[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r255676 - test-infra: refactored new summary results into base ResultsFormatter class

Todd Fiala via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 15 13:33:38 PST 2015

Author: tfiala
Date: Tue Dec 15 15:33:38 2015
New Revision: 255676

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=255676&view=rev
test-infra: refactored new summary results into base ResultsFormatter class

This allows more specialized formatters to still reuse the results
summarization display from the base class.


Removed: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/basic_results_formatter.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/basic_results_formatter.py?rev=255675&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/basic_results_formatter.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/basic_results_formatter.py (removed)
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-Provides basic test result output.  This is intended to be suitable for
-normal LLDB test run output when no other option is specified.
-from __future__ import print_function
-# Python system includes
-import os
-# Our imports
-from . import configuration
-from . import result_formatter
-from .result_formatter import EventBuilder
-import lldbsuite
-class BasicResultsFormatter(result_formatter.ResultsFormatter):
-    """Provides basic test result output."""
-    @classmethod
-    def arg_parser(cls):
-        """@return arg parser used to parse formatter-specific options."""
-        parser = super(BasicResultsFormatter, cls).arg_parser()
-        parser.add_argument(
-            "--assert-on-unknown-events",
-            action="store_true",
-            help=('cause unknown test events to generate '
-                  'a python assert.  Default is to ignore.'))
-        parser.add_argument(
-            "--dump-results",
-            action="store_true",
-            help=('dump the raw results data after printing '
-                  'the summary output.'))
-        return parser
-    def __init__(self, out_file, options):
-        """Initializes the BasicResultsFormatter instance.
-        @param out_file file-like object where formatted output is written.
-        @param options_dict specifies a dictionary of options for the
-        formatter.
-        """
-        # Initialize the parent
-        super(BasicResultsFormatter, self).__init__(out_file, options)
-        # self.result_event will store the most current result_event
-        # by test method
-        self.result_events = {}
-        self.test_method_rerun_count = 0
-    def handle_event(self, test_event):
-        super(BasicResultsFormatter, self).handle_event(test_event)
-        if test_event is None:
-            return
-        event_type = test_event["event"]
-        if event_type is None:
-            return
-        if event_type == EventBuilder.TYPE_SESSION_TERMINATE:
-            self._finish_output()
-        elif event_type == EventBuilder.TYPE_TEST_START:
-            self.track_start_time(
-                test_event["test_class"],
-                test_event["test_name"],
-                test_event["event_time"])
-        elif event_type == EventBuilder.TYPE_TEST_RESULT:
-            # Build the test key.
-            test_key = test_event.get("test_filename", None)
-            if test_key is None:
-                raise Exception(
-                    "failed to find test filename for test event {}".format(
-                        test_event))
-            test_key += ":{}.{}".format(
-                test_event.get("test_class", ""),
-                test_event.get("test_name", ""))
-            # Save the most recent test event for the test key.
-            # This allows a second test phase to overwrite the most
-            # recent result for the test key (unique per method).
-            # We do final reporting at the end, so we'll report based
-            # on final results.
-            # We do this so that a re-run caused by, perhaps, the need
-            # to run a low-load, single-worker test run can have the final
-            # run's results to always be used.
-            if test_key in self.result_events:
-                # We are replacing the result of something that was
-                # already counted by the base class.  Remove the double
-                # counting by reducing by one the count for the test
-                # result status.
-                old_status = self.result_events[test_key]["status"]
-                self.result_status_counts[old_status] -= 1
-                self.test_method_rerun_count += 1
-            self.result_events[test_key] = test_event
-        elif event_type == EventBuilder.TYPE_JOB_RESULT:
-            # Build the job key.
-            test_key = test_event.get("test_filename", None)
-            if test_key is None:
-                raise Exception(
-                    "failed to find test filename for job event {}".format(
-                        test_event))
-            self.result_events[test_key] = test_event
-        else:
-            # This is an unknown event.
-            if self.options.assert_on_unknown_events:
-                raise Exception("unknown event type {} from {}\n".format(
-                    event_type, test_event))
-    @classmethod
-    def _event_sort_key(cls, event):
-        """Returns the sort key to be used for a test event.
-        This method papers over the differences in a test method result vs. a
-        job (i.e. inferior process) result.
-        @param event a test result or job result event.
-        @return a key useful for sorting events by name (test name preferably,
-        then by test filename).
-        """
-        if "test_name" in event:
-            return event["test_name"]
-        else:
-            return event.get("test_filename", None)
-    def _partition_results_by_status(self, categories):
-        """Partitions the captured test results by event status.
