[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r251532 - Move lldb/test to lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test.

Zachary Turner via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 28 10:43:43 PDT 2015

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/TestMiVar.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/TestMiVar.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/TestMiVar.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/TestMiVar.py (removed)
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-Test lldb-mi -var-xxx commands.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import lldbmi_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class MiVarTestCase(lldbmi_testcase.MiTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
-    @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
-    @expectedFailureAll("llvm.org/pr23560", oslist=["linux"], compiler="gcc", compiler_version=[">=","4.9"], archs=["i386"])
-    def test_lldbmi_eval(self):
-        """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for evaluating."""
-        self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
-        # Load executable
-        self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        # Run to program return
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_return')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-run")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Print non-existant variable
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var1 * undef")
-        self.expect("\^error,msg=\"error: error: use of undeclared identifier \'undef\'\\\\nerror: 1 errors parsing expression\\\\n\"")
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression undef")
-        self.expect("\^error,msg=\"Could not evaluate expression\"")
-        # Print global "g_MyVar", modify, delete and create again
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression g_MyVar")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"3\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var2 * g_MyVar")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var2\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"3\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var2")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"3\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-show-attributes var2")
-        self.expect("\^done,status=\"editable\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var2")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression \"g_MyVar=30\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"30\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-update --all-values var2")
-        #self.expect("\^done,changelist=\[\{name=\"var2\",value=\"30\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\]") #FIXME -var-update doesn't work
-        self.runCmd("-var-delete var2")
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var2 * g_MyVar")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var2\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"30\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Print static "s_MyVar", modify, delete and create again
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression s_MyVar")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"30\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var3 * s_MyVar")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var3\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"30\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var3")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"30\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-show-attributes var3")
-        self.expect("\^done,status=\"editable\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var3")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression \"s_MyVar=3\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"3\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-update --all-values var3")
-        #self.expect("\^done,changelist=\[\{name=\"var3\",value=\"3\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\]") #FIXME -var-update doesn't work
-        self.runCmd("-var-delete var3")
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var3 * s_MyVar")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var3\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"3\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Print local "b", modify, delete and create again
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression b")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"20\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var4 * b")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var4\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"20\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var4")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"20\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-show-attributes var4")
-        self.expect("\^done,status=\"editable\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var4")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression \"b=2\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"2\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-update --all-values var4")
-        #self.expect("\^done,changelist=\[\{name=\"var4\",value=\"2\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\]") #FIXME -var-update doesn't work
-        self.runCmd("-var-delete var4")
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var4 * b")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var4\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"2\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Print temp "a + b"
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression \"a + b\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"12\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var5 * \"a + b\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var5\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"12\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var5")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"12\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-show-attributes var5")
-        self.expect("\^done,status=\"editable\"") #FIXME editable or not?
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var5")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Print argument "argv[0]"
-        self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression \"argv[0]\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+ \\\\\\\".*?%s\\\\\\\"\"" % self.myexe)
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var6 * \"argv[0]\"")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var6\",numchild=\"1\",value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+ \\\\\\\".*?%s\\\\\\\"\",type=\"const char \*\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"" % self.myexe)
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var6")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+ \\\\\\\".*?%s\\\\\\\"\"" % self.myexe)
-        self.runCmd("-var-show-attributes var6")
-        self.expect("\^done,status=\"editable\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --all-values var6")
-        # FIXME: The name below is not correct. It should be "var.*argv[0]".
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var6\.\*\$[0-9]+\",exp=\"\*\$[0-9]+\",numchild=\"0\",type=\"const char\",thread-id=\"4294967295\",value=\"47 '/'\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"") #FIXME -var-list-children shows invalid thread-id
-    @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
-    @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
-    @skipIfLinux # llvm.org/pr22841: lldb-mi tests fail on all Linux buildbots
-    def test_lldbmi_var_update(self):
-        """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for -var-update."""
-        self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
-        # Load executable
-        self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        # Run to BP_var_update_test_init
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_var_update_test_init')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-run")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Setup variables
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_l * l")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_l\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"1\",type=\"long\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_complx * complx")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_complx\",numchild=\"3\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_complx_array * complx_array")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_complx_array\",numchild=\"2\",value=\"\[2\]\",type=\"complex_type \[2\]\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Go to BP_var_update_test_l
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_var_update_test_l')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"2\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-continue")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Test that var_l was updated
-        self.runCmd("-var-update --all-values var_l")
-        self.expect("\^done,changelist=\[\{name=\"var_l\",value=\"0\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\]")
-        # Go to BP_var_update_test_complx
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_var_update_test_complx')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"3\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-continue")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Test that var_complx was updated
-        self.runCmd("-var-update --all-values var_complx")
-        self.expect("\^done,changelist=\[\{name=\"var_complx\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\]")
-        # Go to BP_var_update_test_complx_array
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_var_update_test_complx_array')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"4\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-continue")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Test that var_complex_array was updated
-        self.runCmd("-var-update --all-values var_complx_array")
-        self.expect("\^done,changelist=\[\{name=\"var_complx_array\",value=\"\[2\]\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\]")
-    @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
-    @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
-    def test_lldbmi_var_create_register(self):
-        """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for -var-create $regname."""
-        self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
-        # Load executable
-        self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        # Run to main
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-run")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Find name of register 0
-        self.runCmd("-data-list-register-names 0")
-        self.expect("\^done,register-names=\[\".+?\"\]")
-        register_name = self.child.after.split("\"")[1]
-        # Create variable for register 0
-        # Note that message is different in Darwin and Linux:
-        # Darwin: "^done,name=\"var_reg\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+\",type=\"unsigned long\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"
-        # Linux:  "^done,name=\"var_reg\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+\",type=\"unsigned int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_reg * $%s" % register_name)
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_reg\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+\",type=\"unsigned (long|int)\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Assign value to variable
-        self.runCmd("-var-assign var_reg \"6\"")
-        #FIXME: the output has different format for 32bit and 64bit values
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"0x0*?6\"")
-        # Assert register 0 updated
-        self.runCmd("-data-list-register-values d 0")
-        self.expect("\^done,register-values=\[{number=\"0\",value=\"6\"")
-    @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
-    @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
-    @skipIfLinux # llvm.org/pr22841: lldb-mi tests fail on all Linux buildbots
-    def test_lldbmi_var_list_children(self):
-        """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for -var-list-children."""
-        self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
-        # Load executable
-        self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        # Run to BP_var_list_children_test
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_var_list_children_test')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-run")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Create variable
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_complx * complx")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_complx\",numchild=\"3\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_complx_array * complx_array")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_complx_array\",numchild=\"2\",value=\"\[2\]\",type=\"complex_type \[2\]\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-create var_pcomplx * pcomplx")
-        self.expect("\^done,name=\"var_pcomplx\",numchild=\"2\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",type=\"pcomplex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Test that -var-evaluate-expression can evaluate the children of created varobj
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var_complx")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var_complx.i")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"3\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var_complx_array")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var_complx_array.[0]")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"\{...\}\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var_pcomplx")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression var_pcomplx.complex_type")
-        self.expect("\^done,value=\"\{...\}\"")
-        # Test that -var-list-children lists empty children if range is empty
-        # (and that print-values is optional)
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var_complx 0 0")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var_complx 99 0")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children var_complx 99 3")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Test that -var-list-children lists all children with their values
-        # (and that from and to are optional)
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --all-values var_complx")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"3\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.i\",exp=\"i\",numchild=\"0\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"3\",has_more=\"0\"\},child=\{name=\"var_complx\.inner\",exp=\"inner\",numchild=\"1\",type=\"complex_type::\(anonymous struct\)\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",has_more=\"0\"\},child=\{name=\"var_complx\.complex_ptr\",exp=\"complex_ptr\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type \*\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --simple-values var_complx_array")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"2\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx_array\.\[0\]\",exp=\"\[0\]\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\},child=\{name=\"var_complx_array\.\[1\]\",exp=\"\[1\]\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 0 var_pcomplx")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"2\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_pcomplx\.complex_type\",exp=\"complex_type\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\},child={name=\"var_pcomplx\.complx\",exp=\"complx\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Test that -var-list-children lists children without values
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 0 var_complx 0 1")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.i\",exp=\"i\",numchild=\"0\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --no-values var_complx 0 1")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.i\",exp=\"i\",numchild=\"0\",type=\"int\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --no-values var_complx_array 0 1")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx_array\.\[0\]\",exp=\"\[0\]\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --no-values var_pcomplx 0 1")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_pcomplx\.complex_type\",exp=\"complex_type\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"1\"")
-        # Test that -var-list-children lists children with all values
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 1 var_complx 1 2")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.inner\",exp=\"inner\",numchild=\"1\",type=\"complex_type::\(anonymous struct\)\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --all-values var_complx 1 2")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.inner\",exp=\"inner\",numchild=\"1\",type=\"complex_type::\(anonymous struct\)\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --all-values var_complx_array 1 2")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx_array\.\[1\]\",exp=\"\[1\]\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --all-values var_pcomplx 1 2")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child={name=\"var_pcomplx\.complx\",exp=\"complx\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type\",thread-id=\"1\",value=\"\{\.\.\.\}\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Test that -var-list-children lists children with simple values
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 2 var_complx 2 4")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.complex_ptr\",exp=\"complex_ptr\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type \*\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --simple-values var_complx 2 4")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"1\",children=\[child=\{name=\"var_complx\.complex_ptr\",exp=\"complex_ptr\",numchild=\"3\",type=\"complex_type \*\",thread-id=\"1\",has_more=\"0\"\}\],has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --simple-values var_complx_array 2 4")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children --simple-values var_pcomplx 2 4")
-        self.expect("\^done,numchild=\"0\",has_more=\"0\"")
-        # Test that an invalid from is handled
-        # FIXME: -1 is treated as unsigned int
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 0 var_complx -1 0")
-        #self.expect("\^error,msg=\"Command 'var-list-children'\. Variable children range invalid\"")
-        # Test that an invalid to is handled
-        # FIXME: -1 is treated as unsigned int
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 0 var_complx 0 -1")
-        #self.expect("\^error,msg=\"Command 'var-list-children'\. Variable children range invalid\"")
-        # Test that a missing low-frame or high-frame is handled
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children 0 var_complx 0")
-        self.expect("\^error,msg=\"Command 'var-list-children'. Variable children range invalid\"")
-    @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi working on Windows
-    @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
-    @skipIfLinux # llvm.org/pr22841: lldb-mi tests fail on all Linux buildbots
-    def test_lldbmi_var_create_for_stl_types(self):
-        """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' print summary for STL types."""
-        self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
-        # Load executable
-        self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        # Run to BP_gdb_set_show_print_char_array_as_string_test
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_cpp_stl_types_test')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-run")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Test for std::string
-        self.runCmd("-var-create - * std_string")
-        self.expect('\^done,name="var\d+",numchild="[0-9]+",value="\\\\"hello\\\\"",type="std::[\S]*?string",thread-id="1",has_more="0"')
-    @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi working on Windows
-    @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
-    @skipIfLinux # llvm.org/pr22841: lldb-mi tests fail on all Linux buildbots
-    def test_lldbmi_var_create_for_unnamed_objects(self):
-        """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' can expand unnamed structures and unions."""
-        self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
-        # Load executable
-        self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
-        self.expect("\^done")
-        # Run to breakpoint
-        line = line_number('main.cpp', '// BP_unnamed_objects_test')
-        self.runCmd("-break-insert main.cpp:%d" % line)
-        self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
-        self.runCmd("-exec-run")
-        self.expect("\^running")
-        self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
-        # Evaluate struct_with_unions type and its children
-        self.runCmd("-var-create v0 * swu")
-        self.expect('\^done,name="v0",numchild="2",value="\{\.\.\.\}",type="struct_with_unions",thread-id="1",has_more="0"')
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children v0")
-        # inspect the first unnamed union
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children v0.$0")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression v0.$0.u_i")
-        self.expect('\^done,value="1"')
-        # inspect the second unnamed union
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children v0.$1")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression v0.$1.u1")
-        self.expect('\^done,value="-1"')
-        # inspect unnamed structure
-        self.runCmd("-var-list-children v0.$1.$1")
-        self.runCmd("-var-evaluate-expression v0.$1.$1.s1")
-        self.expect('\^done,value="-1"')

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/main.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/main.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/main.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-mi/variable/main.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-//===-- main.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <string>
-struct complex_type
-    int i;
-    struct { long l; } inner;
-    complex_type *complex_ptr;
-struct pcomplex_type : complex_type
-    pcomplex_type(const complex_type &complx_base, const complex_type &complx_member)
-        : complex_type(complx_base), complx(complx_member) { }
-    complex_type complx;
-    static int si;
-int pcomplex_type::si;
-struct struct_with_unions
-    struct_with_unions(): u_i(1), u1(-1) {}
-    union 
-    {
-        int u_i;
-        int u_j;  
-    };
-    union 
-    {
-        int  u1;
-        struct
-        {
-            short s1;
-            short s2;
-        };
-    };
-    long l = 1;
-    complex_type complx = { 3, { 3L }, &complx };
-    complex_type complx_array[2] = { { 4, { 4L }, &complx_array[1] }, { 5, { 5 }, &complx_array[0] } };
-    // BP_var_update_test_init
-    l = 0;
-    // BP_var_update_test_l
-    complx.inner.l = 2;
-    // BP_var_update_test_complx
-    complx_array[1].inner.l = 4;
-    // BP_var_update_test_complx_array
-    complex_type complx = { 3, { 3L }, &complx };
-    complex_type complx_array[2] = { { 4, { 4L }, &complx_array[1] }, { 5, { 5 }, &complx_array[0] } };
-    pcomplex_type pcomplx({ 6, { 6L }, &pcomplx}, { 7, { 7L }, &pcomplx});
-    // BP_var_list_children_test
-    const char *cp = "\t\"hello\"\n";
-    const char ca[] = "\t\"hello\"\n";
-    const char16_t *u16p = u"\t\"hello\"\n";
-    const char16_t u16a[] = u"\t\"hello\"\n";
-    const char32_t *u32p = U"\t\"hello\"\n";
-    const char32_t u32a[] = U"\t\"hello\"\n";
-    const char16_t* u16p_rus = u"\\Аламо-сквер";
-    const char16_t  u16a_rus[] = u"\\Бейвью";
-    const char32_t* u32p_rus = U"\\Чайнатаун";
-    const char32_t  u32a_rus[] = U"\\Догпатч";
-    // BP_gdb_set_show_print_char_array_as_string_test
-    std::string std_string = "hello";
-    // BP_cpp_stl_types_test
-    struct_with_unions swu;
-    // BP_unnamed_objects_test
-struct not_str
-    not_str(char _c, int _f)
-        : c(_c), f(_f) { }
-    char c;
-    int f;
-    complex_type complx = { 3, { 3L }, &complx };
-    complex_type complx_array[2] = { { 4, { 4L }, &complx_array[1] }, { 5, { 5 }, &complx_array[0] } };
-    not_str nstr('a', 0);
-    // BP_gdb_set_show_print_expand_aggregates
-    complex_type complx = { 3, { 3L }, &complx };
-    complex_type complx_array[2] = { { 4, { 4L }, &complx_array[1] }, { 5, { 5 }, &complx_array[0] } };
-    // BP_gdb_set_show_print_aggregate_field_names
-int g_MyVar = 3;
-static int s_MyVar = 4;
-main(int argc, char const *argv[])
-    int a = 10, b = 20;
-    s_MyVar = a + b;
-    var_update_test();
-    var_list_children_test();
-    gdb_set_show_print_char_array_as_string_test();
-    cpp_stl_types_test();
-    unnamed_objects_test();
-    gdb_set_show_print_expand_aggregates();
-    gdb_set_show_print_aggregate_field_names();
-    return 0; // BP_return

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/Makefile?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/Makefile (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/Makefile (removed)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-LEVEL = ../../make
-CXX_SOURCES := main.cpp
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGDBRemoteMemoryRead.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGDBRemoteMemoryRead.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGDBRemoteMemoryRead.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGDBRemoteMemoryRead.py (removed)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Tests the binary ($x) and hex ($m) memory read packets of the remote stub
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import os
-import lldb
-from lldbtest import *
-import lldbutil
-import binascii
-class MemoryReadTestCase(TestBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    @skipUnlessPlatform(getDarwinOSTriples()+["linux"])
-    def test_memory_read(self):
-        self.build()
-        exe = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "a.out")
-        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
-        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_symbol(self, "main")
-        process = target.LaunchSimple (None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())
-        self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
-        self.assertEqual(process.GetState(), lldb.eStateStopped, "Process is stopped")
-        pc = process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().GetPC()
-        for size in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]:
-            error = lldb.SBError()
-            memory = process.ReadMemory(pc, size, error)
-            self.assertTrue(error.Success())
-            self.match("process plugin packet send x%x,%x" % (pc, size), ["response:", memory])
-            self.match("process plugin packet send m%x,%x" % (pc, size), ["response:", binascii.hexlify(memory)])
-        process.Continue()
-        self.assertEqual(process.GetState(), lldb.eStateExited, "Process exited")

