[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r252330 - [swig] Remove check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists.

Bruce Mitchener via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 6 10:53:29 PST 2015

Author: brucem
Date: Fri Nov  6 12:53:29 2015
New Revision: 252330

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=252330&view=rev
[swig] Remove check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists.

Code that tried to find swig and then split the path into
a separate path and filename is being removed. The invoking
build system always provides the location of swig and we
don't need to split it into 2 pieces only to recombine it
a short time later.

Reviewers: zturner, domipheus

Subscribers: lldb-commits

Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D14415


Modified: lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/buildSwigPython.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/buildSwigPython.py?rev=252330&r1=252329&r2=252330&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/buildSwigPython.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/Python/buildSwigPython.py Fri Nov  6 12:53:29 2015
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ strMsgFileNotExist = "\'%s\' could not b
 strErrMsgOsTypeUnknown = "Unable to determine current OS type"
 strMsgNotNeedUpdate = "Everything is up-to-date"
 strMsgSwigNeedRebuild = "SWIG needs to be re-run"
-strErrMsgSwigParamsMissing = "This script was not passed either '--swigExePath \
-or the '--swigExeName' argument. Both are required."
+strErrMsgSwigParamsMissing = "This script was not passed '--swigExecutable' as required."
 strMsgSwigExecute = "SWIG executing the following:\n\'%s'"
 strErrMsgSwigExecute = "SWIG failed: %s"
 strErrMsgPythonExecute = "Python script '%s' failed: %s"
@@ -463,17 +462,9 @@ def do_swig_rebuild(vDictArgs, vstrSwigD
     strMsg = ""
     bDbg = "-d" in vDictArgs
     bGenDependencies = "-M" in vDictArgs
-    strSwigExePath = vDictArgs["--swigExePath"]
-    strSwigExeName = vDictArgs["--swigExeName"]
+    strSwig = vDictArgs["--swigExecutable"]
     strSrcRoot = vDictArgs["--srcRoot"]
-    # Build SWIG path to executable
-    if strSwigExePath != "":
-        strSwig = "%s/%s" % (strSwigExePath, strSwigExeName)
-        strSwig = os.path.normcase(strSwig)
-    else:
-        strSwig = strSwigExeName
     strCfg = vstrCfgBldDir
     strOp = vstrSwigOpFile
     strIp = vstrSwigIpFile
@@ -615,27 +606,24 @@ def do_modify_python_lldb(vDictArgs, vst
     Args:     vDictArgs - (R) Map of parameter names to values. Used to for the
                               the SWIG required parameters to create code. Note
                               this container does get amended with more data.
-            -d (optional)   Determines whether or not this script
-                            outputs additional information when running.
-            -m (optional)   Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
-                            the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
-                            else in the --targetDir folder.
-            -M (optional)   Specify want SWIG to generate a dependency file.
-            --srcRoot       The root of the lldb source tree.
-            --targetDir     Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
-            --cfgBldDir     Where the buildSwigPythonLLDB.py program will
-            (optional)      put the lldb.py file it generated from running
-                            SWIG.
-            --prefix        Is the root directory used to determine where
-            (optional)      third-party modules for scripting languages should
-                            be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
-                            the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
-                            automatically. Python install directory.
-            --swigExePath   File path the SWIG executable. (Determined and
-                            passed by buildSwigWrapperClasses.py to here)
-            --swigExeName   The file name of the SWIG executable. (Determined
-                            and passed by buildSwigWrapperClasses.py to
-                            here)
+            -d (optional)    Determines whether or not this script
+                             outputs additional information when running.
+            -m (optional)    Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
+                             the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
+                             else in the --targetDir folder.
+            -M (optional)    Specify want SWIG to generate a dependency file.
+            --srcRoot        The root of the lldb source tree.
+            --targetDir      Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
+            --cfgBldDir      Where the buildSwigPythonLLDB.py program will
+            (optional)       put the lldb.py file it generated from running
+                             SWIG.
+            --prefix         Is the root directory used to determine where
+            (optional)       third-party modules for scripting languages should
+                             be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
+                             the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
+                             automatically. Python install directory.
+            --swigExecutable Full path to the SWIG executable. (Determined and
+                             passed by buildSwigWrapperClasses.py to here)
     Results:    0 Success
                 1 Success, generated dependencies removed
@@ -651,7 +639,7 @@ def main(vDictArgs):
     bOk = True
     strMsg = ""
-    if not("--swigExePath" in vDictArgs) and ("--swigExeName" in vDictArgs):
+    if not "--swigExecutable" in vDictArgs:
         strErrMsgProgFail += strErrMsgSwigParamsMissing
         return (-100, strErrMsgProgFail)

