[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r253448 - prepare_bindings.py: enable static bindings
Todd Fiala via lldb-commits
lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 18 00:52:34 PST 2015
Added: lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/static-binding/LLDBWrapPython.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/static-binding/LLDBWrapPython.cpp?rev=253448&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/static-binding/LLDBWrapPython.cpp (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/static-binding/LLDBWrapPython.cpp Wed Nov 18 02:52:33 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,71377 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
+ * Version 1.3.40
+ *
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG
+ * interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* SwigValueWrapper is described in swig.swg */
+template<typename T> class SwigValueWrapper {
+ struct SwigMovePointer {
+ T *ptr;
+ SwigMovePointer(T *p) : ptr(p) { }
+ ~SwigMovePointer() { delete ptr; }
+ SwigMovePointer& operator=(SwigMovePointer& rhs) { T* oldptr = ptr; ptr = 0; delete oldptr; ptr = rhs.ptr; rhs.ptr = 0; return *this; }
+ } pointer;
+ SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+ SwigValueWrapper(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+ SwigValueWrapper() : pointer(0) { }
+ SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const T& t) { SwigMovePointer tmp(new T(t)); pointer = tmp; return *this; }
+ operator T&() const { return *pointer.ptr; }
+ T *operator&() { return pointer.ptr; }
+template <typename T> T SwigValueInit() {
+ return T();
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This section contains generic SWIG labels for method/variable
+ * declarations/attributes, and other compiler dependent labels.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* template workaround for compilers that cannot correctly implement the C++ standard */
+# if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x560)
+# elif defined(__HP_aCC)
+/* Needed even with `aCC -AA' when `aCC -V' reports HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.55 */
+/* If we find a maximum version that requires this, the test would be __HP_aCC <= 35500 for A.03.55 */
+# else
+# endif
+/* inline attribute */
+# if defined(__cplusplus) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__))
+# define SWIGINLINE inline
+# else
+# define SWIGINLINE
+# endif
+/* attribute recognised by some compilers to avoid 'unused' warnings */
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+# if !(defined(__cplusplus)) || (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4))
+# define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+# else
+# define SWIGUNUSED
+# endif
+# elif defined(__ICC)
+# define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+# else
+# define SWIGUNUSED
+# endif
+# if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4505) /* unreferenced local function has been removed */
+# endif
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+# else
+# endif
+/* internal SWIG method */
+/* internal inline SWIG method */
+/* exporting methods */
+#if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
+# endif
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# if defined(STATIC_LINKED)
+# define SWIGEXPORT
+# else
+# define SWIGEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+# endif
+# else
+# if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)
+# define SWIGEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+# else
+# define SWIGEXPORT
+# endif
+# endif
+/* calling conventions for Windows */
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# define SWIGSTDCALL __stdcall
+# else
+# endif
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating C standard runtime functions */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating methods in the standard C++ library */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+/* Python.h has to appear first */
+#include <Python.h>
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * swigrun.swg
+ *
+ * This file contains generic C API SWIG runtime support for pointer
+ * type checking.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This should only be incremented when either the layout of swig_type_info changes,
+ or for whatever reason, the runtime changes incompatibly */
+# define SWIG_QUOTE_STRING(x) #x
+ You can use the SWIGRUNTIME and SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE macros for
+ creating a static or dynamic library from the SWIG runtime code.
+ In 99.9% of the cases, SWIG just needs to declare them as 'static'.
+ But only do this if strictly necessary, ie, if you have problems
+ with your compiler or suchlike.
+/* Generic buffer size */
+# define SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+/* Flags for pointer conversions */
+/* Flags for new pointer objects */
+#define SWIG_POINTER_OWN 0x1
+ Flags/methods for returning states.
+ The SWIG conversion methods, as ConvertPtr, return and integer
+ that tells if the conversion was successful or not. And if not,
+ an error code can be returned (see swigerrors.swg for the codes).
+ Use the following macros/flags to set or process the returning
+ states.
+ In old versions of SWIG, code such as the following was usually written:
+ if (SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,vptr,ty.flags) != -1) {
+ // success code
+ } else {
+ //fail code
+ }
+ Now you can be more explicit:
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,vptr,ty.flags);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ // success code
+ } else {
+ // fail code
+ }
+ which is the same really, but now you can also do
+ Type *ptr;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj,(void **)(&ptr),ty.flags);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ // success code
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res) {
+ ...
+ delete *ptr;
+ } else {
+ ...
+ }
+ } else {
+ // fail code
+ }
+ I.e., now SWIG_ConvertPtr can return new objects and you can
+ identify the case and take care of the deallocation. Of course that
+ also requires SWIG_ConvertPtr to return new result values, such as
+ int SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, ptr,...) {
+ if (<obj is ok>) {
+ if (<need new object>) {
+ *ptr = <ptr to new allocated object>;
+ return SWIG_NEWOBJ;
+ } else {
+ *ptr = <ptr to old object>;
+ return SWIG_OLDOBJ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_BADOBJ;
+ }
+ }
+ Of course, returning the plain '0(success)/-1(fail)' still works, but you can be
+ more explicit by returning SWIG_BADOBJ, SWIG_ERROR or any of the
+ SWIG errors code.
+ Finally, if the SWIG_CASTRANK_MODE is enabled, the result code
+ allows to return the 'cast rank', for example, if you have this
+ int food(double)
+ int fooi(int);
+ and you call
+ food(1) // cast rank '1' (1 -> 1.0)
+ fooi(1) // cast rank '0'
+ just use the SWIG_AddCast()/SWIG_CheckState()
+#define SWIG_OK (0)
+#define SWIG_ERROR (-1)
+#define SWIG_IsOK(r) (r >= 0)
+#define SWIG_ArgError(r) ((r != SWIG_ERROR) ? r : SWIG_TypeError)
+/* The CastRankLimit says how many bits are used for the cast rank */
+#define SWIG_CASTRANKLIMIT (1 << 8)
+/* The NewMask denotes the object was created (using new/malloc) */
+/* The TmpMask is for in/out typemaps that use temporal objects */
+/* Simple returning values */
+/* Check, add and del mask methods */
+#define SWIG_AddNewMask(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_DelNewMask(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_IsNewObj(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_NEWOBJMASK))
+#define SWIG_AddTmpMask(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_DelTmpMask(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)
+#define SWIG_IsTmpObj(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_TMPOBJMASK))
+/* Cast-Rank Mode */
+#if defined(SWIG_CASTRANK_MODE)
+# ifndef SWIG_TypeRank
+# define SWIG_TypeRank unsigned long
+# endif
+# ifndef SWIG_MAXCASTRANK /* Default cast allowed */
+# define SWIG_MAXCASTRANK (2)
+# endif
+# define SWIG_CastRank(r) (r & SWIG_CASTRANKMASK)
+ return SWIG_IsOK(r) ? ((SWIG_CastRank(r) < SWIG_MAXCASTRANK) ? (r + 1) : SWIG_ERROR) : r;
+SWIGINTERNINLINE int SWIG_CheckState(int r) {
+ return SWIG_IsOK(r) ? SWIG_CastRank(r) + 1 : 0;
+#else /* no cast-rank mode */
+# define SWIG_AddCast
+# define SWIG_CheckState(r) (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? 1 : 0)
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef void *(*swig_converter_func)(void *, int *);
+typedef struct swig_type_info *(*swig_dycast_func)(void **);
+/* Structure to store information on one type */
+typedef struct swig_type_info {
+ const char *name; /* mangled name of this type */
+ const char *str; /* human readable name of this type */
+ swig_dycast_func dcast; /* dynamic cast function down a hierarchy */
+ struct swig_cast_info *cast; /* linked list of types that can cast into this type */
+ void *clientdata; /* language specific type data */
+ int owndata; /* flag if the structure owns the clientdata */
+} swig_type_info;
+/* Structure to store a type and conversion function used for casting */
+typedef struct swig_cast_info {
+ swig_type_info *type; /* pointer to type that is equivalent to this type */
+ swig_converter_func converter; /* function to cast the void pointers */
+ struct swig_cast_info *next; /* pointer to next cast in linked list */
+ struct swig_cast_info *prev; /* pointer to the previous cast */
+} swig_cast_info;
+/* Structure used to store module information
+ * Each module generates one structure like this, and the runtime collects
+ * all of these structures and stores them in a circularly linked list.*/
+typedef struct swig_module_info {
+ swig_type_info **types; /* Array of pointers to swig_type_info structures that are in this module */
+ size_t size; /* Number of types in this module */
+ struct swig_module_info *next; /* Pointer to next element in circularly linked list */
+ swig_type_info **type_initial; /* Array of initially generated type structures */
+ swig_cast_info **cast_initial; /* Array of initially generated casting structures */
+ void *clientdata; /* Language specific module data */
+} swig_module_info;
+ Compare two type names skipping the space characters, therefore
+ "char*" == "char *" and "Class<int>" == "Class<int >", etc.
+ Return 0 when the two name types are equivalent, as in
+ strncmp, but skipping ' '.
+SWIG_TypeNameComp(const char *f1, const char *l1,
+ const char *f2, const char *l2) {
+ for (;(f1 != l1) && (f2 != l2); ++f1, ++f2) {
+ while ((*f1 == ' ') && (f1 != l1)) ++f1;
+ while ((*f2 == ' ') && (f2 != l2)) ++f2;
+ if (*f1 != *f2) return (*f1 > *f2) ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ return (int)((l1 - f1) - (l2 - f2));
+ Check type equivalence in a name list like <name1>|<name2>|...
+ Return 0 if not equal, 1 if equal
+SWIG_TypeEquiv(const char *nb, const char *tb) {
+ int equiv = 0;
+ const char* te = tb + strlen(tb);
+ const char* ne = nb;
+ while (!equiv && *ne) {
+ for (nb = ne; *ne; ++ne) {
+ if (*ne == '|') break;
+ }
+ equiv = (SWIG_TypeNameComp(nb, ne, tb, te) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (*ne) ++ne;
+ }
+ return equiv;
+ Check type equivalence in a name list like <name1>|<name2>|...
+ Return 0 if equal, -1 if nb < tb, 1 if nb > tb
+SWIG_TypeCompare(const char *nb, const char *tb) {
+ int equiv = 0;
+ const char* te = tb + strlen(tb);
+ const char* ne = nb;
+ while (!equiv && *ne) {
+ for (nb = ne; *ne; ++ne) {
+ if (*ne == '|') break;
+ }
+ equiv = (SWIG_TypeNameComp(nb, ne, tb, te) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (*ne) ++ne;
+ }
+ return equiv;
+ Check the typename
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_info *
+SWIG_TypeCheck(const char *c, swig_type_info *ty) {
+ if (ty) {
+ swig_cast_info *iter = ty->cast;
+ while (iter) {
+ if (strcmp(iter->type->name, c) == 0) {
+ if (iter == ty->cast)
+ return iter;
+ /* Move iter to the top of the linked list */
+ iter->prev->next = iter->next;
+ if (iter->next)
+ iter->next->prev = iter->prev;
+ iter->next = ty->cast;
+ iter->prev = 0;
+ if (ty->cast) ty->cast->prev = iter;
+ ty->cast = iter;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Identical to SWIG_TypeCheck, except strcmp is replaced with a pointer comparison
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_info *
+SWIG_TypeCheckStruct(swig_type_info *from, swig_type_info *ty) {
+ if (ty) {
+ swig_cast_info *iter = ty->cast;
+ while (iter) {
+ if (iter->type == from) {
+ if (iter == ty->cast)
+ return iter;
+ /* Move iter to the top of the linked list */
+ iter->prev->next = iter->next;
+ if (iter->next)
+ iter->next->prev = iter->prev;
+ iter->next = ty->cast;
+ iter->prev = 0;
+ if (ty->cast) ty->cast->prev = iter;
+ ty->cast = iter;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ iter = iter->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Cast a pointer up an inheritance hierarchy
+SWIG_TypeCast(swig_cast_info *ty, void *ptr, int *newmemory) {
+ return ((!ty) || (!ty->converter)) ? ptr : (*ty->converter)(ptr, newmemory);
+ Dynamic pointer casting. Down an inheritance hierarchy
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_TypeDynamicCast(swig_type_info *ty, void **ptr) {
+ swig_type_info *lastty = ty;
+ if (!ty || !ty->dcast) return ty;
+ while (ty && (ty->dcast)) {
+ ty = (*ty->dcast)(ptr);
+ if (ty) lastty = ty;
+ }
+ return lastty;
+ Return the name associated with this type
+SWIG_TypeName(const swig_type_info *ty) {
+ return ty->name;
+ Return the pretty name associated with this type,
+ that is an unmangled type name in a form presentable to the user.
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_TypePrettyName(const swig_type_info *type) {
+ /* The "str" field contains the equivalent pretty names of the
+ type, separated by vertical-bar characters. We choose
+ to print the last name, as it is often (?) the most
+ specific. */
+ if (!type) return NULL;
+ if (type->str != NULL) {
+ const char *last_name = type->str;
+ const char *s;
+ for (s = type->str; *s; s++)
+ if (*s == '|') last_name = s+1;
+ return last_name;
+ }
+ else
+ return type->name;
+ Set the clientdata field for a type
+SWIG_TypeClientData(swig_type_info *ti, void *clientdata) {
+ swig_cast_info *cast = ti->cast;
+ /* if (ti->clientdata == clientdata) return; */
+ ti->clientdata = clientdata;
+ while (cast) {
+ if (!cast->converter) {
+ swig_type_info *tc = cast->type;
+ if (!tc->clientdata) {
+ SWIG_TypeClientData(tc, clientdata);
+ }
+ }
+ cast = cast->next;
+ }
+SWIG_TypeNewClientData(swig_type_info *ti, void *clientdata) {
+ SWIG_TypeClientData(ti, clientdata);
+ ti->owndata = 1;
+ Search for a swig_type_info structure only by mangled name
+ Search is a O(log #types)
+ We start searching at module start, and finish searching when start == end.
+ Note: if start == end at the beginning of the function, we go all the way around
+ the circular list.
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start,
+ swig_module_info *end,
+ const char *name) {
+ swig_module_info *iter = start;
+ do {
+ if (iter->size) {
+ register size_t l = 0;
+ register size_t r = iter->size - 1;
+ do {
+ /* since l+r >= 0, we can (>> 1) instead (/ 2) */
+ register size_t i = (l + r) >> 1;
+ const char *iname = iter->types[i]->name;
+ if (iname) {
+ register int compare = strcmp(name, iname);
+ if (compare == 0) {
+ return iter->types[i];
+ } else if (compare < 0) {
+ if (i) {
+ r = i - 1;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (compare > 0) {
+ l = i + 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break; /* should never happen */
+ }
+ } while (l <= r);
+ }
+ iter = iter->next;
+ } while (iter != end);
+ return 0;
+ Search for a swig_type_info structure for either a mangled name or a human readable name.
+ It first searches the mangled names of the types, which is a O(log #types)
+ If a type is not found it then searches the human readable names, which is O(#types).
+ We start searching at module start, and finish searching when start == end.
+ Note: if start == end at the beginning of the function, we go all the way around
+ the circular list.
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_TypeQueryModule(swig_module_info *start,
+ swig_module_info *end,
+ const char *name) {
+ /* STEP 1: Search the name field using binary search */
+ swig_type_info *ret = SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(start, end, name);
+ if (ret) {
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ /* STEP 2: If the type hasn't been found, do a complete search
+ of the str field (the human readable name) */
+ swig_module_info *iter = start;
+ do {
+ register size_t i = 0;
+ for (; i < iter->size; ++i) {
+ if (iter->types[i]->str && (SWIG_TypeEquiv(iter->types[i]->str, name)))
+ return iter->types[i];
+ }
+ iter = iter->next;
+ } while (iter != end);
+ }
+ /* neither found a match */
+ return 0;
+ Pack binary data into a string
+SWIG_PackData(char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
+ static const char hex[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ register const unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+ register const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
+ for (; u != eu; ++u) {
+ register unsigned char uu = *u;
+ *(c++) = hex[(uu & 0xf0) >> 4];
+ *(c++) = hex[uu & 0xf];
+ }
+ return c;
+ Unpack binary data from a string
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_UnpackData(const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
+ register unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+ register const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
+ for (; u != eu; ++u) {
+ register char d = *(c++);
+ register unsigned char uu;
+ if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
+ uu = ((d - '0') << 4);
+ else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
+ uu = ((d - ('a'-10)) << 4);
+ else
+ return (char *) 0;
+ d = *(c++);
+ if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
+ uu |= (d - '0');
+ else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
+ uu |= (d - ('a'-10));
+ else
+ return (char *) 0;
+ *u = uu;
+ }
+ return c;
+ Pack 'void *' into a string buffer.
+SWIG_PackVoidPtr(char *buff, void *ptr, const char *name, size_t bsz) {
+ char *r = buff;
+ if ((2*sizeof(void *) + 2) > bsz) return 0;
+ *(r++) = '_';
+ r = SWIG_PackData(r,&ptr,sizeof(void *));
+ if (strlen(name) + 1 > (bsz - (r - buff))) return 0;
+ strcpy(r,name);
+ return buff;
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr(const char *c, void **ptr, const char *name) {
+ if (*c != '_') {
+ if (strcmp(c,"NULL") == 0) {
+ *ptr = (void *) 0;
+ return name;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_UnpackData(++c,ptr,sizeof(void *));
+SWIG_PackDataName(char *buff, void *ptr, size_t sz, const char *name, size_t bsz) {
+ char *r = buff;
+ size_t lname = (name ? strlen(name) : 0);
+ if ((2*sz + 2 + lname) > bsz) return 0;
+ *(r++) = '_';
+ r = SWIG_PackData(r,ptr,sz);
+ if (lname) {
+ strncpy(r,name,lname+1);
+ } else {
+ *r = 0;
+ }
+ return buff;
+SWIGRUNTIME const char *
+SWIG_UnpackDataName(const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz, const char *name) {
+ if (*c != '_') {
+ if (strcmp(c,"NULL") == 0) {
+ memset(ptr,0,sz);
+ return name;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_UnpackData(++c,ptr,sz);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* Errors in SWIG */
+#define SWIG_UnknownError -1
+#define SWIG_IOError -2
+#define SWIG_RuntimeError -3
+#define SWIG_IndexError -4
+#define SWIG_TypeError -5
+#define SWIG_DivisionByZero -6
+#define SWIG_OverflowError -7
+#define SWIG_SyntaxError -8
+#define SWIG_ValueError -9
+#define SWIG_SystemError -10
+#define SWIG_AttributeError -11
+#define SWIG_MemoryError -12
+#define SWIG_NullReferenceError -13
+/* Compatibility macros for Python 3 */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+#define PyClass_Check(obj) PyObject_IsInstance(obj, (PyObject *)&PyType_Type)
+#define PyInt_Check(x) PyLong_Check(x)
+#define PyInt_AsLong(x) PyLong_AsLong(x)
+#define PyInt_FromLong(x) PyLong_FromLong(x)
+#define PyString_Format(fmt, args) PyUnicode_Format(fmt, args)
+#ifndef Py_TYPE
+# define Py_TYPE(op) ((op)->ob_type)
+/* SWIG APIs for compatibility of both Python 2 & 3 */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+# define SWIG_Python_str_FromFormat PyUnicode_FromFormat
+# define SWIG_Python_str_FromFormat PyString_FromFormat
+/* Warning: This function will allocate a new string in Python 3,
+ * so please call SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(x) to free the space.
+ */
+SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(PyObject *str)
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ char *cstr;
+ char *newstr;
+ Py_ssize_t len;
+ str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(str);
+ PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(str, &cstr, &len);
+ newstr = (char *) malloc(len+1);
+ memcpy(newstr, cstr, len+1);
+ Py_XDECREF(str);
+ return newstr;
+ return PyString_AsString(str);
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+# define SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(x) free( (void*) (x) )
+# define SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(x)
+SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(const char *c)
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ return PyUnicode_FromString(c);
+ return PyString_FromString(c);
+/* Add PyOS_snprintf for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000
+# if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_WATCOM)
+# define PyOS_snprintf _snprintf
+# else
+# define PyOS_snprintf snprintf
+# endif
+/* A crude PyString_FromFormat implementation for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000
+# define SWIG_PYBUFFER_SIZE 1024
+static PyObject *
+PyString_FromFormat(const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ char buf[SWIG_PYBUFFER_SIZE * 2];
+ int res;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ res = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return (res < 0 || res >= (int)sizeof(buf)) ? 0 : PyString_FromString(buf);
+/* Add PyObject_Del for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x01060000
+# define PyObject_Del(op) PyMem_DEL((op))
+#ifndef PyObject_DEL
+# define PyObject_DEL PyObject_Del
+/* A crude PyExc_StopIteration exception for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000
+# ifndef PyExc_StopIteration
+# define PyExc_StopIteration PyExc_RuntimeError
+# endif
+# ifndef PyObject_GenericGetAttr
+# define PyObject_GenericGetAttr 0
+# endif
+/* Py_NotImplemented is defined in 2.1 and up. */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02010000
+# ifndef Py_NotImplemented
+# define Py_NotImplemented PyExc_RuntimeError
+# endif
+/* A crude PyString_AsStringAndSize implementation for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02010000
+# ifndef PyString_AsStringAndSize
+# define PyString_AsStringAndSize(obj, s, len) {*s = PyString_AsString(obj); *len = *s ? strlen(*s) : 0;}
+# endif
+/* PySequence_Size for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02000000
+# ifndef PySequence_Size
+# define PySequence_Size PySequence_Length
+# endif
+/* PyBool_FromLong for old Pythons */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02030000
+PyObject *PyBool_FromLong(long ok)
+ PyObject *result = ok ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(result);
+ return result;
+/* Py_ssize_t for old Pythons */
+/* This code is as recommended by: */
+/* http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0353/#conversion-guidelines */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000 && !defined(PY_SSIZE_T_MIN)
+typedef int Py_ssize_t;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * error manipulation
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+SWIG_Python_ErrorType(int code) {
+ PyObject* type = 0;
+ switch(code) {
+ case SWIG_MemoryError:
+ type = PyExc_MemoryError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_IOError:
+ type = PyExc_IOError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_RuntimeError:
+ type = PyExc_RuntimeError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_IndexError:
+ type = PyExc_IndexError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_TypeError:
+ type = PyExc_TypeError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_DivisionByZero:
+ type = PyExc_ZeroDivisionError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_OverflowError:
+ type = PyExc_OverflowError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_SyntaxError:
+ type = PyExc_SyntaxError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_ValueError:
+ type = PyExc_ValueError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_SystemError:
+ type = PyExc_SystemError;
+ break;
+ case SWIG_AttributeError:
+ type = PyExc_AttributeError;
+ break;
+ default:
+ type = PyExc_RuntimeError;
+ }
+ return type;
+SWIG_Python_AddErrorMsg(const char* mesg)
+ PyObject *type = 0;
+ PyObject *value = 0;
+ PyObject *traceback = 0;
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback);
+ if (value) {
+ char *tmp;
+ PyObject *old_str = PyObject_Str(value);
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ Py_XINCREF(type);
+ PyErr_Format(type, "%s %s", tmp = SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(old_str), mesg);
+ SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(old_str);
+ Py_DECREF(value);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, mesg);
+ }
+# if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_THREADS)
+# endif
+#if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_THREADS) /* Threading support is enabled */
+# if !defined(SWIG_PYTHON_USE_GIL) && !defined(SWIG_PYTHON_NO_USE_GIL)
+# if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000) /* For 2.3 or later, use the PyGILState calls */
+# endif
+# endif
+# if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_USE_GIL) /* Use PyGILState threads calls */
+# endif
+# ifdef __cplusplus /* C++ code */
+ class SWIG_Python_Thread_Block {
+ bool status;
+ PyGILState_STATE state;
+ public:
+ void end() { if (status) { PyGILState_Release(state); status = false;} }
+ SWIG_Python_Thread_Block() : status(true), state(PyGILState_Ensure()) {}
+ ~SWIG_Python_Thread_Block() { end(); }
+ };
+ class SWIG_Python_Thread_Allow {
+ bool status;
+ PyThreadState *save;
+ public:
+ void end() { if (status) { PyEval_RestoreThread(save); status = false; }}
+ SWIG_Python_Thread_Allow() : status(true), save(PyEval_SaveThread()) {}
+ ~SWIG_Python_Thread_Allow() { end(); }
+ };
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_BEGIN_BLOCK SWIG_Python_Thread_Block _swig_thread_block
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_END_BLOCK _swig_thread_block.end()
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW SWIG_Python_Thread_Allow _swig_thread_allow
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_END_ALLOW _swig_thread_allow.end()
+# else /* C code */
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_BEGIN_BLOCK PyGILState_STATE _swig_thread_block = PyGILState_Ensure()
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_END_BLOCK PyGILState_Release(_swig_thread_block)
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_BEGIN_ALLOW PyThreadState *_swig_thread_allow = PyEval_SaveThread()
+# define SWIG_PYTHON_THREAD_END_ALLOW PyEval_RestoreThread(_swig_thread_allow)
+# endif
+# else /* Old thread way, not implemented, user must provide it */
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+#else /* No thread support */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Python API portion that goes into the runtime
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if 0
+} /* cc-mode */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Constant declarations
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Constant Types */
+#define SWIG_PY_POINTER 4
+#define SWIG_PY_BINARY 5
+/* Constant information structure */
+typedef struct swig_const_info {
+ int type;
+ char *name;
+ long lvalue;
+ double dvalue;
+ void *pvalue;
+ swig_type_info **ptype;
+} swig_const_info;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Wrapper of PyInstanceMethod_New() used in Python 3
+ * It is exported to the generated module, used for -fastproxy
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+SWIGRUNTIME PyObject* SWIG_PyInstanceMethod_New(PyObject *self, PyObject *func)
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ return PyInstanceMethod_New(func);
+ return NULL;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#if 0
+{ /* cc-mode */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
+ * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html.