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAttach.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAttach.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAttach.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAttach.py (removed)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import lldbgdbserverutils
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteAttach(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def attach_with_vAttach(self):
-        # Start the inferior, start the debug monitor, nothing is attached yet.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["sleep:60"])
-        self.assertIsNotNone(procs)
-        # Make sure the target process has been launched.
-        inferior = procs.get("inferior")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(inferior)
-        self.assertTrue(inferior.pid > 0)
-        self.assertTrue(lldbgdbserverutils.process_is_running(inferior.pid, True))
-        # Add attach packets.
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            # Do the attach.
-            "read packet: $vAttach;{:x}#00".format(inferior.pid),
-            # Expect a stop notification from the attach.
-            { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})[^#]*#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_signal_hex"} },
-            ], True)
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info response
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        # Ensure the process id matches what we expected.
-        pid_text = process_info.get('pid', None)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pid_text)
-        reported_pid = int(pid_text, base=16)
-        self.assertEqual(reported_pid, inferior.pid)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_attach_with_vAttach_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach_manually()
-        self.attach_with_vAttach()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_attach_with_vAttach_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach_manually()
-        self.attach_with_vAttach()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAuxvSupport.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAuxvSupport.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAuxvSupport.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteAuxvSupport.py (removed)
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteAuxvSupport(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    AUXV_SUPPORT_FEATURE_NAME = "qXfer:auxv:read"
-    def has_auxv_support(self):
-        inferior_args = ["message:main entered", "sleep:5"]
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=inferior_args)
-        # Don't do anything until we match the launched inferior main entry output.
-        # Then immediately interrupt the process.
-        # This prevents auxv data being asked for before it's ready and leaves
-        # us in a stopped state.
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            # Start the inferior...
-            "read packet: $c#63",
-            # ... match output....
-            { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^message:main entered\r\n$" },
-            ], True)
-        # ... then interrupt.
-        self.add_interrupt_packets()
-        self.add_qSupported_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        features = self.parse_qSupported_response(context)
-        return self.AUXV_SUPPORT_FEATURE_NAME in features and features[self.AUXV_SUPPORT_FEATURE_NAME] == "+"
-    def get_raw_auxv_data(self):
-        # Start up llgs and inferior, and check for auxv support.
-        if not self.has_auxv_support():
-            self.skipTest("auxv data not supported")
-        # Grab pointer size for target.  We'll assume that is equivalent to an unsigned long on the target.
-        # Auxv is specified in terms of pairs of unsigned longs.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        proc_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(proc_info)
-        self.assertTrue("ptrsize" in proc_info)
-        word_size = int(proc_info["ptrsize"])
-        OFFSET = 0
-        LENGTH = 0x400
-        # Grab the auxv data.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $qXfer:auxv:read::{:x},{:x}:#00".format(OFFSET, LENGTH),
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":re.compile(r"^\$([^E])(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL), "capture":{1:"response_type", 2:"content_raw"} }
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Ensure we end up with all auxv data in one packet.
-        # FIXME don't assume it all comes back in one packet.
-        self.assertEqual(context.get("response_type"), "l")
-        # Decode binary data.
-        content_raw = context.get("content_raw")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(content_raw)
-        return (word_size, self.decode_gdbremote_binary(content_raw))
-    def supports_auxv(self):
-        # When non-auxv platforms support llgs, skip the test on platforms
-        # that don't support auxv.
-        self.assertTrue(self.has_auxv_support())
-    #
-    # We skip the "supports_auxv" test on debugserver.  The rest of the tests
-    # appropriately skip the auxv tests if the support flag is not present
-    # in the qSupported response, so the debugserver test bits are still there
-    # in case debugserver code one day does have auxv support and thus those
-    # tests don't get skipped.
-    #
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_supports_auxv_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.supports_auxv()
-    def auxv_data_is_correct_size(self):
-        (word_size, auxv_data) = self.get_raw_auxv_data()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_data)
-        # Ensure auxv data is a multiple of 2*word_size (there should be two unsigned long fields per auxv entry).
-        self.assertEqual(len(auxv_data) % (2*word_size), 0)
-        # print("auxv contains {} entries".format(len(auxv_data) / (2*word_size)))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_auxv_data_is_correct_size_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.auxv_data_is_correct_size()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_auxv_data_is_correct_size_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.auxv_data_is_correct_size()
-    def auxv_keys_look_valid(self):
-        (word_size, auxv_data) = self.get_raw_auxv_data()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_data)
-        # Grab endian.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        auxv_dict = self.build_auxv_dict(endian, word_size, auxv_data)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_dict)
-        # Verify keys look reasonable.
-        for auxv_key in auxv_dict:
-            self.assertTrue(auxv_key >= 1)
-            self.assertTrue(auxv_key <= 1000)
-        # print("auxv dict: {}".format(auxv_dict))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_auxv_keys_look_valid_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.auxv_keys_look_valid()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_auxv_keys_look_valid_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.auxv_keys_look_valid()
-    def auxv_chunked_reads_work(self):
-        # Verify that multiple smaller offset,length reads of auxv data
-        # return the same data as a single larger read.
-        # Grab the auxv data with a single large read here.
-        (word_size, auxv_data) = self.get_raw_auxv_data()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_data)
-        # Grab endian.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        auxv_dict = self.build_auxv_dict(endian, word_size, auxv_data)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_dict)
-        iterated_auxv_data = self.read_binary_data_in_chunks("qXfer:auxv:read::", 2*word_size)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(iterated_auxv_data)
-        auxv_dict_iterated = self.build_auxv_dict(endian, word_size, iterated_auxv_data)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_dict_iterated)
-        # Verify both types of data collection returned same content.
-        self.assertEqual(auxv_dict_iterated, auxv_dict)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_auxv_chunked_reads_work_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.auxv_chunked_reads_work()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_auxv_chunked_reads_work_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.auxv_chunked_reads_work()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteExpeditedRegisters.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteExpeditedRegisters.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteExpeditedRegisters.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteExpeditedRegisters.py (removed)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteExpeditedRegisters(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def gather_expedited_registers(self):
-        # Setup the stub and set the gdb remote command stream.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["sleep:2"])
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            # Start up the inferior.
-            "read packet: $c#63",
-            # Immediately tell it to stop.  We want to see what it reports.
-            "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result", 2:"key_vals_text"} },
-            ], True)
-        # Run the gdb remote command stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Pull out expedited registers.
-        key_vals_text = context.get("key_vals_text")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(key_vals_text)
-        expedited_registers = self.extract_registers_from_stop_notification(key_vals_text)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(expedited_registers)
-        return expedited_registers
-    def stop_notification_contains_generic_register(self, generic_register_name):
-        # Generate a stop reply, parse out expedited registers from stop notification.
-        expedited_registers = self.gather_expedited_registers()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(expedited_registers)
-        self.assertTrue(len(expedited_registers) > 0)
-        # Gather target register infos.
-        reg_infos = self.gather_register_infos()
-        # Find the generic register.
-        reg_info = self.find_generic_register_with_name(reg_infos, generic_register_name)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_info)
-        # Ensure the expedited registers contained it.
-        self.assertTrue(reg_info["lldb_register_index"] in expedited_registers)
-        # print("{} reg_info:{}".format(generic_register_name, reg_info))
-    def stop_notification_contains_any_registers(self):
-        # Generate a stop reply, parse out expedited registers from stop notification.
-        expedited_registers = self.gather_expedited_registers()
-        # Verify we have at least one expedited register.
-        self.assertTrue(len(expedited_registers) > 0)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_any_registers_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_any_registers()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_any_registers_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_any_registers()
-    def stop_notification_contains_no_duplicate_registers(self):
-        # Generate a stop reply, parse out expedited registers from stop notification.
-        expedited_registers = self.gather_expedited_registers()
-        # Verify no expedited register was specified multiple times.
-        for (reg_num, value) in list(expedited_registers.items()):
-            if (type(value) == list) and (len(value) > 0):
-                self.fail("expedited register number {} specified more than once ({} times)".format(reg_num, len(value)))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_no_duplicate_registers_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_no_duplicate_registers()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_no_duplicate_registers_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_no_duplicate_registers()
-    def stop_notification_contains_pc_register(self):
-        self.stop_notification_contains_generic_register("pc")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_pc_register_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_pc_register()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_pc_register_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_pc_register()
-    def stop_notification_contains_fp_register(self):
-        self.stop_notification_contains_generic_register("fp")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_fp_register_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_fp_register()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_fp_register_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_fp_register()
-    def stop_notification_contains_sp_register(self):
-        self.stop_notification_contains_generic_register("sp")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_sp_register_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_sp_register()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_notification_contains_sp_register_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_notification_contains_sp_register()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteKill.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteKill.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteKill.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteKill.py (removed)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import lldbgdbserverutils
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteKill(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def attach_commandline_kill_after_initial_stop(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $k#6b",
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$X[0-9a-fA-F]+([^#]*)#[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}" },
-            ], True)
-        if self.stub_sends_two_stop_notifications_on_kill:
-            # Add an expectation for a second X result for stubs that send two of these.
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$X[0-9a-fA-F]+([^#]*)#[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}" },
-                ], True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        # Wait a moment for completed and now-detached inferior process to clear.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        if not lldb.remote_platform:
-            # Process should be dead now. Reap results.
-            poll_result = procs["inferior"].poll()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(poll_result)
-        # Where possible, verify at the system level that the process is not running.
-        self.assertFalse(lldbgdbserverutils.process_is_running(procs["inferior"].pid, False))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_attach_commandline_kill_after_initial_stop_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.attach_commandline_kill_after_initial_stop()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_attach_commandline_kill_after_initial_stop_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.attach_commandline_kill_after_initial_stop()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteProcessInfo.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteProcessInfo.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteProcessInfo.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteProcessInfo.py (removed)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import lldbgdbserverutils
-import sys
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteProcessInfo(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def qProcessInfo_returns_running_process(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info response
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        # Ensure the process id looks reasonable.
-        pid_text = process_info.get("pid")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pid_text)
-        pid = int(pid_text, base=16)
-        self.assertNotEqual(0, pid)
-        # If possible, verify that the process is running.
-        self.assertTrue(lldbgdbserverutils.process_is_running(pid, True))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_returns_running_process_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_returns_running_process()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_returns_running_process_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_returns_running_process()
-    def attach_commandline_qProcessInfo_reports_correct_pid(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(procs)
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info response
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        # Ensure the process id matches what we expected.
-        pid_text = process_info.get('pid', None)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pid_text)
-        reported_pid = int(pid_text, base=16)
-        self.assertEqual(reported_pid, procs["inferior"].pid)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_attach_commandline_qProcessInfo_reports_correct_pid_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.attach_commandline_qProcessInfo_reports_correct_pid()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_attach_commandline_qProcessInfo_reports_correct_pid_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.attach_commandline_qProcessInfo_reports_correct_pid()
-    def qProcessInfo_reports_valid_endian(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info response
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        # Ensure the process id looks reasonable.
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        self.assertTrue(endian in ["little", "big", "pdp"])
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_reports_valid_endian_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_reports_valid_endian()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_reports_valid_endian_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_reports_valid_endian()
-    def qProcessInfo_contains_keys(self, expected_key_set):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info response
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        # Ensure the expected keys are present and non-None within the process info.
-        missing_key_set = set()
-        for expected_key in expected_key_set:
-            if expected_key not in process_info:
-                missing_key_set.add(expected_key)
-        self.assertEqual(missing_key_set, set(), "the listed keys are missing in the qProcessInfo result")
-    def qProcessInfo_does_not_contain_keys(self, absent_key_set):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info response
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        # Ensure the unexpected keys are not present
-        unexpected_key_set = set()
-        for unexpected_key in absent_key_set:
-            if unexpected_key in process_info:
-                unexpected_key_set.add(unexpected_key)
-        self.assertEqual(unexpected_key_set, set(), "the listed keys were present but unexpected in qProcessInfo result")
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_contains_cputype_cpusubtype_debugserver_darwin(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_contains_keys(set(['cputype', 'cpusubtype']))
-    @skipUnlessPlatform(["linux"])
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_contains_triple_llgs_linux(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_contains_keys(set(['triple']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_does_not_contain_triple_debugserver_darwin(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        # We don't expect to see triple on darwin.  If we do, we'll prefer triple
-        # to cputype/cpusubtype and skip some darwin-based ProcessGDBRemote ArchSpec setup
-        # for the remote Host and Process.
-        self.qProcessInfo_does_not_contain_keys(set(['triple']))
-    @skipUnlessPlatform(["linux"])
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qProcessInfo_does_not_contain_cputype_cpusubtype_llgs_linux(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qProcessInfo_does_not_contain_keys(set(['cputype', 'cpusubtype']))

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteRegisterState.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteRegisterState.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteRegisterState.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteRegisterState.py (removed)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteRegisterState(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    """Test QSaveRegisterState/QRestoreRegisterState support."""
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def grp_register_save_restore_works(self, with_suffix):
-        # Start up the process, use thread suffix, grab main thread id.
-        inferior_args = ["message:main entered", "sleep:5"]
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=inferior_args)
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        if with_suffix:
-            self.add_thread_suffix_request_packets()
-        self.add_threadinfo_collection_packets()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            # Start the inferior...
-            "read packet: $c#63",
-            # ... match output....
-            { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^message:main entered\r\n$" },
-            ], True)
-        # ... then interrupt.
-        self.add_interrupt_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info.
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        # Gather register info.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
-        # Pull out the register infos that we think we can bit flip successfully.
-        gpr_reg_infos = [reg_info for reg_info in reg_infos if self.is_bit_flippable_register(reg_info)]
-        self.assertTrue(len(gpr_reg_infos) > 0)
-        # Gather thread info.
-        if with_suffix:
-            threads = self.parse_threadinfo_packets(context)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-            thread_id = threads[0]
-            self.assertIsNotNone(thread_id)
-            # print("Running on thread: 0x{:x}".format(thread_id))
-        else:
-            thread_id = None
-        # Save register state.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_QSaveRegisterState_packets(thread_id)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        (success, state_id) = self.parse_QSaveRegisterState_response(context)
-        self.assertTrue(success)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(state_id)
-        # print("saved register state id: {}".format(state_id))
-        # Remember initial register values.
-        initial_reg_values = self.read_register_values(gpr_reg_infos, endian, thread_id=thread_id)
-        # print("initial_reg_values: {}".format(initial_reg_values))
-        # Flip gpr register values.
-        (successful_writes, failed_writes) = self.flip_all_bits_in_each_register_value(gpr_reg_infos, endian, thread_id=thread_id)
-        # print("successful writes: {}, failed writes: {}".format(successful_writes, failed_writes))
-        self.assertTrue(successful_writes > 0)
-        flipped_reg_values = self.read_register_values(gpr_reg_infos, endian, thread_id=thread_id)
-        # print("flipped_reg_values: {}".format(flipped_reg_values))
-        # Restore register values.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_QRestoreRegisterState_packets(state_id, thread_id)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Verify registers match initial register values.
-        final_reg_values = self.read_register_values(gpr_reg_infos, endian, thread_id=thread_id)
-        # print("final_reg_values: {}".format(final_reg_values))
-        self.assertIsNotNone(final_reg_values)
-        self.assertEqual(final_reg_values, initial_reg_values)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_grp_register_save_restore_works_with_suffix_debugserver(self):
-        USE_THREAD_SUFFIX = True
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.grp_register_save_restore_works(USE_THREAD_SUFFIX)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_grp_register_save_restore_works_with_suffix_llgs(self):
-        USE_THREAD_SUFFIX = True
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.grp_register_save_restore_works(USE_THREAD_SUFFIX)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_grp_register_save_restore_works_no_suffix_debugserver(self):
-        USE_THREAD_SUFFIX = False
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.grp_register_save_restore_works(USE_THREAD_SUFFIX)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_grp_register_save_restore_works_no_suffix_llgs(self):
-        USE_THREAD_SUFFIX = False
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.grp_register_save_restore_works(USE_THREAD_SUFFIX)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteSingleStep.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteSingleStep.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteSingleStep.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteSingleStep.py (removed)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteSingleStep(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_single_step_only_steps_one_instruction_with_s_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(use_Hc_packet=True, step_instruction="s")
-    @llgs_test
-    @expectedFailureAndroid(bugnumber="llvm.com/pr24739", archs=["arm", "aarch64"])
-    def test_single_step_only_steps_one_instruction_with_s_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(use_Hc_packet=True, step_instruction="s")

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteThreadsInStopReply.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteThreadsInStopReply.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteThreadsInStopReply.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemoteThreadsInStopReply.py (removed)
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteThreadsInStopReply(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-        "read packet: $QListThreadsInStopReply#21",
-        "send packet: $OK#00",
-    ]
-    def gather_stop_reply_threads(self, post_startup_log_lines, thread_count):
-        # Set up the inferior args.
-        inferior_args=[]
-        for i in range(thread_count - 1):
-            inferior_args.append("thread:new")
-        inferior_args.append("sleep:10")
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=inferior_args)
-        # Assumes test_sequence has anything added needed to setup the initial state.
-        # (Like optionally enabling QThreadsInStopReply.)
-        if post_startup_log_lines:
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(post_startup_log_lines, True)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $c#63"
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Give threads time to start up, then break.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result", 2:"key_vals_text"} },
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Wait until all threads have started.
-        threads = self.wait_for_thread_count(thread_count, timeout_seconds=3)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), thread_count)
-        # Run, then stop the process, grab the stop reply content.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $c#63",
-            "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result", 2:"key_vals_text"} },
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Parse the stop reply contents.
-        key_vals_text = context.get("key_vals_text")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(key_vals_text)
-        kv_dict = self.parse_key_val_dict(key_vals_text)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(kv_dict)
-        # Pull out threads from stop response.
-        stop_reply_threads_text = kv_dict.get("threads")
-        if stop_reply_threads_text:
-            return [int(thread_id, 16) for thread_id in stop_reply_threads_text.split(",")]
-        else:
-            return []
-    def QListThreadsInStopReply_supported(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(self.ENABLE_THREADS_IN_STOP_REPLY_ENTRIES, True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_QListThreadsInStopReply_supported_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.QListThreadsInStopReply_supported()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_QListThreadsInStopReply_supported_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.QListThreadsInStopReply_supported()
-    def stop_reply_reports_multiple_threads(self, thread_count):
-        # Gather threads from stop notification when QThreadsInStopReply is enabled.
-        stop_reply_threads = self.gather_stop_reply_threads(self.ENABLE_THREADS_IN_STOP_REPLY_ENTRIES, thread_count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(stop_reply_threads), thread_count)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_reply_reports_multiple_threads_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_reply_reports_multiple_threads(5)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_reply_reports_multiple_threads_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_reply_reports_multiple_threads(5)
-    def no_QListThreadsInStopReply_supplies_no_threads(self, thread_count):
-        # Gather threads from stop notification when QThreadsInStopReply is not enabled.
-        stop_reply_threads = self.gather_stop_reply_threads(None, thread_count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(stop_reply_threads), 0)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_no_QListThreadsInStopReply_supplies_no_threads_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.no_QListThreadsInStopReply_supplies_no_threads(5)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_no_QListThreadsInStopReply_supplies_no_threads_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.no_QListThreadsInStopReply_supplies_no_threads(5)
-    def stop_reply_reports_correct_threads(self, thread_count):
-        # Gather threads from stop notification when QThreadsInStopReply is enabled.
-        stop_reply_threads = self.gather_stop_reply_threads(self.ENABLE_THREADS_IN_STOP_REPLY_ENTRIES, thread_count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(stop_reply_threads), thread_count)
-        # Gather threads from q{f,s}ThreadInfo.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_threadinfo_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        threads = self.parse_threadinfo_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), thread_count)
-        # Ensure each thread in q{f,s}ThreadInfo appears in stop reply threads
-        for tid in threads:
-            self.assertTrue(tid in stop_reply_threads)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_stop_reply_reports_correct_threads_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_reply_reports_correct_threads(5)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_stop_reply_reports_correct_threads_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.stop_reply_reports_correct_threads(5)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_qThreadStopInfo.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_qThreadStopInfo.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_qThreadStopInfo.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_qThreadStopInfo.py (removed)
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import sys
-import unittest2
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemote_qThreadStopInfo(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def gather_stop_replies_via_qThreadStopInfo(self, thread_count):
-        # Set up the inferior args.
-        inferior_args=[]
-        for i in range(thread_count - 1):
-            inferior_args.append("thread:new")
-        inferior_args.append("sleep:10")
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=inferior_args)
-        # Assumes test_sequence has anything added needed to setup the initial state.
-        # (Like optionally enabling QThreadsInStopReply.)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $c#63"
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Give threads time to start up, then break.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result", 2:"key_vals_text"} },
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Wait until all threads have started.
-        threads = self.wait_for_thread_count(thread_count, timeout_seconds=3)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), thread_count)
-        # Grab stop reply for each thread via qThreadStopInfo{tid:hex}.
-        stop_replies = {}
-        thread_dicts = {}
-        for thread in threads:
-            # Run the qThreadStopInfo command.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                "read packet: $qThreadStopInfo{:x}#00".format(thread),
-                {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result", 2:"key_vals_text"} },
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Parse stop reply contents.
-            key_vals_text = context.get("key_vals_text")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(key_vals_text)
-            kv_dict = self.parse_key_val_dict(key_vals_text)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(kv_dict)
-            # Verify there is a thread and that it matches the expected thread id.
-            kv_thread = kv_dict.get("thread")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(kv_thread)
-            kv_thread_id = int(kv_thread, 16)
-            self.assertEqual(kv_thread_id, thread)
-            # Grab the stop id reported.
-            stop_result_text = context.get("stop_result")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(stop_result_text)
-            stop_replies[kv_thread_id] = int(stop_result_text, 16)
-            # Hang on to the key-val dictionary for the thread.
-            thread_dicts[kv_thread_id] = kv_dict
-        return (stop_replies, thread_dicts)
-    def qThreadStopInfo_works_for_multiple_threads(self, thread_count):
-        (stop_replies, _) = self.gather_stop_replies_via_qThreadStopInfo(thread_count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(stop_replies), thread_count)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadStopInfo_works_for_multiple_threads_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadStopInfo_works_for_multiple_threads(self.THREAD_COUNT)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadStopInfo_works_for_multiple_threads_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadStopInfo_works_for_multiple_threads(self.THREAD_COUNT)
-    def qThreadStopInfo_only_reports_one_thread_stop_reason_during_interrupt(self, thread_count):
-        (stop_replies, _) = self.gather_stop_replies_via_qThreadStopInfo(thread_count)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(stop_replies)
-        no_stop_reason_count   = sum(1 for stop_reason in list(stop_replies.values()) if stop_reason == 0)
-        with_stop_reason_count = sum(1 for stop_reason in list(stop_replies.values()) if stop_reason != 0)
-        # All but one thread should report no stop reason.
-        self.assertEqual(no_stop_reason_count, thread_count - 1)
-        # Only one thread should should indicate a stop reason.
-        self.assertEqual(with_stop_reason_count, 1)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadStopInfo_only_reports_one_thread_stop_reason_during_interrupt_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadStopInfo_only_reports_one_thread_stop_reason_during_interrupt(self.THREAD_COUNT)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadStopInfo_only_reports_one_thread_stop_reason_during_interrupt_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadStopInfo_only_reports_one_thread_stop_reason_during_interrupt(self.THREAD_COUNT)
-    def qThreadStopInfo_has_valid_thread_names(self, thread_count, expected_thread_name):
-        (_, thread_dicts) = self.gather_stop_replies_via_qThreadStopInfo(thread_count)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(thread_dicts)
-        for thread_dict in list(thread_dicts.values()):
-            name = thread_dict.get("name")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(name)
-            self.assertEqual(name, expected_thread_name)
-    @unittest2.skip("MacOSX doesn't have a default thread name")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadStopInfo_has_valid_thread_names_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadStopInfo_has_valid_thread_names(self.THREAD_COUNT, "a.out")
-    @skipUnlessPlatform(["linux"]) # test requires OS with set, equal thread names by default.
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadStopInfo_has_valid_thread_names_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadStopInfo_has_valid_thread_names(self.THREAD_COUNT, "a.out")

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_vCont.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_vCont.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_vCont.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestGdbRemote_vCont.py (removed)
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemote_vCont(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def vCont_supports_mode(self, mode, inferior_args=None):
-        # Setup the stub and set the gdb remote command stream.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=inferior_args)
-        self.add_vCont_query_packets()
-        # Run the gdb remote command stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Pull out supported modes.
-        supported_vCont_modes = self.parse_vCont_query_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(supported_vCont_modes)
-        # Verify we support the given mode.
-        self.assertTrue(mode in supported_vCont_modes)
-    def vCont_supports_c(self):
-        self.vCont_supports_mode("c")
-    def vCont_supports_C(self):
-        self.vCont_supports_mode("C")
-    def vCont_supports_s(self):
-        self.vCont_supports_mode("s")
-    def vCont_supports_S(self):
-        self.vCont_supports_mode("S")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_c_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_c()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_c_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_c()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_C_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_C()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_C_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_C()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_s_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_s()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_s_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_s()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_S_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_S()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_vCont_supports_S_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.vCont_supports_S()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_single_step_only_steps_one_instruction_with_Hc_vCont_s_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(use_Hc_packet=True, step_instruction="vCont;s")
-    @llgs_test
-    @expectedFailureAndroid(bugnumber="llvm.com/pr24739", archs=["arm", "aarch64"])
-    def test_single_step_only_steps_one_instruction_with_Hc_vCont_s_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(use_Hc_packet=True, step_instruction="vCont;s")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_single_step_only_steps_one_instruction_with_vCont_s_thread_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(use_Hc_packet=False, step_instruction="vCont;s:{thread}")
-    @llgs_test
-    @expectedFailureAndroid(bugnumber="llvm.com/pr24739", archs=["arm", "aarch64"])
-    def test_single_step_only_steps_one_instruction_with_vCont_s_thread_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(use_Hc_packet=False, step_instruction="vCont;s:{thread}")

