
-        m_log2align = align;
-    }
-    // Get the number of host bytes required to hold a target byte
-    uint32_t
-    GetTargetByteSize() const
-    {
-        return m_target_byte_size; 
-    }     
+  // Create a root section (one that has no parent)
+  Section(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, ObjectFile *obj_file,
+          lldb::user_id_t sect_id, const ConstString &name,
+          lldb::SectionType sect_type, lldb::addr_t file_vm_addr,
+          lldb::addr_t vm_size, lldb::offset_t file_offset,
+          lldb::offset_t file_size, uint32_t log2align, uint32_t flags,
+          uint32_t target_byte_size = 1);
+  // Create a section that is a child of parent_section_sp
+  Section(const lldb::SectionSP &parent_section_sp, // NULL for top level
+                                                    // sections, non-NULL for
+                                                    // child sections
+          const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, ObjectFile *obj_file,
+          lldb::user_id_t sect_id, const ConstString &name,
+          lldb::SectionType sect_type, lldb::addr_t file_vm_addr,
+          lldb::addr_t vm_size, lldb::offset_t file_offset,
+          lldb::offset_t file_size, uint32_t log2align, uint32_t flags,
+          uint32_t target_byte_size = 1);
+  ~Section();
+  static int Compare(const Section &a, const Section &b);
+  bool ContainsFileAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr) const;
+  SectionList &GetChildren() { return m_children; }
+  const SectionList &GetChildren() const { return m_children; }
+  void Dump(Stream *s, Target *target, uint32_t depth) const;
+  void DumpName(Stream *s) const;
+  lldb::addr_t GetLoadBaseAddress(Target *target) const;
+  bool ResolveContainedAddress(lldb::addr_t offset, Address &so_addr) const;
+  lldb::offset_t GetFileOffset() const { return m_file_offset; }
+  void SetFileOffset(lldb::offset_t file_offset) {
+    m_file_offset = file_offset;
+  }
+  lldb::offset_t GetFileSize() const { return m_file_size; }
+  void SetFileSize(lldb::offset_t file_size) { m_file_size = file_size; }
+  lldb::addr_t GetFileAddress() const;
+  bool SetFileAddress(lldb::addr_t file_addr);
+  lldb::addr_t GetOffset() const;
-    ObjectFile      *m_obj_file;        // The object file that data for this section should be read from
-    lldb::SectionType m_type;           // The type of this section
-    lldb::SectionWP m_parent_wp;        // Weak pointer to parent section
-    ConstString     m_name;             // Name of this section
-    lldb::addr_t    m_file_addr;        // The absolute file virtual address range of this section if m_parent == NULL,
-                                        // offset from parent file virtual address if m_parent != NULL
-    lldb::addr_t    m_byte_size;        // Size in bytes that this section will occupy in memory at runtime
-    lldb::offset_t  m_file_offset;      // Object file offset (if any)
-    lldb::offset_t  m_file_size;        // Object file size (can be smaller than m_byte_size for zero filled sections...)
-    uint32_t        m_log2align;        // log_2(align) of the section (i.e. section has to be aligned to 2^m_log2align)
-    SectionList     m_children;         // Child sections
-    bool m_fake : 1,                    // If true, then this section only can contain the address if one of its
-                                        // children contains an address. This allows for gaps between the children
-                                        // that are contained in the address range for this section, but do not produce
-                                        // hits unless the children contain the address.
-        m_encrypted : 1,                // Set to true if the contents are encrypted
-        m_thread_specific : 1,          // This section is thread specific
-        m_readable : 1,                 // If this section has read permissions
-        m_writable : 1,                 // If this section has write permissions
-        m_executable : 1;               // If this section has executable permissions
-    uint32_t        m_target_byte_size; // Some architectures have non-8-bit byte size. This is specified as
-                                        // as a multiple number of a host bytes   
+  lldb::addr_t GetByteSize() const { return m_byte_size; }
+  void SetByteSize(lldb::addr_t byte_size) { m_byte_size = byte_size; }
+  bool IsFake() const { return m_fake; }
+  void SetIsFake(bool fake) { m_fake = fake; }
+  bool IsEncrypted() const { return m_encrypted; }
+  void SetIsEncrypted(bool b) { m_encrypted = b; }
+  bool IsDescendant(const Section *section);
+  const ConstString &GetName() const { return m_name; }
+  bool Slide(lldb::addr_t slide_amount, bool slide_children);
+  lldb::SectionType GetType() const { return m_type; }
+  lldb::SectionSP GetParent() const { return m_parent_wp.lock(); }
+  bool IsThreadSpecific() const { return m_thread_specific; }
+  void SetIsThreadSpecific(bool b) { m_thread_specific = b; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the permissions as OR'ed bits from lldb::Permissions
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t GetPermissions() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set the permissions using bits OR'ed from lldb::Permissions
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void SetPermissions(uint32_t permissions);
+  ObjectFile *GetObjectFile() { return m_obj_file; }
+  const ObjectFile *GetObjectFile() const { return m_obj_file; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Read the section data from the object file that the section
+  /// resides in.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] dst
+  ///     Where to place the data
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] dst_len
+  ///     How many bytes of section data to read
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] offset
+  ///     The offset in bytes within this section's data at which to
+  ///     start copying data from.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of bytes read from the section, or zero if the
+  ///     section has no data or \a offset is not a valid offset
+  ///     in this section.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::offset_t GetSectionData(void *dst, lldb::offset_t dst_len,
+                                lldb::offset_t offset = 0);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the shared reference to the section data from the object
+  /// file that the section resides in. No copies of the data will be
+  /// make unless the object file has been read from memory. If the
+  /// object file is on disk, it will shared the mmap data for the
+  /// entire object file.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] data
+  ///     Where to place the data, address byte size, and byte order
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of bytes read from the section, or zero if the
+  ///     section has no data or \a offset is not a valid offset
+  ///     in this section.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::offset_t GetSectionData(DataExtractor &data) const;
+  uint32_t GetLog2Align() { return m_log2align; }
+  void SetLog2Align(uint32_t align) { m_log2align = align; }
+  // Get the number of host bytes required to hold a target byte
+  uint32_t GetTargetByteSize() const { return m_target_byte_size; }
+  ObjectFile *m_obj_file;   // The object file that data for this section should
+                            // be read from
+  lldb::SectionType m_type; // The type of this section
+  lldb::SectionWP m_parent_wp; // Weak pointer to parent section
+  ConstString m_name;          // Name of this section
+  lldb::addr_t m_file_addr; // The absolute file virtual address range of this
+                            // section if m_parent == NULL,
+  // offset from parent file virtual address if m_parent != NULL
+  lldb::addr_t m_byte_size; // Size in bytes that this section will occupy in
+                            // memory at runtime
+  lldb::offset_t m_file_offset; // Object file offset (if any)
+  lldb::offset_t m_file_size;   // Object file size (can be smaller than
+                                // m_byte_size for zero filled sections...)
+  uint32_t m_log2align;   // log_2(align) of the section (i.e. section has to be
+                          // aligned to 2^m_log2align)
+  SectionList m_children; // Child sections
+  bool m_fake : 1, // If true, then this section only can contain the address if
+                   // one of its
+      // children contains an address. This allows for gaps between the children
+      // that are contained in the address range for this section, but do not
+      // produce
+      // hits unless the children contain the address.
+      m_encrypted : 1,         // Set to true if the contents are encrypted
+      m_thread_specific : 1,   // This section is thread specific
+      m_readable : 1,          // If this section has read permissions
+      m_writable : 1,          // If this section has write permissions
+      m_executable : 1;        // If this section has executable permissions
+  uint32_t m_target_byte_size; // Some architectures have non-8-bit byte size.
+                               // This is specified as
+                               // as a multiple number of a host bytes
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_Section_h_
+#endif // liblldb_Section_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SourceManager.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SourceManager.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SourceManager.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/SourceManager.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -18,179 +18,141 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class SourceManager
+class SourceManager {
 #ifndef SWIG
-    class File
-    {
-        friend bool operator== (const SourceManager::File &lhs, const SourceManager::File &rhs);
-    public:
-        File (const FileSpec &file_spec, Target *target);
-        ~File();
-        void
-        UpdateIfNeeded ();
-        size_t
-        DisplaySourceLines (uint32_t line,
-                            uint32_t context_before,
-                            uint32_t context_after,
-                            Stream *s);
-        void
-        FindLinesMatchingRegex (RegularExpression& regex, 
-                                uint32_t start_line, 
-                                uint32_t end_line, 
+  class File {
+    friend bool operator==(const SourceManager::File &lhs,
+                           const SourceManager::File &rhs);
+  public:
+    File(const FileSpec &file_spec, Target *target);
+    ~File();
+    void UpdateIfNeeded();
+    size_t DisplaySourceLines(uint32_t line, uint32_t context_before,
+                              uint32_t context_after, Stream *s);
+    void FindLinesMatchingRegex(RegularExpression &regex, uint32_t start_line,
+                                uint32_t end_line,
                                 std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines);
-        bool
-        GetLine (uint32_t line_no, std::string &buffer);
-        uint32_t
-        GetLineOffset (uint32_t line);
-        bool
-        LineIsValid (uint32_t line);
-        bool
-        FileSpecMatches (const FileSpec &file_spec);
-        const FileSpec &
-        GetFileSpec ()
-        {
-            return m_file_spec;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetSourceMapModificationID() const
-        {
-            return m_source_map_mod_id;
-        }
-        const char *
-        PeekLineData (uint32_t line);
-        uint32_t
-        GetLineLength (uint32_t line, bool include_newline_chars);
-        uint32_t
-        GetNumLines ();
-    protected:
-        bool
-        CalculateLineOffsets (uint32_t line = UINT32_MAX);
-        FileSpec m_file_spec_orig;  // The original file spec that was used (can be different from m_file_spec)
-        FileSpec m_file_spec;       // The actually file spec being used (if the target has source mappings, this might be different from m_file_spec_orig)
-        TimeValue m_mod_time;       // Keep the modification time that this file data is valid for
-        uint32_t m_source_map_mod_id; // If the target uses path remappings, be sure to clear our notion of a source file if the path modification ID changes
-        lldb::DataBufferSP m_data_sp;
-        typedef std::vector<uint32_t> LineOffsets;
-        LineOffsets m_offsets;
-    };
+    bool GetLine(uint32_t line_no, std::string &buffer);
+    uint32_t GetLineOffset(uint32_t line);
+    bool LineIsValid(uint32_t line);
+    bool FileSpecMatches(const FileSpec &file_spec);
+    const FileSpec &GetFileSpec() { return m_file_spec; }
+    uint32_t GetSourceMapModificationID() const { return m_source_map_mod_id; }
+    const char *PeekLineData(uint32_t line);
+    uint32_t GetLineLength(uint32_t line, bool include_newline_chars);
+    uint32_t GetNumLines();
+  protected:
+    bool CalculateLineOffsets(uint32_t line = UINT32_MAX);
+    FileSpec m_file_spec_orig; // The original file spec that was used (can be
+                               // different from m_file_spec)
+    FileSpec m_file_spec; // The actually file spec being used (if the target
+                          // has source mappings, this might be different from
+                          // m_file_spec_orig)
+    TimeValue m_mod_time; // Keep the modification time that this file data is
+                          // valid for
+    uint32_t m_source_map_mod_id; // If the target uses path remappings, be sure
+                                  // to clear our notion of a source file if the
+                                  // path modification ID changes
+    lldb::DataBufferSP m_data_sp;
+    typedef std::vector<uint32_t> LineOffsets;
+    LineOffsets m_offsets;
+  };
 #endif // SWIG
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<File> FileSP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<File> FileSP;
 #ifndef SWIG
-   // The SourceFileCache class separates the source manager from the cache of source files, so the 
-   // cache can be stored in the Debugger, but the source managers can be per target.     
-    class SourceFileCache
-    {
-    public:
-        SourceFileCache() = default;
-        ~SourceFileCache() = default;
-        void AddSourceFile (const FileSP &file_sp);
-        FileSP FindSourceFile (const FileSpec &file_spec) const;
-    protected:
-        typedef std::map <FileSpec, FileSP> FileCache;
-        FileCache m_file_cache;
-    };
+  // The SourceFileCache class separates the source manager from the cache of
+  // source files, so the
+  // cache can be stored in the Debugger, but the source managers can be per
+  // target.
+  class SourceFileCache {
+  public:
+    SourceFileCache() = default;
+    ~SourceFileCache() = default;
+    void AddSourceFile(const FileSP &file_sp);
+    FileSP FindSourceFile(const FileSpec &file_spec) const;
+  protected:
+    typedef std::map<FileSpec, FileSP> FileCache;
+    FileCache m_file_cache;
+  };
 #endif // SWIG
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // A source manager can be made with a non-null target, in which case it can use the path remappings to find 
-    // source files that are not in their build locations.  With no target it won't be able to do this.
-    SourceManager (const lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger_sp);
-    SourceManager (const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp);
-    ~SourceManager();
-    FileSP
-    GetLastFile () 
-    {
-        return m_last_file_sp;
-    }
-    size_t
-    DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(const FileSpec &file,
-                                      uint32_t line,
-                                      uint32_t context_before,
-                                      uint32_t context_after,
-                                      const char* current_line_cstr,
-                                      Stream *s,
-                                      const SymbolContextList *bp_locs = nullptr);
-    // This variant uses the last file we visited.
-    size_t
-    DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(uint32_t start_line,
-                                                   uint32_t count,
-                                                   uint32_t curr_line,
-                                                   const char* current_line_cstr,
-                                                   Stream *s,
-                                                   const SymbolContextList *bp_locs = nullptr);
-    size_t
-    DisplayMoreWithLineNumbers(Stream *s,
-                               uint32_t count,
-                               bool reverse,
-                               const SymbolContextList *bp_locs = nullptr);
-    bool
-    SetDefaultFileAndLine (const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line);
-    bool 
-    GetDefaultFileAndLine (FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t &line);
-    bool 
-    DefaultFileAndLineSet ()
-    {
-        return (m_last_file_sp.get() != nullptr);
-    }
-    void
-    FindLinesMatchingRegex (FileSpec &file_spec,
-                            RegularExpression& regex, 
-                            uint32_t start_line, 
-                            uint32_t end_line, 
-                            std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines);
-    FileSP
-    GetFile (const FileSpec &file_spec);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // A source manager can be made with a non-null target, in which case it can
+  // use the path remappings to find
+  // source files that are not in their build locations.  With no target it
+  // won't be able to do this.
+  SourceManager(const lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger_sp);
+  SourceManager(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp);
+  ~SourceManager();
+  FileSP GetLastFile() { return m_last_file_sp; }
+  size_t DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(
+      const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line, uint32_t context_before,
+      uint32_t context_after, const char *current_line_cstr, Stream *s,
+      const SymbolContextList *bp_locs = nullptr);
+  // This variant uses the last file we visited.
+  size_t DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(
+      uint32_t start_line, uint32_t count, uint32_t curr_line,
+      const char *current_line_cstr, Stream *s,
+      const SymbolContextList *bp_locs = nullptr);
+  size_t DisplayMoreWithLineNumbers(Stream *s, uint32_t count, bool reverse,
+                                    const SymbolContextList *bp_locs = nullptr);
+  bool SetDefaultFileAndLine(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line);
+  bool GetDefaultFileAndLine(FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t &line);
+  bool DefaultFileAndLineSet() { return (m_last_file_sp.get() != nullptr); }
+  void FindLinesMatchingRegex(FileSpec &file_spec, RegularExpression &regex,
+                              uint32_t start_line, uint32_t end_line,
+                              std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines);
+  FileSP GetFile(const FileSpec &file_spec);
-    FileSP m_last_file_sp;
-    uint32_t m_last_line;
-    uint32_t m_last_count;
-    bool     m_default_set;
-    lldb::TargetWP m_target_wp;
-    lldb::DebuggerWP m_debugger_wp;
+  FileSP m_last_file_sp;
+  uint32_t m_last_line;
+  uint32_t m_last_count;
+  bool m_default_set;
+  lldb::TargetWP m_target_wp;
+  lldb::DebuggerWP m_debugger_wp;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (SourceManager);
-bool operator== (const SourceManager::File &lhs, const SourceManager::File &rhs);
+bool operator==(const SourceManager::File &lhs, const SourceManager::File &rhs);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/State.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/State.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/State.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/State.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 ///     returned string comes from constant string buffers and does
 ///     not need to be freed.
-const char *
-StateAsCString (lldb::StateType state);
+const char *StateAsCString(lldb::StateType state);
 /// Check if a state represents a state where the process or thread
@@ -43,13 +42,12 @@ StateAsCString (lldb::StateType state);
 ///     \b true if the state represents a process or thread state
 ///     where the process or thread is running, \b false otherwise.
-StateIsRunningState (lldb::StateType state);
+bool StateIsRunningState(lldb::StateType state);
 /// Check if a state represents a state where the process or thread
 /// is stopped. Stopped can mean stopped when the process is still
-/// around, or stopped when the process has exited or doesn't exist 
+/// around, or stopped when the process has exited or doesn't exist
 /// yet. The \a must_exist argument tells us which of these cases is
 /// desired.
@@ -62,17 +60,15 @@ StateIsRunningState (lldb::StateType sta
 /// @return
 ///     \b true if the state represents a process or thread state
-///     where the process or thread is stopped. If \a must_exist is 
+///     where the process or thread is stopped. If \a must_exist is
 ///     \b true, then the process can't be exited or unloaded,
 ///     otherwise exited and unloaded or other states where the
-///     process no longer exists are considered to be stopped. 
+///     process no longer exists are considered to be stopped.
-StateIsStoppedState (lldb::StateType state, bool must_exist);
+bool StateIsStoppedState(lldb::StateType state, bool must_exist);
+const char *GetPermissionsAsCString(uint32_t permissions);
-const char *
-GetPermissionsAsCString (uint32_t permissions);
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_State_h_
+#endif // liblldb_State_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Stream.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Stream.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Stream.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Stream.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Flags.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -25,590 +25,537 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// @class Stream Stream.h "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
 /// @brief A stream class that can stream formatted output to a file.
-class Stream
+class Stream {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// \a m_flags bit values.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    enum
-    {
-        eVerbose    = (1 << 0), ///< If set, verbose logging is enabled
-        eDebug      = (1 << 1), ///< If set, debug logging is enabled
-        eAddPrefix  = (1 << 2), ///< Add number prefixes for binary, octal and hex when eBinary is clear
-        eBinary     = (1 << 3)  ///< Get and put data as binary instead of as the default string mode.
-    };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Construct with flags and address size and byte order.
-    ///
-    /// Construct with dump flags \a flags and the default address
-    /// size. \a flags can be any of the above enumeration logical OR'ed
-    /// together.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream (uint32_t flags,
-            uint32_t addr_size,
-            lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Construct a default Stream, not binary, host byte order and
-    /// host addr size.
-    ///
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual
-    ~Stream ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Subclasses must override these methods
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Flush the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Subclasses should flush the stream to make any output appear
-    /// if the stream has any buffering.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual void
-    Flush () = 0;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output character bytes to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Appends \a src_len characters from the buffer \a src to the
-    /// stream.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] src
-    ///     A buffer containing at least \a src_len bytes of data.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] src_len
-    ///     A number of bytes to append to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of bytes that were appended to the stream.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual size_t
-    Write (const void *src, size_t src_len) = 0;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member functions
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    PutChar (char ch);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set the byte_order value.
-    ///
-    /// Sets the byte order of the data to extract. Extracted values
-    /// will be swapped if necessary when decoding.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] byte_order
-    ///     The byte order value to use when extracting data.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The old byte order value.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ByteOrder
-    SetByteOrder (lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Format a C string from a printf style format and variable
-    /// arguments and encode and append the resulting C string as hex
-    /// bytes.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     A printf style format string.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] ...
-    ///     Any additional arguments needed for the printf format string.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of bytes that were appended to the stream.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    PrintfAsRawHex8 (const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Format a C string from a printf style format and variable
-    /// arguments and encode and append the resulting C string as hex
-    /// bytes.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     A printf style format string.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] ...
-    ///     Any additional arguments needed for the printf format string.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The number of bytes that were appended to the stream.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    PutHex8 (uint8_t uvalue);
-    size_t
-    PutNHex8 (size_t n, uint8_t uvalue);
-    size_t
-    PutHex16 (uint16_t uvalue,
-              lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutHex32 (uint32_t uvalue,
-              lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutHex64 (uint64_t uvalue,
-              lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutMaxHex64 (uint64_t uvalue,
-                 size_t byte_size,
-                 lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutFloat (float f,
-              lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutDouble (double d,
-               lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// \a m_flags bit values.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  enum {
+    eVerbose = (1 << 0),   ///< If set, verbose logging is enabled
+    eDebug = (1 << 1),     ///< If set, debug logging is enabled
+    eAddPrefix = (1 << 2), ///< Add number prefixes for binary, octal and hex
+                           ///when eBinary is clear
+    eBinary = (1 << 3) ///< Get and put data as binary instead of as the default
+                       ///string mode.
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Construct with flags and address size and byte order.
+  ///
+  /// Construct with dump flags \a flags and the default address
+  /// size. \a flags can be any of the above enumeration logical OR'ed
+  /// together.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream(uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr_size, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Construct a default Stream, not binary, host byte order and
+  /// host addr size.
+  ///
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual ~Stream();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Subclasses must override these methods
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Flush the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Subclasses should flush the stream to make any output appear
+  /// if the stream has any buffering.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual void Flush() = 0;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output character bytes to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Appends \a src_len characters from the buffer \a src to the
+  /// stream.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] src
+  ///     A buffer containing at least \a src_len bytes of data.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] src_len
+  ///     A number of bytes to append to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of bytes that were appended to the stream.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual size_t Write(const void *src, size_t src_len) = 0;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member functions
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t PutChar(char ch);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set the byte_order value.
+  ///
+  /// Sets the byte order of the data to extract. Extracted values
+  /// will be swapped if necessary when decoding.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] byte_order
+  ///     The byte order value to use when extracting data.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The old byte order value.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ByteOrder SetByteOrder(lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Format a C string from a printf style format and variable
+  /// arguments and encode and append the resulting C string as hex
+  /// bytes.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     A printf style format string.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] ...
+  ///     Any additional arguments needed for the printf format string.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of bytes that were appended to the stream.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t PrintfAsRawHex8(const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Format a C string from a printf style format and variable
+  /// arguments and encode and append the resulting C string as hex
+  /// bytes.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     A printf style format string.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] ...
+  ///     Any additional arguments needed for the printf format string.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The number of bytes that were appended to the stream.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t PutHex8(uint8_t uvalue);
+  size_t PutNHex8(size_t n, uint8_t uvalue);
+  size_t PutHex16(uint16_t uvalue,
+                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  size_t PutHex32(uint32_t uvalue,
+                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  size_t PutHex64(uint64_t uvalue,
+                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  size_t PutMaxHex64(uint64_t uvalue, size_t byte_size,
+                     lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  size_t PutFloat(float f,
+                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutLongDouble (long double ld,
+  size_t PutDouble(double d,
                    lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutPointer (void *ptr);
+  size_t PutLongDouble(long double ld,
+                       lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  size_t PutPointer(void *ptr);
-    // Append \a src_len bytes from \a src to the stream as hex characters
-    // (two ascii characters per byte of input data)
-    size_t
-    PutBytesAsRawHex8 (const void *src,
-                       size_t src_len,
-                       lldb::ByteOrder src_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid,
-                       lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    // Append \a src_len bytes from \a s to the stream as binary data.
-    size_t
-    PutRawBytes (const void *s, 
-                 size_t src_len,
-                 lldb::ByteOrder src_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid,
-                 lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    size_t
-    PutCStringAsRawHex8 (const char *s);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a NULL terminated C string \a cstr to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] cstr
-    ///     A NULL terminated C string.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (const char *cstr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a pointer value \a p to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] p
-    ///     A void pointer.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (const void *p);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a character \a ch to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] ch
-    ///     A printable character value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (char ch);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a uint8_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uval
-    ///     A uint8_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (uint8_t uval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a uint16_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uval
-    ///     A uint16_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (uint16_t uval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a uint32_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uval
-    ///     A uint32_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (uint32_t uval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a uint64_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uval
-    ///     A uint64_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (uint64_t uval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a int8_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sval
-    ///     A int8_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (int8_t sval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a int16_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sval
-    ///     A int16_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (int16_t sval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a int32_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sval
-    ///     A int32_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (int32_t sval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a int64_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] sval
-    ///     A int64_t value.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
-    ///     in one statement.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Stream&
-    operator<< (int64_t sval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output an address value to this stream.
-    ///
-    /// Put an address \a addr out to the stream with optional \a prefix
-    /// and \a suffix strings.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] addr
-    ///     An address value.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] addr_size
-    ///     Size in bytes of the address, used for formatting.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] prefix
-    ///     A prefix C string. If nullptr, no prefix will be output.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] suffix
-    ///     A suffix C string. If nullptr, no suffix will be output.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Address(uint64_t addr, uint32_t addr_size, const char *prefix = nullptr, const char *suffix = nullptr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output an address range to this stream.
-    ///
-    /// Put an address range \a lo_addr - \a hi_addr out to the stream
-    /// with optional \a prefix and \a suffix strings.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] lo_addr
-    ///     The start address of the address range.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] hi_addr
-    ///     The end address of the address range.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] addr_size
-    ///     Size in bytes of the address, used for formatting.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] prefix
-    ///     A prefix C string. If nullptr, no prefix will be output.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] suffix
-    ///     A suffix C string. If nullptr, no suffix will be output.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    AddressRange(uint64_t lo_addr, uint64_t hi_addr, uint32_t addr_size, const char *prefix = nullptr, const char *suffix = nullptr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a C string to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Print a C string \a cstr to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] cstr
-    ///     The string to be output to the stream.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    PutCString (const char *cstr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output and End of Line character to the stream.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    EOL();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the address size in bytes.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The size of an address in bytes that is used when outputting
-    ///     address and pointer values to the stream.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t
-    GetAddressByteSize () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Test if debug logging is enabled.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    //      \b true if the debug flag bit is set in this stream, \b
-    //      false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    GetDebug() const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// The flags accessor.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A reference to the Flags member variable.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Flags&
-    GetFlags();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// The flags const accessor.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     A const reference to the Flags member variable.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const Flags&
-    GetFlags() const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //// The byte order accessor.
-    ////
-    //// @return
-    ////     The byte order.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::ByteOrder
-    GetByteOrder() const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get the current indentation level.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The current indentation level as an integer.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    int
-    GetIndentLevel () const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Test if verbose logging is enabled.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    //      \b true if the verbose flag bit is set in this stream, \b
-    //      false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    GetVerbose() const;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Indent the current line in the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Indent the current line using the current indentation level and
-    /// print an optional string following the indentation spaces.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] s
-    ///     A C string to print following the indentation. If nullptr, just
-    ///     output the indentation characters.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    Indent(const char *s = nullptr);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Decrement the current indentation level.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    IndentLess (int amount = 2);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Increment the current indentation level.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    IndentMore (int amount = 2);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output an offset value.
-    ///
-    /// Put an offset \a uval out to the stream using the printf format
-    /// in \a format.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] offset
-    ///     The offset value.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     The printf style format to use when outputting the offset.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Offset (uint32_t offset, const char *format = "0x%8.8x: ");
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output printf formatted output to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Print some formatted output to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     A printf style format string.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] ...
-    ///     Variable arguments that are needed for the printf style
-    ///     format string \a format.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    Printf (const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
-    size_t
-    PrintfVarArg(const char *format, va_list args);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a quoted C string value to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Print a double quoted NULL terminated C string to the stream
-    /// using the printf format in \a format.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] cstr
-    ///     A NULL terminated C string value.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     The optional C string format that can be overridden.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    QuotedCString (const char *cstr, const char *format = "\"%s\"");
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set the address size in bytes.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] addr_size
-    ///     The new size in bytes of an address to use when outputting
-    ///     address and pointer values.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    SetAddressByteSize (uint32_t addr_size);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set the current indentation level.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] level
-    ///     The new indentation level.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    SetIndentLevel (int level);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a SLEB128 number to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Put an SLEB128 \a uval out to the stream using the printf format
-    /// in \a format.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uval
-    ///     A uint64_t value that was extracted as a SLEB128 value.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     The optional printf format that can be overridden.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    PutSLEB128 (int64_t uval);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Output a ULEB128 number to the stream.
-    ///
-    /// Put an ULEB128 \a uval out to the stream using the printf format
-    /// in \a format.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uval
-    ///     A uint64_t value that was extracted as a ULEB128 value.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] format
-    ///     The optional printf format that can be overridden.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    PutULEB128 (uint64_t uval);
+  // Append \a src_len bytes from \a src to the stream as hex characters
+  // (two ascii characters per byte of input data)
+  size_t
+  PutBytesAsRawHex8(const void *src, size_t src_len,
+                    lldb::ByteOrder src_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid,
+                    lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  // Append \a src_len bytes from \a s to the stream as binary data.
+  size_t PutRawBytes(const void *s, size_t src_len,
+                     lldb::ByteOrder src_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid,
+                     lldb::ByteOrder dst_byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
+  size_t PutCStringAsRawHex8(const char *s);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a NULL terminated C string \a cstr to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] cstr
+  ///     A NULL terminated C string.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(const char *cstr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a pointer value \a p to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] p
+  ///     A void pointer.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(const void *p);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a character \a ch to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] ch
+  ///     A printable character value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(char ch);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a uint8_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uval
+  ///     A uint8_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(uint8_t uval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a uint16_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uval
+  ///     A uint16_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(uint16_t uval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a uint32_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uval
+  ///     A uint32_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(uint32_t uval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a uint64_t \a uval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uval
+  ///     A uint64_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(uint64_t uval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a int8_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sval
+  ///     A int8_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(int8_t sval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a int16_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sval
+  ///     A int16_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(int16_t sval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a int32_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sval
+  ///     A int32_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(int32_t sval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a int64_t \a sval to the stream \a s.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] sval
+  ///     A int64_t value.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to this class so multiple things can be streamed
+  ///     in one statement.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Stream &operator<<(int64_t sval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output an address value to this stream.
+  ///
+  /// Put an address \a addr out to the stream with optional \a prefix
+  /// and \a suffix strings.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] addr
+  ///     An address value.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] addr_size
+  ///     Size in bytes of the address, used for formatting.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] prefix
+  ///     A prefix C string. If nullptr, no prefix will be output.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] suffix
+  ///     A suffix C string. If nullptr, no suffix will be output.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Address(uint64_t addr, uint32_t addr_size, const char *prefix = nullptr,
+               const char *suffix = nullptr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output an address range to this stream.
+  ///
+  /// Put an address range \a lo_addr - \a hi_addr out to the stream
+  /// with optional \a prefix and \a suffix strings.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] lo_addr
+  ///     The start address of the address range.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] hi_addr
+  ///     The end address of the address range.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] addr_size
+  ///     Size in bytes of the address, used for formatting.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] prefix
+  ///     A prefix C string. If nullptr, no prefix will be output.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] suffix
+  ///     A suffix C string. If nullptr, no suffix will be output.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void AddressRange(uint64_t lo_addr, uint64_t hi_addr, uint32_t addr_size,
+                    const char *prefix = nullptr, const char *suffix = nullptr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a C string to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Print a C string \a cstr to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] cstr
+  ///     The string to be output to the stream.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t PutCString(const char *cstr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output and End of Line character to the stream.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t EOL();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the address size in bytes.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The size of an address in bytes that is used when outputting
+  ///     address and pointer values to the stream.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t GetAddressByteSize() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Test if debug logging is enabled.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  //      \b true if the debug flag bit is set in this stream, \b
+  //      false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool GetDebug() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// The flags accessor.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A reference to the Flags member variable.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Flags &GetFlags();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// The flags const accessor.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     A const reference to the Flags member variable.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const Flags &GetFlags() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //// The byte order accessor.
+  ////
+  //// @return
+  ////     The byte order.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get the current indentation level.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The current indentation level as an integer.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  int GetIndentLevel() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Test if verbose logging is enabled.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  //      \b true if the verbose flag bit is set in this stream, \b
+  //      false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool GetVerbose() const;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Indent the current line in the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Indent the current line using the current indentation level and
+  /// print an optional string following the indentation spaces.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] s
+  ///     A C string to print following the indentation. If nullptr, just
+  ///     output the indentation characters.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t Indent(const char *s = nullptr);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Decrement the current indentation level.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void IndentLess(int amount = 2);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Increment the current indentation level.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void IndentMore(int amount = 2);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output an offset value.
+  ///
+  /// Put an offset \a uval out to the stream using the printf format
+  /// in \a format.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] offset
+  ///     The offset value.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     The printf style format to use when outputting the offset.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Offset(uint32_t offset, const char *format = "0x%8.8x: ");
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output printf formatted output to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Print some formatted output to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     A printf style format string.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] ...
+  ///     Variable arguments that are needed for the printf style
+  ///     format string \a format.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t Printf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+  size_t PrintfVarArg(const char *format, va_list args);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a quoted C string value to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Print a double quoted NULL terminated C string to the stream
+  /// using the printf format in \a format.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] cstr
+  ///     A NULL terminated C string value.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     The optional C string format that can be overridden.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void QuotedCString(const char *cstr, const char *format = "\"%s\"");
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set the address size in bytes.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] addr_size
+  ///     The new size in bytes of an address to use when outputting
+  ///     address and pointer values.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void SetAddressByteSize(uint32_t addr_size);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set the current indentation level.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] level
+  ///     The new indentation level.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void SetIndentLevel(int level);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a SLEB128 number to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Put an SLEB128 \a uval out to the stream using the printf format
+  /// in \a format.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uval
+  ///     A uint64_t value that was extracted as a SLEB128 value.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     The optional printf format that can be overridden.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t PutSLEB128(int64_t uval);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a ULEB128 number to the stream.
+  ///
+  /// Put an ULEB128 \a uval out to the stream using the printf format
+  /// in \a format.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uval
+  ///     A uint64_t value that was extracted as a ULEB128 value.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] format
+  ///     The optional printf format that can be overridden.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t PutULEB128(uint64_t uval);
-    static void
-    UnitTest(Stream *s);
+  static void UnitTest(Stream *s);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member variables
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Flags m_flags;                  ///< Dump flags.
-    uint32_t m_addr_size;           ///< Size of an address in bytes.
-    lldb::ByteOrder m_byte_order;   ///< Byte order to use when encoding scalar types.
-    int m_indent_level;             ///< Indention level.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member variables
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Flags m_flags;        ///< Dump flags.
+  uint32_t m_addr_size; ///< Size of an address in bytes.
+  lldb::ByteOrder
+      m_byte_order;   ///< Byte order to use when encoding scalar types.
+  int m_indent_level; ///< Indention level.
-    size_t _PutHex8 (uint8_t uvalue, bool add_prefix);
+  size_t _PutHex8(uint8_t uvalue, bool add_prefix);
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_Stream_h_
+#endif // liblldb_Stream_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamAsynchronousIO.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamAsynchronousIO.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamAsynchronousIO.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamAsynchronousIO.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- StreamAsynchronousIO.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- StreamAsynchronousIO.h -----------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -16,24 +17,20 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class StreamAsynchronousIO : 
-    public Stream
+class StreamAsynchronousIO : public Stream {
-    StreamAsynchronousIO (Debugger &debugger, bool for_stdout);
-    ~StreamAsynchronousIO () override;
-    void
-    Flush () override;
-    size_t
-    Write (const void *src, size_t src_len) override;
+  StreamAsynchronousIO(Debugger &debugger, bool for_stdout);
+  ~StreamAsynchronousIO() override;
+  void Flush() override;
+  size_t Write(const void *src, size_t src_len) override;
-    Debugger &m_debugger;
-    std::string m_data;
-    bool m_for_stdout;
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  std::string m_data;
+  bool m_for_stdout;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamBuffer.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamBuffer.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamBuffer.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamBuffer.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -10,78 +10,47 @@
 #ifndef liblldb_StreamBuffer_h_
 #define liblldb_StreamBuffer_h_
+#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string>
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-template <unsigned N>
-class StreamBuffer : public Stream
+template <unsigned N> class StreamBuffer : public Stream {
-    StreamBuffer () :
-        Stream (0, 4, lldb::eByteOrderBig),
-        m_packet ()
-    {
-    }
-    StreamBuffer (uint32_t flags,
-                  uint32_t addr_size,
-                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order) :
-        Stream (flags, addr_size, byte_order),
-        m_packet ()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual
-    ~StreamBuffer ()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void
-    Flush ()
-    {
-        // Nothing to do when flushing a buffer based stream...
-    }
-    virtual size_t
-    Write (const void *s, size_t length)
-    {
-        if (s && length)
-            m_packet.append ((const char *)s, ((const char *)s) + length);
-        return length;
-    }
-    void
-    Clear()
-    {
-        m_packet.clear();
-    }
-    // Beware, this might not be NULL terminated as you can expect from
-    // StringString as there may be random bits in the llvm::SmallVector. If
-    // you are using this class to create a C string, be sure the call PutChar ('\0')
-    // after you have created your string, or use StreamString.
-    const char *
-    GetData () const
-    {
-        return m_packet.data();
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetSize() const
-    {
-        return m_packet.size();
-    }
+  StreamBuffer() : Stream(0, 4, lldb::eByteOrderBig), m_packet() {}
-    llvm::SmallVector<char, N> m_packet;
+  StreamBuffer(uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr_size, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order)
+      : Stream(flags, addr_size, byte_order), m_packet() {}
+  virtual ~StreamBuffer() {}
+  virtual void Flush() {
+    // Nothing to do when flushing a buffer based stream...
+  }
+  virtual size_t Write(const void *s, size_t length) {
+    if (s && length)
+      m_packet.append((const char *)s, ((const char *)s) + length);
+    return length;
+  }
+  void Clear() { m_packet.clear(); }
+  // Beware, this might not be NULL terminated as you can expect from
+  // StringString as there may be random bits in the llvm::SmallVector. If
+  // you are using this class to create a C string, be sure the call PutChar
+  // ('\0')
+  // after you have created your string, or use StreamString.
+  const char *GetData() const { return m_packet.data(); }
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_packet.size(); }
+  llvm::SmallVector<char, N> m_packet;
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // #ifndef liblldb_StreamBuffer_h_
+#endif // #ifndef liblldb_StreamBuffer_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamCallback.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamCallback.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamCallback.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamCallback.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -18,28 +18,24 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class StreamCallback : 
-    public Stream
+class StreamCallback : public Stream {
-    StreamCallback (lldb::LogOutputCallback callback, void *baton);
-    ~StreamCallback () override;
-    void
-    Flush () override;
-    size_t
-    Write (const void *src, size_t src_len) override;
+  StreamCallback(lldb::LogOutputCallback callback, void *baton);
+  ~StreamCallback() override;
+  void Flush() override;
+  size_t Write(const void *src, size_t src_len) override;
-    typedef std::map<lldb::tid_t, StreamString> collection;
-    lldb::LogOutputCallback m_callback;
-    void *m_baton;
-    collection m_accumulated_data;
-    std::mutex m_collection_mutex;
+  typedef std::map<lldb::tid_t, StreamString> collection;
+  lldb::LogOutputCallback m_callback;
+  void *m_baton;
+  collection m_accumulated_data;
+  std::mutex m_collection_mutex;
-    StreamString &FindStreamForThread(lldb::tid_t cur_tid);
+  StreamString &FindStreamForThread(lldb::tid_t cur_tid);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamFile.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamFile.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamFile.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamFile.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,54 +23,42 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class StreamFile : public Stream
+class StreamFile : public Stream {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    StreamFile ();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  StreamFile();
-    StreamFile (uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr_size, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
+  StreamFile(uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr_size, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
-    StreamFile (int fd, bool transfer_ownership);
+  StreamFile(int fd, bool transfer_ownership);
-    StreamFile (const char *path);
+  StreamFile(const char *path);
-    StreamFile (const char *path,
-                uint32_t options,
-                uint32_t permissions = lldb::eFilePermissionsFileDefault);
+  StreamFile(const char *path, uint32_t options,
+             uint32_t permissions = lldb::eFilePermissionsFileDefault);
-    StreamFile (FILE *fh, bool transfer_ownership);
+  StreamFile(FILE *fh, bool transfer_ownership);
-    ~StreamFile() override;
+  ~StreamFile() override;
-    File &
-    GetFile ()
-    {
-        return m_file;
-    }
+  File &GetFile() { return m_file; }
-    const File &
-    GetFile () const
-    {
-        return m_file;
-    }
+  const File &GetFile() const { return m_file; }
-    void
-    Flush () override;
+  void Flush() override;
-    size_t
-    Write (const void *s, size_t length) override;
+  size_t Write(const void *s, size_t length) override;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Classes that inherit from StreamFile can see and modify these
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    File m_file;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Classes that inherit from StreamFile can see and modify these
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  File m_file;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamGDBRemote.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamGDBRemote.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamGDBRemote.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamGDBRemote.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- StreamGDBRemote.h ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- StreamGDBRemote.h ----------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -19,34 +20,30 @@
 #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    class StreamGDBRemote : public StreamString
-    {
-        public:
-        StreamGDBRemote ();
-        StreamGDBRemote (uint32_t flags,
-                         uint32_t addr_size,
-                         lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
-        ~StreamGDBRemote() override;
-        //------------------------------------------------------------------
-        /// Output a block of data to the stream performing GDB-remote escaping.
-        ///
-        /// @param[in] s
-        ///     A block of data.
-        ///
-        /// @param[in] src_len
-        ///     The amount of data to write.
-        ///
-        /// @return
-        ///     Number of bytes written.
-        //------------------------------------------------------------------
-        int
-        PutEscapedBytes (const void* s,
-                         size_t src_len);
-    };
+class StreamGDBRemote : public StreamString {
+  StreamGDBRemote();
+  StreamGDBRemote(uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr_size,
+                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
+  ~StreamGDBRemote() override;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Output a block of data to the stream performing GDB-remote escaping.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] s
+  ///     A block of data.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] src_len
+  ///     The amount of data to write.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     Number of bytes written.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  int PutEscapedBytes(const void *s, size_t src_len);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamString.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamString.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamString.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamString.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -16,49 +16,36 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class StreamString : public Stream
+class StreamString : public Stream {
-    StreamString ();
+  StreamString();
-    StreamString (uint32_t flags,
-                  uint32_t addr_size,
-                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
+  StreamString(uint32_t flags, uint32_t addr_size, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order);
-    ~StreamString () override;
+  ~StreamString() override;
-    void
-    Flush () override;
+  void Flush() override;
-    size_t
-    Write (const void *s, size_t length) override;
+  size_t Write(const void *s, size_t length) override;
-    void
-    Clear();
+  void Clear();
-    bool
-    Empty() const;
+  bool Empty() const;
-    const char *
-    GetData () const;
+  const char *GetData() const;
-    size_t
-    GetSize() const;
+  size_t GetSize() const;
-    size_t
-    GetSizeOfLastLine () const;
+  size_t GetSizeOfLastLine() const;
-    std::string &
-    GetString();
+  std::string &GetString();
-    const std::string &
-    GetString() const;
+  const std::string &GetString() const;
-    void
-    FillLastLineToColumn (uint32_t column, char fill_char);
+  void FillLastLineToColumn(uint32_t column, char fill_char);
-    std::string m_packet;
+  std::string m_packet;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamTee.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamTee.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamTee.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StreamTee.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -18,143 +18,122 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class StreamTee : public Stream
+class StreamTee : public Stream {
-    StreamTee() : Stream(), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams() {}
+  StreamTee() : Stream(), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams() {}
-    StreamTee(lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp) : Stream(), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams()
-    {
-        // No need to lock mutex during construction
-        if (stream_sp)
-            m_streams.push_back(stream_sp);
-    }
-    StreamTee(lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp, lldb::StreamSP &stream_2_sp) : Stream(), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams()
-    {
-        // No need to lock mutex during construction
-        if (stream_sp)
-            m_streams.push_back(stream_sp);
-        if (stream_2_sp)
-            m_streams.push_back(stream_2_sp);
-    }
-    StreamTee(const StreamTee &rhs) : Stream(rhs), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams()
-    {
-        // Don't copy until we lock down "rhs"
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(rhs.m_streams_mutex);
-        m_streams = rhs.m_streams;
-    }
-    ~StreamTee () override
-    {
-    }
-    StreamTee &
-    operator=(const StreamTee &rhs)
-    {
-        if (this != &rhs)
-        {
-            Stream::operator=(rhs);
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_locker(m_streams_mutex);
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_locker(rhs.m_streams_mutex);
-            m_streams = rhs.m_streams;
-        }
-        return *this;
-    }
-    void
-    Flush() override
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
-        collection::iterator pos, end;
-        for (pos = m_streams.begin(), end = m_streams.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
-        {
-            // Allow for our collection to contain NULL streams. This allows
-            // the StreamTee to be used with hard coded indexes for clients
-            // that might want N total streams with only a few that are set
-            // to valid values.