+ *
+ * pyrun.swg
+ *
+ * This file contains the runtime support for Python modules
+ * and includes code for managing global variables and pointer
+ * type checking.
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Common SWIG API */
+/* for raw pointers */
+#define SWIG_Python_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags) SWIG_Python_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, 0)
+#define SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags) SWIG_Python_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags)
+#define SWIG_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj,pptr,type,flags,own) SWIG_Python_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, own)
+#define SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags) SWIG_Python_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)
+#define SWIG_CheckImplicit(ty) SWIG_Python_CheckImplicit(ty)
+#define SWIG_AcquirePtr(ptr, src) SWIG_Python_AcquirePtr(ptr, src)
+#define swig_owntype int
+/* for raw packed data */
+#define SWIG_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty) SWIG_Python_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty)
+#define SWIG_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type) SWIG_Python_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)
+/* for class or struct pointers */
+#define SWIG_ConvertInstance(obj, pptr, type, flags) SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags)
+#define SWIG_NewInstanceObj(ptr, type, flags) SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)
+/* for C or C++ function pointers */
+#define SWIG_ConvertFunctionPtr(obj, pptr, type) SWIG_Python_ConvertFunctionPtr(obj, pptr, type)
+#define SWIG_NewFunctionPtrObj(ptr, type) SWIG_Python_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, 0)
+/* for C++ member pointers, ie, member methods */
+#define SWIG_ConvertMember(obj, ptr, sz, ty) SWIG_Python_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty)
+#define SWIG_NewMemberObj(ptr, sz, type) SWIG_Python_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)
+/* Runtime API */
+#define SWIG_GetModule(clientdata) SWIG_Python_GetModule()
+#define SWIG_SetModule(clientdata, pointer) SWIG_Python_SetModule(pointer)
+#define SWIG_NewClientData(obj) SwigPyClientData_New(obj)
+#define SWIG_SetErrorObj SWIG_Python_SetErrorObj
+#define SWIG_SetErrorMsg SWIG_Python_SetErrorMsg
+#define SWIG_ErrorType(code) SWIG_Python_ErrorType(code)
+#define SWIG_Error(code, msg) SWIG_Python_SetErrorMsg(SWIG_ErrorType(code), msg)
+#define SWIG_fail goto fail
+/* Runtime API implementation */
+/* Error manipulation */
+SWIG_Python_SetErrorObj(PyObject *errtype, PyObject *obj) {
+ PyErr_SetObject(errtype, obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+SWIG_Python_SetErrorMsg(PyObject *errtype, const char *msg) {
+ PyErr_SetString(errtype, (char *) msg);
+#define SWIG_Python_Raise(obj, type, desc) SWIG_Python_SetErrorObj(SWIG_Python_ExceptionType(desc), obj)
+/* Set a constant value */
+SWIG_Python_SetConstant(PyObject *d, const char *name, PyObject *obj) {
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, (char*) name, obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+/* Append a value to the result obj */
+SWIG_Python_AppendOutput(PyObject* result, PyObject* obj) {
+ if (!result) {
+ result = obj;
+ } else if (result == Py_None) {
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+ result = obj;
+ } else {
+ if (!PyList_Check(result)) {
+ PyObject *o2 = result;
+ result = PyList_New(1);
+ PyList_SetItem(result, 0, o2);
+ }
+ PyList_Append(result,obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ }
+ return result;
+ PyObject* o2;
+ PyObject* o3;
+ if (!result) {
+ result = obj;
+ } else if (result == Py_None) {
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+ result = obj;
+ } else {
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(result)) {
+ o2 = result;
+ result = PyTuple_New(1);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, o2);
+ }
+ o3 = PyTuple_New(1);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(o3, 0, obj);
+ o2 = result;
+ result = PySequence_Concat(o2, o3);
+ Py_DECREF(o2);
+ Py_DECREF(o3);
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Unpack the argument tuple */
+SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(PyObject *args, const char *name, Py_ssize_t min, Py_ssize_t max, PyObject **objs)
+ if (!args) {
+ if (!min && !max) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s expected %s%d arguments, got none",
+ name, (min == max ? "" : "at least "), (int)min);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "UnpackTuple() argument list is not a tuple");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ register Py_ssize_t l = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
+ if (l < min) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s expected %s%d arguments, got %d",
+ name, (min == max ? "" : "at least "), (int)min, (int)l);
+ return 0;
+ } else if (l > max) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s expected %s%d arguments, got %d",
+ name, (min == max ? "" : "at most "), (int)max, (int)l);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ register int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
+ objs[i] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, i);
+ }
+ for (; l < max; ++l) {
+ objs[l] = 0;
+ }
+ return i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* A functor is a function object with one single object argument */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
+#define SWIG_Python_CallFunctor(functor, obj) PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(functor, obj, NULL);
+#define SWIG_Python_CallFunctor(functor, obj) PyObject_CallFunction(functor, "O", obj);
+ Helper for static pointer initialization for both C and C++ code, for example
+ static PyObject *SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(MyVar) = NewSomething(...);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(var) var
+#define SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(var) var = 0; if (!var) var
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Pointer declarations
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Flags for new pointer objects */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if 0
+} /* cc-mode */
+/* How to access Py_None */
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifdef Py_None
+# undef Py_None
+# define Py_None SWIG_Py_None()
+# endif
+ PyObject *none = Py_BuildValue((char*)"");
+ Py_DECREF(none);
+ return none;
+ static PyObject *SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(none) = _SWIG_Py_None();
+ return none;
+/* The python void return value */
+ PyObject *none = Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(none);
+ return none;
+/* SwigPyClientData */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject *klass;
+ PyObject *newraw;
+ PyObject *newargs;
+ PyObject *destroy;
+ int delargs;
+ int implicitconv;
+} SwigPyClientData;
+SWIG_Python_CheckImplicit(swig_type_info *ty)
+ SwigPyClientData *data = (SwigPyClientData *)ty->clientdata;
+ return data ? data->implicitconv : 0;
+SWIG_Python_ExceptionType(swig_type_info *desc) {
+ SwigPyClientData *data = desc ? (SwigPyClientData *) desc->clientdata : 0;
+ PyObject *klass = data ? data->klass : 0;
+ return (klass ? klass : PyExc_RuntimeError);
+SWIGRUNTIME SwigPyClientData *
+SwigPyClientData_New(PyObject* obj)
+ if (!obj) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ SwigPyClientData *data = (SwigPyClientData *)malloc(sizeof(SwigPyClientData));
+ /* the klass element */
+ data->klass = obj;
+ Py_INCREF(data->klass);
+ /* the newraw method and newargs arguments used to create a new raw instance */
+ if (PyClass_Check(obj)) {
+ data->newraw = 0;
+ data->newargs = obj;
+ Py_INCREF(obj);
+ } else {
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000)
+ data->newraw = 0;
+ data->newraw = PyObject_GetAttrString(data->klass, (char *)"__new__");
+ if (data->newraw) {
+ Py_INCREF(data->newraw);
+ data->newargs = PyTuple_New(1);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(data->newargs, 0, obj);
+ } else {
+ data->newargs = obj;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(data->newargs);
+ }
+ /* the destroy method, aka as the C++ delete method */
+ data->destroy = PyObject_GetAttrString(data->klass, (char *)"__swig_destroy__");
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ data->destroy = 0;
+ }
+ if (data->destroy) {
+ int flags;
+ Py_INCREF(data->destroy);
+ flags = PyCFunction_GET_FLAGS(data->destroy);
+#ifdef METH_O
+ data->delargs = !(flags & (METH_O));
+ data->delargs = 0;
+ } else {
+ data->delargs = 0;
+ }
+ data->implicitconv = 0;
+ return data;
+ }
+SwigPyClientData_Del(SwigPyClientData* data)
+ Py_XDECREF(data->newraw);
+ Py_XDECREF(data->newargs);
+ Py_XDECREF(data->destroy);
+/* =============== SwigPyObject =====================*/
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ void *ptr;
+ swig_type_info *ty;
+ int own;
+ PyObject *next;
+} SwigPyObject;
+SwigPyObject_long(SwigPyObject *v)
+ return PyLong_FromVoidPtr(v->ptr);
+SwigPyObject_format(const char* fmt, SwigPyObject *v)
+ PyObject *res = NULL;
+ PyObject *args = PyTuple_New(1);
+ if (args) {
+ if (PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, SwigPyObject_long(v)) == 0) {
+ PyObject *ofmt = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(fmt);
+ if (ofmt) {
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ res = PyUnicode_Format(ofmt,args);
+ res = PyString_Format(ofmt,args);
+ Py_DECREF(ofmt);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(args);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+SwigPyObject_oct(SwigPyObject *v)
+ return SwigPyObject_format("%o",v);
+SwigPyObject_hex(SwigPyObject *v)
+ return SwigPyObject_format("%x",v);
+SwigPyObject_repr(SwigPyObject *v)
+SwigPyObject_repr(SwigPyObject *v, PyObject *args)
+ const char *name = SWIG_TypePrettyName(v->ty);
+ PyObject *repr = SWIG_Python_str_FromFormat("<Swig Object of type '%s' at %p>", name, v);
+ if (v->next) {
+ PyObject *nrep = SwigPyObject_repr((SwigPyObject *)v->next);
+ PyObject *nrep = SwigPyObject_repr((SwigPyObject *)v->next, args);
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ PyObject *joined = PyUnicode_Concat(repr, nrep);
+ Py_DecRef(repr);
+ Py_DecRef(nrep);
+ repr = joined;
+ PyString_ConcatAndDel(&repr,nrep);
+ }
+ return repr;
+SwigPyObject_print(SwigPyObject *v, FILE *fp, int SWIGUNUSEDPARM(flags))
+ char *str;
+ PyObject *repr = SwigPyObject_repr(v);
+ PyObject *repr = SwigPyObject_repr(v, NULL);
+ if (repr) {
+ str = SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(repr);
+ fputs(str, fp);
+ SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(str);
+ Py_DECREF(repr);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+SwigPyObject_str(SwigPyObject *v)
+ char result[SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ return SWIG_PackVoidPtr(result, v->ptr, v->ty->name, sizeof(result)) ?
+ SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(result) : 0;
+SwigPyObject_compare(SwigPyObject *v, SwigPyObject *w)
+ void *i = v->ptr;
+ void *j = w->ptr;
+ return (i < j) ? -1 : ((i > j) ? 1 : 0);
+/* Added for Python 3.x, would it also be useful for Python 2.x? */
+SwigPyObject_richcompare(SwigPyObject *v, SwigPyObject *w, int op)
+ PyObject* res;
+ if( op != Py_EQ && op != Py_NE ) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented);
+ return Py_NotImplemented;
+ }
+ if( (SwigPyObject_compare(v, w)==0) == (op == Py_EQ) )
+ res = Py_True;
+ else
+ res = Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(res);
+ return res;
+SWIGRUNTIME PyTypeObject* _PySwigObject_type(void);
+SwigPyObject_type(void) {
+ static PyTypeObject *SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(type) = _PySwigObject_type();
+ return type;
+SwigPyObject_Check(PyObject *op) {
+ return (Py_TYPE(op) == SwigPyObject_type())
+ || (strcmp(Py_TYPE(op)->tp_name,"SwigPyObject") == 0);
+SwigPyObject_New(void *ptr, swig_type_info *ty, int own);
+SwigPyObject_dealloc(PyObject *v)
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = (SwigPyObject *) v;
+ PyObject *next = sobj->next;
+ if (sobj->own == SWIG_POINTER_OWN) {
+ swig_type_info *ty = sobj->ty;
+ SwigPyClientData *data = ty ? (SwigPyClientData *) ty->clientdata : 0;
+ PyObject *destroy = data ? data->destroy : 0;
+ if (destroy) {
+ /* destroy is always a VARARGS method */
+ PyObject *res;
+ if (data->delargs) {
+ /* we need to create a temporary object to carry the destroy operation */
+ PyObject *tmp = SwigPyObject_New(sobj->ptr, ty, 0);
+ res = SWIG_Python_CallFunctor(destroy, tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(tmp);
+ } else {
+ PyCFunction meth = PyCFunction_GET_FUNCTION(destroy);
+ PyObject *mself = PyCFunction_GET_SELF(destroy);
+ res = ((*meth)(mself, v));
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(res);
+ }
+ else {
+ const char *name = SWIG_TypePrettyName(ty);
+ printf("swig/python detected a memory leak of type '%s', no destructor found.\n", (name ? name : "unknown"));
+ }
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(next);
+ PyObject_DEL(v);
+SwigPyObject_append(PyObject* v, PyObject* next)
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = (SwigPyObject *) v;
+#ifndef METH_O
+ PyObject *tmp = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(next,(char *)"O:append", &tmp)) return NULL;
+ next = tmp;
+ if (!SwigPyObject_Check(next)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sobj->next = next;
+ Py_INCREF(next);
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SwigPyObject_next(PyObject* v)
+SwigPyObject_next(PyObject* v, PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(args))
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = (SwigPyObject *) v;
+ if (sobj->next) {
+ Py_INCREF(sobj->next);
+ return sobj->next;
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+ }
+SwigPyObject_disown(PyObject *v)
+SwigPyObject_disown(PyObject* v, PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(args))
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = (SwigPyObject *)v;
+ sobj->own = 0;
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SwigPyObject_acquire(PyObject *v)
+SwigPyObject_acquire(PyObject* v, PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(args))
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = (SwigPyObject *)v;
+ sobj->own = SWIG_POINTER_OWN;
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SwigPyObject_own(PyObject *v, PyObject *args)
+ PyObject *val = 0;
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000)
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"|O:own",&val))
+ if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, (char *)"own", 0, 1, &val))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = (SwigPyObject *)v;
+ PyObject *obj = PyBool_FromLong(sobj->own);
+ if (val) {
+ if (PyObject_IsTrue(val)) {
+ SwigPyObject_acquire(v);
+ } else {
+ SwigPyObject_disown(v);
+ }
+ if (PyObject_IsTrue(val)) {
+ SwigPyObject_acquire(v,args);
+ } else {
+ SwigPyObject_disown(v,args);
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+#ifdef METH_O
+static PyMethodDef
+swigobject_methods[] = {
+ {(char *)"disown", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_disown, METH_NOARGS, (char *)"releases ownership of the pointer"},
+ {(char *)"acquire", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_acquire, METH_NOARGS, (char *)"aquires ownership of the pointer"},
+ {(char *)"own", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_own, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"returns/sets ownership of the pointer"},
+ {(char *)"append", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_append, METH_O, (char *)"appends another 'this' object"},
+ {(char *)"next", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_next, METH_NOARGS, (char *)"returns the next 'this' object"},
+ {(char *)"__repr__",(PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_repr, METH_NOARGS, (char *)"returns object representation"},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0}
+static PyMethodDef
+swigobject_methods[] = {
+ {(char *)"disown", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_disown, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"releases ownership of the pointer"},
+ {(char *)"acquire", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_acquire, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"aquires ownership of the pointer"},
+ {(char *)"own", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_own, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"returns/sets ownership of the pointer"},
+ {(char *)"append", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_append, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"appends another 'this' object"},
+ {(char *)"next", (PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_next, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"returns the next 'this' object"},
+ {(char *)"__repr__",(PyCFunction)SwigPyObject_repr, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"returns object representation"},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0}
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000
+SwigPyObject_getattr(SwigPyObject *sobj,char *name)
+ return Py_FindMethod(swigobject_methods, (PyObject *)sobj, name);
+_PySwigObject_type(void) {
+ static char swigobject_doc[] = "Swig object carries a C/C++ instance pointer";
+ static PyNumberMethods SwigPyObject_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_multiply*/
+ /* nb_divide removed in Python 3 */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_divide*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ (ternaryfunc)0,/*nb_power*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_negative*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_positive*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_absolute*/
+ (inquiry)0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ (unaryfunc)SwigPyObject_long, /*nb_int*/
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
+ (unaryfunc)SwigPyObject_long, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_reserved*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_float*/
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
+ (unaryfunc)SwigPyObject_oct, /*nb_oct*/
+ (unaryfunc)SwigPyObject_hex, /*nb_hex*/
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000 /* 3.0 */
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* nb_inplace_add -> nb_index, nb_inplace_divide removed */
+#elif PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02050000 /* 2.5.0 */
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* nb_inplace_add -> nb_index */
+#elif PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000 /* 2.2.0 */
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* nb_inplace_add -> nb_inplace_true_divide */
+#elif PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02000000 /* 2.0.0 */
+ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* nb_inplace_add -> nb_inplace_or */
+ };
+ static PyTypeObject swigpyobject_type;
+ static int type_init = 0;
+ if (!type_init) {
+ const PyTypeObject tmp
+ = {
+ /* PyObject header changed in Python 3 */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ (char *)"SwigPyObject", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(SwigPyObject), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)SwigPyObject_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ (printfunc)SwigPyObject_print, /* tp_print */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02020000
+ (getattrfunc)SwigPyObject_getattr, /* tp_getattr */
+ (getattrfunc)0, /* tp_getattr */
+ (setattrfunc)0, /* tp_setattr */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ 0, /* tp_reserved in 3.0.1, tp_compare in 3.0.0 but not used */
+ (cmpfunc)SwigPyObject_compare, /* tp_compare */
+ (reprfunc)SwigPyObject_repr, /* tp_repr */
+ &SwigPyObject_as_number, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc)0, /* tp_hash */
+ (ternaryfunc)0, /* tp_call */
+ (reprfunc)SwigPyObject_str, /* tp_str */
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ swigobject_doc, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ (richcmpfunc)SwigPyObject_richcompare, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ swigobject_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ 0, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+ 0, /* tp_mro */
+ 0, /* tp_cache */
+ 0, /* tp_subclasses */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklist */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000
+ 0, /* tp_del */
+ 0,0,0,0 /* tp_alloc -> tp_next */
+ };
+ swigpyobject_type = tmp;
+ /* for Python 3 we already assigned ob_type in PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT() */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
+ swigpyobject_type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ type_init = 1;
+ }
+ return &swigpyobject_type;
+SwigPyObject_New(void *ptr, swig_type_info *ty, int own)
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = PyObject_NEW(SwigPyObject, SwigPyObject_type());
+ if (sobj) {
+ sobj->ptr = ptr;
+ sobj->ty = ty;
+ sobj->own = own;
+ sobj->next = 0;
+ }
+ return (PyObject *)sobj;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Implements a simple Swig Packed type, and use it instead of string
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ void *pack;
+ swig_type_info *ty;
+ size_t size;
+} SwigPyPacked;
+SwigPyPacked_print(SwigPyPacked *v, FILE *fp, int SWIGUNUSEDPARM(flags))
+ char result[SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ fputs("<Swig Packed ", fp);
+ if (SWIG_PackDataName(result, v->pack, v->size, 0, sizeof(result))) {
+ fputs("at ", fp);
+ fputs(result, fp);
+ }
+ fputs(v->ty->name,fp);
+ fputs(">", fp);
+ return 0;
+SwigPyPacked_repr(SwigPyPacked *v)
+ char result[SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ if (SWIG_PackDataName(result, v->pack, v->size, 0, sizeof(result))) {
+ return SWIG_Python_str_FromFormat("<Swig Packed at %s%s>", result, v->ty->name);
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_Python_str_FromFormat("<Swig Packed %s>", v->ty->name);
+ }
+SwigPyPacked_str(SwigPyPacked *v)
+ char result[SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ if (SWIG_PackDataName(result, v->pack, v->size, 0, sizeof(result))){
+ return SWIG_Python_str_FromFormat("%s%s", result, v->ty->name);
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(v->ty->name);
+ }
+SwigPyPacked_compare(SwigPyPacked *v, SwigPyPacked *w)
+ size_t i = v->size;
+ size_t j = w->size;
+ int s = (i < j) ? -1 : ((i > j) ? 1 : 0);
+ return s ? s : strncmp((char *)v->pack, (char *)w->pack, 2*v->size);
+SWIGRUNTIME PyTypeObject* _PySwigPacked_type(void);
+SwigPyPacked_type(void) {
+ static PyTypeObject *SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(type) = _PySwigPacked_type();
+ return type;
+SwigPyPacked_Check(PyObject *op) {
+ return ((op)->ob_type == _PySwigPacked_type())
+ || (strcmp((op)->ob_type->tp_name,"SwigPyPacked") == 0);
+SwigPyPacked_dealloc(PyObject *v)
+ if (SwigPyPacked_Check(v)) {
+ SwigPyPacked *sobj = (SwigPyPacked *) v;
+ free(sobj->pack);
+ }
+ PyObject_DEL(v);
+_PySwigPacked_type(void) {
+ static char swigpacked_doc[] = "Swig object carries a C/C++ instance pointer";
+ static PyTypeObject swigpypacked_type;
+ static int type_init = 0;
+ if (!type_init) {
+ const PyTypeObject tmp
+ = {
+ /* PyObject header changed in Python 3 */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+ PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ (char *)"SwigPyPacked", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(SwigPyPacked), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)SwigPyPacked_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ (printfunc)SwigPyPacked_print, /* tp_print */
+ (getattrfunc)0, /* tp_getattr */
+ (setattrfunc)0, /* tp_setattr */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+ 0, /* tp_reserved in 3.0.1 */
+ (cmpfunc)SwigPyPacked_compare, /* tp_compare */
+ (reprfunc)SwigPyPacked_repr, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ (hashfunc)0, /* tp_hash */
+ (ternaryfunc)0, /* tp_call */
+ (reprfunc)SwigPyPacked_str, /* tp_str */
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ swigpacked_doc, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ 0, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ 0, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+ 0, /* tp_mro */
+ 0, /* tp_cache */
+ 0, /* tp_subclasses */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklist */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000
+ 0, /* tp_del */
+ 0,0,0,0 /* tp_alloc -> tp_next */
+ };
+ swigpypacked_type = tmp;
+ /* for Python 3 the ob_type already assigned in PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT() */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
+ swigpypacked_type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ type_init = 1;
+ }
+ return &swigpypacked_type;
+SwigPyPacked_New(void *ptr, size_t size, swig_type_info *ty)
+ SwigPyPacked *sobj = PyObject_NEW(SwigPyPacked, SwigPyPacked_type());
+ if (sobj) {
+ void *pack = malloc(size);
+ if (pack) {
+ memcpy(pack, ptr, size);
+ sobj->pack = pack;
+ sobj->ty = ty;
+ sobj->size = size;
+ } else {
+ PyObject_DEL((PyObject *) sobj);
+ sobj = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return (PyObject *) sobj;
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SwigPyPacked_UnpackData(PyObject *obj, void *ptr, size_t size)
+ if (SwigPyPacked_Check(obj)) {
+ SwigPyPacked *sobj = (SwigPyPacked *)obj;
+ if (sobj->size != size) return 0;
+ memcpy(ptr, sobj->pack, size);
+ return sobj->ty;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * pointers/data manipulation
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ return SWIG_Python_str_FromChar("this");
+ static PyObject *SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(swig_this) = _SWIG_This();
+ return swig_this;
+/* TODO: I don't know how to implement the fast getset in Python 3 right now */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(PyObject *pyobj)
+ if (SwigPyObject_Check(pyobj)) {
+ return (SwigPyObject *) pyobj;
+ } else {
+ PyObject *obj = 0;
+#if (!defined(SWIG_PYTHON_SLOW_GETSET_THIS) && (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02030000))
+ if (PyInstance_Check(pyobj)) {
+ obj = _PyInstance_Lookup(pyobj, SWIG_This());
+ } else {
+ PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(pyobj);
+ if (dictptr != NULL) {
+ PyObject *dict = *dictptr;
+ obj = dict ? PyDict_GetItem(dict, SWIG_This()) : 0;
+ } else {
+#ifdef PyWeakref_CheckProxy
+ if (PyWeakref_CheckProxy(pyobj)) {
+ PyObject *wobj = PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT(pyobj);
+ return wobj ? SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(wobj) : 0;
+ }
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttr(pyobj,SWIG_This());
+ if (obj) {
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ } else {
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttr(pyobj,SWIG_This());
+ if (obj) {
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ } else {
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (obj && !SwigPyObject_Check(obj)) {
+ /* a PyObject is called 'this', try to get the 'real this'
+ SwigPyObject from it */
+ return SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(obj);
+ }
+ return (SwigPyObject *)obj;
+ }
+/* Acquire a pointer value */
+SWIG_Python_AcquirePtr(PyObject *obj, int own) {
+ if (own == SWIG_POINTER_OWN) {
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(obj);
+ if (sobj) {
+ int oldown = sobj->own;
+ sobj->own = own;
+ return oldown;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Convert a pointer value */
+SWIG_Python_ConvertPtrAndOwn(PyObject *obj, void **ptr, swig_type_info *ty, int flags, int *own) {
+ if (!obj) return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (obj == Py_None) {
+ if (ptr) *ptr = 0;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ SwigPyObject *sobj = SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(obj);
+ if (own)
+ *own = 0;
+ while (sobj) {
+ void *vptr = sobj->ptr;
+ if (ty) {
+ swig_type_info *to = sobj->ty;
+ if (to == ty) {
+ /* no type cast needed */
+ if (ptr) *ptr = vptr;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ swig_cast_info *tc = SWIG_TypeCheck(to->name,ty);
+ if (!tc) {
+ sobj = (SwigPyObject *)sobj->next;
+ } else {
+ if (ptr) {
+ int newmemory = 0;
+ *ptr = SWIG_TypeCast(tc,vptr,&newmemory);
+ if (newmemory == SWIG_CAST_NEW_MEMORY) {
+ assert(own);
+ if (own)
+ *own = *own | SWIG_CAST_NEW_MEMORY;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ptr) *ptr = vptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sobj) {
+ if (own)
+ *own = *own | sobj->own;
+ if (flags & SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN) {
+ sobj->own = 0;
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ int res = SWIG_ERROR;
+ SwigPyClientData *data = ty ? (SwigPyClientData *) ty->clientdata : 0;
+ if (data && !data->implicitconv) {
+ PyObject *klass = data->klass;
+ if (klass) {
+ PyObject *impconv;
+ data->implicitconv = 1; /* avoid recursion and call 'explicit' constructors*/
+ impconv = SWIG_Python_CallFunctor(klass, obj);
+ data->implicitconv = 0;
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ impconv = 0;
+ }
+ if (impconv) {
+ SwigPyObject *iobj = SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(impconv);
+ if (iobj) {
+ void *vptr;
+ res = SWIG_Python_ConvertPtrAndOwn((PyObject*)iobj, &vptr, ty, 0, 0);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if (ptr) {
+ *ptr = vptr;
+ /* transfer the ownership to 'ptr' */
+ iobj->own = 0;
+ res = SWIG_AddCast(res);
+ res = SWIG_AddNewMask(res);
+ } else {
+ res = SWIG_AddCast(res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(impconv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+/* Convert a function ptr value */
+SWIG_Python_ConvertFunctionPtr(PyObject *obj, void **ptr, swig_type_info *ty) {
+ if (!PyCFunction_Check(obj)) {
+ return SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, ptr, ty, 0);
+ } else {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ /* here we get the method pointer for callbacks */
+ const char *doc = (((PyCFunctionObject *)obj) -> m_ml -> ml_doc);
+ const char *desc = doc ? strstr(doc, "swig_ptr: ") : 0;
+ if (desc)
+ desc = ty ? SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr(desc + 10, &vptr, ty->name) : 0;
+ if (!desc)
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (ty) {
+ swig_cast_info *tc = SWIG_TypeCheck(desc,ty);
+ if (tc) {
+ int newmemory = 0;
+ *ptr = SWIG_TypeCast(tc,vptr,&newmemory);
+ assert(!newmemory); /* newmemory handling not yet implemented */
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *ptr = vptr;
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+/* Convert a packed value value */
+SWIG_Python_ConvertPacked(PyObject *obj, void *ptr, size_t sz, swig_type_info *ty) {
+ swig_type_info *to = SwigPyPacked_UnpackData(obj, ptr, sz);
+ if (!to) return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (ty) {
+ if (to != ty) {
+ /* check type cast? */
+ swig_cast_info *tc = SWIG_TypeCheck(to->name,ty);
+ if (!tc) return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_OK;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Create a new pointer object
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Create a new instance object, without calling __init__, and set the
+ 'this' attribute.
+SWIG_Python_NewShadowInstance(SwigPyClientData *data, PyObject *swig_this)
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000)
+ PyObject *inst = 0;
+ PyObject *newraw = data->newraw;
+ if (newraw) {
+ inst = PyObject_Call(newraw, data->newargs, NULL);
+ if (inst) {
+ PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(inst);
+ if (dictptr != NULL) {
+ PyObject *dict = *dictptr;
+ if (dict == NULL) {
+ dict = PyDict_New();
+ *dictptr = dict;
+ PyDict_SetItem(dict, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ }
+ }
+ PyObject *key = SWIG_This();
+ PyObject_SetAttr(inst, key, swig_this);
+ }
+ } else {
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ inst = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_new((PyTypeObject*) data->newargs, Py_None, Py_None);
+ PyObject_SetAttr(inst, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ Py_TYPE(inst)->tp_flags &= ~Py_TPFLAGS_VALID_VERSION_TAG;
+ PyObject *dict = PyDict_New();
+ PyDict_SetItem(dict, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ inst = PyInstance_NewRaw(data->newargs, dict);
+ Py_DECREF(dict);
+ }
+ return inst;
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02010000)
+ PyObject *inst;
+ PyObject *dict = PyDict_New();
+ PyDict_SetItem(dict, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ inst = PyInstance_NewRaw(data->newargs, dict);
+ Py_DECREF(dict);
+ return (PyObject *) inst;
+ PyInstanceObject *inst = PyObject_NEW(PyInstanceObject, &PyInstance_Type);
+ if (inst == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ inst->in_class = (PyClassObject *)data->newargs;
+ Py_INCREF(inst->in_class);
+ inst->in_dict = PyDict_New();
+ if (inst->in_dict == NULL) {
+ Py_DECREF(inst);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ inst->in_weakreflist = NULL;
+#ifdef Py_TPFLAGS_GC
+ PyObject_GC_Init(inst);
+ PyDict_SetItem(inst->in_dict, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ return (PyObject *) inst;
+SWIG_Python_SetSwigThis(PyObject *inst, PyObject *swig_this)
+ PyObject *dict;
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000) && !defined(SWIG_PYTHON_SLOW_GETSET_THIS)
+ PyObject **dictptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(inst);
+ if (dictptr != NULL) {
+ dict = *dictptr;
+ if (dict == NULL) {
+ dict = PyDict_New();
+ *dictptr = dict;
+ }
+ PyDict_SetItem(dict, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ return;
+ }
+ dict = PyObject_GetAttrString(inst, (char*)"__dict__");
+ PyDict_SetItem(dict, SWIG_This(), swig_this);
+ Py_DECREF(dict);
+SWIG_Python_InitShadowInstance(PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj[2];
+ if (!SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args,(char*)"swiginit", 2, 2, obj)) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ SwigPyObject *sthis = SWIG_Python_GetSwigThis(obj[0]);
+ if (sthis) {
+ SwigPyObject_append((PyObject*) sthis, obj[1]);
+ } else {
+ SWIG_Python_SetSwigThis(obj[0], obj[1]);
+ }
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+ }
+/* Create a new pointer object */
+SWIG_Python_NewPointerObj(void *ptr, swig_type_info *type, int flags) {
+ if (!ptr) {
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+ } else {
+ int own = (flags & SWIG_POINTER_OWN) ? SWIG_POINTER_OWN : 0;
+ PyObject *robj = SwigPyObject_New(ptr, type, own);
+ SwigPyClientData *clientdata = type ? (SwigPyClientData *)(type->clientdata) : 0;
+ if (clientdata && !(flags & SWIG_POINTER_NOSHADOW)) {
+ PyObject *inst = SWIG_Python_NewShadowInstance(clientdata, robj);
+ if (inst) {
+ Py_DECREF(robj);
+ robj = inst;
+ }
+ }
+ return robj;
+ }
+/* Create a new packed object */
+SWIG_Python_NewPackedObj(void *ptr, size_t sz, swig_type_info *type) {
+ return ptr ? SwigPyPacked_New((void *) ptr, sz, type) : SWIG_Py_Void();
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Get type list
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+#define _SWIG_PYTHON_CAPSULE_NAME (char *) "swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION ".type_pointer_capsule" SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME
+void *SWIG_ReturnGlobalTypeList(void *);
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_module_info *
+SWIG_Python_GetModule(void) {
+ static void *type_pointer = (void *)0;
+ /* first check if module already created */
+ if (!type_pointer) {
+ type_pointer = SWIG_ReturnGlobalTypeList((void *)0);
+# if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+ type_pointer = PyCapsule_Import(_SWIG_PYTHON_CAPSULE_NAME, 0);
+# else
+ type_pointer = PyCObject_Import((char*)"swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION,
+ (char*)"type_pointer" SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME);
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ type_pointer = (void *)0;
+ }
+ }
+ return (swig_module_info *) type_pointer;
+/* PyModule_AddObject function was introduced in Python 2.0. The following function
+ is copied out of Python/modsupport.c in python version 2.3.4 */
+PyModule_AddObject(PyObject *m, char *name, PyObject *o)
+ PyObject *dict;
+ if (!PyModule_Check(m)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "PyModule_AddObject() needs module as first arg");
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (!o) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "PyModule_AddObject() needs non-NULL value");
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ dict = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+ if (dict == NULL) {
+ /* Internal error -- modules must have a dict! */
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "module '%s' has no __dict__",
+ PyModule_GetName(m));
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, o))
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ Py_DECREF(o);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+SWIG_Python_DestroyModule(PyObject *obj)
+SWIG_Python_DestroyModule(void *vptr)
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+ swig_module_info *swig_module = (swig_module_info *) PyCapsule_GetPointer(obj, _SWIG_PYTHON_CAPSULE_NAME);
+ swig_module_info *swig_module = (swig_module_info *) vptr;
+ swig_type_info **types = swig_module->types;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i =0; i < swig_module->size; ++i) {
+ swig_type_info *ty = types[i];
+ if (ty->owndata) {
+ SwigPyClientData *data = (SwigPyClientData *) ty->clientdata;
+ if (data) SwigPyClientData_Del(data);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(SWIG_This());
+SWIG_Python_SetModule(swig_module_info *swig_module) {
+ static PyMethodDef swig_empty_runtime_method_table[] = { {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} };/* Sentinel */
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ /* Add a dummy module object into sys.modules */
+ PyObject *module = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION);
+ PyObject *module = Py_InitModule((char*)"swig_runtime_data" SWIG_RUNTIME_VERSION,
+ swig_empty_runtime_method_table);
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+ PyObject *pointer = PyCapsule_New((void *) swig_module, _SWIG_PYTHON_CAPSULE_NAME, SWIG_Python_DestroyModule);
+ PyObject *pointer = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr((void *) swig_module, SWIG_Python_DestroyModule);
+ if (pointer && module) {
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, (char *)"type_pointer_capsule" SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME, pointer);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, (char*)"type_pointer" SWIG_TYPE_TABLE_NAME, pointer);
+ } else {
+ Py_XDECREF(pointer);
+ }
+/* The python cached type query */
+SWIG_Python_TypeCache(void) {
+ static PyObject *SWIG_STATIC_POINTER(cache) = PyDict_New();
+ return cache;
+SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info *
+SWIG_Python_TypeQuery(const char *type)
+ PyObject *cache = SWIG_Python_TypeCache();
+ PyObject *key = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(type);
+ PyObject *obj = PyDict_GetItem(cache, key);
+ swig_type_info *descriptor;
+ if (obj) {
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+ descriptor = (swig_type_info *) PyCapsule_GetPointer(obj, NULL);
+ descriptor = (swig_type_info *) PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(obj);
+ } else {
+ swig_module_info *swig_module = SWIG_Python_GetModule();
+ descriptor = SWIG_TypeQueryModule(swig_module, swig_module, type);
+ if (descriptor) {
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+ obj = PyCapsule_New((void *) descriptor, NULL, NULL);
+ obj = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(descriptor, NULL);
+ PyDict_SetItem(cache, key, obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(key);