Modified: lldb/trunk/scripts/buildSwigWrapperClasses.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/buildSwigWrapperClasses.py?rev=252330&r1=252329&r2=252330&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/buildSwigWrapperClasses.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/buildSwigWrapperClasses.py Fri Nov  6 12:53:29 2015
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Args:   -h      (optional) Print help in
             automatically. Python install directory.\n\
     --argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the\n\
             command line. Other command line args are ignored.\n\
-    --swigExecutable=   (optional) Full path of swig executable.\n\
+    --swigExecutable=   Full path of swig executable.\n\
     buildSwigWrapperClasses.py --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath\n\
@@ -310,137 +310,6 @@ def run_swig_for_each_script_supported(v
     return (nResult, strStatusMsg)
-# Details:  Dummy function - system unknown. Function should not be called.
-# Args:     vDictArgs   - (R) Program input parameters.
-# Returns:  Bool    - False = Program logic error.
-#           Str     - Error message.
-# Throws:   None.
-def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Unknown(vDictArgs):
-    dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose("check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Unknown()")
-    # Do nothing
-    return (False, strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown)
-# Details:  Locate the SWIG executable file in a Windows system. Several hard
-#           coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
-#           (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
-# Args:     vDictArgs   - (W) Program input parameters.
-# Returns:  Bool    - True = Success.
-#                   - False = Failure file not found.
-#           Str     - Error message.
-# Throws:   None.
-def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Windows(vDictArgs):
-    dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose("check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Windows()")
-    # Will always be true as it assumed the path to SWIG executable will be
-    # in the OS system environmental variable %PATH%. Easier this way as the
-    # user may have renamed the directory and or custom path installation.
-    bExeFileFound = True
-    vDictArgs["--swigExePath"] = ""
-    vDictArgs["--swigExeName"] = "swig.exe"
-    return (bExeFileFound, None)
-# Details:  Locate the SWIG executable file in a Linux system. Several hard
-#           coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
-#           (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
-# Args:     vDictArgs   - (W) Program input parameters.
-# Returns:  Bool    - True = Success.
-#                   - False = Failure file not found.
-#           Str     - Error message.
-# Throws:   None.
-def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Linux(vDictArgs):
-    dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose("check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Linux()")
-    bExeFileFound = False
-    strSwigExe = "swig"
-    strSwigExePath = "/usr/bin"
-    strExe = os.path.normcase("%s/%s" % (strSwigExePath, strSwigExe))
-    if os.path.isfile(strExe) and os.access(strExe, os.X_OK):
-        bExeFileFound = True
-        vDictArgs["--swigExePath"] = os.path.normcase(strSwigExePath)
-        vDictArgs["--swigExeName"] = strSwigExe
-        return (bExeFileFound, None)
-    strSwigExePath = "/usr/local/bin"
-    strExe = os.path.normcase("%s/%s" % (strSwigExePath, strSwigExe))
-    if os.path.isfile(strExe) and os.access(strExe, os.X_OK):
-        bExeFileFound = True
-        vDictArgs["--swigExePath"] = os.path.normcase(strSwigExePath)
-        vDictArgs["--swigExeName"] = strSwigExe
-        return (bExeFileFound, None)
-    return (bExeFileFound, strSwigExeFileNotFound)
-# Details:  Locate the SWIG executable file in a OSX system. Several hard
-#           coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
-#           (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
-# Args:     vDictArgs   - (W) Program input parameters.
-# Returns:  Bool    - True = Success.
-#                   - False = Failure file not found.
-#           Str     - Error message.
-# Throws:   None.
-def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin(vDictArgs):
-    dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose("check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin()")
-    bExeFileFound = False
-    # ToDo: Find the SWIG executable and add the path to the args dictionary
-    #vDictArgs.["--swigExePath"] = "/usr/bin/swig"
-    strStatusMsg = "Sorry function 'check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin()' is not implemented"
-    return (bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg)
-# Details:  Locate the SWIG executable file in a OSX system. Several hard
-#           coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
-#           (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
-# Args:     vDictArgs   - (W) Program input parameters.
-# Returns:  Bool    - True = Success.
-#                   - False = Failure file not found.
-#           Str     - Error message.
-# Throws:   None.
-def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_FreeBSD(vDictArgs):
-    dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose("check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_FreeBSD()")
-    bExeFileFound = False
-    # ToDo: Find the SWIG executable and add the path to the args dictionary
-    #vDictArgs.["--swigExePath"] = "/usr/bin/swig"
-    strStatusMsg = "Sorry function 'check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_FreeBSD()' is not implemented"
-    return (bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg)
-# Details:  Locate the SWIG executable file. Several hard coded predetermined
-#           possible file path locations are searched.
-# Args:     vDictArgs   - (RW) Program input parameters.
-#           veOSType    - (R) Current OS type enumeration.
-# Returns:  Bool    - True = Success.
-#                   - False = Failure file not found.
-#           Str     - Error message.
-# Throws:   None.
-def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists(vDictArgs, veOSType):
-    dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose("check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists()")
-    bExeFileFound = False
-    strStatusMsg = ""
-    if "--swigExecutable" in vDictArgs:
-        vDictArgs["--swigExeName"] = os.path.basename(vDictArgs["--swigExecutable"])
-        vDictArgs["--swigExePath"] = os.path.dirname(vDictArgs["--swigExecutable"])
-        bExeFileFound = True
-    else:
-        from utilsOsType import EnumOsType
-        switch = {EnumOsType.Unknown : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Unknown,
-                  EnumOsType.Darwin : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin,
-                  EnumOsType.FreeBSD : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_FreeBSD,
-                  EnumOsType.Linux : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Linux,
-                  EnumOsType.Windows : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Windows}
-        bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg = switch[veOSType](vDictArgs)
-    return (bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg)
 # Details:  Validate the arguments passed to the program. This function exits
 #           the program should error with the arguments be found.
 # Args:     vArgv   - (R) List of arguments and values.
@@ -522,10 +391,6 @@ def main(vArgv):
     if bOk == False:
         program_exit(-3, strMsg)
-    bOk, strMsg = check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists(dictArgs, eOSType)
-    if bOk == False:
-        program_exit(-6, strMsg)
     nResult, strMsg = run_swig_for_each_script_supported(dictArgs)
     program_exit(nResult, strMsg)

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