-            Stream *strm = pos->get();
-            if (strm)
-                strm->Flush();
-        }
-    }
-    size_t
-    Write(const void *s, size_t length) override
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
-        if (m_streams.empty())
-            return 0;
-        size_t min_bytes_written = SIZE_MAX;
-        collection::iterator pos, end;
-        for (pos = m_streams.begin(), end = m_streams.end(); pos != end; ++pos)
-        {
-            // Allow for our collection to contain NULL streams. This allows
-            // the StreamTee to be used with hard coded indexes for clients
-            // that might want N total streams with only a few that are set
-            // to valid values.
-            Stream *strm = pos->get();
-            if (strm)
-            {
-                const size_t bytes_written = strm->Write(s, length);
-                if (min_bytes_written > bytes_written)
-                    min_bytes_written = bytes_written;
-            }
-        }
-        if (min_bytes_written == SIZE_MAX)
-            return 0;
-        return min_bytes_written;
-    }
-    size_t
-    AppendStream(const lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp)
-    {
-        size_t new_idx = m_streams.size();
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
-        m_streams.push_back(stream_sp);
-        return new_idx;
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetNumStreams() const
-    {
-        size_t result = 0;
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
-            result = m_streams.size();
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    lldb::StreamSP
-    GetStreamAtIndex(uint32_t idx)
-    {
-        lldb::StreamSP stream_sp;
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
-        if (idx < m_streams.size())
-            stream_sp = m_streams[idx];
-        return stream_sp;
-    }
-    void
-    SetStreamAtIndex(uint32_t idx, const lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
-        // Resize our stream vector as necessary to fit as many streams
-        // as needed. This also allows this class to be used with hard
-        // coded indexes that can be used contain many streams, not all
-        // of which are valid.
-        if (idx >= m_streams.size())
-            m_streams.resize(idx + 1);
-        m_streams[idx] = stream_sp;
-    }
+  StreamTee(lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp)
+      : Stream(), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams() {
+    // No need to lock mutex during construction
+    if (stream_sp)
+      m_streams.push_back(stream_sp);
+  }
+  StreamTee(lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp, lldb::StreamSP &stream_2_sp)
+      : Stream(), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams() {
+    // No need to lock mutex during construction
+    if (stream_sp)
+      m_streams.push_back(stream_sp);
+    if (stream_2_sp)
+      m_streams.push_back(stream_2_sp);
+  }
+  StreamTee(const StreamTee &rhs)
+      : Stream(rhs), m_streams_mutex(), m_streams() {
+    // Don't copy until we lock down "rhs"
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(rhs.m_streams_mutex);
+    m_streams = rhs.m_streams;
+  }
+  ~StreamTee() override {}
+  StreamTee &operator=(const StreamTee &rhs) {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      Stream::operator=(rhs);
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lhs_locker(m_streams_mutex);
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> rhs_locker(rhs.m_streams_mutex);
+      m_streams = rhs.m_streams;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void Flush() override {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
+    collection::iterator pos, end;
+    for (pos = m_streams.begin(), end = m_streams.end(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+      // Allow for our collection to contain NULL streams. This allows
+      // the StreamTee to be used with hard coded indexes for clients
+      // that might want N total streams with only a few that are set
+      // to valid values.
+      Stream *strm = pos->get();
+      if (strm)
+        strm->Flush();
+    }
+  }
+  size_t Write(const void *s, size_t length) override {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
+    if (m_streams.empty())
+      return 0;
+    size_t min_bytes_written = SIZE_MAX;
+    collection::iterator pos, end;
+    for (pos = m_streams.begin(), end = m_streams.end(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+      // Allow for our collection to contain NULL streams. This allows
+      // the StreamTee to be used with hard coded indexes for clients
+      // that might want N total streams with only a few that are set
+      // to valid values.
+      Stream *strm = pos->get();
+      if (strm) {
+        const size_t bytes_written = strm->Write(s, length);
+        if (min_bytes_written > bytes_written)
+          min_bytes_written = bytes_written;
+      }
+    }
+    if (min_bytes_written == SIZE_MAX)
+      return 0;
+    return min_bytes_written;
+  }
+  size_t AppendStream(const lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp) {
+    size_t new_idx = m_streams.size();
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
+    m_streams.push_back(stream_sp);
+    return new_idx;
+  }
+  size_t GetNumStreams() const {
+    size_t result = 0;
+    {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
+      result = m_streams.size();
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  lldb::StreamSP GetStreamAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
+    lldb::StreamSP stream_sp;
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
+    if (idx < m_streams.size())
+      stream_sp = m_streams[idx];
+    return stream_sp;
+  }
+  void SetStreamAtIndex(uint32_t idx, const lldb::StreamSP &stream_sp) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_streams_mutex);
+    // Resize our stream vector as necessary to fit as many streams
+    // as needed. This also allows this class to be used with hard
+    // coded indexes that can be used contain many streams, not all
+    // of which are valid.
+    if (idx >= m_streams.size())
+      m_streams.resize(idx + 1);
+    m_streams[idx] = stream_sp;
+  }
-    typedef std::vector<lldb::StreamSP> collection;
-    mutable std::recursive_mutex m_streams_mutex;
-    collection m_streams;
+  typedef std::vector<lldb::StreamSP> collection;
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_streams_mutex;
+  collection m_streams;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StringList.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StringList.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StringList.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StringList.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,159 +20,120 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/STLUtils.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class StringList
+class StringList {
-    StringList ();
+  StringList();
+  StringList(const char *str);
+  StringList(const char **strv, int strc);
+  virtual ~StringList();
+  void AppendString(const std::string &s);
+  void AppendString(std::string &&s);
+  void AppendString(const char *str);
+  void AppendString(const char *str, size_t str_len);
+  void AppendString(llvm::StringRef str);
+  void AppendList(const char **strv, int strc);
+  void AppendList(StringList strings);
+  bool ReadFileLines(FileSpec &input_file);
+  size_t GetSize() const;
+  void SetSize(size_t n) { m_strings.resize(n); }
+  size_t GetMaxStringLength() const;
+  std::string &operator[](size_t idx) {
+    // No bounds checking, verify "idx" is good prior to calling this function
+    return m_strings[idx];
+  }
+  const std::string &operator[](size_t idx) const {
+    // No bounds checking, verify "idx" is good prior to calling this function
+    return m_strings[idx];
+  }
+  void PopBack() { m_strings.pop_back(); }
+  const char *GetStringAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
+  void Join(const char *separator, Stream &strm);
+  void Clear();
+  void LongestCommonPrefix(std::string &common_prefix);
+  void InsertStringAtIndex(size_t idx, const std::string &str);
+  void InsertStringAtIndex(size_t idx, std::string &&str);
+  void InsertStringAtIndex(size_t id, const char *str);
+  void DeleteStringAtIndex(size_t id);
+  void RemoveBlankLines();
+  size_t SplitIntoLines(const std::string &lines);
+  size_t SplitIntoLines(const char *lines, size_t len);
+  std::string CopyList(const char *item_preamble = nullptr,
+                       const char *items_sep = "\n") const;
+  StringList &operator<<(const char *str);
+  StringList &operator<<(const std::string &s);
+  StringList &operator<<(StringList strings);
+  // Copy assignment for a vector of strings
+  StringList &operator=(const std::vector<std::string> &rhs);
+  // This string list contains a list of valid auto completion
+  // strings, and the "s" is passed in. "matches" is filled in
+  // with zero or more string values that start with "s", and
+  // the first string to exactly match one of the string
+  // values in this collection, will have "exact_matches_idx"
+  // filled in to match the index, or "exact_matches_idx" will
+  // have SIZE_MAX
+  size_t AutoComplete(const char *s, StringList &matches,
+                      size_t &exact_matches_idx) const;
+  // Dump the StringList to the given lldb_private::Log, `log`, one item per
+  // line.
+  // If given, `name` will be used to identify the start and end of the list in
+  // the output.
+  virtual void LogDump(Log *log, const char *name = nullptr);
-    StringList (const char *str);
+  // Static helper to convert an iterable of strings to a StringList, and then
+  // dump it with the semantics of the `LogDump` method.
+  template <typename T>
+  static void LogDump(Log *log, T s_iterable, const char *name = nullptr) {
+    if (!log)
+      return;
+    // Make a copy of the iterable as a StringList
+    StringList l{};
+    for (const auto &s : s_iterable)
+      l << s;
-    StringList (const char **strv, int strc);
-    virtual
-    ~StringList ();
-    void
-    AppendString (const std::string &s);
-    void
-    AppendString (std::string &&s);
-    void
-    AppendString (const char *str);
-    void
-    AppendString (const char *str, size_t str_len);
-    void
-    AppendString(llvm::StringRef str);
-    void
-    AppendList (const char ** strv, int strc);
-    void
-    AppendList (StringList strings);
-    bool
-    ReadFileLines (FileSpec &input_file);
-    size_t
-    GetSize () const;
-    void
-    SetSize (size_t n)
-    {
-        m_strings.resize(n);
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetMaxStringLength () const;
-    std::string &
-    operator [](size_t idx)
-    {
-        // No bounds checking, verify "idx" is good prior to calling this function
-        return m_strings[idx];
-    }
-    const std::string &
-    operator [](size_t idx) const
-    {
-        // No bounds checking, verify "idx" is good prior to calling this function
-        return m_strings[idx];
-    }
-    void
-    PopBack ()
-    {
-        m_strings.pop_back();
-    }
-    const char *
-    GetStringAtIndex (size_t idx) const;
-    void
-    Join (const char *separator, Stream &strm);
-    void
-    Clear ();
-    void
-    LongestCommonPrefix (std::string &common_prefix);
-    void
-    InsertStringAtIndex (size_t idx, const std::string &str);
-    void
-    InsertStringAtIndex (size_t idx, std::string &&str);
-    void
-    InsertStringAtIndex (size_t id, const char *str);
-    void
-    DeleteStringAtIndex (size_t id);
-    void
-    RemoveBlankLines ();
-    size_t
-    SplitIntoLines (const std::string &lines);
-    size_t
-    SplitIntoLines (const char *lines, size_t len);
-    std::string
-    CopyList(const char* item_preamble = nullptr,
-             const char* items_sep = "\n") const;
-    StringList&
-    operator << (const char* str);
-    StringList&
-    operator << (const std::string &s);
-    StringList&
-    operator << (StringList strings);
-    // Copy assignment for a vector of strings
-    StringList&
-    operator = (const std::vector<std::string> &rhs);
-    // This string list contains a list of valid auto completion
-    // strings, and the "s" is passed in. "matches" is filled in
-    // with zero or more string values that start with "s", and
-    // the first string to exactly match one of the string
-    // values in this collection, will have "exact_matches_idx"
-    // filled in to match the index, or "exact_matches_idx" will
-    // have SIZE_MAX
-    size_t
-    AutoComplete (const char *s,
-                  StringList &matches,
-                  size_t &exact_matches_idx) const;
-    // Dump the StringList to the given lldb_private::Log, `log`, one item per line.
-    // If given, `name` will be used to identify the start and end of the list in the output.
-    virtual void LogDump(Log *log, const char *name = nullptr);
-    // Static helper to convert an iterable of strings to a StringList, and then
-    // dump it with the semantics of the `LogDump` method.
-    template<typename T> static void LogDump(Log *log, T s_iterable, const char *name = nullptr)
-    {
-        if (!log)
-            return;
-        // Make a copy of the iterable as a StringList
-        StringList l{};
-        for (const auto &s : s_iterable)
-            l << s;
+    l.LogDump(log, name);
+  }
-        l.LogDump(log, name);
-    }
-    STLStringArray m_strings;
+  STLStringArray m_strings;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StructuredData.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StructuredData.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StructuredData.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/StructuredData.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -34,725 +34,511 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// @brief A class which can hold structured data
 /// The StructuredData class is designed to hold the data from a JSON
-/// or plist style file -- a serialized data structure with dictionaries 
-/// (maps, hashes), arrays, and concrete values like integers, floating 
+/// or plist style file -- a serialized data structure with dictionaries
+/// (maps, hashes), arrays, and concrete values like integers, floating
 /// point numbers, strings, booleans.
 /// StructuredData does not presuppose any knowledge of the schema for
 /// the data it is holding; it can parse JSON data, for instance, and
 /// other parts of lldb can iterate through the parsed data set to find
-/// keys and values that may be present.  
+/// keys and values that may be present.
-class StructuredData
+class StructuredData {
-    class Object;
-    class Array;
-    class Integer;
-    class Float;
-    class Boolean;
-    class String;
-    class Dictionary;
-    class Generic;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Object> ObjectSP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Array> ArraySP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Integer> IntegerSP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Float> FloatSP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Boolean> BooleanSP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<String> StringSP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Dictionary> DictionarySP;
-    typedef std::shared_ptr<Generic> GenericSP;
-    enum class Type
-    {
-        eTypeInvalid = -1,
-        eTypeNull = 0,
-        eTypeGeneric,
-        eTypeArray,
-        eTypeInteger,
-        eTypeFloat,
-        eTypeBoolean,
-        eTypeString,
-        eTypeDictionary
-    };
-    class Object :
-        public std::enable_shared_from_this<Object>
-    {
-    public:
-        Object (Type t = Type::eTypeInvalid) :
-            m_type (t)
-        {
-        }
-        virtual ~Object() = default;
-        virtual bool
-        IsValid() const
-        {
-            return true;
-        }
-        virtual void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-            m_type = Type::eTypeInvalid;
-        }
-        Type
-        GetType () const
-        {
-            return m_type;
-        }
-        void
-        SetType (Type t)
-        {
-            m_type = t;
-        }
-        Array *
-        GetAsArray ()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeArray) ? static_cast<Array *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        Dictionary *
-        GetAsDictionary ()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeDictionary) ? static_cast<Dictionary *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        Integer *
-        GetAsInteger ()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeInteger) ? static_cast<Integer *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        uint64_t
-        GetIntegerValue (uint64_t fail_value = 0)
-        {
-            Integer *integer = GetAsInteger ();
-            return ((integer != nullptr) ? integer->GetValue() : fail_value);
-        }
-        Float *
-        GetAsFloat ()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeFloat) ? static_cast<Float *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        double
-        GetFloatValue (double fail_value = 0.0)
-        {
-            Float *f = GetAsFloat ();
-            return ((f != nullptr) ? f->GetValue() : fail_value);
-        }
-        Boolean *
-        GetAsBoolean ()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeBoolean) ? static_cast<Boolean *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        bool
-        GetBooleanValue (bool fail_value = false)
-        {
-            Boolean *b = GetAsBoolean ();
-            return ((b != nullptr) ? b->GetValue() : fail_value);
-        }
-        String *
-        GetAsString ()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeString) ? static_cast<String *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        std::string
-        GetStringValue(const char *fail_value = nullptr)
-        {
-            String *s = GetAsString ();
-            if (s)
-                return s->GetValue();
-            if (fail_value && fail_value[0])
-                return std::string(fail_value);
-            return std::string();
-        }
-        Generic *
-        GetAsGeneric()
-        {
-            return ((m_type == Type::eTypeGeneric) ? static_cast<Generic *>(this) : nullptr);
-        }
-        ObjectSP
-        GetObjectForDotSeparatedPath (llvm::StringRef path);
-        void DumpToStdout(bool pretty_print = true) const;
-        virtual void
-        Dump (Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const = 0; 
-    private:
-        Type m_type;
-    };
-    class Array : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        Array () :
-            Object (Type::eTypeArray)
-        {
-        }
-        ~Array() override = default;
-        bool
-        ForEach (std::function <bool(Object* object)> const &foreach_callback) const
-        {
-            for (const auto &object_sp : m_items)
-            {
-                if (foreach_callback(object_sp.get()) == false)
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetSize() const
-        {
-            return m_items.size();
-        }
-        ObjectSP
-        operator[](size_t idx)
-        {
-            if (idx < m_items.size())
-                return m_items[idx];
-            return ObjectSP();
-        }
-        ObjectSP
-        GetItemAtIndex(size_t idx) const
-        {
-            assert(idx < GetSize());
-            if (idx < m_items.size())
-                return m_items[idx];
-            return ObjectSP();
-        }
-        template <class IntType>
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsInteger(size_t idx, IntType &result) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                if (auto int_value = value_sp->GetAsInteger())
-                {
-                    result = static_cast<IntType>(int_value->GetValue());
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        template <class IntType>
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsInteger(size_t idx, IntType &result, IntType default_val) const
-        {
-            bool success = GetItemAtIndexAsInteger(idx, result);
-            if (!success)
-                result = default_val;
-            return success;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, std::string &result) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString())
-                {
-                    result = string_value->GetValue();
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, std::string &result, const std::string &default_val) const
-        {
-            bool success = GetItemAtIndexAsString(idx, result);
-            if (!success)
-                result = default_val;
-            return success;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, ConstString &result) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
-            if (value_sp.get()) {
-                if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString())
-                {
-                    result = ConstString(string_value->GetValue());
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, ConstString &result, const char *default_val) const
-        {
-            bool success = GetItemAtIndexAsString(idx, result);
-            if (!success)
-                result.SetCString(default_val);
-            return success;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsDictionary(size_t idx, Dictionary *&result) const
-        {
-            result = nullptr;
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
-            if (value_sp.get()) 
-            {
-                result = value_sp->GetAsDictionary();
-                return (result != nullptr);
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetItemAtIndexAsArray(size_t idx, Array *&result) const
-        {
-            result = nullptr;
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                result = value_sp->GetAsArray();
-                return (result != nullptr);
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        void
-        Push(ObjectSP item)
-        {
-            m_items.push_back(item);
-        }
-        void
-        AddItem(ObjectSP item)
-        {
-            m_items.push_back(item);
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    protected:
-        typedef std::vector<ObjectSP> collection;
-        collection m_items;
-    };
-    class Integer : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        Integer (uint64_t i = 0) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeInteger),
-            m_value (i)
-        {
-        }
-        ~Integer() override = default;
-        void
-        SetValue (uint64_t value)
-        {
-            m_value = value;
-        }
-        uint64_t
-        GetValue ()
-        {
-            return m_value;
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    protected:
-        uint64_t m_value;
-    };
-    class Float : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        Float (double d = 0.0) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeFloat),
-            m_value (d)
-        {
-        }
-        ~Float() override = default;
-        void
-        SetValue (double value)
-        {
-            m_value = value;
-        }
-        double
-        GetValue ()
-        {
-            return m_value;
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    protected:
-        double m_value;
-    };
-    class Boolean : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        Boolean (bool b = false) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeBoolean),
-            m_value (b)
-        {
-        }
-        ~Boolean() override = default;
-        void
-        SetValue (bool value)
-        {
-            m_value = value;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValue ()
-        {
-            return m_value;
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    protected:
-        bool m_value;
-    };
-    class String : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        String(const char *cstr = nullptr) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeString),
-            m_value ()
-        {
-            if (cstr)
-                m_value = cstr;
-        }
-        String (const std::string &s) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeString),
-            m_value (s)
-        {
-        }
-        String (const std::string &&s) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeString),
-            m_value (s)
-        {
-        }
-        void
-        SetValue (const std::string &string)
-        {
-            m_value = string;
-        }
-        const std::string &
-        GetValue ()
-        {
-            return m_value;
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    protected:
-        std::string m_value;
-    };
-    class Dictionary : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        Dictionary () :
-            Object (Type::eTypeDictionary),
-            m_dict ()
-        {
-        }
-        ~Dictionary() override = default;
-        size_t
-        GetSize() const
-        {
-            return m_dict.size();
-        }
-        void
-        ForEach (std::function <bool(ConstString key, Object* object)> const &callback) const
-        {
-            for (const auto &pair : m_dict)
-            {
-                if (callback (pair.first, pair.second.get()) == false)
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        ObjectSP
-        GetKeys() const
-        {
-            ObjectSP object_sp(new Array ());
-            Array *array = object_sp->GetAsArray();
-            collection::const_iterator iter;
-            for (iter = m_dict.begin(); iter != m_dict.end(); ++iter)
-            {
-                ObjectSP key_object_sp(new String());
-                key_object_sp->GetAsString()->SetValue(iter->first.AsCString());
-                array->Push(key_object_sp);
-            }
-            return object_sp;
-        }
-        ObjectSP
-        GetValueForKey(llvm::StringRef key) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp;
-            if (!key.empty())
-            {
-                ConstString key_cs(key);
-                collection::const_iterator iter = m_dict.find(key_cs);
-                if (iter != m_dict.end())
-                    value_sp = iter->second;
-            }
-            return value_sp;
-        }
-        template <class IntType>
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsInteger(llvm::StringRef key, IntType &result) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
-            if (value_sp) {
-                if (auto int_value = value_sp->GetAsInteger())
-                {
-                    result = static_cast<IntType>(int_value->GetValue());
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        template <class IntType>
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsInteger(llvm::StringRef key, IntType &result, IntType default_val) const
-        {
-            bool success = GetValueForKeyAsInteger<IntType>(key, result);
-            if (!success)
-                result = default_val;
-            return success;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key, std::string &result) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString())
-                {
-                    result = string_value->GetValue();
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key, std::string &result, const char *default_val) const
-        {
-            bool success = GetValueForKeyAsString(key, result);
-            if (!success)
-            {
-                if (default_val)
-                    result = default_val;
-                else
-                    result.clear();
-            }
-            return success;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key, ConstString &result) const
-        {
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString())
-                {
-                    result = ConstString(string_value->GetValue());
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key, ConstString &result, const char *default_val) const
-        {
-            bool success = GetValueForKeyAsString(key, result);
-            if (!success)
-                result.SetCString(default_val);
-            return success;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsDictionary(llvm::StringRef key, Dictionary *&result) const
-        {
-            result = nullptr;
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                result = value_sp->GetAsDictionary();
-                return (result != nullptr);
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        GetValueForKeyAsArray(llvm::StringRef key, Array *&result) const
-        {
-            result = nullptr;
-            ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
-            if (value_sp.get())
-            {
-                result = value_sp->GetAsArray();
-                return (result != nullptr);
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        bool
-        HasKey(llvm::StringRef key) const
-        {
-            ConstString key_cs(key);
-            collection::const_iterator search = m_dict.find(key_cs);
-            return search != m_dict.end();
-        }
-        void
-        AddItem (llvm::StringRef key, ObjectSP value_sp)
-        {
-            ConstString key_cs(key);
-            m_dict[key_cs] = value_sp;
-        }
-        void
-        AddIntegerItem (llvm::StringRef key, uint64_t value)
-        {
-            AddItem (key, ObjectSP (new Integer(value)));
-        }
-        void
-        AddFloatItem (llvm::StringRef key, double value)
-        {
-            AddItem (key, ObjectSP (new Float(value)));
-        }
-        void
-        AddStringItem (llvm::StringRef key, std::string value)
-        {
-            AddItem (key, ObjectSP (new String(std::move(value))));
-        }
-        void
-        AddBooleanItem (llvm::StringRef key, bool value)
-        {
-            AddItem (key, ObjectSP (new Boolean(value)));
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    protected:
-        typedef std::map<ConstString, ObjectSP> collection;
-        collection m_dict;
-    };
-    class Null : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        Null () :
-            Object (Type::eTypeNull)
-        {
-        }
-        ~Null() override = default;
-        bool
-        IsValid() const override
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    };
-    class Generic : public Object
-    {
-    public:
-        explicit Generic(void *object = nullptr) :
-            Object (Type::eTypeGeneric),
-            m_object (object)
-        {
-        }
-        void
-        SetValue(void *value)
-        {
-            m_object = value;
-        }
-        void *
-        GetValue() const
-        {
-            return m_object;
-        }
-        bool
-        IsValid() const override
-        {
-            return m_object != nullptr;
-        }
-        void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
-    private:
-        void *m_object;
-    };
+  class Object;
+  class Array;
+  class Integer;
+  class Float;
+  class Boolean;
+  class String;
+  class Dictionary;
+  class Generic;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Object> ObjectSP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Array> ArraySP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Integer> IntegerSP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Float> FloatSP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Boolean> BooleanSP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<String> StringSP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Dictionary> DictionarySP;
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<Generic> GenericSP;
+  enum class Type {
+    eTypeInvalid = -1,
+    eTypeNull = 0,
+    eTypeGeneric,
+    eTypeArray,
+    eTypeInteger,
+    eTypeFloat,
+    eTypeBoolean,
+    eTypeString,
+    eTypeDictionary
+  };
+  class Object : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Object> {
+  public:
+    Object(Type t = Type::eTypeInvalid) : m_type(t) {}
+    virtual ~Object() = default;
+    virtual bool IsValid() const { return true; }
+    virtual void Clear() { m_type = Type::eTypeInvalid; }
+    Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
+    void SetType(Type t) { m_type = t; }
+    Array *GetAsArray() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeArray) ? static_cast<Array *>(this)
+                                           : nullptr);
+    }
+    Dictionary *GetAsDictionary() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeDictionary)
+                  ? static_cast<Dictionary *>(this)
+                  : nullptr);
+    }
+    Integer *GetAsInteger() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeInteger) ? static_cast<Integer *>(this)
+                                             : nullptr);
+    }
+    uint64_t GetIntegerValue(uint64_t fail_value = 0) {
+      Integer *integer = GetAsInteger();
+      return ((integer != nullptr) ? integer->GetValue() : fail_value);
+    }
+    Float *GetAsFloat() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeFloat) ? static_cast<Float *>(this)
+                                           : nullptr);
+    }
+    double GetFloatValue(double fail_value = 0.0) {
+      Float *f = GetAsFloat();
+      return ((f != nullptr) ? f->GetValue() : fail_value);
+    }
+    Boolean *GetAsBoolean() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeBoolean) ? static_cast<Boolean *>(this)
+                                             : nullptr);
+    }
+    bool GetBooleanValue(bool fail_value = false) {
+      Boolean *b = GetAsBoolean();
+      return ((b != nullptr) ? b->GetValue() : fail_value);
+    }
+    String *GetAsString() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeString) ? static_cast<String *>(this)
+                                            : nullptr);
+    }
+    std::string GetStringValue(const char *fail_value = nullptr) {
+      String *s = GetAsString();
+      if (s)
+        return s->GetValue();
+      if (fail_value && fail_value[0])
+        return std::string(fail_value);
+      return std::string();
+    }
+    Generic *GetAsGeneric() {
+      return ((m_type == Type::eTypeGeneric) ? static_cast<Generic *>(this)
+                                             : nullptr);
+    }
+    ObjectSP GetObjectForDotSeparatedPath(llvm::StringRef path);
+    void DumpToStdout(bool pretty_print = true) const;
+    virtual void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const = 0;
+  private:
+    Type m_type;
+  };
+  class Array : public Object {
+  public:
+    Array() : Object(Type::eTypeArray) {}
+    ~Array() override = default;
+    bool
+    ForEach(std::function<bool(Object *object)> const &foreach_callback) const {
+      for (const auto &object_sp : m_items) {
+        if (foreach_callback(object_sp.get()) == false)
+          return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    size_t GetSize() const { return m_items.size(); }
+    ObjectSP operator[](size_t idx) {
+      if (idx < m_items.size())
+        return m_items[idx];
+      return ObjectSP();
+    }
+    ObjectSP GetItemAtIndex(size_t idx) const {
+      assert(idx < GetSize());
+      if (idx < m_items.size())
+        return m_items[idx];
+      return ObjectSP();
+    }
+    template <class IntType>
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsInteger(size_t idx, IntType &result) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        if (auto int_value = value_sp->GetAsInteger()) {
+          result = static_cast<IntType>(int_value->GetValue());
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    template <class IntType>
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsInteger(size_t idx, IntType &result,
+                                 IntType default_val) const {
+      bool success = GetItemAtIndexAsInteger(idx, result);
+      if (!success)
+        result = default_val;
+      return success;
+    }
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, std::string &result) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString()) {
+          result = string_value->GetValue();
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, std::string &result,
+                                const std::string &default_val) const {
+      bool success = GetItemAtIndexAsString(idx, result);
+      if (!success)
+        result = default_val;
+      return success;
+    }
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, ConstString &result) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString()) {
+          result = ConstString(string_value->GetValue());
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsString(size_t idx, ConstString &result,
+                                const char *default_val) const {
+      bool success = GetItemAtIndexAsString(idx, result);
+      if (!success)
+        result.SetCString(default_val);
+      return success;
+    }
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsDictionary(size_t idx, Dictionary *&result) const {
+      result = nullptr;
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        result = value_sp->GetAsDictionary();
+        return (result != nullptr);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool GetItemAtIndexAsArray(size_t idx, Array *&result) const {
+      result = nullptr;
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetItemAtIndex(idx);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        result = value_sp->GetAsArray();
+        return (result != nullptr);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    void Push(ObjectSP item) { m_items.push_back(item); }
+    void AddItem(ObjectSP item) { m_items.push_back(item); }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  protected:
+    typedef std::vector<ObjectSP> collection;
+    collection m_items;
+  };
+  class Integer : public Object {
+  public:
+    Integer(uint64_t i = 0) : Object(Type::eTypeInteger), m_value(i) {}
+    ~Integer() override = default;
+    void SetValue(uint64_t value) { m_value = value; }
+    uint64_t GetValue() { return m_value; }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  protected:
+    uint64_t m_value;
+  };
+  class Float : public Object {
+  public:
+    Float(double d = 0.0) : Object(Type::eTypeFloat), m_value(d) {}
+    ~Float() override = default;
+    void SetValue(double value) { m_value = value; }
+    double GetValue() { return m_value; }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  protected:
+    double m_value;
+  };
+  class Boolean : public Object {
+  public:
+    Boolean(bool b = false) : Object(Type::eTypeBoolean), m_value(b) {}
+    ~Boolean() override = default;
+    void SetValue(bool value) { m_value = value; }
+    bool GetValue() { return m_value; }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  protected:
+    bool m_value;
+  };
+  class String : public Object {
+  public:
+    String(const char *cstr = nullptr) : Object(Type::eTypeString), m_value() {
+      if (cstr)
+        m_value = cstr;
+    }
+    String(const std::string &s) : Object(Type::eTypeString), m_value(s) {}
+    String(const std::string &&s) : Object(Type::eTypeString), m_value(s) {}
+    void SetValue(const std::string &string) { m_value = string; }
+    const std::string &GetValue() { return m_value; }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  protected:
+    std::string m_value;
+  };
+  class Dictionary : public Object {
+  public:
+    Dictionary() : Object(Type::eTypeDictionary), m_dict() {}
+    ~Dictionary() override = default;
+    size_t GetSize() const { return m_dict.size(); }
+    void ForEach(std::function<bool(ConstString key, Object *object)> const
+                     &callback) const {
+      for (const auto &pair : m_dict) {
+        if (callback(pair.first, pair.second.get()) == false)
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    ObjectSP GetKeys() const {
+      ObjectSP object_sp(new Array());
+      Array *array = object_sp->GetAsArray();
+      collection::const_iterator iter;
+      for (iter = m_dict.begin(); iter != m_dict.end(); ++iter) {
+        ObjectSP key_object_sp(new String());
+        key_object_sp->GetAsString()->SetValue(iter->first.AsCString());
+        array->Push(key_object_sp);
+      }
+      return object_sp;
+    }
+    ObjectSP GetValueForKey(llvm::StringRef key) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp;
+      if (!key.empty()) {
+        ConstString key_cs(key);
+        collection::const_iterator iter = m_dict.find(key_cs);
+        if (iter != m_dict.end())
+          value_sp = iter->second;
+      }
+      return value_sp;
+    }
+    template <class IntType>
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsInteger(llvm::StringRef key, IntType &result) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
+      if (value_sp) {
+        if (auto int_value = value_sp->GetAsInteger()) {
+          result = static_cast<IntType>(int_value->GetValue());
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    template <class IntType>
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsInteger(llvm::StringRef key, IntType &result,
+                                 IntType default_val) const {
+      bool success = GetValueForKeyAsInteger<IntType>(key, result);
+      if (!success)
+        result = default_val;
+      return success;
+    }
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key,
+                                std::string &result) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString()) {
+          result = string_value->GetValue();
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key, std::string &result,
+                                const char *default_val) const {
+      bool success = GetValueForKeyAsString(key, result);
+      if (!success) {
+        if (default_val)
+          result = default_val;
+        else
+          result.clear();
+      }
+      return success;
+    }
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key,
+                                ConstString &result) const {
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        if (auto string_value = value_sp->GetAsString()) {
+          result = ConstString(string_value->GetValue());
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsString(llvm::StringRef key, ConstString &result,
+                                const char *default_val) const {
+      bool success = GetValueForKeyAsString(key, result);
+      if (!success)
+        result.SetCString(default_val);
+      return success;
+    }
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsDictionary(llvm::StringRef key,
+                                    Dictionary *&result) const {
+      result = nullptr;
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        result = value_sp->GetAsDictionary();
+        return (result != nullptr);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool GetValueForKeyAsArray(llvm::StringRef key, Array *&result) const {
+      result = nullptr;
+      ObjectSP value_sp = GetValueForKey(key);
+      if (value_sp.get()) {
+        result = value_sp->GetAsArray();
+        return (result != nullptr);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool HasKey(llvm::StringRef key) const {
+      ConstString key_cs(key);
+      collection::const_iterator search = m_dict.find(key_cs);
+      return search != m_dict.end();
+    }
+    void AddItem(llvm::StringRef key, ObjectSP value_sp) {
+      ConstString key_cs(key);
+      m_dict[key_cs] = value_sp;
+    }
+    void AddIntegerItem(llvm::StringRef key, uint64_t value) {
+      AddItem(key, ObjectSP(new Integer(value)));
+    }
+    void AddFloatItem(llvm::StringRef key, double value) {
+      AddItem(key, ObjectSP(new Float(value)));
+    }
+    void AddStringItem(llvm::StringRef key, std::string value) {
+      AddItem(key, ObjectSP(new String(std::move(value))));
+    }
+    void AddBooleanItem(llvm::StringRef key, bool value) {
+      AddItem(key, ObjectSP(new Boolean(value)));
+    }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  protected:
+    typedef std::map<ConstString, ObjectSP> collection;
+    collection m_dict;
+  };
+  class Null : public Object {
+  public:
+    Null() : Object(Type::eTypeNull) {}
+    ~Null() override = default;
+    bool IsValid() const override { return false; }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  };
+  class Generic : public Object {
+  public:
+    explicit Generic(void *object = nullptr)
+        : Object(Type::eTypeGeneric), m_object(object) {}
+    void SetValue(void *value) { m_object = value; }
+    void *GetValue() const { return m_object; }
+    bool IsValid() const override { return m_object != nullptr; }
+    void Dump(Stream &s, bool pretty_print = true) const override;
+  private:
+    void *m_object;
+  };
-    static ObjectSP
-    ParseJSON (std::string json_text);
+  static ObjectSP ParseJSON(std::string json_text);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseMap.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseMap.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseMap.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseMap.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- ThreadSafeDenseMap.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- ThreadSafeDenseMap.h ------------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -20,61 +21,50 @@
 // Project includes
 namespace lldb_private {
-template <typename _KeyType, typename _ValueType, typename _MutexType = std::mutex>
-class ThreadSafeDenseMap
+template <typename _KeyType, typename _ValueType,
+          typename _MutexType = std::mutex>
+class ThreadSafeDenseMap {
-    typedef llvm::DenseMap<_KeyType,_ValueType> LLVMMapType;
+  typedef llvm::DenseMap<_KeyType, _ValueType> LLVMMapType;
-    ThreadSafeDenseMap(unsigned map_initial_capacity = 0) : m_map(map_initial_capacity), m_mutex() {}
+  ThreadSafeDenseMap(unsigned map_initial_capacity = 0)
+      : m_map(map_initial_capacity), m_mutex() {}
-    void
-    Insert (_KeyType k, _ValueType v)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_map.insert(std::make_pair(k,v));
-    }
-    void
-    Erase (_KeyType k)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_map.erase(k);
-    }
-    _ValueType
-    Lookup (_KeyType k)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        return m_map.lookup(k);
-    }
-    bool
-    Lookup (_KeyType k,
-            _ValueType& v)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        auto iter = m_map.find(k),
-             end = m_map.end();
-        if (iter == end)
-            return false;
-        v = iter->second;
-        return true;
-    }
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_map.clear();
-    }
+  void Insert(_KeyType k, _ValueType v) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_map.insert(std::make_pair(k, v));
+  }
+  void Erase(_KeyType k) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_map.erase(k);
+  }
+  _ValueType Lookup(_KeyType k) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_map.lookup(k);
+  }
+  bool Lookup(_KeyType k, _ValueType &v) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    auto iter = m_map.find(k), end = m_map.end();
+    if (iter == end)
+      return false;
+    v = iter->second;
+    return true;
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_map.clear();
+  }
-    LLVMMapType m_map;
-    _MutexType m_mutex;
+  LLVMMapType m_map;
+  _MutexType m_mutex;
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ThreadSafeSTLMap_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ThreadSafeSTLMap_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseSet.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseSet.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseSet.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeDenseSet.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- ThreadSafeDenseSet.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- ThreadSafeDenseSet.h ------------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -22,46 +23,38 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
 template <typename _ElementType, typename _MutexType = std::mutex>
-class ThreadSafeDenseSet
+class ThreadSafeDenseSet {
-    typedef llvm::DenseSet<_ElementType> LLVMSetType;
+  typedef llvm::DenseSet<_ElementType> LLVMSetType;
-    ThreadSafeDenseSet(unsigned set_initial_capacity = 0) : m_set(set_initial_capacity), m_mutex() {}
+  ThreadSafeDenseSet(unsigned set_initial_capacity = 0)
+      : m_set(set_initial_capacity), m_mutex() {}
-    void
-    Insert(_ElementType e)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_set.insert(e);
-    }
-    void
-    Erase(_ElementType e)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_set.erase(e);
-    }
-    bool
-    Lookup(_ElementType e)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        return (m_set.count(e) > 0);
-    }
-    void
-    Clear()
-    {
-        stds::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_set.clear();
-    }
+  void Insert(_ElementType e) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_set.insert(e);
+  }
+  void Erase(_ElementType e) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_set.erase(e);
+  }
+  bool Lookup(_ElementType e) {
+    std::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    return (m_set.count(e) > 0);
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    stds::lock_guard<_MutexType> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_set.clear();
+  }
-    LLVMSetType m_set;
-    _MutexType m_mutex;
+  LLVMSetType m_set;
+  _MutexType m_mutex;
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ThreadSafeDenseSet_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ThreadSafeDenseSet_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLMap.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLMap.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLMap.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLMap.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -21,158 +21,117 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-template <typename _Key, typename _Tp>
-class ThreadSafeSTLMap
+template <typename _Key, typename _Tp> class ThreadSafeSTLMap {
-    typedef std::map<_Key,_Tp> collection;
-    typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
-    typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ThreadSafeSTLMap() : m_collection(), m_mutex() {}
+  typedef std::map<_Key, _Tp> collection;
+  typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
+  typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ThreadSafeSTLMap() : m_collection(), m_mutex() {}
+  ~ThreadSafeSTLMap() {}
+  bool IsEmpty() const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_collection.empty();
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_collection.clear();
+  }
+  size_t Erase(const _Key &key) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return EraseNoLock(key);
+  }
+  size_t EraseNoLock(const _Key &key) { return m_collection.erase(key); }
+  bool GetValueForKey(const _Key &key, _Tp &value) const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return GetValueForKeyNoLock(key, value);
+  }
+  // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
+  // GetMutex() accessor
+  bool GetValueForKeyNoLock(const _Key &key, _Tp &value) const {
+    const_iterator pos = m_collection.find(key);
+    if (pos != m_collection.end()) {
+      value = pos->second;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool GetFirstKeyForValue(const _Tp &value, _Key &key) const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return GetFirstKeyForValueNoLock(value, key);
+  }
+  bool GetFirstKeyForValueNoLock(const _Tp &value, _Key &key) const {
+    const_iterator pos, end = m_collection.end();
+    for (pos = m_collection.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+      if (pos->second == value) {
+        key = pos->first;
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool LowerBound(const _Key &key, _Key &match_key, _Tp &match_value,
+                  bool decrement_if_not_equal) const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return LowerBoundNoLock(key, match_key, match_value,
+                            decrement_if_not_equal);
+  }
+  bool LowerBoundNoLock(const _Key &key, _Key &match_key, _Tp &match_value,
+                        bool decrement_if_not_equal) const {
+    const_iterator pos = m_collection.lower_bound(key);
+    if (pos != m_collection.end()) {
+      match_key = pos->first;
+      if (decrement_if_not_equal && key != match_key &&
+          pos != m_collection.begin()) {
+        --pos;
+        match_key = pos->first;
+      }
+      match_value = pos->second;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  iterator lower_bound_unsafe(const _Key &key) {
+    return m_collection.lower_bound(key);
+  }
+  void SetValueForKey(const _Key &key, const _Tp &value) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    SetValueForKeyNoLock(key, value);
+  }
+  // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
+  // GetMutex() accessor
+  void SetValueForKeyNoLock(const _Key &key, const _Tp &value) {
+    m_collection[key] = value;
+  }
-    ~ThreadSafeSTLMap()
-    {
-    }
-    bool
-    IsEmpty() const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return m_collection.empty();
-    }
-    void
-    Clear()
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return m_collection.clear();
-    }
-    size_t
-    Erase(const _Key &key)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return EraseNoLock(key);
-    }
-    size_t
-    EraseNoLock (const _Key& key)
-    {
-        return m_collection.erase (key);
-    }
-    bool
-    GetValueForKey(const _Key &key, _Tp &value) const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return GetValueForKeyNoLock(key, value);
-    }
-    // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
-    // GetMutex() accessor
-    bool
-    GetValueForKeyNoLock (const _Key& key, _Tp &value) const
-    {
-        const_iterator pos = m_collection.find(key);
-        if (pos != m_collection.end())
-        {
-            value = pos->second;
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    GetFirstKeyForValue(const _Tp &value, _Key &key) const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return GetFirstKeyForValueNoLock(value, key);
-    }
-    bool
-    GetFirstKeyForValueNoLock (const _Tp &value, _Key& key) const
-    {
-        const_iterator pos, end = m_collection.end();
-        for (pos = m_collection.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
-        {
-            if (pos->second == value)
-            {
-                key = pos->first;
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    LowerBound(const _Key &key, _Key &match_key, _Tp &match_value, bool decrement_if_not_equal) const
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        return LowerBoundNoLock(key, match_key, match_value, decrement_if_not_equal);
-    }
-    bool
-    LowerBoundNoLock (const _Key& key,
-                      _Key& match_key,
-                      _Tp &match_value,
-                      bool decrement_if_not_equal) const
-    {
-        const_iterator pos = m_collection.lower_bound (key);
-        if (pos != m_collection.end())
-        {
-            match_key = pos->first;
-            if (decrement_if_not_equal && key != match_key && pos != m_collection.begin())
-            {
-                --pos;
-                match_key = pos->first;
-            }
-            match_value = pos->second;
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    iterator
-    lower_bound_unsafe (const _Key& key)
-    {
-        return m_collection.lower_bound (key);
-    }
-    void
-    SetValueForKey(const _Key &key, const _Tp &value)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        SetValueForKeyNoLock(key, value);
-    }
-    // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
-    // GetMutex() accessor
-    void
-    SetValueForKeyNoLock (const _Key& key, const _Tp &value)
-    {
-        m_collection[key] = value;
-    }
-    std::recursive_mutex &
-    GetMutex()
-    {
-        return m_mutex;
-    }
+  std::recursive_mutex &GetMutex() { return m_mutex; }
-    collection m_collection;
-    mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+  collection m_collection;
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ThreadSafeSTLMap only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ThreadSafeSTLMap only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ThreadSafeSTLMap_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ThreadSafeSTLMap_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLVector.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLVector.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLVector.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeSTLVector.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- ThreadSafeSTLVector.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- ThreadSafeSTLVector.h ------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -12,88 +13,69 @@
 // C Includes
 // C++ Includes
-#include <vector>
 #include <mutex>
+#include <vector>
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
 #include "lldb/lldb-defines.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    template <typename _Object>
-    class ThreadSafeSTLVector
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef std::vector<_Object> collection;
-        typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
-        typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
-        //------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // Constructors and Destructors
-        //------------------------------------------------------------------
-        ThreadSafeSTLVector() : m_collection(), m_mutex() {}
-        ~ThreadSafeSTLVector() = default;
-        bool
-        IsEmpty() const
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            return m_collection.empty();
-        }
-        void
-        Clear()
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            return m_collection.clear();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetCount()
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            return m_collection.size();
-        }
-        void
-        AppendObject (_Object& object)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            m_collection.push_back(object);
-        }
-        _Object
-        GetObject (size_t index)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            return m_collection.at(index);
-        }
-        void
-        SetObject (size_t index, const _Object& object)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            m_collection.at(index) = object;
-        }
-        std::recursive_mutex &
-        GetMutex()
-        {
-            return m_mutex;
-        }
-    private:
-        collection m_collection;
-        mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
-        //------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // For ThreadSafeSTLVector only
-        //------------------------------------------------------------------
-        DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ThreadSafeSTLVector);
-    };
+template <typename _Object> class ThreadSafeSTLVector {
+  typedef std::vector<_Object> collection;
+  typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
+  typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ThreadSafeSTLVector() : m_collection(), m_mutex() {}
+  ~ThreadSafeSTLVector() = default;
+  bool IsEmpty() const {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_collection.empty();
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_collection.clear();
+  }
+  size_t GetCount() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_collection.size();
+  }
+  void AppendObject(_Object &object) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_collection.push_back(object);
+  }
+  _Object GetObject(size_t index) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    return m_collection.at(index);
+  }
+  void SetObject(size_t index, const _Object &object) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_collection.at(index) = object;
+  }
+  std::recursive_mutex &GetMutex() { return m_mutex; }
+  collection m_collection;
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ThreadSafeSTLVector only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ThreadSafeSTLVector_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ThreadSafeSTLVector_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeValue.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeValue.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeValue.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ThreadSafeValue.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,71 +20,50 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-template <class T>
-class ThreadSafeValue
+template <class T> class ThreadSafeValue {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ThreadSafeValue() : m_value(), m_mutex() {}
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ThreadSafeValue() : m_value(), m_mutex() {}
-    ThreadSafeValue(const T &value) : m_value(value), m_mutex() {}
+  ThreadSafeValue(const T &value) : m_value(value), m_mutex() {}
-    ~ThreadSafeValue()
-    {
-    }
+  ~ThreadSafeValue() {}
-    T
-    GetValue() const
+  T GetValue() const {
+    T value;
-        T value;
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            value = m_value;
-        }
-        return value;
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+      value = m_value;
+    return value;
+  }
-    // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
-    // GetMutex() accessor
-    const T&
-    GetValueNoLock () const
-    {
-        return m_value;
-    }
+  // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
+  // GetMutex() accessor
+  const T &GetValueNoLock() const { return m_value; }
-    void
-    SetValue(const T &value)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-        m_value = value;
-    }
+  void SetValue(const T &value) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+    m_value = value;
+  }
-    // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
-    // GetMutex() accessor
-    void
-    SetValueNoLock (const T& value)
-    {
-        m_value = value;
-    }
+  // Call this if you have already manually locked the mutex using the
+  // GetMutex() accessor
+  void SetValueNoLock(const T &value) { m_value = value; }
-    std::recursive_mutex &
-    GetMutex()
-    {
-        return m_mutex;
-    }
+  std::recursive_mutex &GetMutex() { return m_mutex; }
-    T m_value;
-    mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+  T m_value;
+  mutable std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ThreadSafeValue only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ThreadSafeValue);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ThreadSafeValue only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ThreadSafeValue_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ThreadSafeValue_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Timer.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Timer.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Timer.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Timer.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/TimeValue.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -37,120 +37,93 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// in a scope.