+ return descriptor;
+ For backward compatibility only
+#define SWIG_arg_fail(arg) SWIG_Python_ArgFail(arg)
+#define SWIG_MustGetPtr(p, type, argnum, flags) SWIG_Python_MustGetPtr(p, type, argnum, flags)
+SWIG_Python_AddErrMesg(const char* mesg, int infront)
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ PyObject *type = 0;
+ PyObject *value = 0;
+ PyObject *traceback = 0;
+ PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback);
+ if (value) {
+ char *tmp;
+ PyObject *old_str = PyObject_Str(value);
+ Py_XINCREF(type);
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ if (infront) {
+ PyErr_Format(type, "%s %s", mesg, tmp = SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(old_str));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(type, "%s %s", tmp = SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(old_str), mesg);
+ }
+ SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(old_str);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+SWIG_Python_ArgFail(int argnum)
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ /* add information about failing argument */
+ char mesg[256];
+ PyOS_snprintf(mesg, sizeof(mesg), "argument number %d:", argnum);
+ return SWIG_Python_AddErrMesg(mesg, 1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+SwigPyObject_GetDesc(PyObject *self)
+ SwigPyObject *v = (SwigPyObject *)self;
+ swig_type_info *ty = v ? v->ty : 0;
+ return ty ? ty->str : (char*)"";
+SWIG_Python_TypeError(const char *type, PyObject *obj)
+ if (type) {
+#if defined(SWIG_COBJECT_TYPES)
+ if (obj && SwigPyObject_Check(obj)) {
+ const char *otype = (const char *) SwigPyObject_GetDesc(obj);
+ if (otype) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "a '%s' is expected, 'SwigPyObject(%s)' is received",
+ type, otype);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ const char *otype = (obj ? obj->ob_type->tp_name : 0);
+ if (otype) {
+ PyObject *str = PyObject_Str(obj);
+ const char *cstr = str ? SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(str) : 0;
+ if (cstr) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "a '%s' is expected, '%s(%s)' is received",
+ type, otype, cstr);
+ SWIG_Python_str_DelForPy3(cstr);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "a '%s' is expected, '%s' is received",
+ type, otype);
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(str);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "a '%s' is expected", type);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "unexpected type is received");
+ }
+/* Convert a pointer value, signal an exception on a type mismatch */
+SWIG_Python_MustGetPtr(PyObject *obj, swig_type_info *ty, int argnum, int flags) {
+ void *result;
+ if (SWIG_Python_ConvertPtr(obj, &result, ty, flags) == -1) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ if (flags) {
+ SWIG_Python_TypeError(SWIG_TypePrettyName(ty), obj);
+ SWIG_Python_ArgFail(argnum);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#if 0
+{ /* cc-mode */
+#define SWIG_exception_fail(code, msg) do { SWIG_Error(code, msg); SWIG_fail; } while(0)
+#define SWIG_contract_assert(expr, msg) if (!(expr)) { SWIG_Error(SWIG_RuntimeError, msg); SWIG_fail; } else
+// Forward declaration to be inserted at the start of LLDBWrapPython.h
+#include "lldb/API/SBDebugger.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBValue.h"
+SWIGEXPORT lldb::ValueObjectSP
+LLDBSWIGPython_GetValueObjectSPFromSBValue (void* data)
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp;
+ if (data)
+ {
+ lldb::SBValue* sb_ptr = (lldb::SBValue *)data;
+ valobj_sp = sb_ptr->GetSP();
+ }
+ return valobj_sp;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void LLDBSwigPythonCallPythonLogOutputCallback(const char *str, void *baton);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* -------- TYPES TABLE (BEGIN) -------- */
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_FILE swig_types[0]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p___pthread_mutex_t swig_types[1]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_bool swig_types[2]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_char swig_types[3]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_double swig_types[4]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__p_void swig_types[5]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_p_q_const__void_size_t__void swig_types[6]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_int swig_types[7]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__ConnectionStatus swig_types[8]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress swig_types[9]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo swig_types[10]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock swig_types[11]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint swig_types[12]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation swig_types[13]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster swig_types[14]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter swig_types[15]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions swig_types[16]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject swig_types[17]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication swig_types[18]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit swig_types[19]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData swig_types[20]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger swig_types[21]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration swig_types[22]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError swig_types[23]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent swig_types[24]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext swig_types[25]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions swig_types[26]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec swig_types[27]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList swig_types[28]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame swig_types[29]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction swig_types[30]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBHostOS swig_types[31]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBInstruction swig_types[32]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBInstructionList swig_types[33]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBLanguageRuntime swig_types[34]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBLaunchInfo swig_types[35]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBLineEntry swig_types[36]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener swig_types[37]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBModule swig_types[38]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBModuleSpec swig_types[39]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBModuleSpecList swig_types[40]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBPlatform swig_types[41]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBPlatformConnectOptions swig_types[42]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBPlatformShellCommand swig_types[43]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBProcess swig_types[44]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBQueue swig_types[45]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBQueueItem swig_types[46]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSection swig_types[47]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSourceManager swig_types[48]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream swig_types[49]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStringList swig_types[50]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbol swig_types[51]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbolContext swig_types[52]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbolContextList swig_types[53]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget swig_types[54]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThread swig_types[55]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThreadCollection swig_types[56]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThreadPlan swig_types[57]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBType swig_types[58]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeCategory swig_types[59]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeEnumMember swig_types[60]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeEnumMemberList swig_types[61]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeFilter swig_types[62]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeFormat swig_types[63]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeList swig_types[64]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeMember swig_types[65]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeMemberFunction swig_types[66]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeNameSpecifier swig_types[67]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeSummary swig_types[68]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeSummaryOptions swig_types[69]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeSynthetic swig_types[70]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBUnixSignals swig_types[71]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue swig_types[72]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList swig_types[73]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBVariablesOptions swig_types[74]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBWatchpoint swig_types[75]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_lldb_private__SharingPtrT_lldb_private__ValueObject_t swig_types[76]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_long_double swig_types[77]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_long_long swig_types[78]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_p_char swig_types[79]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_p_void swig_types[80]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_cond_t swig_types[81]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_key_t swig_types[82]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_rwlock_t swig_types[83]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_t swig_types[84]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_short swig_types[85]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_signed_char swig_types[86]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ABI_t swig_types[87]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Baton_t swig_types[88]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Block_t swig_types[89]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__BreakpointLocation_t swig_types[90]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__BreakpointResolver_t swig_types[91]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__BreakpointSite_t swig_types[92]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Breakpoint_t swig_types[93]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Broadcaster_t swig_types[94]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ClangASTImporter_t swig_types[95]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__CommandObject_t swig_types[96]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Communication_t swig_types[97]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__CompileUnit_t swig_types[98]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Connection_t swig_types[99]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__DataBuffer_t swig_types[100]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__DataExtractor_t swig_types[101]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Debugger_t swig_types[102]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Disassembler_t swig_types[103]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__DynamicLoader_t swig_types[104]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Event_t swig_types[105]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ExecutionContextRef_t swig_types[106]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ExpressionVariable_t swig_types[107]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__File_t swig_types[108]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__FuncUnwinders_t swig_types[109]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__FunctionCaller_t swig_types[110]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Function_t swig_types[111]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__IOHandler_t swig_types[112]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__IOObject_t swig_types[113]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__IRExecutionUnit_t swig_types[114]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__InlineFunctionInfo_t swig_types[115]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Instruction_t swig_types[116]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__InstrumentationRuntime_t swig_types[117]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__JITLoader_t swig_types[118]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__LanguageRuntime_t swig_types[119]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__LineTable_t swig_types[120]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Listener_t swig_types[121]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__LogChannel_t swig_types[122]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__MemoryHistory_t swig_types[123]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Module_t swig_types[124]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ObjectFileJITDelegate_t swig_types[125]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ObjectFile_t swig_types[126]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueArch_t swig_types[127]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueArgs_t swig_types[128]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueArray_t swig_types[129]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueBoolean_t swig_types[130]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueDictionary_t swig_types[131]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueFileSpecList_t swig_types[132]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueFileSpec_t swig_types[133]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueFormat_t swig_types[134]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValuePathMappings_t swig_types[135]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueProperties_t swig_types[136]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueRegex_t swig_types[137]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueSInt64_t swig_types[138]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueString_t swig_types[139]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueUInt64_t swig_types[140]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValueUUID_t swig_types[141]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValue_t swig_types[142]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Platform_t swig_types[143]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ProcessAttachInfo_t swig_types[144]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ProcessLaunchInfo_t swig_types[145]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Process_t swig_types[146]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Property_t swig_types[147]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__QueueItem_t swig_types[148]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Queue_t swig_types[149]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__REPL_t swig_types[150]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__RegisterCheckpoint_t swig_types[151]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__RegisterContext_t swig_types[152]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__RegularExpression_t swig_types[153]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ScriptInterpreter_t swig_types[154]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ScriptSummaryFormat_t swig_types[155]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ScriptedSyntheticChildren_t swig_types[156]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SearchFilter_t swig_types[157]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SectionLoadList_t swig_types[158]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Section_t swig_types[159]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Settings_t swig_types[160]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__StackFrameList_t swig_types[161]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__StackFrame_t swig_types[162]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__StopInfo_t swig_types[163]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__StoppointLocation_t swig_types[164]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__StreamFile_t swig_types[165]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Stream_t swig_types[166]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__StringSummaryFormat_t swig_types[167]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SymbolContextSpecifier_t swig_types[168]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SymbolFileType_t swig_types[169]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SymbolFile_t swig_types[170]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd_t swig_types[171]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SyntheticChildren_t swig_types[172]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__SystemRuntime_t swig_types[173]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TargetProperties_t swig_types[174]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Target_t swig_types[175]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ThreadCollection_t swig_types[176]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ThreadPlanTracer_t swig_types[177]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ThreadPlan_t swig_types[178]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Thread_t swig_types[179]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeCategoryImpl_t swig_types[180]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeEnumMemberImpl_t swig_types[181]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeFilterImpl_t swig_types[182]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeFormatImpl_t swig_types[183]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeImpl_t swig_types[184]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeMemberFunctionImpl_t swig_types[185]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeNameSpecifierImpl_t swig_types[186]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeSummaryImpl_t swig_types[187]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeSummaryOptions_t swig_types[188]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeSystem_t swig_types[189]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__TypeValidatorImpl_t swig_types[190]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Type_t swig_types[191]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__UnixSignals_t swig_types[192]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__UnwindAssembly_t swig_types[193]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__UnwindPlan_t swig_types[194]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__UserExpression_t swig_types[195]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__UtilityFunction_t swig_types[196]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ValueList_t swig_types[197]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__ValueObjectList_t swig_types[198]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Value_t swig_types[199]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__VariableList_t swig_types[200]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Variable_t swig_types[201]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__shared_ptrT_lldb_private__Watchpoint_t swig_types[202]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__ClangASTContext_t swig_types[203]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__ClangModulesDeclVendor_t swig_types[204]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__ClangPersistentVariables_t swig_types[205]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__DynamicCheckerFunctions_t swig_types[206]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__DynamicLoader_t swig_types[207]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__GoASTContext_t swig_types[208]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__JITLoaderList_t swig_types[209]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__OperatingSystem_t swig_types[210]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__ScriptInterpreter_t swig_types[211]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__SectionList_t swig_types[212]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__SourceManager_t swig_types[213]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__StackFrame_t swig_types[214]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__SymbolVendor_t swig_types[215]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__unique_ptrT_lldb_private__SystemRuntime_t swig_types[216]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__BreakpointLocation_t swig_types[217]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__BreakpointSite_t swig_types[218]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Breakpoint_t swig_types[219]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Debugger_t swig_types[220]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Module_t swig_types[221]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__ObjectFileJITDelegate_t swig_types[222]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__ObjectFile_t swig_types[223]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__OptionValue_t swig_types[224]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Process_t swig_types[225]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Queue_t swig_types[226]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Section_t swig_types[227]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__StackFrame_t swig_types[228]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Stream_t swig_types[229]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__SymbolFileType_t swig_types[230]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Target_t swig_types[231]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Thread_t swig_types[232]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__Type_t swig_types[233]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_std__weak_ptrT_lldb_private__UnixSignals_t swig_types[234]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char swig_types[235]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_int swig_types[236]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_long_long swig_types[237]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_short swig_types[238]
+#define SWIGTYPE_p_void swig_types[239]
+static swig_type_info *swig_types[241];
+static swig_module_info swig_module = {swig_types, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+#define SWIG_TypeQuery(name) SWIG_TypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)
+#define SWIG_MangledTypeQuery(name) SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)
+/* -------- TYPES TABLE (END) -------- */
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX <= 0x02000000)
+# if !defined(SWIG_PYTHON_CLASSIC)
+# error "This python version requires swig to be run with the '-classic' option"
+# endif
+ @(target):= _lldb.so
+ ------------------------------------------------*/
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+# define SWIG_init PyInit__lldb
+# define SWIG_init init_lldb
+#define SWIG_name "_lldb"
+#define SWIGVERSION 0x010340
+#define SWIG_as_voidptr(a) const_cast< void * >(static_cast< const void * >(a))
+#define SWIG_as_voidptrptr(a) ((void)SWIG_as_voidptr(*a),reinterpret_cast< void** >(a))
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace swig {
+ class SwigPtr_PyObject {
+ protected:
+ PyObject *_obj;
+ public:
+ SwigPtr_PyObject() :_obj(0)
+ {
+ }
+ SwigPtr_PyObject(const SwigPtr_PyObject& item) : _obj(item._obj)
+ {
+ Py_XINCREF(_obj);
+ }
+ SwigPtr_PyObject(PyObject *obj, bool initial_ref = true) :_obj(obj)
+ {
+ if (initial_ref) {
+ Py_XINCREF(_obj);
+ }
+ }
+ SwigPtr_PyObject & operator=(const SwigPtr_PyObject& item)
+ {
+ Py_XINCREF(item._obj);
+ Py_XDECREF(_obj);
+ _obj = item._obj;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~SwigPtr_PyObject()
+ {
+ Py_XDECREF(_obj);
+ }
+ operator PyObject *() const
+ {
+ return _obj;
+ }
+ PyObject *operator->() const
+ {
+ return _obj;
+ }
+ };
+namespace swig {
+ struct SwigVar_PyObject : SwigPtr_PyObject {
+ SwigVar_PyObject(PyObject* obj = 0) : SwigPtr_PyObject(obj, false) { }
+ SwigVar_PyObject & operator = (PyObject* obj)
+ {
+ Py_XDECREF(_obj);
+ _obj = obj;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBAddress.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBAttachInfo.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBBlock.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBBreakpoint.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBBreakpointLocation.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBBroadcaster.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBCommandInterpreter.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBCommandReturnObject.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBCommunication.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBCompileUnit.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBData.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBDebugger.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBDeclaration.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBError.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBEvent.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBExecutionContext.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBExpressionOptions.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBFileSpec.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBFileSpecList.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBFrame.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBFunction.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBHostOS.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBInstruction.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBInstructionList.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBLanguageRuntime.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBLaunchInfo.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBLineEntry.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBListener.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBModule.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBModuleSpec.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBPlatform.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBProcess.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBQueue.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBQueueItem.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBSection.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBSourceManager.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBStream.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBStringList.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBSymbol.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBSymbolContext.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBSymbolContextList.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTarget.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBThread.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBThreadCollection.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBThreadPlan.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBType.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeCategory.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeEnumMember.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeFilter.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeFormat.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeNameSpecifier.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeSummary.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBTypeSynthetic.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBValue.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBValueList.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBVariablesOptions.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBWatchpoint.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBUnixSignals.h"
+#include "../source/Plugins/ScriptInterpreter/Python/PythonDataObjects.h"
+#include "../scripts/Python/python-swigsafecast.swig"
+#include <stdint.h> // Use the C99 official header
+ #define SWIG_From_long PyInt_FromLong
+SWIG_From_int (int value)
+ return SWIG_From_long (value);
+SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long (unsigned long value)
+ return (value > LONG_MAX) ?
+ PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(value) : PyInt_FromLong(static_cast< long >(value));
+SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int (unsigned int value)
+ return SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long (value);
+#include <limits.h>
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_LLONG_MAX)
+# if !defined(LLONG_MAX) && defined(__GNUC__) && defined (__LONG_LONG_MAX__)
+# define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1LL)
+# define ULLONG_MAX (LLONG_MAX * 2ULL + 1ULL)
+# endif
+SWIG_From_long_SS_long (long long value)
+ return ((value < LONG_MIN) || (value > LONG_MAX)) ?
+ PyLong_FromLongLong(value) : PyInt_FromLong(static_cast< long >(value));
+SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long (unsigned long long value)
+ return (value > LONG_MAX) ?
+ PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(value) : PyInt_FromLong(static_cast< long >(value));
+SWIGINTERN swig_type_info*
+ static int init = 0;
+ static swig_type_info* info = 0;
+ if (!init) {
+ info = SWIG_TypeQuery("_p_char");
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ return info;
+SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize(const char* carray, size_t size)
+ if (carray) {
+ if (size > INT_MAX) {
+ swig_type_info* pchar_descriptor = SWIG_pchar_descriptor();
+ return pchar_descriptor ?
+ SWIG_NewPointerObj(const_cast< char * >(carray), pchar_descriptor, 0) : SWIG_Py_Void();
+ } else {
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
+ return PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(carray, static_cast< int >(size));
+ return PyString_FromStringAndSize(carray, static_cast< int >(size));
+ }
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+ }
+SWIG_FromCharPtr(const char *cptr)
+ return SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize(cptr, (cptr ? strlen(cptr) : 0));
+SWIG_AsVal_double (PyObject *obj, double *val)
+ int res = SWIG_TypeError;
+ if (PyFloat_Check(obj)) {
+ if (val) *val = PyFloat_AsDouble(obj);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else if (PyInt_Check(obj)) {
+ if (val) *val = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else if (PyLong_Check(obj)) {
+ double v = PyLong_AsDouble(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int dispatch = 0;
+ double d = PyFloat_AsDouble(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = d;
+ return SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_OK);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ if (!dispatch) {
+ long v = PyLong_AsLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_OK));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+SWIG_CanCastAsInteger(double *d, double min, double max) {
+ double x = *d;
+ if ((min <= x && x <= max)) {
+ double fx = floor(x);
+ double cx = ceil(x);
+ double rd = ((x - fx) < 0.5) ? fx : cx; /* simple rint */
+ if ((errno == EDOM) || (errno == ERANGE)) {
+ errno = 0;
+ } else {
+ double summ, reps, diff;
+ if (rd < x) {
+ diff = x - rd;
+ } else if (rd > x) {
+ diff = rd - x;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ summ = rd + x;
+ reps = diff/summ;
+ if (reps < 8*DBL_EPSILON) {
+ *d = rd;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long (PyObject *obj, unsigned long *val)
+ if (PyInt_Check(obj)) {
+ long v = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ if (v >= 0) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ return SWIG_OverflowError;
+ }
+ } else if (PyLong_Check(obj)) {
+ unsigned long v = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int dispatch = 0;
+ unsigned long v = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_OK);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ if (!dispatch) {
+ double d;
+ int res = SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_AsVal_double (obj,&d));
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && SWIG_CanCastAsInteger(&d, 0, ULONG_MAX)) {
+ if (val) *val = (unsigned long)(d);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_TypeError;
+SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long (PyObject *obj, unsigned long long *val)
+ int res = SWIG_TypeError;
+ if (PyLong_Check(obj)) {
+ unsigned long long v = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsigned long v;
+ res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long (obj,&v);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const double mant_max = 1LL << DBL_MANT_DIG;
+ double d;
+ res = SWIG_AsVal_double (obj,&d);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && SWIG_CanCastAsInteger(&d, 0, mant_max)) {
+ if (val) *val = (unsigned long long)(d);
+ return SWIG_AddCast(res);
+ }
+ res = SWIG_TypeError;
+ }
+ return res;
+ SWIG_From_bool (bool value)
+ return PyBool_FromLong(value ? 1 : 0);
+SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int (PyObject * obj, unsigned int *val)
+ unsigned long v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long (obj, &v);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if ((v > UINT_MAX)) {
+ return SWIG_OverflowError;
+ } else {
+ if (val) *val = static_cast< unsigned int >(v);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBAddress___str__(lldb::SBAddress *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(PyObject *obj, char** cptr, size_t* psize, int *alloc)
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+ if (PyUnicode_Check(obj))
+ if (PyString_Check(obj))
+ {
+ char *cstr; Py_ssize_t len;
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+ if (!alloc && cptr) {
+ /* We can't allow converting without allocation, since the internal
+ representation of string in Python 3 is UCS-2/UCS-4 but we require
+ a UTF-8 representation.
+ TODO(bhy) More detailed explanation */
+ return SWIG_RuntimeError;
+ }
+ obj = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(obj, &cstr, &len);
+ if(alloc) *alloc = SWIG_NEWOBJ;
+ PyString_AsStringAndSize(obj, &cstr, &len);
+ if (cptr) {
+ if (alloc) {
+ /*
+ In python the user should not be able to modify the inner
+ string representation. To warranty that, if you define
+ SWIG_PYTHON_SAFE_CSTRINGS, a new/copy of the python string
+ buffer is always returned.
+ The default behavior is just to return the pointer value,
+ so, be careful.
+ */
+ if (*alloc != SWIG_OLDOBJ)
+ if (*alloc == SWIG_NEWOBJ)
+ {
+ *cptr = reinterpret_cast< char* >(memcpy((new char[len + 1]), cstr, sizeof(char)*(len + 1)));
+ *alloc = SWIG_NEWOBJ;
+ }
+ else {
+ *cptr = cstr;
+ *alloc = SWIG_OLDOBJ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ #if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+ assert(0); /* Should never reach here in Python 3 */
+ #endif
+ *cptr = SWIG_Python_str_AsChar(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ if (psize) *psize = len + 1;
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX>=0x03000000
+ Py_XDECREF(obj);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ swig_type_info* pchar_descriptor = SWIG_pchar_descriptor();
+ if (pchar_descriptor) {
+ void* vptr = 0;
+ if (SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, &vptr, pchar_descriptor, 0) == SWIG_OK) {
+ if (cptr) *cptr = (char *) vptr;
+ if (psize) *psize = vptr ? (strlen((char *)vptr) + 1) : 0;
+ if (alloc) *alloc = SWIG_OLDOBJ;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_TypeError;
+SWIG_AsVal_long (PyObject *obj, long* val)
+ if (PyInt_Check(obj)) {
+ if (val) *val = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else if (PyLong_Check(obj)) {
+ long v = PyLong_AsLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int dispatch = 0;
+ long v = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_OK);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ if (!dispatch) {
+ double d;
+ int res = SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_AsVal_double (obj,&d));
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && SWIG_CanCastAsInteger(&d, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX)) {
+ if (val) *val = (long)(d);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return SWIG_TypeError;
+SWIG_AsVal_bool (PyObject *obj, bool *val)
+ int r = PyObject_IsTrue(obj);
+ if (r == -1)
+ return SWIG_ERROR;
+ if (val) *val = r ? true : false;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+SWIG_AsVal_int (PyObject * obj, int *val)
+ long v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_long (obj, &v);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if ((v < INT_MIN || v > INT_MAX)) {
+ return SWIG_OverflowError;
+ } else {
+ if (val) *val = static_cast< int >(v);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBBlock___str__(lldb::SBBlock *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIG_From_size_t (size_t value)
+ return SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long (static_cast< unsigned long >(value));
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBBreakpoint___str__(lldb::SBBreakpoint *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBBreakpointLocation___str__(lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelFull);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIG_AsCharArray(PyObject * obj, char *val, size_t size)
+ char* cptr = 0; size_t csize = 0; int alloc = SWIG_OLDOBJ;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj, &cptr, &csize, &alloc);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if ((csize == size + 1) && cptr && !(cptr[csize-1])) --csize;
+ if (csize <= size) {
+ if (val) {
+ if (csize) memcpy(val, cptr, csize*sizeof(char));
+ if (csize < size) memset(val + csize, 0, (size - csize)*sizeof(char));
+ }
+ if (alloc == SWIG_NEWOBJ) {
+ delete[] cptr;
+ res = SWIG_DelNewMask(res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (alloc == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] cptr;
+ }
+ return SWIG_TypeError;
+SWIG_AsVal_char (PyObject * obj, char *val)
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharArray(obj, val, 1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ long v;
+ res = SWIG_AddCast(SWIG_AsVal_long (obj, &v));
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if ((CHAR_MIN <= v) && (v <= CHAR_MAX)) {
+ if (val) *val = static_cast< char >(v);
+ } else {
+ res = SWIG_OverflowError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+SWIGINTERN void lldb_SBCommandReturnObject_Print(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *self,char const *str){
+ self->Printf("%s", str);
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBCommandReturnObject___str__(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN void lldb_SBCommandReturnObject_write(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *self,char const *str){
+ if (str)
+ self->Printf("%s",str);
+ }
+SWIGINTERN void lldb_SBCommandReturnObject_flush(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *self){}
+SWIG_AsVal_size_t (PyObject * obj, size_t *val)
+ unsigned long v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long (obj, val ? &v : 0);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && val) *val = static_cast< size_t >(v);