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestLldbGdbServer.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestLldbGdbServer.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestLldbGdbServer.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/TestLldbGdbServer.py (removed)
@@ -1,1471 +0,0 @@
-Test case for testing the gdbremote protocol.
-Tests run against debugserver and lldb-server (llgs).
-lldb-server tests run where the lldb-server exe is
-This class will be broken into smaller test case classes by
-gdb remote packet functional areas.  For now it contains
-the initial set of tests implemented.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import unittest2
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import lldbgdbserverutils
-import platform
-import signal
-from lldbtest import *
-class LldbGdbServerTestCase(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_exe_starts_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_exe_starts_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-    def start_no_ack_mode(self):
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_start_no_ack_mode_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.start_no_ack_mode()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_start_no_ack_mode_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.start_no_ack_mode()
-    def thread_suffix_supported(self):
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["lldb-server <  26> read packet: $QThreadSuffixSupported#e4",
-             "lldb-server <   6> send packet: $OK#9a"],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_thread_suffix_supported_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.thread_suffix_supported()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_thread_suffix_supported_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.thread_suffix_supported()
-    def list_threads_in_stop_reply_supported(self):
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["lldb-server <  27> read packet: $QListThreadsInStopReply#21",
-             "lldb-server <   6> send packet: $OK#9a"],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_list_threads_in_stop_reply_supported_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.list_threads_in_stop_reply_supported()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_list_threads_in_stop_reply_supported_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.list_threads_in_stop_reply_supported()
-    def install_and_create_launch_args(self):
-        exe_path = os.path.abspath('a.out')
-        if not lldb.remote_platform:
-            return [exe_path]
-        remote_path = lldbutil.append_to_process_working_directory(os.path.basename(exe_path))
-        remote_file_spec = lldb.SBFileSpec(remote_path, False)
-        err = lldb.remote_platform.Install(lldb.SBFileSpec(exe_path, True), remote_file_spec)
-        if err.Fail():
-            raise Exception("remote_platform.Install('%s', '%s') failed: %s" % (exe_path, remote_path, err))
-        return [remote_path]
-    def start_inferior(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: %s" % lldbgdbserverutils.build_gdbremote_A_packet(launch_args),
-             "send packet: $OK#9a"],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_start_inferior_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.start_inferior()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_start_inferior_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.start_inferior()
-    def inferior_exit_0(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $vCont;c#a8",
-             "send packet: $W00#00"],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_inferior_exit_0_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_exit_0()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_inferior_exit_0_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_exit_0()
-    def inferior_exit_42(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        RETVAL = 42
-        # build launch args
-        launch_args += ["retval:%d" % RETVAL]
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $vCont;c#a8",
-             "send packet: $W{0:02x}#00".format(RETVAL)],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_inferior_exit_42_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_exit_42()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_inferior_exit_42_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_exit_42()
-    def c_packet_works(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $c#63",
-             "send packet: $W00#00"],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_c_packet_works_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.c_packet_works()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_c_packet_works_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.c_packet_works()
-    def inferior_print_exit(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # build launch args
-        launch_args += ["hello, world"]
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $vCont;c#a8",
-             {"type":"output_match", "regex":r"^hello, world\r\n$" },
-             "send packet: $W00#00"],
-            True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_inferior_print_exit_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_print_exit()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_inferior_print_exit_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_print_exit()
-    def first_launch_stop_reply_thread_matches_first_qC(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # build launch args
-        launch_args += ["hello, world"]
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qC#00",
-             { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$QC([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"thread_id"} },
-             "read packet: $?#00",
-             { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T[0-9a-fA-F]{2}thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+)", "expect_captures":{1:"thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_first_launch_stop_reply_thread_matches_first_qC_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.first_launch_stop_reply_thread_matches_first_qC()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_first_launch_stop_reply_thread_matches_first_qC_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.first_launch_stop_reply_thread_matches_first_qC()
-    def attach_commandline_continue_app_exits(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $vCont;c#a8",
-             "send packet: $W00#00"],
-            True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        # Wait a moment for completed and now-detached inferior process to clear.
-        time.sleep(1)
-        if not lldb.remote_platform:
-            # Process should be dead now. Reap results.
-            poll_result = procs["inferior"].poll()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(poll_result)
-        # Where possible, verify at the system level that the process is not running.
-        self.assertFalse(lldbgdbserverutils.process_is_running(procs["inferior"].pid, False))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_attach_commandline_continue_app_exits_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.attach_commandline_continue_app_exits()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_attach_commandline_continue_app_exits_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.attach_commandline_continue_app_exits()
-    def qRegisterInfo_returns_one_valid_result(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # Build the expected protocol stream
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qRegisterInfo0#00",
-             { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.+);#[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}", "capture":{1:"reginfo_0"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the stream
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        reg_info_packet = context.get("reginfo_0")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_info_packet)
-        self.assert_valid_reg_info(lldbgdbserverutils.parse_reg_info_response(reg_info_packet))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_returns_one_valid_result_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_returns_one_valid_result()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_returns_one_valid_result_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_returns_one_valid_result()
-    def qRegisterInfo_returns_all_valid_results(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # Build the expected protocol stream.
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Validate that each register info returned validates.
-        for reg_info in self.parse_register_info_packets(context):
-            self.assert_valid_reg_info(reg_info)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_returns_all_valid_results_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_returns_all_valid_results()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_returns_all_valid_results_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_returns_all_valid_results()
-    def qRegisterInfo_contains_required_generics(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # Build the expected protocol stream
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather register info entries.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        # Collect all generic registers found.
-        generic_regs = { reg_info['generic']:1 for reg_info in reg_infos if 'generic' in reg_info }
-        # Ensure we have a program counter register.
-        self.assertTrue('pc' in generic_regs)
-        # Ensure we have a frame pointer register.
-        self.assertTrue('fp' in generic_regs)
-        # Ensure we have a stack pointer register.
-        self.assertTrue('sp' in generic_regs)
-        # Ensure we have a flags register.
-        self.assertTrue('flags' in generic_regs)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_contains_required_generics_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_contains_required_generics()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_contains_required_generics_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_contains_required_generics()
-    def qRegisterInfo_contains_at_least_one_register_set(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # Build the expected protocol stream
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather register info entries.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        # Collect all register sets found.
-        register_sets = { reg_info['set']:1 for reg_info in reg_infos if 'set' in reg_info }
-        self.assertTrue(len(register_sets) >= 1)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_contains_at_least_one_register_set_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_contains_at_least_one_register_set()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_contains_at_least_one_register_set_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_contains_at_least_one_register_set()
-    def targetHasAVX(self):
-        triple = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple()
-        # TODO other platforms, please implement this function
-        if not re.match(".*-.*-linux", triple):
-            return True
-        # Need to do something different for non-Linux/Android targets
-        if lldb.remote_platform:
-            self.runCmd('platform get-file "/proc/cpuinfo" "cpuinfo"')
-            cpuinfo_path = "cpuinfo"
-            self.addTearDownHook(lambda: os.unlink("cpuinfo"))
-        else:
-            cpuinfo_path = "/proc/cpuinfo"
-        f = open(cpuinfo_path, 'r')
-        cpuinfo = f.read()
-        f.close()
-        return " avx " in cpuinfo
-    def qRegisterInfo_contains_avx_registers(self):
-        launch_args = self.install_and_create_launch_args()
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # Build the expected protocol stream
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather register info entries.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        # Collect all generics found.
-        register_sets = { reg_info['set']:1 for reg_info in reg_infos if 'set' in reg_info }
-        self.assertEqual(self.targetHasAVX(), "Advanced Vector Extensions" in register_sets)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qRegisterInfo_contains_avx_registers_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.qRegisterInfo_contains_avx_registers()
-    def qThreadInfo_contains_thread(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_threadinfo_collection_packets()
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather threadinfo entries.
-        threads = self.parse_threadinfo_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-        # We should have exactly one thread.
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), 1)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_contains_thread_launch_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadInfo_contains_thread()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_contains_thread_launch_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadInfo_contains_thread()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_contains_thread_attach_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.qThreadInfo_contains_thread()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_contains_thread_attach_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.qThreadInfo_contains_thread()
-    def qThreadInfo_matches_qC(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_threadinfo_collection_packets()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qC#00",
-             { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$QC([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"thread_id"} }
-             ], True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather threadinfo entries.
-        threads = self.parse_threadinfo_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-        # We should have exactly one thread from threadinfo.
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), 1)
-        # We should have a valid thread_id from $QC.
-        QC_thread_id_hex = context.get("thread_id")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(QC_thread_id_hex)
-        QC_thread_id = int(QC_thread_id_hex, 16)
-        # Those two should be the same.
-        self.assertEqual(threads[0], QC_thread_id)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_matches_qC_launch_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadInfo_matches_qC()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_matches_qC_launch_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qThreadInfo_matches_qC()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_matches_qC_attach_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.qThreadInfo_matches_qC()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qThreadInfo_matches_qC_attach_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.qThreadInfo_matches_qC()
-    def p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather register info entries.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.assertTrue(len(reg_infos) > 0)
-        # Read value for each register.
-        reg_index = 0
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            # Skip registers that don't have a register set.  For x86, these are
-            # the DRx registers, which have no LLDB-kind register number and thus
-            # cannot be read via normal NativeRegisterContext::ReadRegister(reg_info,...) calls.
-            if not "set" in reg_info:
-                continue
-            # Clear existing packet expectations.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            # Run the register query
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                ["read packet: $p{0:x}#00".format(reg_index),
-                 { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} }],
-                True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Verify the response length.
-            p_response = context.get("p_response")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-            self.assertEqual(len(p_response), 2 * int(reg_info["bitsize"]) / 8)
-            # Increment loop
-            reg_index += 1
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo_launch_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo_launch_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo_attach_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo_attach_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.p_returns_correct_data_size_for_each_qRegisterInfo()
-    def Hg_switches_to_3_threads(self):
-        # Startup the inferior with three threads (main + 2 new ones).
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["thread:new", "thread:new"])
-        # Let the inferior process have a few moments to start up the thread when launched.  (The launch scenario has no time to run, so threads won't be there yet.)
-        self.run_process_then_stop(run_seconds=1)
-        # Wait at most x seconds for 3 threads to be present.
-        threads = self.wait_for_thread_count(3, timeout_seconds=5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), 3)
-        # verify we can $H to each thead, and $qC matches the thread we set.
-        for thread in threads:
-            # Change to each thread, verify current thread id.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                ["read packet: $Hg{0:x}#00".format(thread),  # Set current thread.
-                 "send packet: $OK#00",
-                 "read packet: $qC#00",
-                 { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$QC([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"thread_id"} }],
-                True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Verify the thread id.
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("thread_id"))
-            self.assertEqual(int(context.get("thread_id"), 16), thread)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_launch_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_launch_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_attach_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_attach_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
-        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
-    def Hc_then_Csignal_signals_correct_thread(self, segfault_signo):
-        # NOTE only run this one in inferior-launched mode: we can't grab inferior stdout when running attached,
-        # and the test requires getting stdout from the exe.
-        NUM_THREADS = 3
-        # Startup the inferior with three threads (main + NUM_THREADS-1 worker threads).
-        # inferior_args=["thread:print-ids"]
-        inferior_args=["thread:segfault"]
-        for i in range(NUM_THREADS - 1):
-            # if i > 0:
-                # Give time between thread creation/segfaulting for the handler to work.
-                # inferior_args.append("sleep:1")
-            inferior_args.append("thread:new")
-        inferior_args.append("sleep:10")
-        # Launch/attach.  (In our case, this should only ever be launched since we need inferior stdout/stderr).
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=inferior_args)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(["read packet: $c#63"], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        # Let the inferior process have a few moments to start up the thread when launched.
-        # context = self.run_process_then_stop(run_seconds=1)
-        # Wait at most x seconds for all threads to be present.
-        # threads = self.wait_for_thread_count(NUM_THREADS, timeout_seconds=5)
-        # self.assertEquals(len(threads), NUM_THREADS)
-        signaled_tids = {}
-        print_thread_ids = {}
-        # Switch to each thread, deliver a signal, and verify signal delivery
-        for i in range(NUM_THREADS - 1):
-            # Run until SIGSEGV comes in.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                [{"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"signo", 2:"thread_id"} }
-                 ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence(timeout_seconds=10)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            signo = context.get("signo")
-            self.assertEqual(int(signo, 16), segfault_signo)
-            # Ensure we haven't seen this tid yet.
-            thread_id = int(context.get("thread_id"), 16)
-            self.assertFalse(thread_id in signaled_tids)
-            signaled_tids[thread_id] = 1
-            # Send SIGUSR1 to the thread that signaled the SIGSEGV.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                [
-                # Set the continue thread.
-                 "read packet: $Hc{0:x}#00".format(thread_id),  # Set current thread.
-                 "send packet: $OK#00",
-                 # Continue sending the signal number to the continue thread.
-                 # The commented out packet is a way to do this same operation without using
-                 # a $Hc (but this test is testing $Hc, so we'll stick with the former).
-                 "read packet: $C{0:x}#00".format(lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGUSR1')),
-                 # "read packet: $vCont;C{0:x}:{1:x};c#00".format(lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGUSR1'), thread_id),
-                 # FIXME: Linux does not report the thread stop on the delivered signal (SIGUSR1 here).  MacOSX debugserver does.
-                 # But MacOSX debugserver isn't guaranteeing the thread the signal handler runs on, so currently its an XFAIL.
-                 # Need to rectify behavior here.  The linux behavior is more intuitive to me since we're essentially swapping out
-                 # an about-to-be-delivered signal (for which we already sent a stop packet) to a different signal.
-                 # {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} },
-                 #  "read packet: $c#63",
-                 { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^received SIGUSR1 on thread id: ([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\nthread ([0-9a-fA-F]+): past SIGSEGV\r\n", "capture":{ 1:"print_thread_id", 2:"post_handle_thread_id" } },
-                ],
-                True)
-            # Run the sequence.
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence(timeout_seconds=10)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Ensure the stop signal is the signal we delivered.
-            # stop_signo = context.get("stop_signo")
-            # self.assertIsNotNone(stop_signo)
-            # self.assertEquals(int(stop_signo,16), lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGUSR1'))
-            # Ensure the stop thread is the thread to which we delivered the signal.
-            # stop_thread_id = context.get("stop_thread_id")
-            # self.assertIsNotNone(stop_thread_id)
-            # self.assertEquals(int(stop_thread_id,16), thread_id)
-            # Ensure we haven't seen this thread id yet.  The inferior's self-obtained thread ids are not guaranteed to match the stub tids (at least on MacOSX).
-            print_thread_id = context.get("print_thread_id")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(print_thread_id)
-            print_thread_id = int(print_thread_id, 16)
-            self.assertFalse(print_thread_id in print_thread_ids)
-            # Now remember this print (i.e. inferior-reflected) thread id and ensure we don't hit it again.
-            print_thread_ids[print_thread_id] = 1
-            # Ensure post signal-handle thread id matches the thread that initially raised the SIGSEGV.
-            post_handle_thread_id = context.get("post_handle_thread_id")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(post_handle_thread_id)
-            post_handle_thread_id = int(post_handle_thread_id, 16)
-            self.assertEqual(post_handle_thread_id, print_thread_id)
-    @unittest2.expectedFailure()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_Hc_then_Csignal_signals_correct_thread_launch_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Darwin debugserver translates some signals like SIGSEGV into some gdb expectations about fixed signal numbers.
-        self.Hc_then_Csignal_signals_correct_thread(self.TARGET_EXC_BAD_ACCESS)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_Hc_then_Csignal_signals_correct_thread_launch_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.Hc_then_Csignal_signals_correct_thread(lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGSEGV'))
-    def m_packet_reads_memory(self):
-        # This is the memory we will write into the inferior and then ensure we can read back with $m.
-        MEMORY_CONTENTS = "Test contents 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["set-message:%s" % MEMORY_CONTENTS, "get-data-address-hex:g_message", "sleep:5"])
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-             # Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the message buffer within the inferior. 
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^data address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"message_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the message address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("message_address"))
-        message_address = int(context.get("message_address"), 16)
-        # Grab contents from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(message_address, len(MEMORY_CONTENTS)),
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"read_contents"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Ensure what we read from inferior memory is what we wrote.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("read_contents"))
-        read_contents = context.get("read_contents").decode("hex")
-        self.assertEqual(read_contents, MEMORY_CONTENTS)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_m_packet_reads_memory_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.m_packet_reads_memory()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_m_packet_reads_memory_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.m_packet_reads_memory()
-    def qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported(self):
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        # Ask if it supports $qMemoryRegionInfo.
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qMemoryRegionInfo#00",
-             "send packet: $OK#00"
-             ], True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported()
-    def qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable(self):
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-code-address-hex:hello", "sleep:5"])
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-             # Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the message buffer within the inferior. 
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"code_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the code address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("code_address"))
-        code_address = int(context.get("code_address"), 16)
-        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(code_address)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
-        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
-        self.assertFalse("error" in mem_region_dict)
-        # Ensure code address is readable and executable.
-        self.assertTrue("permissions" in mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertTrue("r" in mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        self.assertTrue("x" in mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
-        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(code_address, mem_region_dict)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable()
-    def qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_readable_writeable(self):
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-stack-address-hex:", "sleep:5"])
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-             # Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the message buffer within the inferior. 
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^stack address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"stack_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stack_address"))
-        stack_address = int(context.get("stack_address"), 16)
-        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(stack_address)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
-        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
-        self.assertFalse("error" in mem_region_dict)
-        # Ensure address is readable and executable.
-        self.assertTrue("permissions" in mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertTrue("r" in mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        self.assertTrue("w" in mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
-        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(stack_address, mem_region_dict)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_readable_writeable_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_readable_writeable()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_readable_writeable_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_readable_writeable()
-    def qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_readable_writeable(self):
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-heap-address-hex:", "sleep:5"])
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-             # Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the message buffer within the inferior. 
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^heap address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"heap_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("heap_address"))
-        heap_address = int(context.get("heap_address"), 16)
-        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(heap_address)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
-        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
-        self.assertFalse("error" in mem_region_dict)
-        # Ensure address is readable and executable.
-        self.assertTrue("permissions" in mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertTrue("r" in mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        self.assertTrue("w" in mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
-        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(heap_address, mem_region_dict)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_readable_writeable_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_readable_writeable()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_readable_writeable_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_readable_writeable()
-    def software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self):
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-code-address-hex:hello", "sleep:1", "call-function:hello"])
-        # Run the process
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [# Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the function call entry point.
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"function_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info - we need endian of target to handle register value conversions.
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        # Gather register info entries.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        (pc_lldb_reg_index, pc_reg_info) = self.find_pc_reg_info(reg_infos)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pc_lldb_reg_index)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pc_reg_info)
-        # Grab the function address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("function_address"))
-        function_address = int(context.get("function_address"), 16)
-        # Set the breakpoint.
-        if self.getArchitecture() == "arm":
-            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
-            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 4
-        else:
-            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 1
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_set_breakpoint_packets(function_address, do_continue=True, breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Verify the stop signal reported was the breakpoint signal number.
-        stop_signo = context.get("stop_signo")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(stop_signo)
-        self.assertEqual(int(stop_signo,16), lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGTRAP'))
-        # Ensure we did not receive any output.  If the breakpoint was not set, we would
-        # see output (from a launched process with captured stdio) printing a hello, world message.
-        # That would indicate the breakpoint didn't take.
-        self.assertEqual(len(context["O_content"]), 0)
-        # Verify that the PC for the main thread is where we expect it - right at the breakpoint address.
-        # This acts as a another validation on the register reading code.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-             # Print the PC.  This should match the breakpoint address.
-             "read packet: $p{0:x}#00".format(pc_lldb_reg_index),
-             # Capture $p results.
-             { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} },
-             ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Verify the PC is where we expect.  Note response is in endianness of the inferior.
-        p_response = context.get("p_response")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-        # Convert from target endian to int.
-        returned_pc = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, p_response)
-        self.assertEqual(returned_pc, function_address)
-        # Verify that a breakpoint remove and continue gets us the expected output.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-            # Remove the breakpoint.
-            "read packet: $z0,{0:x},{1}#00".format(function_address, BREAKPOINT_KIND),
-            # Verify the stub could unset it.
-            "send packet: $OK#00",
-            # Continue running.
-            "read packet: $c#63",
-            # We should now receive the output from the call.
-            { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^hello, world\r\n$" },
-            # And wait for program completion.
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$W00(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$" },
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work()
-    def qSupported_returns_known_stub_features(self):
-        # Start up the stub and start/prep the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_qSupported_packets()
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Retrieve the qSupported features.
-        supported_dict = self.parse_qSupported_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(supported_dict)
-        self.assertTrue(len(supported_dict) > 0)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_qSupported_returns_known_stub_features_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qSupported_returns_known_stub_features()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_qSupported_returns_known_stub_features_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.qSupported_returns_known_stub_features()
-    def written_M_content_reads_back_correctly(self):
-        TEST_MESSAGE = "Hello, memory"
-        # Start up the stub and start/prep the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["set-message:xxxxxxxxxxxxxX", "get-data-address-hex:g_message", "sleep:1", "print-message:"])
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-             # Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the message buffer within the inferior. 
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^data address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"message_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the message address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("message_address"))
-        message_address = int(context.get("message_address"), 16)
-        # Hex-encode the test message, adding null termination.
-        hex_encoded_message = TEST_MESSAGE.encode("hex")
-        # Write the message to the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $M{0:x},{1:x}:{2}#00".format(message_address, len(hex_encoded_message)/2, hex_encoded_message),
-             "send packet: $OK#00",
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^message: (.+)\r\n$", "capture":{ 1:"printed_message"} },
-             "send packet: $W00#00",
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Ensure what we read from inferior memory is what we wrote.
-        printed_message = context.get("printed_message")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(printed_message)
-        self.assertEqual(printed_message, TEST_MESSAGE + "X")
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_written_M_content_reads_back_correctly_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.written_M_content_reads_back_correctly()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_written_M_content_reads_back_correctly_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.written_M_content_reads_back_correctly()
-    def P_writes_all_gpr_registers(self):
-        # Start inferior debug session, grab all register info.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["sleep:2"])
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Process register infos.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
-        # Process endian.
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        # Pull out the register infos that we think we can bit flip successfully,.
-        gpr_reg_infos = [reg_info for reg_info in reg_infos if self.is_bit_flippable_register(reg_info)]
-        self.assertTrue(len(gpr_reg_infos) > 0)
-        # Write flipped bit pattern of existing value to each register.
-        (successful_writes, failed_writes) = self.flip_all_bits_in_each_register_value(gpr_reg_infos, endian)
-        # print("successful writes: {}, failed writes: {}".format(successful_writes, failed_writes))
-        self.assertTrue(successful_writes > 0)
-    # Note: as of this moment, a hefty number of the GPR writes are failing with E32 (everything except rax-rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp).
-    # Come back to this.  I have the test rigged to verify that at least some of the bit-flip writes work.
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_P_writes_all_gpr_registers_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.P_writes_all_gpr_registers()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_P_writes_all_gpr_registers_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.P_writes_all_gpr_registers()
-    def P_and_p_thread_suffix_work(self):
-        # Startup the inferior with three threads.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["thread:new", "thread:new"])
-        self.add_thread_suffix_request_packets()
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
-        reg_index = self.select_modifiable_register(reg_infos)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_index)
-        reg_byte_size = int(reg_infos[reg_index]["bitsize"]) / 8
-        self.assertTrue(reg_byte_size > 0)
-        # Run the process a bit so threads can start up, and collect register info.
-        context = self.run_process_then_stop(run_seconds=1)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Wait for 3 threads to be present.
-        threads = self.wait_for_thread_count(3, timeout_seconds=5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(threads), 3)
-        expected_reg_values = []
-        register_increment = 1
-        next_value = None
-        # Set the same register in each of 3 threads to a different value.
-        # Verify each one has the unique value.
-        for thread in threads:
-            # If we don't have a next value yet, start it with the initial read value + 1
-            if not next_value:
-                # Read pre-existing register value.
-                self.reset_test_sequence()
-                self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                    ["read packet: $p{0:x};thread:{1:x}#00".format(reg_index, thread),
-                     { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} },
-                    ], True)
-                context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-                self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-                # Set the next value to use for writing as the increment plus current value.
-                p_response = context.get("p_response")
-                self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-                next_value = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, p_response)
-            # Set new value using P and thread suffix.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                ["read packet: $P{0:x}={1};thread:{2:x}#00".format(reg_index, lldbgdbserverutils.pack_register_hex(endian, next_value, byte_size=reg_byte_size), thread),
-                 "send packet: $OK#00",
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Save the value we set.
-            expected_reg_values.append(next_value)
-            # Increment value for next thread to use (we want them all different so we can verify they wrote to each thread correctly next.)
-            next_value += register_increment
-        # Revisit each thread and verify they have the expected value set for the register we wrote.
-        thread_index = 0
-        for thread in threads:
-            # Read pre-existing register value.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                ["read packet: $p{0:x};thread:{1:x}#00".format(reg_index, thread),
-                 { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} },
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Get the register value.
-            p_response = context.get("p_response")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-            read_value = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, p_response)
-            # Make sure we read back what we wrote.
-            self.assertEqual(read_value, expected_reg_values[thread_index])
-            thread_index += 1
-    # Note: as of this moment, a hefty number of the GPR writes are failing with E32 (everything except rax-rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp).
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_P_and_p_thread_suffix_work_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.P_and_p_thread_suffix_work()
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_P_and_p_thread_suffix_work_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.P_and_p_thread_suffix_work()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubReverseConnect.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubReverseConnect.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubReverseConnect.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubReverseConnect.py (removed)
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import lldbgdbserverutils
-import re
-import select
-import socket
-import time
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestStubReverseConnect(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Set up the test.
-        gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase.setUp(self)
-        # Create a listener on a local port.
-        self.listener_socket = self.create_listener_socket()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(self.listener_socket)
-        self.listener_port = self.listener_socket.getsockname()[1]
-    def create_listener_socket(self, timeout_seconds=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(sock)
-        sock.settimeout(timeout_seconds)
-        sock.bind(("",0))
-        sock.listen(1)
-        def tear_down_listener():
-            try:
-                sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
-            except:
-                # ignore
-                None
-        self.addTearDownHook(tear_down_listener)
-        return sock
-    def reverse_connect_works(self):
-        # Indicate stub startup should do a reverse connect.
-        appended_stub_args = ["--reverse-connect"]
-        if self.debug_monitor_extra_args:
-            self.debug_monitor_extra_args += appended_stub_args
-        else:
-            self.debug_monitor_extra_args = appended_stub_args
-        self.stub_hostname = ""
-        self.port = self.listener_port
-        triple = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple()
-        if re.match(".*-.*-.*-android", triple):
-            self.forward_adb_port(self.port, self.port, "reverse", self.stub_device)
-        # Start the stub.
-        server = self.launch_debug_monitor(logfile=sys.stdout)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.assertTrue(lldbgdbserverutils.process_is_running(server.pid, True))
-        # Listen for the stub's connection to us.
-        (stub_socket, address) = self.listener_socket.accept()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(stub_socket)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(address)
-        print("connected to stub {} on {}".format(address, stub_socket.getsockname()))
-        # Verify we can do the handshake.  If that works, we'll call it good.
-        self.do_handshake(stub_socket, timeout_seconds=self._DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-        # Clean up.
-        stub_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_reverse_connect_works_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test(use_named_pipe=False)
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.reverse_connect_works()
-    @llgs_test
-    @skipIfRemote # reverse connect is not a supported use case for now
-    def test_reverse_connect_works_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test(use_named_pipe=False)
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.reverse_connect_works()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubSetSID.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubSetSID.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubSetSID.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/commandline/TestStubSetSID.py (removed)
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import lldbgdbserverutils
-import os
-import select
-import tempfile
-import time
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestStubSetSIDTestCase(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def get_stub_sid(self, extra_stub_args=None):
-        # Launch debugserver
-        if extra_stub_args:
-            self.debug_monitor_extra_args += extra_stub_args
-        server = self.launch_debug_monitor()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        self.assertTrue(lldbgdbserverutils.process_is_running(server.pid, True))
-        # Get the process id for the stub.
-        return os.getsid(server.pid)
-    def sid_is_same_without_setsid(self):
-        stub_sid = self.get_stub_sid()
-        self.assertEqual(stub_sid, os.getsid(0))
-    def sid_is_different_with_setsid(self):
-        stub_sid = self.get_stub_sid(["--setsid"])
-        self.assertNotEqual(stub_sid, os.getsid(0))
-    def sid_is_different_with_S(self):
-        stub_sid = self.get_stub_sid(["-S"])
-        self.assertNotEqual(stub_sid, os.getsid(0))
-    @debugserver_test
-    @skipIfRemote # --setsid not used on remote platform and currently it is also impossible to get the sid of lldb-platform running on a remote target
-    def test_sid_is_same_without_setsid_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.sid_is_same_without_setsid()
-    @llgs_test
-    @skipIfRemote # --setsid not used on remote platform and currently it is also impossible to get the sid of lldb-platform running on a remote target
-    @expectedFailureFreeBSD()
-    def test_sid_is_same_without_setsid_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.sid_is_same_without_setsid()
-    @debugserver_test
-    @skipIfRemote # --setsid not used on remote platform and currently it is also impossible to get the sid of lldb-platform running on a remote target
-    def test_sid_is_different_with_setsid_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.sid_is_different_with_setsid()
-    @llgs_test
-    @skipIfRemote # --setsid not used on remote platform and currently it is also impossible to get the sid of lldb-platform running on a remote target
-    def test_sid_is_different_with_setsid_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.sid_is_different_with_setsid()
-    @debugserver_test
-    @skipIfRemote # --setsid not used on remote platform and currently it is also impossible to get the sid of lldb-platform running on a remote target
-    def test_sid_is_different_with_S_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.sid_is_different_with_S()
-    @llgs_test
-    @skipIfRemote # --setsid not used on remote platform and currently it is also impossible to get the sid of lldb-platform running on a remote target
-    def test_sid_is_different_with_S_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.sid_is_different_with_S()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py (removed)
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-Base class for gdb-remote test cases.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import errno
-import os
-import os.path
-import platform
-import random
-import re
-import select
-import sets
-import signal
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-from lldbtest import *
-from lldbgdbserverutils import *
-import logging
-class GdbRemoteTestCaseBase(TestBase):
-    # _LOGGING_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG
-    # Start the inferior separately, attach to the inferior on the stub command line.
-    _STARTUP_ATTACH = "attach"
-    # Start the inferior separately, start the stub without attaching, allow the test to attach to the inferior however it wants (e.g. $vAttach;pid).
-    _STARTUP_ATTACH_MANUALLY = "attach_manually"
-    # Start the stub, and launch the inferior with an $A packet via the initial packet stream.
-    _STARTUP_LAUNCH = "launch"
-    # GDB Signal numbers that are not target-specific used for common exceptions
-    TARGET_EXC_BAD_ACCESS      = 0x91
-    TARGET_EXC_ARITHMETIC      = 0x93
-    TARGET_EXC_EMULATION       = 0x94
-    TARGET_EXC_SOFTWARE        = 0x95
-    TARGET_EXC_BREAKPOINT      = 0x96
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestBase.setUp(self)
-        FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
-        logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT)
-        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-        self.logger.setLevel(self._LOGGING_LEVEL)
-        self.test_sequence = GdbRemoteTestSequence(self.logger)
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.port = self.get_next_port()
-        self.named_pipe_path = None
-        self.named_pipe = None
-        self.named_pipe_fd = None
-        self.stub_sends_two_stop_notifications_on_kill = False
-        if lldb.platform_url:
-            scheme, host = re.match('(.+)://(.+):\d+', lldb.platform_url).groups()
-            if scheme == 'adb':
-                self.stub_device = host
-                self.stub_hostname = 'localhost'
-            else:
-                self.stub_device = None
-                self.stub_hostname = host
-        else:
-            self.stub_hostname = "localhost"
-    def get_next_port(self):
-        return 12000 + random.randint(0,3999)
-    def reset_test_sequence(self):
-        self.test_sequence = GdbRemoteTestSequence(self.logger)
-    def create_named_pipe(self):
-        # Create a temp dir and name for a pipe.
-        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        named_pipe_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "stub_port_number")
-        # Create the named pipe.
-        os.mkfifo(named_pipe_path)
-        # Open the read side of the pipe in non-blocking mode.  This will return right away, ready or not.
-        named_pipe_fd = os.open(named_pipe_path, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
-        # Create the file for the named pipe.  Note this will follow semantics of