-class Timer
+class Timer {
-    //--------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Default constructor.
-    //--------------------------------------------------------------
-    Timer(const char *category, const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
-    //--------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor
-    //--------------------------------------------------------------
-    ~Timer();
-    void
-    Dump ();
-    static void
-    SetDisplayDepth (uint32_t depth);
-    static void
-    SetQuiet (bool value);
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Default constructor.
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------
+  Timer(const char *category, const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------
+  ~Timer();
+  void Dump();
-    static void
-    DumpCategoryTimes (Stream *s);
+  static void SetDisplayDepth(uint32_t depth);
-    static void
-    ResetCategoryTimes ();
+  static void SetQuiet(bool value);
+  static void DumpCategoryTimes(Stream *s);
+  static void ResetCategoryTimes();
-    void
-    ChildStarted (const TimeValue& time);
+  void ChildStarted(const TimeValue &time);
+  void ChildStopped(const TimeValue &time);
-    void
-    ChildStopped (const TimeValue& time);
+  uint64_t GetTotalElapsedNanoSeconds();
-    uint64_t
-    GetTotalElapsedNanoSeconds();
+  uint64_t GetTimerElapsedNanoSeconds();
-    uint64_t
-    GetTimerElapsedNanoSeconds();
-    const char *m_category;
-    TimeValue m_total_start;
-    TimeValue m_timer_start;
-    uint64_t m_total_ticks; // Total running time for this timer including when other timers below this are running
-    uint64_t m_timer_ticks; // Ticks for this timer that do not include when other timers below this one are running
+  const char *m_category;
+  TimeValue m_total_start;
+  TimeValue m_timer_start;
+  uint64_t m_total_ticks; // Total running time for this timer including when
+                          // other timers below this are running
+  uint64_t m_timer_ticks; // Ticks for this timer that do not include when other
+                          // timers below this one are running
-    static std::atomic<bool> g_quiet;
-    static std::atomic<unsigned> g_display_depth;
+  static std::atomic<bool> g_quiet;
+  static std::atomic<unsigned> g_display_depth;
-    Timer();
+  Timer();
-class IntervalTimer
+class IntervalTimer {
-    IntervalTimer() :
-        m_start (TimeValue::Now())
-    {
-    }
+  IntervalTimer() : m_start(TimeValue::Now()) {}
-    ~IntervalTimer() = default;
+  ~IntervalTimer() = default;
-    uint64_t
-    GetElapsedNanoSeconds() const
-    {
-        return TimeValue::Now() - m_start;
-    }
-    void
-    Reset ()
-    {
-        m_start = TimeValue::Now();
-    }
-    int
-    PrintfElapsed (const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)))
-    {
-        TimeValue now (TimeValue::Now());
-        const uint64_t elapsed_nsec = now - m_start;
-        const char *unit = nullptr;
-        float elapsed_value;
-        if (elapsed_nsec < 1000)
-        {
-            unit = "ns";
-            elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec;
-        }
-        else if (elapsed_nsec < 1000000)
-        {
-            unit = "us";
-            elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec/1000.0f;
-        }
-        else if (elapsed_nsec < 1000000000)
-        {
-            unit = "ms";
-            elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec/1000000.0f;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            unit = "sec";
-            elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec/1000000000.0f;
-        }
-        int result = printf ("%3.2f %s: ", elapsed_value, unit);
-        va_list args;
-        va_start (args, format);
-        result += vprintf (format, args);
-        va_end (args);
-        return result;
+  uint64_t GetElapsedNanoSeconds() const { return TimeValue::Now() - m_start; }
+  void Reset() { m_start = TimeValue::Now(); }
+  int PrintfElapsed(const char *format, ...)
+      __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) {
+    TimeValue now(TimeValue::Now());
+    const uint64_t elapsed_nsec = now - m_start;
+    const char *unit = nullptr;
+    float elapsed_value;
+    if (elapsed_nsec < 1000) {
+      unit = "ns";
+      elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec;
+    } else if (elapsed_nsec < 1000000) {
+      unit = "us";
+      elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec / 1000.0f;
+    } else if (elapsed_nsec < 1000000000) {
+      unit = "ms";
+      elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec / 1000000.0f;
+    } else {
+      unit = "sec";
+      elapsed_value = (float)elapsed_nsec / 1000000000.0f;
+    int result = printf("%3.2f %s: ", elapsed_value, unit);
+    va_list args;
+    va_start(args, format);
+    result += vprintf(format, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    return result;
+  }
-    TimeValue m_start;
+  TimeValue m_start;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UUID.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UUID.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UUID.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UUID.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,91 +20,83 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class UUID
+class UUID {
-    // Most UUIDs are 16 bytes, but some Linux build-ids (SHA1) are 20.
-    typedef uint8_t ValueType[20];
+  // Most UUIDs are 16 bytes, but some Linux build-ids (SHA1) are 20.
+  typedef uint8_t ValueType[20];
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  UUID();
+  UUID(const UUID &rhs);
+  UUID(const void *uuid_bytes, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes);
+  ~UUID();
+  const UUID &operator=(const UUID &rhs);
+  void Clear();
+  void Dump(Stream *s) const;
+  const void *GetBytes() const;
+  size_t GetByteSize();
+  bool IsValid() const;
+  bool SetBytes(const void *uuid_bytes, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes = 16);
+  std::string GetAsString(const char *separator = nullptr) const;
+  size_t SetFromCString(const char *c_str, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes = 16);
+  // Decode as many UUID bytes (up to 16) as possible from the C string "cstr"
+  // This is used for auto completion where a partial UUID might have been
+  // typed in. It
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Decode as many UUID bytes (up to 16) as possible from the C
+  /// string \a cstr.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] cstr
+  ///     A NULL terminate C string that points at a UUID string value
+  ///     (no leading spaces). The string must contain only hex
+  ///     characters and optionally can contain the '-' sepearators.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uuid_bytes
+  ///     A buffer of bytes that will contain a full or patially
+  ///     decoded UUID.
+  ///
+  /// @param[out] end
+  ///     If \a end is not nullptr, it will be filled in with the a
+  ///     pointer to the character after the last successfully decoded
+  ///     byte.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     Returns the number of bytes that were successfully decoded
+  ///     which should be 16 if a full UUID value was properly decoded.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  static size_t DecodeUUIDBytesFromCString(const char *cstr,
+                                           ValueType &uuid_bytes,
+                                           const char **end,
+                                           uint32_t num_uuid_bytes = 16);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    UUID ();
-    UUID (const UUID& rhs);
-    UUID (const void *uuid_bytes, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes);
-    ~UUID ();
-    const UUID&
-    operator=(const UUID& rhs);
-    void
-    Clear ();
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s) const;
-    const void *
-    GetBytes() const;
-    size_t
-    GetByteSize();
-    bool
-    IsValid () const;
-    bool
-    SetBytes (const void *uuid_bytes, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes = 16);
-    std::string
-    GetAsString(const char *separator = nullptr) const;
-    size_t
-    SetFromCString (const char *c_str, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes = 16);
-    // Decode as many UUID bytes (up to 16) as possible from the C string "cstr"
-    // This is used for auto completion where a partial UUID might have been
-    // typed in. It 
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Decode as many UUID bytes (up to 16) as possible from the C
-    /// string \a cstr.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] cstr
-    ///     A NULL terminate C string that points at a UUID string value
-    ///     (no leading spaces). The string must contain only hex
-    ///     characters and optionally can contain the '-' sepearators.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uuid_bytes
-    ///     A buffer of bytes that will contain a full or patially
-    ///     decoded UUID.
-    ///
-    /// @param[out] end
-    ///     If \a end is not nullptr, it will be filled in with the a
-    ///     pointer to the character after the last successfully decoded
-    ///     byte.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     Returns the number of bytes that were successfully decoded
-    ///     which should be 16 if a full UUID value was properly decoded.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    static size_t
-    DecodeUUIDBytesFromCString (const char *cstr, ValueType &uuid_bytes, const char **end, uint32_t num_uuid_bytes = 16);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Classes that inherit from UUID can see and modify these
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    uint32_t m_num_uuid_bytes; // Should be 16 or 20
-    ValueType m_uuid;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Classes that inherit from UUID can see and modify these
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint32_t m_num_uuid_bytes; // Should be 16 or 20
+  ValueType m_uuid;
-bool operator == (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
-bool operator != (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
-bool operator <  (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
-bool operator <= (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
-bool operator >  (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
-bool operator >= (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
+bool operator==(const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
+bool operator!=(const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
+bool operator<(const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
+bool operator<=(const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
+bool operator>(const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
+bool operator>=(const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs);
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_UUID_h_
+#endif // liblldb_UUID_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UniqueCStringMap.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UniqueCStringMap.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UniqueCStringMap.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UniqueCStringMap.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -30,326 +30,240 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // Any other string table that has guaranteed unique values can also
 // be used.
-template <typename T>
-class UniqueCStringMap
+template <typename T> class UniqueCStringMap {
-    struct Entry
-    {
-        Entry () :
-            cstring(nullptr),
-            value()
-        {
-        }
-        Entry (const char *cstr) :
-            cstring(cstr),
-            value()
-        {
-        }
-        Entry (const char *cstr, const T&v) :
-            cstring(cstr),
-            value(v)
-        {
-        }
-        bool
-        operator < (const Entry& rhs) const
-        {
-            return cstring < rhs.cstring;
-        }
-        const char* cstring;
-        T value;
-    };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Call this function multiple times to add a bunch of entries to
-    // this map, then later call UniqueCStringMap<T>::Sort() before doing
-    // any searches by name.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Append (const char *unique_cstr, const T& value)
-    {
-        m_map.push_back (typename UniqueCStringMap<T>::Entry(unique_cstr, value));
-    }
-    void
-    Append (const Entry &e)
-    {
-        m_map.push_back (e);
-    }
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        m_map.clear();
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Call this function to always keep the map sorted when putting
-    // entries into the map.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Insert (const char *unique_cstr, const T& value)
-    {
-        typename UniqueCStringMap<T>::Entry e(unique_cstr, value);
-        m_map.insert (std::upper_bound (m_map.begin(), m_map.end(), e), e);
-    }
-    void
-    Insert (const Entry &e)
-    {
-        m_map.insert (std::upper_bound (m_map.begin(), m_map.end(), e), e);
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Get an entries by index in a variety of forms.
-    //
-    // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
-    // not change during while using the returned values.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    GetValueAtIndex (uint32_t idx, T &value) const
-    {
-        if (idx < m_map.size())
-        {
-            value = m_map[idx].value;
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    const char *
-    GetCStringAtIndexUnchecked (uint32_t idx) const
-    {
-        return m_map[idx].cstring;
-    }
-    // Use this function if you have simple types in your map that you
-    // can easily copy when accessing values by index.
-    T
-    GetValueAtIndexUnchecked (uint32_t idx) const
-    {
-        return m_map[idx].value;        
-    }
-    // Use this function if you have complex types in your map that you
-    // don't want to copy when accessing values by index.
-    const T &
-    GetValueRefAtIndexUnchecked (uint32_t idx) const
-    {
-        return m_map[idx].value;
-    }
+  struct Entry {
+    Entry() : cstring(nullptr), value() {}
-    const char *
-    GetCStringAtIndex (uint32_t idx) const
-    {
-        return ((idx < m_map.size()) ? m_map[idx].cstring : nullptr);
-    }
+    Entry(const char *cstr) : cstring(cstr), value() {}
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Find the value for the unique string in the map.
-    //
-    // Return the value for \a unique_cstr if one is found, return
-    // \a fail_value otherwise. This method works well for simple type
-    // T values and only if there is a sensible failure value that can
-    // be returned and that won't match any existing values.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    T
-    Find (const char *unique_cstr, T fail_value) const
-    {
-        Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
-        const_iterator end = m_map.end();
-        const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (m_map.begin(), end, search_entry);
-        if (pos != end)
-        {
-            if (pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
-                return pos->value;
-        }
-        return fail_value;
-    }
+    Entry(const char *cstr, const T &v) : cstring(cstr), value(v) {}
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Get a pointer to the first entry that matches "name". nullptr will
-    // be returned if there is no entry that matches "name".
-    //
-    // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
-    // not change during while using the returned pointer.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const Entry *
-    FindFirstValueForName (const char *unique_cstr) const
-    {
-        Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
-        const_iterator end = m_map.end();
-        const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound (m_map.begin(), end, search_entry);
-        if (pos != end)
-        {
-            const char *pos_cstr = pos->cstring;
-            if (pos_cstr == unique_cstr)
-                return &(*pos);
-        }
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Get a pointer to the next entry that matches "name" from a
-    // previously returned Entry pointer. nullptr will be returned if there
-    // is no subsequent entry that matches "name".
-    //
-    // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
-    // not change during while using the returned pointer.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const Entry *
-    FindNextValueForName (const Entry *entry_ptr) const
-    {
-        if (!m_map.empty())
-        {
-            const Entry *first_entry = &m_map[0];
-            const Entry *after_last_entry = first_entry + m_map.size();
-            const Entry *next_entry = entry_ptr + 1;
-            if (first_entry <= next_entry && next_entry < after_last_entry)
-            {
-                if (next_entry->cstring == entry_ptr->cstring)
-                    return next_entry;
-            }
-        }
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetValues (const char *unique_cstr, std::vector<T> &values) const
-    {
-        const size_t start_size = values.size();
-        Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
-        const_iterator pos, end = m_map.end();
-        for (pos = std::lower_bound (m_map.begin(), end, search_entry); pos != end; ++pos)
-        {
-            if (pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
-                values.push_back (pos->value);
-            else
-                break;
-        }
-        return values.size() - start_size;
-    }
-    size_t
-    GetValues (const RegularExpression& regex, std::vector<T> &values) const
-    {
-        const size_t start_size = values.size();
-        const_iterator pos, end = m_map.end();
-        for (pos = m_map.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
-        {
-            if (regex.Execute(pos->cstring))
-                values.push_back (pos->value);
-        }
-        return values.size() - start_size;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Get the total number of entries in this map.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    size_t
-    GetSize () const
-    {
-        return m_map.size();
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Returns true if this map is empty.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    bool
-    IsEmpty() const
-    {
-        return m_map.empty();
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Reserve memory for at least "n" entries in the map. This is
-    // useful to call when you know you will be adding a lot of entries
-    // using UniqueCStringMap::Append() (which should be followed by a
-    // call to UniqueCStringMap::Sort()) or to UniqueCStringMap::Insert().
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Reserve (size_t n)
-    {
-        m_map.reserve (n);
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Sort the unsorted contents in this map. A typical code flow would
-    // be:
-    // size_t approximate_num_entries = ....
-    // UniqueCStringMap<uint32_t> my_map;
-    // my_map.Reserve (approximate_num_entries);
-    // for (...)
-    // {
-    //      my_map.Append (UniqueCStringMap::Entry(GetName(...), GetValue(...)));
-    // }
-    // my_map.Sort();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Sort ()
-    {
-        std::sort (m_map.begin(), m_map.end());
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Since we are using a vector to contain our items it will always 
-    // double its memory consumption as things are added to the vector,
-    // so if you intend to keep a UniqueCStringMap around and have
-    // a lot of entries in the map, you will want to call this function
-    // to create a new vector and copy _only_ the exact size needed as
-    // part of the finalization of the string map.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    SizeToFit ()
-    {
-        if (m_map.size() < m_map.capacity())
-        {
-            collection temp (m_map.begin(), m_map.end());
-            m_map.swap(temp);
-        }
-    }
+    bool operator<(const Entry &rhs) const { return cstring < rhs.cstring; }
-    size_t
-    Erase (const char *unique_cstr)
-    {
-        size_t num_removed = 0;
-        Entry search_entry (unique_cstr);
-        iterator end = m_map.end();
-        iterator begin = m_map.begin();
-        iterator lower_pos = std::lower_bound (begin, end, search_entry);
-        if (lower_pos != end)
-        {
-            if (lower_pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
-            {
-                iterator upper_pos = std::upper_bound (lower_pos, end, search_entry);
-                if (lower_pos == upper_pos)
-                {
-                    m_map.erase (lower_pos);
-                    num_removed = 1;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    num_removed = std::distance (lower_pos, upper_pos);
-                    m_map.erase (lower_pos, upper_pos);
-                }
-            }
+    const char *cstring;
+    T value;
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Call this function multiple times to add a bunch of entries to
+  // this map, then later call UniqueCStringMap<T>::Sort() before doing
+  // any searches by name.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Append(const char *unique_cstr, const T &value) {
+    m_map.push_back(typename UniqueCStringMap<T>::Entry(unique_cstr, value));
+  }
+  void Append(const Entry &e) { m_map.push_back(e); }
+  void Clear() { m_map.clear(); }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Call this function to always keep the map sorted when putting
+  // entries into the map.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Insert(const char *unique_cstr, const T &value) {
+    typename UniqueCStringMap<T>::Entry e(unique_cstr, value);
+    m_map.insert(std::upper_bound(m_map.begin(), m_map.end(), e), e);
+  }
+  void Insert(const Entry &e) {
+    m_map.insert(std::upper_bound(m_map.begin(), m_map.end(), e), e);
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Get an entries by index in a variety of forms.
+  //
+  // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
+  // not change during while using the returned values.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool GetValueAtIndex(uint32_t idx, T &value) const {
+    if (idx < m_map.size()) {
+      value = m_map[idx].value;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  const char *GetCStringAtIndexUnchecked(uint32_t idx) const {
+    return m_map[idx].cstring;
+  }
+  // Use this function if you have simple types in your map that you
+  // can easily copy when accessing values by index.
+  T GetValueAtIndexUnchecked(uint32_t idx) const { return m_map[idx].value; }
+  // Use this function if you have complex types in your map that you
+  // don't want to copy when accessing values by index.
+  const T &GetValueRefAtIndexUnchecked(uint32_t idx) const {
+    return m_map[idx].value;
+  }
+  const char *GetCStringAtIndex(uint32_t idx) const {
+    return ((idx < m_map.size()) ? m_map[idx].cstring : nullptr);
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Find the value for the unique string in the map.
+  //
+  // Return the value for \a unique_cstr if one is found, return
+  // \a fail_value otherwise. This method works well for simple type
+  // T values and only if there is a sensible failure value that can
+  // be returned and that won't match any existing values.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  T Find(const char *unique_cstr, T fail_value) const {
+    Entry search_entry(unique_cstr);
+    const_iterator end = m_map.end();
+    const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound(m_map.begin(), end, search_entry);
+    if (pos != end) {
+      if (pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
+        return pos->value;
+    }
+    return fail_value;
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Get a pointer to the first entry that matches "name". nullptr will
+  // be returned if there is no entry that matches "name".
+  //
+  // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
+  // not change during while using the returned pointer.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const Entry *FindFirstValueForName(const char *unique_cstr) const {
+    Entry search_entry(unique_cstr);
+    const_iterator end = m_map.end();
+    const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound(m_map.begin(), end, search_entry);
+    if (pos != end) {
+      const char *pos_cstr = pos->cstring;
+      if (pos_cstr == unique_cstr)
+        return &(*pos);
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Get a pointer to the next entry that matches "name" from a
+  // previously returned Entry pointer. nullptr will be returned if there
+  // is no subsequent entry that matches "name".
+  //
+  // The caller is responsible for ensuring that the collection does
+  // not change during while using the returned pointer.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const Entry *FindNextValueForName(const Entry *entry_ptr) const {
+    if (!m_map.empty()) {
+      const Entry *first_entry = &m_map[0];
+      const Entry *after_last_entry = first_entry + m_map.size();
+      const Entry *next_entry = entry_ptr + 1;
+      if (first_entry <= next_entry && next_entry < after_last_entry) {
+        if (next_entry->cstring == entry_ptr->cstring)
+          return next_entry;
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  size_t GetValues(const char *unique_cstr, std::vector<T> &values) const {
+    const size_t start_size = values.size();
+    Entry search_entry(unique_cstr);
+    const_iterator pos, end = m_map.end();
+    for (pos = std::lower_bound(m_map.begin(), end, search_entry); pos != end;
+         ++pos) {
+      if (pos->cstring == unique_cstr)
+        values.push_back(pos->value);
+      else
+        break;
+    }
+    return values.size() - start_size;
+  }
+  size_t GetValues(const RegularExpression &regex,
+                   std::vector<T> &values) const {
+    const size_t start_size = values.size();
+    const_iterator pos, end = m_map.end();
+    for (pos = m_map.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+      if (regex.Execute(pos->cstring))
+        values.push_back(pos->value);
+    }
+    return values.size() - start_size;
+  }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Get the total number of entries in this map.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  size_t GetSize() const { return m_map.size(); }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Returns true if this map is empty.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bool IsEmpty() const { return m_map.empty(); }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Reserve memory for at least "n" entries in the map. This is
+  // useful to call when you know you will be adding a lot of entries
+  // using UniqueCStringMap::Append() (which should be followed by a
+  // call to UniqueCStringMap::Sort()) or to UniqueCStringMap::Insert().
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Reserve(size_t n) { m_map.reserve(n); }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Sort the unsorted contents in this map. A typical code flow would
+  // be:
+  // size_t approximate_num_entries = ....
+  // UniqueCStringMap<uint32_t> my_map;
+  // my_map.Reserve (approximate_num_entries);
+  // for (...)
+  // {
+  //      my_map.Append (UniqueCStringMap::Entry(GetName(...), GetValue(...)));
+  // }
+  // my_map.Sort();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Sort() { std::sort(m_map.begin(), m_map.end()); }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Since we are using a vector to contain our items it will always
+  // double its memory consumption as things are added to the vector,
+  // so if you intend to keep a UniqueCStringMap around and have
+  // a lot of entries in the map, you will want to call this function
+  // to create a new vector and copy _only_ the exact size needed as
+  // part of the finalization of the string map.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void SizeToFit() {
+    if (m_map.size() < m_map.capacity()) {
+      collection temp(m_map.begin(), m_map.end());
+      m_map.swap(temp);
+    }
+  }
+  size_t Erase(const char *unique_cstr) {
+    size_t num_removed = 0;
+    Entry search_entry(unique_cstr);
+    iterator end = m_map.end();
+    iterator begin = m_map.begin();
+    iterator lower_pos = std::lower_bound(begin, end, search_entry);
+    if (lower_pos != end) {
+      if (lower_pos->cstring == unique_cstr) {
+        iterator upper_pos = std::upper_bound(lower_pos, end, search_entry);
+        if (lower_pos == upper_pos) {
+          m_map.erase(lower_pos);
+          num_removed = 1;
+        } else {
+          num_removed = std::distance(lower_pos, upper_pos);
+          m_map.erase(lower_pos, upper_pos);
-        return num_removed;
+      }
+    return num_removed;
+  }
-    typedef std::vector<Entry> collection;
-    typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
-    typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
-    collection m_map;
+  typedef std::vector<Entry> collection;
+  typedef typename collection::iterator iterator;
+  typedef typename collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  collection m_map;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserID.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserID.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserID.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserID.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 #ifndef liblldb_UserID_h_
 #define liblldb_UserID_h_
@@ -30,101 +29,90 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 /// index, functions can use it to store the symbol table index or the
 /// DWARF offset.
-struct UserID
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Construct with optional user ID.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    UserID (lldb::user_id_t uid = LLDB_INVALID_UID) : m_uid(uid) {}
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Destructor.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ~UserID ()
-    {
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Clears the object state.
-    ///
-    /// Clears the object contents back to a default invalid state.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    Clear () { m_uid = LLDB_INVALID_UID; }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Get accessor for the user ID.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     The user ID.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::user_id_t
-    GetID () const { return m_uid; }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Set accessor for the user ID.
-    ///
-    /// @param[in] uid
-    ///     The new user ID.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    void
-    SetID (lldb::user_id_t uid) { m_uid = uid; }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Unary predicate function object that can search for a matching
-    /// user ID.
-    ///
-    /// Function object that can be used on any class that inherits
-    /// from UserID:
-    /// \code
-    /// iterator pos;
-    /// pos = std::find_if (coll.begin(), coll.end(), UserID::IDMatches(blockID));
-    /// \endcode
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    class IDMatches
-    {
-    public:
-        //--------------------------------------------------------------
-        /// Construct with the user ID to look for.
-        //--------------------------------------------------------------
-        IDMatches (lldb::user_id_t uid) : m_uid(uid) {}
-        //--------------------------------------------------------------
-        /// Unary predicate function object callback.
-        //--------------------------------------------------------------
-        bool
-        operator () (const UserID& rhs) const { return m_uid == rhs.GetID(); }
-    private:
-        //--------------------------------------------------------------
-        // Member variables.
-        //--------------------------------------------------------------
-        const lldb::user_id_t m_uid; ///< The user ID we are looking for
-    };
+struct UserID {
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Construct with optional user ID.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  UserID(lldb::user_id_t uid = LLDB_INVALID_UID) : m_uid(uid) {}
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Destructor.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ~UserID() {}
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Clears the object state.
+  ///
+  /// Clears the object contents back to a default invalid state.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void Clear() { m_uid = LLDB_INVALID_UID; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Get accessor for the user ID.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     The user ID.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::user_id_t GetID() const { return m_uid; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Set accessor for the user ID.
+  ///
+  /// @param[in] uid
+  ///     The new user ID.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void SetID(lldb::user_id_t uid) { m_uid = uid; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Unary predicate function object that can search for a matching
+  /// user ID.
+  ///
+  /// Function object that can be used on any class that inherits
+  /// from UserID:
+  /// \code
+  /// iterator pos;
+  /// pos = std::find_if (coll.begin(), coll.end(), UserID::IDMatches(blockID));
+  /// \endcode
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  class IDMatches {
+  public:
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    /// Construct with the user ID to look for.
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    IDMatches(lldb::user_id_t uid) : m_uid(uid) {}
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    /// Unary predicate function object callback.
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    bool operator()(const UserID &rhs) const { return m_uid == rhs.GetID(); }
+  private:
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Member variables.
+    //--------------------------------------------------------------
+    const lldb::user_id_t m_uid; ///< The user ID we are looking for
+  };
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Member variables.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    lldb::user_id_t m_uid; ///< The user ID that uniquely identifies an object.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Member variables.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  lldb::user_id_t m_uid; ///< The user ID that uniquely identifies an object.
-inline bool operator== (const UserID& lhs, const UserID& rhs)
+inline bool operator==(const UserID &lhs, const UserID &rhs) {
   return lhs.GetID() == rhs.GetID();
-inline bool operator!= (const UserID& lhs, const UserID& rhs)
+inline bool operator!=(const UserID &lhs, const UserID &rhs) {
   return lhs.GetID() != rhs.GetID();
 /// Stream the UserID object to a Stream.
-Stream& operator << (Stream& strm, const UserID& uid);
+Stream &operator<<(Stream &strm, const UserID &uid);
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_UserID_h_
+#endif // liblldb_UserID_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserSettingsController.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserSettingsController.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserSettingsController.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/UserSettingsController.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//====-- UserSettingsController.h --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//====-- UserSettingsController.h --------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -19,91 +20,73 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/StringList.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/StringList.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValue.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class Properties
+class Properties {
-    Properties () :
-        m_collection_sp ()
-    {
-    }
-    Properties (const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &collection_sp) :
-        m_collection_sp (collection_sp)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual
-    ~Properties()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetValueProperties () const
-    {
-        // This function is virtual in case subclasses want to lazily
-        // implement creating the properties.
-        return m_collection_sp;
-    }
-    virtual lldb::OptionValueSP
-    GetPropertyValue (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
-                      const char *property_path,
-                      bool will_modify,
-                      Error &error) const;
-    virtual Error
-    SetPropertyValue (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
-                      VarSetOperationType op,
-                      const char *property_path,
-                      const char *value);
-    virtual Error
-    DumpPropertyValue (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
-                       Stream &strm,
-                       const char *property_path,
-                       uint32_t dump_mask);
-    virtual void
-    DumpAllPropertyValues (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
-                           Stream &strm,
-                           uint32_t dump_mask);
-    virtual void
-    DumpAllDescriptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
-                         Stream &strm) const;
-    size_t
-    Apropos (const char *keyword,
-             std::vector<const Property *> &matching_properties) const;
-    lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP
-    GetSubProperty (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
-                    const ConstString &name);
-    // We sometimes need to introduce a setting to enable experimental features,
-    // but then we don't want the setting for these to cause errors when the setting
-    // goes away.  Add a sub-topic of the settings using this experimental name, and
-    // two things will happen.  One is that settings that don't find the name will not
-    // be treated as errors.  Also, if you decide to keep the settings just move them into
-    // the containing properties, and we will auto-forward the experimental settings to the
-    // real one.
-    static const char *
-    GetExperimentalSettingsName();
-    static bool
-    IsSettingExperimental(const char *setting);
+  Properties() : m_collection_sp() {}
+  Properties(const lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP &collection_sp)
+      : m_collection_sp(collection_sp) {}
+  virtual ~Properties() {}
+  virtual lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP GetValueProperties() const {
+    // This function is virtual in case subclasses want to lazily
+    // implement creating the properties.
+    return m_collection_sp;
+  }
+  virtual lldb::OptionValueSP GetPropertyValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
+                                               const char *property_path,
+                                               bool will_modify,
+                                               Error &error) const;
+  virtual Error SetPropertyValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
+                                 VarSetOperationType op,
+                                 const char *property_path, const char *value);
+  virtual Error DumpPropertyValue(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, Stream &strm,
+                                  const char *property_path,
+                                  uint32_t dump_mask);
+  virtual void DumpAllPropertyValues(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
+                                     Stream &strm, uint32_t dump_mask);
+  virtual void DumpAllDescriptions(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
+                                   Stream &strm) const;
+  size_t Apropos(const char *keyword,
+                 std::vector<const Property *> &matching_properties) const;
+  lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP GetSubProperty(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
+                                               const ConstString &name);
+  // We sometimes need to introduce a setting to enable experimental features,
+  // but then we don't want the setting for these to cause errors when the
+  // setting
+  // goes away.  Add a sub-topic of the settings using this experimental name,
+  // and
+  // two things will happen.  One is that settings that don't find the name will
+  // not
+  // be treated as errors.  Also, if you decide to keep the settings just move
+  // them into
+  // the containing properties, and we will auto-forward the experimental
+  // settings to the
+  // real one.
+  static const char *GetExperimentalSettingsName();
+  static bool IsSettingExperimental(const char *setting);
-    lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP m_collection_sp;
+  lldb::OptionValuePropertiesSP m_collection_sp;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/VMRange.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/VMRange.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/VMRange.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/VMRange.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,163 +19,108 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A vm address range. These can represent offsets ranges or actual
 // addresses.
-class VMRange
+class VMRange {
+  typedef std::vector<VMRange> collection;
+  typedef collection::iterator iterator;
+  typedef collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
-    typedef std::vector<VMRange> collection;
-    typedef collection::iterator iterator;
-    typedef collection::const_iterator const_iterator;
-    VMRange() :
-        m_base_addr(0),
-        m_byte_size(0)
-    {
-    }
+  VMRange() : m_base_addr(0), m_byte_size(0) {}
-    VMRange(lldb::addr_t start_addr, lldb::addr_t end_addr) :
-        m_base_addr(start_addr),
-        m_byte_size(end_addr > start_addr ? end_addr - start_addr : 0)
-    {
-    }
+  VMRange(lldb::addr_t start_addr, lldb::addr_t end_addr)
+      : m_base_addr(start_addr),
+        m_byte_size(end_addr > start_addr ? end_addr - start_addr : 0) {}
-    ~VMRange()
-    {
-    }
+  ~VMRange() {}
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        m_base_addr = 0;
-        m_byte_size = 0;  
-    }
+  void Clear() {
+    m_base_addr = 0;
+    m_byte_size = 0;
+  }
-    // Set the start and end values
-    void 
-    Reset (lldb::addr_t start_addr, lldb::addr_t end_addr)
-    {
-        SetBaseAddress (start_addr);
-        SetEndAddress (end_addr);
-    }
+  // Set the start and end values
+  void Reset(lldb::addr_t start_addr, lldb::addr_t end_addr) {
+    SetBaseAddress(start_addr);
+    SetEndAddress(end_addr);
+  }
-    // Set the start value for the range, and keep the same size
-    void
-    SetBaseAddress (lldb::addr_t base_addr)
-    {
-        m_base_addr = base_addr;
-    }
+  // Set the start value for the range, and keep the same size
+  void SetBaseAddress(lldb::addr_t base_addr) { m_base_addr = base_addr; }
-    void
-    SetEndAddress (lldb::addr_t end_addr)
-    {
-        const lldb::addr_t base_addr = GetBaseAddress();
-        if (end_addr > base_addr)
-            m_byte_size = end_addr - base_addr;
-        else
-            m_byte_size = 0;
-    }
+  void SetEndAddress(lldb::addr_t end_addr) {
+    const lldb::addr_t base_addr = GetBaseAddress();
+    if (end_addr > base_addr)
+      m_byte_size = end_addr - base_addr;
+    else
+      m_byte_size = 0;
+  }
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetByteSize () const
-    {
-        return m_byte_size;
-    }
+  lldb::addr_t GetByteSize() const { return m_byte_size; }
-    void
-    SetByteSize (lldb::addr_t byte_size)
-    {
-        m_byte_size = byte_size;
-    }
+  void SetByteSize(lldb::addr_t byte_size) { m_byte_size = byte_size; }
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetBaseAddress () const
-    {
-        return m_base_addr;
-    }
+  lldb::addr_t GetBaseAddress() const { return m_base_addr; }
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetEndAddress () const
-    {
-        return GetBaseAddress() + m_byte_size;
-    }
+  lldb::addr_t GetEndAddress() const { return GetBaseAddress() + m_byte_size; }
+  bool IsValid() const { return m_byte_size > 0; }
-    bool
-    IsValid() const
-    {
-        return m_byte_size > 0;
+  bool Contains(lldb::addr_t addr) const {
+    return (GetBaseAddress() <= addr) && (addr < GetEndAddress());
+  }
+  bool Contains(const VMRange &range) const {
+    if (Contains(range.GetBaseAddress())) {
+      lldb::addr_t range_end = range.GetEndAddress();
+      return (GetBaseAddress() <= range_end) && (range_end <= GetEndAddress());
+    return false;
+  }
+  void Dump(Stream *s, lldb::addr_t base_addr = 0,
+            uint32_t addr_width = 8) const;
-    bool
-    Contains (lldb::addr_t addr) const
-    {
-        return (GetBaseAddress() <= addr) && (addr < GetEndAddress());
+  class ValueInRangeUnaryPredicate {
+  public:
+    ValueInRangeUnaryPredicate(lldb::addr_t value) : _value(value) {}
+    bool operator()(const VMRange &range) const {
+      return range.Contains(_value);
+    lldb::addr_t _value;
+  };
-    bool 
-    Contains (const VMRange& range) const
-    {
-        if (Contains(range.GetBaseAddress()))
-        {
-            lldb::addr_t range_end = range.GetEndAddress();
-            return (GetBaseAddress() <= range_end) && (range_end <= GetEndAddress());
-        }
-        return false;
+  class RangeInRangeUnaryPredicate {
+  public:
+    RangeInRangeUnaryPredicate(VMRange range) : _range(range) {}
+    bool operator()(const VMRange &range) const {
+      return range.Contains(_range);
+    const VMRange &_range;
+  };
+  static bool ContainsValue(const VMRange::collection &coll,
+                            lldb::addr_t value);
-    void
-    Dump (Stream *s, lldb::addr_t base_addr = 0, uint32_t addr_width = 8) const;
+  static bool ContainsRange(const VMRange::collection &coll,
+                            const VMRange &range);
-    class ValueInRangeUnaryPredicate
-    {
-    public:
-        ValueInRangeUnaryPredicate(lldb::addr_t value) :
-            _value(value)
-        {
-        }
-        bool operator()(const VMRange& range) const
-        {
-            return range.Contains(_value);
-        }
-        lldb::addr_t _value;
-    };
-    class RangeInRangeUnaryPredicate
-    {
-    public:
-        RangeInRangeUnaryPredicate(VMRange range) :
-            _range(range)
-        {
-        }
-        bool operator()(const VMRange& range) const
-        {
-            return range.Contains(_range);
-        }
-        const VMRange& _range;
-    };
-    static bool
-    ContainsValue(const VMRange::collection& coll, lldb::addr_t value);
-    static bool
-    ContainsRange(const VMRange::collection& coll, const VMRange& range);
-    // Returns a valid index into coll when a match is found, else UINT32_MAX
-    // is returned
-    static size_t
-    FindRangeIndexThatContainsValue (const VMRange::collection& coll, lldb::addr_t value);
+  // Returns a valid index into coll when a match is found, else UINT32_MAX
+  // is returned
+  static size_t FindRangeIndexThatContainsValue(const VMRange::collection &coll,
+                                                lldb::addr_t value);
-    lldb::addr_t m_base_addr;
-    lldb::addr_t m_byte_size;
+  lldb::addr_t m_base_addr;
+  lldb::addr_t m_byte_size;
-bool operator== (const VMRange& lhs, const VMRange& rhs);
-bool operator!= (const VMRange& lhs, const VMRange& rhs);
-bool operator<  (const VMRange& lhs, const VMRange& rhs);
-bool operator<= (const VMRange& lhs, const VMRange& rhs);
-bool operator>  (const VMRange& lhs, const VMRange& rhs);
-bool operator>= (const VMRange& lhs, const VMRange& rhs);
+bool operator==(const VMRange &lhs, const VMRange &rhs);
+bool operator!=(const VMRange &lhs, const VMRange &rhs);
+bool operator<(const VMRange &lhs, const VMRange &rhs);
+bool operator<=(const VMRange &lhs, const VMRange &rhs);
+bool operator>(const VMRange &lhs, const VMRange &rhs);
+bool operator>=(const VMRange &lhs, const VMRange &rhs);
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_VMRange_h_
+#endif // liblldb_VMRange_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Value.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Value.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Value.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/Value.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -16,308 +16,232 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Scalar.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class Value
+class Value {
-    // Values Less than zero are an error, greater than or equal to zero
-    // returns what the Scalar result is.
-    enum ValueType
-    {
-                                        // m_value contains...
-                                        // ============================
-        eValueTypeScalar,               // raw scalar value
-        eValueTypeVector,               // byte array of m_vector.length with endianness of m_vector.byte_order
-        eValueTypeFileAddress,          // file address value
-        eValueTypeLoadAddress,          // load address value
-        eValueTypeHostAddress           // host address value (for memory in the process that is using liblldb)
-    };
-    enum ContextType                    // Type that describes Value::m_context
-    {
-                                        // m_context contains...
-                                        // ====================
-        eContextTypeInvalid,            // undefined
-        eContextTypeRegisterInfo,       // RegisterInfo * (can be a scalar or a vector register)
-        eContextTypeLLDBType,           // lldb_private::Type *
-        eContextTypeVariable            // lldb_private::Variable *
-    };
-    const static size_t kMaxByteSize = 32u;
-    struct Vector
-    {
-        // The byte array must be big enough to hold vector registers for any supported target.
-        uint8_t bytes[kMaxByteSize];
-        size_t length;
-        lldb::ByteOrder byte_order;
-        Vector() : 
-			length(0), 
-			byte_order(lldb::eByteOrderInvalid) 
-        {
-		}
-        Vector(const Vector& vector) 
-		{ *this = vector; 
-        }
-        const Vector& 
-		operator=(const Vector& vector) 
-		{
-            SetBytes(vector.bytes, vector.length, vector.byte_order);
-            return *this;
-        }
-        void
-        Clear ()
-        {
-			length = 0;
-        }
-        bool
-		SetBytes(const void *bytes, size_t length, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order)
-		{
-            this->length = length;
-            this->byte_order = byte_order;
-            if (length)
-                ::memcpy(this->bytes, bytes, length < kMaxByteSize ? length : kMaxByteSize);
-            return IsValid();
-        }
-        bool
-		IsValid() const 
-		{
-            return (length > 0 && length < kMaxByteSize && byte_order != lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-        }
-        // Casts a vector, if valid, to an unsigned int of matching or largest supported size.
-        // Truncates to the beginning of the vector if required.
-        // Returns a default constructed Scalar if the Vector data is internally inconsistent.
-        llvm::APInt rhs = llvm::APInt(BITWIDTH_INT128, NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128, ((type128 *)bytes)->x);
-        Scalar 
-		GetAsScalar() const 
-		{
-            Scalar scalar;
-            if (IsValid())
-            {
-                if (length == 1) scalar = *(const uint8_t *)bytes;
-                else if (length == 2) scalar = *(const uint16_t *)bytes;
-                else if (length == 4) scalar = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
-                else if (length == 8) scalar = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
-                else if (length >= 16) scalar = rhs;
-            }
-            return scalar;
-        }
-    };
-    Value();
-    Value(const Scalar& scalar);
-    Value(const Vector& vector);
-    Value(const void *bytes, int len);
-    Value(const Value &rhs);
-    void
-    SetBytes (const void *bytes, int len);
-    void
-    AppendBytes (const void *bytes, int len);
-    Value &
-    operator=(const Value &rhs);
-    const CompilerType &
-    GetCompilerType();
-    void
-    SetCompilerType (const CompilerType &compiler_type);
-    ValueType
-    GetValueType() const;
-    AddressType
-    GetValueAddressType () const;
-    ContextType
-    GetContextType() const
-    {
-        return m_context_type;
-    }
+  // Values Less than zero are an error, greater than or equal to zero
+  // returns what the Scalar result is.
+  enum ValueType {
+    // m_value contains...
+    // ============================
+    eValueTypeScalar,      // raw scalar value
+    eValueTypeVector,      // byte array of m_vector.length with endianness of
+                           // m_vector.byte_order
+    eValueTypeFileAddress, // file address value
+    eValueTypeLoadAddress, // load address value
+    eValueTypeHostAddress  // host address value (for memory in the process that
+                           // is using liblldb)
+  };
-    void
-    SetValueType (ValueType value_type)
-    {
-        m_value_type = value_type;
-    }
+  enum ContextType // Type that describes Value::m_context
+  {
+    // m_context contains...
+    // ====================
+    eContextTypeInvalid,      // undefined
+    eContextTypeRegisterInfo, // RegisterInfo * (can be a scalar or a vector
+                              // register)
+    eContextTypeLLDBType,     // lldb_private::Type *
+    eContextTypeVariable      // lldb_private::Variable *
+  };
-    void
-    ClearContext ()
-    {
-        m_context = nullptr;
-        m_context_type = eContextTypeInvalid;
-    }
+  const static size_t kMaxByteSize = 32u;
-    void
-    SetContext (ContextType context_type, void *p)
-    {
-        m_context_type = context_type;
-        m_context = p;
-        if (m_context_type == eContextTypeRegisterInfo) {
-            RegisterInfo *reg_info = GetRegisterInfo();
-            if (reg_info->encoding == lldb::eEncodingVector &&
-                m_vector.byte_order != lldb::eByteOrderInvalid)
-                SetValueType(eValueTypeScalar);
-        }
-    }
+  struct Vector {
+    // The byte array must be big enough to hold vector registers for any
+    // supported target.