+ return res;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBCompileUnit___str__(lldb::SBCompileUnit *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_char (unsigned char value)
+ return SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long (value);
+SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_char (PyObject * obj, unsigned char *val)
+ unsigned long v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long (obj, &v);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if ((v > UCHAR_MAX)) {
+ return SWIG_OverflowError;
+ } else {
+ if (val) *val = static_cast< unsigned char >(v);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ #define SWIG_From_double PyFloat_FromDouble
+SWIG_From_float (float value)
+ return SWIG_From_double (value);
+SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_short (unsigned short value)
+ return SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long (value);
+SWIG_From_signed_SS_char (signed char value)
+ return SWIG_From_long (value);
+SWIG_From_short (short value)
+ return SWIG_From_long (value);
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBData___str__(lldb::SBData *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBDebugger___str__(lldb::SBDebugger *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBDeclaration___str__(lldb::SBDeclaration *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBError___str__(lldb::SBError *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBFileSpec___str__(lldb::SBFileSpec *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBFrame___str__(lldb::SBFrame *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBFunction___str__(lldb::SBFunction *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBInstruction___str__(lldb::SBInstruction *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBInstructionList___str__(lldb::SBInstructionList *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBLineEntry___str__(lldb::SBLineEntry *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBModule___str__(lldb::SBModule *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBModuleSpec___str__(lldb::SBModuleSpec *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBModuleSpecList___str__(lldb::SBModuleSpecList *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBProcess___str__(lldb::SBProcess *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBSection___str__(lldb::SBSection *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN void lldb_SBStream_Print(lldb::SBStream *self,char const *str){
+ self->Printf("%s", str);
+ }
+SWIGINTERN void lldb_SBStream_write(lldb::SBStream *self,char const *str){
+ if (str)
+ self->Printf("%s",str);
+ }
+SWIGINTERN void lldb_SBStream_flush(lldb::SBStream *self){}
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBSymbol___str__(lldb::SBSymbol *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBSymbolContext___str__(lldb::SBSymbolContext *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBSymbolContextList___str__(lldb::SBSymbolContextList *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIG_AsVal_long_SS_long (PyObject *obj, long long *val)
+ int res = SWIG_TypeError;
+ if (PyLong_Check(obj)) {
+ long long v = PyLong_AsLongLong(obj);
+ if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return SWIG_OK;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ } else {
+ long v;
+ res = SWIG_AsVal_long (obj,&v);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ if (val) *val = v;
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const double mant_max = 1LL << DBL_MANT_DIG;
+ const double mant_min = -mant_max;
+ double d;
+ res = SWIG_AsVal_double (obj,&d);
+ if (SWIG_IsOK(res) && SWIG_CanCastAsInteger(&d, mant_min, mant_max)) {
+ if (val) *val = (long long)(d);
+ return SWIG_AddCast(res);
+ }
+ res = SWIG_TypeError;
+ }
+ return res;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTarget___str__(lldb::SBTarget *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBThread___str__(lldb::SBThread *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeMember___str__(lldb::SBTypeMember *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeMemberFunction___str__(lldb::SBTypeMemberFunction *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBType___str__(lldb::SBType *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeCategory___str__(lldb::SBTypeCategory *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeEnumMember___str__(lldb::SBTypeEnumMember *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeFilter___str__(lldb::SBTypeFilter *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeFormat___str__(lldb::SBTypeFormat *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeNameSpecifier___str__(lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeSummary___str__(lldb::SBTypeSummary *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBTypeSynthetic___str__(lldb::SBTypeSynthetic *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBValue___str__(lldb::SBValue *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBValueList___str__(lldb::SBValueList *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ const size_t n = self->GetSize();
+ if (n)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
+ self->GetValueAtIndex(i).GetDescription(description);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ description.Printf("<empty> lldb.SBValueList()");
+ }
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *lldb_SBWatchpoint___str__(lldb::SBWatchpoint *self){
+ lldb::SBStream description;
+ self->GetDescription (description, lldb::eDescriptionLevelVerbose);
+ const char *desc = description.GetData();
+ size_t desc_len = description.GetSize();
+ if (desc_len > 0 && (desc[desc_len-1] == '\n' || desc[desc_len-1] == '\r'))
+ --desc_len;
+ if (desc_len > 0)
+ return lldb_private::PythonString(llvm::StringRef(desc, desc_len)).release();
+ else
+ return lldb_private::PythonString("").release();
+ }
+template <typename T>
+PyObject *
+SBTypeToSWIGWrapper (T* item);
+class PyErr_Cleaner
+ PyErr_Cleaner(bool print=false) :
+ m_print(print)
+ {
+ }
+ ~PyErr_Cleaner()
+ {
+ if (PyErr_Occurred())
+ {
+ if(m_print && !PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_SystemExit))
+ PyErr_Print();
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ bool m_print;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBAddress")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAddress *)new lldb::SBAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAddress *)new lldb::SBAddress((lldb::SBAddress const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBSection arg1 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:new_SBAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSection, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBSection""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBSection""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBSection * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBSection * >(argp1);
+ arg1 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAddress *)new lldb::SBAddress(arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::addr_t arg1 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:new_SBAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAddress *)new lldb::SBAddress(arg1,*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAddress(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSection, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(argv[0], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAddress__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBAddress'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBAddress()\n"
+ " lldb::SBAddress(lldb::SBAddress const &)\n"
+ " lldb::SBAddress(lldb::SBSection,lldb::addr_t)\n"
+ " lldb::SBAddress(lldb::addr_t,lldb::SBTarget &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBAddress const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetFileAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetFileAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetFileAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)((lldb::SBAddress const *)arg1)->GetFileAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetLoadAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAddress_GetLoadAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetLoadAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetLoadAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBAddress_GetLoadAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)((lldb::SBAddress const *)arg1)->GetLoadAddress((lldb::SBTarget const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_SetLoadAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg2 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBAddress_SetLoadAddress",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_SetLoadAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAddress_SetLoadAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBAddress_SetLoadAddress" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBAddress_SetLoadAddress" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetLoadAddress(arg2,*arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_OffsetAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAddress_OffsetAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_OffsetAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAddress_OffsetAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->OffsetAddress(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAddress_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBAddress_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetSection(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBSection result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetSection",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetSection" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSection();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBSection(static_cast< const lldb::SBSection& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSection, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetOffset(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetOffset",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetOffset" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)(arg1)->GetOffset();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_SetAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBSection arg2 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBAddress_SetAddress",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_SetAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSection, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAddress_SetAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBSection""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBAddress_SetAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBSection""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBSection * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBSection * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBAddress_SetAddress" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetAddress(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetAddressClass(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::AddressClass result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetAddressClass",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetAddressClass" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::AddressClass)(arg1)->GetAddressClass();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetSymbolContext(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBSymbolContext result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAddress_GetSymbolContext",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetSymbolContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetSymbolContext" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSymbolContext(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBSymbolContext(static_cast< const lldb::SBSymbolContext& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbolContext, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetModule(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBModule result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetModule",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetModule" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetModule();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBModule(static_cast< const lldb::SBModule& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBModule, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetCompileUnit(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetCompileUnit",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetCompileUnit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetCompileUnit();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBCompileUnit(static_cast< const lldb::SBCompileUnit& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetFunction(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFunction result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetFunction",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetFunction();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFunction(static_cast< const lldb::SBFunction& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetBlock(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetBlock();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetSymbol(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBSymbol result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetSymbol",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetSymbol" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSymbol();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBSymbol(static_cast< const lldb::SBSymbol& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbol, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress_GetLineEntry(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBLineEntry result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress_GetLineEntry",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress_GetLineEntry" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetLineEntry();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBLineEntry(static_cast< const lldb::SBLineEntry& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBLineEntry, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAddress___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAddress *arg1 = (lldb::SBAddress *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAddress___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAddress___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBAddress___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBAddress_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBAttachInfo")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *)new lldb::SBAttachInfo();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::pid_t arg1 ;
+ unsigned long long val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBAttachInfo",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::pid_t""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::pid_t >(val1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *)new lldb::SBAttachInfo(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:new_SBAttachInfo",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *)new lldb::SBAttachInfo((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:new_SBAttachInfo",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *)new lldb::SBAttachInfo((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_4(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBAttachInfo",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *)new lldb::SBAttachInfo((lldb::SBAttachInfo const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBAttachInfo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_4(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(argv[0], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[0], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[0], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBAttachInfo__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBAttachInfo'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBAttachInfo()\n"
+ " lldb::SBAttachInfo(lldb::pid_t)\n"
+ " lldb::SBAttachInfo(char const *,bool)\n"
+ " lldb::SBAttachInfo(char const *,bool,bool)\n"
+ " lldb::SBAttachInfo(lldb::SBAttachInfo const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetProcessID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::pid_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetProcessID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetProcessID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::pid_t)(arg1)->GetProcessID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetProcessID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ lldb::pid_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetProcessID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetProcessID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetProcessID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::pid_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::pid_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetProcessID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetExecutable((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBFileSpec * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetExecutable(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetExecutable(lldb::SBAttachInfo *,char const *)\n"
+ " SetExecutable(lldb::SBAttachInfo *,lldb::SBFileSpec)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetWaitForLaunch(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetWaitForLaunch",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetWaitForLaunch" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetWaitForLaunch();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetWaitForLaunch(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetWaitForLaunch(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetWaitForLaunch(lldb::SBAttachInfo *,bool)\n"
+ " SetWaitForLaunch(lldb::SBAttachInfo *,bool,bool)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetIgnoreExisting(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetIgnoreExisting",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetIgnoreExisting" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetIgnoreExisting();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetIgnoreExisting(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetIgnoreExisting",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetIgnoreExisting" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetIgnoreExisting" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetIgnoreExisting(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetResumeCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetResumeCount",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetResumeCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetResumeCount();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetResumeCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetResumeCount",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetResumeCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetResumeCount" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetResumeCount(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetProcessPluginName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetProcessPluginName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetProcessPluginName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetProcessPluginName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetProcessPluginName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetProcessPluginName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetProcessPluginName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetProcessPluginName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetProcessPluginName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetUserID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetUserID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetUserID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetUserID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetGroupID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetGroupID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetGroupID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetGroupID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_UserIDIsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_UserIDIsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_UserIDIsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->UserIDIsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GroupIDIsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GroupIDIsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GroupIDIsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GroupIDIsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetUserID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetUserID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetUserID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetUserID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetUserID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetGroupID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetGroupID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetGroupID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetGroupID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetGroupID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveUserID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveUserID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveUserID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetEffectiveUserID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveGroupID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveGroupID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveGroupID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetEffectiveGroupID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_EffectiveUserIDIsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_EffectiveUserIDIsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_EffectiveUserIDIsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->EffectiveUserIDIsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_EffectiveGroupIDIsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_EffectiveGroupIDIsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_EffectiveGroupIDIsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->EffectiveGroupIDIsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveUserID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveUserID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveUserID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveUserID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetEffectiveUserID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveGroupID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveGroupID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveGroupID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveGroupID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetEffectiveGroupID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetParentProcessID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::pid_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetParentProcessID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetParentProcessID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::pid_t)(arg1)->GetParentProcessID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetParentProcessID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ lldb::pid_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetParentProcessID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetParentProcessID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetParentProcessID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::pid_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::pid_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetParentProcessID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_ParentProcessIDIsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_ParentProcessIDIsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_ParentProcessIDIsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->ParentProcessIDIsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_GetListener(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBAttachInfo_GetListener",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_GetListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetListener();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBListener(static_cast< const lldb::SBListener& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBAttachInfo_SetListener(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBAttachInfo_SetListener",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBAttachInfo_SetListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBListener * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetListener(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBAttachInfo(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBAttachInfo *arg1 = (lldb::SBAttachInfo *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBAttachInfo",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBAttachInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBAttachInfo *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAttachInfo * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBAttachInfo_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAttachInfo, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBlock__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBBlock")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBlock *)new lldb::SBBlock();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBlock__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBlock *)new lldb::SBBlock((lldb::SBBlock const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBlock(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBlock__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBlock__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBBlock'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBBlock()\n"
+ " lldb::SBBlock(lldb::SBBlock const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBBlock(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_IsInlined(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_IsInlined",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_IsInlined" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBlock const *)arg1)->IsInlined();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBlock const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetInlinedName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetInlinedName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetInlinedName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBBlock const *)arg1)->GetInlinedName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteFile(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteFile",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteFile" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBBlock const *)arg1)->GetInlinedCallSiteFile();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteLine(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteLine",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteLine" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBBlock const *)arg1)->GetInlinedCallSiteLine();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteColumn(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteColumn",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteColumn" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBBlock const *)arg1)->GetInlinedCallSiteColumn();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetParent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetParent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetParent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetParent();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetContainingInlinedBlock(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetContainingInlinedBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetContainingInlinedBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetContainingInlinedBlock();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetSibling(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetSibling",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetSibling" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSibling();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetFirstChild(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetFirstChild",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetFirstChild" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetFirstChild();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetNumRanges(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock_GetNumRanges",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetNumRanges" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetNumRanges();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetRangeStartAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBlock_GetRangeStartAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeStartAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeStartAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetRangeStartAddress(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBAddress(static_cast< const lldb::SBAddress& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetRangeEndAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBlock_GetRangeEndAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeEndAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeEndAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetRangeEndAddress(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBAddress(static_cast< const lldb::SBAddress& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBlock_GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBlock_GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBAddress""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBAddress * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBAddress * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBlock_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBlock_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetVariables__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg2 = 0 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg6 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ int val6 ;
+ int ecode6 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj5 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValueList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOO:SBBlock_GetVariables",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4,&obj5)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ ecode6 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj5, &val6);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode6), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val6);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetVariables(*arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValueList(static_cast< const lldb::SBValueList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetVariables__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg2 = 0 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValueList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBBlock_GetVariables",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBBlock_GetVariables" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetVariables(*arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValueList(static_cast< const lldb::SBValueList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock_GetVariables(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[7];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 6); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBlock_GetVariables__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[5], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBlock_GetVariables__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBBlock_GetVariables'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetVariables(lldb::SBBlock *,lldb::SBFrame &,bool,bool,bool,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n"
+ " GetVariables(lldb::SBBlock *,lldb::SBTarget &,bool,bool,bool)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBlock___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBlock *arg1 = (lldb::SBBlock *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBlock___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBlock___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBlock *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBlock * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBBlock___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBBlock_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBreakpoint__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBBreakpoint")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *)new lldb::SBBreakpoint();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBreakpoint__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBBreakpoint",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBBreakpoint" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBBreakpoint" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *)new lldb::SBBreakpoint((lldb::SBBreakpoint const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBreakpoint(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBreakpoint__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBreakpoint__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBBreakpoint'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBBreakpoint()\n"
+ " lldb::SBBreakpoint(lldb::SBBreakpoint const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBBreakpoint(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBBreakpoint",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBBreakpoint" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::break_id_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::break_id_t)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_ClearAllBreakpointSites(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_ClearAllBreakpointSites",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_ClearAllBreakpointSites" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->ClearAllBreakpointSites();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindLocationByAddress(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBreakpointLocation(static_cast< const lldb::SBBreakpointLocation& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_FindLocationIDByAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::break_id_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_FindLocationIDByAddress",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_FindLocationIDByAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_FindLocationIDByAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::break_id_t)(arg1)->FindLocationIDByAddress(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::break_id_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::break_id_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::break_id_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindLocationByID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBreakpointLocation(static_cast< const lldb::SBBreakpointLocation& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetLocationAtIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_GetLocationAtIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetLocationAtIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetLocationAtIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetLocationAtIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBreakpointLocation(static_cast< const lldb::SBBreakpointLocation& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetEnabled(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetEnabled",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetEnabled" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetEnabled" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetEnabled(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_IsEnabled(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_IsEnabled",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_IsEnabled" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsEnabled();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetOneShot(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetOneShot",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetOneShot" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetOneShot" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetOneShot(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_IsOneShot(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_IsOneShot",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_IsOneShot" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsOneShot();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_IsInternal(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_IsInternal",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_IsInternal" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsInternal();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetHitCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetHitCount",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetHitCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetHitCount();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetIgnoreCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetIgnoreCount",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetIgnoreCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetIgnoreCount" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetIgnoreCount(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetIgnoreCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetIgnoreCount",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetIgnoreCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetIgnoreCount();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetCondition(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetCondition",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetCondition" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetCondition" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetCondition((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetCondition(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetCondition",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetCondition" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetCondition();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetThreadID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::tid_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetThreadID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetThreadID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ if (PyInt_Check(obj1))
+ arg2 = PyInt_AsLong(obj1);
+ else if (PyLong_Check(obj1))
+ arg2 = PyLong_AsLongLong(obj1);
+ else