-        # a non-blocking read side of a named pipe, which has different semantics
-        # than a named pipe opened for read in non-blocking mode.
-        named_pipe = os.fdopen(named_pipe_fd, "r")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(named_pipe)
-        def shutdown_named_pipe():
-            # Close the pipe.
-            try:
-                named_pipe.close()
-            except:
-                print("failed to close named pipe")
-                None
-            # Delete the pipe.
-            try:
-                os.remove(named_pipe_path)
-            except:
-                print("failed to delete named pipe: {}".format(named_pipe_path))
-                None
-            # Delete the temp directory.
-            try:
-                os.rmdir(temp_dir)
-            except:
-                print("failed to delete temp dir: {}, directory contents: '{}'".format(temp_dir, os.listdir(temp_dir)))
-                None
-        # Add the shutdown hook to clean up the named pipe.
-        self.addTearDownHook(shutdown_named_pipe)
-        # Clear the port so the stub selects a port number.
-        self.port = 0
-        return (named_pipe_path, named_pipe, named_pipe_fd)
-    def get_stub_port_from_named_socket(self, read_timeout_seconds=5):
-        # Wait for something to read with a max timeout.
-        (ready_readers, _, _) = select.select([self.named_pipe_fd], [], [], read_timeout_seconds)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(ready_readers, "write side of pipe has not written anything - stub isn't writing to pipe.")
-        self.assertNotEqual(len(ready_readers), 0, "write side of pipe has not written anything - stub isn't writing to pipe.")
-        # Read the port from the named pipe.
-        stub_port_raw = self.named_pipe.read()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(stub_port_raw)
-        self.assertNotEqual(len(stub_port_raw), 0, "no content to read on pipe")
-        # Trim null byte, convert to int.
-        stub_port_raw = stub_port_raw[:-1]
-        stub_port = int(stub_port_raw)
-        self.assertTrue(stub_port > 0)
-        return stub_port
-    def init_llgs_test(self, use_named_pipe=True):
-        if lldb.remote_platform:
-            def run_shell_cmd(cmd):
-                platform = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform()
-                shell_cmd = lldb.SBPlatformShellCommand(cmd)
-                err = platform.Run(shell_cmd)
-                if err.Fail() or shell_cmd.GetStatus():
-                    m = "remote_platform.RunShellCommand('%s') failed:\n" % cmd
-                    m += ">>> return code: %d\n" % shell_cmd.GetStatus()
-                    if err.Fail():
-                        m += ">>> %s\n" % str(err).strip()
-                    m += ">>> %s\n" % (shell_cmd.GetOutput() or
-                                       "Command generated no output.")
-                    raise Exception(m)
-                return shell_cmd.GetOutput().strip()
-            # Remote platforms don't support named pipe based port negotiation
-            use_named_pipe = False
-            # Grab the ppid from /proc/[shell pid]/stat
-            shell_stat = run_shell_cmd("cat /proc/$$/stat")
-            # [pid] ([executable]) [state] [*ppid*]
-            pid = re.match(r"^\d+ \(.+\) . (\d+)", shell_stat).group(1)
-            ls_output = run_shell_cmd("ls -l /proc/%s/exe" % pid)
-            exe = ls_output.split()[-1]
-            # If the binary has been deleted, the link name has " (deleted)" appended.
-            # Remove if it's there.
-            self.debug_monitor_exe = re.sub(r' \(deleted\)$', '', exe)
-        else:
-            self.debug_monitor_exe = get_lldb_server_exe()
-            if not self.debug_monitor_exe:
-                self.skipTest("lldb-server exe not found")
-        self.debug_monitor_extra_args = ["gdbserver"]
-        if len(lldbtest_config.channels) > 0:
-            self.debug_monitor_extra_args.append("--log-file={}-server.log".format(self.log_basename))
-            self.debug_monitor_extra_args.append("--log-channels={}".format(":".join(lldbtest_config.channels)))
-        if use_named_pipe:
-            (self.named_pipe_path, self.named_pipe, self.named_pipe_fd) = self.create_named_pipe()
-    def init_debugserver_test(self, use_named_pipe=True):
-        self.debug_monitor_exe = get_debugserver_exe()
-        if not self.debug_monitor_exe:
-            self.skipTest("debugserver exe not found")
-        self.debug_monitor_extra_args = ["--log-file={}-server.log".format(self.log_basename), "--log-flags=0x800000"]
-        if use_named_pipe:
-            (self.named_pipe_path, self.named_pipe, self.named_pipe_fd) = self.create_named_pipe()
-        # The debugserver stub has a race on handling the 'k' command, so it sends an X09 right away, then sends the real X notification
-        # when the process truly dies.
-        self.stub_sends_two_stop_notifications_on_kill = True
-    def forward_adb_port(self, source, target, direction, device):
-        adb = [ 'adb' ] + ([ '-s', device ] if device else []) + [ direction ]
-        def remove_port_forward():
-            subprocess.call(adb + [ "--remove", "tcp:%d" % source])
-        subprocess.call(adb + [ "tcp:%d" % source, "tcp:%d" % target])
-        self.addTearDownHook(remove_port_forward)
-    def create_socket(self):
-        sock = socket.socket()
-        logger = self.logger
-        triple = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple()
-        if re.match(".*-.*-.*-android", triple):
-            self.forward_adb_port(self.port, self.port, "forward", self.stub_device)
-        connect_info = (self.stub_hostname, self.port)
-        sock.connect(connect_info)
-        def shutdown_socket():
-            if sock:
-                try:
-                    # send the kill packet so lldb-server shuts down gracefully
-                    sock.sendall(GdbRemoteTestCaseBase._GDBREMOTE_KILL_PACKET)
-                except:
-                    logger.warning("failed to send kill packet to debug monitor: {}; ignoring".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
-                try:
-                    sock.close()
-                except:
-                    logger.warning("failed to close socket to debug monitor: {}; ignoring".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
-        self.addTearDownHook(shutdown_socket)
-        return sock
-    def set_inferior_startup_launch(self):
-        self._inferior_startup = self._STARTUP_LAUNCH
-    def set_inferior_startup_attach(self):
-        self._inferior_startup = self._STARTUP_ATTACH
-    def set_inferior_startup_attach_manually(self):
-        self._inferior_startup = self._STARTUP_ATTACH_MANUALLY
-    def get_debug_monitor_command_line_args(self, attach_pid=None):
-        if lldb.remote_platform:
-            commandline_args = self.debug_monitor_extra_args + ["*:{}".format(self.port)]
-        else:
-            commandline_args = self.debug_monitor_extra_args + ["localhost:{}".format(self.port)]
-        if attach_pid:
-            commandline_args += ["--attach=%d" % attach_pid]
-        if self.named_pipe_path:
-            commandline_args += ["--named-pipe", self.named_pipe_path]
-        return commandline_args
-    def run_platform_command(self, cmd):
-        platform = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform()
-        shell_command = lldb.SBPlatformShellCommand(cmd)
-        err = platform.Run(shell_command)
-        return (err, shell_command.GetOutput())
-    def launch_debug_monitor(self, attach_pid=None, logfile=None):
-        # Create the command line.
-        commandline_args = self.get_debug_monitor_command_line_args(attach_pid=attach_pid)
-        # Start the server.
-        server = self.spawnSubprocess(self.debug_monitor_exe, commandline_args, install_remote=False)
-        self.addTearDownHook(self.cleanupSubprocesses)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # If we're receiving the stub's listening port from the named pipe, do that here.
-        if self.named_pipe:
-            self.port = self.get_stub_port_from_named_socket()
-        return server
-    def connect_to_debug_monitor(self, attach_pid=None):
-        if self.named_pipe:
-            # Create the stub.
-            server = self.launch_debug_monitor(attach_pid=attach_pid)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-            def shutdown_debug_monitor():
-                try:
-                    server.terminate()
-                except:
-                    logger.warning("failed to terminate server for debug monitor: {}; ignoring".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
-            self.addTearDownHook(shutdown_debug_monitor)
-            # Schedule debug monitor to be shut down during teardown.
-            logger = self.logger
-            # Attach to the stub and return a socket opened to it.
-            self.sock = self.create_socket()
-            return server
-        # We're using a random port algorithm to try not to collide with other ports,
-        # and retry a max # times.
-        attempts = 0
-        MAX_ATTEMPTS = 20
-        while attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS:
-            server = self.launch_debug_monitor(attach_pid=attach_pid)
-            # Schedule debug monitor to be shut down during teardown.
-            logger = self.logger
-            def shutdown_debug_monitor():
-                try:
-                    server.terminate()
-                except:
-                    logger.warning("failed to terminate server for debug monitor: {}; ignoring".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
-            self.addTearDownHook(shutdown_debug_monitor)
-            connect_attemps = 0
-            MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 10
-            while connect_attemps < MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS:
-                # Create a socket to talk to the server
-                try:
-                    self.sock = self.create_socket()
-                    return server
-                except socket.error as serr:
-                    # We're only trying to handle connection refused.
-                    if serr.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
-                        raise serr
-                time.sleep(0.5)
-                connect_attemps += 1
-            # We should close the server here to be safe.
-            server.terminate()
-            # Increment attempts.
-            print("connect to debug monitor on port %d failed, attempt #%d of %d" % (self.port, attempts + 1, MAX_ATTEMPTS))
-            attempts += 1
-            # And wait a random length of time before next attempt, to avoid collisions.
-            time.sleep(random.randint(1,5))
-            # Now grab a new port number.
-            self.port = self.get_next_port()
-        raise Exception("failed to create a socket to the launched debug monitor after %d tries" % attempts)
-    def launch_process_for_attach(self, inferior_args=None, sleep_seconds=3, exe_path=None):
-        # We're going to start a child process that the debug monitor stub can later attach to.
-        # This process needs to be started so that it just hangs around for a while.  We'll
-        # have it sleep.
-        if not exe_path:
-            exe_path = os.path.abspath("a.out")
-        args = []
-        if inferior_args:
-            args.extend(inferior_args)
-        if sleep_seconds:
-            args.append("sleep:%d" % sleep_seconds)
-        inferior = self.spawnSubprocess(exe_path, args)
-        def shutdown_process_for_attach():
-            try:
-                inferior.terminate()
-            except:
-                logger.warning("failed to terminate inferior process for attach: {}; ignoring".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
-        self.addTearDownHook(shutdown_process_for_attach)
-        return inferior
-    def prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(self, inferior_args=None, inferior_sleep_seconds=3, inferior_exe_path=None):
-        """Prep the debug monitor, the inferior, and the expected packet stream.
-        Handle the separate cases of using the debug monitor in attach-to-inferior mode
-        and in launch-inferior mode.
-        For attach-to-inferior mode, the inferior process is first started, then
-        the debug monitor is started in attach to pid mode (using --attach on the
-        stub command line), and the no-ack-mode setup is appended to the packet
-        stream.  The packet stream is not yet executed, ready to have more expected
-        packet entries added to it.
-        For launch-inferior mode, the stub is first started, then no ack mode is
-        setup on the expected packet stream, then the verified launch packets are added
-        to the expected socket stream.  The packet stream is not yet executed, ready
-        to have more expected packet entries added to it.
-        The return value is:
-        {inferior:<inferior>, server:<server>}
-        """
-        inferior = None
-        attach_pid = None
-        if self._inferior_startup == self._STARTUP_ATTACH or self._inferior_startup == self._STARTUP_ATTACH_MANUALLY:
-            # Launch the process that we'll use as the inferior.
-            inferior = self.launch_process_for_attach(inferior_args=inferior_args, sleep_seconds=inferior_sleep_seconds, exe_path=inferior_exe_path)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(inferior)
-            self.assertTrue(inferior.pid > 0)
-            if self._inferior_startup == self._STARTUP_ATTACH:
-                # In this case, we want the stub to attach via the command line, so set the command line attach pid here.
-                attach_pid = inferior.pid
-        if self._inferior_startup == self._STARTUP_LAUNCH:
-            # Build launch args
-            if not inferior_exe_path:
-                inferior_exe_path = os.path.abspath("a.out")
-            if lldb.remote_platform:
-                remote_path = lldbutil.append_to_process_working_directory(os.path.basename(inferior_exe_path))
-                remote_file_spec = lldb.SBFileSpec(remote_path, False)
-                err = lldb.remote_platform.Install(lldb.SBFileSpec(inferior_exe_path, True), remote_file_spec)
-                if err.Fail():
-                    raise Exception("remote_platform.Install('%s', '%s') failed: %s" % (inferior_exe_path, remote_path, err))
-                inferior_exe_path = remote_path
-            launch_args = [inferior_exe_path]
-            if inferior_args:
-                launch_args.extend(inferior_args)
-        # Launch the debug monitor stub, attaching to the inferior.
-        server = self.connect_to_debug_monitor(attach_pid=attach_pid)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(server)
-        # Build the expected protocol stream
-        self.add_no_ack_remote_stream()
-        if self._inferior_startup == self._STARTUP_LAUNCH:
-            self.add_verified_launch_packets(launch_args)
-        return {"inferior":inferior, "server":server}
-    def expect_socket_recv(self, sock, expected_content_regex, timeout_seconds):
-        response = ""
-        timeout_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
-        while not expected_content_regex.match(response) and time.time() < timeout_time: 
-            can_read, _, _ = select.select([sock], [], [], timeout_seconds)
-            if can_read and sock in can_read:
-                recv_bytes = sock.recv(4096)
-                if recv_bytes:
-                    response += recv_bytes
-        self.assertTrue(expected_content_regex.match(response))
-    def expect_socket_send(self, sock, content, timeout_seconds):
-        request_bytes_remaining = content
-        timeout_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
-        while len(request_bytes_remaining) > 0 and time.time() < timeout_time:
-            _, can_write, _ = select.select([], [sock], [], timeout_seconds)
-            if can_write and sock in can_write:
-                written_byte_count = sock.send(request_bytes_remaining)
-                request_bytes_remaining = request_bytes_remaining[written_byte_count:]
-        self.assertEqual(len(request_bytes_remaining), 0)
-    def do_handshake(self, stub_socket, timeout_seconds=5):
-        # Write the ack.
-        self.expect_socket_send(stub_socket, "+", timeout_seconds)
-        # Send the start no ack mode packet.
-        NO_ACK_MODE_REQUEST = "$QStartNoAckMode#b0"
-        bytes_sent = stub_socket.send(NO_ACK_MODE_REQUEST)
-        self.assertEqual(bytes_sent, len(NO_ACK_MODE_REQUEST))
-        # Receive the ack and "OK"
-        self.expect_socket_recv(stub_socket, re.compile(r"^\+\$OK#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$"), timeout_seconds)
-        # Send the final ack.
-        self.expect_socket_send(stub_socket, "+", timeout_seconds)
-    def add_no_ack_remote_stream(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: +",
-             "read packet: $QStartNoAckMode#b0",
-             "send packet: +",
-             "send packet: $OK#9a",
-             "read packet: +"],
-            True)
-    def add_verified_launch_packets(self, launch_args):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: %s" % build_gdbremote_A_packet(launch_args),
-             "send packet: $OK#00",
-             "read packet: $qLaunchSuccess#a5",
-             "send packet: $OK#00"],
-            True)
-    def add_thread_suffix_request_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $QThreadSuffixSupported#e4",
-             "send packet: $OK#00",
-            ], True)
-    def add_process_info_collection_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qProcessInfo#dc",
-              { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"process_info_raw"} }],
-            True)
-        "pid",
-        "parent-pid",
-        "real-uid",
-        "real-gid",
-        "effective-uid",
-        "effective-gid",
-        "cputype",
-        "cpusubtype",
-        "ostype",
-        "triple",
-        "vendor",
-        "endian",
-        "ptrsize"
-        ]
-    def parse_process_info_response(self, context):
-        # Ensure we have a process info response.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        process_info_raw = context.get("process_info_raw")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info_raw)
-        # Pull out key:value; pairs.
-        process_info_dict = { match.group(1):match.group(2) for match in re.finditer(r"([^:]+):([^;]+);", process_info_raw) }
-        # Validate keys are known.
-        for (key, val) in list(process_info_dict.items()):
-            self.assertTrue(key in self._KNOWN_PROCESS_INFO_KEYS)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(val)
-        return process_info_dict
-    def add_register_info_collection_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [ { "type":"multi_response", "query":"qRegisterInfo", "append_iteration_suffix":True,
-              "end_regex":re.compile(r"^\$(E\d+)?#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$"),
-              "save_key":"reg_info_responses" } ],
-            True)
-    def parse_register_info_packets(self, context):
-        """Return an array of register info dictionaries, one per register info."""
-        reg_info_responses = context.get("reg_info_responses")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_info_responses)
-        # Parse register infos.
-        return [parse_reg_info_response(reg_info_response) for reg_info_response in reg_info_responses]
-    def expect_gdbremote_sequence(self, timeout_seconds=None):
-        if not timeout_seconds:
-            timeout_seconds = self._TIMEOUT_SECONDS
-        return expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay(self, self.sock, self.test_sequence, timeout_seconds, self.logger)
-        "name",
-        "alt-name",
-        "bitsize",
-        "offset",
-        "encoding",
-        "format",
-        "set",
-        "ehframe",
-        "dwarf",
-        "generic",
-        "container-regs",
-        "invalidate-regs"
-    ]
-    def assert_valid_reg_info(self, reg_info):
-        # Assert we know about all the reginfo keys parsed.
-        for key in reg_info:
-            self.assertTrue(key in self._KNOWN_REGINFO_KEYS)
-        # Check the bare-minimum expected set of register info keys.
-        self.assertTrue("name" in reg_info)
-        self.assertTrue("bitsize" in reg_info)
-        self.assertTrue("offset" in reg_info)
-        self.assertTrue("encoding" in reg_info)
-        self.assertTrue("format" in reg_info)
-    def find_pc_reg_info(self, reg_infos):
-        lldb_reg_index = 0
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            if ("generic" in reg_info) and (reg_info["generic"] == "pc"):
-                return (lldb_reg_index, reg_info)
-            lldb_reg_index += 1
-        return (None, None)
-    def add_lldb_register_index(self, reg_infos):
-        """Add a "lldb_register_index" key containing the 0-baed index of each reg_infos entry.
-        We'll use this when we want to call packets like P/p with a register index but do so
-        on only a subset of the full register info set.
-        """
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        reg_index = 0
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            reg_info["lldb_register_index"] = reg_index
-            reg_index += 1
-    def add_query_memory_region_packets(self, address):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qMemoryRegionInfo:{0:x}#00".format(address),
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"memory_region_response"} }],
-            True)
-    def parse_key_val_dict(self, key_val_text, allow_dupes=True):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(key_val_text)
-        kv_dict = {}
-        for match in re.finditer(r";?([^:]+):([^;]+)", key_val_text):
-            key = match.group(1)
-            val = match.group(2)
-            if key in kv_dict:
-                if allow_dupes:
-                    if type(kv_dict[key]) == list:
-                        kv_dict[key].append(val)
-                    else:
-                        # Promote to list
-                        kv_dict[key] = [kv_dict[key], val]
-                else:
-                    self.fail("key '{}' already present when attempting to add value '{}' (text='{}', dict={})".format(key, val, key_val_text, kv_dict))
-            else:
-                kv_dict[key] = val
-        return kv_dict
-    def parse_memory_region_packet(self, context):
-        # Ensure we have a context.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("memory_region_response"))
-        # Pull out key:value; pairs.
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_key_val_dict(context.get("memory_region_response"))
-        # Validate keys are known.
-        for (key, val) in list(mem_region_dict.items()):
-            self.assertTrue(key in ["start", "size", "permissions", "error"])
-            self.assertIsNotNone(val)
-        # Return the dictionary of key-value pairs for the memory region.
-        return mem_region_dict
-    def assert_address_within_memory_region(self, test_address, mem_region_dict):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertTrue("start" in mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertTrue("size" in mem_region_dict)
-        range_start = int(mem_region_dict["start"], 16)
-        range_size = int(mem_region_dict["size"], 16)
-        range_end = range_start + range_size
-        if test_address < range_start:
-            self.fail("address 0x{0:x} comes before range 0x{1:x} - 0x{2:x} (size 0x{3:x})".format(test_address, range_start, range_end, range_size))
-        elif test_address >= range_end:
-            self.fail("address 0x{0:x} comes after range 0x{1:x} - 0x{2:x} (size 0x{3:x})".format(test_address, range_start, range_end, range_size))
-    def add_threadinfo_collection_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [ { "type":"multi_response", "first_query":"qfThreadInfo", "next_query":"qsThreadInfo",
-                "append_iteration_suffix":False, "end_regex":re.compile(r"^\$(l)?#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$"),
-              "save_key":"threadinfo_responses" } ],
-            True)
-    def parse_threadinfo_packets(self, context):
-        """Return an array of thread ids (decimal ints), one per thread."""
-        threadinfo_responses = context.get("threadinfo_responses")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(threadinfo_responses)
-        thread_ids = []
-        for threadinfo_response in threadinfo_responses:
-            new_thread_infos = parse_threadinfo_response(threadinfo_response)
-            thread_ids.extend(new_thread_infos)
-        return thread_ids
-    def wait_for_thread_count(self, thread_count, timeout_seconds=3):
-        start_time = time.time()
-        timeout_time = start_time + timeout_seconds
-        actual_thread_count = 0
-        while actual_thread_count < thread_count:
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.add_threadinfo_collection_packets()
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            threads = self.parse_threadinfo_packets(context)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
-            actual_thread_count = len(threads)
-            if time.time() > timeout_time:
-                raise Exception(
-                    'timed out after {} seconds while waiting for theads: waiting for at least {} threads, found {}'.format(
-                        timeout_seconds, thread_count, actual_thread_count))
-        return threads
-    def add_set_breakpoint_packets(self, address, do_continue=True, breakpoint_kind=1):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [# Set the breakpoint.
-             "read packet: $Z0,{0:x},{1}#00".format(address, breakpoint_kind),
-             # Verify the stub could set it.
-             "send packet: $OK#00",
-             ], True)
-        if (do_continue):
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                [# Continue the inferior.
-                 "read packet: $c#63",
-                 # Expect a breakpoint stop report.
-                 {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} },
-                 ], True)        
-    def add_remove_breakpoint_packets(self, address, breakpoint_kind=1):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [# Remove the breakpoint.
-             "read packet: $z0,{0:x},{1}#00".format(address, breakpoint_kind),
-             # Verify the stub could unset it.
-             "send packet: $OK#00",
-            ], True)
-    def add_qSupported_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qSupported#00",
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}", "capture":{1: "qSupported_response"}},
-            ], True)
-        "augmented-libraries-svr4-read",
-        "PacketSize",
-        "QStartNoAckMode",
-        "QThreadSuffixSupported",
-        "QListThreadsInStopReply",
-        "qXfer:auxv:read",
-        "qXfer:libraries:read",
-        "qXfer:libraries-svr4:read",
-        "qXfer:features:read",
-        "qEcho"
-    ]
-    def parse_qSupported_response(self, context):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        raw_response = context.get("qSupported_response")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(raw_response)
-        # For values with key=val, the dict key and vals are set as expected.  For feature+, feature- and feature?, the
-        # +,-,? is stripped from the key and set as the value.
-        supported_dict = {}
-        for match in re.finditer(r";?([^=;]+)(=([^;]+))?", raw_response):
-            key = match.group(1)
-            val = match.group(3)
-            # key=val: store as is
-            if val and len(val) > 0:
-                supported_dict[key] = val
-            else:
-                if len(key) < 2:
-                    raise Exception("singular stub feature is too short: must be stub_feature{+,-,?}")
-                supported_type = key[-1]
-                key = key[:-1]
-                if not supported_type in ["+", "-", "?"]:
-                    raise Exception("malformed stub feature: final character {} not in expected set (+,-,?)".format(supported_type))
-                supported_dict[key] = supported_type 
-            # Ensure we know the supported element
-            if not key in self._KNOWN_QSUPPORTED_STUB_FEATURES:
-                raise Exception("unknown qSupported stub feature reported: %s" % key)
-        return supported_dict
-    def run_process_then_stop(self, run_seconds=1):
-        # Tell the stub to continue.
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-             ["read packet: $vCont;c#a8"],
-             True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        # Wait for run_seconds.
-        time.sleep(run_seconds)
-        # Send an interrupt, capture a T response.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result"} }],
-            True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stop_result"))
-        return context
-    def select_modifiable_register(self, reg_infos):
-        """Find a register that can be read/written freely."""
-        PREFERRED_REGISTER_NAMES = sets.Set(["rax",])
-        # First check for the first register from the preferred register name set.
-        alternative_register_index = None
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            if ("name" in reg_info) and (reg_info["name"] in PREFERRED_REGISTER_NAMES):
-                # We found a preferred register.  Use it.
-                return reg_info["lldb_register_index"]
-            if ("generic" in reg_info) and (reg_info["generic"] == "fp"):
-                # A frame pointer register will do as a register to modify temporarily.
-                alternative_register_index = reg_info["lldb_register_index"]
-        # We didn't find a preferred register.  Return whatever alternative register
-        # we found, if any.
-        return alternative_register_index
-    def extract_registers_from_stop_notification(self, stop_key_vals_text):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(stop_key_vals_text)
-        kv_dict = self.parse_key_val_dict(stop_key_vals_text)
-        registers = {}
-        for (key, val) in list(kv_dict.items()):
-            if re.match(r"^[0-9a-fA-F]+$", key):
-                registers[int(key, 16)] = val
-        return registers
-    def gather_register_infos(self):
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
-        return reg_infos
-    def find_generic_register_with_name(self, reg_infos, generic_name):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            if ("generic" in reg_info) and (reg_info["generic"] == generic_name):
-                return reg_info
-        return None
-    def decode_gdbremote_binary(self, encoded_bytes):
-        decoded_bytes = ""
-        i = 0
-        while i < len(encoded_bytes):
-            if encoded_bytes[i] == "}":
-                # Handle escaped char.
-                self.assertTrue(i + 1 < len(encoded_bytes))
-                decoded_bytes += chr(ord(encoded_bytes[i+1]) ^ 0x20)
-                i +=2
-            elif encoded_bytes[i] == "*":
-                # Handle run length encoding.
-                self.assertTrue(len(decoded_bytes) > 0)
-                self.assertTrue(i + 1 < len(encoded_bytes))
-                repeat_count = ord(encoded_bytes[i+1]) - 29
-                decoded_bytes += decoded_bytes[-1] * repeat_count
-                i += 2
-            else:
-                decoded_bytes += encoded_bytes[i]
-                i += 1
-        return decoded_bytes
-    def build_auxv_dict(self, endian, word_size, auxv_data):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(word_size)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(auxv_data)
-        auxv_dict = {}
-        while len(auxv_data) > 0:
-            # Chop off key.
-            raw_key = auxv_data[:word_size]
-            auxv_data = auxv_data[word_size:]
-            # Chop of value.
-            raw_value = auxv_data[:word_size]
-            auxv_data = auxv_data[word_size:]
-            # Convert raw text from target endian.
-            key = unpack_endian_binary_string(endian, raw_key)
-            value = unpack_endian_binary_string(endian, raw_value)
-            # Handle ending entry.
-            if key == 0:
-                self.assertEqual(value, 0)
-                return auxv_dict
-            # The key should not already be present.
-            self.assertFalse(key in auxv_dict)
-            auxv_dict[key] = value
-        self.fail("should not reach here - implies required double zero entry not found")
-        return auxv_dict
-    def read_binary_data_in_chunks(self, command_prefix, chunk_length):
-        """Collect command_prefix{offset:x},{chunk_length:x} until a single 'l' or 'l' with data is returned."""
-        offset = 0
-        done = False
-        decoded_data = ""
-        while not done:
-            # Grab the next iteration of data.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                "read packet: ${}{:x},{:x}:#00".format(command_prefix, offset, chunk_length),
-                {"direction":"send", "regex":re.compile(r"^\$([^E])(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL), "capture":{1:"response_type", 2:"content_raw"} }
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            response_type = context.get("response_type")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(response_type)
-            self.assertTrue(response_type in ["l", "m"])
-            # Move offset along.
-            offset += chunk_length
-            # Figure out if we're done.  We're done if the response type is l.
-            done = response_type == "l"
-            # Decode binary data.
-            content_raw = context.get("content_raw")
-            if content_raw and len(content_raw) > 0:
-                self.assertIsNotNone(content_raw)
-                decoded_data += self.decode_gdbremote_binary(content_raw)
-        return decoded_data
-    def add_interrupt_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            # Send the intterupt.
-            "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-            # And wait for the stop notification.
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_key_val_text" } },
-            ], True)
-    def parse_interrupt_packets(self, context):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stop_signo"))
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stop_key_val_text"))
-        return (int(context["stop_signo"], 16), self.parse_key_val_dict(context["stop_key_val_text"]))
-    def add_QSaveRegisterState_packets(self, thread_id):
-        if thread_id:
-            # Use the thread suffix form.
-            request = "read packet: $QSaveRegisterState;thread:{:x}#00".format(thread_id)
-        else:
-            request = "read packet: $QSaveRegisterState#00"
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            request,
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(E?.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"save_response" } },
-            ], True)
-    def parse_QSaveRegisterState_response(self, context):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        save_response = context.get("save_response")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(save_response)
-        if len(save_response) < 1 or save_response[0] == "E":
-            # error received
-            return (False, None)
-        else:
-            return (True, int(save_response))
-    def add_QRestoreRegisterState_packets(self, save_id, thread_id=None):
-        if thread_id:
-            # Use the thread suffix form.
-            request = "read packet: $QRestoreRegisterState:{};thread:{:x}#00".format(save_id, thread_id)
-        else:
-            request = "read packet: $QRestoreRegisterState:{}#00".format(save_id)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            request,
-            "send packet: $OK#00"
-            ], True)
-    def flip_all_bits_in_each_register_value(self, reg_infos, endian, thread_id=None):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        successful_writes = 0
-        failed_writes = 0
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            # Use the lldb register index added to the reg info.  We're not necessarily
-            # working off a full set of register infos, so an inferred register index could be wrong. 
-            reg_index = reg_info["lldb_register_index"]
-            self.assertIsNotNone(reg_index)
-            reg_byte_size = int(reg_info["bitsize"])/8
-            self.assertTrue(reg_byte_size > 0)
-            # Handle thread suffix.
-            if thread_id:
-                p_request = "read packet: $p{:x};thread:{:x}#00".format(reg_index, thread_id)
-            else:
-                p_request = "read packet: $p{:x}#00".format(reg_index)
-            # Read the existing value.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                p_request,
-                { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} },
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Verify the response length.
-            p_response = context.get("p_response")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-            initial_reg_value = unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, p_response)
-            # Flip the value by xoring with all 1s
-            all_one_bits_raw = "ff" * (int(reg_info["bitsize"]) / 8)
-            flipped_bits_int = initial_reg_value ^ int(all_one_bits_raw, 16)
-            # print("reg (index={}, name={}): val={}, flipped bits (int={}, hex={:x})".format(reg_index, reg_info["name"], initial_reg_value, flipped_bits_int, flipped_bits_int))
-            # Handle thread suffix for P.
-            if thread_id:
-                P_request = "read packet: $P{:x}={};thread:{:x}#00".format(reg_index, pack_register_hex(endian, flipped_bits_int, byte_size=reg_byte_size), thread_id)
-            else:
-                P_request = "read packet: $P{:x}={}#00".format(reg_index, pack_register_hex(endian, flipped_bits_int, byte_size=reg_byte_size))
-            # Write the flipped value to the register.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                P_request,
-                { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(OK|E[0-9a-fA-F]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}", "capture":{1:"P_response"} },
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Determine if the write succeeded.  There are a handful of registers that can fail, or partially fail
-            # (e.g. flags, segment selectors, etc.) due to register value restrictions.  Don't worry about them
-            # all flipping perfectly.
-            P_response = context.get("P_response")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(P_response)
-            if P_response == "OK":
-                successful_writes += 1
-            else:
-                failed_writes += 1
-                # print("reg (index={}, name={}) write FAILED (error: {})".format(reg_index, reg_info["name"], P_response))
-            # Read back the register value, ensure it matches the flipped value.
-            if P_response == "OK":
-                self.reset_test_sequence()
-                self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                    p_request,
-                    { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} },
-                    ], True)
-                context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-                self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-                verify_p_response_raw = context.get("p_response")
-                self.assertIsNotNone(verify_p_response_raw)
-                verify_bits = unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, verify_p_response_raw)
-                if verify_bits != flipped_bits_int:
-                    # Some registers, like mxcsrmask and others, will permute what's written.  Adjust succeed/fail counts.
-                    # print("reg (index={}, name={}): read verify FAILED: wrote {:x}, verify read back {:x}".format(reg_index, reg_info["name"], flipped_bits_int, verify_bits))
-                    successful_writes -= 1
-                    failed_writes +=1
-        return (successful_writes, failed_writes)
-    def is_bit_flippable_register(self, reg_info):
-        if not reg_info:
-            return False
-        if not "set" in reg_info:
-            return False
-        if reg_info["set"] != "General Purpose Registers":
-            return False
-        if ("container-regs" in reg_info) and (len(reg_info["container-regs"]) > 0):
-            # Don't try to bit flip registers contained in another register.
-            return False
-        if re.match("^.s$", reg_info["name"]):
-            # This is a 2-letter register name that ends in "s", like a segment register.
-            # Don't try to bit flip these.
-            return False
-        if re.match("^(c|)psr$", reg_info["name"]):
-            # This is an ARM program status register; don't flip it.
-            return False
-        # Okay, this looks fine-enough.
-        return True
-    def read_register_values(self, reg_infos, endian, thread_id=None):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        values = {}
-        for reg_info in reg_infos:
-            # We append a register index when load reg infos so we can work with subsets.
-            reg_index = reg_info.get("lldb_register_index")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(reg_index)
-            # Handle thread suffix.
-            if thread_id:
-                p_request = "read packet: $p{:x};thread:{:x}#00".format(reg_index, thread_id)
-            else:
-                p_request = "read packet: $p{:x}#00".format(reg_index)
-            # Read it with p.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                p_request,
-                { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"p_response"} },
-                ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Convert value from target endian to integral.
-            p_response = context.get("p_response")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-            self.assertTrue(len(p_response) > 0)
-            self.assertFalse(p_response[0] == "E")
-            values[reg_index] = unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, p_response)
-        return values
-    def add_vCont_query_packets(self):
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $vCont?#49",
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(vCont)?(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{2:"vCont_query_response" } },
-            ], True)
-    def parse_vCont_query_response(self, context):
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        vCont_query_response = context.get("vCont_query_response")
-        # Handle case of no vCont support at all - in which case the capture group will be none or zero length.
-        if not vCont_query_response or len(vCont_query_response) == 0:
-            return {}
-        return {key:1 for key in vCont_query_response.split(";") if key and len(key) > 0}
-    def count_single_steps_until_true(self, thread_id, predicate, args, max_step_count=100, use_Hc_packet=True, step_instruction="s"):
-        """Used by single step test that appears in a few different contexts."""
-        single_step_count = 0
-        while single_step_count < max_step_count:
-            self.assertIsNotNone(thread_id)
-            # Build the packet for the single step instruction.  We replace {thread}, if present, with the thread_id.
-            step_packet = "read packet: ${}#00".format(re.sub(r"{thread}", "{:x}".format(thread_id), step_instruction))
-            # print("\nstep_packet created: {}\n".format(step_packet))
-            # Single step.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            if use_Hc_packet:
-                self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                    [# Set the continue thread.
-                     "read packet: $Hc{0:x}#00".format(thread_id),
-                     "send packet: $OK#00",
-                     ], True)
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-                 # Single step.
-                 step_packet,
-                 # "read packet: $vCont;s:{0:x}#00".format(thread_id),
-                 # Expect a breakpoint stop report.
-                 {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} },
-                 ], True)
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stop_signo"))
-            self.assertEqual(int(context.get("stop_signo"), 16),
-                    lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGTRAP'))
-            single_step_count += 1
-            # See if the predicate is true.  If so, we're done.
-            if predicate(args):
-                return (True, single_step_count)
-        # The predicate didn't return true within the runaway step count.
-        return (False, single_step_count)
-    def g_c1_c2_contents_are(self, args):
-        """Used by single step test that appears in a few different contexts."""
-        g_c1_address = args["g_c1_address"]
-        g_c2_address = args["g_c2_address"]
-        expected_g_c1 = args["expected_g_c1"]
-        expected_g_c2 = args["expected_g_c2"]
-        # Read g_c1 and g_c2 contents.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(g_c1_address, 1),
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"g_c1_contents"} },
-             "read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(g_c2_address, 1),
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"g_c2_contents"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Check if what we read from inferior memory is what we are expecting.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("g_c1_contents"))
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("g_c2_contents"))
-        return (context.get("g_c1_contents").decode("hex") == expected_g_c1) and (context.get("g_c2_contents").decode("hex") == expected_g_c2)
-    def single_step_only_steps_one_instruction(self, use_Hc_packet=True, step_instruction="s"):
-        """Used by single step test that appears in a few different contexts."""
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-code-address-hex:swap_chars", "get-data-address-hex:g_c1", "get-data-address-hex:g_c2", "sleep:1", "call-function:swap_chars", "sleep:5"])
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [# Start running after initial stop.
-             "read packet: $c#63",
-             # Match output line that prints the memory address of the function call entry point.
-             # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior otuput.
-             { "type":"output_match", "regex":r"^code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\ndata address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\ndata address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n$", 
-               "capture":{ 1:"function_address", 2:"g_c1_address", 3:"g_c2_address"} },
-             # Now stop the inferior.
-             "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-             # And wait for the stop notification.
-             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);", "capture":{1:"stop_signo", 2:"stop_thread_id"} }],
-            True)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the main thread id.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stop_thread_id"))
-        main_thread_id = int(context.get("stop_thread_id"), 16)
-        # Grab the function address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("function_address"))
-        function_address = int(context.get("function_address"), 16)
-        # Grab the data addresses.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("g_c1_address"))
-        g_c1_address = int(context.get("g_c1_address"), 16)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("g_c2_address"))
-        g_c2_address = int(context.get("g_c2_address"), 16)
-        # Set a breakpoint at the given address.
-        if self.getArchitecture() == "arm":
-            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
-            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 4
-        else:
-            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 1
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_set_breakpoint_packets(function_address, do_continue=True, breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Remove the breakpoint.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_remove_breakpoint_packets(function_address, breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Verify g_c1 and g_c2 match expected initial state.
-        args = {}
-        args["g_c1_address"] = g_c1_address
-        args["g_c2_address"] = g_c2_address
-        args["expected_g_c1"] = "0"
-        args["expected_g_c2"] = "1"
-        self.assertTrue(self.g_c1_c2_contents_are(args))
-        # Verify we take only a small number of steps to hit the first state.  Might need to work through function entry prologue code.
-        args["expected_g_c1"] = "1"
-        args["expected_g_c2"] = "1"
-        (state_reached, step_count) = self.count_single_steps_until_true(main_thread_id, self.g_c1_c2_contents_are, args, max_step_count=25, use_Hc_packet=use_Hc_packet, step_instruction=step_instruction)
-        self.assertTrue(state_reached)
-        # Verify we hit the next state.
-        args["expected_g_c1"] = "1"
-        args["expected_g_c2"] = "0"
-        (state_reached, step_count) = self.count_single_steps_until_true(main_thread_id, self.g_c1_c2_contents_are, args, max_step_count=5, use_Hc_packet=use_Hc_packet, step_instruction=step_instruction)
-        self.assertTrue(state_reached)
-        self.assertEqual(step_count, 1)
-        # Verify we hit the next state.
-        args["expected_g_c1"] = "0"
-        args["expected_g_c2"] = "0"
-        (state_reached, step_count) = self.count_single_steps_until_true(main_thread_id, self.g_c1_c2_contents_are, args, max_step_count=5, use_Hc_packet=use_Hc_packet, step_instruction=step_instruction)
-        self.assertTrue(state_reached)
-        self.assertEqual(step_count, 1)
-        # Verify we hit the next state.
-        args["expected_g_c1"] = "0"
-        args["expected_g_c2"] = "1"
-        (state_reached, step_count) = self.count_single_steps_until_true(main_thread_id, self.g_c1_c2_contents_are, args, max_step_count=5, use_Hc_packet=use_Hc_packet, step_instruction=step_instruction)
-        self.assertTrue(state_reached)
-        self.assertEqual(step_count, 1)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/Makefile?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/Makefile (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/Makefile (removed)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-LEVEL = ../../../make
-# LD_EXTRAS := -lpthread
-CXX_SOURCES := main.cpp
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteAbort.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteAbort.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteAbort.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteAbort.py (removed)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import signal
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteAbort(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def inferior_abort_received(self):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["abort"])
-        self.assertIsNotNone(procs)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $vCont;c#a8",
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2}).*#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{ 1:"hex_exit_code"} },
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        hex_exit_code = context.get("hex_exit_code")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(hex_exit_code)
-        self.assertEqual(int(hex_exit_code, 16),
-                          lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGABRT'))
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_inferior_abort_received_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_abort_received()
-    @llgs_test
-    # std::abort() on <= API 16 raises SIGSEGV - b.android.com/179836
-    @expectedFailureAndroid(api_levels=list(range(16 + 1)))
-    def test_inferior_abort_received_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_abort_received()