-        This permits processing test results by the category ids.
-        @param categories the list of categories on which to partition.
-        Follows the format described in _report_category_details().
-        @return a dictionary where each key is the test result status,
-        and each entry is a list containing all the test result events
-        that matched that test result status.  Result status IDs with
-        no matching entries will have a zero-length list.
-        """
-        partitioned_events = {}
-        for category in categories:
-            result_status_id = category[0]
-            matching_events = [
-                [key, event] for (key, event) in self.result_events.items()
-                if event.get("status", "") == result_status_id]
-            partitioned_events[result_status_id] = sorted(
-                matching_events,
-                key=lambda x: self._event_sort_key(x[1]))
-        return partitioned_events
-    def _print_banner(self, banner_text):
-        """Prints an ASCII banner around given text.
-        Output goes to the out file for the results formatter.
-        @param banner_text the text to display, with a banner
-        of '=' around the line above and line below.
-        """
-        banner_separator = "".ljust(len(banner_text), "=")
-        self.out_file.write("\n{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(
-            banner_separator,
-            banner_text,
-            banner_separator))
-    def _print_summary_counts(
-            self, categories, result_events_by_status, extra_rows):
-        """Prints summary counts for all categories.
-        @param categories the list of categories on which to partition.
-        Follows the format described in _report_category_details().
-        @param result_events_by_status the partitioned list of test
-        result events in a dictionary, with the key set to the test
-        result status id and the value set to the list of test method
-        results that match the status id.
-        """
-        # Get max length for category printed name
-        category_with_max_printed_name = max(
-            categories, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
-        max_category_name_length = len(category_with_max_printed_name[1])
-        # If we are provided with extra rows, consider these row name lengths.
-        if extra_rows is not None:
-            for row in extra_rows:
-                name_length = len(row[0])
-                if name_length > max_category_name_length:
-                    max_category_name_length = name_length
-        self._print_banner("Test Result Summary")
-        # Prepend extra rows
-        if extra_rows is not None:
-            for row in extra_rows:
-                extra_label = "{}:".format(row[0]).ljust(
-                    max_category_name_length + 1)
-                self.out_file.write("{} {:4}\n".format(extra_label, row[1]))
-        for category in categories:
-            result_status_id = category[0]
-            result_label = "{}:".format(category[1]).ljust(
-                max_category_name_length + 1)
-            count = len(result_events_by_status[result_status_id])
-            self.out_file.write("{} {:4}\n".format(
-                result_label,
-                count))
-    @classmethod
-    def _has_printable_details(cls, categories, result_events_by_status):
-        """Returns whether there are any test result details that need to be printed.
-        This will spin through the results and see if any result in a category
-        that is printable has any results to print.
-        @param categories the list of categories on which to partition.
-        Follows the format described in _report_category_details().
-        @param result_events_by_status the partitioned list of test
-        result events in a dictionary, with the key set to the test
-        result status id and the value set to the list of test method
-        results that match the status id.
-        @return True if there are any details (i.e. test results
-        for failures, errors, unexpected successes); False otherwise.
-        """
-        for category in categories:
-            result_status_id = category[0]
-            print_matching_tests = category[2]
-            if print_matching_tests:
-                if len(result_events_by_status[result_status_id]) > 0:
-                    # We found a printable details test result status
-                    # that has details to print.
-                    return True
-        # We didn't find any test result category with printable
-        # details.
-        return False
-    def _report_category_details(self, category, result_events_by_status):
-        """Reports all test results matching the given category spec.
-        @param category a category spec of the format [test_event_name,
-        printed_category_name, print_matching_entries?]
-        @param result_events_by_status the partitioned list of test
-        result events in a dictionary, with the key set to the test
-        result status id and the value set to the list of test method
-        results that match the status id.
-        """
-        result_status_id = category[0]
-        print_matching_tests = category[2]
-        detail_label = category[3]
-        if print_matching_tests:
-            # Sort by test name
-            for (_, event) in result_events_by_status[result_status_id]:
-                # Convert full test path into test-root-relative.
-                test_relative_path = os.path.relpath(
-                    os.path.realpath(event["test_filename"]),
-                    lldbsuite.lldb_test_root)
-                # Create extra info component (used for exceptional exit info)
-                if result_status_id == EventBuilder.STATUS_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT:
-                    extra_info = "[EXCEPTIONAL EXIT {} ({})] ".format(
-                        event["exception_code"],
-                        event["exception_description"])
-                else:
-                    extra_info = ""
-                # Figure out the identity we will use for this test.