+    uint8_t bytes[kMaxByteSize];
+    size_t length;
+    lldb::ByteOrder byte_order;
-    RegisterInfo *
-    GetRegisterInfo() const;
+    Vector() : length(0), byte_order(lldb::eByteOrderInvalid) {}
-    Type *
-    GetType();
+    Vector(const Vector &vector) { *this = vector; }
+    const Vector &operator=(const Vector &vector) {
+      SetBytes(vector.bytes, vector.length, vector.byte_order);
+      return *this;
+    }
-    Scalar &
-    ResolveValue (ExecutionContext *exe_ctx);
+    void Clear() { length = 0; }
-    const Scalar &
-    GetScalar() const
-    {
-        return m_value;
-    }
-    const Vector &
-    GetVector() const
-    {
-        return m_vector;
-    }
-    Scalar &
-    GetScalar()
-    {
-        return m_value;
-    }
-    Vector &
-    GetVector()
-    {
-        return m_vector;
+    bool SetBytes(const void *bytes, size_t length,
+                  lldb::ByteOrder byte_order) {
+      this->length = length;
+      this->byte_order = byte_order;
+      if (length)
+        ::memcpy(this->bytes, bytes,
+                 length < kMaxByteSize ? length : kMaxByteSize);
+      return IsValid();
-    bool
-    SetVectorBytes(const Vector& vector) 
-	{
-        m_vector = vector;
-        return m_vector.IsValid();
+    bool IsValid() const {
+      return (length > 0 && length < kMaxByteSize &&
+              byte_order != lldb::eByteOrderInvalid);
-    bool
-    SetVectorBytes(uint8_t *bytes, size_t length, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order) 
-	{
-        return m_vector.SetBytes(bytes, length, byte_order);
+    // Casts a vector, if valid, to an unsigned int of matching or largest
+    // supported size.
+    // Truncates to the beginning of the vector if required.
+    // Returns a default constructed Scalar if the Vector data is internally
+    // inconsistent.
+    llvm::APInt rhs = llvm::APInt(BITWIDTH_INT128, NUM_OF_WORDS_INT128,
+                                  ((type128 *)bytes)->x);
+    Scalar GetAsScalar() const {
+      Scalar scalar;
+      if (IsValid()) {
+        if (length == 1)
+          scalar = *(const uint8_t *)bytes;
+        else if (length == 2)
+          scalar = *(const uint16_t *)bytes;
+        else if (length == 4)
+          scalar = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
+        else if (length == 8)
+          scalar = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
+        else if (length >= 16)
+          scalar = rhs;
+      }
+      return scalar;
+  };
-    bool
-    SetScalarFromVector() 
-	{
-        if (m_vector.IsValid()) 
-		{
-            m_value = m_vector.GetAsScalar();
-            return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
+  Value();
+  Value(const Scalar &scalar);
+  Value(const Vector &vector);
+  Value(const void *bytes, int len);
+  Value(const Value &rhs);
+  void SetBytes(const void *bytes, int len);
+  void AppendBytes(const void *bytes, int len);
+  Value &operator=(const Value &rhs);
+  const CompilerType &GetCompilerType();
+  void SetCompilerType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
+  ValueType GetValueType() const;
+  AddressType GetValueAddressType() const;
-    size_t
-    ResizeData(size_t len);
-    size_t
-    AppendDataToHostBuffer (const Value &rhs);
-    DataBufferHeap &
-    GetBuffer ()
-    {
-        return m_data_buffer;
+  ContextType GetContextType() const { return m_context_type; }
+  void SetValueType(ValueType value_type) { m_value_type = value_type; }
+  void ClearContext() {
+    m_context = nullptr;
+    m_context_type = eContextTypeInvalid;
+  }
+  void SetContext(ContextType context_type, void *p) {
+    m_context_type = context_type;
+    m_context = p;
+    if (m_context_type == eContextTypeRegisterInfo) {
+      RegisterInfo *reg_info = GetRegisterInfo();
+      if (reg_info->encoding == lldb::eEncodingVector &&
+          m_vector.byte_order != lldb::eByteOrderInvalid)
+        SetValueType(eValueTypeScalar);
+  }
+  RegisterInfo *GetRegisterInfo() const;
+  Type *GetType();
+  Scalar &ResolveValue(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx);
+  const Scalar &GetScalar() const { return m_value; }
+  const Vector &GetVector() const { return m_vector; }
+  Scalar &GetScalar() { return m_value; }
-    const DataBufferHeap &
-    GetBuffer () const
-    {
-        return m_data_buffer;
+  Vector &GetVector() { return m_vector; }
+  bool SetVectorBytes(const Vector &vector) {
+    m_vector = vector;
+    return m_vector.IsValid();
+  }
+  bool SetVectorBytes(uint8_t *bytes, size_t length,
+                      lldb::ByteOrder byte_order) {
+    return m_vector.SetBytes(bytes, length, byte_order);
+  }
+  bool SetScalarFromVector() {
+    if (m_vector.IsValid()) {
+      m_value = m_vector.GetAsScalar();
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  size_t ResizeData(size_t len);
-    bool
-    ValueOf(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx);
+  size_t AppendDataToHostBuffer(const Value &rhs);
-    Variable *
-    GetVariable();
+  DataBufferHeap &GetBuffer() { return m_data_buffer; }
-    void
-    Dump (Stream* strm);
+  const DataBufferHeap &GetBuffer() const { return m_data_buffer; }
-    lldb::Format
-    GetValueDefaultFormat ();
+  bool ValueOf(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx);
-    uint64_t
-    GetValueByteSize (Error *error_ptr, ExecutionContext *exe_ctx);
+  Variable *GetVariable();
-    Error
-    GetValueAsData(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, 
-                   DataExtractor &data, 
-                   uint32_t data_offset,
-                   Module *module);     // Can be nullptr
+  void Dump(Stream *strm);
-    static const char *
-    GetValueTypeAsCString (ValueType context_type);
+  lldb::Format GetValueDefaultFormat();
-    static const char *
-    GetContextTypeAsCString (ContextType context_type);
+  uint64_t GetValueByteSize(Error *error_ptr, ExecutionContext *exe_ctx);
-    bool
-    GetData (DataExtractor &data);
+  Error GetValueAsData(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, DataExtractor &data,
+                       uint32_t data_offset,
+                       Module *module); // Can be nullptr
-    void
-    Clear();
+  static const char *GetValueTypeAsCString(ValueType context_type);
+  static const char *GetContextTypeAsCString(ContextType context_type);
+  bool GetData(DataExtractor &data);
+  void Clear();
-    Scalar          m_value;
-    Vector          m_vector;
-    CompilerType    m_compiler_type;
-    void *          m_context;
-    ValueType       m_value_type;
-    ContextType     m_context_type;
-    DataBufferHeap  m_data_buffer;
+  Scalar m_value;
+  Vector m_vector;
+  CompilerType m_compiler_type;
+  void *m_context;
+  ValueType m_value_type;
+  ContextType m_context_type;
+  DataBufferHeap m_data_buffer;
-class ValueList
+class ValueList {
-    ValueList () :
-        m_values()
-    {
-    }
+  ValueList() : m_values() {}
-    ValueList (const ValueList &rhs);
+  ValueList(const ValueList &rhs);
-    ~ValueList() = default;
+  ~ValueList() = default;
-    const ValueList & operator= (const ValueList &rhs);
+  const ValueList &operator=(const ValueList &rhs);
-    // void InsertValue (Value *value, size_t idx);
-    void PushValue (const Value &value);
+  // void InsertValue (Value *value, size_t idx);
+  void PushValue(const Value &value);
-    size_t GetSize ();
-    Value *GetValueAtIndex(size_t idx);
-    void Clear();
+  size_t GetSize();
+  Value *GetValueAtIndex(size_t idx);
+  void Clear();
-    typedef std::vector<Value> collection;
+  typedef std::vector<Value> collection;
-    collection m_values;
+  collection m_values;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Flags.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/UserID.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
@@ -35,1261 +34,1001 @@
 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/StackID.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/SharedCluster.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
 /// ValueObject:
-/// This abstract class provides an interface to a particular value, be it a register, a local or global variable,
-/// that is evaluated in some particular scope.  The ValueObject also has the capability of being the "child" of
-/// some other variable object, and in turn of having children.  
-/// If a ValueObject is a root variable object - having no parent - then it must be constructed with respect to some
-/// particular ExecutionContextScope.  If it is a child, it inherits the ExecutionContextScope from its parent.
-/// The ValueObject will update itself if necessary before fetching its value, summary, object description, etc.
-/// But it will always update itself in the ExecutionContextScope with which it was originally created.
-/// A brief note on life cycle management for ValueObjects.  This is a little tricky because a ValueObject can contain
-/// various other ValueObjects - the Dynamic Value, its children, the dereference value, etc.  Any one of these can be
-/// handed out as a shared pointer, but for that contained value object to be valid, the root object and potentially other
-/// of the value objects need to stay around.  
-/// We solve this problem by handing out shared pointers to the Value Object and any of its dependents using a shared
-/// ClusterManager.  This treats each shared pointer handed out for the entire cluster as a reference to the whole
-/// cluster.  The whole cluster will stay around until the last reference is released.
+/// This abstract class provides an interface to a particular value, be it a
+/// register, a local or global variable,
+/// that is evaluated in some particular scope.  The ValueObject also has the
+/// capability of being the "child" of
+/// some other variable object, and in turn of having children.
+/// If a ValueObject is a root variable object - having no parent - then it must
+/// be constructed with respect to some
+/// particular ExecutionContextScope.  If it is a child, it inherits the
+/// ExecutionContextScope from its parent.
+/// The ValueObject will update itself if necessary before fetching its value,
+/// summary, object description, etc.
+/// But it will always update itself in the ExecutionContextScope with which it
+/// was originally created.
+/// A brief note on life cycle management for ValueObjects.  This is a little
+/// tricky because a ValueObject can contain
+/// various other ValueObjects - the Dynamic Value, its children, the
+/// dereference value, etc.  Any one of these can be
+/// handed out as a shared pointer, but for that contained value object to be
+/// valid, the root object and potentially other
+/// of the value objects need to stay around.
+/// We solve this problem by handing out shared pointers to the Value Object and
+/// any of its dependents using a shared
+/// ClusterManager.  This treats each shared pointer handed out for the entire
+/// cluster as a reference to the whole
+/// cluster.  The whole cluster will stay around until the last reference is
+/// released.
-/// The ValueObject mostly handle this automatically, if a value object is made with a Parent ValueObject, then it adds
+/// The ValueObject mostly handle this automatically, if a value object is made
+/// with a Parent ValueObject, then it adds
 /// itself to the ClusterManager of the parent.
-/// It does mean that external to the ValueObjects we should only ever make available ValueObjectSP's, never ValueObjects 
-/// or pointers to them.  So all the "Root level" ValueObject derived constructors should be private, and 
-/// should implement a Create function that new's up object and returns a Shared Pointer that it gets from the GetSP() method.
+/// It does mean that external to the ValueObjects we should only ever make
+/// available ValueObjectSP's, never ValueObjects
+/// or pointers to them.  So all the "Root level" ValueObject derived
+/// constructors should be private, and
+/// should implement a Create function that new's up object and returns a Shared
+/// Pointer that it gets from the GetSP() method.
-/// However, if you are making an derived ValueObject that will be contained in a parent value object, you should just
-/// hold onto a pointer to it internally, and by virtue of passing the parent ValueObject into its constructor, it will
-/// be added to the ClusterManager for the parent.  Then if you ever hand out a Shared Pointer to the contained ValueObject,
+/// However, if you are making an derived ValueObject that will be contained in
+/// a parent value object, you should just
+/// hold onto a pointer to it internally, and by virtue of passing the parent
+/// ValueObject into its constructor, it will
+/// be added to the ClusterManager for the parent.  Then if you ever hand out a
+/// Shared Pointer to the contained ValueObject,
 /// just do so by calling GetSP() on the contained object.
-class ValueObject : public UserID
+class ValueObject : public UserID {
-    enum GetExpressionPathFormat
-    {
-        eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers = 1,
-        eGetExpressionPathFormatHonorPointers
-    };
-    enum ValueObjectRepresentationStyle
-    {
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleValue = 1,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleLanguageSpecific,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleLocation,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleChildrenCount,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleType,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleName,
-        eValueObjectRepresentationStyleExpressionPath
-    };
-    enum ExpressionPathScanEndReason
-    {
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEndOfString = 1,           // out of data to parse
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild,               // child element not found
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchSyntheticChild,      // (synthetic) child element not found
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEmptyRangeNotAllowed,      // [] only allowed for arrays
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDotInsteadOfArrow,         // . used when -> should be used
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrowInsteadOfDot,         // -> used when . should be used
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonFragileIVarNotAllowed,     // ObjC ivar expansion not allowed
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorNotAllowed,   // [] not allowed by options
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorInvalid,      // [] not valid on objects other than scalars, pointers or arrays
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrayRangeOperatorMet,     // [] is good for arrays, but I cannot parse it
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonBitfieldRangeOperatorMet,  // [] is good for bitfields, but I cannot parse after it
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol,          // something is malformed in the expression
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonTakingAddressFailed,       // impossible to apply & operator
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDereferencingFailed,       // impossible to apply * operator
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded,     // [] was expanded into a VOList
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonSyntheticValueMissing,     // getting the synthetic children failed
-        eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnknown = 0xFFFF
-    };
-    enum ExpressionPathEndResultType
-    {
-        eExpressionPathEndResultTypePlain = 1,                 // anything but...
-        eExpressionPathEndResultTypeBitfield,                  // a bitfield
-        eExpressionPathEndResultTypeBoundedRange,              // a range [low-high]
-        eExpressionPathEndResultTypeUnboundedRange,            // a range []
-        eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList,           // several items in a VOList
-        eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid = 0xFFFF
-    };
-    enum ExpressionPathAftermath
-    {
-        eExpressionPathAftermathNothing = 1,               // just return it
-        eExpressionPathAftermathDereference,               // dereference the target
-        eExpressionPathAftermathTakeAddress                // take target's address
-    };
-    enum ClearUserVisibleDataItems
-    {
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsNothing = 1u << 0,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue = 1u << 1,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary = 1u << 2,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsLocation = 1u << 3,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription = 1u << 4,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSyntheticChildren = 1u << 5,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValidator = 1u << 6,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAllStrings = eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsLocation | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription,
-        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAll = 0xFFFF
-    };
-    struct GetValueForExpressionPathOptions
-    {
-        enum class SyntheticChildrenTraversal
-        {
-            None,
-            ToSynthetic,
-            FromSynthetic,
-            Both
-        };
-        bool m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax;
-        bool m_no_fragile_ivar;
-        bool m_allow_bitfields_syntax;
-        SyntheticChildrenTraversal m_synthetic_children_traversal;
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions(bool dot = false,
-                                         bool no_ivar = false,
-                                         bool bitfield = true,
-                                         SyntheticChildrenTraversal synth_traverse = SyntheticChildrenTraversal::ToSynthetic) :
-            m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax(dot),
-            m_no_fragile_ivar(no_ivar),
-            m_allow_bitfields_syntax(bitfield),
-            m_synthetic_children_traversal(synth_traverse)
-        {
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        DoCheckDotVsArrowSyntax()
-        {
-            m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax = true;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        DontCheckDotVsArrowSyntax()
-        {
-            m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax = false;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        DoAllowFragileIVar()
-        {
-            m_no_fragile_ivar = false;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        DontAllowFragileIVar()
-        {
-            m_no_fragile_ivar = true;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        DoAllowBitfieldSyntax()
-        {
-            m_allow_bitfields_syntax = true;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        DontAllowBitfieldSyntax()
-        {
-            m_allow_bitfields_syntax = false;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
-        SetSyntheticChildrenTraversal(SyntheticChildrenTraversal traverse)
-        {
-            m_synthetic_children_traversal = traverse;
-            return *this;
-        }
-        static const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions
-        DefaultOptions()
-        {
-            static GetValueForExpressionPathOptions g_default_options;
-            return g_default_options;
-        }
+  enum GetExpressionPathFormat {
+    eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers = 1,
+    eGetExpressionPathFormatHonorPointers
+  };
+  enum ValueObjectRepresentationStyle {
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleValue = 1,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleLanguageSpecific,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleLocation,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleChildrenCount,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleType,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleName,
+    eValueObjectRepresentationStyleExpressionPath
+  };
+  enum ExpressionPathScanEndReason {
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEndOfString = 1,      // out of data to parse
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild,          // child element not found
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchSyntheticChild, // (synthetic) child
+                                                      // element not found
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEmptyRangeNotAllowed, // [] only allowed for
+                                                      // arrays
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDotInsteadOfArrow, // . used when -> should be
+                                                   // used
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrowInsteadOfDot, // -> used when . should be
+                                                   // used
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonFragileIVarNotAllowed,   // ObjC ivar expansion
+                                                         // not allowed
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorNotAllowed, // [] not allowed by
+                                                         // options
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorInvalid, // [] not valid on objects
+                                                      // other than scalars,
+                                                      // pointers or arrays
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrayRangeOperatorMet, // [] is good for arrays,
+                                                       // but I cannot parse it
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonBitfieldRangeOperatorMet, // [] is good for
+                                                          // bitfields, but I
+                                                          // cannot parse after
+                                                          // it
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol, // something is malformed in
+                                                  // the expression
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonTakingAddressFailed,   // impossible to apply &
+                                                       // operator
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDereferencingFailed,   // impossible to apply *
+                                                       // operator
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded, // [] was expanded into a
+                                                       // VOList
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonSyntheticValueMissing, // getting the synthetic
+                                                       // children failed
+    eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnknown = 0xFFFF
+  };
+  enum ExpressionPathEndResultType {
+    eExpressionPathEndResultTypePlain = 1,       // anything but...
+    eExpressionPathEndResultTypeBitfield,        // a bitfield
+    eExpressionPathEndResultTypeBoundedRange,    // a range [low-high]
+    eExpressionPathEndResultTypeUnboundedRange,  // a range []
+    eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList, // several items in a VOList
+    eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid = 0xFFFF
+  };
+  enum ExpressionPathAftermath {
+    eExpressionPathAftermathNothing = 1, // just return it
+    eExpressionPathAftermathDereference, // dereference the target
+    eExpressionPathAftermathTakeAddress  // take target's address
+  };
+  enum ClearUserVisibleDataItems {
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsNothing = 1u << 0,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue = 1u << 1,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary = 1u << 2,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsLocation = 1u << 3,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription = 1u << 4,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSyntheticChildren = 1u << 5,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValidator = 1u << 6,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAllStrings =
+        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary |
+        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsLocation |
+        eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription,
+    eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAll = 0xFFFF
+  };
+  struct GetValueForExpressionPathOptions {
+    enum class SyntheticChildrenTraversal {
+      None,
+      ToSynthetic,
+      FromSynthetic,
+      Both
-    class EvaluationPoint
-    {
-    public:
-        EvaluationPoint ();
-        EvaluationPoint (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, bool use_selected = false);
-        EvaluationPoint (const EvaluationPoint &rhs);
-        ~EvaluationPoint ();
-        const ExecutionContextRef &
-        GetExecutionContextRef() const
-        {
-            return m_exe_ctx_ref;
-        }
-        // Set the EvaluationPoint to the values in exe_scope,
-        // Return true if the Evaluation Point changed.
-        // Since the ExecutionContextScope is always going to be valid currently, 
-        // the Updated Context will also always be valid.
-//        bool
-//        SetContext (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
-        void
-        SetIsConstant ()
-        {
-            SetUpdated();
-            m_mod_id.SetInvalid();
-        }
-        bool
-        IsConstant () const
-        {
-            return !m_mod_id.IsValid();
-        }
-        ProcessModID
-        GetModID () const
-        {
-            return m_mod_id;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUpdateID (ProcessModID new_id)
-        {
-            m_mod_id = new_id;
-        }
-        void
-        SetNeedsUpdate ()
-        {
-            m_needs_update = true;
-        }
-        void
-        SetUpdated ();
-        bool
-        NeedsUpdating(bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx)
-        {
-            SyncWithProcessState(accept_invalid_exe_ctx);
-            return m_needs_update;
-        }
-        bool
-        IsValid ()
-        {
-            const bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx = false;
-            if (!m_mod_id.IsValid())
-                return false;
-            else if (SyncWithProcessState (accept_invalid_exe_ctx))
-            {
-                if (!m_mod_id.IsValid())
-                    return false;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        void
-        SetInvalid ()
-        {
-            // Use the stop id to mark us as invalid, leave the thread id and the stack id around for logging and
-            // history purposes.
-            m_mod_id.SetInvalid();
-            // Can't update an invalid state.
-            m_needs_update = false;
-        }
-    private:
-        bool
-        SyncWithProcessState (bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx);
-        ProcessModID m_mod_id; // This is the stop id when this ValueObject was last evaluated.
-        ExecutionContextRef m_exe_ctx_ref;
-        bool m_needs_update;
-    };
+    bool m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax;
+    bool m_no_fragile_ivar;
+    bool m_allow_bitfields_syntax;
+    SyntheticChildrenTraversal m_synthetic_children_traversal;
-    virtual ~ValueObject();
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions(
+        bool dot = false, bool no_ivar = false, bool bitfield = true,
+        SyntheticChildrenTraversal synth_traverse =
+            SyntheticChildrenTraversal::ToSynthetic)
+        : m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax(dot), m_no_fragile_ivar(no_ivar),
+          m_allow_bitfields_syntax(bitfield),
+          m_synthetic_children_traversal(synth_traverse) {}
-    const EvaluationPoint &
-    GetUpdatePoint () const
-    {
-        return m_update_point;
-    }
-    EvaluationPoint &
-    GetUpdatePoint ()
-    {
-        return m_update_point;
-    }
-    const ExecutionContextRef &
-    GetExecutionContextRef() const
-    {
-        return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef();
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &DoCheckDotVsArrowSyntax() {
+      m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax = true;
+      return *this;
-    lldb::TargetSP
-    GetTargetSP() const
-    {
-        return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetTargetSP();
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &DontCheckDotVsArrowSyntax() {
+      m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax = false;
+      return *this;
-    lldb::ProcessSP
-    GetProcessSP() const
-    {
-        return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetProcessSP();
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &DoAllowFragileIVar() {
+      m_no_fragile_ivar = false;
+      return *this;
-    lldb::ThreadSP
-    GetThreadSP() const
-    {
-        return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetThreadSP();
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &DontAllowFragileIVar() {
+      m_no_fragile_ivar = true;
+      return *this;
-    lldb::StackFrameSP
-    GetFrameSP() const
-    {
-        return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetFrameSP();
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &DoAllowBitfieldSyntax() {
+      m_allow_bitfields_syntax = true;
+      return *this;
-    void
-    SetNeedsUpdate ();
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerType ();
-    // this vends a TypeImpl that is useful at the SB API layer
-    virtual TypeImpl
-    GetTypeImpl ();
-    virtual bool
-    CanProvideValue ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Subclasses must implement the functions below.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() = 0;
-    virtual lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const = 0;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Subclasses can implement the functions below.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual ConstString
-    GetTypeName();
-    virtual ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName();
-    virtual ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName();
-    virtual lldb::LanguageType
-    GetObjectRuntimeLanguage();
-    virtual uint32_t
-    GetTypeInfo(CompilerType *pointee_or_element_compiler_type = nullptr);
-    virtual bool
-    IsPointerType ();
-    virtual bool
-    IsArrayType ();
-    virtual bool
-    IsScalarType ();
-    virtual bool
-    IsPointerOrReferenceType ();
-    virtual bool
-    IsPossibleDynamicType ();
-    bool
-    IsNilReference ();
-    bool
-    IsUninitializedReference ();
-    virtual bool
-    IsBaseClass ()
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsBaseClass (uint32_t& depth);
-    virtual bool
-    IsDereferenceOfParent ()
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsIntegerType (bool &is_signed);
-    virtual bool
-    GetBaseClassPath (Stream &s);
-    virtual void
-    GetExpressionPath (Stream &s, bool qualify_cxx_base_classes, GetExpressionPathFormat = eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetValueForExpressionPath(const char* expression,
-                              const char** first_unparsed = nullptr,
-                              ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop = nullptr,
-                              ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type = nullptr,
-                              const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options = GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
-                              ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target = nullptr);
-    int
-    GetValuesForExpressionPath(const char* expression,
-                               lldb::ValueObjectListSP& list,
-                               const char** first_unparsed = nullptr,
-                               ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop = nullptr,
-                               ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type = nullptr,
-                               const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options = GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
-                               ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target = nullptr);
-    virtual bool
-    IsInScope ()
-    {
-        return true;
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &DontAllowBitfieldSyntax() {
+      m_allow_bitfields_syntax = false;
+      return *this;
-    virtual lldb::offset_t
-    GetByteOffset()
-    {
-        return 0;
+    GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &
+    SetSyntheticChildrenTraversal(SyntheticChildrenTraversal traverse) {
+      m_synthetic_children_traversal = traverse;
+      return *this;
-    virtual uint32_t
-    GetBitfieldBitSize ()
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
+    static const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions DefaultOptions() {
+      static GetValueForExpressionPathOptions g_default_options;
-    virtual uint32_t
-    GetBitfieldBitOffset ()
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsBitfield ()
-    {
-        return (GetBitfieldBitSize() != 0) || (GetBitfieldBitOffset() != 0);
-    }
-    virtual bool
-    IsArrayItemForPointer()
-    {
-        return m_is_array_item_for_pointer;
+      return g_default_options;
-    virtual const char *
-    GetValueAsCString ();
-    virtual bool
-    GetValueAsCString (const lldb_private::TypeFormatImpl& format,
-                       std::string& destination);
-    bool
-    GetValueAsCString (lldb::Format format,
-                       std::string& destination);
-    virtual uint64_t
-    GetValueAsUnsigned(uint64_t fail_value, bool *success = nullptr);
-    virtual int64_t
-    GetValueAsSigned(int64_t fail_value, bool *success = nullptr);
-    virtual bool
-    SetValueFromCString (const char *value_str, Error& error);
-    // Return the module associated with this value object in case the
-    // value is from an executable file and might have its data in
-    // sections of the file. This can be used for variables.
-    virtual lldb::ModuleSP
-    GetModule();
-    ValueObject*
-    GetRoot ();
-    // Given a ValueObject, loop over itself and its parent, and its parent's parent, ..
-    // until either the given callback returns false, or you end up at a null pointer
-    ValueObject*
-    FollowParentChain (std::function<bool(ValueObject*)>);
-    virtual bool
-    GetDeclaration (Declaration &decl);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // The functions below should NOT be modified by subclasses
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const Error &
-    GetError();
-    const ConstString &
-    GetName() const;
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtIndex (size_t idx, bool can_create);
-    // this will always create the children if necessary
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::initializer_list<size_t> &idxs,
-                        size_t* index_of_error = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::vector<size_t> &idxs,
-                        size_t* index_of_error = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::initializer_list< std::pair<size_t, bool> > &idxs,
-                        size_t* index_of_error = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::vector< std::pair<size_t, bool> > &idxs,
-                        size_t* index_of_error = nullptr);
-    // this will always create the children if necessary
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtNamePath(const std::initializer_list<ConstString> &names,
-                       ConstString* name_of_error = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtNamePath(const std::vector<ConstString> &names,
-                       ConstString* name_of_error = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtNamePath(const std::initializer_list< std::pair<ConstString, bool> > &names,
-                       ConstString* name_of_error = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtNamePath(const std::vector< std::pair<ConstString, bool> > &names,
-                       ConstString* name_of_error = nullptr);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildMemberWithName (const ConstString &name, bool can_create);
-    virtual size_t
-    GetIndexOfChildWithName (const ConstString &name);
-    size_t
-    GetNumChildren (uint32_t max=UINT32_MAX);
-    const Value &
-    GetValue() const;
-    Value &
-    GetValue();
-    virtual bool
-    ResolveValue (Scalar &scalar);
-    // return 'false' whenever you set the error, otherwise
-    // callers may assume true means everything is OK - this will
-    // break breakpoint conditions among potentially a few others
-    virtual bool
-    IsLogicalTrue (Error& error);
-    virtual const char *
-    GetLocationAsCString ();
-    const char *
-    GetSummaryAsCString (lldb::LanguageType lang = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown);
-    bool
-    GetSummaryAsCString (TypeSummaryImpl* summary_ptr,
-                         std::string& destination,
-                         lldb::LanguageType lang = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown);
-    bool
-    GetSummaryAsCString (std::string& destination,
-                         const TypeSummaryOptions& options);
-    bool
-    GetSummaryAsCString (TypeSummaryImpl* summary_ptr,
-                         std::string& destination,
-                         const TypeSummaryOptions& options);
-    std::pair<TypeValidatorResult, std::string>
-    GetValidationStatus ();
-    const char *
-    GetObjectDescription ();
-    bool
-    HasSpecialPrintableRepresentation (ValueObjectRepresentationStyle val_obj_display,
-                                       lldb::Format custom_format);
-    enum PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases
-    {
-        ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesDisable = 0,
-        ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesAllow = 1,
-        ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesOnly = 3
-    };
-    bool
-    DumpPrintableRepresentation (Stream& s,
-                                 ValueObjectRepresentationStyle val_obj_display = eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
-                                 lldb::Format custom_format = lldb::eFormatInvalid,
-                                 PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases special = ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesAllow,
-                                 bool do_dump_error = true);
-    bool
-    GetValueIsValid () const;
-    // If you call this on a newly created ValueObject, it will always return false.
-    bool
-    GetValueDidChange ();
-    bool
-    UpdateValueIfNeeded (bool update_format = true);
-    bool
-    UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+  };
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSP ()
-    {
-        return m_manager->GetSharedPointer(this);
-    }
-    void
-    SetName (const ConstString &name);
-    virtual lldb::addr_t
-    GetAddressOf(bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
-                 AddressType *address_type = nullptr);
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetPointerValue(AddressType *address_type = nullptr);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticChild (const ConstString &key) const;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticArrayMember (size_t index, bool can_create);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticBitFieldChild (uint32_t from, uint32_t to, bool can_create);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticExpressionPathChild(const char* expression, bool can_create);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset,
-                              const CompilerType& type,
-                              bool can_create,
-                              ConstString name_const_str = ConstString());
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticBase (uint32_t offset,
-                      const CompilerType& type,
-                      bool can_create,
-                      ConstString name_const_str = ConstString());
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetDynamicValue (lldb::DynamicValueType valueType);
-    lldb::DynamicValueType
-    GetDynamicValueType ();
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetStaticValue ();
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetNonSyntheticValue ();
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticValue (bool use_synthetic = true);
-    virtual bool
-    HasSyntheticValue();
-    virtual bool
-    IsSynthetic() { return false; }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable (lldb::DynamicValueType dynValue,
-                                           bool synthValue);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CreateConstantValue (const ConstString &name);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Dereference (Error &error);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    AddressOf (Error &error);
-    virtual lldb::addr_t
-    GetLiveAddress()
-    {
-        return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
+  class EvaluationPoint {
+  public:
+    EvaluationPoint();
+    EvaluationPoint(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                    bool use_selected = false);
+    EvaluationPoint(const EvaluationPoint &rhs);
+    ~EvaluationPoint();
+    const ExecutionContextRef &GetExecutionContextRef() const {
+      return m_exe_ctx_ref;
-    virtual void
-    SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
-                   AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad)
-    {
+    // Set the EvaluationPoint to the values in exe_scope,
+    // Return true if the Evaluation Point changed.
+    // Since the ExecutionContextScope is always going to be valid currently,
+    // the Updated Context will also always be valid.
+    //        bool
+    //        SetContext (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
+    void SetIsConstant() {
+      SetUpdated();
+      m_mod_id.SetInvalid();
-    // Find the address of the C++ vtable pointer
-    virtual lldb::addr_t
-    GetCPPVTableAddress(AddressType &address_type);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Cast (const CompilerType &compiler_type);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CastPointerType (const char *name,
-                     CompilerType &ast_type);
-    virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CastPointerType (const char *name,
-                     lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
-    // The backing bits of this value object were updated, clear any
-    // descriptive string, so we know we have to refetch them
-    virtual void
-    ValueUpdated ()
-    {
-        ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue |
-                             eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary |
-                             eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription);
+    bool IsConstant() const { return !m_mod_id.IsValid(); }
+    ProcessModID GetModID() const { return m_mod_id; }
+    void SetUpdateID(ProcessModID new_id) { m_mod_id = new_id; }
+    void SetNeedsUpdate() { m_needs_update = true; }
+    void SetUpdated();
+    bool NeedsUpdating(bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx) {
+      SyncWithProcessState(accept_invalid_exe_ctx);
+      return m_needs_update;
-    virtual bool
-    IsDynamic ()
-    {
+    bool IsValid() {
+      const bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx = false;
+      if (!m_mod_id.IsValid())
         return false;
+      else if (SyncWithProcessState(accept_invalid_exe_ctx)) {
+        if (!m_mod_id.IsValid())
+          return false;
+      }
+      return true;
-    virtual bool
-    DoesProvideSyntheticValue ()
-    {
-        return false;
+    void SetInvalid() {
+      // Use the stop id to mark us as invalid, leave the thread id and the
+      // stack id around for logging and
+      // history purposes.
+      m_mod_id.SetInvalid();
+      // Can't update an invalid state.
+      m_needs_update = false;
-    virtual bool
-    IsSyntheticChildrenGenerated ();
-    virtual void
-    SetSyntheticChildrenGenerated (bool b);
-    virtual SymbolContextScope *
-    GetSymbolContextScope();
-    void
-    Dump (Stream &s);
-    void
-    Dump (Stream &s,
-          const DumpValueObjectOptions& options);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CreateValueObjectFromExpression (const char* name,
-                                     const char* expression,
-                                     const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CreateValueObjectFromExpression (const char* name,
-                                     const char* expression,
-                                     const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx,
-                                     const EvaluateExpressionOptions& options);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CreateValueObjectFromAddress (const char* name,
-                                  uint64_t address,
-                                  const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx,
-                                  CompilerType type);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    CreateValueObjectFromData (const char* name,
-                               const DataExtractor& data,
-                               const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx,
+  private:
+    bool SyncWithProcessState(bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx);
+    ProcessModID m_mod_id; // This is the stop id when this ValueObject was last
+                           // evaluated.
+    ExecutionContextRef m_exe_ctx_ref;
+    bool m_needs_update;
+  };
+  virtual ~ValueObject();
+  const EvaluationPoint &GetUpdatePoint() const { return m_update_point; }
+  EvaluationPoint &GetUpdatePoint() { return m_update_point; }
+  const ExecutionContextRef &GetExecutionContextRef() const {
+    return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef();
+  }
+  lldb::TargetSP GetTargetSP() const {
+    return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetTargetSP();
+  }
+  lldb::ProcessSP GetProcessSP() const {
+    return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetProcessSP();
+  }
+  lldb::ThreadSP GetThreadSP() const {
+    return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetThreadSP();
+  }
+  lldb::StackFrameSP GetFrameSP() const {
+    return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetFrameSP();
+  }
+  void SetNeedsUpdate();
+  CompilerType GetCompilerType();
+  // this vends a TypeImpl that is useful at the SB API layer
+  virtual TypeImpl GetTypeImpl();
+  virtual bool CanProvideValue();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Subclasses must implement the functions below.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual uint64_t GetByteSize() = 0;
+  virtual lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const = 0;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Subclasses can implement the functions below.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual ConstString GetTypeName();
+  virtual ConstString GetDisplayTypeName();
+  virtual ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName();
+  virtual lldb::LanguageType GetObjectRuntimeLanguage();
+  virtual uint32_t
+  GetTypeInfo(CompilerType *pointee_or_element_compiler_type = nullptr);
+  virtual bool IsPointerType();
+  virtual bool IsArrayType();
+  virtual bool IsScalarType();
+  virtual bool IsPointerOrReferenceType();
+  virtual bool IsPossibleDynamicType();
+  bool IsNilReference();
+  bool IsUninitializedReference();
+  virtual bool IsBaseClass() { return false; }
+  bool IsBaseClass(uint32_t &depth);
+  virtual bool IsDereferenceOfParent() { return false; }
+  bool IsIntegerType(bool &is_signed);
+  virtual bool GetBaseClassPath(Stream &s);
+  virtual void GetExpressionPath(
+      Stream &s, bool qualify_cxx_base_classes,
+      GetExpressionPathFormat = eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetValueForExpressionPath(
+      const char *expression, const char **first_unparsed = nullptr,
+      ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop = nullptr,
+      ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type = nullptr,
+      const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options =
+          GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
+      ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target = nullptr);
+  int GetValuesForExpressionPath(
+      const char *expression, lldb::ValueObjectListSP &list,
+      const char **first_unparsed = nullptr,
+      ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop = nullptr,
+      ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type = nullptr,
+      const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options =
+          GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
+      ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target = nullptr);
+  virtual bool IsInScope() { return true; }
+  virtual lldb::offset_t GetByteOffset() { return 0; }
+  virtual uint32_t GetBitfieldBitSize() { return 0; }
+  virtual uint32_t GetBitfieldBitOffset() { return 0; }
+  bool IsBitfield() {
+    return (GetBitfieldBitSize() != 0) || (GetBitfieldBitOffset() != 0);
+  }
+  virtual bool IsArrayItemForPointer() { return m_is_array_item_for_pointer; }
+  virtual const char *GetValueAsCString();
+  virtual bool GetValueAsCString(const lldb_private::TypeFormatImpl &format,
+                                 std::string &destination);
+  bool GetValueAsCString(lldb::Format format, std::string &destination);
+  virtual uint64_t GetValueAsUnsigned(uint64_t fail_value,
+                                      bool *success = nullptr);
+  virtual int64_t GetValueAsSigned(int64_t fail_value, bool *success = nullptr);
+  virtual bool SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error &error);
+  // Return the module associated with this value object in case the
+  // value is from an executable file and might have its data in
+  // sections of the file. This can be used for variables.
+  virtual lldb::ModuleSP GetModule();
+  ValueObject *GetRoot();
+  // Given a ValueObject, loop over itself and its parent, and its parent's
+  // parent, ..
+  // until either the given callback returns false, or you end up at a null
+  // pointer
+  ValueObject *FollowParentChain(std::function<bool(ValueObject *)>);
+  virtual bool GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // The functions below should NOT be modified by subclasses
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  const Error &GetError();
+  const ConstString &GetName() const;
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool can_create);
+  // this will always create the children if necessary
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::initializer_list<size_t> &idxs,
+                      size_t *index_of_error = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::vector<size_t> &idxs,
+                                          size_t *index_of_error = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtIndexPath(
+      const std::initializer_list<std::pair<size_t, bool>> &idxs,
+      size_t *index_of_error = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetChildAtIndexPath(const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> &idxs,
+                      size_t *index_of_error = nullptr);
+  // this will always create the children if necessary
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetChildAtNamePath(const std::initializer_list<ConstString> &names,
+                     ConstString *name_of_error = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtNamePath(const std::vector<ConstString> &names,
+                                         ConstString *name_of_error = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtNamePath(
+      const std::initializer_list<std::pair<ConstString, bool>> &names,
+      ConstString *name_of_error = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetChildAtNamePath(const std::vector<std::pair<ConstString, bool>> &names,
+                     ConstString *name_of_error = nullptr);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildMemberWithName(const ConstString &name,
+                                                     bool can_create);
+  virtual size_t GetIndexOfChildWithName(const ConstString &name);
+  size_t GetNumChildren(uint32_t max = UINT32_MAX);
+  const Value &GetValue() const;
+  Value &GetValue();
+  virtual bool ResolveValue(Scalar &scalar);
+  // return 'false' whenever you set the error, otherwise
+  // callers may assume true means everything is OK - this will
+  // break breakpoint conditions among potentially a few others
+  virtual bool IsLogicalTrue(Error &error);
+  virtual const char *GetLocationAsCString();
+  const char *
+  GetSummaryAsCString(lldb::LanguageType lang = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown);
+  bool
+  GetSummaryAsCString(TypeSummaryImpl *summary_ptr, std::string &destination,
+                      lldb::LanguageType lang = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown);
+  bool GetSummaryAsCString(std::string &destination,
+                           const TypeSummaryOptions &options);
+  bool GetSummaryAsCString(TypeSummaryImpl *summary_ptr,
+                           std::string &destination,
+                           const TypeSummaryOptions &options);
+  std::pair<TypeValidatorResult, std::string> GetValidationStatus();
+  const char *GetObjectDescription();
+  bool HasSpecialPrintableRepresentation(
+      ValueObjectRepresentationStyle val_obj_display,
+      lldb::Format custom_format);
+  enum PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases {
+    ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesDisable = 0,
+    ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesAllow = 1,
+    ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesOnly = 3
+  };
+  bool
+  DumpPrintableRepresentation(Stream &s,
+                              ValueObjectRepresentationStyle val_obj_display =
+                                  eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
+                              lldb::Format custom_format = lldb::eFormatInvalid,
+                              PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases special =
+                                  ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesAllow,
+                              bool do_dump_error = true);
+  bool GetValueIsValid() const;
+  // If you call this on a newly created ValueObject, it will always return
+  // false.
+  bool GetValueDidChange();
+  bool UpdateValueIfNeeded(bool update_format = true);
+  bool UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSP() { return m_manager->GetSharedPointer(this); }
+  void SetName(const ConstString &name);
+  virtual lldb::addr_t GetAddressOf(bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
+                                    AddressType *address_type = nullptr);
+  lldb::addr_t GetPointerValue(AddressType *address_type = nullptr);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticChild(const ConstString &key) const;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticArrayMember(size_t index, bool can_create);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticBitFieldChild(uint32_t from, uint32_t to,
+                                                bool can_create);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticExpressionPathChild(const char *expression,
+                                                      bool can_create);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset, const CompilerType &type,
+                            bool can_create,
+                            ConstString name_const_str = ConstString());
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetSyntheticBase(uint32_t offset, const CompilerType &type, bool can_create,
+                   ConstString name_const_str = ConstString());
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP GetDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType valueType);
+  lldb::DynamicValueType GetDynamicValueType();
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP GetStaticValue();
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP GetNonSyntheticValue();
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic = true);
+  virtual bool HasSyntheticValue();
+  virtual bool IsSynthetic() { return false; }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(lldb::DynamicValueType dynValue,
+                                        bool synthValue);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP CreateConstantValue(const ConstString &name);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP Dereference(Error &error);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP AddressOf(Error &error);
+  virtual lldb::addr_t GetLiveAddress() { return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; }
+  virtual void SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
+                              AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad) {}
+  // Find the address of the C++ vtable pointer
+  virtual lldb::addr_t GetCPPVTableAddress(AddressType &address_type);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP Cast(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP CastPointerType(const char *name,
+                                              CompilerType &ast_type);
+  virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP CastPointerType(const char *name,
+                                              lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
+  // The backing bits of this value object were updated, clear any
+  // descriptive string, so we know we have to refetch them
+  virtual void ValueUpdated() {
+    ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue |
+                         eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary |
+                         eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription);
+  }
+  virtual bool IsDynamic() { return false; }
+  virtual bool DoesProvideSyntheticValue() { return false; }
+  virtual bool IsSyntheticChildrenGenerated();
+  virtual void SetSyntheticChildrenGenerated(bool b);
+  virtual SymbolContextScope *GetSymbolContextScope();
+  void Dump(Stream &s);
+  void Dump(Stream &s, const DumpValueObjectOptions &options);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  CreateValueObjectFromExpression(const char *name, const char *expression,
+                                  const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  CreateValueObjectFromExpression(const char *name, const char *expression,
+                                  const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
+                                  const EvaluateExpressionOptions &options);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  CreateValueObjectFromAddress(const char *name, uint64_t address,
+                               const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
                                CompilerType type);
-    void
-    LogValueObject (Log *log);
-    void
-    LogValueObject (Log *log,
-                    const DumpValueObjectOptions& options);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Persist ();
-    // returns true if this is a char* or a char[]
-    // if it is a char* and check_pointer is true,
-    // it also checks that the pointer is valid
-    bool
-    IsCStringContainer (bool check_pointer = false);
-    std::pair<size_t,bool>
-    ReadPointedString (lldb::DataBufferSP& buffer_sp,
-                       Error& error,
-                       uint32_t max_length = 0,
-                       bool honor_array = true,
-                       lldb::Format item_format = lldb::eFormatCharArray);
-    virtual size_t
-    GetPointeeData (DataExtractor& data,
-                    uint32_t item_idx = 0,
-					uint32_t item_count = 1);
-    virtual uint64_t
-    GetData (DataExtractor& data, Error &error);
-    virtual bool
-    SetData (DataExtractor &data, Error &error);
-    virtual bool
-    GetIsConstant () const
-    {
-        return m_update_point.IsConstant();
-    }
-    bool
-    NeedsUpdating ()
-    {
-        const bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx = (CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() == eLazyBoolYes);
-        return m_update_point.NeedsUpdating(accept_invalid_exe_ctx);
-    }
-    void
-    SetIsConstant ()
-    {
-        m_update_point.SetIsConstant();
-    }
-    lldb::Format
-    GetFormat () const;
-    virtual void
-    SetFormat (lldb::Format format)
-    {
-        if (format != m_format)
-            ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue);
-        m_format = format;
-    }
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  CreateValueObjectFromData(const char *name, const DataExtractor &data,
+                            const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, CompilerType type);
-    virtual lldb::LanguageType
-    GetPreferredDisplayLanguage ();
-    void
-    SetPreferredDisplayLanguage (lldb::LanguageType);
-    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-    GetSummaryFormat()
-    {
-        UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
-        return m_type_summary_sp;
-    }
-    void
-    SetSummaryFormat(lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP format)
-    {
-        m_type_summary_sp = format;
-        ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary);
-    }
-    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-    GetValidator()
-    {
-        UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
-        return m_type_validator_sp;
-    }
-    void
-    SetValidator(lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP format)
-    {
-        m_type_validator_sp = format;
-        ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValidator);
-    }
-    void
-    SetValueFormat(lldb::TypeFormatImplSP format)
-    {
-        m_type_format_sp = format;
-        ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue);
-    }
-    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-    GetValueFormat()
-    {
-        UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
-        return m_type_format_sp;
-    }
-    void
-    SetSyntheticChildren(const lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &synth_sp)
-    {
-        if (synth_sp.get() == m_synthetic_children_sp.get())
-            return;
-        ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSyntheticChildren);
-        m_synthetic_children_sp = synth_sp;
-    }
-    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticChildren()
-    {
-        UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
-        return m_synthetic_children_sp;
-    }
+  void LogValueObject(Log *log);
-    // Use GetParent for display purposes, but if you want to tell the parent to update itself
-    // then use m_parent.  The ValueObjectDynamicValue's parent is not the correct parent for
-    // displaying, they are really siblings, so for display it needs to route through to its grandparent.