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteSegFault.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteSegFault.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteSegFault.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/TestGdbRemoteSegFault.py (removed)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import gdbremote_testcase
-import signal
-from lldbtest import *
-class TestGdbRemoteSegFault(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def inferior_seg_fault_received(self, expected_signo):
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["segfault"])
-        self.assertIsNotNone(procs)
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
-            "read packet: $vCont;c#a8",
-            {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2}).*#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{ 1:"hex_exit_code"} },
-            ], True)
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        hex_exit_code = context.get("hex_exit_code")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(hex_exit_code)
-        self.assertEqual(int(hex_exit_code, 16), expected_signo)
-    @debugserver_test
-    def test_inferior_seg_fault_received_debugserver(self):
-        self.init_debugserver_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_seg_fault_received(self.GDB_REMOTE_STOP_CODE_BAD_ACCESS)
-    @llgs_test
-    def test_inferior_seg_fault_received_llgs(self):
-        self.init_llgs_test()
-        self.build()
-        self.inferior_seg_fault_received(lldbutil.get_signal_number('SIGSEGV'))

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/main.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/main.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/main.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/inferior-crash/main.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-    const char *const SEGFAULT_COMMAND = "segfault";
-    const char *const ABORT_COMMAND = "abort";
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    if (argc < 2)
-    {
-        std::cout << "expected at least one command provided on the command line" << std::endl;
-    }
-	// Process command line args.
-    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
-    {
-        const char *const command = argv[i];
-        if (std::strstr (command, SEGFAULT_COMMAND))
-        {
-            // Perform a null pointer access.
-            int *const null_int_ptr = nullptr;
-            *null_int_ptr = 0xDEAD;
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (command, ABORT_COMMAND))
-        {
-            std::abort();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            std::cout << "Unsupported command: " << command << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/lldbgdbserverutils.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/lldbgdbserverutils.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/lldbgdbserverutils.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/lldbgdbserverutils.py (removed)
@@ -1,843 +0,0 @@
-"""Module for supporting unit testing of the lldb-server debug monitor exe.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import os
-import os.path
-import platform
-import re
-import six
-import socket_packet_pump
-import subprocess
-import time
-from lldbtest import *
-from six.moves import queue
-def _get_debug_monitor_from_lldb(lldb_exe, debug_monitor_basename):
-    """Return the debug monitor exe path given the lldb exe path.
-    This method attempts to construct a valid debug monitor exe name
-    from a given lldb exe name.  It will return None if the synthesized
-    debug monitor name is not found to exist.
-    The debug monitor exe path is synthesized by taking the directory
-    of the lldb exe, and replacing the portion of the base name that
-    matches "lldb" (case insensitive) and replacing with the value of
-    debug_monitor_basename.
-    Args:
-        lldb_exe: the path to an lldb executable.
-        debug_monitor_basename: the base name portion of the debug monitor
-            that will replace 'lldb'.
-    Returns:
-        A path to the debug monitor exe if it is found to exist; otherwise,
-        returns None.
-    """
-    if not lldb_exe:
-        return None
-    exe_dir = os.path.dirname(lldb_exe)
-    exe_base = os.path.basename(lldb_exe)
-    # we'll rebuild the filename by replacing lldb with
-    # the debug monitor basename, keeping any prefix or suffix in place.
-    regex = re.compile(r"lldb", re.IGNORECASE)
-    new_base = regex.sub(debug_monitor_basename, exe_base)
-    debug_monitor_exe = os.path.join(exe_dir, new_base)
-    if os.path.exists(debug_monitor_exe):
-        return debug_monitor_exe
-    new_base = regex.sub( 'LLDB.framework/Versions/A/Resources/' + debug_monitor_basename, exe_base)
-    debug_monitor_exe = os.path.join(exe_dir, new_base)
-    if os.path.exists(debug_monitor_exe):
-        return debug_monitor_exe
-    return None
-def get_lldb_server_exe():
-    """Return the lldb-server exe path.
-    Returns:
-        A path to the lldb-server exe if it is found to exist; otherwise,
-        returns None.
-    """
-    if "LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH" in os.environ:
-        return os.environ["LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH"]
-    return _get_debug_monitor_from_lldb(lldbtest_config.lldbExec, "lldb-server")
-def get_debugserver_exe():
-    """Return the debugserver exe path.
-    Returns:
-        A path to the debugserver exe if it is found to exist; otherwise,
-        returns None.
-    """
-    if "LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH" in os.environ:
-        return os.environ["LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH"]
-    return _get_debug_monitor_from_lldb(lldbtest_config.lldbExec, "debugserver")
-_LOG_LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(lldb-server|debugserver)\s+<\s*(\d+)>' +
-    '\s+(read|send)\s+packet:\s+(.+)$')
-def _is_packet_lldb_gdbserver_input(packet_type, llgs_input_is_read):
-    """Return whether a given packet is input for lldb-gdbserver.
-    Args:
-        packet_type: a string indicating 'send' or 'receive', from a
-            gdbremote packet protocol log.
-        llgs_input_is_read: true if lldb-gdbserver input (content sent to
-            lldb-gdbserver) is listed as 'read' or 'send' in the packet
-            log entry.
-    Returns:
-        True if the packet should be considered input for lldb-gdbserver; False
-        otherwise.
-    """
-    if packet_type == 'read':
-        # when llgs is the read side, then a read packet is meant for
-        # input to llgs (when captured from the llgs/debugserver exe).
-        return llgs_input_is_read
-    elif packet_type == 'send':
-        # when llgs is the send side, then a send packet is meant to
-        # be input to llgs (when captured from the lldb exe).
-        return not llgs_input_is_read
-    else:
-        # don't understand what type of packet this is
-        raise "Unknown packet type: {}".format(packet_type)
-def handle_O_packet(context, packet_contents, logger):
-    """Handle O packets."""
-    if (not packet_contents) or (len(packet_contents) < 1):
-        return False
-    elif packet_contents[0] != "O":
-        return False
-    elif packet_contents == "OK":
-        return False
-    new_text = gdbremote_hex_decode_string(packet_contents[1:])
-    context["O_content"] += new_text
-    context["O_count"] += 1
-    if logger:
-        logger.debug("text: new \"{}\", cumulative: \"{}\"".format(new_text, context["O_content"]))
-    return True
-_STRIP_CHECKSUM_REGEX = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$')
-_STRIP_COMMAND_PREFIX_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\$")
-_STRIP_COMMAND_PREFIX_M_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\$m")
-def assert_packets_equal(asserter, actual_packet, expected_packet):
-    # strip off the checksum digits of the packet.  When we're in
-    # no-ack mode, the # checksum is ignored, and should not be cause
-    # for a mismatched packet.
-    actual_stripped = _STRIP_CHECKSUM_REGEX.sub('', actual_packet)
-    expected_stripped = _STRIP_CHECKSUM_REGEX.sub('', expected_packet)
-    asserter.assertEqual(actual_stripped, expected_stripped)
-def expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay(
-    asserter,
-    sock,
-    test_sequence,
-    timeout_seconds,
-    logger=None):
-    """Replay socket communication with lldb-gdbserver and verify responses.
-    Args:
-        asserter: the object providing assertEqual(first, second, msg=None), e.g. TestCase instance.
-        sock: the TCP socket connected to the lldb-gdbserver exe.
-        test_sequence: a GdbRemoteTestSequence instance that describes
-            the messages sent to the gdb remote and the responses
-            expected from it.
-        timeout_seconds: any response taking more than this number of
-           seconds will cause an exception to be raised.
-        logger: a Python logger instance.
-    Returns:
-        The context dictionary from running the given gdbremote
-        protocol sequence.  This will contain any of the capture
-        elements specified to any GdbRemoteEntry instances in
-        test_sequence.
-        The context will also contain an entry, context["O_content"]
-        which contains the text from the inferior received via $O
-        packets.  $O packets should not attempt to be matched
-        directly since they are not entirely deterministic as to
-        how many arrive and how much text is in each one.
-        context["O_count"] will contain an integer of the number of
-        O packets received.
-    """
-    # Ensure we have some work to do.
-    if len(test_sequence.entries) < 1:
-        return {}
-    context = {"O_count":0, "O_content":""}
-    with socket_packet_pump.SocketPacketPump(sock, logger) as pump:
-        # Grab the first sequence entry.
-        sequence_entry = test_sequence.entries.pop(0)
-        # While we have an active sequence entry, send messages
-        # destined for the stub and collect/match/process responses
-        # expected from the stub.
-        while sequence_entry:
-            if sequence_entry.is_send_to_remote():
-                # This is an entry to send to the remote debug monitor.
-                send_packet = sequence_entry.get_send_packet()
-                if logger:
-                    if len(send_packet) == 1 and send_packet[0] == chr(3):
-                        packet_desc = "^C"
-                    else:
-                        packet_desc = send_packet
-                    logger.info("sending packet to remote: {}".format(packet_desc))
-                sock.sendall(send_packet)
-            else:
-                # This is an entry expecting to receive content from the remote debug monitor.
-                # We'll pull from (and wait on) the queue appropriate for the type of matcher.
-                # We keep separate queues for process output (coming from non-deterministic
-                # $O packet division) and for all other packets.
-                if sequence_entry.is_output_matcher():
-                    try:
-                        # Grab next entry from the output queue.
-                        content = pump.output_queue().get(True, timeout_seconds)
-                    except queue.Empty:
-                        if logger:
-                            logger.warning("timeout waiting for stub output (accumulated output:{})".format(pump.get_accumulated_output()))
-                        raise Exception("timed out while waiting for output match (accumulated output: {})".format(pump.get_accumulated_output()))
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        content = pump.packet_queue().get(True, timeout_seconds)
-                    except queue.Empty:
-                        if logger:
-                            logger.warning("timeout waiting for packet match (receive buffer: {})".format(pump.get_receive_buffer()))
-                        raise Exception("timed out while waiting for packet match (receive buffer: {})".format(pump.get_receive_buffer()))
-                # Give the sequence entry the opportunity to match the content.
-                # Output matchers might match or pass after more output accumulates.
-                # Other packet types generally must match.
-                asserter.assertIsNotNone(content)
-                context = sequence_entry.assert_match(asserter, content, context=context)
-            # Move on to next sequence entry as needed.  Some sequence entries support executing multiple
-            # times in different states (for looping over query/response packets).
-            if sequence_entry.is_consumed():
-                if len(test_sequence.entries) > 0:
-                    sequence_entry = test_sequence.entries.pop(0)
-                else:
-                    sequence_entry = None
-        # Fill in the O_content entries.
-        context["O_count"] = 1
-        context["O_content"] = pump.get_accumulated_output()
-    return context
-def gdbremote_hex_encode_string(str):
-    output = ''
-    for c in str:
-        output += '{0:02x}'.format(ord(c))
-    return output
-def gdbremote_hex_decode_string(str):
-    return str.decode("hex")
-def gdbremote_packet_encode_string(str):
-    checksum = 0
-    for c in str:
-        checksum += ord(c)
-    return '$' + str + '#{0:02x}'.format(checksum % 256)
-def build_gdbremote_A_packet(args_list):
-    """Given a list of args, create a properly-formed $A packet containing each arg.
-    """
-    payload = "A"
-    # build the arg content
-    arg_index = 0
-    for arg in args_list:
-        # Comma-separate the args.
-        if arg_index > 0:
-            payload += ','
-        # Hex-encode the arg.
-        hex_arg = gdbremote_hex_encode_string(arg)
-        # Build the A entry.
-        payload += "{},{},{}".format(len(hex_arg), arg_index, hex_arg)
-        # Next arg index, please.
-        arg_index += 1
-    # return the packetized payload
-    return gdbremote_packet_encode_string(payload)
-def parse_reg_info_response(response_packet):
-    if not response_packet:
-        raise Exception("response_packet cannot be None")
-    # Strip off prefix $ and suffix #xx if present.
-    response_packet = _STRIP_COMMAND_PREFIX_REGEX.sub("", response_packet)
-    response_packet = _STRIP_CHECKSUM_REGEX.sub("", response_packet)
-    # Build keyval pairs
-    values = {}
-    for kv in response_packet.split(";"):
-        if len(kv) < 1:
-            continue
-        (key, val) = kv.split(':')
-        values[key] = val
-    return values
-def parse_threadinfo_response(response_packet):
-    if not response_packet:
-        raise Exception("response_packet cannot be None")
-    # Strip off prefix $ and suffix #xx if present.
-    response_packet = _STRIP_COMMAND_PREFIX_M_REGEX.sub("", response_packet)
-    response_packet = _STRIP_CHECKSUM_REGEX.sub("", response_packet)
-    # Return list of thread ids
-    return [int(thread_id_hex,16) for thread_id_hex in response_packet.split(",") if len(thread_id_hex) > 0]
-def unpack_endian_binary_string(endian, value_string):
-    """Unpack a gdb-remote binary (post-unescaped, i.e. not escaped) response to an unsigned int given endianness of the inferior."""
-    if not endian:
-        raise Exception("endian cannot be None")
-    if not value_string or len(value_string) < 1:
-        raise Exception("value_string cannot be None or empty")
-    if endian == 'little':
-        value = 0
-        i = 0
-        while len(value_string) > 0:
-            value += (ord(value_string[0]) << i)
-            value_string = value_string[1:]
-            i += 8
-        return value
-    elif endian == 'big':
-        value = 0
-        while len(value_string) > 0:
-            value = (value << 8) + ord(value_string[0])
-            value_string = value_string[1:]
-        return value
-    else:
-        # pdp is valid but need to add parse code once needed.
-        raise Exception("unsupported endian:{}".format(endian))
-def unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, value_string):
-    """Unpack a gdb-remote $p-style response to an unsigned int given endianness of inferior."""
-    if not endian:
-        raise Exception("endian cannot be None")
-    if not value_string or len(value_string) < 1:
-        raise Exception("value_string cannot be None or empty")
-    if endian == 'little':
-        value = 0
-        i = 0
-        while len(value_string) > 0:
-            value += (int(value_string[0:2], 16) << i)
-            value_string = value_string[2:]
-            i += 8
-        return value
-    elif endian == 'big':
-        return int(value_string, 16)
-    else:
-        # pdp is valid but need to add parse code once needed.
-        raise Exception("unsupported endian:{}".format(endian))
-def pack_register_hex(endian, value, byte_size=None):
-    """Unpack a gdb-remote $p-style response to an unsigned int given endianness of inferior."""
-    if not endian:
-        raise Exception("endian cannot be None")
-    if endian == 'little':
-        # Create the litt-endian return value.
-        retval = ""
-        while value != 0:
-            retval = retval + "{:02x}".format(value & 0xff)
-            value = value >> 8
-        if byte_size:
-            # Add zero-fill to the right/end (MSB side) of the value.
-            retval += "00" * (byte_size - len(retval)/2)
-        return retval
-    elif endian == 'big':
-        retval = value.encode("hex")
-        if byte_size:
-            # Add zero-fill to the left/front (MSB side) of the value.
-            retval = ("00" * (byte_size - len(retval)/2)) + retval
-        return retval
-    else:
-        # pdp is valid but need to add parse code once needed.
-        raise Exception("unsupported endian:{}".format(endian))
-class GdbRemoteEntryBase(object):
-    def is_output_matcher(self):
-        return False
-class GdbRemoteEntry(GdbRemoteEntryBase):
-    def __init__(self, is_send_to_remote=True, exact_payload=None, regex=None, capture=None, expect_captures=None):
-        """Create an entry representing one piece of the I/O to/from a gdb remote debug monitor.
-        Args:
-            is_send_to_remote: True if this entry is a message to be
-                sent to the gdbremote debug monitor; False if this
-                entry represents text to be matched against the reply
-                from the gdbremote debug monitor.
-            exact_payload: if not None, then this packet is an exact
-                send (when sending to the remote) or an exact match of
-                the response from the gdbremote. The checksums are
-                ignored on exact match requests since negotiation of
-                no-ack makes the checksum content essentially
-                undefined.
-            regex: currently only valid for receives from gdbremote.
-                When specified (and only if exact_payload is None),
-                indicates the gdbremote response must match the given
-                regex. Match groups in the regex can be used for two
-                different purposes: saving the match (see capture
-                arg), or validating that a match group matches a
-                previously established value (see expect_captures). It
-                is perfectly valid to have just a regex arg and to
-                specify neither capture or expect_captures args. This
-                arg only makes sense if exact_payload is not
-                specified.
-            capture: if specified, is a dictionary of regex match
-                group indices (should start with 1) to variable names
-                that will store the capture group indicated by the
-                index. For example, {1:"thread_id"} will store capture
-                group 1's content in the context dictionary where
-                "thread_id" is the key and the match group value is
-                the value. The value stored off can be used later in a
-                expect_captures expression. This arg only makes sense
-                when regex is specified.
-            expect_captures: if specified, is a dictionary of regex
-                match group indices (should start with 1) to variable
-                names, where the match group should match the value
-                existing in the context at the given variable name.
-                For example, {2:"thread_id"} indicates that the second
-                match group must match the value stored under the
-                context's previously stored "thread_id" key. This arg
-                only makes sense when regex is specified.
-        """
-        self._is_send_to_remote = is_send_to_remote
-        self.exact_payload = exact_payload
-        self.regex = regex
-        self.capture = capture
-        self.expect_captures = expect_captures
-    def is_send_to_remote(self):
-        return self._is_send_to_remote
-    def is_consumed(self):
-        # For now, all packets are consumed after first use.
-        return True
-    def get_send_packet(self):
-        if not self.is_send_to_remote():
-            raise Exception("get_send_packet() called on GdbRemoteEntry that is not a send-to-remote packet")
-        if not self.exact_payload:
-            raise Exception("get_send_packet() called on GdbRemoteEntry but it doesn't have an exact payload")
-        return self.exact_payload
-    def _assert_exact_payload_match(self, asserter, actual_packet):
-        assert_packets_equal(asserter, actual_packet, self.exact_payload)
-        return None
-    def _assert_regex_match(self, asserter, actual_packet, context):
-        # Ensure the actual packet matches from the start of the actual packet.
-        match = self.regex.match(actual_packet)
-        if not match:
-            asserter.fail("regex '{}' failed to match against content '{}'".format(self.regex.pattern, actual_packet))
-        if self.capture:
-            # Handle captures.
-            for group_index, var_name in list(self.capture.items()):
-                capture_text = match.group(group_index)
-                # It is okay for capture text to be None - which it will be if it is a group that can match nothing.
-                # The user must be okay with it since the regex itself matched above.
-                context[var_name] = capture_text
-        if self.expect_captures:
-            # Handle comparing matched groups to context dictionary entries.
-            for group_index, var_name in list(self.expect_captures.items()):
-                capture_text = match.group(group_index)
-                if not capture_text:
-                    raise Exception("No content to expect for group index {}".format(group_index))
-                asserter.assertEqual(capture_text, context[var_name])
-        return context
-    def assert_match(self, asserter, actual_packet, context=None):
-        # This only makes sense for matching lines coming from the
-        # remote debug monitor.
-        if self.is_send_to_remote():
-            raise Exception("Attempted to match a packet being sent to the remote debug monitor, doesn't make sense.")
-        # Create a new context if needed.
-        if not context:
-            context = {}
-        # If this is an exact payload, ensure they match exactly,
-        # ignoring the packet checksum which is optional for no-ack
-        # mode.
-        if self.exact_payload:
-            self._assert_exact_payload_match(asserter, actual_packet)
-            return context
-        elif self.regex:
-            return self._assert_regex_match(asserter, actual_packet, context)
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Don't know how to match a remote-sent packet when exact_payload isn't specified.")
-class MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry(GdbRemoteEntryBase):
-    """Represents a query/response style packet.
-    Assumes the first item is sent to the gdb remote.
-    An end sequence regex indicates the end of the query/response
-    packet sequence.  All responses up through (but not including) the
-    end response are stored in a context variable.
-    Settings accepted from params:
-        next_query or query: required.  The typical query packet without the $ prefix or #xx suffix.
-            If there is a special first packet to start the iteration query, see the
-            first_query key.
-        first_query: optional. If the first query requires a special query command, specify
-            it with this key.  Do not specify the $ prefix or #xx suffix.
-        append_iteration_suffix: defaults to False.  Specify True if the 0-based iteration
-            index should be appended as a suffix to the command.  e.g. qRegisterInfo with
-            this key set true will generate query packets of qRegisterInfo0, qRegisterInfo1,
-            etc.
-        end_regex: required. Specifies a compiled regex object that will match the full text
-            of any response that signals an end to the iteration.  It must include the
-            initial $ and ending #xx and must match the whole packet.
-        save_key: required.  Specifies the key within the context where an array will be stored.
-            Each packet received from the gdb remote that does not match the end_regex will get
-            appended to the array stored within the context at that key.
-        runaway_response_count: optional. Defaults to 10000. If this many responses are retrieved,
-            assume there is something wrong with either the response collection or the ending
-            detection regex and throw an exception.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, params):
-        self._next_query = params.get("next_query", params.get("query"))
-        if not self._next_query:
-            raise "either next_query or query key must be specified for MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry"
-        self._first_query = params.get("first_query", self._next_query)
-        self._append_iteration_suffix = params.get("append_iteration_suffix", False)
-        self._iteration = 0
-        self._end_regex = params["end_regex"]
-        self._save_key = params["save_key"]
-        self._runaway_response_count = params.get("runaway_response_count", 10000)
-        self._is_send_to_remote = True
-        self._end_matched = False
-    def is_send_to_remote(self):
-        return self._is_send_to_remote
-    def get_send_packet(self):
-        if not self.is_send_to_remote():
-            raise Exception("get_send_packet() called on MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry that is not in the send state")
-        if self._end_matched:
-            raise Exception("get_send_packet() called on MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry but end of query/response sequence has already been seen.")
-        # Choose the first or next query for the base payload.
-        if self._iteration == 0 and self._first_query:
-            payload = self._first_query
-        else:
-            payload = self._next_query
-        # Append the suffix as needed.
-        if self._append_iteration_suffix:
-            payload += "%x" % self._iteration
-        # Keep track of the iteration.
-        self._iteration += 1
-        # Now that we've given the query packet, flip the mode to receive/match.
-        self._is_send_to_remote = False
-        # Return the result, converted to packet form.
-        return gdbremote_packet_encode_string(payload)
-    def is_consumed(self):
-        return self._end_matched
-    def assert_match(self, asserter, actual_packet, context=None):
-        # This only makes sense for matching lines coming from the remote debug monitor.
-        if self.is_send_to_remote():
-            raise Exception("assert_match() called on MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry but state is set to send a query packet.")
-        if self._end_matched:
-            raise Exception("assert_match() called on MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry but end of query/response sequence has already been seen.")
-        # Set up a context as needed.
-        if not context:
-            context = {}
-        # Check if the packet matches the end condition.
-        match = self._end_regex.match(actual_packet)
-        if match:
-            # We're done iterating.
-            self._end_matched = True
-            return context
-        # Not done iterating - save the packet.
-        context[self._save_key] = context.get(self._save_key, [])
-        context[self._save_key].append(actual_packet)
-        # Check for a runaway response cycle.
-        if len(context[self._save_key]) >= self._runaway_response_count:
-            raise Exception("runaway query/response cycle detected: %d responses captured so far. Last response: %s" %
-                (len(context[self._save_key]), context[self._save_key][-1]))
-        # Flip the mode to send for generating the query.
-        self._is_send_to_remote = True
-        return context
-class MatchRemoteOutputEntry(GdbRemoteEntryBase):
-    """Waits for output from the debug monitor to match a regex or time out.
-    This entry type tries to match each time new gdb remote output is accumulated
-    using a provided regex.  If the output does not match the regex within the
-    given timeframe, the command fails the playback session.  If the regex does
-    match, any capture fields are recorded in the context.
-    Settings accepted from params:
-        regex: required. Specifies a compiled regex object that must either succeed
-            with re.match or re.search (see regex_mode below) within the given timeout
-            (see timeout_seconds below) or cause the playback to fail.
-        regex_mode: optional. Available values: "match" or "search". If "match", the entire
-            stub output as collected so far must match the regex.  If search, then the regex
-            must match starting somewhere within the output text accumulated thus far.
-            Default: "match" (i.e. the regex must match the entirety of the accumulated output
-            buffer, so unexpected text will generally fail the match).
-        capture: optional.  If specified, is a dictionary of regex match group indices (should start
-            with 1) to variable names that will store the capture group indicated by the
-            index. For example, {1:"thread_id"} will store capture group 1's content in the
-            context dictionary where "thread_id" is the key and the match group value is
-            the value. The value stored off can be used later in a expect_captures expression.
-            This arg only makes sense when regex is specified.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, regex=None, regex_mode="match", capture=None):
-        self._regex = regex
-        self._regex_mode = regex_mode
-        self._capture = capture
-        self._matched = False
-        if not self._regex:
-            raise Exception("regex cannot be None")
-        if not self._regex_mode in ["match", "search"]:
-            raise Exception("unsupported regex mode \"{}\": must be \"match\" or \"search\"".format(self._regex_mode))
-    def is_output_matcher(self):
-        return True
-    def is_send_to_remote(self):
-        # This is always a "wait for remote" command.
-        return False
-    def is_consumed(self):
-        return self._matched
-    def assert_match(self, asserter, accumulated_output, context):
-        # Validate args.
-        if not accumulated_output:
-            raise Exception("accumulated_output cannot be none")
-        if not context:
-            raise Exception("context cannot be none")
-        # Validate that we haven't already matched.
-        if self._matched:
-            raise Exception("invalid state - already matched, attempting to match again")
-        # If we don't have any content yet, we don't match.
-        if len(accumulated_output) < 1:
-            return context
-        # Check if we match
-        if self._regex_mode == "match":
-            match = self._regex.match(accumulated_output)
-        elif self._regex_mode == "search":
-            match = self._regex.search(accumulated_output)
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Unexpected regex mode: {}".format(self._regex_mode))
-        # If we don't match, wait to try again after next $O content, or time out.
-        if not match:
-            # print("re pattern \"{}\" did not match against \"{}\"".format(self._regex.pattern, accumulated_output))
-            return context
-        # We do match.
-        self._matched = True
-        # print("re pattern \"{}\" matched against \"{}\"".format(self._regex.pattern, accumulated_output))
-        # Collect up any captures into the context.
-        if self._capture:
-            # Handle captures.
-            for group_index, var_name in list(self._capture.items()):
-                capture_text = match.group(group_index)
-                if not capture_text:
-                    raise Exception("No content for group index {}".format(group_index))
-                context[var_name] = capture_text
-        return context
-class GdbRemoteTestSequence(object):
-    _LOG_LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r'^.*(read|send)\s+packet:\s+(.+)$')
-    def __init__(self, logger):
-        self.entries = []
-        self.logger = logger
-    def add_log_lines(self, log_lines, remote_input_is_read):
-        for line in log_lines:
-            if type(line) == str:
-                # Handle log line import
-                # if self.logger:
-                #     self.logger.debug("processing log line: {}".format(line))
-                match = self._LOG_LINE_REGEX.match(line)
-                if match:
-                    playback_packet = match.group(2)
-                    direction = match.group(1)
-                    if _is_packet_lldb_gdbserver_input(direction, remote_input_is_read):
-                        # Handle as something to send to the remote debug monitor.
-                        # if self.logger:
-                        #     self.logger.info("processed packet to send to remote: {}".format(playback_packet))
-                        self.entries.append(GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=True, exact_payload=playback_packet))
-                    else:
-                        # Log line represents content to be expected from the remote debug monitor.
-                        # if self.logger:
-                        #     self.logger.info("receiving packet from llgs, should match: {}".format(playback_packet))
-                        self.entries.append(GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False,exact_payload=playback_packet))
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("failed to interpret log line: {}".format(line))
-            elif type(line) == dict:
-                entry_type = line.get("type", "regex_capture")
-                if entry_type == "regex_capture":
-                    # Handle more explicit control over details via dictionary.
-                    direction = line.get("direction", None)
-                    regex = line.get("regex", None)
-                    capture = line.get("capture", None)
-                    expect_captures = line.get("expect_captures", None)
-                    # Compile the regex.
-                    if regex and (type(regex) == str):
-                        regex = re.compile(regex)
-                    if _is_packet_lldb_gdbserver_input(direction, remote_input_is_read):
-                        # Handle as something to send to the remote debug monitor.
-                        # if self.logger:
-                        #     self.logger.info("processed dict sequence to send to remote")
-                        self.entries.append(GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=True, regex=regex, capture=capture, expect_captures=expect_captures))
-                    else:
-                        # Log line represents content to be expected from the remote debug monitor.
-                        # if self.logger:
-                        #     self.logger.info("processed dict sequence to match receiving from remote")
-                        self.entries.append(GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, regex=regex, capture=capture, expect_captures=expect_captures))
-                elif entry_type == "multi_response":
-                    self.entries.append(MultiResponseGdbRemoteEntry(line))
-                elif entry_type == "output_match":
-                    regex = line.get("regex", None)
-                    # Compile the regex.
-                    if regex and (type(regex) == str):
-                        regex = re.compile(regex)
-                    regex_mode = line.get("regex_mode", "match")
-                    capture = line.get("capture", None)
-                    self.entries.append(MatchRemoteOutputEntry(regex=regex, regex_mode=regex_mode, capture=capture))
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("unknown entry type \"%s\"" % entry_type)
-def process_is_running(pid, unknown_value=True):
-    """If possible, validate that the given pid represents a running process on the local system.
-    Args:
-        pid: an OS-specific representation of a process id.  Should be an integral value.
-        unknown_value: value used when we cannot determine how to check running local
-        processes on the OS.
-    Returns:
-        If we can figure out how to check running process ids on the given OS:
-        return True if the process is running, or False otherwise.
-        If we don't know how to check running process ids on the given OS:
-        return the value provided by the unknown_value arg.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(pid, six.integer_types):
-        raise Exception("pid must be an integral type (actual type: %s)" % str(type(pid)))
-    process_ids = []
-    if lldb.remote_platform:
-        # Don't know how to get list of running process IDs on a remote
-        # platform
-        return unknown_value
-    elif platform.system() in ['Darwin', 'Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD']:
-        # Build the list of running process ids
-        output = subprocess.check_output("ps ax | awk '{ print $1; }'", shell=True)
-        text_process_ids = output.split('\n')[1:]
-        # Convert text pids to ints
-        process_ids = [int(text_pid) for text_pid in text_process_ids if text_pid != '']
-    # elif {your_platform_here}:
-    #   fill in process_ids as a list of int type process IDs running on
-    #   the local system.
-    else:
-        # Don't know how to get list of running process IDs on this
-        # OS, so return the "don't know" value.
-        return unknown_value
-    # Check if the pid is in the process_ids
-    return pid in process_ids
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    EXE_PATH = get_lldb_server_exe()
-    if EXE_PATH:
-        print("lldb-server path detected: {}".format(EXE_PATH))
-    else:
-        print("lldb-server could not be found")