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting an integer");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetThreadID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetThreadID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::tid_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetThreadID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetThreadID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::tid_t)(arg1)->GetThreadID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetThreadIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetThreadIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetThreadIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetThreadIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetThreadIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetThreadIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetThreadIndex",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetThreadIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetThreadIndex();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetThreadName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetThreadName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetThreadName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetThreadName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetThreadName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetThreadName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetThreadName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetThreadName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetThreadName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetQueueName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetQueueName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetQueueName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetQueueName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetQueueName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetQueueName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetQueueName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetQueueName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetQueueName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackFunction(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackFunction",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackFunction" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetScriptCallbackFunction((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackBody(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackBody",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackBody" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_SetScriptCallbackBody" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->SetScriptCallbackBody((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBError(static_cast< const lldb::SBError& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_AddName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_AddName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_AddName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_AddName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->AddName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_RemoveName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_RemoveName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_RemoveName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_RemoveName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->RemoveName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_MatchesName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_MatchesName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_MatchesName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_MatchesName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->MatchesName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetNames(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStringList *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_GetNames",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNames" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStringList, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNames" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStringList &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNames" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStringList &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStringList * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->GetNames(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetNumResolvedLocations(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetNumResolvedLocations",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNumResolvedLocations" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetNumResolvedLocations();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetNumLocations(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetNumLocations",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNumLocations" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBBreakpoint const *)arg1)->GetNumLocations();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint___eq__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint___eq__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___eq__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->operator ==((lldb::SBBreakpoint const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint___ne__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint___ne__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___ne__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->operator !=((lldb::SBBreakpoint const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBBreakpoint::EventIsBreakpointEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::BreakpointEventType result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::BreakpointEventType)lldb::SBBreakpoint::GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBBreakpoint::GetBreakpointFromEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBreakpoint(static_cast< const lldb::SBBreakpoint& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBBreakpoint::GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBreakpointLocation(static_cast< const lldb::SBBreakpointLocation& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)lldb::SBBreakpoint::GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpoint___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpoint *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpoint___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpoint___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpoint *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpoint * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBBreakpoint___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBBreakpoint_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBreakpointLocation__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBBreakpointLocation")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *)new lldb::SBBreakpointLocation();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBreakpointLocation__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBBreakpointLocation",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBBreakpointLocation" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBBreakpointLocation" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *)new lldb::SBBreakpointLocation((lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBreakpointLocation(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBreakpointLocation__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBreakpointLocation__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBBreakpointLocation'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBBreakpointLocation()\n"
+ " lldb::SBBreakpointLocation(lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBBreakpointLocation(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBBreakpointLocation",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBBreakpointLocation" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::break_id_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::break_id_t)(arg1)->GetID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBAddress(static_cast< const lldb::SBAddress& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetLoadAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetLoadAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetLoadAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)(arg1)->GetLoadAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetEnabled(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetEnabled",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetEnabled" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetEnabled" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetEnabled(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_IsEnabled(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_IsEnabled",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_IsEnabled" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsEnabled();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetIgnoreCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetIgnoreCount",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetIgnoreCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetIgnoreCount();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetIgnoreCount(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetIgnoreCount",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetIgnoreCount" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetIgnoreCount" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetIgnoreCount(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetCondition(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetCondition",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetCondition" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetCondition" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetCondition((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetCondition(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetCondition",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetCondition" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetCondition();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackFunction(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackFunction",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackFunction" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetScriptCallbackFunction((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackBody(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackBody",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackBody" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetScriptCallbackBody" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->SetScriptCallbackBody((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBError(static_cast< const lldb::SBError& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ lldb::tid_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ if (PyInt_Check(obj1))
+ arg2 = PyInt_AsLong(obj1);
+ else if (PyLong_Check(obj1))
+ arg2 = PyLong_AsLongLong(obj1);
+ else
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting an integer");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetThreadID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::tid_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::tid_t)(arg1)->GetThreadID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetThreadIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadIndex",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *)arg1)->GetThreadIndex();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetThreadName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *)arg1)->GetThreadName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_SetQueueName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBreakpointLocation_SetQueueName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetQueueName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_SetQueueName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetQueueName((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetQueueName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetQueueName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetQueueName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBBreakpointLocation const *)arg1)->GetQueueName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_IsResolved(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_IsResolved",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_IsResolved" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsResolved();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::DescriptionLevel arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::DescriptionLevel""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::DescriptionLevel >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation_GetBreakpoint(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBreakpoint result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation_GetBreakpoint",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation_GetBreakpoint" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetBreakpoint();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBreakpoint(static_cast< const lldb::SBBreakpoint& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpoint, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBreakpointLocation___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *arg1 = (lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBreakpointLocation___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBreakpointLocation___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBreakpointLocation *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBreakpointLocation * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBBreakpointLocation___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBBreakpointLocation_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBreakpointLocation, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBroadcaster__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBBroadcaster")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *)new lldb::SBBroadcaster();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBroadcaster__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBBroadcaster",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *)new lldb::SBBroadcaster((char const *)arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBroadcaster__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBBroadcaster",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *)new lldb::SBBroadcaster((lldb::SBBroadcaster const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBBroadcaster(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBroadcaster__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBroadcaster__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[0], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBBroadcaster__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBBroadcaster'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBBroadcaster()\n"
+ " lldb::SBBroadcaster(char const *)\n"
+ " lldb::SBBroadcaster(lldb::SBBroadcaster const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBBroadcaster(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBBroadcaster",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBroadcaster_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBroadcaster const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBroadcaster_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->BroadcastEventByType(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->BroadcastEventByType(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " BroadcastEventByType(lldb::SBBroadcaster *,uint32_t,bool)\n"
+ " BroadcastEventByType(lldb::SBBroadcaster *,uint32_t)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg2 = 0 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->BroadcastEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->BroadcastEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " BroadcastEvent(lldb::SBBroadcaster *,lldb::SBEvent const &,bool)\n"
+ " BroadcastEvent(lldb::SBBroadcaster *,lldb::SBEvent const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener *arg2 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBListener * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->AddInitialEventsToListener((lldb::SBListener const &)*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_AddListener(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener *arg2 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBBroadcaster_AddListener",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBListener * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_AddListener" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->AddListener((lldb::SBListener const &)*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_GetName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBBroadcaster_GetName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_GetName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBBroadcaster const *)arg1)->GetName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_EventTypeHasListeners(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBroadcaster_EventTypeHasListeners",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_EventTypeHasListeners" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_EventTypeHasListeners" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->EventTypeHasListeners(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener *arg2 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBListener * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->RemoveListener((lldb::SBListener const &)*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBListener const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBListener * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->RemoveListener((lldb::SBListener const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " RemoveListener(lldb::SBBroadcaster *,lldb::SBListener const &,uint32_t)\n"
+ " RemoveListener(lldb::SBBroadcaster *,lldb::SBListener const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster___eq__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBroadcaster___eq__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster___eq__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBroadcaster const *)arg1)->operator ==((lldb::SBBroadcaster const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBBroadcaster___ne__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg1 = (lldb::SBBroadcaster *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBBroadcaster___ne__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster___ne__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBBroadcaster___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBBroadcaster___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBBroadcaster const *)arg1)->operator !=((lldb::SBBroadcaster const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBBroadcaster_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *)new lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnContinue(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnContinue",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnContinue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *)arg1)->GetStopOnContinue();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnContinue(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnContinue",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnContinue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnContinue" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetStopOnContinue(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *)arg1)->GetStopOnError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnError",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetStopOnError(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnCrash(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnCrash",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetStopOnCrash" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *)arg1)->GetStopOnCrash();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnCrash(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnCrash",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnCrash" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetStopOnCrash" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetStopOnCrash(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetEchoCommands(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetEchoCommands",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetEchoCommands" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *)arg1)->GetEchoCommands();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetEchoCommands(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetEchoCommands",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetEchoCommands" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetEchoCommands" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetEchoCommands(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetPrintResults(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetPrintResults",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetPrintResults" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *)arg1)->GetPrintResults();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetPrintResults(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetPrintResults",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetPrintResults" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetPrintResults" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetPrintResults(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetAddToHistory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetAddToHistory",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_GetAddToHistory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions const *)arg1)->GetAddToHistory();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetAddToHistory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetAddToHistory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetAddToHistory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_SetAddToHistory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetAddToHistory(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommandInterpreter(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBCommandInterpreter",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *)new lldb::SBCommandInterpreter((lldb::SBCommandInterpreter const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBCommandInterpreter(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBCommandInterpreter",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::CommandArgumentType arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::CommandArgumentType""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::CommandArgumentType >(val1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::GetArgumentTypeAsCString(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::CommandArgumentType arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::CommandArgumentType""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::CommandArgumentType >(val1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandInterpreter const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetIOHandlerControlSequence(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ char val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreter_GetIOHandlerControlSequence",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetIOHandlerControlSequence" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_char(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetIOHandlerControlSequence" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< char >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetIOHandlerControlSequence(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetPromptOnQuit(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_GetPromptOnQuit",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetPromptOnQuit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetPromptOnQuit();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_SetPromptOnQuit(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreter_SetPromptOnQuit",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SetPromptOnQuit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SetPromptOnQuit" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetPromptOnQuit(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_ResolveCommand(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBCommandInterpreter_ResolveCommand",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_ResolveCommand" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_ResolveCommand" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_ResolveCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_ResolveCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->ResolveCommand((char const *)arg2,*arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_CommandExists(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreter_CommandExists",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_CommandExists" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_CommandExists" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->CommandExists((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_AliasExists(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreter_AliasExists",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_AliasExists" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_AliasExists" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->AliasExists((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcaster(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcaster",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetBroadcaster();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBroadcaster(static_cast< const lldb::SBBroadcaster& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcasterClass(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcasterClass")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBCommandInterpreter::GetBroadcasterClass();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HasCommands(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_HasCommands",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HasCommands" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->HasCommands();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliases(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliases",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliases" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->HasAliases();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliasOptions(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliasOptions",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliasOptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->HasAliasOptions();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetProcess(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBProcess result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_GetProcess",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetProcess" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetProcess();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBProcess(static_cast< const lldb::SBProcess& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBProcess, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_GetDebugger(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDebugger result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_GetDebugger",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_GetDebugger" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetDebugger();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBDebugger(static_cast< const lldb::SBDebugger& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg3 = 0 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ReturnStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ReturnStatus)(arg1)->HandleCommand((char const *)arg2,*arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ReturnStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp3);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ReturnStatus)(arg1)->HandleCommand((char const *)arg2,*arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg4 = 0 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ReturnStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp4) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ReturnStatus)(arg1)->HandleCommand((char const *)arg2,*arg3,*arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg4 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ReturnStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp4) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp4);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ReturnStatus)(arg1)->HandleCommand((char const *)arg2,*arg3,*arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[6];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 5); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[2], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 4) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[2], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 4) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[2], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[3], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[2], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[3], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " HandleCommand(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *,char const *,lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &,bool)\n"
+ " HandleCommand(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *,char const *,lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &)\n"
+ " HandleCommand(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *,char const *,lldb::SBExecutionContext &,lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &,bool)\n"
+ " HandleCommand(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *,char const *,lldb::SBExecutionContext &,lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg4 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject arg5 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ void *argp5 ;
+ int res5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp4) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp4);
+ {
+ res5 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj4, &argp5, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res5), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp5) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommandsFromFile" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp5);
+ arg5 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res5)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->HandleCommandsFromFile(*arg2,*arg3,*arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int arg5 ;
+ lldb::SBStringList *arg6 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ int val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ int val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ void *argp6 = 0 ;
+ int res6 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj5 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOO:SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4,&obj5)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "int""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< int >(val4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "int""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< int >(val5);
+ res6 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj5, &argp6, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStringList, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res6), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "lldb::SBStringList &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp6) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "lldb::SBStringList &""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStringList * >(argp6);
+ {
+ result = (int)(arg1)->HandleCompletion((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,*arg6);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandInterpreter_IsActive(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandInterpreter_IsActive",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandInterpreter_IsActive" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreter *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsActive();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBCommandInterpreter_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommandReturnObject__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBCommandReturnObject")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *)new lldb::SBCommandReturnObject();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommandReturnObject__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBCommandReturnObject",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBCommandReturnObject" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBCommandReturnObject" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *)new lldb::SBCommandReturnObject((lldb::SBCommandReturnObject const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommandReturnObject(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBCommandReturnObject__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBCommandReturnObject__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBCommandReturnObject'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBCommandReturnObject()\n"
+ " lldb::SBCommandReturnObject(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBCommandReturnObject(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBCommandReturnObject",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBCommandReturnObject" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommandReturnObject const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetOutput();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetError__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_GetError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutputSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutputSize",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutputSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetOutputSize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetErrorSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_GetErrorSize",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetErrorSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetErrorSize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetOutput(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetOutput(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *)\n"
+ " GetOutput(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *,bool)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetError__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_GetError",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetError(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetError(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetError__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetError__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBCommandReturnObject_GetError'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetError(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *)\n"
+ " GetError(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *,bool)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_PutOutput(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_PutOutput",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_PutOutput" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->PutOutput(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_PutError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_PutError",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_PutError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->PutError(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetStatus(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ lldb::ReturnStatus arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_SetStatus",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetStatus" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetStatus" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::ReturnStatus""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::ReturnStatus >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetStatus(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBCommandReturnObject_SetError",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetError(*arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_SetError",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetError(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_SetError",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetError((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetError__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBCommandReturnObject_SetError'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetError(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *,lldb::SBError &,char const *)\n"
+ " SetError(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *,lldb::SBError &)\n"
+ " SetError(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *,char const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetStatus(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ReturnStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_GetStatus",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetStatus" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ReturnStatus)(arg1)->GetStatus();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_Succeeded(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_Succeeded",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_Succeeded" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->Succeeded();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_HasResult(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_HasResult",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_HasResult" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->HasResult();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_AppendMessage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_AppendMessage",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_AppendMessage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_AppendMessage" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->AppendMessage((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_AppendWarning(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_AppendWarning",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_AppendWarning" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_AppendWarning" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->AppendWarning((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateOutputFile(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateOutputFile",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateOutputFile" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetImmediateOutputFile(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateErrorFile(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateErrorFile",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateErrorFile" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetImmediateErrorFile(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_PutCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_PutCString",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_PutCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ {
+ arg2 = NULL;
+ arg3 = 0;
+ }
+ else if (PythonString::Check(obj1))
+ {
+ PythonString py_str(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ llvm::StringRef str = py_str.GetString();
+ arg2 = const_cast<char*>(str.data());
+ arg3 = str.size();
+ // In Python 2, if obj1 is a PyUnicode object then this
+ // will trigger a Unicode -> String conversion, in which
+ // case the `PythonString` will now own the PyString. Thus
+ // if it goes out of scope, the data will be deleted. The
+ // only way to avoid this is to leak the Python object in
+ // that case. Note that if there was no conversion, then
+ // releasing the string will not leak anything, since we
+ // created this as a borrowed reference.