-                if configuration.verbose and ("test_class" in event):
-                    test_id = "{}.{}".format(
-                        event["test_class"], event["test_name"])
-                elif "test_name" in event:
-                    test_id = event["test_name"]
-                else:
-                    test_id = "<no_running_test_method>"
-                # Display the info.
-                self.out_file.write("{}: {}{} ({})\n".format(
-                    detail_label,
-                    extra_info,
-                    test_id,
-                    test_relative_path))
-    def _finish_output_no_lock(self):
-        """Writes the test result report to the output file."""
-        extra_results = [
-            # Total test methods processed, excluding reruns.
-            ["Test Methods", len(self.result_events)],
-            ["Reruns", self.test_method_rerun_count]]
-        # Output each of the test result entries.
-        categories = [
-            # result id, printed name, print matching tests?, detail label
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_SUCCESS,
-             "Success", False, None],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_EXPECTED_FAILURE,
-             "Expected Failure", False, None],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_FAILURE,
-             "Failure", True, "FAIL"],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_ERROR,
-             "Error", True, "ERROR"],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT,
-             "Exceptional Exit", True, "ERROR"],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS,
-             "Unexpected Success", True, "UNEXPECTED SUCCESS"],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_SKIP, "Skip", False, None],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_TIMEOUT,
-             "Timeout", True, "TIMEOUT"],
-            [result_formatter.EventBuilder.STATUS_EXPECTED_TIMEOUT,
-             # Intentionally using the unusual hyphenation in TIME-OUT to
-             # prevent buildbots from thinking it is an issue when scanning
-             # for TIMEOUT.
-             "Expected Timeout", True, "EXPECTED TIME-OUT"]
-            ]
-        # Partition all the events by test result status
-        result_events_by_status = self._partition_results_by_status(
-            categories)
-        # Print the details
-        have_details = self._has_printable_details(
-            categories, result_events_by_status)
-        if have_details:
-            self._print_banner("Issue Details")
-            for category in categories:
-                self._report_category_details(
-                    category, result_events_by_status)
-        # Print the summary
-        self._print_summary_counts(
-            categories, result_events_by_status, extra_results)
-        if self.options.dump_results:
-            # Debug dump of the key/result info for all categories.
-            self._print_banner("Results Dump")
-            for status, events_by_key in result_events_by_status.items():
-                print("\nSTATUS: {}".format(status))
-                for key, event in events_by_key:
-                    print("key:   {}".format(key))
-                    print("event: {}".format(event))
-    def _finish_output(self):
-        """Prepare and write the results report as all incoming events have
-        arrived.
-        """
-        with self.lock:
-            self._finish_output_no_lock()
-    def replaces_summary(self):
-        return True

Modified: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dosep.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dosep.py?rev=255676&r1=255675&r2=255676&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dosep.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dosep.py Tue Dec 15 15:33:38 2015
@@ -1632,23 +1632,18 @@ def main(num_threads, test_subdir, test_
     # Only run the old summary logic if we don't have a results formatter
     # that already prints the summary.
-    if results_formatter is None or not results_formatter.replaces_summary():
-        print_legacy_summary = True
-    else:
-        print_legacy_summary = False
+    print_legacy_summary = results_formatter is None
     if not print_legacy_summary:
+        # Print summary results.  Summarized results at the end always
+        # get printed to stdout, even if --results-file specifies a different
+        # file for, say, xUnit output.
+        results_formatter.print_results(sys.stdout)
         # Figure out exit code by count of test result types.
-        issue_count = (
-            results_formatter.counts_by_test_result_status(
-                EventBuilder.STATUS_ERROR) +
-            results_formatter.counts_by_test_result_status(
-                EventBuilder.STATUS_FAILURE) +
-            results_formatter.counts_by_test_result_status(
-                EventBuilder.STATUS_TIMEOUT) +
-            results_formatter.counts_by_test_result_status(
-                EventBuilder.STATUS_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT)
-            )
+        issue_count = 0
+        for issue_status in EventBuilder.TESTRUN_ERROR_STATUS_VALUES:
+            issue_count += results_formatter.counts_by_test_result_status(
+                issue_status)
         # Return with appropriate result code
         if issue_count > 0:

Modified: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py?rev=255676&r1=255675&r2=255676&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py Tue Dec 15 15:33:38 2015
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ def parseOptionsAndInitTestdirs():
     # and we're not a test inferior.
     if not args.inferior and configuration.results_formatter_name is None:
         configuration.results_formatter_name = (
-            "lldbsuite.test.basic_results_formatter.BasicResultsFormatter")
+            "lldbsuite.test.result_formatter.ResultsFormatter")
     # rerun-related arguments
     configuration.rerun_all_issues = args.rerun_all_issues

Modified: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/result_formatter.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/result_formatter.py?rev=255676&r1=255675&r2=255676&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/result_formatter.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/result_formatter.py Tue Dec 15 15:33:38 2015
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ from six.moves import cPickle