-    virtual ValueObject *
-    GetParent()
-    {
-        return m_parent;
-    }
+  void LogValueObject(Log *log, const DumpValueObjectOptions &options);
-    virtual const ValueObject *
-    GetParent() const
-    {
-        return m_parent;
-    }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Persist();
-    ValueObject *
-    GetNonBaseClassParent();
+  // returns true if this is a char* or a char[]
+  // if it is a char* and check_pointer is true,
+  // it also checks that the pointer is valid
+  bool IsCStringContainer(bool check_pointer = false);
-    void
-    SetAddressTypeOfChildren(AddressType at)
-    {
-        m_address_type_of_ptr_or_ref_children = at;
-    }
-    AddressType
-    GetAddressTypeOfChildren();
-    void
-    SetHasCompleteType()
-    {
-        m_did_calculate_complete_objc_class_type = true;
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /// Find out if a ValueObject might have children.
-    ///
-    /// This call is much more efficient than CalculateNumChildren() as
-    /// it doesn't need to complete the underlying type. This is designed
-    /// to be used in a UI environment in order to detect if the
-    /// disclosure triangle should be displayed or not.
-    ///
-    /// This function returns true for class, union, structure,
-    /// pointers, references, arrays and more. Again, it does so without
-    /// doing any expensive type completion.
-    ///
-    /// @return
-    ///     Returns \b true if the ValueObject might have children, or \b
-    ///     false otherwise.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual bool
-    MightHaveChildren();
-    virtual lldb::VariableSP
-    GetVariable ()
-    {
-        return nullptr;
-    }
+  std::pair<size_t, bool>
+  ReadPointedString(lldb::DataBufferSP &buffer_sp, Error &error,
+                    uint32_t max_length = 0, bool honor_array = true,
+                    lldb::Format item_format = lldb::eFormatCharArray);
+  virtual size_t GetPointeeData(DataExtractor &data, uint32_t item_idx = 0,
+                                uint32_t item_count = 1);
+  virtual uint64_t GetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error);
+  virtual bool SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error);
+  virtual bool GetIsConstant() const { return m_update_point.IsConstant(); }
+  bool NeedsUpdating() {
+    const bool accept_invalid_exe_ctx =
+        (CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() == eLazyBoolYes);
+    return m_update_point.NeedsUpdating(accept_invalid_exe_ctx);
+  }
+  void SetIsConstant() { m_update_point.SetIsConstant(); }
+  lldb::Format GetFormat() const;
+  virtual void SetFormat(lldb::Format format) {
+    if (format != m_format)
+      ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue);
+    m_format = format;
+  }
+  virtual lldb::LanguageType GetPreferredDisplayLanguage();
+  void SetPreferredDisplayLanguage(lldb::LanguageType);
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP GetSummaryFormat() {
+    UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+    return m_type_summary_sp;
+  }
+  void SetSummaryFormat(lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP format) {
+    m_type_summary_sp = format;
+    ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary);
+  }
+  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP GetValidator() {
+    UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+    return m_type_validator_sp;
+  }
+  void SetValidator(lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP format) {
+    m_type_validator_sp = format;
+    ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValidator);
+  }
+  void SetValueFormat(lldb::TypeFormatImplSP format) {
+    m_type_format_sp = format;
+    ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue);
+  }
+  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP GetValueFormat() {
+    UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+    return m_type_format_sp;
+  }
+  void SetSyntheticChildren(const lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &synth_sp) {
+    if (synth_sp.get() == m_synthetic_children_sp.get())
+      return;
+    ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSyntheticChildren);
+    m_synthetic_children_sp = synth_sp;
+  }
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP GetSyntheticChildren() {
+    UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+    return m_synthetic_children_sp;
+  }
+  // Use GetParent for display purposes, but if you want to tell the parent to
+  // update itself
+  // then use m_parent.  The ValueObjectDynamicValue's parent is not the correct
+  // parent for
+  // displaying, they are really siblings, so for display it needs to route
+  // through to its grandparent.
+  virtual ValueObject *GetParent() { return m_parent; }
+  virtual const ValueObject *GetParent() const { return m_parent; }
+  ValueObject *GetNonBaseClassParent();
+  void SetAddressTypeOfChildren(AddressType at) {
+    m_address_type_of_ptr_or_ref_children = at;
+  }
+  AddressType GetAddressTypeOfChildren();
+  void SetHasCompleteType() { m_did_calculate_complete_objc_class_type = true; }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Find out if a ValueObject might have children.
+  ///
+  /// This call is much more efficient than CalculateNumChildren() as
+  /// it doesn't need to complete the underlying type. This is designed
+  /// to be used in a UI environment in order to detect if the
+  /// disclosure triangle should be displayed or not.
+  ///
+  /// This function returns true for class, union, structure,
+  /// pointers, references, arrays and more. Again, it does so without
+  /// doing any expensive type completion.
+  ///
+  /// @return
+  ///     Returns \b true if the ValueObject might have children, or \b
+  ///     false otherwise.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual bool MightHaveChildren();
-    virtual bool
-    IsRuntimeSupportValue ();
-    virtual uint64_t
-    GetLanguageFlags ();
-    virtual void
-    SetLanguageFlags (uint64_t flags);
+  virtual lldb::VariableSP GetVariable() { return nullptr; }
+  virtual bool IsRuntimeSupportValue();
+  virtual uint64_t GetLanguageFlags();
+  virtual void SetLanguageFlags(uint64_t flags);
-    typedef ClusterManager<ValueObject> ValueObjectManager;
-    class ChildrenManager
-    {
-    public:
-        ChildrenManager() : m_mutex(), m_children(), m_children_count(0) {}
-        bool
-        HasChildAtIndex(size_t idx)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            return (m_children.find(idx) != m_children.end());
-        }
-        ValueObject *
-        GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            const auto iter = m_children.find(idx);
-            return ((iter == m_children.end()) ? nullptr : iter->second);
-        }
-        void
-        SetChildAtIndex(size_t idx, ValueObject *valobj)
-        {
-            // we do not need to be mutex-protected to make a pair
-            ChildrenPair pair(idx, valobj);
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            m_children.insert(pair);
-        }
-        void
-        SetChildrenCount (size_t count)
-        {
-            Clear(count);
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetChildrenCount ()
-        {
-            return m_children_count;
-        }
-        void
-        Clear(size_t new_count = 0)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
-            m_children_count = new_count;
-            m_children.clear();
-        }
-    private:
-        typedef std::map<size_t, ValueObject*> ChildrenMap;
-        typedef ChildrenMap::iterator ChildrenIterator;
-        typedef ChildrenMap::value_type ChildrenPair;
-        std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
-        ChildrenMap m_children;
-        size_t m_children_count;
-    };
+  typedef ClusterManager<ValueObject> ValueObjectManager;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Classes that inherit from ValueObject can see and modify these
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ValueObject  *      m_parent;       // The parent value object, or nullptr if this has no parent
-    ValueObject  *      m_root;         // The root of the hierarchy for this ValueObject (or nullptr if never calculated)
-    EvaluationPoint     m_update_point; // Stores both the stop id and the full context at which this value was last 
-                                        // updated.  When we are asked to update the value object, we check whether
-                                        // the context & stop id are the same before updating.
-    ConstString         m_name;         // The name of this object
-    DataExtractor       m_data;         // A data extractor that can be used to extract the value.
-    Value               m_value;
-    Error               m_error;        // An error object that can describe any errors that occur when updating values.
-    std::string         m_value_str;    // Cached value string that will get cleared if/when the value is updated.
-    std::string         m_old_value_str;// Cached old value string from the last time the value was gotten
-    std::string         m_location_str; // Cached location string that will get cleared if/when the value is updated.
-    std::string         m_summary_str;  // Cached summary string that will get cleared if/when the value is updated.
-    std::string         m_object_desc_str; // Cached result of the "object printer".  This differs from the summary
-                                              // in that the summary is consed up by us, the object_desc_string is builtin.
-    llvm::Optional<std::pair<TypeValidatorResult, std::string>> m_validation_result;
-    CompilerType        m_override_type;// If the type of the value object should be overridden, the type to impose.
-    ValueObjectManager *m_manager;      // This object is managed by the root object (any ValueObject that gets created
-                                        // without a parent.)  The manager gets passed through all the generations of
-                                        // dependent objects, and will keep the whole cluster of objects alive as long
-                                        // as a shared pointer to any of them has been handed out.  Shared pointers to
-                                        // value objects must always be made with the GetSP method.
-    ChildrenManager                      m_children;
-    std::map<ConstString, ValueObject *> m_synthetic_children;
-    ValueObject*                         m_dynamic_value;
-    ValueObject*                         m_synthetic_value;
-    ValueObject*                         m_deref_valobj;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP m_addr_of_valobj_sp; // We have to hold onto a shared pointer to this one because it is created
-                                             // as an independent ValueObjectConstResult, which isn't managed by us.
-    lldb::Format                m_format;
-    lldb::Format                m_last_format;
-    uint32_t                    m_last_format_mgr_revision;
-    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP     m_type_summary_sp;
-    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP      m_type_format_sp;
-    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP   m_synthetic_children_sp;
-    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP   m_type_validator_sp;
-    ProcessModID                m_user_id_of_forced_summary;
-    AddressType                 m_address_type_of_ptr_or_ref_children;
-    llvm::SmallVector<uint8_t, 16> m_value_checksum;
-    lldb::LanguageType m_preferred_display_language;
-    uint64_t m_language_flags;
-    bool                m_value_is_valid:1,
-                        m_value_did_change:1,
-                        m_children_count_valid:1,
-                        m_old_value_valid:1,
-                        m_is_deref_of_parent:1,
-                        m_is_array_item_for_pointer:1,
-                        m_is_bitfield_for_scalar:1,
-                        m_is_child_at_offset:1,
-                        m_is_getting_summary:1,
-                        m_did_calculate_complete_objc_class_type:1,
-                        m_is_synthetic_children_generated:1;
-    friend class ValueObjectChild;
-    friend class ClangExpressionDeclMap;  // For GetValue
-    friend class ExpressionVariable;      // For SetName
-    friend class Target;                  // For SetName
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
-    friend class ValueObjectSynthetic;    // For ClearUserVisibleData
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Use the no-argument constructor to make a constant variable object (with no ExecutionContextScope.)
-    ValueObject();
-    // Use this constructor to create a "root variable object".  The ValueObject will be locked to this context
-    // through-out its lifespan.
-    ValueObject (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                 AddressType child_ptr_or_ref_addr_type = eAddressTypeLoad);
-    // Use this constructor to create a ValueObject owned by another ValueObject.  It will inherit the ExecutionContext
-    // of its parent.
-    ValueObject (ValueObject &parent);
-    ValueObjectManager *
-    GetManager()
-    {
-        return m_manager;
+  class ChildrenManager {
+  public:
+    ChildrenManager() : m_mutex(), m_children(), m_children_count(0) {}
+    bool HasChildAtIndex(size_t idx) {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+      return (m_children.find(idx) != m_children.end());
-    virtual bool
-    UpdateValue () = 0;
-    virtual LazyBool
-    CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext ()
-    {
-        return eLazyBoolCalculate;
+    ValueObject *GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx) {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+      const auto iter = m_children.find(idx);
+      return ((iter == m_children.end()) ? nullptr : iter->second);
-    virtual void
-    CalculateDynamicValue (lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    virtual lldb::DynamicValueType
-    GetDynamicValueTypeImpl ()
-    {
-        return lldb::eNoDynamicValues;
+    void SetChildAtIndex(size_t idx, ValueObject *valobj) {
+      // we do not need to be mutex-protected to make a pair
+      ChildrenPair pair(idx, valobj);
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+      m_children.insert(pair);
-    virtual bool
-    HasDynamicValueTypeInfo ()
-    {
-        return false;
+    void SetChildrenCount(size_t count) { Clear(count); }
+    size_t GetChildrenCount() { return m_children_count; }
+    void Clear(size_t new_count = 0) {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
+      m_children_count = new_count;
+      m_children.clear();
-    virtual void
-    CalculateSyntheticValue (bool use_synthetic = true);
-    // Should only be called by ValueObject::GetChildAtIndex()
-    // Returns a ValueObject managed by this ValueObject's manager.
-    virtual ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex (size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index);
-    // Should only be called by ValueObject::GetNumChildren()
-    virtual size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max=UINT32_MAX) = 0;
-    void
-    SetNumChildren (size_t num_children);
-    void
-    SetValueDidChange (bool value_changed);
-    void
-    SetValueIsValid (bool valid);
-    void
-    ClearUserVisibleData(uint32_t items = ValueObject::eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAllStrings);
-    void
-    AddSyntheticChild (const ConstString &key,
-                       ValueObject *valobj);
-    DataExtractor &
-    GetDataExtractor ();
-    void
-    ClearDynamicTypeInformation ();
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Subclasses must implement the functions below.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl () = 0;
-    const char *
-    GetLocationAsCStringImpl (const Value& value,
-                              const DataExtractor& data);
-    bool
-    IsChecksumEmpty ();
-    void
-    SetPreferredDisplayLanguageIfNeeded (lldb::LanguageType);
+  private:
+    typedef std::map<size_t, ValueObject *> ChildrenMap;
+    typedef ChildrenMap::iterator ChildrenIterator;
+    typedef ChildrenMap::value_type ChildrenPair;
+    std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+    ChildrenMap m_children;
+    size_t m_children_count;
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Classes that inherit from ValueObject can see and modify these
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ValueObject
+      *m_parent; // The parent value object, or nullptr if this has no parent
+  ValueObject *m_root; // The root of the hierarchy for this ValueObject (or
+                       // nullptr if never calculated)
+  EvaluationPoint m_update_point; // Stores both the stop id and the full
+                                  // context at which this value was last
+  // updated.  When we are asked to update the value object, we check whether
+  // the context & stop id are the same before updating.
+  ConstString m_name; // The name of this object
+  DataExtractor
+      m_data; // A data extractor that can be used to extract the value.
+  Value m_value;
+  Error m_error; // An error object that can describe any errors that occur when
+                 // updating values.
+  std::string m_value_str; // Cached value string that will get cleared if/when
+                           // the value is updated.
+  std::string m_old_value_str; // Cached old value string from the last time the
+                               // value was gotten
+  std::string m_location_str;  // Cached location string that will get cleared
+                               // if/when the value is updated.
+  std::string m_summary_str;   // Cached summary string that will get cleared
+                               // if/when the value is updated.
+  std::string m_object_desc_str; // Cached result of the "object printer".  This
+                                 // differs from the summary
+  // in that the summary is consed up by us, the object_desc_string is builtin.
+  llvm::Optional<std::pair<TypeValidatorResult, std::string>>
+      m_validation_result;
+  CompilerType m_override_type; // If the type of the value object should be
+                                // overridden, the type to impose.
+  ValueObjectManager *m_manager; // This object is managed by the root object
+                                 // (any ValueObject that gets created
+  // without a parent.)  The manager gets passed through all the generations of
+  // dependent objects, and will keep the whole cluster of objects alive as long
+  // as a shared pointer to any of them has been handed out.  Shared pointers to
+  // value objects must always be made with the GetSP method.
+  ChildrenManager m_children;
+  std::map<ConstString, ValueObject *> m_synthetic_children;
+  ValueObject *m_dynamic_value;
+  ValueObject *m_synthetic_value;
+  ValueObject *m_deref_valobj;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP m_addr_of_valobj_sp; // We have to hold onto a shared
+                                           // pointer to this one because it is
+                                           // created
+  // as an independent ValueObjectConstResult, which isn't managed by us.
+  lldb::Format m_format;
+  lldb::Format m_last_format;
+  uint32_t m_last_format_mgr_revision;
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_type_summary_sp;
+  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP m_type_format_sp;
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP m_synthetic_children_sp;
+  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP m_type_validator_sp;
+  ProcessModID m_user_id_of_forced_summary;
+  AddressType m_address_type_of_ptr_or_ref_children;
+  llvm::SmallVector<uint8_t, 16> m_value_checksum;
+  lldb::LanguageType m_preferred_display_language;
+  uint64_t m_language_flags;
+  bool m_value_is_valid : 1, m_value_did_change : 1, m_children_count_valid : 1,
+      m_old_value_valid : 1, m_is_deref_of_parent : 1,
+      m_is_array_item_for_pointer : 1, m_is_bitfield_for_scalar : 1,
+      m_is_child_at_offset : 1, m_is_getting_summary : 1,
+      m_did_calculate_complete_objc_class_type : 1,
+      m_is_synthetic_children_generated : 1;
+  friend class ValueObjectChild;
+  friend class ClangExpressionDeclMap; // For GetValue
+  friend class ExpressionVariable;     // For SetName
+  friend class Target;                 // For SetName
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+  friend class ValueObjectSynthetic; // For ClearUserVisibleData
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Use the no-argument constructor to make a constant variable object (with no
+  // ExecutionContextScope.)
+  ValueObject();
+  // Use this constructor to create a "root variable object".  The ValueObject
+  // will be locked to this context
+  // through-out its lifespan.
+  ValueObject(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+              AddressType child_ptr_or_ref_addr_type = eAddressTypeLoad);
+  // Use this constructor to create a ValueObject owned by another ValueObject.
+  // It will inherit the ExecutionContext
+  // of its parent.
+  ValueObject(ValueObject &parent);
+  ValueObjectManager *GetManager() { return m_manager; }
+  virtual bool UpdateValue() = 0;
+  virtual LazyBool CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() {
+    return eLazyBoolCalculate;
+  }
+  virtual void CalculateDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  virtual lldb::DynamicValueType GetDynamicValueTypeImpl() {
+    return lldb::eNoDynamicValues;
+  }
+  virtual bool HasDynamicValueTypeInfo() { return false; }
+  virtual void CalculateSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic = true);
+  // Should only be called by ValueObject::GetChildAtIndex()
+  // Returns a ValueObject managed by this ValueObject's manager.
+  virtual ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx,
+                                          bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                          int32_t synthetic_index);
+  // Should only be called by ValueObject::GetNumChildren()
+  virtual size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max = UINT32_MAX) = 0;
+  void SetNumChildren(size_t num_children);
+  void SetValueDidChange(bool value_changed);
+  void SetValueIsValid(bool valid);
+  void ClearUserVisibleData(
+      uint32_t items = ValueObject::eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAllStrings);
+  void AddSyntheticChild(const ConstString &key, ValueObject *valobj);
+  DataExtractor &GetDataExtractor();
+  void ClearDynamicTypeInformation();
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Subclasses must implement the functions below.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() = 0;
+  const char *GetLocationAsCStringImpl(const Value &value,
+                                       const DataExtractor &data);
+  bool IsChecksumEmpty();
+  void SetPreferredDisplayLanguageIfNeeded(lldb::LanguageType);
-    virtual CompilerType
-    MaybeCalculateCompleteType ();
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetValueForExpressionPath_Impl(const char* expression_cstr,
-                                   const char** first_unparsed,
-                                   ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop,
-                                   ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type,
-                                   const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options,
-                                   ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target);
-    // this method will ONLY expand [] expressions into a VOList and return
-    // the number of elements it added to the VOList
-    // it will NOT loop through expanding the follow-up of the expression_cstr
-    // for all objects in the list
-    int
-    ExpandArraySliceExpression(const char* expression_cstr,
-                               const char** first_unparsed,
-                               lldb::ValueObjectSP root,
-                               lldb::ValueObjectListSP& list,
-                               ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop,
-                               ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type,
-                               const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options,
-                               ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target);
+  virtual CompilerType MaybeCalculateCompleteType();
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetValueForExpressionPath_Impl(
+      const char *expression_cstr, const char **first_unparsed,
+      ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
+      ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type,
+      const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options,
+      ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target);
+  // this method will ONLY expand [] expressions into a VOList and return
+  // the number of elements it added to the VOList
+  // it will NOT loop through expanding the follow-up of the expression_cstr
+  // for all objects in the list
+  int ExpandArraySliceExpression(
+      const char *expression_cstr, const char **first_unparsed,
+      lldb::ValueObjectSP root, lldb::ValueObjectListSP &list,
+      ExpressionPathScanEndReason *reason_to_stop,
+      ExpressionPathEndResultType *final_value_type,
+      const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions &options,
+      ExpressionPathAftermath *final_task_on_target);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectCast.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectCast.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectCast.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectCast.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -21,55 +21,42 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A ValueObject that represents a given value represented as a different type.
-class ValueObjectCast : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectCast : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectCast() override;
+  ~ValueObjectCast() override;
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ValueObject &parent,
+                                    const ConstString &name,
+                                    const CompilerType &cast_type);
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  ValueObject *GetParent() override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
+  }
+  const ValueObject *GetParent() const override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
+  }
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ValueObject &parent, 
-            const ConstString &name, 
-            const CompilerType &cast_type);
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
-    ValueObject *
-    GetParent() override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
-    }
-    const ValueObject *
-    GetParent() const override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
-    }
-    ValueObjectCast(ValueObject &parent, 
-                    const ConstString &name, 
-                    const CompilerType &cast_type);
-    bool
-    UpdateValue () override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl () override;
-    CompilerType m_cast_type;
+  ValueObjectCast(ValueObject &parent, const ConstString &name,
+                  const CompilerType &cast_type);
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  CompilerType m_cast_type;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectCast);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectChild.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectChild.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectChild.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectChild.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,110 +23,69 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A child of another ValueObject.
-class ValueObjectChild : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectChild : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectChild() override;
+  ~ValueObjectChild() override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override
-    {
-        return m_byte_size;
-    }
-    lldb::offset_t
-    GetByteOffset() override
-    {
-        return m_byte_offset;
-    }
-    uint32_t
-    GetBitfieldBitSize() override
-    {
-        return m_bitfield_bit_size;
-    }
-    uint32_t
-    GetBitfieldBitOffset() override
-    {
-        return m_bitfield_bit_offset;
-    }
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
-    bool
-    IsBaseClass() override
-    {
-        return m_is_base_class;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsDereferenceOfParent() override
-    {
-        return m_is_deref_of_parent;
-    }
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override { return m_byte_size; }
+  lldb::offset_t GetByteOffset() override { return m_byte_offset; }
+  uint32_t GetBitfieldBitSize() override { return m_bitfield_bit_size; }
+  uint32_t GetBitfieldBitOffset() override { return m_bitfield_bit_offset; }
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  bool IsBaseClass() override { return m_is_base_class; }
+  bool IsDereferenceOfParent() override { return m_is_deref_of_parent; }
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    LazyBool
-    CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override
-    {
-        return m_compiler_type;
-    }
-    CompilerType m_compiler_type;
-    ConstString m_type_name;
-    uint64_t m_byte_size;
-    int32_t m_byte_offset;
-    uint8_t m_bitfield_bit_size;
-    uint8_t m_bitfield_bit_offset;
-    bool m_is_base_class;
-    bool m_is_deref_of_parent;
-    llvm::Optional<LazyBool> m_can_update_with_invalid_exe_ctx;
-//  void
-//  ReadValueFromMemory (ValueObject* parent, lldb::addr_t address);
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  LazyBool CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override { return m_compiler_type; }
+  CompilerType m_compiler_type;
+  ConstString m_type_name;
+  uint64_t m_byte_size;
+  int32_t m_byte_offset;
+  uint8_t m_bitfield_bit_size;
+  uint8_t m_bitfield_bit_offset;
+  bool m_is_base_class;
+  bool m_is_deref_of_parent;
+  llvm::Optional<LazyBool> m_can_update_with_invalid_exe_ctx;
+  //
+  //  void
+  //  ReadValueFromMemory (ValueObject* parent, lldb::addr_t address);
-    friend class ValueObject;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
-    ValueObjectChild (ValueObject &parent,
-                      const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-                      const ConstString &name,
-                      uint64_t byte_size,
-                      int32_t byte_offset,
-                      uint32_t bitfield_bit_size,
-                      uint32_t bitfield_bit_offset,
-                      bool is_base_class,
-                      bool is_deref_of_parent,
-                      AddressType child_ptr_or_ref_addr_type,
-                      uint64_t language_flags);
+  friend class ValueObject;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+  ValueObjectChild(ValueObject &parent, const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+                   const ConstString &name, uint64_t byte_size,
+                   int32_t byte_offset, uint32_t bitfield_bit_size,
+                   uint32_t bitfield_bit_offset, bool is_base_class,
+                   bool is_deref_of_parent,
+                   AddressType child_ptr_or_ref_addr_type,
+                   uint64_t language_flags);
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectChild);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResult.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResult.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResult.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResult.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,169 +23,123 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A frozen ValueObject copied into host memory
-class ValueObjectConstResult : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectConstResult : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectConstResult() override;
+  ~ValueObjectConstResult() override;
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-            lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, 
-            uint32_t addr_byte_size,
-            lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-            const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-            const ConstString &name,
-            const DataExtractor &data,
-            lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-            const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-            const ConstString &name,
-            const lldb::DataBufferSP &result_data_sp,
-            lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, 
-            uint32_t addr_size,
-            lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-            const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-            const ConstString &name,
-            lldb::addr_t address,
-            AddressType address_type,
-            uint32_t addr_byte_size);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-            Value &value,
-            const ConstString &name,
-            Module* module = nullptr);
-    // When an expression fails to evaluate, we return an error
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-            const Error& error);
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
-    void
-    SetByteSize (size_t size);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Dereference(Error &error) override;
-    ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset,
-                              const CompilerType& type,
-                              bool can_create,
-                              ConstString name_const_str = ConstString()) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    AddressOf(Error &error) override;
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetAddressOf(bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
-                 AddressType *address_type = nullptr) override;
-    size_t
-    GetPointeeData(DataExtractor& data,
-                   uint32_t item_idx = 0,
-                   uint32_t item_count = 1) override;
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetLiveAddress() override
-    {
-        return m_impl.GetLiveAddress();
-    }
-    void
-    SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
-                   AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad) override
-    {
-        m_impl.SetLiveAddress(addr, address_type);
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType valueType) override;
-    lldb::LanguageType
-    GetPreferredDisplayLanguage() override;
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, lldb::ByteOrder byte_order,
+         uint32_t addr_byte_size, lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Cast(const CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+         const ConstString &name, const DataExtractor &data,
+         lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+         const ConstString &name, const lldb::DataBufferSP &result_data_sp,
+         lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, uint32_t addr_size,
+         lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+         const ConstString &name, lldb::addr_t address,
+         AddressType address_type, uint32_t addr_byte_size);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    Value &value, const ConstString &name,
+                                    Module *module = nullptr);
+  // When an expression fails to evaluate, we return an error
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    const Error &error);
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  void SetByteSize(size_t size);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Dereference(Error &error) override;
+  ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                  int32_t synthetic_index) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(
+      uint32_t offset, const CompilerType &type, bool can_create,
+      ConstString name_const_str = ConstString()) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP AddressOf(Error &error) override;
+  lldb::addr_t GetAddressOf(bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
+                            AddressType *address_type = nullptr) override;
+  size_t GetPointeeData(DataExtractor &data, uint32_t item_idx = 0,
+                        uint32_t item_count = 1) override;
+  lldb::addr_t GetLiveAddress() override { return m_impl.GetLiveAddress(); }
+  void SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
+                      AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad) override {
+    m_impl.SetLiveAddress(addr, address_type);
+  }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType valueType) override;
+  lldb::LanguageType GetPreferredDisplayLanguage() override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Cast(const CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    ConstString m_type_name;
-    uint64_t m_byte_size;
-    ValueObjectConstResultImpl m_impl;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  ConstString m_type_name;
+  uint64_t m_byte_size;
+  ValueObjectConstResultImpl m_impl;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+  ValueObjectConstResult(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                         lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, uint32_t addr_byte_size,
+                         lldb::addr_t address);
+  ValueObjectConstResult(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                         const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+                         const ConstString &name, const DataExtractor &data,
+                         lldb::addr_t address);
+  ValueObjectConstResult(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                         const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+                         const ConstString &name,
+                         const lldb::DataBufferSP &result_data_sp,
+                         lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, uint32_t addr_size,
+                         lldb::addr_t address);
+  ValueObjectConstResult(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                         const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+                         const ConstString &name, lldb::addr_t address,
+                         AddressType address_type, uint32_t addr_byte_size);
-    ValueObjectConstResult (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                            lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, 
-                            uint32_t addr_byte_size,
-                            lldb::addr_t address);
-    ValueObjectConstResult (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                            const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-                            const ConstString &name,
-                            const DataExtractor &data,
-                            lldb::addr_t address);
-    ValueObjectConstResult (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                            const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-                            const ConstString &name,
-                            const lldb::DataBufferSP &result_data_sp,
-                            lldb::ByteOrder byte_order, 
-                            uint32_t addr_size,
-                            lldb::addr_t address);
-    ValueObjectConstResult (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                            const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-                            const ConstString &name,
-                            lldb::addr_t address,
-                            AddressType address_type,
-                            uint32_t addr_byte_size);
-    ValueObjectConstResult (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                            const Value &value,
-                            const ConstString &name,
-                            Module* module = nullptr);
+  ValueObjectConstResult(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const Value &value,
+                         const ConstString &name, Module *module = nullptr);
-    ValueObjectConstResult (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                            const Error& error);
+  ValueObjectConstResult(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const Error &error);
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectConstResult);
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectConstResult);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultCast.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultCast.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultCast.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultCast.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,57 +19,43 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-class ValueObjectConstResultCast : public ValueObjectCast
+class ValueObjectConstResultCast : public ValueObjectCast {
-    ValueObjectConstResultCast (
-        ValueObject &parent,
-        const ConstString &name,
-        const CompilerType &cast_type,
-        lldb::addr_t live_address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    ~ValueObjectConstResultCast() override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Dereference(Error &error) override;
-    ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx,
-		       bool synthetic_array_member,
-		       int32_t synthetic_index) override;
-    virtual CompilerType
-    GetCompilerType ()
-    {
-        return ValueObjectCast::GetCompilerType();
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset,
-                              const CompilerType& type,
-                              bool can_create,
-                              ConstString name_const_str = ConstString()) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    AddressOf (Error &error) override;
-    size_t
-    GetPointeeData (DataExtractor& data,
-                    uint32_t item_idx = 0,
-                    uint32_t item_count = 1) override;
+  ValueObjectConstResultCast(ValueObject &parent, const ConstString &name,
+                             const CompilerType &cast_type,
+                             lldb::addr_t live_address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Cast (const CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
+  ~ValueObjectConstResultCast() override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Dereference(Error &error) override;
+  ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                  int32_t synthetic_index) override;
+  virtual CompilerType GetCompilerType() {
+    return ValueObjectCast::GetCompilerType();
+  }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(
+      uint32_t offset, const CompilerType &type, bool can_create,
+      ConstString name_const_str = ConstString()) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP AddressOf(Error &error) override;
+  size_t GetPointeeData(DataExtractor &data, uint32_t item_idx = 0,
+                        uint32_t item_count = 1) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Cast(const CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
-    ValueObjectConstResultImpl m_impl;
+  ValueObjectConstResultImpl m_impl;
-    friend class ValueObject;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+  friend class ValueObject;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectConstResultCast);
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectConstResultCast);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultChild.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultChild.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultChild.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultChild.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- ValueObjectConstResultChild.h -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- ValueObjectConstResultChild.h -------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -22,62 +23,48 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A child of a ValueObjectConstResult.
-class ValueObjectConstResultChild : public ValueObjectChild
+class ValueObjectConstResultChild : public ValueObjectChild {
-    ValueObjectConstResultChild (ValueObject &parent,
-                                 const CompilerType &compiler_type,
-                                 const ConstString &name,
-                                 uint32_t byte_size,
-                                 int32_t byte_offset,
-                                 uint32_t bitfield_bit_size,
-                                 uint32_t bitfield_bit_offset,
-                                 bool is_base_class,
-                                 bool is_deref_of_parent,
-                                 lldb::addr_t live_address,
-                                 uint64_t language_flags);
-    ~ValueObjectConstResultChild() override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Dereference(Error &error) override;
-    ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index) override;
-    virtual CompilerType
-    GetCompilerType ()
-    {
-        return ValueObjectChild::GetCompilerType();
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset,
-                              const CompilerType& type,
-                              bool can_create,
-                              ConstString name_const_str = ConstString()) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    AddressOf (Error &error) override;
-    size_t
-    GetPointeeData (DataExtractor& data,
-                    uint32_t item_idx = 0,
-					uint32_t item_count = 1) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Cast (const CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
+  ValueObjectConstResultChild(ValueObject &parent,
+                              const CompilerType &compiler_type,
+                              const ConstString &name, uint32_t byte_size,
+                              int32_t byte_offset, uint32_t bitfield_bit_size,
+                              uint32_t bitfield_bit_offset, bool is_base_class,
+                              bool is_deref_of_parent,
+                              lldb::addr_t live_address,
+                              uint64_t language_flags);
+  ~ValueObjectConstResultChild() override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Dereference(Error &error) override;
+  ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                  int32_t synthetic_index) override;
+  virtual CompilerType GetCompilerType() {
+    return ValueObjectChild::GetCompilerType();
+  }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(
+      uint32_t offset, const CompilerType &type, bool can_create,
+      ConstString name_const_str = ConstString()) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP AddressOf(Error &error) override;
+  size_t GetPointeeData(DataExtractor &data, uint32_t item_idx = 0,
+                        uint32_t item_count = 1) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Cast(const CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
-    ValueObjectConstResultImpl m_impl;
+  ValueObjectConstResultImpl m_impl;
-    friend class ValueObject;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+  friend class ValueObject;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectConstResultChild);
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectConstResultChild);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultImpl.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultImpl.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultImpl.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResultImpl.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,64 +23,49 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // ValueObjectConstResult ( & Child ) that may need to jump from the host
 // memory space into the target's memory space
-class ValueObjectConstResultImpl
+class ValueObjectConstResultImpl {
-    ValueObjectConstResultImpl (ValueObject* valobj,
-                                lldb::addr_t live_address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+  ValueObjectConstResultImpl(ValueObject *valobj,
+                             lldb::addr_t live_address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-    virtual
-    ~ValueObjectConstResultImpl() = default;
+  virtual ~ValueObjectConstResultImpl() = default;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Dereference(Error &error);
+  ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                  int32_t synthetic_index);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset, const CompilerType &type,
+                            bool can_create,
+                            ConstString name_const_str = ConstString());
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP AddressOf(Error &error);
+  lldb::addr_t GetLiveAddress() { return m_live_address; }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP Cast(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
+  void SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
+                      AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad) {
+    m_live_address = addr;
+    m_live_address_type = address_type;
+  }
+  virtual lldb::addr_t GetAddressOf(bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
+                                    AddressType *address_type = nullptr);
+  virtual size_t GetPointeeData(DataExtractor &data, uint32_t item_idx = 0,
+                                uint32_t item_count = 1);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Dereference (Error &error);
-    ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex (size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetSyntheticChildAtOffset (uint32_t offset,
-                               const CompilerType& type,
-                               bool can_create,
-                               ConstString name_const_str = ConstString());
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    AddressOf (Error &error);
-    lldb::addr_t
-    GetLiveAddress()
-    {
-        return m_live_address;
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Cast (const CompilerType &compiler_type);
-    void
-    SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
-                   AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad)
-    {
-        m_live_address = addr;
-        m_live_address_type = address_type;
-    }
-    virtual lldb::addr_t
-    GetAddressOf(bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
-                 AddressType *address_type = nullptr);
-    virtual size_t
-    GetPointeeData(DataExtractor& data,
-                   uint32_t item_idx = 0,
-                   uint32_t item_count = 1);
-    ValueObject *m_impl_backend;
-    lldb::addr_t m_live_address;
-    AddressType m_live_address_type;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP m_load_addr_backend;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP m_address_of_backend;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectConstResultImpl);
+  ValueObject *m_impl_backend;
+  lldb::addr_t m_live_address;
+  AddressType m_live_address_type;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP m_load_addr_backend;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP m_address_of_backend;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectConstResultImpl);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectDynamicValue.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectDynamicValue.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectDynamicValue.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectDynamicValue.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,156 +20,107 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-// A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some 
+// A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some
 // set lldb type.
-class ValueObjectDynamicValue : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectDynamicValue : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectDynamicValue() override;
+  ~ValueObjectDynamicValue() override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
-    bool
-    IsDynamic() override
-    {
-        return true;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsBaseClass () override
-    {
-        if (m_parent)
-            return m_parent->IsBaseClass();
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    GetIsConstant() const override
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    ValueObject *
-    GetParent() override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
-    }
-    const ValueObject *
-    GetParent() const override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetStaticValue() override
-    {
-        return m_parent->GetSP();
-    }
-    void
-    SetOwningSP (lldb::ValueObjectSP &owning_sp)
-    {
-        if (m_owning_valobj_sp == owning_sp)
-            return;
-        assert (m_owning_valobj_sp.get() == nullptr);
-        m_owning_valobj_sp = owning_sp;
-    }
-    bool
-    SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error& error) override;
-    bool
-    SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error) override;
-    TypeImpl
-    GetTypeImpl() override;
-    lldb::VariableSP
-    GetVariable () override
-    {
-        return m_parent ? m_parent->GetVariable() : nullptr;
-    }
-    lldb::LanguageType
-    GetPreferredDisplayLanguage() override;
-    void
-    SetPreferredDisplayLanguage (lldb::LanguageType);
-    bool
-    IsSyntheticChildrenGenerated () override;
-    void
-    SetSyntheticChildrenGenerated (bool b) override;
-    bool
-    GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl) override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetLanguageFlags () override;
-    void
-    SetLanguageFlags (uint64_t flags) override;
+  ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  bool IsDynamic() override { return true; }
+  bool IsBaseClass() override {
+    if (m_parent)
+      return m_parent->IsBaseClass();
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool GetIsConstant() const override { return false; }
+  ValueObject *GetParent() override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
+  }
+  const ValueObject *GetParent() const override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
+  }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetStaticValue() override { return m_parent->GetSP(); }
+  void SetOwningSP(lldb::ValueObjectSP &owning_sp) {
+    if (m_owning_valobj_sp == owning_sp)
+      return;
+    assert(m_owning_valobj_sp.get() == nullptr);
+    m_owning_valobj_sp = owning_sp;
+  }
+  bool SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error &error) override;
+  bool SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error) override;
+  TypeImpl GetTypeImpl() override;
+  lldb::VariableSP GetVariable() override {
+    return m_parent ? m_parent->GetVariable() : nullptr;
+  }
+  lldb::LanguageType GetPreferredDisplayLanguage() override;
+  void SetPreferredDisplayLanguage(lldb::LanguageType);
+  bool IsSyntheticChildrenGenerated() override;
+  void SetSyntheticChildrenGenerated(bool b) override;
+  bool GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl) override;
+  uint64_t GetLanguageFlags() override;
+  void SetLanguageFlags(uint64_t flags) override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    LazyBool
-    CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() override
-    {
-        return eLazyBoolYes;
-    }
-    lldb::DynamicValueType
-    GetDynamicValueTypeImpl() override
-    {
-        return m_use_dynamic;
-    }
-    bool
-    HasDynamicValueTypeInfo() override
-    {
-        return true;
-    }
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    Address  m_address;  ///< The variable that this value object is based upon
-    TypeAndOrName m_dynamic_type_info; // We can have a type_sp or just a name
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP m_owning_valobj_sp;
-    lldb::DynamicValueType m_use_dynamic;
-    TypeImpl m_type_impl;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  LazyBool CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() override {
+    return eLazyBoolYes;
+  }
+  lldb::DynamicValueType GetDynamicValueTypeImpl() override {
+    return m_use_dynamic;
+  }
+  bool HasDynamicValueTypeInfo() override { return true; }
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  Address m_address; ///< The variable that this value object is based upon
+  TypeAndOrName m_dynamic_type_info; // We can have a type_sp or just a name
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP m_owning_valobj_sp;
+  lldb::DynamicValueType m_use_dynamic;
+  TypeImpl m_type_impl;
-    friend class ValueObject;
-    friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
-    ValueObjectDynamicValue (ValueObject &parent, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  friend class ValueObject;
+  friend class ValueObjectConstResult;
+  ValueObjectDynamicValue(ValueObject &parent,
+                          lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectDynamicValue);
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectDynamicValue);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectList.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectList.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectList.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectList.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -16,80 +16,60 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/UserID.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
 // A collection of ValueObject values that
-class ValueObjectList
+class ValueObjectList {
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Constructors and Destructors
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ValueObjectList ();
-    ValueObjectList (const ValueObjectList &rhs);
-    ~ValueObjectList();
-    const ValueObjectList &
-    operator = (const ValueObjectList &rhs);
-    void
-    Append (const lldb::ValueObjectSP &val_obj_sp);
-    void
-    Append (const ValueObjectList &valobj_list);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    FindValueObjectByPointer (ValueObject *valobj);
-    size_t
-    GetSize () const;
-    void
-    Resize (size_t size);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetValueObjectAtIndex (size_t idx);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    RemoveValueObjectAtIndex (size_t idx);
-    void
-    SetValueObjectAtIndex (size_t idx, 
-                           const lldb::ValueObjectSP &valobj_sp);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    FindValueObjectByValueName (const char *name);
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    FindValueObjectByUID (lldb::user_id_t uid);
-    void
-    Swap (ValueObjectList &value_object_list);
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        m_value_objects.clear();
-    }
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and Destructors
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ValueObjectList();
-    typedef std::vector<lldb::ValueObjectSP> collection;
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Classes that inherit from ValueObjectList can see and modify these
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    collection  m_value_objects;
+  ValueObjectList(const ValueObjectList &rhs);
+  ~ValueObjectList();
+  const ValueObjectList &operator=(const ValueObjectList &rhs);
+  void Append(const lldb::ValueObjectSP &val_obj_sp);
+  void Append(const ValueObjectList &valobj_list);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP FindValueObjectByPointer(ValueObject *valobj);
+  size_t GetSize() const;
+  void Resize(size_t size);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetValueObjectAtIndex(size_t idx);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP RemoveValueObjectAtIndex(size_t idx);
+  void SetValueObjectAtIndex(size_t idx, const lldb::ValueObjectSP &valobj_sp);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP FindValueObjectByValueName(const char *name);
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP FindValueObjectByUID(lldb::user_id_t uid);
+  void Swap(ValueObjectList &value_object_list);
+  void Clear() { m_value_objects.clear(); }
+  typedef std::vector<lldb::ValueObjectSP> collection;
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Classes that inherit from ValueObjectList can see and modify these
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  collection m_value_objects;
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif  // liblldb_ValueObjectList_h_
+#endif // liblldb_ValueObjectList_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectMemory.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectMemory.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectMemory.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectMemory.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,72 +20,54 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-// A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some 
+// A ValueObject that represents memory at a given address, viewed as some
 // set lldb type.