+ py_str.release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a string-like object");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->PutCString((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_Print(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_Print",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_Print" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_Print" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ lldb_SBCommandReturnObject_Print(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBCommandReturnObject___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_write(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommandReturnObject_write",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_write" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_write" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ lldb_SBCommandReturnObject_write(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommandReturnObject_flush(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommandReturnObject_flush",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommandReturnObject_flush" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandReturnObject *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandReturnObject * >(argp1);
+ {
+ lldb_SBCommandReturnObject_flush(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBCommandReturnObject_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandReturnObject, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommunication__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBCommunication")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCommunication *)new lldb::SBCommunication();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommunication__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBCommunication",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBCommunication" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCommunication *)new lldb::SBCommunication((char const *)arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCommunication(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBCommunication__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[0], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBCommunication__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBCommunication'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBCommunication()\n"
+ " lldb::SBCommunication(char const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBCommunication(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBCommunication",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBCommunication" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommunication const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_GetBroadcaster(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_GetBroadcaster",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_GetBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetBroadcaster();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBroadcaster(static_cast< const lldb::SBBroadcaster& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_GetBroadcasterClass(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBCommunication_GetBroadcasterClass")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBCommunication::GetBroadcasterClass();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_AdoptFileDesriptor(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ConnectionStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBCommunication_AdoptFileDesriptor",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_AdoptFileDesriptor" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommunication_AdoptFileDesriptor" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "int""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< int >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBCommunication_AdoptFileDesriptor" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ConnectionStatus)(arg1)->AdoptFileDesriptor(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_Connect(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ConnectionStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommunication_Connect",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Connect" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Connect" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ConnectionStatus)(arg1)->Connect((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_Disconnect(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ConnectionStatus result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_Disconnect",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Disconnect" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ConnectionStatus)(arg1)->Disconnect();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_IsConnected(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_IsConnected",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_IsConnected" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCommunication const *)arg1)->IsConnected();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_GetCloseOnEOF(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_GetCloseOnEOF",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_GetCloseOnEOF" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetCloseOnEOF();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_SetCloseOnEOF(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCommunication_SetCloseOnEOF",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_SetCloseOnEOF" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCommunication_SetCloseOnEOF" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetCloseOnEOF(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_Read(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ uint32_t arg4 ;
+ lldb::ConnectionStatus *arg5 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ size_t val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ void *argp5 = 0 ;
+ int res5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBCommunication_Read",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Read" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1,SWIG_as_voidptrptr(&arg2), 0, 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Read" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "void *""'");
+ }
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_size_t(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Read" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "size_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< size_t >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Read" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val4);
+ res5 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj4, &argp5, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__ConnectionStatus, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res5), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Read" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "lldb::ConnectionStatus &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp5) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommunication_Read" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "lldb::ConnectionStatus &""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::ConnectionStatus * >(argp5);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->Read(arg2,arg3,arg4,*arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_Write(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ lldb::ConnectionStatus *arg4 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ size_t val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBCommunication_Write",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Write" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1,SWIG_as_voidptrptr(&arg2), 0, 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Write" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "void const *""'");
+ }
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_size_t(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Write" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "size_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< size_t >(val3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__ConnectionStatus, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBCommunication_Write" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::ConnectionStatus &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp4) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCommunication_Write" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::ConnectionStatus &""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::ConnectionStatus * >(argp4);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->Write((void const *)arg2,arg3,*arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_ReadThreadStart(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_ReadThreadStart",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_ReadThreadStart" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->ReadThreadStart();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_ReadThreadStop(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_ReadThreadStop",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_ReadThreadStop" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->ReadThreadStop();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_ReadThreadIsRunning(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCommunication_ReadThreadIsRunning",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_ReadThreadIsRunning" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->ReadThreadIsRunning();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCommunication_SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCommunication *arg1 = (lldb::SBCommunication *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCommunication::ReadThreadBytesReceived arg2 = (lldb::SBCommunication::ReadThreadBytesReceived) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBCommunication_SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCommunication_SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommunication * >(argp1);
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertFunctionPtr(obj1, (void**)(&arg2), SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void_p_q_const__void_size_t__void);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res), "in method '" "SBCommunication_SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommunication::ReadThreadBytesReceived""'");
+ }
+ }
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2,SWIG_as_voidptrptr(&arg3), 0, 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCommunication_SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "void *""'");
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBCommunication_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommunication, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCompileUnit__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBCompileUnit")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *)new lldb::SBCompileUnit();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCompileUnit__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBCompileUnit",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBCompileUnit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBCompileUnit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *)new lldb::SBCompileUnit((lldb::SBCompileUnit const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBCompileUnit(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBCompileUnit__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBCompileUnit__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBCompileUnit'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBCompileUnit()\n"
+ " lldb::SBCompileUnit(lldb::SBCompileUnit const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBCompileUnit(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBCompileUnit",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBCompileUnit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetFileSpec(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit_GetFileSpec",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->GetFileSpec();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetNumLineEntries(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit_GetNumLineEntries",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetNumLineEntries" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->GetNumLineEntries();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetLineEntryAtIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBLineEntry result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCompileUnit_GetLineEntryAtIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetLineEntryAtIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetLineEntryAtIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->GetLineEntryAtIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBLineEntry(static_cast< const lldb::SBLineEntry& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBLineEntry, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg4 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp4);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->FindLineEntryIndex(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg4 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->FindLineEntryIndex(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[6];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 5); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 4) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[3], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[3], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " FindLineEntryIndex(lldb::SBCompileUnit const *,uint32_t,uint32_t,lldb::SBFileSpec *)\n"
+ " FindLineEntryIndex(lldb::SBCompileUnit const *,uint32_t,uint32_t,lldb::SBFileSpec *,bool)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetSupportFileAtIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCompileUnit_GetSupportFileAtIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetSupportFileAtIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetSupportFileAtIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->GetSupportFileAtIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetNumSupportFiles(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit_GetNumSupportFiles",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetNumSupportFiles" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->GetNumSupportFiles();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg3 = 0 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->FindSupportFileIndex(arg2,(lldb::SBFileSpec const &)*arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetTypes__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCompileUnit_GetTypes",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetTypes" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetTypes" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetTypes(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeList(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetTypes__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit_GetTypes",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetTypes" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetTypes();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeList(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetTypes(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetTypes__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetTypes__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBCompileUnit_GetTypes'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetTypes(lldb::SBCompileUnit *,uint32_t)\n"
+ " GetTypes(lldb::SBCompileUnit *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetLanguage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::LanguageType result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit_GetLanguage",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetLanguage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::LanguageType)(arg1)->GetLanguage();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCompileUnit_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCompileUnit_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit___eq__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCompileUnit___eq__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___eq__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->operator ==((lldb::SBCompileUnit const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit___ne__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBCompileUnit___ne__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___ne__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBCompileUnit const *)arg1)->operator !=((lldb::SBCompileUnit const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBCompileUnit___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit *arg1 = (lldb::SBCompileUnit *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBCompileUnit___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBCompileUnit___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBCompileUnit *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCompileUnit * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBCompileUnit___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBCompileUnit_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBData__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBData")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBData *)new lldb::SBData();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBData__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBData",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBData" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBData" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBData *)new lldb::SBData((lldb::SBData const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBData(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBData__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBData__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBData'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBData()\n"
+ " lldb::SBData(lldb::SBData const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBData(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBData",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBData" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetAddressByteSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint8_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBData_GetAddressByteSize",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetAddressByteSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint8_t)(arg1)->GetAddressByteSize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_char(static_cast< unsigned char >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetAddressByteSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ uint8_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned char val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetAddressByteSize",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetAddressByteSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_char(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_SetAddressByteSize" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint8_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint8_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetAddressByteSize(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBData_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBData_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetByteSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBData_GetByteSize",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetByteSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetByteSize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetByteOrder(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ByteOrder result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBData_GetByteOrder",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetByteOrder" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ByteOrder)(arg1)->GetByteOrder();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetByteOrder(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetByteOrder",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetByteOrder" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_SetByteOrder" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetByteOrder(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetFloat(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ float result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetFloat",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetFloat" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetFloat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetFloat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetFloat" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (float)(arg1)->GetFloat(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_float(static_cast< float >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetDouble(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ double result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetDouble",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetDouble" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetDouble" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetDouble" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetDouble" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (double)(arg1)->GetDouble(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_double(static_cast< double >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetLongDouble(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ long double result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetLongDouble",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetLongDouble" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetLongDouble" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetLongDouble" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetLongDouble" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (long double)(arg1)->GetLongDouble(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new long double(static_cast< const long double& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_long_double, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetAddress",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetAddress" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetAddress" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)(arg1)->GetAddress(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetUnsignedInt8(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ uint8_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetUnsignedInt8",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt8" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt8" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt8" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt8" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (uint8_t)(arg1)->GetUnsignedInt8(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_char(static_cast< unsigned char >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetUnsignedInt16(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ uint16_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetUnsignedInt16",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt16" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt16" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt16" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt16" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (uint16_t)(arg1)->GetUnsignedInt16(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_short(static_cast< unsigned short >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetUnsignedInt32(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetUnsignedInt32",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt32" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt32" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt32" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt32" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetUnsignedInt32(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetUnsignedInt64(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetUnsignedInt64",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt64" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt64" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt64" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetUnsignedInt64" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (uint64_t)(arg1)->GetUnsignedInt64(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetSignedInt8(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ int8_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetSignedInt8",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt8" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt8" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt8" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt8" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (int8_t)(arg1)->GetSignedInt8(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_signed_SS_char(static_cast< signed char >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetSignedInt16(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ int16_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetSignedInt16",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt16" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt16" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt16" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt16" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (int16_t)(arg1)->GetSignedInt16(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_short(static_cast< short >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetSignedInt32(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ int32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetSignedInt32",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt32" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt32" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt32" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt32" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (int32_t)(arg1)->GetSignedInt32(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetSignedInt64(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ int64_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetSignedInt64",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt64" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt64" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt64" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetSignedInt64" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (int64_t)(arg1)->GetSignedInt64(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_long_SS_long(static_cast< long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetString",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetString" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetString" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetString" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetString(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_GetDescription" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_ReadRawData(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::offset_t arg3 ;
+ void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg5 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ size_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBData_ReadRawData",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_ReadRawData" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_ReadRawData" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_ReadRawData" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBData_ReadRawData" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::offset_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::offset_t >(val3);
+ {
+ if (PyInt_Check(obj3)) {
+ arg5 = PyInt_AsLong(obj3);
+ } else if (PyLong_Check(obj3)) {
+ arg5 = PyLong_AsLong(obj3);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting an integer or long object");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (arg5 <= 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Positive integer expected");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ arg4 = (void *) malloc(arg5);
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->ReadRawData(*arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_size_t(static_cast< size_t >(result));
+ {
+ Py_XDECREF(resultobj); /* Blow away any previous result */
+ llvm::StringRef ref(static_cast<const char*>(arg4), result);
+ lldb_private::PythonString string(ref);
+ resultobj = string.release();
+ free(arg4);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetData(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg4 ;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg5 ;
+ uint8_t arg6 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ int val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ unsigned char val6 ;
+ int ecode6 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBData_SetData",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetData" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_SetData" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_SetData" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ {
+ if (PyString_Check(obj2)) {
+ arg3 = (void *) PyString_AsString(obj2);
+ arg4 = PyString_Size(obj2);
+ }
+ else if(PyByteArray_Check(obj2)) {
+ arg3 = (void *) PyByteArray_AsString(obj2);
+ arg4 = PyByteArray_Size(obj2);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting a string");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj3, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBData_SetData" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val5);
+ ecode6 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_char(obj4, &val6);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode6), "in method '" "SBData_SetData" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "uint8_t""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = static_cast< uint8_t >(val6);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetData(*arg2,(void const *)arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_Append(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_Append",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_Append" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_Append" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBData const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBData_Append" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBData const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->Append((lldb::SBData const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_CreateDataFromCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_CreateDataFromCString",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromCString" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromCString" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBData::CreateDataFromCString(arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBData(static_cast< const lldb::SBData& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ uint64_t *arg3 = (uint64_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg4 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj2)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj2);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg4 = size;
+ arg3 = (uint64_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(uint64_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj2,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj2 == Py_None) {
+ arg3 = NULL;
+ arg4 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBData::CreateDataFromUInt64Array(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBData(static_cast< const lldb::SBData& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ uint32_t *arg3 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg4 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj2)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj2);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg4 = size;
+ arg3 = (uint32_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj2,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj2 == Py_None) {
+ arg3 = NULL;
+ arg4 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBData::CreateDataFromUInt32Array(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBData(static_cast< const lldb::SBData& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ int64_t *arg3 = (int64_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg4 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj2)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj2);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg4 = size;
+ arg3 = (int64_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(int64_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj2,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyLong_AsLongLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj2 == Py_None) {
+ arg3 = NULL;
+ arg4 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBData::CreateDataFromSInt64Array(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBData(static_cast< const lldb::SBData& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ int32_t *arg3 = (int32_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg4 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj2)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj2);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg4 = size;
+ arg3 = (int32_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(int32_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj2,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyLong_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj2 == Py_None) {
+ arg3 = NULL;
+ arg4 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBData::CreateDataFromSInt32Array(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBData(static_cast< const lldb::SBData& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::ByteOrder arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ double *arg3 = (double *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg4 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBData result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::ByteOrder""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::ByteOrder >(val1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj2)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj2);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg4 = size;
+ arg3 = (double*) malloc(size * sizeof(double));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj2,i);
+ if (PyFloat_Check(o)) {
+ arg3[i] = PyFloat_AsDouble(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain floating-point numbers");
+ free(arg3);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj2 == Py_None) {
+ arg3 = NULL;
+ arg4 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBData::CreateDataFromDoubleArray(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBData(static_cast< const lldb::SBData& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg3);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetDataFromCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetDataFromCString",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromCString" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetDataFromCString((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetDataFromUInt64Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t *arg2 = (uint64_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetDataFromUInt64Array",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromUInt64Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj1)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj1);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg3 = size;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(uint64_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj1,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj1 == Py_None) {
+ arg2 = NULL;
+ arg3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetDataFromUInt64Array(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetDataFromUInt32Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t *arg2 = (uint32_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetDataFromUInt32Array",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromUInt32Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj1)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj1);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg3 = size;
+ arg2 = (uint32_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj1,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj1 == Py_None) {
+ arg2 = NULL;
+ arg3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetDataFromUInt32Array(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetDataFromSInt64Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ int64_t *arg2 = (int64_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetDataFromSInt64Array",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromSInt64Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj1)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj1);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg3 = size;
+ arg2 = (int64_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(int64_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj1,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyLong_AsLongLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj1 == Py_None) {
+ arg2 = NULL;
+ arg3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetDataFromSInt64Array(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetDataFromSInt32Array(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ int32_t *arg2 = (int32_t *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetDataFromSInt32Array",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromSInt32Array" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj1)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj1);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg3 = size;
+ arg2 = (int32_t*) malloc(size * sizeof(int32_t));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj1,i);
+ if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyInt_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyLong_AsLong(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain numbers");
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj1 == Py_None) {
+ arg2 = NULL;
+ arg3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetDataFromSInt32Array(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData_SetDataFromDoubleArray(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ double *arg2 = (double *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBData_SetDataFromDoubleArray",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData_SetDataFromDoubleArray" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ if (PyList_Check(obj1)) {
+ int size = PyList_Size(obj1);
+ int i = 0;
+ arg3 = size;
+ arg2 = (double*) malloc(size * sizeof(double));
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PyObject *o = PyList_GetItem(obj1,i);
+ if (PyFloat_Check(o)) {
+ arg2[i] = PyFloat_AsDouble(o);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain floating-point numbers");
+ free(arg2);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (obj1 == Py_None) {
+ arg2 = NULL;
+ arg3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetDataFromDoubleArray(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ {
+ free(arg2);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBData___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBData *arg1 = (lldb::SBData *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBData___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBData___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBData *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBData * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBData___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBData_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBData, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Initialize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBDebugger_Initialize")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ lldb::SBDebugger::Initialize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Terminate(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBDebugger_Terminate")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ lldb::SBDebugger::Terminate();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBDebugger_Create")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBDebugger::Create();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBDebugger(static_cast< const lldb::SBDebugger& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDebugger result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_Create",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_Create" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< bool >(val1);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBDebugger::Create(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBDebugger(static_cast< const lldb::SBDebugger& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ lldb::LogOutputCallback arg2 = (lldb::LogOutputCallback) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ bool val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDebugger result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_Create",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_Create" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< bool >(val1);
+ {
+ if (!(obj1 == Py_None || PyCallable_Check(reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(obj1)))) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Need a callable object or None!");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // FIXME (filcab): We can't currently check if our callback is already
+ // LLDBSwigPythonCallPythonLogOutputCallback (to DECREF the previous
+ // baton) nor can we just remove all traces of a callback, if we want to
+ // revert to a file logging mechanism.