 # LLDB modules
 from . import configuration
+import lldbsuite
 # Ignore method count on DTOs.
 # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
@@ -624,6 +626,11 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
             description='{} options'.format(cls.__name__),
             usage=('dotest.py --results-formatter-options='
                    '"--option1 value1 [--option2 value2 [...]]"'))
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--dump-results",
+            action="store_true",
+            help=('dump the raw results data after printing '
+                  'the summary output.'))
         return parser
     def __init__(self, out_file, options):
@@ -655,11 +662,17 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
         # worker index.
         self.started_tests_by_worker = {}
+        # Store the most recent test_method/job status.
+        self.result_events = {}
+        # Track the number of test method reruns.
+        self.test_method_rerun_count = 0
         # Lock that we use while mutating inner state, like the
         # total test count and the elements.  We minimize how
         # long we hold the lock just to keep inner state safe, not
         # entirely consistent from the outside.
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.lock = threading.RLock()
         # Keeps track of the test base filenames for tests that
         # are expected to timeout.  If a timeout occurs in any test
@@ -679,27 +692,37 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
         self.tests_for_rerun = {}
-    def _make_rerun_eligibility_key(cls, test_result_event):
-        if test_result_event is None:
+    def _make_key(cls, result_event):
+        """Creates a key from a test or job result event.
+        This key attempts to be as unique as possible.  For
+        test result events, it will be unique per test method.
+        For job events (ones not promoted to a test result event),
+        it will be unique per test case file.
+        @return a string-based key of the form
+        {test_filename}:{test_class}.{test_name}
+        """
+        if result_event is None:
             return None
         component_count = 0
-        if "test_filename" in test_result_event:
-            key = test_result_event["test_filename"]
+        if "test_filename" in result_event:
+            key = result_event["test_filename"]
             component_count += 1
-        if "test_class" in test_result_event:
+        if "test_class" in result_event:
             if component_count > 0:
                 key += ":"
-            key += test_result_event["test_class"]
+            key += result_event["test_class"]
             component_count += 1
-        if "test_name" in test_result_event:
+        if "test_name" in result_event:
             if component_count > 0:
                 key += "."
-            key += test_result_event["test_name"]
+            key += result_event["test_name"]
             component_count += 1
         return key
     def _mark_test_for_rerun_eligibility(self, test_result_event):
-        key = self._make_rerun_eligibility_key(test_result_event)
+        key = self._make_key(test_result_event)
         if key is not None:
@@ -708,13 +731,14 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
                 "failed to create key.\n")
     def _maybe_add_test_to_rerun_list(self, result_event):
-        key = self._make_rerun_eligibility_key(result_event)
+        key = self._make_key(result_event)
         if key is not None:
-            if key in self.rerun_eligible_tests or configuration.rerun_all_issues:
+            if (key in self.rerun_eligible_tests or
+                    configuration.rerun_all_issues):
                 test_filename = result_event.get("test_filename", None)
                 if test_filename is not None:
                     test_name = result_event.get("test_name", None)
-                    if not test_filename in self.tests_for_rerun:
+                    if test_filename not in self.tests_for_rerun:
                         self.tests_for_rerun[test_filename] = []
                     if test_name is not None:
@@ -817,12 +841,45 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
                     # whether it can be rerun.  If it can be rerun, add it
                     # to the rerun job.
+                # Build the test key.
+                test_key = self._make_key(test_event)
+                if test_key is None:
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "failed to find test filename for "
+                        "test event {}".format(test_event))
+                # Save the most recent test event for the test key.
+                # This allows a second test phase to overwrite the most
+                # recent result for the test key (unique per method).
+                # We do final reporting at the end, so we'll report based
+                # on final results.
+                # We do this so that a re-run caused by, perhaps, the need
+                # to run a low-load, single-worker test run can have the final
+                # run's results to always be used.
+                if test_key in self.result_events:
+                    # We are replacing the result of something that was
+                    # already counted by the base class.  Remove the double
+                    # counting by reducing by one the count for the test
+                    # result status.