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/main.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/main.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/main.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/main.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <vector>
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-int pthread_threadid_np(pthread_t,__uint64_t*);
-#elif defined(__linux__)
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#if defined(__linux__)
-#include <sys/prctl.h>
-static const char *const RETVAL_PREFIX               = "retval:";
-static const char *const SLEEP_PREFIX                = "sleep:";
-static const char *const STDERR_PREFIX               = "stderr:";
-static const char *const SET_MESSAGE_PREFIX          = "set-message:";
-static const char *const PRINT_MESSAGE_COMMAND       = "print-message:";
-static const char *const GET_DATA_ADDRESS_PREFIX     = "get-data-address-hex:";
-static const char *const GET_STACK_ADDRESS_COMMAND   = "get-stack-address-hex:";
-static const char *const GET_HEAP_ADDRESS_COMMAND    = "get-heap-address-hex:";
-static const char *const GET_CODE_ADDRESS_PREFIX     = "get-code-address-hex:";
-static const char *const CALL_FUNCTION_PREFIX        = "call-function:";
-static const char *const THREAD_PREFIX = "thread:";
-static const char *const THREAD_COMMAND_NEW = "new";
-static const char *const THREAD_COMMAND_PRINT_IDS = "print-ids";
-static const char *const THREAD_COMMAND_SEGFAULT = "segfault";
-static bool g_print_thread_ids = false;
-static pthread_mutex_t g_print_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static bool g_threads_do_segfault = false;
-static pthread_mutex_t g_jump_buffer_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static jmp_buf g_jump_buffer;
-static bool g_is_segfaulting = false;
-static char g_message[256];
-static volatile char g_c1 = '0';
-static volatile char g_c2 = '1';
-static void
-print_thread_id ()
-	// Put in the right magic here for your platform to spit out the thread id (tid) that debugserver/lldb-gdbserver would see as a TID.
-	// Otherwise, let the else clause print out the unsupported text so that the unit test knows to skip verifying thread ids.
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-	__uint64_t tid = 0;
-	pthread_threadid_np(pthread_self(), &tid);
-	printf ("%" PRIx64, tid);
-#elif defined (__linux__)
-	// This is a call to gettid() via syscall.
-	printf ("%" PRIx64, static_cast<uint64_t> (syscall (__NR_gettid)));
-	printf("{no-tid-support}");
-static void
-signal_handler (int signo)
-	const char *signal_name = nullptr;
-	switch (signo)
-	{
-		case SIGUSR1: signal_name = "SIGUSR1"; break;
-		case SIGSEGV: signal_name = "SIGSEGV"; break;
-		default:      signal_name = nullptr;
-	}
-	// Print notice that we received the signal on a given thread.
-	pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-	if (signal_name)
-		printf ("received %s on thread id: ", signal_name);
-	else
-		printf ("received signo %d (%s) on thread id: ", signo, strsignal (signo));
-	print_thread_id ();
-	printf ("\n");
-	pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-	// Reset the signal handler if we're one of the expected signal handlers.
-	switch (signo)
-	{
-        case SIGSEGV:
-	        if (g_is_segfaulting)
-	        {
-	            // Fix up the pointer we're writing to.  This needs to happen if nothing intercepts the SIGSEGV
-	            // (i.e. if somebody runs this from the command line).
-	            longjmp(g_jump_buffer, 1);
-			}
-            break;
-        case SIGUSR1:
-            if (g_is_segfaulting)
-            {
-                // Fix up the pointer we're writing to.  This is used to test gdb remote signal delivery.
-                // A SIGSEGV will be raised when the thread is created, switched out for a SIGUSR1, and
-                // then this code still needs to fix the seg fault.
-                // (i.e. if somebody runs this from the command line).
-                longjmp(g_jump_buffer, 1);
-            }
-            break;
-	}
-	// Reset the signal handler.
-	sig_t sig_result = signal (signo, signal_handler);
-	if (sig_result == SIG_ERR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "failed to set signal handler: errno=%d\n", errno);
-		exit (1);
-	}
-static void
-swap_chars ()
-    g_c1 = '1';
-    g_c2 = '0';
-    g_c1 = '0';
-    g_c2 = '1';
-static void
-hello ()
-    pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-    printf ("hello, world\n");
-    pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-static void*
-thread_func (void *arg)
-	static pthread_mutex_t s_thread_index_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-	static int s_thread_index = 1;
-	pthread_mutex_lock (&s_thread_index_mutex);
-	const int this_thread_index = s_thread_index++;
-	pthread_mutex_unlock (&s_thread_index_mutex);
-	if (g_print_thread_ids)
-	{
-		pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-		printf ("thread %d id: ", this_thread_index);
-		print_thread_id ();
-		printf ("\n");
-		pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-	}
-	if (g_threads_do_segfault)
-	{
-		// Sleep for a number of seconds based on the thread index.
-		// TODO add ability to send commands to test exe so we can
-		// handle timing more precisely.  This is clunky.  All we're
-		// trying to do is add predictability as to the timing of
-		// signal generation by created threads.
-		int sleep_seconds = 2 * (this_thread_index - 1);
-		while (sleep_seconds > 0)
-			sleep_seconds = sleep(sleep_seconds);
-		// Test creating a SEGV.
-		pthread_mutex_lock (&g_jump_buffer_mutex);
-		g_is_segfaulting = true;
-		int *bad_p = nullptr;
-		if (setjmp(g_jump_buffer) == 0)
-		{
-			// Force a seg fault signal on this thread.
-			*bad_p = 0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Tell the system we're no longer seg faulting.
-			// Used by the SIGUSR1 signal handler that we inject
-			// in place of the SIGSEGV so it only tries to
-			// recover from the SIGSEGV if this seg fault code
-			// was in play.
-			g_is_segfaulting = false;
-		}
-		pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_jump_buffer_mutex);
-		pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-		printf ("thread ");
-		print_thread_id ();
-		printf (": past SIGSEGV\n");
-		pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-	}
-	int sleep_seconds_remaining = 60;
-	while (sleep_seconds_remaining > 0)
-	{
-		sleep_seconds_remaining = sleep (sleep_seconds_remaining);
-	}
-	return nullptr;
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-#if defined(__linux__)
-    // Immediately enable any ptracer so that we can allow the stub attach
-    // operation to succeed.  Some Linux kernels are locked down so that
-    // only an ancestor can be a ptracer of a process.  This disables that
-    // restriction.  Without it, attach-related stub tests will fail.
-#if defined(PR_SET_PTRACER) && defined(PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY)
-    const int prctl_result = prctl(PR_SET_PTRACER, PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY, 0, 0, 0);
-    static_cast<void> (prctl_result);
-	std::vector<pthread_t> threads;
-	std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> heap_array_up;
-    int return_value = 0;
-	// Set the signal handler.
-	sig_t sig_result = signal (SIGALRM, signal_handler);
-	if (sig_result == SIG_ERR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "failed to set SIGALRM signal handler: errno=%d\n", errno);
-		exit (1);
-	}
-	sig_result = signal (SIGUSR1, signal_handler);
-	if (sig_result == SIG_ERR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "failed to set SIGUSR1 handler: errno=%d\n", errno);
-		exit (1);
-	}
-	sig_result = signal (SIGSEGV, signal_handler);
-	if (sig_result == SIG_ERR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "failed to set SIGUSR1 handler: errno=%d\n", errno);
-		exit (1);
-	}
-	// Process command line args.
-    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
-    {
-        if (std::strstr (argv[i], STDERR_PREFIX))
-        {
-            // Treat remainder as text to go to stderr.
-            fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", (argv[i] + strlen (STDERR_PREFIX)));
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], RETVAL_PREFIX))
-        {
-            // Treat as the return value for the program.
-            return_value = std::atoi (argv[i] + strlen (RETVAL_PREFIX));
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], SLEEP_PREFIX))
-        {
-            // Treat as the amount of time to have this process sleep (in seconds).
-            int sleep_seconds_remaining = std::atoi (argv[i] + strlen (SLEEP_PREFIX));
-			// Loop around, sleeping until all sleep time is used up.  Note that
-			// signals will cause sleep to end early with the number of seconds remaining.
-			for (int i = 0; sleep_seconds_remaining > 0; ++i)
-			{
-				sleep_seconds_remaining = sleep (sleep_seconds_remaining);
-				// std::cout << "sleep result (call " << i << "): " << sleep_seconds_remaining << std::endl;
-			}
-        }
-		else if (std::strstr (argv[i], SET_MESSAGE_PREFIX))
-		{
-			// Copy the contents after "set-message:" to the g_message buffer.
-			// Used for reading inferior memory and verifying contents match expectations.
-            strncpy (g_message, argv[i] + strlen (SET_MESSAGE_PREFIX), sizeof (g_message));
-			// Ensure we're null terminated.
-			g_message[sizeof (g_message) - 1] = '\0';
-		}
-		else if (std::strstr (argv[i], PRINT_MESSAGE_COMMAND))
-		{
-			pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-            printf ("message: %s\n", g_message);
-			pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-		}
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], GET_DATA_ADDRESS_PREFIX))
-        {
-            volatile void *data_p = nullptr;
-            if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen (GET_DATA_ADDRESS_PREFIX), "g_message"))
-                data_p = &g_message[0];
-            else if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen (GET_DATA_ADDRESS_PREFIX), "g_c1"))
-                data_p = &g_c1;
-            else if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen (GET_DATA_ADDRESS_PREFIX), "g_c2"))
-                data_p = &g_c2;
-			pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-            printf ("data address: %p\n", data_p);
-			pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], GET_HEAP_ADDRESS_COMMAND))
-        {
-			// Create a byte array if not already present.
-			if (!heap_array_up)
-				heap_array_up.reset (new uint8_t[32]);
-			pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-            printf ("heap address: %p\n", heap_array_up.get ());
-			pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], GET_STACK_ADDRESS_COMMAND))
-        {
-			pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-            printf ("stack address: %p\n", &return_value);
-			pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], GET_CODE_ADDRESS_PREFIX))
-        {
-            void (*func_p)() = nullptr;
-            if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen (GET_CODE_ADDRESS_PREFIX), "hello"))
-                func_p = hello;
-            else if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen (GET_CODE_ADDRESS_PREFIX), "swap_chars"))
-                func_p = swap_chars;
-			pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-            printf ("code address: %p\n", func_p);
-			pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-        }
-        else if (std::strstr (argv[i], CALL_FUNCTION_PREFIX))
-        {
-            // Defaut to providing the address of main.
-            if (std::strcmp (argv[i] + strlen (CALL_FUNCTION_PREFIX), "hello") == 0)
-                hello();
-            else if (std::strcmp (argv[i] + strlen (CALL_FUNCTION_PREFIX), "swap_chars") == 0)
-                swap_chars();
-            else
-            {
-                pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-                printf ("unknown function: %s\n", argv[i] + strlen (CALL_FUNCTION_PREFIX));
-                pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-            }
-        }
-		else if (std::strstr (argv[i], THREAD_PREFIX))
-		{
-			// Check if we're creating a new thread.
-			if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen(THREAD_PREFIX), THREAD_COMMAND_NEW))
-			{
-				// Create a new thread.
-				pthread_t new_thread;
-				const int err = ::pthread_create (&new_thread, nullptr, thread_func, nullptr);
-			    if (err)
-				{
-					fprintf (stderr, "pthread_create() failed with error code %d\n", err);
-					exit (err);
-				}
-				threads.push_back (new_thread);
-			}
-			else if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen(THREAD_PREFIX), THREAD_COMMAND_PRINT_IDS))
-			{
-				// Turn on thread id announcing.
-				g_print_thread_ids = true;
-				// And announce us.
-				pthread_mutex_lock (&g_print_mutex);
-				printf ("thread 0 id: ");
-				print_thread_id ();
-				printf ("\n");
-				pthread_mutex_unlock (&g_print_mutex);
-			}
-			else if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen(THREAD_PREFIX), THREAD_COMMAND_SEGFAULT))
-			{
-				g_threads_do_segfault = true;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// At this point we don't do anything else with threads.
-				// Later use thread index and send command to thread.
-			}
-		}
-        else
-        {
-            // Treat the argument as text for stdout.
-            printf("%s\n", argv[i]);
-        }
-    }
-	// If we launched any threads, join them
-	for (std::vector<pthread_t>::iterator it = threads.begin (); it != threads.end (); ++it)
-	{
-		void *thread_retval = nullptr;
-		const int err = ::pthread_join (*it, &thread_retval);
-	    if (err != 0)
-			fprintf (stderr, "pthread_join() failed with error code %d\n", err);
-	}
-    return return_value;