-class ValueObjectMemory : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectMemory : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectMemory() override;
+  ~ValueObjectMemory() override;
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, 
-            const char *name,
-            const Address &address, 
-            lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, 
-            const char *name,
-            const Address &address, 
-            const CompilerType &ast_type);
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    const char *name, const Address &address,
+                                    lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    const char *name, const Address &address,
+                                    const CompilerType &ast_type);
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    GetModule() override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  lldb::ModuleSP GetModule() override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    Address  m_address;  ///< The variable that this value object is based upon
-    lldb::TypeSP m_type_sp;
-    CompilerType m_compiler_type;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  Address m_address; ///< The variable that this value object is based upon
+  lldb::TypeSP m_type_sp;
+  CompilerType m_compiler_type;
-    ValueObjectMemory (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, 
-                       const char *name,
-                       const Address &address, 
-                       lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
-    ValueObjectMemory (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
-                       const char *name, 
-                       const Address &address,
-                       const CompilerType &ast_type);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ValueObject only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectMemory);
+  ValueObjectMemory(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const char *name,
+                    const Address &address, lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
+  ValueObjectMemory(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const char *name,
+                    const Address &address, const CompilerType &ast_type);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ValueObject only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectRegister.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectRegister.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectRegister.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectRegister.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/RegisterValue.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
@@ -24,171 +24,146 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A ValueObject that contains a root variable that may or may not
 // have children.
-class ValueObjectRegisterContext : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectRegisterContext : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectRegisterContext() override;
+  ~ValueObjectRegisterContext() override;
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override {
+    return lldb::eValueTypeRegisterSet;
+  }
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override
-    {
-        return lldb::eValueTypeRegisterSet;
-    }
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index) override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                  int32_t synthetic_index) override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_ctx_sp;
+  lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_ctx_sp;
-    ValueObjectRegisterContext (ValueObject &parent, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ValueObject only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectRegisterContext);
+  ValueObjectRegisterContext(ValueObject &parent,
+                             lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ValueObject only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectRegisterContext);
-class ValueObjectRegisterSet : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectRegisterSet : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectRegisterSet() override;
+  ~ValueObjectRegisterSet() override;
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t set_idx);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp,
+                                    uint32_t set_idx);
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override
-    {
-        return lldb::eValueTypeRegisterSet;
-    }
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    ValueObject *
-    CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildMemberWithName(const ConstString &name, bool can_create) override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override {
+    return lldb::eValueTypeRegisterSet;
+  }
-    size_t
-    GetIndexOfChildWithName(const ConstString &name) override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  ValueObject *CreateChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member,
+                                  int32_t synthetic_index) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildMemberWithName(const ConstString &name,
+                                             bool can_create) override;
+  size_t GetIndexOfChildWithName(const ConstString &name) override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_ctx_sp;
-    const RegisterSet *m_reg_set;
-    uint32_t m_reg_set_idx;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_ctx_sp;
+  const RegisterSet *m_reg_set;
+  uint32_t m_reg_set_idx;
-    friend class ValueObjectRegisterContext;
+  friend class ValueObjectRegisterContext;
-    ValueObjectRegisterSet (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t set_idx);
+  ValueObjectRegisterSet(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                         lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t set_idx);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ValueObject only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectRegisterSet);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ValueObject only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectRegisterSet);
-class ValueObjectRegister : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectRegister : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectRegister() override;
+  ~ValueObjectRegister() override;
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp,
+                                    uint32_t reg_num);
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override {
+    return lldb::eValueTypeRegister;
+  }
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t reg_num);
+  bool SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error &error) override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
+  bool SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error) override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override
-    {
-        return lldb::eValueTypeRegister;
-    }
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    bool
-    SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error& error) override;
-    bool
-    SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error) override;
-    bool
-    ResolveValue(Scalar &scalar) override;
-    void
-    GetExpressionPath(Stream &s, bool qualify_cxx_base_classes,
-                      GetExpressionPathFormat epformat = eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers) override;
+  bool ResolveValue(Scalar &scalar) override;
+  void
+  GetExpressionPath(Stream &s, bool qualify_cxx_base_classes,
+                    GetExpressionPathFormat epformat =
+                        eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers) override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_ctx_sp;
-    RegisterInfo m_reg_info;
-    RegisterValue m_reg_value;
-    ConstString m_type_name;
-    CompilerType m_compiler_type;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_ctx_sp;
+  RegisterInfo m_reg_info;
+  RegisterValue m_reg_value;
+  ConstString m_type_name;
+  CompilerType m_compiler_type;
-    void
-    ConstructObject (uint32_t reg_num);
-    friend class ValueObjectRegisterSet;
-    ValueObjectRegister (ValueObject &parent, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t reg_num);
-    ValueObjectRegister (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t reg_num);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ValueObject only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectRegister);
+  void ConstructObject(uint32_t reg_num);
+  friend class ValueObjectRegisterSet;
+  ValueObjectRegister(ValueObject &parent, lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp,
+                      uint32_t reg_num);
+  ValueObjectRegister(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                      lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_ctx_sp, uint32_t reg_num);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ValueObject only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectRegister);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectSyntheticFilter.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectSyntheticFilter.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectSyntheticFilter.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectSyntheticFilter.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -29,185 +29,134 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // but you can bind it to any source of synthetic information and have
 // it behave accordingly
-class ValueObjectSynthetic : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectSynthetic : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectSynthetic() override;
+  ~ValueObjectSynthetic() override;
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  bool MightHaveChildren() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool can_create) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetChildMemberWithName(const ConstString &name,
+                                             bool can_create) override;
+  size_t GetIndexOfChildWithName(const ConstString &name) override;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP
+  GetDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType valueType) override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  bool HasSyntheticValue() override { return false; }
+  bool IsSynthetic() override { return true; }
+  void CalculateSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic) override {}
+  bool IsDynamic() override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->IsDynamic() : false);
+  }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetStaticValue() override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetStaticValue() : GetSP());
+  }
+  virtual lldb::DynamicValueType GetDynamicValueType() {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetDynamicValueType()
+                                  : lldb::eNoDynamicValues);
+  }
+  ValueObject *GetParent() override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
+  }
+  const ValueObject *GetParent() const override {
+    return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
+  }
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP GetNonSyntheticValue() override;
+  bool CanProvideValue() override;
+  bool DoesProvideSyntheticValue() override {
+    return (UpdateValueIfNeeded(), m_provides_value == eLazyBoolYes);
+  }
+  bool GetIsConstant() const override { return false; }
+  bool SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error &error) override;
+  void SetFormat(lldb::Format format) override;
+  lldb::LanguageType GetPreferredDisplayLanguage() override;
+  void SetPreferredDisplayLanguage(lldb::LanguageType);
+  bool IsSyntheticChildrenGenerated() override;
+  void SetSyntheticChildrenGenerated(bool b) override;
+  bool GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl) override;
+  uint64_t GetLanguageFlags() override;
+  void SetLanguageFlags(uint64_t flags) override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
-    bool
-    MightHaveChildren() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildAtIndex(size_t idx, bool can_create) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetChildMemberWithName(const ConstString &name, bool can_create) override;
-    size_t
-    GetIndexOfChildWithName(const ConstString &name) override;
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType valueType) override;
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
-    bool
-    HasSyntheticValue() override
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    IsSynthetic() override
-    {
-        return true;
-    }
-    void
-    CalculateSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic) override
-    {
-    }
-    bool
-    IsDynamic() override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->IsDynamic() : false);
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetStaticValue() override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetStaticValue() : GetSP());
-    }
-    virtual lldb::DynamicValueType
-    GetDynamicValueType ()
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetDynamicValueType() : lldb::eNoDynamicValues);
-    }
-    ValueObject *
-    GetParent() override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
-    }
-    const ValueObject *
-    GetParent() const override
-    {
-        return ((m_parent != nullptr) ? m_parent->GetParent() : nullptr);
-    }
-    lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    GetNonSyntheticValue() override;
-    bool
-    CanProvideValue() override;
-    bool
-    DoesProvideSyntheticValue() override
-    {
-        return (UpdateValueIfNeeded(), m_provides_value == eLazyBoolYes);
-    }
-    bool
-    GetIsConstant() const override
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool
-    SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error& error) override;
-    void
-    SetFormat(lldb::Format format) override;
-    lldb::LanguageType
-    GetPreferredDisplayLanguage() override;
-    void
-    SetPreferredDisplayLanguage (lldb::LanguageType);
-    bool
-    IsSyntheticChildrenGenerated () override;
-    void
-    SetSyntheticChildrenGenerated (bool b) override;
-    bool
-    GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl) override;
-    uint64_t
-    GetLanguageFlags () override;
-    void
-    SetLanguageFlags (uint64_t flags) override;
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    LazyBool
-    CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() override
-    {
-        return eLazyBoolYes;
-    }
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    virtual void
-    CreateSynthFilter ();
-    // we need to hold on to the SyntheticChildren because someone might delete the type binding while we are alive
-    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP m_synth_sp;
-    std::unique_ptr<SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd> m_synth_filter_ap;
-    typedef ThreadSafeSTLMap<uint32_t, ValueObject*> ByIndexMap;
-    typedef ThreadSafeSTLMap<const char*, uint32_t> NameToIndexMap;
-    typedef ThreadSafeSTLVector<lldb::ValueObjectSP> SyntheticChildrenCache;
-    typedef ByIndexMap::iterator ByIndexIterator;
-    typedef NameToIndexMap::iterator NameToIndexIterator;
-    ByIndexMap      m_children_byindex;
-    NameToIndexMap  m_name_toindex;
-    uint32_t        m_synthetic_children_count; // FIXME use the ValueObject's ChildrenManager instead of a special purpose solution
-    SyntheticChildrenCache m_synthetic_children_cache;
-    ConstString     m_parent_type_name;
-    LazyBool        m_might_have_children;
-    LazyBool        m_provides_value;
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  LazyBool CanUpdateWithInvalidExecutionContext() override {
+    return eLazyBoolYes;
+  }
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  virtual void CreateSynthFilter();
+  // we need to hold on to the SyntheticChildren because someone might delete
+  // the type binding while we are alive
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP m_synth_sp;
+  std::unique_ptr<SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd> m_synth_filter_ap;
+  typedef ThreadSafeSTLMap<uint32_t, ValueObject *> ByIndexMap;
+  typedef ThreadSafeSTLMap<const char *, uint32_t> NameToIndexMap;
+  typedef ThreadSafeSTLVector<lldb::ValueObjectSP> SyntheticChildrenCache;
+  typedef ByIndexMap::iterator ByIndexIterator;
+  typedef NameToIndexMap::iterator NameToIndexIterator;
+  ByIndexMap m_children_byindex;
+  NameToIndexMap m_name_toindex;
+  uint32_t m_synthetic_children_count; // FIXME use the ValueObject's
+                                       // ChildrenManager instead of a special
+                                       // purpose solution
+  SyntheticChildrenCache m_synthetic_children_cache;
+  ConstString m_parent_type_name;
+  LazyBool m_might_have_children;
+  LazyBool m_provides_value;
-    friend class ValueObject;
-    ValueObjectSynthetic (ValueObject &parent, lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP filter);
-    void
-    CopyValueData (ValueObject *source);
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectSynthetic);
+  friend class ValueObject;
+  ValueObjectSynthetic(ValueObject &parent, lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP filter);
+  void CopyValueData(ValueObject *source);
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectSynthetic);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -22,75 +22,58 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // A ValueObject that contains a root variable that may or may not
 // have children.
-class ValueObjectVariable : public ValueObject
+class ValueObjectVariable : public ValueObject {
-    ~ValueObjectVariable() override;
+  ~ValueObjectVariable() override;
-    static lldb::ValueObjectSP
-    Create (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const lldb::VariableSP &var_sp);
+  static lldb::ValueObjectSP Create(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                                    const lldb::VariableSP &var_sp);
-    uint64_t
-    GetByteSize() override;
+  uint64_t GetByteSize() override;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
+  ConstString GetDisplayTypeName() override;
+  size_t CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
+  lldb::ValueType GetValueType() const override;
+  bool IsInScope() override;
+  lldb::ModuleSP GetModule() override;
+  SymbolContextScope *GetSymbolContextScope() override;
+  bool GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl) override;
+  const char *GetLocationAsCString() override;
+  bool SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error &error) override;
+  bool SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error) override;
+  virtual lldb::VariableSP GetVariable() override { return m_variable_sp; }
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetQualifiedTypeName() override;
-    ConstString
-    GetDisplayTypeName() override;
-    size_t
-    CalculateNumChildren(uint32_t max) override;
-    lldb::ValueType
-    GetValueType() const override;
-    bool
-    IsInScope() override;
-    lldb::ModuleSP
-    GetModule() override;
-    SymbolContextScope *
-    GetSymbolContextScope() override;
-    bool
-    GetDeclaration(Declaration &decl) override;
-    const char *
-    GetLocationAsCString() override;
-    bool
-    SetValueFromCString(const char *value_str, Error& error) override;
-    bool
-    SetData(DataExtractor &data, Error &error) override;
-    virtual lldb::VariableSP
-    GetVariable () override
-    {
-        return m_variable_sp;
-    }
-    bool
-    UpdateValue() override;
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
-    lldb::VariableSP  m_variable_sp;  ///< The variable that this value object is based upon
-    Value m_resolved_value;           ///< The value that DWARFExpression resolves this variable to before we patch it up
+  bool UpdateValue() override;
+  CompilerType GetCompilerTypeImpl() override;
+  lldb::VariableSP
+      m_variable_sp;      ///< The variable that this value object is based upon
+  Value m_resolved_value; ///< The value that DWARFExpression resolves this
+                          ///variable to before we patch it up
-    ValueObjectVariable (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, const lldb::VariableSP &var_sp);
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // For ValueObject only
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (ValueObjectVariable);
+  ValueObjectVariable(ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+                      const lldb::VariableSP &var_sp);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // For ValueObject only
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ValueObjectVariable);
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/dwarf.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/dwarf.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/dwarf.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Core/dwarf.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,24 +20,28 @@
 // and stuff them in our default namespace
 using namespace llvm::dwarf;
-typedef uint32_t    dw_uleb128_t;
-typedef int32_t     dw_sleb128_t;
-typedef uint16_t    dw_attr_t;
-typedef uint16_t    dw_form_t;
-typedef uint16_t    dw_tag_t;
-typedef uint64_t    dw_addr_t;      // Dwarf address define that must be big enough for any addresses in the compile units that get parsed
+typedef uint32_t dw_uleb128_t;
+typedef int32_t dw_sleb128_t;
+typedef uint16_t dw_attr_t;
+typedef uint16_t dw_form_t;
+typedef uint16_t dw_tag_t;
+typedef uint64_t dw_addr_t; // Dwarf address define that must be big enough for
+                            // any addresses in the compile units that get
+                            // parsed
-#define DWARF_REF_ADDR_SIZE     8
-typedef uint64_t    dw_offset_t;    // Dwarf Debug Information Entry offset for any offset into the file
+typedef uint64_t dw_offset_t; // Dwarf Debug Information Entry offset for any
+                              // offset into the file
-#define DWARF_REF_ADDR_SIZE     4
-typedef uint32_t    dw_offset_t;    // Dwarf Debug Information Entry offset for any offset into the file
+typedef uint32_t dw_offset_t; // Dwarf Debug Information Entry offset for any
+                              // offset into the file
 /* Constants */
-#define DW_INVALID_OFFSET                   (~(dw_offset_t)0)
-#define DW_INVALID_INDEX                    0xFFFFFFFFul
+#define DW_INVALID_OFFSET (~(dw_offset_t)0)
 // #define DW_ADDR_none 0x0
@@ -48,20 +52,34 @@ typedef uint32_t    dw_offset_t;    // D
 //// them in executable files anywhere.
 //// These constants fit between DW_OP_lo_user (0xe0) and DW_OP_hi_user (0xff).
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_array_ref     0xEE // first pops index, then pops array; pushes array[index]
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_extern        0xEF // ULEB128 index of external object (i.e., an entity from the program that was used in the expression)
-#define DW_OP_APPLE_uninit        0xF0 // This is actually generated by some apple compilers in locations lists
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_assign        0xF1 // pops value off and assigns it to second item on stack (2nd item must have assignable context)
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_address_of    0xF2 // gets the address of the top stack item (top item must be a variable, or have value_type that is an address already)
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_value_of      0xF3 // pops the value off the stack and pushes the value of that object (top item must be a variable, or expression local)
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_deref_type    0xF4 // gets the address of the top stack item (top item must be a variable, or a clang type)
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_array_ref     0xEE // first pops index, then pops array;
+//pushes array[index]
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_extern        0xEF // ULEB128 index of external object
+//(i.e., an entity from the program that was used in the expression)
+#define DW_OP_APPLE_uninit                                                     \
+  0xF0 // This is actually generated by some apple compilers in locations lists
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_assign        0xF1 // pops value off and assigns it to
+//second item on stack (2nd item must have assignable context)
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_address_of    0xF2 // gets the address of the top stack
+//item (top item must be a variable, or have value_type that is an address
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_value_of      0xF3 // pops the value off the stack and
+//pushes the value of that object (top item must be a variable, or expression
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_deref_type    0xF4 // gets the address of the top stack
+//item (top item must be a variable, or a clang type)
 //#define DW_OP_APPLE_expr_local    0xF5 // ULEB128 expression local index
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_constf        0xF6 // 1 byte float size, followed by constant float data
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_scalar_cast   0xF7 // Cast top of stack to 2nd in stack's type leaving all items in place
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_clang_cast    0xF8 // pointer size clang::Type * off the stack and cast top stack item to this type
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_clear         0xFE // clears the entire expression stack, ok if the stack is empty
-//#define DW_OP_APPLE_error         0xFF // Stops expression evaluation and returns an error (no args)
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_constf        0xF6 // 1 byte float size, followed by
+//constant float data
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_scalar_cast   0xF7 // Cast top of stack to 2nd in stack's
+//type leaving all items in place
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_clang_cast    0xF8 // pointer size clang::Type * off the
+//stack and cast top stack item to this type
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_clear         0xFE // clears the entire expression stack,
+//ok if the stack is empty
+//#define DW_OP_APPLE_error         0xFF // Stops expression evaluation and
+//returns an error (no args)
 typedef lldb_private::RangeArray<dw_addr_t, dw_addr_t, 2> DWARFRangeList;
-#endif  // DebugBase_dwarf_h_
+#endif // DebugBase_dwarf_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/CXXFunctionPointer.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/CXXFunctionPointer.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/CXXFunctionPointer.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/CXXFunctionPointer.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
 #include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    namespace formatters
-    {
-        bool
-        CXXFunctionPointerSummaryProvider (ValueObject& valobj, Stream& stream, const TypeSummaryOptions& options);
-    } // namespace formatters
+namespace formatters {
+bool CXXFunctionPointerSummaryProvider(ValueObject &valobj, Stream &stream,
+                                       const TypeSummaryOptions &options);
+} // namespace formatters
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // liblldb_CXXFunctionPointer_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,151 +23,124 @@ namespace lldb_private {
 // this class is the high-level front-end of LLDB Data Visualization
 // code in FormatManager.h/cpp is the low-level implementation of this feature
-// clients should refer to this class as the entry-point into the data formatters
+// clients should refer to this class as the entry-point into the data
+// formatters
 // unless they have a good reason to bypass this and go to the backend
-class DataVisualization
+class DataVisualization {
-    // use this call to force the FM to consider itself updated even when there is no apparent reason for that
-    static void
-    ForceUpdate();
-    static uint32_t
-    GetCurrentRevision ();
-    static bool
-    ShouldPrintAsOneLiner (ValueObject& valobj);
-    static lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-    GetFormat (ValueObject& valobj,
-               lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    static lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-    GetFormatForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    static lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-    GetSummaryFormat (ValueObject& valobj,
-                      lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    static lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-    GetSummaryForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  // use this call to force the FM to consider itself updated even when there is
+  // no apparent reason for that
+  static void ForceUpdate();
+  static uint32_t GetCurrentRevision();
+  static bool ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(ValueObject &valobj);
+  static lldb::TypeFormatImplSP GetFormat(ValueObject &valobj,
+                                          lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  static lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
+  GetFormatForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  static lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
+  GetSummaryFormat(ValueObject &valobj, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  static lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
+  GetSummaryForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    static lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticChildrenForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  static lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticChildrenForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    static lldb::TypeFilterImplSP
-    GetFilterForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  static lldb::TypeFilterImplSP
+  GetFilterForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    static lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  static lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    static lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticChildren(ValueObject& valobj,
-                         lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  static lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticChildren(ValueObject &valobj, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    static lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-    GetValidator (ValueObject& valobj,
-                  lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    static lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-    GetValidatorForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    static bool
-    AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
-               TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems items = TypeCategoryImpl::ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
-               bool only_enabled = true,
-               const char** matching_category = nullptr,
-               TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems* matching_type = nullptr);
-    class NamedSummaryFormats
-    {
-    public:
-        static bool
-        GetSummaryFormat (const ConstString &type, lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &entry);
-        static void
-        Add (const ConstString &type, const lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &entry);
-        static bool
-        Delete (const ConstString &type);
-        static void
-        Clear ();
-        static void
-        ForEach (std::function<bool(ConstString, const lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP&)> callback);
-        static uint32_t
-        GetCount ();
-    };
-    class Categories
-    {
-    public:
-        static bool
-        GetCategory (const ConstString &category,
-                     lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &entry,
-                     bool allow_create = true);
-        static bool
-        GetCategory (lldb::LanguageType language,
-                     lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &entry);
-        static void
-        Add (const ConstString &category);
-        static bool
-        Delete (const ConstString &category);
-        static void
-        Clear ();
-        static void
-        Clear (const ConstString &category);
-        static void
-        Enable (const ConstString& category,
-                TypeCategoryMap::Position = TypeCategoryMap::Default);
-        static void
-        Enable (lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
-        static void
-        Disable (const ConstString& category);
-        static void
-        Disable (lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
-        static void
-        Enable (const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP& category,
-                TypeCategoryMap::Position = TypeCategoryMap::Default);
-        static void
-        Disable (const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP& category);
-        static void
-        EnableStar ();
-        static void
-        DisableStar ();
-        static void
-        ForEach (TypeCategoryMap::ForEachCallback callback);
-        static uint32_t
-        GetCount ();
-        static lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
-        GetCategoryAtIndex (size_t);
-    };
+  static lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
+  GetValidator(ValueObject &valobj, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  static lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
+  GetValidatorForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  static bool
+  AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
+             TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems items =
+                 TypeCategoryImpl::ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
+             bool only_enabled = true, const char **matching_category = nullptr,
+             TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems *matching_type = nullptr);
+  class NamedSummaryFormats {
+  public:
+    static bool GetSummaryFormat(const ConstString &type,
+                                 lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &entry);
+    static void Add(const ConstString &type,
+                    const lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &entry);
+    static bool Delete(const ConstString &type);
+    static void Clear();
+    static void
+    ForEach(std::function<bool(ConstString, const lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &)>
+                callback);
+    static uint32_t GetCount();
+  };
+  class Categories {
+  public:
+    static bool GetCategory(const ConstString &category,
+                            lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &entry,
+                            bool allow_create = true);
+    static bool GetCategory(lldb::LanguageType language,
+                            lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &entry);
+    static void Add(const ConstString &category);
+    static bool Delete(const ConstString &category);
+    static void Clear();
+    static void Clear(const ConstString &category);
+    static void Enable(const ConstString &category,
+                       TypeCategoryMap::Position = TypeCategoryMap::Default);
+    static void Enable(lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
+    static void Disable(const ConstString &category);
+    static void Disable(lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
+    static void Enable(const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &category,
+                       TypeCategoryMap::Position = TypeCategoryMap::Default);
+    static void Disable(const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &category);
+    static void EnableStar();
+    static void DisableStar();
+    static void ForEach(TypeCategoryMap::ForEachCallback callback);
+    static uint32_t GetCount();
+    static lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP GetCategoryAtIndex(size_t);
+  };
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif// lldb_DataVisualization_h_
+#endif // lldb_DataVisualization_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DumpValueObjectOptions.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DumpValueObjectOptions.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DumpValueObjectOptions.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/DumpValueObjectOptions.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -23,165 +23,125 @@
 #include <string>
 namespace lldb_private {
-class DumpValueObjectOptions
+class DumpValueObjectOptions {
-    struct PointerDepth
-    {
-        enum class Mode
-        {
-            Always,
-            Formatters,
-            Default,
-            Never
-        } m_mode;
-        uint32_t m_count;
-        PointerDepth
-        operator --() const
-        {
-            if (m_count > 0)
-                return PointerDepth {m_mode,m_count-1};
-            return PointerDepth {m_mode,m_count};
-        }
-        bool
-        CanAllowExpansion () const;
-        bool
-        CanAllowExpansion (bool is_root,
-                           TypeSummaryImpl* entry,
-                           ValueObject *valobj,
-                           const std::string& summary);
-    };
-    typedef std::function<bool(ConstString,
-                               ConstString,
-                               const DumpValueObjectOptions &,
-                               Stream&)> DeclPrintingHelper;
-    static const DumpValueObjectOptions
-    DefaultOptions()
-    {
-        static DumpValueObjectOptions g_default_options;
-        return g_default_options;
+  struct PointerDepth {
+    enum class Mode { Always, Formatters, Default, Never } m_mode;
+    uint32_t m_count;
+    PointerDepth operator--() const {
+      if (m_count > 0)
+        return PointerDepth{m_mode, m_count - 1};
+      return PointerDepth{m_mode, m_count};
-    DumpValueObjectOptions();
-    DumpValueObjectOptions (const DumpValueObjectOptions& rhs) = default;
-    DumpValueObjectOptions (ValueObject& valobj);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetMaximumPointerDepth(PointerDepth depth = {PointerDepth::Mode::Never,0});
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetMaximumDepth(uint32_t depth = 0);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetDeclPrintingHelper(DeclPrintingHelper helper);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetShowTypes(bool show = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetShowLocation(bool show = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetUseObjectiveC(bool use = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetShowSummary(bool show = true);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetUseDynamicType(lldb::DynamicValueType dyn = lldb::eNoDynamicValues);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetUseSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic = true);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetScopeChecked(bool check = true);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetFlatOutput(bool flat = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetOmitSummaryDepth(uint32_t depth = 0);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetIgnoreCap(bool ignore = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetRawDisplay();
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetFormat (lldb::Format format = lldb::eFormatDefault);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetSummary (lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary = lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP());
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetRootValueObjectName(const char* name = nullptr);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetHideRootType (bool hide_root_type = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetHideName (bool hide_name = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetHideValue (bool hide_value = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetHidePointerValue (bool hide = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetVariableFormatDisplayLanguage (lldb::LanguageType lang = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetRunValidator (bool run = true);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetUseTypeDisplayName (bool dis = false);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetAllowOnelinerMode (bool oneliner = false);    
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetRevealEmptyAggregates (bool reveal = true);
-    DumpValueObjectOptions&
-    SetElementCount (uint32_t element_count = 0);
+    bool CanAllowExpansion() const;
+    bool CanAllowExpansion(bool is_root, TypeSummaryImpl *entry,
+                           ValueObject *valobj, const std::string &summary);
+  };
+  typedef std::function<bool(ConstString, ConstString,
+                             const DumpValueObjectOptions &, Stream &)>
+      DeclPrintingHelper;
+  static const DumpValueObjectOptions DefaultOptions() {
+    static DumpValueObjectOptions g_default_options;
+    return g_default_options;
+  }
+  DumpValueObjectOptions();
+  DumpValueObjectOptions(const DumpValueObjectOptions &rhs) = default;
+  DumpValueObjectOptions(ValueObject &valobj);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &
+  SetMaximumPointerDepth(PointerDepth depth = {PointerDepth::Mode::Never, 0});
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetMaximumDepth(uint32_t depth = 0);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetDeclPrintingHelper(DeclPrintingHelper helper);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetShowTypes(bool show = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetShowLocation(bool show = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetUseObjectiveC(bool use = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetShowSummary(bool show = true);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &
+  SetUseDynamicType(lldb::DynamicValueType dyn = lldb::eNoDynamicValues);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetUseSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic = true);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetScopeChecked(bool check = true);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetFlatOutput(bool flat = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetOmitSummaryDepth(uint32_t depth = 0);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetIgnoreCap(bool ignore = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetRawDisplay();
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetFormat(lldb::Format format = lldb::eFormatDefault);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &
+  SetSummary(lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary = lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP());
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetRootValueObjectName(const char *name = nullptr);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetHideRootType(bool hide_root_type = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetHideName(bool hide_name = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetHideValue(bool hide_value = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetHidePointerValue(bool hide = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetVariableFormatDisplayLanguage(
+      lldb::LanguageType lang = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetRunValidator(bool run = true);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetUseTypeDisplayName(bool dis = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetAllowOnelinerMode(bool oneliner = false);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetRevealEmptyAggregates(bool reveal = true);
+  DumpValueObjectOptions &SetElementCount(uint32_t element_count = 0);
-    uint32_t m_max_depth = UINT32_MAX;
-    lldb::DynamicValueType m_use_dynamic = lldb::eNoDynamicValues;
-    uint32_t m_omit_summary_depth = 0;
-    lldb::Format m_format = lldb::eFormatDefault;
-    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_summary_sp;
-    std::string m_root_valobj_name;
-    lldb::LanguageType m_varformat_language = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown;
-    PointerDepth m_max_ptr_depth;
-    DeclPrintingHelper m_decl_printing_helper;
-    uint32_t m_element_count = 0;
-    bool m_use_synthetic : 1;
-    bool m_scope_already_checked : 1;
-    bool m_flat_output : 1;
-    bool m_ignore_cap : 1;
-    bool m_show_types : 1;
-    bool m_show_location : 1;
-    bool m_use_objc : 1;
-    bool m_hide_root_type : 1;
-    bool m_hide_name : 1;
-    bool m_hide_value : 1;
-    bool m_run_validator : 1;
-    bool m_use_type_display_name : 1;
-    bool m_allow_oneliner_mode : 1;
-    bool m_hide_pointer_value : 1;
-    bool m_reveal_empty_aggregates : 1;
+  uint32_t m_max_depth = UINT32_MAX;
+  lldb::DynamicValueType m_use_dynamic = lldb::eNoDynamicValues;
+  uint32_t m_omit_summary_depth = 0;
+  lldb::Format m_format = lldb::eFormatDefault;
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_summary_sp;
+  std::string m_root_valobj_name;
+  lldb::LanguageType m_varformat_language = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown;
+  PointerDepth m_max_ptr_depth;
+  DeclPrintingHelper m_decl_printing_helper;
+  uint32_t m_element_count = 0;
+  bool m_use_synthetic : 1;
+  bool m_scope_already_checked : 1;
+  bool m_flat_output : 1;
+  bool m_ignore_cap : 1;
+  bool m_show_types : 1;
+  bool m_show_location : 1;
+  bool m_use_objc : 1;
+  bool m_hide_root_type : 1;
+  bool m_hide_name : 1;
+  bool m_hide_value : 1;
+  bool m_run_validator : 1;
+  bool m_use_type_display_name : 1;
+  bool m_allow_oneliner_mode : 1;
+  bool m_hide_pointer_value : 1;
+  bool m_reveal_empty_aggregates : 1;
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatCache.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatCache.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatCache.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatCache.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- FormatCache.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- FormatCache.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -17,121 +18,95 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class FormatCache
+class FormatCache {
-    struct Entry
-    {
-    private:
-        bool m_format_cached : 1;
-        bool m_summary_cached : 1;
-        bool m_synthetic_cached : 1;
-        bool m_validator_cached : 1;
-        lldb::TypeFormatImplSP m_format_sp;
-        lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_summary_sp;
-        lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP m_synthetic_sp;
-        lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP m_validator_sp;
-    public:
-        Entry ();
-        Entry (lldb::TypeFormatImplSP);
-        Entry (lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP);
-        Entry (lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP);
-        Entry (lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP);
-        Entry (lldb::TypeFormatImplSP,lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP,lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP,lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP);
-        bool
-        IsFormatCached ();
-        bool
-        IsSummaryCached ();
-        bool
-        IsSyntheticCached ();
-        bool
-        IsValidatorCached ();
-        lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-        GetFormat ();
-        lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-        GetSummary ();
-        lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-        GetSynthetic ();
-        lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-        GetValidator ();
-        void
-        SetFormat (lldb::TypeFormatImplSP);
-        void
-        SetSummary (lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP);
-        void
-        SetSynthetic (lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP);
-        void
-        SetValidator (lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP);
-    };
-    typedef std::map<ConstString,Entry> CacheMap;
-    CacheMap m_map;
-    std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
-    uint64_t m_cache_hits;
-    uint64_t m_cache_misses;
-    Entry&
-    GetEntry (const ConstString& type);
+  struct Entry {
+  private:
+    bool m_format_cached : 1;
+    bool m_summary_cached : 1;
+    bool m_synthetic_cached : 1;
+    bool m_validator_cached : 1;
+    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP m_format_sp;
+    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_summary_sp;
+    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP m_synthetic_sp;
+    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP m_validator_sp;
+  public:
+    Entry();
+    Entry(lldb::TypeFormatImplSP);
+    Entry(lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP);
+    Entry(lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP);
+    Entry(lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP);
+    Entry(lldb::TypeFormatImplSP, lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP,
+          lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP, lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP);
+    bool IsFormatCached();
+    bool IsSummaryCached();
+    bool IsSyntheticCached();
+    bool IsValidatorCached();
+    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP GetFormat();
+    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP GetSummary();
+    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP GetSynthetic();
+    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP GetValidator();
+    void SetFormat(lldb::TypeFormatImplSP);
+    void SetSummary(lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP);
+    void SetSynthetic(lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP);
+    void SetValidator(lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP);
+  };
+  typedef std::map<ConstString, Entry> CacheMap;
+  CacheMap m_map;
+  std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+  uint64_t m_cache_hits;
+  uint64_t m_cache_misses;
+  Entry &GetEntry(const ConstString &type);
-    FormatCache ();
-    bool
-    GetFormat (const ConstString& type,lldb::TypeFormatImplSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    GetSummary (const ConstString& type,lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP& summary_sp);
-    bool
-    GetSynthetic (const ConstString& type,lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP& synthetic_sp);
-    bool
-    GetValidator (const ConstString& type,lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP& summary_sp);
-    void
-    SetFormat (const ConstString& type,lldb::TypeFormatImplSP& format_sp);
-    void
-    SetSummary (const ConstString& type,lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP& summary_sp);
-    void
-    SetSynthetic (const ConstString& type,lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP& synthetic_sp);
-    void
-    SetValidator (const ConstString& type,lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP& synthetic_sp);
-    void
-    Clear ();
-    uint64_t
-    GetCacheHits ()
-    {
-        return m_cache_hits;
-    }
-    uint64_t
-    GetCacheMisses ()
-    {
-        return m_cache_misses;
-    }
+  FormatCache();
+  bool GetFormat(const ConstString &type, lldb::TypeFormatImplSP &format_sp);
+  bool GetSummary(const ConstString &type, lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &summary_sp);
+  bool GetSynthetic(const ConstString &type,
+                    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &synthetic_sp);
+  bool GetValidator(const ConstString &type,
+                    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP &summary_sp);
+  void SetFormat(const ConstString &type, lldb::TypeFormatImplSP &format_sp);
+  void SetSummary(const ConstString &type, lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &summary_sp);
+  void SetSynthetic(const ConstString &type,
+                    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &synthetic_sp);
+  void SetValidator(const ConstString &type,
+                    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP &synthetic_sp);
+  void Clear();
+  uint64_t GetCacheHits() { return m_cache_hits; }
+  uint64_t GetCacheMisses() { return m_cache_misses; }
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif	// lldb_FormatCache_h_
+#endif // lldb_FormatCache_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,222 +19,160 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
-#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeFormat.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeSummary.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeSynthetic.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeValidator.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/Type.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
 class HardcodedFormatters {
-    template <typename FormatterType>
-    using HardcodedFormatterFinder = std::function<typename FormatterType::SharedPointer (lldb_private::ValueObject&,
-                                                                                          lldb::DynamicValueType,
-                                                                                          FormatManager&)>;
-    template <typename FormatterType>
-    using HardcodedFormatterFinders = std::vector<HardcodedFormatterFinder<FormatterType>>;
-    typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<TypeFormatImpl> HardcodedFormatFinder;
-    typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<TypeSummaryImpl> HardcodedSummaryFinder;
-    typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<SyntheticChildren> HardcodedSyntheticFinder;
-    typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<TypeValidatorImpl> HardcodedValidatorFinder;
+  template <typename FormatterType>
+  using HardcodedFormatterFinder =
+      std::function<typename FormatterType::SharedPointer(
+          lldb_private::ValueObject &, lldb::DynamicValueType,
+          FormatManager &)>;
+  template <typename FormatterType>
+  using HardcodedFormatterFinders =
+      std::vector<HardcodedFormatterFinder<FormatterType>>;
+  typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<TypeFormatImpl> HardcodedFormatFinder;
+  typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<TypeSummaryImpl> HardcodedSummaryFinder;
+  typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<SyntheticChildren> HardcodedSyntheticFinder;
+  typedef HardcodedFormatterFinders<TypeValidatorImpl> HardcodedValidatorFinder;
-class FormattersMatchCandidate
+class FormattersMatchCandidate {
-    FormattersMatchCandidate (ConstString name,
-                              uint32_t reason,
-                              bool strip_ptr,
-                              bool strip_ref,
-                              bool strip_tydef) :
-    m_type_name(name),
-    m_reason(reason),
-    m_stripped_pointer(strip_ptr),
-    m_stripped_reference(strip_ref),
-    m_stripped_typedef(strip_tydef)
-    {
-    }
-    ~FormattersMatchCandidate() = default;
+  FormattersMatchCandidate(ConstString name, uint32_t reason, bool strip_ptr,
+                           bool strip_ref, bool strip_tydef)
+      : m_type_name(name), m_reason(reason), m_stripped_pointer(strip_ptr),
+        m_stripped_reference(strip_ref), m_stripped_typedef(strip_tydef) {}
+  ~FormattersMatchCandidate() = default;
+  ConstString GetTypeName() const { return m_type_name; }
+  uint32_t GetReason() const { return m_reason; }
+  bool DidStripPointer() const { return m_stripped_pointer; }
+  bool DidStripReference() const { return m_stripped_reference; }
+  bool DidStripTypedef() const { return m_stripped_typedef; }
+  template <class Formatter>
+  bool IsMatch(const std::shared_ptr<Formatter> &formatter_sp) const {
+    if (!formatter_sp)
+      return false;
+    if (formatter_sp->Cascades() == false && DidStripTypedef())
+      return false;
+    if (formatter_sp->SkipsPointers() && DidStripPointer())
+      return false;
+    if (formatter_sp->SkipsReferences() && DidStripReference())
+      return false;
+    return true;
+  }
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeName () const
-    {
-        return m_type_name;
-    }
-    uint32_t
-    GetReason () const
-    {
-        return m_reason;
-    }
-    bool
-    DidStripPointer () const
-    {
-        return m_stripped_pointer;
-    }
-    bool
-    DidStripReference () const
-    {
-        return m_stripped_reference;
-    }
-    bool
-    DidStripTypedef () const
-    {
-        return m_stripped_typedef;
-    }
-    template <class Formatter>
-    bool
-    IsMatch (const std::shared_ptr<Formatter>& formatter_sp) const
-    {
-        if (!formatter_sp)
-            return false;
-        if (formatter_sp->Cascades() == false && DidStripTypedef())
-            return false;
-        if (formatter_sp->SkipsPointers() && DidStripPointer())
-            return false;
-        if (formatter_sp->SkipsReferences() && DidStripReference())
-            return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    ConstString m_type_name;
-    uint32_t m_reason;
-    bool m_stripped_pointer;
-    bool m_stripped_reference;
-    bool m_stripped_typedef;
+  ConstString m_type_name;
+  uint32_t m_reason;
+  bool m_stripped_pointer;
+  bool m_stripped_reference;
+  bool m_stripped_typedef;
 typedef std::vector<FormattersMatchCandidate> FormattersMatchVector;
 typedef std::vector<lldb::LanguageType> CandidateLanguagesVector;
-class FormattersMatchData
+class FormattersMatchData {
-    FormattersMatchData (ValueObject&,
-                         lldb::DynamicValueType);
-    FormattersMatchVector
-    GetMatchesVector ();
-    ConstString
-    GetTypeForCache ();
-    CandidateLanguagesVector
-    GetCandidateLanguages ();
-    ValueObject&
-    GetValueObject ();
-    lldb::DynamicValueType
-    GetDynamicValueType ();
+  FormattersMatchData(ValueObject &, lldb::DynamicValueType);
+  FormattersMatchVector GetMatchesVector();
+  ConstString GetTypeForCache();
+  CandidateLanguagesVector GetCandidateLanguages();
+  ValueObject &GetValueObject();
+  lldb::DynamicValueType GetDynamicValueType();
-    ValueObject& m_valobj;
-    lldb::DynamicValueType m_dynamic_value_type;
-    std::pair<FormattersMatchVector,bool> m_formatters_match_vector;
-    ConstString m_type_for_cache;
-    CandidateLanguagesVector m_candidate_languages;
+  ValueObject &m_valobj;
+  lldb::DynamicValueType m_dynamic_value_type;
+  std::pair<FormattersMatchVector, bool> m_formatters_match_vector;
+  ConstString m_type_for_cache;
+  CandidateLanguagesVector m_candidate_languages;
-class TypeNameSpecifierImpl
+class TypeNameSpecifierImpl {
-    TypeNameSpecifierImpl() :
-    m_is_regex(false),
-    m_type()
-    {
-    }
-    TypeNameSpecifierImpl (const char* name, bool is_regex) :
-    m_is_regex(is_regex),
-    m_type()
-    {
-        if (name)
-            m_type.m_type_name.assign(name);
-    }
-    // if constructing with a given type, is_regex cannot be true since we are
-    // giving an exact type to match
-    TypeNameSpecifierImpl (lldb::TypeSP type) :
-    m_is_regex(false),
-    m_type()
-    {
-        if (type)
-        {
-            m_type.m_type_name.assign(type->GetName().GetCString());
-            m_type.m_type_pair.SetType(type);
-        }
-    }
+  TypeNameSpecifierImpl() : m_is_regex(false), m_type() {}
+  TypeNameSpecifierImpl(const char *name, bool is_regex)
+      : m_is_regex(is_regex), m_type() {
+    if (name)
+      m_type.m_type_name.assign(name);
+  }
+  // if constructing with a given type, is_regex cannot be true since we are
+  // giving an exact type to match
+  TypeNameSpecifierImpl(lldb::TypeSP type) : m_is_regex(false), m_type() {
+    if (type) {
+      m_type.m_type_name.assign(type->GetName().GetCString());
+      m_type.m_type_pair.SetType(type);
+    }
+  }
+  TypeNameSpecifierImpl(CompilerType type) : m_is_regex(false), m_type() {
+    if (type.IsValid()) {
+      m_type.m_type_name.assign(type.GetConstTypeName().GetCString());
+      m_type.m_type_pair.SetType(type);
+    }
+  }
+  const char *GetName() {
+    if (m_type.m_type_name.size())
+      return m_type.m_type_name.c_str();
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  lldb::TypeSP GetTypeSP() {
+    if (m_type.m_type_pair.IsValid())
+      return m_type.m_type_pair.GetTypeSP();
+    return lldb::TypeSP();
+  }
+  CompilerType GetCompilerType() {
+    if (m_type.m_type_pair.IsValid())
+      return m_type.m_type_pair.GetCompilerType();
+    return CompilerType();
+  }
+  bool IsRegex() { return m_is_regex; }
-    TypeNameSpecifierImpl (CompilerType type) :
-    m_is_regex(false),
-    m_type()
-    {
-        if (type.IsValid())
-        {
-            m_type.m_type_name.assign(type.GetConstTypeName().GetCString());
-            m_type.m_type_pair.SetType(type);
-        }
-    }
-    const char*
-    GetName()
-    {
-        if (m_type.m_type_name.size())
-            return m_type.m_type_name.c_str();
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    lldb::TypeSP
-    GetTypeSP ()
-    {
-        if (m_type.m_type_pair.IsValid())
-            return m_type.m_type_pair.GetTypeSP();
-        return lldb::TypeSP();
-    }
-    CompilerType