+                    old_status = self.result_events[test_key]["status"]
+                    self.result_status_counts[old_status] -= 1
+                    self.test_method_rerun_count += 1
+                self.result_events[test_key] = test_event
             elif event_type == EventBuilder.TYPE_TEST_START:
-                # Keep track of the most recent test start event
-                # for the related worker.
+                # Track the start time for the test method.
+                self.track_start_time(
+                    test_event["test_class"],
+                    test_event["test_name"],
+                    test_event["event_time"])
+                # Track of the most recent test method start event
+                # for the related worker.  This allows us to figure
+                # out whether a process timeout or exceptional exit
+                # can be charged (i.e. assigned) to a test method.
                 worker_index = test_event.get("worker_index", None)
                 if worker_index is not None:
                     self.started_tests_by_worker[worker_index] = test_event
             elif event_type == EventBuilder.TYPE_MARK_TEST_RERUN_ELIGIBLE:
@@ -902,6 +959,249 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
         return self.result_status_counts[status]
+    @classmethod
+    def _event_sort_key(cls, event):
+        """Returns the sort key to be used for a test event.
+        This method papers over the differences in a test method result vs. a
+        job (i.e. inferior process) result.
+        @param event a test result or job result event.
+        @return a key useful for sorting events by name (test name preferably,
+        then by test filename).
+        """
+        if "test_name" in event:
+            return event["test_name"]
+        else:
+            return event.get("test_filename", None)
+    def _partition_results_by_status(self, categories):
+        """Partitions the captured test results by event status.
+        This permits processing test results by the category ids.
+        @param categories the list of categories on which to partition.
+        Follows the format described in _report_category_details().
+        @return a dictionary where each key is the test result status,
+        and each entry is a list containing all the test result events
+        that matched that test result status.  Result status IDs with
+        no matching entries will have a zero-length list.
+        """
+        partitioned_events = {}
+        for category in categories:
+            result_status_id = category[0]
+            matching_events = [
+                [key, event] for (key, event) in self.result_events.items()
+                if event.get("status", "") == result_status_id]
+            partitioned_events[result_status_id] = sorted(
+                matching_events,
+                key=lambda x: self._event_sort_key(x[1]))
+        return partitioned_events
+    def _print_banner(self, out_file, banner_text):
+        """Prints an ASCII banner around given text.
+        Output goes to the out file for the results formatter.
+        @param out_file a file-like object where output will be written.
+        @param banner_text the text to display, with a banner
+        of '=' around the line above and line below.
+        """
+        banner_separator = "".ljust(len(banner_text), "=")
+        out_file.write("\n{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(
+            banner_separator,
+            banner_text,
+            banner_separator))
+    def _print_summary_counts(
+            self, out_file, categories, result_events_by_status, extra_rows):
+        """Prints summary counts for all categories.
+        @param out_file a file-like object used to print output.
+        @param categories the list of categories on which to partition.
+        Follows the format described in _report_category_details().
+        @param result_events_by_status the partitioned list of test
+        result events in a dictionary, with the key set to the test
+        result status id and the value set to the list of test method
+        results that match the status id.
+        """
+        # Get max length for category printed name
+        category_with_max_printed_name = max(
+            categories, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
+        max_category_name_length = len(category_with_max_printed_name[1])
+        # If we are provided with extra rows, consider these row name lengths.
+        if extra_rows is not None:
+            for row in extra_rows:
+                name_length = len(row[0])
+                if name_length > max_category_name_length:
+                    max_category_name_length = name_length
+        self._print_banner(out_file, "Test Result Summary")
+        # Prepend extra rows
+        if extra_rows is not None:
+            for row in extra_rows:
+                extra_label = "{}:".format(row[0]).ljust(
+                    max_category_name_length + 1)
+                out_file.write("{} {:4}\n".format(extra_label, row[1]))
+        for category in categories:
+            result_status_id = category[0]
+            result_label = "{}:".format(category[1]).ljust(
+                max_category_name_length + 1)
+            count = len(result_events_by_status[result_status_id])
+            out_file.write("{} {:4}\n".format(
+                result_label,
+                count))
+    @classmethod
+    def _has_printable_details(cls, categories, result_events_by_status):
+        """Returns whether there are any test result details that need to be printed.
+        This will spin through the results and see if any result in a category
+        that is printable has any results to print.
+        @param categories the list of categories on which to partition.
+        Follows the format described in _report_category_details().