+ // Don't lose the callback reference
+ Py_INCREF(obj1);
+ arg2 = LLDBSwigPythonCallPythonLogOutputCallback;
+ arg3 = obj1;
+ }
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBDebugger::Create(arg1,arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBDebugger(static_cast< const lldb::SBDebugger& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Create(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[0], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[0], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ _v = argv[1] == Py_None;
+ _v = _v || PyCallable_Check(reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(argv[1]));
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ if (argc <= 2) {
+ return _wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ return _wrap_SBDebugger_Create__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBDebugger_Create'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " Create()\n"
+ " Create(bool)\n"
+ " lldb::SBDebugger::Create(bool,lldb::LogOutputCallback,void *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Destroy(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_Destroy",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_Destroy" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_Destroy" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ lldb::SBDebugger::Destroy(*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_MemoryPressureDetected(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBDebugger_MemoryPressureDetected")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ lldb::SBDebugger::MemoryPressureDetected();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBDebugger__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBDebugger")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBDebugger *)new lldb::SBDebugger();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBDebugger__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBDebugger",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBDebugger" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBDebugger" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBDebugger *)new lldb::SBDebugger((lldb::SBDebugger const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBDebugger(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBDebugger__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBDebugger__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBDebugger'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBDebugger()\n"
+ " lldb::SBDebugger(lldb::SBDebugger const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBDebugger(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBDebugger",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBDebugger" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBDebugger const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetAsync(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetAsync",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetAsync" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetAsync" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetAsync(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetAsync(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetAsync",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetAsync" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetAsync();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SkipLLDBInitFiles(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SkipLLDBInitFiles",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SkipLLDBInitFiles" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SkipLLDBInitFiles" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SkipLLDBInitFiles(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetInputFileHandle(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_SetInputFileHandle",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetInputFileHandle" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetInputFileHandle" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetInputFileHandle(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetOutputFileHandle(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_SetOutputFileHandle",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetOutputFileHandle" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetOutputFileHandle" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetOutputFileHandle(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetErrorFileHandle(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg2 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_SetErrorFileHandle",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetErrorFileHandle" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj1 == Py_None)
+ arg2 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj1)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj1);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg2 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj1);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg2 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetErrorFileHandle" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetErrorFileHandle(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetInputFileHandle(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ FILE *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetInputFileHandle",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetInputFileHandle" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (FILE *)(arg1)->GetInputFileHandle();
+ }
+ {
+ char mode[4] = {
+ 0
+ };
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ File file(result, false);
+ PythonFile py_file(file, mode);
+ resultobj = py_file.release();
+ if (!resultobj)
+ {
+ resultobj = Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ }
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetOutputFileHandle(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ FILE *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetOutputFileHandle",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetOutputFileHandle" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (FILE *)(arg1)->GetOutputFileHandle();
+ }
+ {
+ char mode[4] = {
+ 0
+ };
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ File file(result, false);
+ PythonFile py_file(file, mode);
+ resultobj = py_file.release();
+ if (!resultobj)
+ {
+ resultobj = Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ }
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetErrorFileHandle(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ FILE *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetErrorFileHandle",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetErrorFileHandle" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (FILE *)(arg1)->GetErrorFileHandle();
+ }
+ {
+ char mode[4] = {
+ 0
+ };
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ File file(result, false);
+ PythonFile py_file(file, mode);
+ resultobj = py_file.release();
+ if (!resultobj)
+ {
+ resultobj = Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ }
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetCommandInterpreter(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ SwigValueWrapper< lldb::SBCommandInterpreter > result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetCommandInterpreter",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetCommandInterpreter();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBCommandInterpreter(static_cast< const lldb::SBCommandInterpreter& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreter, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_HandleCommand(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_HandleCommand",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleCommand" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleCommand" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->HandleCommand((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetListener(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBListener result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetListener",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetListener" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetListener();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBListener(static_cast< const lldb::SBListener& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBListener, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBProcess *arg2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg3 = 0 ;
+ FILE *arg4 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ FILE *arg5 = (FILE *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBProcess, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBProcess const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBProcess const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBProcess * >(argp2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp3);
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj3 == Py_None)
+ arg4 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj3)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj3);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj3);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg4 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj3);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg4 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (obj4 == Py_None)
+ arg5 = nullptr;
+ else if (!lldb_private::PythonFile::Check(obj4)) {
+ int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(obj4);
+ PythonObject py_input(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj4);
+ PythonString py_mode = py_input.GetAttributeValue("mode").AsType<PythonString>();
+ if (-1 != fd && py_mode.IsValid()) {
+ FILE *f;
+ if ((f = fdopen(fd, py_mode.GetString().str().c_str())))
+ arg5 = f;
+ else
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a file-like object");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PythonFile py_file(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj4);
+ File file;
+ if (!py_file.GetUnderlyingFile(file))
+ return nullptr;
+ arg5 = file.GetStream();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->HandleProcessEvent((lldb::SBProcess const &)*arg2,(lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTarget__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg6 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ int res4 ;
+ char *buf4 = 0 ;
+ int alloc4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ void *argp6 = 0 ;
+ int res6 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj5 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOO:SBDebugger_CreateTarget",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4,&obj5)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ res4 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj3, &buf4, NULL, &alloc4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ res6 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj5, &argp6, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res6), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp6) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "lldb::SBError &""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp6);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->CreateTarget((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5,*arg6);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndArch",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndArch" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndArch" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndArch" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->CreateTargetWithFileAndArch((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTarget__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_CreateTarget",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->CreateTarget((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTarget(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[7];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 6); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTarget__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[3], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[5], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBDebugger_CreateTarget__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBDebugger_CreateTarget'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " CreateTarget(lldb::SBDebugger *,char const *,char const *,char const *,bool,lldb::SBError &)\n"
+ " CreateTarget(lldb::SBDebugger *,char const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_DeleteTarget(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_DeleteTarget",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DeleteTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DeleteTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_DeleteTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->DeleteTarget(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetTargetAtIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetTargetAtIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetTargetAtIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetTargetAtIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetTargetAtIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetIndexOfTarget(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetIndexOfTarget",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetIndexOfTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetIndexOfTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetIndexOfTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTarget * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetIndexOfTarget(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_FindTargetWithProcessID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::pid_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_FindTargetWithProcessID",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_FindTargetWithProcessID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_FindTargetWithProcessID" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::pid_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::pid_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindTargetWithProcessID(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_FindTargetWithFileAndArch(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_FindTargetWithFileAndArch",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_FindTargetWithFileAndArch" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_FindTargetWithFileAndArch" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_FindTargetWithFileAndArch" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindTargetWithFileAndArch((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetNumTargets(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetNumTargets",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetNumTargets" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetNumTargets();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetSelectedTarget(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetSelectedTarget",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSelectedTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSelectedTarget();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetSelectedTarget(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetSelectedTarget",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetSelectedTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetSelectedTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetSelectedTarget" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetSelectedTarget(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetSelectedPlatform(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBPlatform result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetSelectedPlatform",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSelectedPlatform" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSelectedPlatform();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBPlatform(static_cast< const lldb::SBPlatform& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBPlatform, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetSelectedPlatform(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBPlatform *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetSelectedPlatform",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetSelectedPlatform" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBPlatform, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetSelectedPlatform" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBPlatform &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetSelectedPlatform" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBPlatform &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBPlatform * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetSelectedPlatform(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetSourceManager(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ SwigValueWrapper< lldb::SBSourceManager > result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetSourceManager",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSourceManager" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSourceManager();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBSourceManager(static_cast< const lldb::SBSourceManager& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSourceManager, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatform(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatform",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatform" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatform" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->SetCurrentPlatform((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBError(static_cast< const lldb::SBError& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetUseExternalEditor(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetUseExternalEditor",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetUseExternalEditor" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetUseExternalEditor" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetUseExternalEditor(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetUseExternalEditor(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetUseExternalEditor",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetUseExternalEditor" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetUseExternalEditor();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetUseColor(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetUseColor",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetUseColor" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetUseColor" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetUseColor(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetUseColor(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetUseColor",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetUseColor" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBDebugger const *)arg1)->GetUseColor();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg2 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ size_t val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_size_t(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "size_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< size_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBDebugger::GetDefaultArchitecture(arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBDebugger::SetDefaultArchitecture((char const *)arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetScriptingLanguage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ScriptLanguage result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetScriptingLanguage",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetScriptingLanguage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetScriptingLanguage" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ScriptLanguage)(arg1)->GetScriptingLanguage((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetVersionString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBDebugger_GetVersionString")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBDebugger::GetVersionString();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_StateAsCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::StateType arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_StateAsCString",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_StateAsCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::StateType""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::StateType >(val1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBDebugger::StateAsCString(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::StateType arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::StateType""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::StateType >(val1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBDebugger::StateIsRunningState(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::StateType arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::StateType""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::StateType >(val1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBDebugger::StateIsStoppedState(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_EnableLog(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char **arg3 = (char **) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_EnableLog",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_EnableLog" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_EnableLog" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ /* Check if is a list */
+ using namespace lldb_private;
+ if (PythonList::Check(obj2)) {
+ PythonList py_list(PyRefType::Borrowed, obj2);
+ int size = py_list.GetSize();
+ arg3 = (char**)malloc((size+1)*sizeof(char*));
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ PythonObject o = py_list.GetItemAtIndex(i);
+ if (!PythonString::Check(o.get())) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"list must contain strings");
+ free(arg3);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ auto py_str = o.AsType<PythonString>();
+ arg3[i] = const_cast<char*>(py_str.GetString().data());
+ }
+ arg3[size] = 0;
+ } else if (obj2 == Py_None) {
+ arg3 = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"not a list");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->EnableLog((char const *)arg2,(char const **)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ {
+ free((char *) arg3);
+ }
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ {
+ free((char *) arg3);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetLoggingCallback(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::LogOutputCallback arg2 = (lldb::LogOutputCallback) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetLoggingCallback",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetLoggingCallback" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ if (!(obj1 == Py_None || PyCallable_Check(reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(obj1)))) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Need a callable object or None!");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // FIXME (filcab): We can't currently check if our callback is already
+ // LLDBSwigPythonCallPythonLogOutputCallback (to DECREF the previous
+ // baton) nor can we just remove all traces of a callback, if we want to
+ // revert to a file logging mechanism.
+ // Don't lose the callback reference
+ Py_INCREF(obj1);
+ arg2 = LLDBSwigPythonCallPythonLogOutputCallback;
+ arg3 = obj1;
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetLoggingCallback(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_DispatchInput(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_DispatchInput",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DispatchInput" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ if (PyString_Check(obj1)) {
+ arg2 = static_cast<void *>(PyString_AsString(obj1));
+ arg3 = PyString_Size(obj1);
+ }
+ else if(PyByteArray_Check(obj1)) {
+ arg2 = static_cast<void *>(PyByteArray_AsString(obj1));
+ arg3 = PyByteArray_Size(obj1);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting a string or byte array");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->DispatchInput((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_DispatchInputInterrupt(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_DispatchInputInterrupt",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DispatchInputInterrupt" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->DispatchInputInterrupt();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_DispatchInputEndOfFile(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_DispatchInputEndOfFile",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DispatchInputEndOfFile" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->DispatchInputEndOfFile();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetInstanceName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetInstanceName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetInstanceName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetInstanceName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ int arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDebugger result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "int""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< int >(val1);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBDebugger::FindDebuggerWithID(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBDebugger(static_cast< const lldb::SBDebugger& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBDebugger::SetInternalVariable((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBError(static_cast< const lldb::SBError& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStringList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBDebugger::GetInternalVariableValue((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBStringList(static_cast< const lldb::SBStringList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStringList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetTerminalWidth(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetTerminalWidth",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetTerminalWidth" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBDebugger const *)arg1)->GetTerminalWidth();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetTerminalWidth(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetTerminalWidth",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetTerminalWidth" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetTerminalWidth" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTerminalWidth(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::user_id_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::user_id_t)(arg1)->GetID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetPrompt(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetPrompt",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetPrompt" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBDebugger const *)arg1)->GetPrompt();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetPrompt(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetPrompt",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetPrompt" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetPrompt" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetPrompt((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetScriptLanguage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ScriptLanguage result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetScriptLanguage",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetScriptLanguage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ScriptLanguage)((lldb::SBDebugger const *)arg1)->GetScriptLanguage();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetScriptLanguage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::ScriptLanguage arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetScriptLanguage",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetScriptLanguage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetScriptLanguage" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::ScriptLanguage""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::ScriptLanguage >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetScriptLanguage(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetCloseInputOnEOF(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetCloseInputOnEOF",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetCloseInputOnEOF" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBDebugger const *)arg1)->GetCloseInputOnEOF();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_SetCloseInputOnEOF(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_SetCloseInputOnEOF",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetCloseInputOnEOF" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_SetCloseInputOnEOF" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetCloseInputOnEOF(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetCategory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeCategory result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetCategory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetCategory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetCategory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetCategory((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeCategory(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeCategory& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeCategory, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_CreateCategory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeCategory result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_CreateCategory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateCategory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_CreateCategory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->CreateCategory((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeCategory(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeCategory& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeCategory, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_DeleteCategory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_DeleteCategory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DeleteCategory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_DeleteCategory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->DeleteCategory((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetNumCategories(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetNumCategories",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetNumCategories" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetNumCategories();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetCategoryAtIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeCategory result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetCategoryAtIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetCategoryAtIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetCategoryAtIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetCategoryAtIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeCategory(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeCategory& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeCategory, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetDefaultCategory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeCategory result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger_GetDefaultCategory",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetDefaultCategory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetDefaultCategory();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeCategory(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeCategory& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeCategory, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetFormatForType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeFormat result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetFormatForType",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetFormatForType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeNameSpecifier, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetFormatForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetFormatForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetFormatForType(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeFormat(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeFormat& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeFormat, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetSummaryForType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeSummary result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetSummaryForType",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSummaryForType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeNameSpecifier, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSummaryForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSummaryForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSummaryForType(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeSummary(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeSummary& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeSummary, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetFilterForType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeFilter result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetFilterForType",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetFilterForType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeNameSpecifier, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetFilterForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetFilterForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetFilterForType(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeFilter(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeFilter& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeFilter, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_GetSyntheticForType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTypeSynthetic result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDebugger_GetSyntheticForType",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSyntheticForType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeNameSpecifier, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSyntheticForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_GetSyntheticForType" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetSyntheticForType(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTypeSynthetic(static_cast< const lldb::SBTypeSynthetic& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTypeSynthetic, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions *arg4 = 0 ;
+ int *arg5 = 0 ;
+ bool *arg6 = 0 ;
+ bool *arg7 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ void *argp5 = 0 ;
+ int res5 = 0 ;
+ void *argp6 = 0 ;
+ int res6 = 0 ;
+ void *argp7 = 0 ;
+ int res7 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj6 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOOO:SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4,&obj5,&obj6)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp4) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions * >(argp4);
+ res5 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj4, &argp5, SWIGTYPE_p_int, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res5), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "int &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp5) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "int &""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = reinterpret_cast< int * >(argp5);
+ res6 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj5, &argp6, SWIGTYPE_p_bool, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res6), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "bool &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp6) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "bool &""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = reinterpret_cast< bool * >(argp6);
+ res7 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj6, &argp7, SWIGTYPE_p_bool, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res7)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res7), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "7"" of type '" "bool &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp7) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunCommandInterpreter" "', argument " "7"" of type '" "bool &""'");
+ }
+ arg7 = reinterpret_cast< bool * >(argp7);
+ {
+ (arg1)->RunCommandInterpreter(arg2,arg3,*arg4,*arg5,*arg6,*arg7);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger_RunREPL(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ lldb::LanguageType arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBDebugger_RunREPL",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunREPL" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunREPL" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::LanguageType""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::LanguageType >(val2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBDebugger_RunREPL" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->RunREPL(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBError(static_cast< const lldb::SBError& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDebugger___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDebugger *arg1 = (lldb::SBDebugger *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDebugger___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDebugger___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDebugger *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDebugger * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBDebugger___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBDebugger_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDebugger, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBDeclaration__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBDeclaration")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBDeclaration *)new lldb::SBDeclaration();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBDeclaration__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBDeclaration",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBDeclaration" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBDeclaration" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBDeclaration *)new lldb::SBDeclaration((lldb::SBDeclaration const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBDeclaration(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBDeclaration__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBDeclaration__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBDeclaration'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBDeclaration()\n"
+ " lldb::SBDeclaration(lldb::SBDeclaration const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBDeclaration(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBDeclaration",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBDeclaration" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDeclaration_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBDeclaration const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_GetFileSpec(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDeclaration_GetFileSpec",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_GetFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBDeclaration const *)arg1)->GetFileSpec();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_GetLine(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDeclaration_GetLine",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_GetLine" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBDeclaration const *)arg1)->GetLine();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_GetColumn(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDeclaration_GetColumn",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_GetColumn" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBDeclaration const *)arg1)->GetColumn();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDeclaration_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDeclaration_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_SetFileSpec(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDeclaration_SetFileSpec",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetFileSpec" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetFileSpec" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBFileSpec * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetFileSpec(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_SetLine(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDeclaration_SetLine",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetLine" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetLine" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetLine(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration_SetColumn(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDeclaration_SetColumn",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetColumn" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBDeclaration_SetColumn" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetColumn(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration___eq__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDeclaration___eq__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration___eq__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDeclaration___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDeclaration___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBDeclaration const *)arg1)->operator ==((lldb::SBDeclaration const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration___ne__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBDeclaration___ne__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration___ne__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBDeclaration___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBDeclaration___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBDeclaration const *)arg1)->operator !=((lldb::SBDeclaration const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBDeclaration___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBDeclaration *arg1 = (lldb::SBDeclaration *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBDeclaration___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBDeclaration___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBDeclaration *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBDeclaration * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBDeclaration___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBDeclaration_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBDeclaration, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBError__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBError")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBError *)new lldb::SBError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBError__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBError *)new lldb::SBError((lldb::SBError const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBError(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBError__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBError__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBError'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBError()\n"
+ " lldb::SBError(lldb::SBError const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_GetCString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_GetCString",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_GetCString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBError const *)arg1)->GetCString();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_Fail(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_Fail",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_Fail" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBError const *)arg1)->Fail();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_Success(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_Success",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_Success" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBError const *)arg1)->Success();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_GetError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_GetError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_GetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBError const *)arg1)->GetError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_GetType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::ErrorType result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_GetType",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_GetType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::ErrorType)((lldb::SBError const *)arg1)->GetType();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ lldb::ErrorType arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBError_SetError",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBError_SetError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBError_SetError" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::ErrorType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::ErrorType >(val3);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetError(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorToErrno(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_SetErrorToErrno",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorToErrno" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetErrorToErrno();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorToGenericError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_SetErrorToGenericError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorToGenericError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetErrorToGenericError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorString(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBError_SetErrorString",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorString" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorString" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetErrorString((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg6 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ int res4 ;
+ char *buf4 = 0 ;
+ int alloc4 = 0 ;
+ int res5 ;
+ char *buf5 = 0 ;
+ int alloc5 = 0 ;
+ int res6 ;
+ char *buf6 = 0 ;
+ int alloc6 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj5 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOO:SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4,&obj5)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ res4 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj3, &buf4, NULL, &alloc4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf4);
+ res5 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj4, &buf5, NULL, &alloc5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res5), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf5);
+ res6 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj5, &buf6, NULL, &alloc6);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res6), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf6);
+ {
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SetErrorStringWithFormat((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ if (alloc5 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf5;
+ if (alloc6 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf6;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ if (alloc5 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf5;
+ if (alloc6 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf6;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ int res4 ;
+ char *buf4 = 0 ;
+ int alloc4 = 0 ;
+ int res5 ;
+ char *buf5 = 0 ;
+ int alloc5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ res4 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj3, &buf4, NULL, &alloc4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf4);
+ res5 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj4, &buf5, NULL, &alloc5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res5), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf5);
+ {
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SetErrorStringWithFormat((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ if (alloc5 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf5;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ if (alloc5 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf5;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ int res4 ;
+ char *buf4 = 0 ;
+ int alloc4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ res4 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj3, &buf4, NULL, &alloc4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf4);
+ {
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SetErrorStringWithFormat((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ if (alloc4 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf4;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SetErrorStringWithFormat((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_4(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SetErrorStringWithFormat((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[7];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 6); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_4(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 4) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[3], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[3], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[4], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[3], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[4], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[5], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetErrorStringWithFormat(lldb::SBError *,char const *,char *,char *,char *,char *)\n"
+ " SetErrorStringWithFormat(lldb::SBError *,char const *,char *,char *,char *)\n"
+ " SetErrorStringWithFormat(lldb::SBError *,char const *,char *,char *)\n"
+ " SetErrorStringWithFormat(lldb::SBError *,char const *,char *)\n"
+ " SetErrorStringWithFormat(lldb::SBError *,char const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBError const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBError_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBError_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBError_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBError___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBError *arg1 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBError___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBError___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBError___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBError_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBEvent")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBEvent *)new lldb::SBEvent();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBEvent *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBEvent *)new lldb::SBEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ unsigned int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBEvent *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:new_SBEvent",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "new_SBEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val1);
+ {
+ if (PyString_Check(obj1)) {
+ arg2 = (char *) PyString_AsString(obj1);
+ arg3 = PyString_Size(obj1);
+ }
+ else if(PyByteArray_Check(obj1)) {
+ arg2 = (char *) PyByteArray_AsString(obj1);
+ arg3 = PyByteArray_Size(obj1);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting a string");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBEvent *)new lldb::SBEvent(arg1,(char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBEvent(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[0], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ if (argc <= 2) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBEvent__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBEvent'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBEvent()\n"
+ " lldb::SBEvent(lldb::SBEvent const &)\n"
+ " lldb::SBEvent(uint32_t,char const *,uint32_t)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBEvent const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_GetDataFlavor(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_GetDataFlavor",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetDataFlavor" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetDataFlavor();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_GetType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_GetType",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBEvent const *)arg1)->GetType();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_GetBroadcaster(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_GetBroadcaster",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetBroadcaster" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBEvent const *)arg1)->GetBroadcaster();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBroadcaster(static_cast< const lldb::SBBroadcaster& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_GetBroadcasterClass(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_GetBroadcasterClass",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetBroadcasterClass" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBEvent const *)arg1)->GetBroadcasterClass();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_BroadcasterMatchesRef(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBroadcaster *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBEvent_BroadcasterMatchesRef",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_BroadcasterMatchesRef" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBroadcaster, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBEvent_BroadcasterMatchesRef" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBEvent_BroadcasterMatchesRef" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBBroadcaster const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBBroadcaster * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->BroadcasterMatchesRef((lldb::SBBroadcaster const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)lldb::SBEvent::GetCStringFromEvent((lldb::SBEvent const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBEvent_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBEvent *arg1 = (lldb::SBEvent *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBEvent_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBEvent const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBEvent * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBEvent_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBEvent_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBEvent const *)arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBEvent_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBEvent, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBExecutionContext")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *)new lldb::SBExecutionContext();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBExecutionContext",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *)new lldb::SBExecutionContext((lldb::SBExecutionContext const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBTarget *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBExecutionContext",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *)new lldb::SBExecutionContext((lldb::SBTarget const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBProcess *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBExecutionContext",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBProcess, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBProcess const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBProcess const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBProcess * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *)new lldb::SBExecutionContext((lldb::SBProcess const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_4(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBThread arg1 ;
+ void *argp1 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBExecutionContext",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThread, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBThread""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBThread""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBThread * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBThread * >(argp1);
+ arg1 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *)new lldb::SBExecutionContext(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_5(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBExecutionContext",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *)new lldb::SBExecutionContext((lldb::SBFrame const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExecutionContext(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBProcess, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThread, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_4(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExecutionContext__SWIG_5(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBExecutionContext'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBExecutionContext()\n"
+ " lldb::SBExecutionContext(lldb::SBExecutionContext const &)\n"
+ " lldb::SBExecutionContext(lldb::SBTarget const &)\n"
+ " lldb::SBExecutionContext(lldb::SBProcess const &)\n"
+ " lldb::SBExecutionContext(lldb::SBThread)\n"