-    GetCompilerType ()
-    {
-        if (m_type.m_type_pair.IsValid())
-            return m_type.m_type_pair.GetCompilerType();
-        return CompilerType();
-    }
-    bool
-    IsRegex()
-    {
-        return m_is_regex;
-    }
-    bool m_is_regex;
-    // this works better than TypeAndOrName because the latter only wraps a TypeSP
-    // whereas TypePair can also be backed by a CompilerType
-    struct TypeOrName
-    {
-        std::string m_type_name;
-        TypePair m_type_pair;
-    };
-    TypeOrName m_type;
+  bool m_is_regex;
+  // this works better than TypeAndOrName because the latter only wraps a TypeSP
+  // whereas TypePair can also be backed by a CompilerType
+  struct TypeOrName {
+    std::string m_type_name;
+    TypePair m_type_pair;
+  };
+  TypeOrName m_type;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeNameSpecifierImpl);
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeNameSpecifierImpl);
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // lldb_FormatClasses_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatCache.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h"
@@ -31,306 +31,240 @@
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategoryMap.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-// this file (and its. cpp) contain the low-level implementation of LLDB Data Visualization
+// this file (and its. cpp) contain the low-level implementation of LLDB Data
+// Visualization
 // class DataVisualization is the high-level front-end of this feature
-// clients should refer to that class as the entry-point into the data formatters
-// unless they have a good reason to bypass it and prefer to use this file's objects directly
+// clients should refer to that class as the entry-point into the data
+// formatters
+// unless they have a good reason to bypass it and prefer to use this file's
+// objects directly
+class FormatManager : public IFormatChangeListener {
+  typedef FormatMap<ConstString, TypeSummaryImpl> NamedSummariesMap;
+  typedef TypeCategoryMap::MapType::iterator CategoryMapIterator;
-class FormatManager : public IFormatChangeListener
-    typedef FormatMap<ConstString, TypeSummaryImpl> NamedSummariesMap;
-    typedef TypeCategoryMap::MapType::iterator CategoryMapIterator;
-    typedef std::map<lldb::LanguageType, LanguageCategory::UniquePointer> LanguageCategories;
-    FormatManager();
-    ~FormatManager() override = default;
-    NamedSummariesMap&
-    GetNamedSummaryContainer ()
-    {
-        return m_named_summaries_map;
-    }
-    void
-    EnableCategory (const ConstString& category_name,
-                    TypeCategoryMap::Position pos = TypeCategoryMap::Default)
-    {
-        EnableCategory(category_name,
-                       pos,
-                       std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType>());
-    }
+  typedef std::map<lldb::LanguageType, LanguageCategory::UniquePointer>
+      LanguageCategories;
-    void
-    EnableCategory (const ConstString& category_name,
-                    TypeCategoryMap::Position pos,
-                    lldb::LanguageType lang)
-    {
-        std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType> langs = {lang};
-        EnableCategory(category_name,
-                       pos,
-                       langs);
-    }
-    void
-    EnableCategory (const ConstString& category_name,
-                    TypeCategoryMap::Position pos = TypeCategoryMap::Default,
-                    std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType> langs = {})
-    {
-        TypeCategoryMap::ValueSP category_sp;
-        if (m_categories_map.Get(category_name, category_sp) && category_sp)
-        {
-            m_categories_map.Enable(category_sp, pos);
-            for (const lldb::LanguageType lang : langs)
-                category_sp->AddLanguage(lang);
-        }
-    }
-    void
-    DisableCategory (const ConstString& category_name)
-    {
-        m_categories_map.Disable(category_name);
-    }
-    void
-    EnableCategory (const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP& category,
-                    TypeCategoryMap::Position pos = TypeCategoryMap::Default)
-    {
-        m_categories_map.Enable(category,
-                                pos);
-    }
-    void
-    DisableCategory (const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP& category)
-    {
-        m_categories_map.Disable(category);
-    }
-    void
-    EnableAllCategories ();
-    void
-    DisableAllCategories ();
-    bool
-    DeleteCategory (const ConstString& category_name)
-    {
-        return m_categories_map.Delete(category_name);
-    }
-    void
-    ClearCategories ()
-    {
-        return m_categories_map.Clear();
-    }
-    uint32_t
-    GetCategoriesCount ()
-    {
-        return m_categories_map.GetCount();
-    }
-    lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
-    GetCategoryAtIndex (size_t index)
-    {
-        return m_categories_map.GetAtIndex(index);
-    }
-    void
-    ForEachCategory (TypeCategoryMap::ForEachCallback callback);
-    lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
-    GetCategory(const char* category_name = nullptr,
-                bool can_create = true)
-    {
-        if (!category_name)
-            return GetCategory(m_default_category_name);
-        return GetCategory(ConstString(category_name));
+  FormatManager();
+  ~FormatManager() override = default;
+  NamedSummariesMap &GetNamedSummaryContainer() {
+    return m_named_summaries_map;
+  }
+  void
+  EnableCategory(const ConstString &category_name,
+                 TypeCategoryMap::Position pos = TypeCategoryMap::Default) {
+    EnableCategory(category_name, pos,
+                   std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType>());
+  }
+  void EnableCategory(const ConstString &category_name,
+                      TypeCategoryMap::Position pos, lldb::LanguageType lang) {
+    std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType> langs = {lang};
+    EnableCategory(category_name, pos, langs);
+  }
+  void EnableCategory(const ConstString &category_name,
+                      TypeCategoryMap::Position pos = TypeCategoryMap::Default,
+                      std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType> langs = {}) {
+    TypeCategoryMap::ValueSP category_sp;
+    if (m_categories_map.Get(category_name, category_sp) && category_sp) {
+      m_categories_map.Enable(category_sp, pos);
+      for (const lldb::LanguageType lang : langs)
+        category_sp->AddLanguage(lang);
-    lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
-    GetCategory (const ConstString& category_name,
-                 bool can_create = true);
-    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-    GetFormatForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-    GetSummaryForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  }
+  void DisableCategory(const ConstString &category_name) {
+    m_categories_map.Disable(category_name);
+  }
+  void
+  EnableCategory(const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &category,
+                 TypeCategoryMap::Position pos = TypeCategoryMap::Default) {
+    m_categories_map.Enable(category, pos);
+  }
+  void DisableCategory(const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &category) {
+    m_categories_map.Disable(category);
+  }
+  void EnableAllCategories();
+  void DisableAllCategories();
-    lldb::TypeFilterImplSP
-    GetFilterForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  bool DeleteCategory(const ConstString &category_name) {
+    return m_categories_map.Delete(category_name);
+  }
+  void ClearCategories() { return m_categories_map.Clear(); }
+  uint32_t GetCategoriesCount() { return m_categories_map.GetCount(); }
+  lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP GetCategoryAtIndex(size_t index) {
+    return m_categories_map.GetAtIndex(index);
+  }
+  void ForEachCategory(TypeCategoryMap::ForEachCallback callback);
+  lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP GetCategory(const char *category_name = nullptr,
+                                       bool can_create = true) {
+    if (!category_name)
+      return GetCategory(m_default_category_name);
+    return GetCategory(ConstString(category_name));
+  }
+  lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP GetCategory(const ConstString &category_name,
+                                       bool can_create = true);
+  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
+  GetFormatForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
+  GetSummaryForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  lldb::TypeFilterImplSP
+  GetFilterForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  lldb::ScriptedSyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticChildrenForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticChildrenForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-    GetValidatorForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-    GetFormat (ValueObject& valobj,
-               lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-    GetSummaryFormat (ValueObject& valobj,
-                      lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
+  GetValidatorForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP GetFormat(ValueObject &valobj,
+                                   lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP GetSummaryFormat(ValueObject &valobj,
+                                           lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetSyntheticChildren (ValueObject& valobj,
-                          lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticChildren(ValueObject &valobj, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-    GetValidator (ValueObject& valobj,
-                  lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    bool
-    AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
-               TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems items = TypeCategoryImpl::ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
-               bool only_enabled = true,
-               const char** matching_category = nullptr,
-               TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems* matching_type = nullptr)
-    {
-        return m_categories_map.AnyMatches(type_name,
-                                           items,
-                                           only_enabled,
-                                           matching_category,
-                                           matching_type);
-    }
-    static bool
-    GetFormatFromCString (const char *format_cstr,
-                          bool partial_match_ok,
-                          lldb::Format &format);
-    static char
-    GetFormatAsFormatChar (lldb::Format format);
-    static const char *
-    GetFormatAsCString (lldb::Format format);
-    // if the user tries to add formatters for, say, "struct Foo"
-    // those will not match any type because of the way we strip qualifiers from typenames
-    // this method looks for the case where the user is adding a "class","struct","enum" or "union" Foo
-    // and strips the unnecessary qualifier
-    static ConstString
-    GetValidTypeName (const ConstString& type);
-    // when DataExtractor dumps a vectorOfT, it uses a predefined format for each item
-    // this method returns it, or eFormatInvalid if vector_format is not a vectorOf
-    static lldb::Format
-    GetSingleItemFormat (lldb::Format vector_format);
-    // this returns true if the ValueObjectPrinter is *highly encouraged*
-    // to actually represent this ValueObject in one-liner format
-    // If this object has a summary formatter, however, we should not
-    // try and do one-lining, just let the summary do the right thing
-    bool
-    ShouldPrintAsOneLiner (ValueObject& valobj);
-    void
-    Changed () override;
-    uint32_t
-    GetCurrentRevision () override
-    {
-        return m_last_revision;
-    }
+  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP GetValidator(ValueObject &valobj,
+                                         lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
-    static FormattersMatchVector
-    GetPossibleMatches (ValueObject& valobj,
-                        lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic)
-    {
-        FormattersMatchVector matches;
-        GetPossibleMatches (valobj,
-                            valobj.GetCompilerType(),
-                            lldb_private::eFormatterChoiceCriterionDirectChoice,
-                            use_dynamic,
-                            matches,
-                            false,
-                            false,
-                            false,
-                            true);
-        return matches;
-    }
-    static ConstString
-    GetTypeForCache (ValueObject&, lldb::DynamicValueType);
-    LanguageCategory*
-    GetCategoryForLanguage (lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
+  bool
+  AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
+             TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems items =
+                 TypeCategoryImpl::ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
+             bool only_enabled = true, const char **matching_category = nullptr,
+             TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems *matching_type = nullptr) {
+    return m_categories_map.AnyMatches(type_name, items, only_enabled,
+                                       matching_category, matching_type);
+  }
+  static bool GetFormatFromCString(const char *format_cstr,
+                                   bool partial_match_ok, lldb::Format &format);
+  static char GetFormatAsFormatChar(lldb::Format format);
+  static const char *GetFormatAsCString(lldb::Format format);
+  // if the user tries to add formatters for, say, "struct Foo"
+  // those will not match any type because of the way we strip qualifiers from
+  // typenames
+  // this method looks for the case where the user is adding a
+  // "class","struct","enum" or "union" Foo
+  // and strips the unnecessary qualifier
+  static ConstString GetValidTypeName(const ConstString &type);
+  // when DataExtractor dumps a vectorOfT, it uses a predefined format for each
+  // item
+  // this method returns it, or eFormatInvalid if vector_format is not a
+  // vectorOf
+  static lldb::Format GetSingleItemFormat(lldb::Format vector_format);
+  // this returns true if the ValueObjectPrinter is *highly encouraged*
+  // to actually represent this ValueObject in one-liner format
+  // If this object has a summary formatter, however, we should not
+  // try and do one-lining, just let the summary do the right thing
+  bool ShouldPrintAsOneLiner(ValueObject &valobj);
+  void Changed() override;
+  uint32_t GetCurrentRevision() override { return m_last_revision; }
+  static FormattersMatchVector
+  GetPossibleMatches(ValueObject &valobj, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {
+    FormattersMatchVector matches;
+    GetPossibleMatches(valobj, valobj.GetCompilerType(),
+                       lldb_private::eFormatterChoiceCriterionDirectChoice,
+                       use_dynamic, matches, false, false, false, true);
+    return matches;
+  }
+  static ConstString GetTypeForCache(ValueObject &, lldb::DynamicValueType);
+  LanguageCategory *GetCategoryForLanguage(lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
-    static std::vector<lldb::LanguageType>
-    GetCandidateLanguages (lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
+  static std::vector<lldb::LanguageType>
+  GetCandidateLanguages(lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
-    static std::vector<lldb::LanguageType>
-    GetCandidateLanguages (ValueObject& valobj);
-    static void
-    GetPossibleMatches (ValueObject& valobj,
-                        CompilerType compiler_type,
-                        uint32_t reason,
-                        lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
-                        FormattersMatchVector& entries,
-                        bool did_strip_ptr,
-                        bool did_strip_ref,
-                        bool did_strip_typedef,
-                        bool root_level = false);
-    std::atomic<uint32_t> m_last_revision;
-    FormatCache m_format_cache;
-    std::recursive_mutex m_language_categories_mutex;
-    LanguageCategories m_language_categories_map;
-    NamedSummariesMap m_named_summaries_map;
-    TypeCategoryMap m_categories_map;
-    ConstString m_default_category_name;
-    ConstString m_system_category_name;
-    ConstString m_vectortypes_category_name;
-    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-    GetHardcodedFormat (FormattersMatchData&);
-    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-    GetHardcodedSummaryFormat (FormattersMatchData&);
-    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-    GetHardcodedSyntheticChildren (FormattersMatchData&);
-    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-    GetHardcodedValidator (FormattersMatchData&);
-    TypeCategoryMap&
-    GetCategories ()
-    {
-        return m_categories_map;
-    }
-    // These functions are meant to initialize formatters that are very low-level/global in nature
-    // and do not naturally belong in any language. The intent is that most formatters go in
-    // language-specific categories. Eventually, the runtimes should also be allowed to vend their
-    // own formatters, and then one could put formatters that depend on specific library load events
-    // in the language runtimes, on an as-needed basis
-    void
-    LoadSystemFormatters ();
-    void
-    LoadVectorFormatters ();
-    friend class FormattersMatchData;
+  static std::vector<lldb::LanguageType>
+  GetCandidateLanguages(ValueObject &valobj);
+  static void GetPossibleMatches(ValueObject &valobj,
+                                 CompilerType compiler_type, uint32_t reason,
+                                 lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
+                                 FormattersMatchVector &entries,
+                                 bool did_strip_ptr, bool did_strip_ref,
+                                 bool did_strip_typedef,
+                                 bool root_level = false);
+  std::atomic<uint32_t> m_last_revision;
+  FormatCache m_format_cache;
+  std::recursive_mutex m_language_categories_mutex;
+  LanguageCategories m_language_categories_map;
+  NamedSummariesMap m_named_summaries_map;
+  TypeCategoryMap m_categories_map;
+  ConstString m_default_category_name;
+  ConstString m_system_category_name;
+  ConstString m_vectortypes_category_name;
+  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP GetHardcodedFormat(FormattersMatchData &);
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP GetHardcodedSummaryFormat(FormattersMatchData &);
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetHardcodedSyntheticChildren(FormattersMatchData &);
+  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP GetHardcodedValidator(FormattersMatchData &);
+  TypeCategoryMap &GetCategories() { return m_categories_map; }
+  // These functions are meant to initialize formatters that are very
+  // low-level/global in nature
+  // and do not naturally belong in any language. The intent is that most
+  // formatters go in
+  // language-specific categories. Eventually, the runtimes should also be
+  // allowed to vend their
+  // own formatters, and then one could put formatters that depend on specific
+  // library load events
+  // in the language runtimes, on an as-needed basis
+  void LoadSystemFormatters();
+  void LoadVectorFormatters();
+  friend class FormattersMatchData;
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // lldb_FormatManager_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -33,411 +33,318 @@
 #include "lldb/Utility/StringLexer.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-class IFormatChangeListener
+class IFormatChangeListener {
-    virtual
-    ~IFormatChangeListener() = default;
+  virtual ~IFormatChangeListener() = default;
-    virtual void
-    Changed () = 0;
+  virtual void Changed() = 0;
-    virtual uint32_t
-    GetCurrentRevision () = 0;
+  virtual uint32_t GetCurrentRevision() = 0;
 // if the user tries to add formatters for, say, "struct Foo"
-// those will not match any type because of the way we strip qualifiers from typenames
-// this method looks for the case where the user is adding a "class","struct","enum" or "union" Foo
+// those will not match any type because of the way we strip qualifiers from
+// typenames
+// this method looks for the case where the user is adding a
+// "class","struct","enum" or "union" Foo
 // and strips the unnecessary qualifier
-static inline ConstString
-GetValidTypeName_Impl (const ConstString& type)
-    if (type.IsEmpty())
-        return type;
-    std::string type_cstr(type.AsCString());
-    lldb_utility::StringLexer type_lexer(type_cstr);
-    type_lexer.AdvanceIf("class ");
-    type_lexer.AdvanceIf("enum ");
-    type_lexer.AdvanceIf("struct ");
-    type_lexer.AdvanceIf("union ");
-    while (type_lexer.NextIf({' ','\t','\v','\f'}).first)
-        ;
-    return ConstString(type_lexer.GetUnlexed());
+static inline ConstString GetValidTypeName_Impl(const ConstString &type) {
+  if (type.IsEmpty())
+    return type;
+  std::string type_cstr(type.AsCString());
+  lldb_utility::StringLexer type_lexer(type_cstr);
+  type_lexer.AdvanceIf("class ");
+  type_lexer.AdvanceIf("enum ");
+  type_lexer.AdvanceIf("struct ");
+  type_lexer.AdvanceIf("union ");
-template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
-class FormattersContainer;
+  while (type_lexer.NextIf({' ', '\t', '\v', '\f'}).first)
+    ;
-template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
-class FormatMap
-    typedef typename ValueType::SharedPointer ValueSP;
-    typedef std::map<KeyType, ValueSP> MapType;
-    typedef typename MapType::iterator MapIterator;
-    typedef std::function<bool(KeyType, const ValueSP&)> ForEachCallback;
-    FormatMap(IFormatChangeListener *lst) : m_map(), m_map_mutex(), listener(lst) {}
-    void
-    Add(KeyType name, const ValueSP &entry)
-    {
-        if (listener)
-            entry->GetRevision() = listener->GetCurrentRevision();
-        else
-            entry->GetRevision() = 0;
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-        m_map[name] = entry;
-        if (listener)
-            listener->Changed();
-    }
-    bool
-    Delete(KeyType name)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-        MapIterator iter = m_map.find(name);
-        if (iter == m_map.end())
-            return false;
-        m_map.erase(name);
-        if (listener)
-            listener->Changed();
-        return true;
-    }
+  return ConstString(type_lexer.GetUnlexed());
-    void
-    Clear()
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-        m_map.clear();
-        if (listener)
-            listener->Changed();
-    }
+template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType> class FormattersContainer;
-    bool
-    Get(KeyType name, ValueSP &entry)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-        MapIterator iter = m_map.find(name);
-        if (iter == m_map.end())
-            return false;
-        entry = iter->second;
-        return true;
+template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType> class FormatMap {
+  typedef typename ValueType::SharedPointer ValueSP;
+  typedef std::map<KeyType, ValueSP> MapType;
+  typedef typename MapType::iterator MapIterator;
+  typedef std::function<bool(KeyType, const ValueSP &)> ForEachCallback;
+  FormatMap(IFormatChangeListener *lst)
+      : m_map(), m_map_mutex(), listener(lst) {}
+  void Add(KeyType name, const ValueSP &entry) {
+    if (listener)
+      entry->GetRevision() = listener->GetCurrentRevision();
+    else
+      entry->GetRevision() = 0;
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+    m_map[name] = entry;
+    if (listener)
+      listener->Changed();
+  }
+  bool Delete(KeyType name) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+    MapIterator iter = m_map.find(name);
+    if (iter == m_map.end())
+      return false;
+    m_map.erase(name);
+    if (listener)
+      listener->Changed();
+    return true;
+  }
+  void Clear() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+    m_map.clear();
+    if (listener)
+      listener->Changed();
+  }
+  bool Get(KeyType name, ValueSP &entry) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+    MapIterator iter = m_map.find(name);
+    if (iter == m_map.end())
+      return false;
+    entry = iter->second;
+    return true;
+  }
+  void ForEach(ForEachCallback callback) {
+    if (callback) {
+      std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+      MapIterator pos, end = m_map.end();
+      for (pos = m_map.begin(); pos != end; pos++) {
+        KeyType type = pos->first;
+        if (!callback(type, pos->second))
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  uint32_t GetCount() { return m_map.size(); }
+  ValueSP GetValueAtIndex(size_t index) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+    MapIterator iter = m_map.begin();
+    MapIterator end = m_map.end();
+    while (index > 0) {
+      iter++;
+      index--;
+      if (end == iter)
+        return ValueSP();
+    }
+    return iter->second;
+  }
+  KeyType GetKeyAtIndex(size_t index) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
+    MapIterator iter = m_map.begin();
+    MapIterator end = m_map.end();
+    while (index > 0) {
+      iter++;
+      index--;
+      if (end == iter)
+        return KeyType();
+    return iter->first;
+  }
-    void
-    ForEach(ForEachCallback callback)
-    {
-        if (callback)
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-            MapIterator pos, end = m_map.end();
-            for (pos = m_map.begin(); pos != end; pos++)
-            {
-                KeyType type = pos->first;
-                if (!callback(type, pos->second))
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
+  MapType m_map;
+  std::recursive_mutex m_map_mutex;
+  IFormatChangeListener *listener;
-    uint32_t
-    GetCount ()
-    {
-        return m_map.size();
-    }
+  MapType &map() { return m_map; }
-    ValueSP
-    GetValueAtIndex(size_t index)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-        MapIterator iter = m_map.begin();
-        MapIterator end = m_map.end();
-        while (index > 0)
-        {
-            iter++;
-            index--;
-            if (end == iter)
-                return ValueSP();
-        }
-        return iter->second;
-    }
+  std::recursive_mutex &mutex() { return m_map_mutex; }
-    KeyType
-    GetKeyAtIndex(size_t index)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_map_mutex);
-        MapIterator iter = m_map.begin();
-        MapIterator end = m_map.end();
-        while (index > 0)
-        {
-            iter++;
-            index--;
-            if (end == iter)
-                return KeyType();
-        }
-        return iter->first;
-    }
+  friend class FormattersContainer<KeyType, ValueType>;
+  friend class FormatManager;
+template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType> class FormattersContainer {
-    MapType m_map;
-    std::recursive_mutex m_map_mutex;
-    IFormatChangeListener* listener;
-    MapType&
-    map ()
-    {
-        return m_map;
-    }
-    std::recursive_mutex &
-    mutex()
-    {
-        return m_map_mutex;
-    }
+  typedef FormatMap<KeyType, ValueType> BackEndType;
-    friend class FormattersContainer<KeyType, ValueType>;
-    friend class FormatManager;
-template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
-class FormattersContainer
-    typedef FormatMap<KeyType,ValueType> BackEndType;
-    typedef typename BackEndType::MapType MapType;
-    typedef typename MapType::iterator MapIterator;
-    typedef typename MapType::key_type MapKeyType;
-    typedef typename MapType::mapped_type MapValueType;
-    typedef typename BackEndType::ForEachCallback ForEachCallback;
-    typedef typename std::shared_ptr<FormattersContainer<KeyType, ValueType> > SharedPointer;
-    friend class TypeCategoryImpl;
-    FormattersContainer(std::string name,
-                    IFormatChangeListener* lst) :
-    m_format_map(lst),
-    m_name(name)
-    {
-    }
-    void
-    Add (const MapKeyType &type, const MapValueType& entry)
-    {
-        Add_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType*>(nullptr));
-    }
-    bool
-    Delete (ConstString type)
-    {
-        return Delete_Impl(type, static_cast<KeyType*>(nullptr));
-    }
-    bool
-    Get(ValueObject& valobj,
-        MapValueType& entry,
-        lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
-        uint32_t* why = nullptr)
-    {
-        uint32_t value = lldb_private::eFormatterChoiceCriterionDirectChoice;
-        CompilerType ast_type(valobj.GetCompilerType());
-        bool ret = Get(valobj, ast_type, entry, use_dynamic, value);
-        if (ret)
-            entry = MapValueType(entry);
-        else
-            entry = MapValueType();        
-        if (why)
-            *why = value;
-        return ret;
-    }
-    bool
-    Get (ConstString type, MapValueType& entry)
-    {
-        return Get_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType*>(nullptr));
-    }
-    bool
-    GetExact (ConstString type, MapValueType& entry)
-    {
-        return GetExact_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType*>(nullptr));
-    }
-    MapValueType
-    GetAtIndex (size_t index)
-    {
-        return m_format_map.GetValueAtIndex(index);
-    }
-    lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-    GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex (size_t index)
-    {
-        return GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex_Impl(index, static_cast<KeyType*>(nullptr));
-    }
-    void
-    Clear ()
-    {
-        m_format_map.Clear();
-    }
-    void
-    ForEach (ForEachCallback callback)
-    {
-        m_format_map.ForEach(callback);
-    }
-    uint32_t
-    GetCount ()
-    {
-        return m_format_map.GetCount();
-    }
-    BackEndType m_format_map;
-    std::string m_name;
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FormattersContainer);
-    void
-    Add_Impl (const MapKeyType &type, const MapValueType& entry, lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy)
-    {
-       m_format_map.Add(type,entry);
-    }
+  typedef typename BackEndType::MapType MapType;
+  typedef typename MapType::iterator MapIterator;
+  typedef typename MapType::key_type MapKeyType;
+  typedef typename MapType::mapped_type MapValueType;
+  typedef typename BackEndType::ForEachCallback ForEachCallback;
+  typedef typename std::shared_ptr<FormattersContainer<KeyType, ValueType>>
+      SharedPointer;
+  friend class TypeCategoryImpl;
+  FormattersContainer(std::string name, IFormatChangeListener *lst)
+      : m_format_map(lst), m_name(name) {}
+  void Add(const MapKeyType &type, const MapValueType &entry) {
+    Add_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType *>(nullptr));
+  }
+  bool Delete(ConstString type) {
+    return Delete_Impl(type, static_cast<KeyType *>(nullptr));
+  }
+  bool Get(ValueObject &valobj, MapValueType &entry,
+           lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, uint32_t *why = nullptr) {
+    uint32_t value = lldb_private::eFormatterChoiceCriterionDirectChoice;
+    CompilerType ast_type(valobj.GetCompilerType());
+    bool ret = Get(valobj, ast_type, entry, use_dynamic, value);
+    if (ret)
+      entry = MapValueType(entry);
+    else
+      entry = MapValueType();
+    if (why)
+      *why = value;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  bool Get(ConstString type, MapValueType &entry) {
+    return Get_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType *>(nullptr));
+  }
+  bool GetExact(ConstString type, MapValueType &entry) {
+    return GetExact_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType *>(nullptr));
+  }
+  MapValueType GetAtIndex(size_t index) {
+    return m_format_map.GetValueAtIndex(index);
+  }
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex(size_t index) {
+    return GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex_Impl(index,
+                                            static_cast<KeyType *>(nullptr));
+  }
-    void Add_Impl (const ConstString &type, const MapValueType& entry, ConstString *dummy)
-    {
-       m_format_map.Add(GetValidTypeName_Impl(type), entry);
-    }
+  void Clear() { m_format_map.Clear(); }
-    bool
-    Delete_Impl (ConstString type, ConstString *dummy)
-    {
-       return m_format_map.Delete(type);
-    }
+  void ForEach(ForEachCallback callback) { m_format_map.ForEach(callback); }
-    bool
-    Delete_Impl(ConstString type, lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_format_map.mutex());
-        MapIterator pos, end = m_format_map.map().end();
-        for (pos = m_format_map.map().begin(); pos != end; pos++)
-        {
-            lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = pos->first;
-            if (::strcmp(type.AsCString(), regex->GetText()) == 0)
-            {
-                m_format_map.map().erase(pos);
-                if (m_format_map.listener)
-                    m_format_map.listener->Changed();
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
+  uint32_t GetCount() { return m_format_map.GetCount(); }
-    bool
-    Get_Impl (ConstString type, MapValueType& entry, ConstString *dummy)
-    {
-       return m_format_map.Get(type, entry);
-    }
+  BackEndType m_format_map;
+  std::string m_name;
-    bool
-    GetExact_Impl (ConstString type, MapValueType& entry, ConstString *dummy)
-    {
-        return Get_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType*>(nullptr));
-    }
-    lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-    GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex_Impl (size_t index, ConstString *dummy)
-    {
-        ConstString key = m_format_map.GetKeyAtIndex(index);
-        if (key)
-            return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP(new TypeNameSpecifierImpl(key.AsCString(),
-                                                                           false));
-        else
-            return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP();
-    }
-    lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-    GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex_Impl (size_t index, lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy)
-    {
-        lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = m_format_map.GetKeyAtIndex(index);
-        if (regex.get() == nullptr)
-            return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP();
-        return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP(new TypeNameSpecifierImpl(regex->GetText(),
-                                                                       true));
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FormattersContainer);
+  void Add_Impl(const MapKeyType &type, const MapValueType &entry,
+                lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy) {
+    m_format_map.Add(type, entry);
+  }
+  void Add_Impl(const ConstString &type, const MapValueType &entry,
+                ConstString *dummy) {
+    m_format_map.Add(GetValidTypeName_Impl(type), entry);
+  }
+  bool Delete_Impl(ConstString type, ConstString *dummy) {
+    return m_format_map.Delete(type);
+  }
+  bool Delete_Impl(ConstString type, lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_format_map.mutex());
+    MapIterator pos, end = m_format_map.map().end();
+    for (pos = m_format_map.map().begin(); pos != end; pos++) {
+      lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = pos->first;
+      if (::strcmp(type.AsCString(), regex->GetText()) == 0) {
+        m_format_map.map().erase(pos);
+        if (m_format_map.listener)
+          m_format_map.listener->Changed();
+        return true;
+      }
+    return false;
+  }
-    bool
-    Get_Impl(ConstString key, MapValueType &value, lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy)
-    {
-        const char *key_cstr = key.AsCString();
-        if (!key_cstr)
-            return false;
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_format_map.mutex());
-        MapIterator pos, end = m_format_map.map().end();
-        for (pos = m_format_map.map().begin(); pos != end; pos++)
-        {
-            lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = pos->first;
-            if (regex->Execute(key_cstr))
-            {
-                value = pos->second;
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
+  bool Get_Impl(ConstString type, MapValueType &entry, ConstString *dummy) {
+    return m_format_map.Get(type, entry);
+  }
+  bool GetExact_Impl(ConstString type, MapValueType &entry,
+                     ConstString *dummy) {
+    return Get_Impl(type, entry, static_cast<KeyType *>(nullptr));
+  }
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex_Impl(size_t index, ConstString *dummy) {
+    ConstString key = m_format_map.GetKeyAtIndex(index);
+    if (key)
+      return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP(
+          new TypeNameSpecifierImpl(key.AsCString(), false));
+    else
+      return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP();
+  }
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierAtIndex_Impl(size_t index,
+                                   lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy) {
+    lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = m_format_map.GetKeyAtIndex(index);
+    if (regex.get() == nullptr)
+      return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP();
+    return lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP(
+        new TypeNameSpecifierImpl(regex->GetText(), true));
+  }
+  bool Get_Impl(ConstString key, MapValueType &value,
+                lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy) {
+    const char *key_cstr = key.AsCString();
+    if (!key_cstr)
+      return false;
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_format_map.mutex());
+    MapIterator pos, end = m_format_map.map().end();
+    for (pos = m_format_map.map().begin(); pos != end; pos++) {
+      lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = pos->first;
+      if (regex->Execute(key_cstr)) {
+        value = pos->second;
+        return true;
+      }
+    return false;
+  }
-    bool
-    GetExact_Impl(ConstString key, MapValueType &value, lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy)
-    {
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_format_map.mutex());
-        MapIterator pos, end = m_format_map.map().end();
-        for (pos = m_format_map.map().begin(); pos != end; pos++)
-        {
-            lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = pos->first;
-            if (strcmp(regex->GetText(), key.AsCString()) == 0)
-            {
-                value = pos->second;
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
+  bool GetExact_Impl(ConstString key, MapValueType &value,
+                     lldb::RegularExpressionSP *dummy) {
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_format_map.mutex());
+    MapIterator pos, end = m_format_map.map().end();
+    for (pos = m_format_map.map().begin(); pos != end; pos++) {
+      lldb::RegularExpressionSP regex = pos->first;
+      if (strcmp(regex->GetText(), key.AsCString()) == 0) {
+        value = pos->second;
+        return true;
+      }
+    return false;
+  }
-    bool
-    Get (const FormattersMatchVector& candidates,
-         MapValueType& entry,
-         uint32_t *reason)
-    {
-        for (const FormattersMatchCandidate& candidate : candidates)
-        {
-            if (Get(candidate.GetTypeName(),entry))
-            {
-                if (candidate.IsMatch(entry) == false)
-                {
-                    entry.reset();
-                    continue;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    if(reason)
-                        *reason = candidate.GetReason();
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
+  bool Get(const FormattersMatchVector &candidates, MapValueType &entry,
+           uint32_t *reason) {
+    for (const FormattersMatchCandidate &candidate : candidates) {
+      if (Get(candidate.GetTypeName(), entry)) {
+        if (candidate.IsMatch(entry) == false) {
+          entry.reset();
+          continue;
+        } else {
+          if (reason)
+            *reason = candidate.GetReason();
+          return true;
-        return false;
+      }
+    return false;
+  }
 } // namespace lldb_private

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersHelpers.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersHelpers.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersHelpers.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersHelpers.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- FormattersHelpers.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- FormattersHelpers.h --------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -14,8 +15,8 @@
 // C++ Includes
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeFormat.h"
@@ -23,229 +24,171 @@
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeSynthetic.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    namespace formatters {
-        void
-        AddFormat (TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                   lldb::Format format,
-                   ConstString type_name,
-                   TypeFormatImpl::Flags flags,
-                   bool regex = false);
-        void
-        AddSummary(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                   lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary_sp,
-                   ConstString type_name,
-                   bool regex = false);
-        void
-        AddStringSummary(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                         const char* string,
-                         ConstString type_name,
-                         TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags,
-                         bool regex = false);
-        void
-        AddOneLineSummary (TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                           ConstString type_name,
-                           TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags,
-                           bool regex = false);
+namespace formatters {
+void AddFormat(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp, lldb::Format format,
+               ConstString type_name, TypeFormatImpl::Flags flags,
+               bool regex = false);
+void AddSummary(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
+                lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary_sp, ConstString type_name,
+                bool regex = false);
+void AddStringSummary(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
+                      const char *string, ConstString type_name,
+                      TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags, bool regex = false);
-        void
-        AddCXXSummary (TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                       CXXFunctionSummaryFormat::Callback funct,
-                       const char* description,
-                       ConstString type_name,
-                       TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags,
+void AddOneLineSummary(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
+                       ConstString type_name, TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags,
                        bool regex = false);
-        void
-        AddCXXSynthetic  (TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                          CXXSyntheticChildren::CreateFrontEndCallback generator,
-                          const char* description,
-                          ConstString type_name,
-                          ScriptedSyntheticChildren::Flags flags,
-                          bool regex = false);
-        void
-        AddFilter  (TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
-                    std::vector<std::string> children,
-                    const char* description,
-                    ConstString type_name,
-                    ScriptedSyntheticChildren::Flags flags,
-                    bool regex = false);
+void AddCXXSummary(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
+                   CXXFunctionSummaryFormat::Callback funct,
+                   const char *description, ConstString type_name,
+                   TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags, bool regex = false);
+void AddCXXSynthetic(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
+                     CXXSyntheticChildren::CreateFrontEndCallback generator,
+                     const char *description, ConstString type_name,
+                     ScriptedSyntheticChildren::Flags flags,
+                     bool regex = false);
+void AddFilter(TypeCategoryImpl::SharedPointer category_sp,
+               std::vector<std::string> children, const char *description,
+               ConstString type_name, ScriptedSyntheticChildren::Flags flags,
+               bool regex = false);
-        size_t
-        ExtractIndexFromString (const char* item_name);
-        lldb::addr_t
-        GetArrayAddressOrPointerValue (ValueObject& valobj);
-        time_t
-        GetOSXEpoch ();
-        struct InferiorSizedWord {
-            InferiorSizedWord(const InferiorSizedWord& word) : ptr_size(word.ptr_size)
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    thirty_two = word.thirty_two;
-                else
-                    sixty_four = word.sixty_four;
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord
-            operator = (const InferiorSizedWord& word)
-            {
-                ptr_size = word.ptr_size;
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    thirty_two = word.thirty_two;
-                else
-                    sixty_four = word.sixty_four;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord(uint64_t val, Process& process) : ptr_size(process.GetAddressByteSize())
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    thirty_two = (uint32_t)val;
-                else if (ptr_size == 8)
-                    sixty_four = val;
-                else
-                    assert (false && "new pointer size is unknown");
-            }
-            bool
-            IsNegative () const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return ((int32_t)thirty_two) < 0;
-                else
-                    return ((int64_t)sixty_four) < 0;
-            }
-            bool
-            IsZero () const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return thirty_two == 0;
-                else
-                    return sixty_four == 0;
-            }
-            static InferiorSizedWord
-            GetMaximum (Process& process)
-            {
-                if (process.GetAddressByteSize() == 4)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(UINT32_MAX,4);
-                else
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(UINT64_MAX,8);
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord
-            operator >> (int rhs) const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two >> rhs,4);
-                return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four>>rhs,8);
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord
-            operator << (int rhs) const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two << rhs,4);
-                return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four << rhs,8);
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord
-            operator & (const InferiorSizedWord& word) const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size != word.ptr_size)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(0,ptr_size);
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two & word.thirty_two,4);
-                return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four & word.sixty_four,8);
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord
-            operator & (int x) const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two & x,4);
-                return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four & x,8);
-            }
-            size_t
-            GetBitSize () const
-            {
-                return ptr_size << 3;
-            }
-            size_t
-            GetByteSize () const
-            {
-                return ptr_size;
-            }
-            uint64_t
-            GetValue () const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return (uint64_t)thirty_two;
-                return sixty_four;
-            }
-            InferiorSizedWord
-            SignExtend () const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return InferiorSizedWord ((int32_t)thirty_two,4);
-                return InferiorSizedWord((int64_t)sixty_four,8);
-            }
-            uint8_t*
-            CopyToBuffer (uint8_t* buffer) const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                {
-                    memcpy(buffer, &thirty_two, 4);
-                    return buffer + 4;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    memcpy(buffer, &sixty_four, 8);
-                    return buffer + 8;
-                }
-            }
-            DataExtractor
-            GetAsData (lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid) const
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    return DataExtractor(&thirty_two, 4, byte_order, 4);
-                else
-                    return DataExtractor(&sixty_four, 8, byte_order, 8);
-            }
-        private:
-            InferiorSizedWord(uint64_t val, size_t psz) : ptr_size(psz)
-            {
-                if (ptr_size == 4)
-                    thirty_two = (uint32_t)val;
-                else
-                    sixty_four = val;
-            }
-            size_t ptr_size;
-            union {
-                uint32_t thirty_two;
-                uint64_t sixty_four;
-            };
-        };
-    } // namespace formatters
+size_t ExtractIndexFromString(const char *item_name);
+lldb::addr_t GetArrayAddressOrPointerValue(ValueObject &valobj);
+time_t GetOSXEpoch();
+struct InferiorSizedWord {
+  InferiorSizedWord(const InferiorSizedWord &word) : ptr_size(word.ptr_size) {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      thirty_two = word.thirty_two;
+    else
+      sixty_four = word.sixty_four;
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord operator=(const InferiorSizedWord &word) {
+    ptr_size = word.ptr_size;
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      thirty_two = word.thirty_two;
+    else
+      sixty_four = word.sixty_four;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord(uint64_t val, Process &process)
+      : ptr_size(process.GetAddressByteSize()) {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      thirty_two = (uint32_t)val;
+    else if (ptr_size == 8)
+      sixty_four = val;
+    else
+      assert(false && "new pointer size is unknown");
+  }
+  bool IsNegative() const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return ((int32_t)thirty_two) < 0;
+    else
+      return ((int64_t)sixty_four) < 0;
+  }
+  bool IsZero() const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return thirty_two == 0;
+    else
+      return sixty_four == 0;
+  }
+  static InferiorSizedWord GetMaximum(Process &process) {
+    if (process.GetAddressByteSize() == 4)
+      return InferiorSizedWord(UINT32_MAX, 4);
+    else
+      return InferiorSizedWord(UINT64_MAX, 8);
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord operator>>(int rhs) const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two >> rhs, 4);
+    return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four >> rhs, 8);
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord operator<<(int rhs) const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two << rhs, 4);
+    return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four << rhs, 8);
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord operator&(const InferiorSizedWord &word) const {
+    if (ptr_size != word.ptr_size)
+      return InferiorSizedWord(0, ptr_size);
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two & word.thirty_two, 4);
+    return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four & word.sixty_four, 8);
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord operator&(int x) const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return InferiorSizedWord(thirty_two & x, 4);
+    return InferiorSizedWord(sixty_four & x, 8);
+  }
+  size_t GetBitSize() const { return ptr_size << 3; }
+  size_t GetByteSize() const { return ptr_size; }
+  uint64_t GetValue() const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return (uint64_t)thirty_two;
+    return sixty_four;
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord SignExtend() const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return InferiorSizedWord((int32_t)thirty_two, 4);
+    return InferiorSizedWord((int64_t)sixty_four, 8);
+  }
+  uint8_t *CopyToBuffer(uint8_t *buffer) const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4) {
+      memcpy(buffer, &thirty_two, 4);
+      return buffer + 4;
+    } else {
+      memcpy(buffer, &sixty_four, 8);
+      return buffer + 8;
+    }
+  }
+  DataExtractor
+  GetAsData(lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = lldb::eByteOrderInvalid) const {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      return DataExtractor(&thirty_two, 4, byte_order, 4);
+    else
+      return DataExtractor(&sixty_four, 8, byte_order, 8);
+  }
+  InferiorSizedWord(uint64_t val, size_t psz) : ptr_size(psz) {
+    if (ptr_size == 4)
+      thirty_two = (uint32_t)val;
+    else
+      sixty_four = val;
+  }
+  size_t ptr_size;
+  union {
+    uint32_t thirty_two;
+    uint64_t sixty_four;
+  };
+} // namespace formatters
 } // namespace lldb_private
-#endif	// lldb_FormattersHelpers_h_
+#endif // lldb_FormattersHelpers_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/LanguageCategory.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/LanguageCategory.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/LanguageCategory.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/LanguageCategory.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-//===-- LanguageCategory.h----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===-- LanguageCategory.h----------------------------------------*- C++
 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -15,85 +16,65 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatCache.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include <memory>
 namespace lldb_private {
-class LanguageCategory
+class LanguageCategory {
-    typedef std::unique_ptr<LanguageCategory> UniquePointer;
-    LanguageCategory (lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
-    bool
-    Get (FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-         lldb::TypeFormatImplSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    Get (FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-         lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    Get (FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-         lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    Get (FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-         lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    GetHardcoded (FormatManager& fmt_mgr,
-                  FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-                  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    GetHardcoded (FormatManager& fmt_mgr,
-                  FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-                  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    GetHardcoded (FormatManager& fmt_mgr,
-                  FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-                  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP& format_sp);
-    bool
-    GetHardcoded (FormatManager& fmt_mgr,
-                  FormattersMatchData& match_data,
-                  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP& format_sp);
-    lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
-    GetCategory () const;
-    FormatCache&
-    GetFormatCache ();
-    void
-    Enable ();
-    void
-    Disable ();
-    bool
-    IsEnabled ();
+  typedef std::unique_ptr<LanguageCategory> UniquePointer;
+  LanguageCategory(lldb::LanguageType lang_type);
+  bool Get(FormattersMatchData &match_data, lldb::TypeFormatImplSP &format_sp);
+  bool Get(FormattersMatchData &match_data, lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &format_sp);
+  bool Get(FormattersMatchData &match_data,
+           lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &format_sp);
+  bool Get(FormattersMatchData &match_data,
+           lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP &format_sp);
+  bool GetHardcoded(FormatManager &fmt_mgr, FormattersMatchData &match_data,
+                    lldb::TypeFormatImplSP &format_sp);
+  bool GetHardcoded(FormatManager &fmt_mgr, FormattersMatchData &match_data,
+                    lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &format_sp);
+  bool GetHardcoded(FormatManager &fmt_mgr, FormattersMatchData &match_data,
+                    lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &format_sp);
+  bool GetHardcoded(FormatManager &fmt_mgr, FormattersMatchData &match_data,
+                    lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP &format_sp);
+  lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP GetCategory() const;
+  FormatCache &GetFormatCache();
+  void Enable();
+  void Disable();
+  bool IsEnabled();
-    lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP m_category_sp;
-    HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedFormatFinder m_hardcoded_formats;
-    HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedSummaryFinder m_hardcoded_summaries;
-    HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedSyntheticFinder m_hardcoded_synthetics;
-    HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedValidatorFinder m_hardcoded_validators;
-    lldb_private::FormatCache m_format_cache;
-    bool m_enabled;
+  lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP m_category_sp;
+  HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedFormatFinder m_hardcoded_formats;
+  HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedSummaryFinder m_hardcoded_summaries;
+  HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedSyntheticFinder m_hardcoded_synthetics;
+  HardcodedFormatters::HardcodedValidatorFinder m_hardcoded_validators;
+  lldb_private::FormatCache m_format_cache;
+  bool m_enabled;
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // lldb_LanguageCategory_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/StringPrinter.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/StringPrinter.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/StringPrinter.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/StringPrinter.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -22,508 +22,327 @@
 #include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    namespace formatters
+namespace formatters {
+class StringPrinter {
+  enum class StringElementType { ASCII, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32 };
+  enum class GetPrintableElementType { ASCII, UTF8 };
+  class ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions {
+  public:
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions()
+        : m_location(0), m_process_sp(), m_stream(nullptr), m_prefix_token(),
+          m_suffix_token(), m_quote('"'), m_source_size(0),
+          m_needs_zero_termination(true), m_escape_non_printables(true),
+          m_ignore_max_length(false), m_zero_is_terminator(true),
+          m_language_type(lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown) {}
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions(ValueObject &valobj);
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetLocation(uint64_t l) {
+      m_location = l;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    uint64_t GetLocation() const { return m_location; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetProcessSP(lldb::ProcessSP p) {
+      m_process_sp = p;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    lldb::ProcessSP GetProcessSP() const { return m_process_sp; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetStream(Stream *s) {
+      m_stream = s;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    Stream *GetStream() const { return m_stream; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetPrefixToken(const std::string &p) {
+      m_prefix_token = p;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetPrefixToken(std::nullptr_t) {
+      m_prefix_token.clear();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const char *GetPrefixToken() const { return m_prefix_token.c_str(); }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetSuffixToken(const std::string &p) {
+      m_suffix_token = p;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetSuffixToken(std::nullptr_t) {
+      m_suffix_token.clear();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const char *GetSuffixToken() const { return m_suffix_token.c_str(); }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetQuote(char q) {