+        @param result_events_by_status the partitioned list of test
+        result events in a dictionary, with the key set to the test
+        result status id and the value set to the list of test method
+        results that match the status id.
+        @return True if there are any details (i.e. test results
+        for failures, errors, unexpected successes); False otherwise.
+        """
+        for category in categories:
+            result_status_id = category[0]
+            print_matching_tests = category[2]
+            if print_matching_tests:
+                if len(result_events_by_status[result_status_id]) > 0:
+                    # We found a printable details test result status
+                    # that has details to print.
+                    return True
+        # We didn't find any test result category with printable
+        # details.
+        return False
+    def _report_category_details(self, out_file, category, result_events_by_status):
+        """Reports all test results matching the given category spec.
+        @param out_file a file-like object used to print output.
+        @param category a category spec of the format [test_event_name,
+        printed_category_name, print_matching_entries?]
+        @param result_events_by_status the partitioned list of test
+        result events in a dictionary, with the key set to the test
+        result status id and the value set to the list of test method
+        results that match the status id.
+        """
+        result_status_id = category[0]
+        print_matching_tests = category[2]
+        detail_label = category[3]
+        if print_matching_tests:
+            # Sort by test name
+            for (_, event) in result_events_by_status[result_status_id]:
+                # Convert full test path into test-root-relative.
+                test_relative_path = os.path.relpath(
+                    os.path.realpath(event["test_filename"]),
+                    lldbsuite.lldb_test_root)
+                # Create extra info component (used for exceptional exit info)
+                if result_status_id == EventBuilder.STATUS_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT:
+                    extra_info = "[EXCEPTIONAL EXIT {} ({})] ".format(
+                        event["exception_code"],
+                        event["exception_description"])
+                else:
+                    extra_info = ""
+                # Figure out the identity we will use for this test.
+                if configuration.verbose and ("test_class" in event):
+                    test_id = "{}.{}".format(
+                        event["test_class"], event["test_name"])
+                elif "test_name" in event:
+                    test_id = event["test_name"]
+                else:
+                    test_id = "<no_running_test_method>"
+                # Display the info.
+                out_file.write("{}: {}{} ({})\n".format(
+                    detail_label,
+                    extra_info,
+                    test_id,
+                    test_relative_path))
+    def print_results(self, out_file):
+        """Writes the test result report to the output file.
+        @param out_file a file-like object used for printing summary
+        results.  This is different than self.out_file, which might
+        be something else for non-summary data.
+        """
+        extra_results = [
+            # Total test methods processed, excluding reruns.
+            ["Test Methods", len(self.result_events)],
+            ["Reruns", self.test_method_rerun_count]]
+        # Output each of the test result entries.
+        categories = [
+            # result id, printed name, print matching tests?, detail label
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_SUCCESS,
+             "Success", False, None],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_EXPECTED_FAILURE,
+             "Expected Failure", False, None],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_FAILURE,
+             "Failure", True, "FAIL"],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_ERROR,
+             "Error", True, "ERROR"],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_EXCEPTIONAL_EXIT,
+             "Exceptional Exit", True, "ERROR"],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS,
+             "Unexpected Success", True, "UNEXPECTED SUCCESS"],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_SKIP, "Skip", False, None],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_TIMEOUT,
+             "Timeout", True, "TIMEOUT"],
+            [EventBuilder.STATUS_EXPECTED_TIMEOUT,
+             # Intentionally using the unusual hyphenation in TIME-OUT to
+             # prevent buildbots from thinking it is an issue when scanning
+             # for TIMEOUT.
+             "Expected Timeout", True, "EXPECTED TIME-OUT"]
+            ]
+        # Partition all the events by test result status
+        result_events_by_status = self._partition_results_by_status(
+            categories)
+        # Print the details
+        have_details = self._has_printable_details(
+            categories, result_events_by_status)
+        if have_details:
+            self._print_banner(out_file, "Issue Details")
+            for category in categories:
+                self._report_category_details(
+                    out_file, category, result_events_by_status)
+        # Print the summary
+        self._print_summary_counts(
+            out_file, categories, result_events_by_status, extra_results)
+        if self.options.dump_results:
+            # Debug dump of the key/result info for all categories.
+            self._print_banner("Results Dump")
+            for status, events_by_key in result_events_by_status.items():
+                out_file.write("\nSTATUS: {}\n".format(status))
+                for key, event in events_by_key:
+                    out_file.write("key:   {}\n".format(key))
+                    out_file.write("event: {}\n".format(event))
 class RawPickledFormatter(ResultsFormatter):
     """Formats events as a pickled stream.

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