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/socket_packet_pump.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/socket_packet_pump.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/socket_packet_pump.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/socket_packet_pump.py (removed)
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import re
-import select
-import threading
-import traceback
-import codecs
-from six.moves import queue
-def _handle_output_packet_string(packet_contents):
-    if (not packet_contents) or (len(packet_contents) < 1):
-        return None
-    elif packet_contents[0] != "O":
-        return None
-    elif packet_contents == "OK":
-        return None
-    else:
-        return packet_contents[1:].decode("hex")
-def _dump_queue(the_queue):
-    while not the_queue.empty():
-        print(codecs.encode(the_queue.get(True), "string_escape"))
-        print("\n")
-class SocketPacketPump(object):
-    """A threaded packet reader that partitions packets into two streams.
-    All incoming $O packet content is accumulated with the current accumulation
-    state put into the OutputQueue.
-    All other incoming packets are placed in the packet queue.
-    A select thread can be started and stopped, and runs to place packet
-    content into the two queues.
-    """
-    _GDB_REMOTE_PACKET_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\$([^\#]*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}')
-    def __init__(self, pump_socket, logger=None):
-        if not pump_socket:
-            raise Exception("pump_socket cannot be None")
-        self._output_queue = queue.Queue()
-        self._packet_queue = queue.Queue()
-        self._thread = None
-        self._stop_thread = False
-        self._socket = pump_socket
-        self._logger = logger
-        self._receive_buffer = ""
-        self._accumulated_output = ""
-    def __enter__(self):
-        """Support the python 'with' statement.
-        Start the pump thread."""
-        self.start_pump_thread()
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exit_type, value, the_traceback):
-        """Support the python 'with' statement.
-        Shut down the pump thread."""
-        self.stop_pump_thread()
-        # Warn if there is any content left in any of the queues.
-        # That would represent unmatched packets.
-        if not self.output_queue().empty():
-            print("warning: output queue entries still exist:")
-            _dump_queue(self.output_queue())
-            print("from here:")
-            traceback.print_stack()
-        if not self.packet_queue().empty():
-            print("warning: packet queue entries still exist:")
-            _dump_queue(self.packet_queue())
-            print("from here:")
-            traceback.print_stack()
-    def start_pump_thread(self):
-        if self._thread:
-            raise Exception("pump thread is already running")
-        self._stop_thread = False
-        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_method)
-        self._thread.start()
-    def stop_pump_thread(self):
-        self._stop_thread = True
-        if self._thread:
-            self._thread.join()
-    def output_queue(self):
-        return self._output_queue
-    def packet_queue(self):
-        return self._packet_queue
-    def _process_new_bytes(self, new_bytes):
-        if not new_bytes:
-            return
-        if len(new_bytes) < 1:
-            return
-        # Add new bytes to our accumulated unprocessed packet bytes.
-        self._receive_buffer += new_bytes
-        # Parse fully-formed packets into individual packets.
-        has_more = len(self._receive_buffer) > 0
-        while has_more:
-            if len(self._receive_buffer) <= 0:
-                has_more = False
-            # handle '+' ack
-            elif self._receive_buffer[0] == "+":
-                self._packet_queue.put("+")
-                self._receive_buffer = self._receive_buffer[1:]
-                if self._logger:
-                    self._logger.debug(
-                        "parsed packet from stub: +\n" +
-                        "new receive_buffer: {}".format(
-                            self._receive_buffer))
-            else:
-                packet_match = self._GDB_REMOTE_PACKET_REGEX.match(
-                    self._receive_buffer)
-                if packet_match:
-                    # Our receive buffer matches a packet at the
-                    # start of the receive buffer.
-                    new_output_content = _handle_output_packet_string(
-                        packet_match.group(1))
-                    if new_output_content:
-                        # This was an $O packet with new content.
-                        self._accumulated_output += new_output_content
-                        self._output_queue.put(self._accumulated_output)
-                    else:
-                        # Any packet other than $O.
-                        self._packet_queue.put(packet_match.group(0))
-                    # Remove the parsed packet from the receive
-                    # buffer.
-                    self._receive_buffer = self._receive_buffer[
-                        len(packet_match.group(0)):]
-                    if self._logger:
-                        self._logger.debug(
-                            "parsed packet from stub: " +
-                            packet_match.group(0))
-                        self._logger.debug(
-                            "new receive_buffer: " +
-                            self._receive_buffer)
-                else:
-                    # We don't have enough in the receive bufferto make a full
-                    # packet. Stop trying until we read more.
-                    has_more = False
-    def _run_method(self):
-        self._receive_buffer = ""
-        self._accumulated_output = ""
-        if self._logger:
-            self._logger.info("socket pump starting")
-        # Keep looping around until we're asked to stop the thread.
-        while not self._stop_thread:
-            can_read, _, _ = select.select([self._socket], [], [], 0)
-            if can_read and self._socket in can_read:
-                try:
-                    new_bytes = self._socket.recv(4096)
-                    if self._logger and new_bytes and len(new_bytes) > 0:
-                        self._logger.debug(
-                            "pump received bytes: {}".format(new_bytes))
-                except:
-                    # Likely a closed socket.  Done with the pump thread.
-                    if self._logger:
-                        self._logger.debug(
-                            "socket read failed, stopping pump read thread")
-                    break
-                self._process_new_bytes(new_bytes)
-        if self._logger:
-            self._logger.info("socket pump exiting")
-    def get_accumulated_output(self):
-        return self._accumulated_output
-    def get_receive_buffer(self):
-        return self._receive_buffer