+      m_quote = q;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    char GetQuote() const { return m_quote; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetSourceSize(uint32_t s) {
+      m_source_size = s;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    uint32_t GetSourceSize() const { return m_source_size; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetNeedsZeroTermination(bool z) {
+      m_needs_zero_termination = z;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetNeedsZeroTermination() const { return m_needs_zero_termination; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetBinaryZeroIsTerminator(bool e) {
+      m_zero_is_terminator = e;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetBinaryZeroIsTerminator() const { return m_zero_is_terminator; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetEscapeNonPrintables(bool e) {
+      m_escape_non_printables = e;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetEscapeNonPrintables() const { return m_escape_non_printables; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetIgnoreMaxLength(bool e) {
+      m_ignore_max_length = e;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetIgnoreMaxLength() const { return m_ignore_max_length; }
+    ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetLanguage(lldb::LanguageType l) {
+      m_language_type = l;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    lldb::LanguageType GetLanguage() const
-        class StringPrinter
-        {
-        public:
-            enum class StringElementType
-            {
-                ASCII,
-                UTF8,
-                UTF16,
-                UTF32
-            };
-            enum class GetPrintableElementType
-            {
-                ASCII,
-                UTF8
-            };
-            class ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions
-            {
-            public:
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions () :
-                m_location(0),
-                m_process_sp(),
-                m_stream(nullptr),
-                m_prefix_token(),
-                m_suffix_token(),
-                m_quote('"'),
-                m_source_size(0),
-                m_needs_zero_termination(true),
-                m_escape_non_printables(true),
-                m_ignore_max_length(false),
-                m_zero_is_terminator(true),
-                m_language_type(lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown)
-                {
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions (ValueObject& valobj);
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetLocation (uint64_t l)
-                {
-                    m_location = l;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                uint64_t
-                GetLocation () const
-                {
-                    return m_location;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetProcessSP (lldb::ProcessSP p)
-                {
-                    m_process_sp = p;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                lldb::ProcessSP
-                GetProcessSP () const
-                {
-                    return m_process_sp;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetStream (Stream* s)
-                {
-                    m_stream = s;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                Stream*
-                GetStream () const
-                {
-                    return m_stream;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetPrefixToken (const std::string& p)
-                {
-                    m_prefix_token = p;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetPrefixToken (std::nullptr_t)
-                {
-                    m_prefix_token.clear();
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                const char*
-                GetPrefixToken () const
-                {
-                    return m_prefix_token.c_str();
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetSuffixToken (const std::string& p)
-                {
-                    m_suffix_token = p;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetSuffixToken (std::nullptr_t)
-                {
-                    m_suffix_token.clear();
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                const char*
-                GetSuffixToken () const
-                {
-                    return m_suffix_token.c_str();
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetQuote (char q)
-                {
-                    m_quote = q;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                char
-                GetQuote () const
-                {
-                    return m_quote;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetSourceSize (uint32_t s)
-                {
-                    m_source_size = s;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                uint32_t
-                GetSourceSize () const
-                {
-                    return m_source_size;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetNeedsZeroTermination (bool z)
-                {
-                    m_needs_zero_termination = z;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetNeedsZeroTermination () const
-                {
-                    return m_needs_zero_termination;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetBinaryZeroIsTerminator (bool e)
-                {
-                    m_zero_is_terminator = e;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetBinaryZeroIsTerminator () const
-                {
-                    return m_zero_is_terminator;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetEscapeNonPrintables (bool e)
-                {
-                    m_escape_non_printables = e;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetEscapeNonPrintables () const
-                {
-                    return m_escape_non_printables;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetIgnoreMaxLength (bool e)
-                {
-                    m_ignore_max_length = e;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetIgnoreMaxLength () const
-                {
-                    return m_ignore_max_length;
-                }
-                ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetLanguage (lldb::LanguageType l)
-                {
-                    m_language_type = l;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                lldb::LanguageType
-                GetLanguage () const
-                {
-                    return m_language_type;
-                }
-            private:
-                uint64_t m_location;
-                lldb::ProcessSP m_process_sp;
-                Stream* m_stream;
-                std::string m_prefix_token;
-                std::string m_suffix_token;
-                char m_quote;
-                uint32_t m_source_size;
-                bool m_needs_zero_termination;
-                bool m_escape_non_printables;
-                bool m_ignore_max_length;
-                bool m_zero_is_terminator;
-                lldb::LanguageType m_language_type;
-            };
-            class ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions
-            {
-            public:
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions () :
-                m_data(),
-                m_stream(nullptr),
-                m_prefix_token(),
-                m_suffix_token(),
-                m_quote('"'),
-                m_source_size(0),
-                m_escape_non_printables(true),
-                m_zero_is_terminator(true),
-                m_is_truncated(false),
-                m_language_type(lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown)
-                {
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions (ValueObject& valobj);
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions (const ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions& options);
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetData (DataExtractor d)
-                {
-                    m_data = d;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                lldb_private::DataExtractor
-                GetData () const
-                {
-                    return m_data;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetStream (Stream* s)
-                {
-                    m_stream = s;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                Stream*
-                GetStream () const
-                {
-                    return m_stream;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetPrefixToken (const std::string& p)
-                {
-                    m_prefix_token = p;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetPrefixToken (std::nullptr_t)
-                {
-                    m_prefix_token.clear();
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                const char*
-                GetPrefixToken () const
-                {
-                    return m_prefix_token.c_str();
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetSuffixToken (const std::string& p)
-                {
-                    m_suffix_token = p;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetSuffixToken (std::nullptr_t)
-                {
-                    m_suffix_token.clear();
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                const char*
-                GetSuffixToken () const
-                {
-                    return m_suffix_token.c_str();
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetQuote (char q)
-                {
-                    m_quote = q;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                char
-                GetQuote () const
-                {
-                    return m_quote;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetSourceSize (uint32_t s)
-                {
-                    m_source_size = s;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                uint32_t
-                GetSourceSize () const
-                {
-                    return m_source_size;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetEscapeNonPrintables (bool e)
-                {
-                    m_escape_non_printables = e;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetEscapeNonPrintables () const
-                {
-                    return m_escape_non_printables;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetBinaryZeroIsTerminator (bool e)
-                {
-                    m_zero_is_terminator = e;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetBinaryZeroIsTerminator () const
-                {
-                    return m_zero_is_terminator;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetIsTruncated (bool t)
-                {
-                    m_is_truncated = t;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                bool
-                GetIsTruncated () const
-                {
-                    return m_is_truncated;
-                }
-                ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions&
-                SetLanguage (lldb::LanguageType l)
-                {
-                    m_language_type = l;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-                lldb::LanguageType
-                GetLanguage () const
-                {
-                    return m_language_type;
-                }
-            private:
-                DataExtractor m_data;
-                Stream* m_stream;
-                std::string m_prefix_token;
-                std::string m_suffix_token;
-                char m_quote;
-                uint32_t m_source_size;
-                bool m_escape_non_printables;
-                bool m_zero_is_terminator;
-                bool m_is_truncated;
-                lldb::LanguageType m_language_type;
-            };
-            // I can't use a std::unique_ptr for this because the Deleter is a template argument there
-            // and I want the same type to represent both pointers I want to free and pointers I don't need
-            // to free - which is what this class essentially is
-            // It's very specialized to the needs of this file, and not suggested for general use
-            template <typename T = uint8_t, typename U = char, typename S = size_t>
-            struct StringPrinterBufferPointer
-            {
-            public:
-                typedef std::function<void(const T*)> Deleter;
-                StringPrinterBufferPointer (std::nullptr_t ptr) :
-                m_data(nullptr),
-                m_size(0),
-                m_deleter()
-                {}
-                StringPrinterBufferPointer(const T* bytes, S size, Deleter deleter = nullptr) :
-                m_data(bytes),
-                m_size(size),
-                m_deleter(deleter)
-                {}
-                StringPrinterBufferPointer(const U* bytes, S size, Deleter deleter = nullptr) :
-                m_data(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(bytes)),
-                m_size(size),
-                m_deleter(deleter)
-                {}
-                StringPrinterBufferPointer(StringPrinterBufferPointer&& rhs) :
-                m_data(rhs.m_data),
-                m_size(rhs.m_size),
-                m_deleter(rhs.m_deleter)
-                {
-                    rhs.m_data = nullptr;
-                }
-                StringPrinterBufferPointer(const StringPrinterBufferPointer& rhs) :
-                m_data(rhs.m_data),
-                m_size(rhs.m_size),
-                m_deleter(rhs.m_deleter)
-                {
-                    rhs.m_data = nullptr; // this is why m_data has to be mutable
-                }
-                ~StringPrinterBufferPointer()
-                {
-                    if (m_data && m_deleter)
-                        m_deleter(m_data);
-                    m_data = nullptr;
-                }
-                const T*
-                GetBytes () const
-                {
-                    return m_data;
-                }
-                const S
-                GetSize () const
-                {
-                    return m_size;
-                }
-                StringPrinterBufferPointer&
-                operator = (const StringPrinterBufferPointer& rhs)
-                {
-                    if (m_data && m_deleter)
-                        m_deleter(m_data);
-                    m_data = rhs.m_data;
-                    m_size = rhs.m_size;
-                    m_deleter = rhs.m_deleter;
-                    rhs.m_data = nullptr;
-                    return *this;
-                }
-            private:
-                mutable const T* m_data;
-                size_t m_size;
-                Deleter m_deleter;
-            };
-            typedef std::function<StringPrinter::StringPrinterBufferPointer<uint8_t,char,size_t>(uint8_t*, uint8_t*, uint8_t*&)> EscapingHelper;
-            typedef std::function<EscapingHelper(GetPrintableElementType)> EscapingHelperGenerator;
-            static EscapingHelper
-            GetDefaultEscapingHelper (GetPrintableElementType elem_type);
-            template <StringElementType element_type>
-            static bool
-            ReadStringAndDumpToStream (const ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions& options);
-            template <StringElementType element_type>
-            static bool
-            ReadBufferAndDumpToStream (const ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions& options);
-        };
-    } // namespace formatters
+      return m_language_type;
+    }
+  private:
+    uint64_t m_location;
+    lldb::ProcessSP m_process_sp;
+    Stream *m_stream;
+    std::string m_prefix_token;
+    std::string m_suffix_token;
+    char m_quote;
+    uint32_t m_source_size;
+    bool m_needs_zero_termination;
+    bool m_escape_non_printables;
+    bool m_ignore_max_length;
+    bool m_zero_is_terminator;
+    lldb::LanguageType m_language_type;
+  };
+  class ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions {
+  public:
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions()
+        : m_data(), m_stream(nullptr), m_prefix_token(), m_suffix_token(),
+          m_quote('"'), m_source_size(0), m_escape_non_printables(true),
+          m_zero_is_terminator(true), m_is_truncated(false),
+          m_language_type(lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown) {}
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions(ValueObject &valobj);
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions(
+        const ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &options);
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetData(DataExtractor d) {
+      m_data = d;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    lldb_private::DataExtractor GetData() const { return m_data; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetStream(Stream *s) {
+      m_stream = s;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    Stream *GetStream() const { return m_stream; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetPrefixToken(const std::string &p) {
+      m_prefix_token = p;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetPrefixToken(std::nullptr_t) {
+      m_prefix_token.clear();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const char *GetPrefixToken() const { return m_prefix_token.c_str(); }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetSuffixToken(const std::string &p) {
+      m_suffix_token = p;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetSuffixToken(std::nullptr_t) {
+      m_suffix_token.clear();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const char *GetSuffixToken() const { return m_suffix_token.c_str(); }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetQuote(char q) {
+      m_quote = q;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    char GetQuote() const { return m_quote; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetSourceSize(uint32_t s) {
+      m_source_size = s;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    uint32_t GetSourceSize() const { return m_source_size; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetEscapeNonPrintables(bool e) {
+      m_escape_non_printables = e;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetEscapeNonPrintables() const { return m_escape_non_printables; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetBinaryZeroIsTerminator(bool e) {
+      m_zero_is_terminator = e;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetBinaryZeroIsTerminator() const { return m_zero_is_terminator; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetIsTruncated(bool t) {
+      m_is_truncated = t;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    bool GetIsTruncated() const { return m_is_truncated; }
+    ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &SetLanguage(lldb::LanguageType l) {
+      m_language_type = l;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    lldb::LanguageType GetLanguage() const
+    {
+      return m_language_type;
+    }
+  private:
+    DataExtractor m_data;
+    Stream *m_stream;
+    std::string m_prefix_token;
+    std::string m_suffix_token;
+    char m_quote;
+    uint32_t m_source_size;
+    bool m_escape_non_printables;
+    bool m_zero_is_terminator;
+    bool m_is_truncated;
+    lldb::LanguageType m_language_type;
+  };
+  // I can't use a std::unique_ptr for this because the Deleter is a template
+  // argument there
+  // and I want the same type to represent both pointers I want to free and
+  // pointers I don't need
+  // to free - which is what this class essentially is
+  // It's very specialized to the needs of this file, and not suggested for
+  // general use
+  template <typename T = uint8_t, typename U = char, typename S = size_t>
+  struct StringPrinterBufferPointer {
+  public:
+    typedef std::function<void(const T *)> Deleter;
+    StringPrinterBufferPointer(std::nullptr_t ptr)
+        : m_data(nullptr), m_size(0), m_deleter() {}
+    StringPrinterBufferPointer(const T *bytes, S size,
+                               Deleter deleter = nullptr)
+        : m_data(bytes), m_size(size), m_deleter(deleter) {}
+    StringPrinterBufferPointer(const U *bytes, S size,
+                               Deleter deleter = nullptr)
+        : m_data(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(bytes)), m_size(size),
+          m_deleter(deleter) {}
+    StringPrinterBufferPointer(StringPrinterBufferPointer &&rhs)
+        : m_data(rhs.m_data), m_size(rhs.m_size), m_deleter(rhs.m_deleter) {
+      rhs.m_data = nullptr;
+    }
+    StringPrinterBufferPointer(const StringPrinterBufferPointer &rhs)
+        : m_data(rhs.m_data), m_size(rhs.m_size), m_deleter(rhs.m_deleter) {
+      rhs.m_data = nullptr; // this is why m_data has to be mutable
+    }
+    ~StringPrinterBufferPointer() {
+      if (m_data && m_deleter)
+        m_deleter(m_data);
+      m_data = nullptr;
+    }
+    const T *GetBytes() const { return m_data; }
+    const S GetSize() const { return m_size; }
+    StringPrinterBufferPointer &
+    operator=(const StringPrinterBufferPointer &rhs) {
+      if (m_data && m_deleter)
+        m_deleter(m_data);
+      m_data = rhs.m_data;
+      m_size = rhs.m_size;
+      m_deleter = rhs.m_deleter;
+      rhs.m_data = nullptr;
+      return *this;
+    }
+  private:
+    mutable const T *m_data;
+    size_t m_size;
+    Deleter m_deleter;
+  };
+  typedef std::function<StringPrinter::StringPrinterBufferPointer<
+      uint8_t, char, size_t>(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *&)>
+      EscapingHelper;
+  typedef std::function<EscapingHelper(GetPrintableElementType)>
+      EscapingHelperGenerator;
+  static EscapingHelper
+  GetDefaultEscapingHelper(GetPrintableElementType elem_type);
+  template <StringElementType element_type>
+  static bool
+  ReadStringAndDumpToStream(const ReadStringAndDumpToStreamOptions &options);
+  template <StringElementType element_type>
+  static bool
+  ReadBufferAndDumpToStream(const ReadBufferAndDumpToStreamOptions &options);
+} // namespace formatters
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // liblldb_StringPrinter_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -20,561 +20,433 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatClasses.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    template <typename FormatterImpl>
-    class FormatterContainerPair
-    {
-    public:
-        typedef FormattersContainer<ConstString, FormatterImpl> ExactMatchContainer;
-        typedef FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, FormatterImpl> RegexMatchContainer;
-        typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::MapType ExactMatchMap;
-        typedef typename RegexMatchContainer::MapType RegexMatchMap;
-        typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::MapValueType MapValueType;
-        typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::SharedPointer ExactMatchContainerSP;
-        typedef typename RegexMatchContainer::SharedPointer RegexMatchContainerSP;
-        typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::ForEachCallback ExactMatchForEachCallback;
-        typedef typename RegexMatchContainer::ForEachCallback RegexMatchForEachCallback;
-        FormatterContainerPair (const char* exact_name,
-                                const char* regex_name,
-                                IFormatChangeListener* clist) :
-            m_exact_sp(new ExactMatchContainer(std::string(exact_name),clist)),
-            m_regex_sp(new RegexMatchContainer(std::string(regex_name),clist))
-        {
-        }
-        ~FormatterContainerPair () = default;
-        ExactMatchContainerSP
-        GetExactMatch () const
-        {
-            return m_exact_sp;
-        }
-        RegexMatchContainerSP
-        GetRegexMatch () const
-        {
-            return m_regex_sp;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetCount ()
-        {
-            return GetExactMatch()->GetCount() + GetRegexMatch()->GetCount();
-        }
-    private:
-        ExactMatchContainerSP m_exact_sp;
-        RegexMatchContainerSP m_regex_sp;
-    };
-    class TypeCategoryImpl
-    {
-    private:
-        typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeFormatImpl> FormatContainer;
-        typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeSummaryImpl> SummaryContainer;
-        typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeFilterImpl> FilterContainer;
-        typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeValidatorImpl> ValidatorContainer;
+template <typename FormatterImpl> class FormatterContainerPair {
+  typedef FormattersContainer<ConstString, FormatterImpl> ExactMatchContainer;
+  typedef FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, FormatterImpl>
+      RegexMatchContainer;
+  typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::MapType ExactMatchMap;
+  typedef typename RegexMatchContainer::MapType RegexMatchMap;
+  typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::MapValueType MapValueType;
+  typedef typename ExactMatchContainer::SharedPointer ExactMatchContainerSP;
+  typedef typename RegexMatchContainer::SharedPointer RegexMatchContainerSP;
+  typedef
+      typename ExactMatchContainer::ForEachCallback ExactMatchForEachCallback;
+  typedef
+      typename RegexMatchContainer::ForEachCallback RegexMatchForEachCallback;
+  FormatterContainerPair(const char *exact_name, const char *regex_name,
+                         IFormatChangeListener *clist)
+      : m_exact_sp(new ExactMatchContainer(std::string(exact_name), clist)),
+        m_regex_sp(new RegexMatchContainer(std::string(regex_name), clist)) {}
+  ~FormatterContainerPair() = default;
+  ExactMatchContainerSP GetExactMatch() const { return m_exact_sp; }
+  RegexMatchContainerSP GetRegexMatch() const { return m_regex_sp; }
+  uint32_t GetCount() {
+    return GetExactMatch()->GetCount() + GetRegexMatch()->GetCount();
+  }
+  ExactMatchContainerSP m_exact_sp;
+  RegexMatchContainerSP m_regex_sp;
+class TypeCategoryImpl {
+  typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeFormatImpl> FormatContainer;
+  typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeSummaryImpl> SummaryContainer;
+  typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeFilterImpl> FilterContainer;
+  typedef FormatterContainerPair<TypeValidatorImpl> ValidatorContainer;
-        typedef FormatterContainerPair<SyntheticChildren> SynthContainer;
+  typedef FormatterContainerPair<SyntheticChildren> SynthContainer;
-    public:
-        typedef uint16_t FormatCategoryItems;
-        static const uint16_t ALL_ITEM_TYPES = UINT16_MAX;
-        typedef FormatContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP FormatContainerSP;
-        typedef FormatContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexFormatContainerSP;
-        typedef SummaryContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP SummaryContainerSP;
-        typedef SummaryContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexSummaryContainerSP;
+  typedef uint16_t FormatCategoryItems;
+  static const uint16_t ALL_ITEM_TYPES = UINT16_MAX;
+  typedef FormatContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP FormatContainerSP;
+  typedef FormatContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexFormatContainerSP;
-        typedef FilterContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP FilterContainerSP;
-        typedef FilterContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexFilterContainerSP;
+  typedef SummaryContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP SummaryContainerSP;
+  typedef SummaryContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexSummaryContainerSP;
+  typedef FilterContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP FilterContainerSP;
+  typedef FilterContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexFilterContainerSP;
-        typedef SynthContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP SynthContainerSP;
-        typedef SynthContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexSynthContainerSP;
+  typedef SynthContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP SynthContainerSP;
+  typedef SynthContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexSynthContainerSP;
-        typedef ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP ValidatorContainerSP;
-        typedef ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexValidatorContainerSP;
-        template <typename T>
-        class ForEachCallbacks
-        {
-        public:
-            ForEachCallbacks () = default;
-            ~ForEachCallbacks () = default;
-            template<typename U = TypeFormatImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetExact (FormatContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_format_exact = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = TypeFormatImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetWithRegex (FormatContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_format_regex = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = TypeSummaryImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetExact (SummaryContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_summary_exact = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = TypeSummaryImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetWithRegex (SummaryContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_summary_regex = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = TypeFilterImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetExact (FilterContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_filter_exact = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = TypeFilterImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetWithRegex (FilterContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_filter_regex = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
+  typedef ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchContainerSP ValidatorContainerSP;
+  typedef ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchContainerSP RegexValidatorContainerSP;
+  template <typename T> class ForEachCallbacks {
+  public:
+    ForEachCallbacks() = default;
+    ~ForEachCallbacks() = default;
+    template <typename U = TypeFormatImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetExact(FormatContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_format_exact = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = TypeFormatImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetWithRegex(FormatContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_format_regex = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = TypeSummaryImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetExact(SummaryContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_summary_exact = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = TypeSummaryImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetWithRegex(SummaryContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_summary_regex = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = TypeFilterImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetExact(FilterContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_filter_exact = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = TypeFilterImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetWithRegex(FilterContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_filter_regex = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
-            template<typename U = SyntheticChildren>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetExact (SynthContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_synth_exact = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = SyntheticChildren>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetWithRegex (SynthContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_synth_regex = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
+    template <typename U = SyntheticChildren>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetExact(SynthContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_synth_exact = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = SyntheticChildren>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetWithRegex(SynthContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_synth_regex = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
-            template<typename U = TypeValidatorImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetExact (ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_validator_exact = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            template<typename U = TypeValidatorImpl>
-            typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U,T>::value, ForEachCallbacks&>::type
-            SetWithRegex (ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback)
-            {
-                m_validator_regex = callback;
-                return *this;
-            }
-            FormatContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
-            GetFormatExactCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_format_exact;
-            }
-            FormatContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
-            GetFormatRegexCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_format_regex;
-            }
-            SummaryContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
-            GetSummaryExactCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_summary_exact;
-            }
-            SummaryContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
-            GetSummaryRegexCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_summary_regex;
-            }
-            FilterContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
-            GetFilterExactCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_filter_exact;
-            }
-            FilterContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
-            GetFilterRegexCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_filter_regex;
-            }
+    template <typename U = TypeValidatorImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetExact(ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_validator_exact = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    template <typename U = TypeValidatorImpl>
+    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, T>::value, ForEachCallbacks &>::type
+    SetWithRegex(ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback callback) {
+      m_validator_regex = callback;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    FormatContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback GetFormatExactCallback() const {
+      return m_format_exact;
+    }
+    FormatContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback GetFormatRegexCallback() const {
+      return m_format_regex;
+    }
+    SummaryContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
+    GetSummaryExactCallback() const {
+      return m_summary_exact;
+    }
+    SummaryContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
+    GetSummaryRegexCallback() const {
+      return m_summary_regex;
+    }
+    FilterContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback GetFilterExactCallback() const {
+      return m_filter_exact;
+    }
+    FilterContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback GetFilterRegexCallback() const {
+      return m_filter_regex;
+    }
-            SynthContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
-            GetSynthExactCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_synth_exact;
-            }
-            SynthContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
-            GetSynthRegexCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_synth_regex;
-            }
+    SynthContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback GetSynthExactCallback() const {
+      return m_synth_exact;
+    }
+    SynthContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback GetSynthRegexCallback() const {
+      return m_synth_regex;
+    }
-            ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
-            GetValidatorExactCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_validator_exact;
-            }
-            ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
-            GetValidatorRegexCallback () const
-            {
-                return m_validator_regex;
-            }
-        private:
-            FormatContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_format_exact;
-            FormatContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_format_regex;
-            SummaryContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_summary_exact;
-            SummaryContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_summary_regex;
-            FilterContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_filter_exact;
-            FilterContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_filter_regex;
+    ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback
+    GetValidatorExactCallback() const {
+      return m_validator_exact;
+    }
+    ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback
+    GetValidatorRegexCallback() const {
+      return m_validator_regex;
+    }
+  private:
+    FormatContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_format_exact;
+    FormatContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_format_regex;
+    SummaryContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_summary_exact;
+    SummaryContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_summary_regex;
+    FilterContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_filter_exact;
+    FilterContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_filter_regex;
-            SynthContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_synth_exact;
-            SynthContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_synth_regex;
+    SynthContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_synth_exact;
+    SynthContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_synth_regex;
-            ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_validator_exact;
-            ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_validator_regex;
-        };
-        TypeCategoryImpl (IFormatChangeListener* clist,
-                          ConstString name,
-                          std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType> langs = {});
-        template <typename T>
-        void
-        ForEach (const ForEachCallbacks<T> &foreach)
-        {
-            GetTypeFormatsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFormatExactCallback());
-            GetRegexTypeFormatsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFormatRegexCallback());
-            GetTypeSummariesContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSummaryExactCallback());
-            GetRegexTypeSummariesContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSummaryRegexCallback());
-            GetTypeFiltersContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFilterExactCallback());
-            GetRegexTypeFiltersContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFilterRegexCallback());
+    ValidatorContainer::ExactMatchForEachCallback m_validator_exact;
+    ValidatorContainer::RegexMatchForEachCallback m_validator_regex;
+  };
+  TypeCategoryImpl(IFormatChangeListener *clist, ConstString name,
+                   std::initializer_list<lldb::LanguageType> langs = {});
+  template <typename T> void ForEach(const ForEachCallbacks<T> &foreach) {
+    GetTypeFormatsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFormatExactCallback());
+    GetRegexTypeFormatsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFormatRegexCallback());
+    GetTypeSummariesContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSummaryExactCallback());
+    GetRegexTypeSummariesContainer()->ForEach(
+        foreach.GetSummaryRegexCallback());
+    GetTypeFiltersContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFilterExactCallback());
+    GetRegexTypeFiltersContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetFilterRegexCallback());
-            GetTypeSyntheticsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSynthExactCallback());
-            GetRegexTypeSyntheticsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSynthRegexCallback());
+    GetTypeSyntheticsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSynthExactCallback());
+    GetRegexTypeSyntheticsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetSynthRegexCallback());
-            GetTypeValidatorsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetValidatorExactCallback());
-            GetRegexTypeValidatorsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetValidatorRegexCallback());
-        }
-        FormatContainerSP
-        GetTypeFormatsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_format_cont.GetExactMatch();
-        }
-        RegexFormatContainerSP
-        GetRegexTypeFormatsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_format_cont.GetRegexMatch();
-        }
-        FormatContainer&
-        GetFormatContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_format_cont;
-        }
-        SummaryContainerSP
-        GetTypeSummariesContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_summary_cont.GetExactMatch();
-        }
-        RegexSummaryContainerSP
-        GetRegexTypeSummariesContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_summary_cont.GetRegexMatch();
-        }
-        SummaryContainer&
-        GetSummaryContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_summary_cont;
-        }
-        FilterContainerSP
-        GetTypeFiltersContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_filter_cont.GetExactMatch();
-        }
-        RegexFilterContainerSP
-        GetRegexTypeFiltersContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_filter_cont.GetRegexMatch();
-        }
-        FilterContainer&
-        GetFilterContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_filter_cont;
-        }
-        FormatContainer::MapValueType
-        GetFormatForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-        SummaryContainer::MapValueType
-        GetSummaryForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-        FilterContainer::MapValueType
-        GetFilterForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+    GetTypeValidatorsContainer()->ForEach(foreach.GetValidatorExactCallback());
+    GetRegexTypeValidatorsContainer()->ForEach(
+        foreach.GetValidatorRegexCallback());
+  }
+  FormatContainerSP GetTypeFormatsContainer() {
+    return m_format_cont.GetExactMatch();
+  }
+  RegexFormatContainerSP GetRegexTypeFormatsContainer() {
+    return m_format_cont.GetRegexMatch();
+  }
+  FormatContainer &GetFormatContainer() { return m_format_cont; }
+  SummaryContainerSP GetTypeSummariesContainer() {
+    return m_summary_cont.GetExactMatch();
+  }
+  RegexSummaryContainerSP GetRegexTypeSummariesContainer() {
+    return m_summary_cont.GetRegexMatch();
+  }
+  SummaryContainer &GetSummaryContainer() { return m_summary_cont; }
+  FilterContainerSP GetTypeFiltersContainer() {
+    return m_filter_cont.GetExactMatch();
+  }
+  RegexFilterContainerSP GetRegexTypeFiltersContainer() {
+    return m_filter_cont.GetRegexMatch();
+  }
+  FilterContainer &GetFilterContainer() { return m_filter_cont; }
+  FormatContainer::MapValueType
+  GetFormatForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  SummaryContainer::MapValueType
+  GetSummaryForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  FilterContainer::MapValueType
+  GetFilterForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-        SynthContainer::MapValueType
-        GetSyntheticForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  SynthContainer::MapValueType
+  GetSyntheticForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-        ValidatorContainer::MapValueType
-        GetValidatorForType (lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
-        lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-        GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex (size_t index);
-        lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-        GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex (size_t index);
-        FormatContainer::MapValueType
-        GetFormatAtIndex (size_t index);
-        SummaryContainer::MapValueType
-        GetSummaryAtIndex (size_t index);
-        FilterContainer::MapValueType
-        GetFilterAtIndex (size_t index);
-        lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-        GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex (size_t index);
+  ValidatorContainer::MapValueType
+  GetValidatorForType(lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP type_sp);
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex(size_t index);
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex(size_t index);
+  FormatContainer::MapValueType GetFormatAtIndex(size_t index);
+  SummaryContainer::MapValueType GetSummaryAtIndex(size_t index);
+  FilterContainer::MapValueType GetFilterAtIndex(size_t index);
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex(size_t index);
-        SynthContainerSP
-        GetTypeSyntheticsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_synth_cont.GetExactMatch();
-        }
-        RegexSynthContainerSP
-        GetRegexTypeSyntheticsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_synth_cont.GetRegexMatch();
-        }
-        SynthContainer&
-        GetSyntheticsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_synth_cont;
-        }
-        SynthContainer::MapValueType
-        GetSyntheticAtIndex (size_t index);
-        lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-        GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex (size_t index);
+  SynthContainerSP GetTypeSyntheticsContainer() {
+    return m_synth_cont.GetExactMatch();
+  }
+  RegexSynthContainerSP GetRegexTypeSyntheticsContainer() {
+    return m_synth_cont.GetRegexMatch();
+  }
+  SynthContainer &GetSyntheticsContainer() { return m_synth_cont; }
+  SynthContainer::MapValueType GetSyntheticAtIndex(size_t index);
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex(size_t index);
-        ValidatorContainerSP
-        GetTypeValidatorsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_validator_cont.GetExactMatch();
-        }
-        RegexValidatorContainerSP
-        GetRegexTypeValidatorsContainer ()
-        {
-            return m_validator_cont.GetRegexMatch();
-        }
-        ValidatorContainer::MapValueType
-        GetValidatorAtIndex (size_t index);
-        lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
-        GetTypeNameSpecifierForValidatorAtIndex (size_t index);
-        bool
-        IsEnabled () const
-        {
-            return m_enabled;
-        }
-        uint32_t
-        GetEnabledPosition()
-        {
-            if (m_enabled == false)
-                return UINT32_MAX;
-            else
-                return m_enabled_position;
-        }
-        bool
-        Get(ValueObject& valobj,
-            const FormattersMatchVector& candidates,
-            lldb::TypeFormatImplSP& entry,
-            uint32_t* reason = nullptr);
-        bool
-        Get(ValueObject& valobj,
-            const FormattersMatchVector& candidates,
-            lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP& entry,
-            uint32_t* reason = nullptr);
-        bool
-        Get(ValueObject& valobj,
-            const FormattersMatchVector& candidates,
-            lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP& entry,
-            uint32_t* reason = nullptr);
-        bool
-        Get(ValueObject& valobj,
-            const FormattersMatchVector& candidates,
-            lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP& entry,
-            uint32_t* reason = nullptr);
-        void
-        Clear (FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES);
-        bool
-        Delete (ConstString name,
-                FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES);
-        uint32_t
-        GetCount (FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES);
-        const char*
-        GetName ()
-        {
-            return m_name.GetCString();
-        }
-        size_t
-        GetNumLanguages ();
-        lldb::LanguageType
-        GetLanguageAtIndex (size_t idx);
-        void
-        AddLanguage (lldb::LanguageType lang);
-        bool
-        HasLanguage (lldb::LanguageType lang);
-        std::string
-        GetDescription ();
-        bool
-        AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
-                   FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
-                   bool only_enabled = true,
-                   const char** matching_category = nullptr,
-                   FormatCategoryItems* matching_type = nullptr);
-        typedef std::shared_ptr<TypeCategoryImpl> SharedPointer;
-    private:
-        FormatContainer m_format_cont;
-        SummaryContainer m_summary_cont;
-        FilterContainer m_filter_cont;
+  ValidatorContainerSP GetTypeValidatorsContainer() {
+    return m_validator_cont.GetExactMatch();
+  }
+  RegexValidatorContainerSP GetRegexTypeValidatorsContainer() {
+    return m_validator_cont.GetRegexMatch();
+  }
+  ValidatorContainer::MapValueType GetValidatorAtIndex(size_t index);
+  lldb::TypeNameSpecifierImplSP
+  GetTypeNameSpecifierForValidatorAtIndex(size_t index);
+  bool IsEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
+  uint32_t GetEnabledPosition() {
+    if (m_enabled == false)
+      return UINT32_MAX;
+    else
+      return m_enabled_position;
+  }
+  bool Get(ValueObject &valobj, const FormattersMatchVector &candidates,
+           lldb::TypeFormatImplSP &entry, uint32_t *reason = nullptr);
+  bool Get(ValueObject &valobj, const FormattersMatchVector &candidates,
+           lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP &entry, uint32_t *reason = nullptr);
+  bool Get(ValueObject &valobj, const FormattersMatchVector &candidates,
+           lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &entry, uint32_t *reason = nullptr);
+  bool Get(ValueObject &valobj, const FormattersMatchVector &candidates,
+           lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP &entry, uint32_t *reason = nullptr);
+  void Clear(FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES);
+  bool Delete(ConstString name, FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES);
+  uint32_t GetCount(FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES);
+  const char *GetName() { return m_name.GetCString(); }
+  size_t GetNumLanguages();
+  lldb::LanguageType GetLanguageAtIndex(size_t idx);
+  void AddLanguage(lldb::LanguageType lang);
+  bool HasLanguage(lldb::LanguageType lang);
+  std::string GetDescription();
+  bool AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
+                  FormatCategoryItems items = ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
+                  bool only_enabled = true,
+                  const char **matching_category = nullptr,
+                  FormatCategoryItems *matching_type = nullptr);
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<TypeCategoryImpl> SharedPointer;
+  FormatContainer m_format_cont;
+  SummaryContainer m_summary_cont;
+  FilterContainer m_filter_cont;
-        SynthContainer m_synth_cont;
+  SynthContainer m_synth_cont;
-        ValidatorContainer m_validator_cont;
-        bool m_enabled;
-        IFormatChangeListener* m_change_listener;
-        std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
-        ConstString m_name;
-        std::vector<lldb::LanguageType> m_languages;
-        uint32_t m_enabled_position;
-        void
-        Enable (bool value, uint32_t position);
-        void
-        Disable ()
-        {
-            Enable(false, UINT32_MAX);
-        }
-        bool
-        IsApplicable (ValueObject& valobj);
-        uint32_t
-        GetLastEnabledPosition ()
-        {
-            return m_enabled_position;
-        }
-        void
-        SetEnabledPosition (uint32_t p)
-        {
-            m_enabled_position = p;
-        }
-        friend class FormatManager;
-        friend class LanguageCategory;
-        friend class TypeCategoryMap;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeFormatImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeFormatImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeSummaryImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeSummaryImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeFilterImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeFilterImpl>;
+  ValidatorContainer m_validator_cont;
+  bool m_enabled;
+  IFormatChangeListener *m_change_listener;
+  std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+  ConstString m_name;
+  std::vector<lldb::LanguageType> m_languages;
+  uint32_t m_enabled_position;
+  void Enable(bool value, uint32_t position);
+  void Disable() { Enable(false, UINT32_MAX); }
+  bool IsApplicable(ValueObject &valobj);
+  uint32_t GetLastEnabledPosition() { return m_enabled_position; }
+  void SetEnabledPosition(uint32_t p) { m_enabled_position = p; }
+  friend class FormatManager;
+  friend class LanguageCategory;
+  friend class TypeCategoryMap;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeFormatImpl>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeFormatImpl>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeSummaryImpl>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeSummaryImpl>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeFilterImpl>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeFilterImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, ScriptedSyntheticChildren>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, ScriptedSyntheticChildren>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, ScriptedSyntheticChildren>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP,
+                                   ScriptedSyntheticChildren>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeValidatorImpl>;
-        friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP, TypeValidatorImpl>;
-    };
+  friend class FormattersContainer<ConstString, TypeValidatorImpl>;
+  friend class FormattersContainer<lldb::RegularExpressionSP,
+                                   TypeValidatorImpl>;
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // lldb_TypeCategory_h_

Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategoryMap.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategoryMap.h?rev=280751&r1=280750&r2=280751&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategoryMap.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategoryMap.h Tue Sep  6 15:57:50 2016
@@ -19,145 +19,107 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
-#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormattersContainer.h"
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeCategory.h"
 namespace lldb_private {
-    class TypeCategoryMap
-    {
-    private:
-        typedef ConstString KeyType;
-        typedef TypeCategoryImpl ValueType;
-        typedef ValueType::SharedPointer ValueSP;
-        typedef std::list<lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP> ActiveCategoriesList;
-        typedef ActiveCategoriesList::iterator ActiveCategoriesIterator;
-    public:
-        typedef std::map<KeyType, ValueSP> MapType;
-        typedef MapType::iterator MapIterator;
-        typedef std::function<bool(const ValueSP&)> ForEachCallback;
-        typedef uint32_t Position;
-        static const Position First = 0;
-        static const Position Default = 1;
-        static const Position Last = UINT32_MAX;
-        TypeCategoryMap (IFormatChangeListener* lst);
-        void
-        Add (KeyType name,
-             const ValueSP& entry);
-        bool
-        Delete (KeyType name);
-        bool
-        Enable (KeyType category_name,
-                Position pos = Default);
-        bool
-        Disable (KeyType category_name);
-        bool
-        Enable (ValueSP category,
-                Position pos = Default);
-        bool
-        Disable (ValueSP category);
-        void
-        EnableAllCategories ();
-        void
-        DisableAllCategories ();
-        void
-        Clear ();
-        bool
-        Get (KeyType name,
-             ValueSP& entry);
-        bool
-        Get (uint32_t pos,
-             ValueSP& entry);
-        void
-        ForEach (ForEachCallback callback);
-        lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP
-        GetAtIndex (uint32_t);
-        bool
-        AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
-                   TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems items = TypeCategoryImpl::ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
-                   bool only_enabled = true,
-                   const char** matching_category = nullptr,
-                   TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems* matching_type = nullptr);
-        uint32_t
-        GetCount ()
-        {
-            return m_map.size();
-        }
-        lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
-        GetFormat (FormattersMatchData& match_data);
-        lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
-        GetSummaryFormat (FormattersMatchData& match_data);
+class TypeCategoryMap {
+  typedef ConstString KeyType;
+  typedef TypeCategoryImpl ValueType;
+  typedef ValueType::SharedPointer ValueSP;
+  typedef std::list<lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP> ActiveCategoriesList;
+  typedef ActiveCategoriesList::iterator ActiveCategoriesIterator;
+  typedef std::map<KeyType, ValueSP> MapType;
+  typedef MapType::iterator MapIterator;
+  typedef std::function<bool(const ValueSP &)> ForEachCallback;
+  typedef uint32_t Position;
+  static const Position First = 0;
+  static const Position Default = 1;
+  static const Position Last = UINT32_MAX;
+  TypeCategoryMap(IFormatChangeListener *lst);
+  void Add(KeyType name, const ValueSP &entry);
+  bool Delete(KeyType name);
+  bool Enable(KeyType category_name, Position pos = Default);
+  bool Disable(KeyType category_name);
+  bool Enable(ValueSP category, Position pos = Default);
+  bool Disable(ValueSP category);
+  void EnableAllCategories();
+  void DisableAllCategories();
+  void Clear();
+  bool Get(KeyType name, ValueSP &entry);
+  bool Get(uint32_t pos, ValueSP &entry);
+  void ForEach(ForEachCallback callback);
+  lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP GetAtIndex(uint32_t);
+  bool
+  AnyMatches(ConstString type_name,
+             TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems items =
+                 TypeCategoryImpl::ALL_ITEM_TYPES,
+             bool only_enabled = true, const char **matching_category = nullptr,
+             TypeCategoryImpl::FormatCategoryItems *matching_type = nullptr);
+  uint32_t GetCount() { return m_map.size(); }
+  lldb::TypeFormatImplSP GetFormat(FormattersMatchData &match_data);
+  lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP GetSummaryFormat(FormattersMatchData &match_data);
-        lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
-        GetSyntheticChildren (FormattersMatchData& match_data);
+  lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+  GetSyntheticChildren(FormattersMatchData &match_data);
-        lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP
-        GetValidator(FormattersMatchData& match_data);
-    private:
-        class delete_matching_categories
-        {
-            lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP ptr;
-        public:
-            delete_matching_categories(lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP p) : ptr(p)
-            {}
-            bool operator()(const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP& other)
-            {
-                return ptr.get() == other.get();
-            }
-        };
-        std::recursive_mutex m_map_mutex;
-        IFormatChangeListener* listener;
-        MapType m_map;
-        ActiveCategoriesList m_active_categories;
-        MapType& map ()
-        {
-            return m_map;
-        }
-        ActiveCategoriesList& active_list ()
-        {
-            return m_active_categories;
-        }
-        std::recursive_mutex &
-        mutex()
-        {
-            return m_map_mutex;
-        }
-        friend class FormattersContainer<KeyType, ValueType>;
-        friend class FormatManager;
-    };
+  lldb::TypeValidatorImplSP GetValidator(FormattersMatchData &match_data);
+  class delete_matching_categories {
+    lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP ptr;
+  public:
+    delete_matching_categories(lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP p) : ptr(p) {}
+    bool operator()(const lldb::TypeCategoryImplSP &other) {
+      return ptr.get() == other.get();
+    }
+  };
+  std::recursive_mutex m_map_mutex;
+  IFormatChangeListener *listener;
+  MapType m_map;
+  ActiveCategoriesList m_active_categories;
+  MapType &map() { return m_map; }
+  ActiveCategoriesList &active_list() { return m_active_categories; }
+  std::recursive_mutex &mutex() { return m_map_mutex; }
+  friend class FormattersContainer<KeyType, ValueType>;
+  friend class FormatManager;
 } // namespace lldb_private
 #endif // lldb_TypeCategoryMap_h_

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