+ " lldb::SBExecutionContext(lldb::SBFrame const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBExecutionContext(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg1 = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBExecutionContext",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBExecutionContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExecutionContext_GetTarget(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg1 = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExecutionContext_GetTarget",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExecutionContext_GetTarget" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBExecutionContext const *)arg1)->GetTarget();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBTarget(static_cast< const lldb::SBTarget& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExecutionContext_GetProcess(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg1 = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBProcess result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExecutionContext_GetProcess",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExecutionContext_GetProcess" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBExecutionContext const *)arg1)->GetProcess();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBProcess(static_cast< const lldb::SBProcess& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBProcess, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExecutionContext_GetThread(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg1 = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBThread result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExecutionContext_GetThread",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExecutionContext_GetThread" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBExecutionContext const *)arg1)->GetThread();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBThread(static_cast< const lldb::SBThread& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThread, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExecutionContext_GetFrame(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExecutionContext *arg1 = (lldb::SBExecutionContext *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFrame result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExecutionContext_GetFrame",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExecutionContext_GetFrame" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExecutionContext const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExecutionContext * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBExecutionContext const *)arg1)->GetFrame();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFrame(static_cast< const lldb::SBFrame& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBExecutionContext_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExecutionContext, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExpressionOptions__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBExpressionOptions")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)new lldb::SBExpressionOptions();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExpressionOptions__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBExpressionOptions",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBExpressionOptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBExpressionOptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)new lldb::SBExpressionOptions((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBExpressionOptions(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExpressionOptions__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBExpressionOptions__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBExpressionOptions'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBExpressionOptions()\n"
+ " lldb::SBExpressionOptions(lldb::SBExpressionOptions const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBExpressionOptions(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBExpressionOptions",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBExpressionOptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetCoerceResultToId(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetCoerceResultToId",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetCoerceResultToId" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetCoerceResultToId();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetCoerceResultToId(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetCoerceResultToId();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetCoerceResultToId(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetCoerceResultToId(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetUnwindOnError(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetUnwindOnError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetUnwindOnError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetUnwindOnError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetUnwindOnError(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetUnwindOnError();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetUnwindOnError(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetUnwindOnError(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetIgnoreBreakpoints(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetIgnoreBreakpoints",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetIgnoreBreakpoints" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetIgnoreBreakpoints();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetIgnoreBreakpoints(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetIgnoreBreakpoints();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetIgnoreBreakpoints(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetIgnoreBreakpoints(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetFetchDynamicValue(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetFetchDynamicValue",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetFetchDynamicValue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::DynamicValueType)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetFetchDynamicValue();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetFetchDynamicValue(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetFetchDynamicValue();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetFetchDynamicValue(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n"
+ " SetFetchDynamicValue(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,uint32_t)\n"
+ " SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,uint32_t)\n"
+ " SetOneThreadTimeoutInMicroSeconds(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetTryAllThreads(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetTryAllThreads",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetTryAllThreads" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetTryAllThreads();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTryAllThreads(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTryAllThreads();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetTryAllThreads(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetTryAllThreads(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetStopOthers(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetStopOthers",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetStopOthers" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetStopOthers();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetStopOthers(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetStopOthers();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetStopOthers'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetStopOthers(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetStopOthers(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetTrapExceptions(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetTrapExceptions",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetTrapExceptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetTrapExceptions();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTrapExceptions(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetTrapExceptions();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetTrapExceptions'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetTrapExceptions(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetTrapExceptions(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetLanguage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ lldb::LanguageType arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetLanguage",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetLanguage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetLanguage" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::LanguageType""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::LanguageType >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetLanguage(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetGenerateDebugInfo(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetGenerateDebugInfo",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetGenerateDebugInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetGenerateDebugInfo();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetGenerateDebugInfo(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetGenerateDebugInfo();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetGenerateDebugInfo'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetGenerateDebugInfo(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetGenerateDebugInfo(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetSuppressPersistentResult(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetSuppressPersistentResult",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetSuppressPersistentResult" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetSuppressPersistentResult();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetSuppressPersistentResult(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetSuppressPersistentResult();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBExpressionOptions_SetSuppressPersistentResult'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " SetSuppressPersistentResult(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *,bool)\n"
+ " SetSuppressPersistentResult(lldb::SBExpressionOptions *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_GetPrefix(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBExpressionOptions_GetPrefix",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_GetPrefix" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBExpressionOptions const *)arg1)->GetPrefix();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBExpressionOptions_SetPrefix(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg1 = (lldb::SBExpressionOptions *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBExpressionOptions_SetPrefix",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetPrefix" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBExpressionOptions_SetPrefix" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetPrefix((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBExpressionOptions_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBFileSpec")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFileSpec *)new lldb::SBFileSpec();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBFileSpec",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFileSpec *)new lldb::SBFileSpec((lldb::SBFileSpec const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBFileSpec",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFileSpec *)new lldb::SBFileSpec((char const *)arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:new_SBFileSpec",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "new_SBFileSpec" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFileSpec *)new lldb::SBFileSpec((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpec(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[3];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 2); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[0], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[0], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFileSpec__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBFileSpec'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBFileSpec()\n"
+ " lldb::SBFileSpec(lldb::SBFileSpec const &)\n"
+ " lldb::SBFileSpec(char const *)\n"
+ " lldb::SBFileSpec(char const *,bool)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBFileSpec(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBFileSpec",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBFileSpec" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpec_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFileSpec const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_Exists(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpec_Exists",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_Exists" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFileSpec const *)arg1)->Exists();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_ResolveExecutableLocation(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpec_ResolveExecutableLocation",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_ResolveExecutableLocation" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->ResolveExecutableLocation();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_GetFilename(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpec_GetFilename",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetFilename" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFileSpec const *)arg1)->GetFilename();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_GetDirectory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpec_GetDirectory",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetDirectory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFileSpec const *)arg1)->GetDirectory();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_SetFilename(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpec_SetFilename",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_SetFilename" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_SetFilename" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetFilename((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_SetDirectory(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpec_SetDirectory",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_SetDirectory" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_SetDirectory" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->SetDirectory((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_GetPath(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ size_t val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFileSpec_GetPath",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetPath" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetPath" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_size_t(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetPath" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "size_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< size_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBFileSpec const *)arg1)->GetPath(arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_ResolvePath(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ size_t arg3 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ size_t val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ int result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFileSpec_ResolvePath",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_ResolvePath" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_ResolvePath" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_size_t(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_ResolvePath" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "size_t""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< size_t >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (int)lldb::SBFileSpec::ResolvePath((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpec_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFileSpec_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFileSpec const *)arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpec___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpec *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpec___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpec___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBFileSpec___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBFileSpec_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpecList__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBFileSpecList")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *)new lldb::SBFileSpecList();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpecList__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBFileSpecList",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBFileSpecList" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBFileSpecList" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *)new lldb::SBFileSpecList((lldb::SBFileSpecList const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFileSpecList(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFileSpecList__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFileSpecList__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBFileSpecList'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBFileSpecList()\n"
+ " lldb::SBFileSpecList(lldb::SBFileSpecList const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBFileSpecList(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBFileSpecList",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBFileSpecList" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_GetSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpecList_GetSize",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_GetSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBFileSpecList const *)arg1)->GetSize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpecList_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFileSpecList const *)arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_Append(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpecList_Append",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_Append" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_Append" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_Append" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp2);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Append((lldb::SBFileSpec const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_AppendIfUnique(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpecList_AppendIfUnique",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_AppendIfUnique" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_AppendIfUnique" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_AppendIfUnique" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->AppendIfUnique((lldb::SBFileSpec const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFileSpecList_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec *arg3 = 0 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpec const &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpec * >(argp3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->FindFileIndex(arg2,(lldb::SBFileSpec const &)*arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFileSpecList_GetFileSpecAtIndex(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpecList *arg1 = (lldb::SBFileSpecList *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFileSpecList_GetFileSpecAtIndex",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_GetFileSpecAtIndex" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFileSpecList const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFileSpecList * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFileSpecList_GetFileSpecAtIndex" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFileSpecList const *)arg1)->GetFileSpecAtIndex(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBFileSpecList_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpecList, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFrame__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBFrame")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFrame *)new lldb::SBFrame();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFrame__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFrame *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBFrame",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBFrame" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBFrame" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFrame *)new lldb::SBFrame((lldb::SBFrame const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFrame(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFrame__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFrame__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBFrame'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBFrame()\n"
+ " lldb::SBFrame(lldb::SBFrame const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBFrame(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBFrame",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBFrame" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_IsEqual(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_IsEqual",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_IsEqual" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_IsEqual" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFrame_IsEqual" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->IsEqual((lldb::SBFrame const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFrameID(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetFrameID",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetFrameID" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetFrameID();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetCFA(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetCFA",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetCFA" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetCFA();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetPC(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetPC",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetPC" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetPC();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_SetPC(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_SetPC",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_SetPC" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFrame_SetPC" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::addr_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< lldb::addr_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->SetPC(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetSP(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetSP",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetSP" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetSP();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFP(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::addr_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetFP",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetFP" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::addr_t)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetFP();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_long_SS_long(static_cast< unsigned long long >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetPCAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetPCAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetPCAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetPCAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBAddress(static_cast< const lldb::SBAddress& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetSymbolContext(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBSymbolContext result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_GetSymbolContext",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetSymbolContext" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetSymbolContext" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetSymbolContext(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBSymbolContext(static_cast< const lldb::SBSymbolContext& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbolContext, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetModule(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBModule result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetModule",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetModule" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetModule();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBModule(static_cast< const lldb::SBModule& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBModule, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetCompileUnit(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetCompileUnit",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetCompileUnit" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetCompileUnit();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBCompileUnit(static_cast< const lldb::SBCompileUnit& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBCompileUnit, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFunction(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFunction result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetFunction",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetFunction();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFunction(static_cast< const lldb::SBFunction& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetSymbol(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBSymbol result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetSymbol",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetSymbol" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetSymbol();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBSymbol(static_cast< const lldb::SBSymbol& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBSymbol, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetBlock(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetBlock();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFunctionName__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetFunctionName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetFunctionName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetFunctionName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetDisplayFunctionName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetDisplayFunctionName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetDisplayFunctionName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetDisplayFunctionName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFunctionName__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetFunctionName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetFunctionName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetFunctionName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFunctionName(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetFunctionName__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetFunctionName__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_GetFunctionName'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetFunctionName(lldb::SBFrame *)\n"
+ " GetFunctionName(lldb::SBFrame const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_IsInlined__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_IsInlined",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_IsInlined" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->IsInlined();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_IsInlined__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_IsInlined",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_IsInlined" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->IsInlined();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_IsInlined(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_IsInlined__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_IsInlined__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_IsInlined'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " IsInlined(lldb::SBFrame *)\n"
+ " IsInlined(lldb::SBFrame const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_EvaluateExpression",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->EvaluateExpression((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFrame_EvaluateExpression",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->EvaluateExpression((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg3 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBFrame_EvaluateExpression",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->EvaluateExpression((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_3(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBExpressionOptions *arg3 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFrame_EvaluateExpression",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2, &argp3, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp3) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFrame_EvaluateExpression" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::SBExpressionOptions &""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBExpressionOptions * >(argp3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->EvaluateExpression((char const *)arg2,*arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[5];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 4); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[2], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBExpressionOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_3(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 4) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_EvaluateExpression__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_EvaluateExpression'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " EvaluateExpression(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *)\n"
+ " EvaluateExpression(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n"
+ " EvaluateExpression(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::DynamicValueType,bool)\n"
+ " EvaluateExpression(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::SBExpressionOptions &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetFrameBlock(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetFrameBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetFrameBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetFrameBlock();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetLineEntry(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBLineEntry result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetLineEntry",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetLineEntry" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetLineEntry();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBLineEntry(static_cast< const lldb::SBLineEntry& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBLineEntry, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetThread(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBThread result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetThread",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetThread" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = ((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->GetThread();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBThread(static_cast< const lldb::SBThread& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBThread, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_Disassemble(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_Disassemble",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_Disassemble" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFrame const *)arg1)->Disassemble();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_Clear(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_Clear",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_Clear" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ (arg1)->Clear();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValueList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOO:SBFrame_GetVariables",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetVariables(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValueList(static_cast< const lldb::SBValueList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg6 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ bool val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ bool val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ bool val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ bool val5 ;
+ int ecode5 = 0 ;
+ int val6 ;
+ int ecode6 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj5 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValueList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOO:SBFrame_GetVariables",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3,&obj4,&obj5)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< bool >(val2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< bool >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< bool >(val4);
+ ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_bool(obj4, &val5);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "bool""'");
+ }
+ arg5 = static_cast< bool >(val5);
+ ecode6 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj5, &val6);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode6)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode6), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "6"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg6 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val6);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetVariables(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValueList(static_cast< const lldb::SBValueList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables__SWIG_2(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBVariablesOptions *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValueList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_GetVariables",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBVariablesOptions, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBVariablesOptions const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFrame_GetVariables" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBVariablesOptions const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBVariablesOptions * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetVariables((lldb::SBVariablesOptions const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValueList(static_cast< const lldb::SBValueList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[7];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 6); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBVariablesOptions, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables__SWIG_2(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[1], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_bool(argv[4], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[5], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetVariables__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_GetVariables'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetVariables(lldb::SBFrame *,bool,bool,bool,bool)\n"
+ " GetVariables(lldb::SBFrame *,bool,bool,bool,bool,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n"
+ " GetVariables(lldb::SBFrame *,lldb::SBVariablesOptions const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetRegisters(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValueList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame_GetRegisters",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetRegisters" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetRegisters();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValueList(static_cast< const lldb::SBValueList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValueList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindVariable__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_FindVariable",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindVariable" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindVariable" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindVariable((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindVariable__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFrame_FindVariable",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindVariable" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindVariable" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindVariable" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindVariable((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindVariable(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_FindVariable__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_FindVariable__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_FindVariable'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " FindVariable(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *)\n"
+ " FindVariable(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindRegister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_FindRegister",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindRegister" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindRegister" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindRegister((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetValueForVariablePath((char const *)arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetValueForVariablePath((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetValueForVariablePath(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *)\n"
+ " GetValueForVariablePath(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindValue__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::ValueType arg3 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFrame_FindValue",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::ValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::ValueType >(val3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindValue((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindValue__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::ValueType arg3 ;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType arg4 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ int res2 ;
+ char *buf2 = 0 ;
+ int alloc2 = 0 ;
+ int val3 ;
+ int ecode3 = 0 ;
+ int val4 ;
+ int ecode4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBValue result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBFrame_FindValue",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj1, &buf2, NULL, &alloc2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf2);
+ ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj2, &val3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "lldb::ValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = static_cast< lldb::ValueType >(val3);
+ ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj3, &val4);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "SBFrame_FindValue" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::DynamicValueType""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = static_cast< lldb::DynamicValueType >(val4);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->FindValue((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBValue(static_cast< const lldb::SBValue& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBValue, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc2 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf2;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_FindValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[5];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 4); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_FindValue__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 4) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[1], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[2], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_AsVal_int(argv[3], NULL);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ }
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFrame_FindValue__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFrame_FindValue'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " FindValue(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::ValueType)\n"
+ " FindValue(lldb::SBFrame *,char const *,lldb::ValueType,lldb::DynamicValueType)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFrame_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFrame_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFrame_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFrame___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFrame *arg1 = (lldb::SBFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFrame___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFrame___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFrame *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFrame * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBFrame___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBFrame_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFrame, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFunction__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":new_SBFunction")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFunction *)new lldb::SBFunction();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFunction__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFunction *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:new_SBFunction",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "new_SBFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "new_SBFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const &""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::SBFunction *)new lldb::SBFunction((lldb::SBFunction const &)*arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, SWIG_POINTER_NEW | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_SBFunction(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[2];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 1); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFunction__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ int _v;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_new_SBFunction__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'new_SBFunction'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " lldb::SBFunction()\n"
+ " lldb::SBFunction(lldb::SBFunction const &)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_delete_SBFunction(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:delete_SBFunction",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "delete_SBFunction" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ delete arg1;
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_IsValid(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_IsValid",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_IsValid" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFunction const *)arg1)->IsValid();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFunction const *)arg1)->GetName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetDisplayName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetDisplayName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetDisplayName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFunction const *)arg1)->GetDisplayName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetMangledName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetMangledName",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetMangledName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (char *)((lldb::SBFunction const *)arg1)->GetMangledName();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetInstructions__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBInstructionList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFunction_GetInstructions",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTarget * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetInstructions(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBInstructionList(static_cast< const lldb::SBInstructionList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBInstructionList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetInstructions__SWIG_1(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBTarget arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ char *buf3 = 0 ;
+ int alloc3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBInstructionList result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBFunction_GetInstructions",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBTarget""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::SBTarget * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBTarget * >(argp2);
+ arg2 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ res3 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj2, &buf3, NULL, &alloc3);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetInstructions" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg3 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf3);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetInstructions(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBInstructionList(static_cast< const lldb::SBInstructionList& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBInstructionList, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc3 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf3;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetInstructions(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+ int argc;
+ PyObject *argv[4];
+ int ii;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(args)) SWIG_fail;
+ argc = (int)PyObject_Length(args);
+ for (ii = 0; (ii < argc) && (ii < 3); ii++) {
+ argv[ii] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,ii);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFunction_GetInstructions__SWIG_0(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ int _v;
+ void *vptr = 0;
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[0], &vptr, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(argv[1], 0, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBTarget, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ int res = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(argv[2], 0, NULL, 0);
+ _v = SWIG_CheckState(res);
+ if (_v) {
+ return _wrap_SBFunction_GetInstructions__SWIG_1(self, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SWIG_SetErrorMsg(PyExc_NotImplementedError,"Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'SBFunction_GetInstructions'.\n"
+ " Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\n"
+ " GetInstructions(lldb::SBFunction *,lldb::SBTarget)\n"
+ " GetInstructions(lldb::SBFunction *,lldb::SBTarget,char const *)\n");
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetStartAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetStartAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetStartAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetStartAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBAddress(static_cast< const lldb::SBAddress& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetEndAddress(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBAddress result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetEndAddress",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetEndAddress" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetEndAddress();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBAddress(static_cast< const lldb::SBAddress& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBAddress, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetArgumentName(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ unsigned int val2 ;
+ int ecode2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFunction_GetArgumentName",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetArgumentName" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_unsigned_SS_int(obj1, &val2);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetArgumentName" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "uint32_t""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = static_cast< uint32_t >(val2);
+ {
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->GetArgumentName(arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetPrologueByteSize(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetPrologueByteSize",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetPrologueByteSize" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->GetPrologueByteSize();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_unsigned_SS_int(static_cast< unsigned int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetType(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBType result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetType",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetType" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetType();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBType(static_cast< const lldb::SBType& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBType, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetBlock(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBBlock result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetBlock",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetBlock" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (arg1)->GetBlock();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBBlock(static_cast< const lldb::SBBlock& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBBlock, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetLanguage(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::LanguageType result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetLanguage",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetLanguage" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (lldb::LanguageType)(arg1)->GetLanguage();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_int(static_cast< int >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetIsOptimized(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction_GetIsOptimized",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetIsOptimized" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetIsOptimized();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction_GetDescription(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBStream *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFunction_GetDescription",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetDescription" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBStream, 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFunction_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFunction_GetDescription" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBStream &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBStream * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->GetDescription(*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction___eq__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFunction___eq__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction___eq__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFunction___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFunction___eq__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFunction const *)arg1)->operator ==((lldb::SBFunction const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction___ne__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBFunction___ne__",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction___ne__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2, SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBFunction___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const &""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp2) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBFunction___ne__" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction const &""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)((lldb::SBFunction const *)arg1)->operator !=((lldb::SBFunction const &)*arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBFunction___str__(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFunction *arg1 = (lldb::SBFunction *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 = 0 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject *result = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBFunction___str__",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBFunction___str__" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::SBFunction *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBFunction * >(argp1);
+ {
+ result = (PyObject *)lldb_SBFunction___str__(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = result;
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *SBFunction_swigregister(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char*)"O:swigregister", &obj)) return NULL;
+ SWIG_TypeNewClientData(SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFunction, SWIG_NewClientData(obj));
+ return SWIG_Py_Void();
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_GetProgramFileSpec(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBHostOS_GetProgramFileSpec")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBHostOS::GetProgramFileSpec();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_GetLLDBPythonPath(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)":SBHostOS_GetLLDBPythonPath")) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBHostOS::GetLLDBPythonPath();
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_GetLLDBPath(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::PathType arg1 ;
+ int val1 ;
+ int ecode1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ lldb::SBFileSpec result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBHostOS_GetLLDBPath",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_int(obj0, &val1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "SBHostOS_GetLLDBPath" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::PathType""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = static_cast< lldb::PathType >(val1);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBHostOS::GetLLDBPath(arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::SBFileSpec(static_cast< const lldb::SBFileSpec& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBFileSpec, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_ThreadCreated(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"O:SBHostOS_ThreadCreated",&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCreated" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ {
+ lldb::SBHostOS::ThreadCreated((char const *)arg1);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_Py_Void();
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_ThreadCreate(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ lldb::thread_func_t arg2 = (lldb::thread_func_t) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg4 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ int res1 ;
+ char *buf1 = 0 ;
+ int alloc1 = 0 ;
+ int res3 ;
+ void *argp4 = 0 ;
+ int res4 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj3 = 0 ;
+ lldb::thread_t result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOO:SBHostOS_ThreadCreate",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2,&obj3)) SWIG_fail;
+ res1 = SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(obj0, &buf1, NULL, &alloc1);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCreate" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "char const *""'");
+ }
+ arg1 = reinterpret_cast< char * >(buf1);
+ {
+ int res = SWIG_ConvertFunctionPtr(obj1, (void**)(&arg2), SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_void__p_void);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCreate" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::thread_func_t""'");
+ }
+ }
+ res3 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj2,SWIG_as_voidptrptr(&arg3), 0, 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res3)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res3), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCreate" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "void *""'");
+ }
+ res4 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj3, &argp4,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res4)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res4), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCreate" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg4 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp4);
+ {
+ result = lldb::SBHostOS::ThreadCreate((char const *)arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new lldb::thread_t(static_cast< const lldb::thread_t& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_t, SWIG_POINTER_OWN | 0 );
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return resultobj;
+ if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_ThreadCancel(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::thread_t arg1 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBHostOS_ThreadCancel",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_t, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCancel" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::thread_t""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCancel" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::thread_t""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::thread_t * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::thread_t * >(argp1);
+ arg1 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadCancel" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBHostOS::ThreadCancel(arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_ThreadDetach(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::thread_t arg1 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg2 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OO:SBHostOS_ThreadDetach",&obj0,&obj1)) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_t, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadDetach" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::thread_t""'");
+ }
+ if (!argp1) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ValueError, "invalid null reference " "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadDetach" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::thread_t""'");
+ } else {
+ lldb::thread_t * temp = reinterpret_cast< lldb::thread_t * >(argp1);
+ arg1 = *temp;
+ if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete temp;
+ }
+ }
+ res2 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1, &argp2,SWIGTYPE_p_lldb__SBError, 0 | 0 );
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res2)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res2), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadDetach" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "lldb::SBError *""'");
+ }
+ arg2 = reinterpret_cast< lldb::SBError * >(argp2);
+ {
+ result = (bool)lldb::SBHostOS::ThreadDetach(arg1,arg2);
+ }
+ resultobj = SWIG_From_bool(static_cast< bool >(result));
+ return resultobj;
+ return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_SBHostOS_ThreadJoin(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+ PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+ lldb::thread_t arg1 ;
+ lldb::thread_result_t *arg2 = (lldb::thread_result_t *) 0 ;
+ lldb::SBError *arg3 = (lldb::SBError *) 0 ;
+ void *argp1 ;
+ int res1 = 0 ;
+ void *argp2 = 0 ;
+ int res2 = 0 ;
+ void *argp3 = 0 ;
+ int res3 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;
+ PyObject * obj2 = 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOO:SBHostOS_ThreadJoin",&obj0,&obj1,&obj2)) SWIG_fail;
+ {
+ res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1, SWIGTYPE_p_pthread_t, 0 | 0);
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
+ SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "SBHostOS_ThreadJoin" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "lldb::thread_t""'");
+ }
[... 43909 lines stripped ...]
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