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/test/test_lldbgdbserverutils.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/test/test_lldbgdbserverutils.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/test/test_lldbgdbserverutils.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-server/test/test_lldbgdbserverutils.py (removed)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import unittest2
-import os.path
-import re
-import sys
-from lldbgdbserverutils import *
-class TestLldbGdbServerUtils(unittest2.TestCase):
-    def test_entry_exact_payload_match(self):
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, exact_payload="$OK#9a")
-        entry.assert_match(self, "$OK#9a")
-    def test_entry_exact_payload_match_ignores_checksum(self):
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, exact_payload="$OK#9a")
-        entry.assert_match(self, "$OK#00")
-    def test_entry_creates_context(self):
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, exact_payload="$OK#9a")
-        context = entry.assert_match(self, "$OK#9a")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-    def test_entry_regex_matches(self):
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, regex=re.compile(r"^\$QC([0-9a-fA-F]+)#"), capture={ 1:"thread_id" })
-        context = entry.assert_match(self, "$QC980#00")
-    def test_entry_regex_saves_match(self):
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, regex=re.compile(r"^\$QC([0-9a-fA-F]+)#"), capture={ 1:"thread_id" })
-        context = entry.assert_match(self, "$QC980#00")
-        self.assertEqual(context["thread_id"], "980")
-    def test_entry_regex_expect_captures_success(self):
-        context = { "thread_id":"980" }
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, regex=re.compile(r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+)"), expect_captures={ 2:"thread_id" })
-        entry.assert_match(self, "$T11thread:980;", context=context)
-    def test_entry_regex_expect_captures_raises_on_fail(self):
-        context = { "thread_id":"980" }
-        entry = GdbRemoteEntry(is_send_to_remote=False, regex=re.compile(r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+)"), expect_captures={ 2:"thread_id" })
-        try:
-            entry.assert_match(self, "$T11thread:970;", context=context)
-            self.fail()
-        except AssertionError:
-            # okay
-            return None

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/AbstractBase.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/AbstractBase.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/AbstractBase.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/AbstractBase.py (removed)
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-Abstract base class of basic types provides a generic type tester method.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os, time
-import re
-import lldb
-from lldbtest import *
-import lldbutil
-def Msg(var, val, using_frame_variable):
-    return "'%s %s' matches the output (from compiled code): %s" % (
-        'frame variable --show-types' if using_frame_variable else 'expression' ,var, val)
-class GenericTester(TestBase):
-    # This is the pattern by design to match the " var = 'value'" output from
-    # printf() stmts (see basic_type.cpp).
-    pattern = re.compile(" (\*?a[^=]*) = '([^=]*)'$")
-    # Assert message.
-    DATA_TYPE_GROKKED = "Data type from expr parser output is parsed correctly"
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        TestBase.setUp(self)
-        # We'll use the test method name as the exe_name.
-        # There are a bunch of test cases under test/types and we don't want the
-        # module cacheing subsystem to be confused with executable name "a.out"
-        # used for all the test cases.
-        self.exe_name = self.testMethodName
-        self.golden_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "golden-output.txt")
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Cleanup the test byproducts."""
-        #print("Removing golden-output.txt...")
-        if os.path.exists(self.golden_filename):
-            os.remove(self.golden_filename)
-        TestBase.tearDown(self)
-    #==========================================================================#
-    # Functions build_and_run() and build_and_run_expr() are generic functions #
-    # which are called from the Test*Types*.py test cases.  The API client is  #
-    # responsible for supplying two mandatory arguments: the source file, e.g.,#
-    # 'int.cpp', and the atoms, e.g., set(['unsigned', 'long long']) to the    #
-    # functions.  There are also three optional keyword arguments of interest, #
-    # as follows:                                                              #
-    #                                                                          #
-    # bc -> blockCaptured (defaulted to False)                                 #
-    #         True: testing vars of various basic types from inside a block    #
-    #         False: testing vars of various basic types from a function       #
-    # qd -> quotedDisplay (defaulted to False)                                 #
-    #         True: the output from 'frame var' or 'expr var' contains a pair  #
-    #               of single quotes around the value                          #
-    #         False: no single quotes are to be found around the value of      #
-    #                variable                                                  #
-    #==========================================================================#
-    def build_and_run(self, source, atoms, bc=False, qd=False):
-        self.build_and_run_with_source_atoms_expr(source, atoms, expr=False, bc=bc, qd=qd)
-    def build_and_run_expr(self, source, atoms, bc=False, qd=False):
-        self.build_and_run_with_source_atoms_expr(source, atoms, expr=True, bc=bc, qd=qd)
-    def build_and_run_with_source_atoms_expr(self, source, atoms, expr, bc=False, qd=False):
-        # See also Makefile and basic_type.cpp:177.
-        if bc:
-            d = {'CXX_SOURCES': source, 'EXE': self.exe_name, 'CFLAGS_EXTRAS': '-DTEST_BLOCK_CAPTURED_VARS'}
-        else:
-            d = {'CXX_SOURCES': source, 'EXE': self.exe_name}
-        self.build(dictionary=d)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
-        if expr:
-            self.generic_type_expr_tester(self.exe_name, atoms, blockCaptured=bc, quotedDisplay=qd)
-        else:
-            self.generic_type_tester(self.exe_name, atoms, blockCaptured=bc, quotedDisplay=qd)
-    def process_launch_o(self, localPath):
-        # process launch command output redirect always goes to host the process is running on
-        if lldb.remote_platform:
-            # process launch -o requires a path that is valid on the target
-            self.assertIsNotNone(lldb.remote_platform.GetWorkingDirectory())
-            remote_path = lldbutil.append_to_process_working_directory("lldb-stdout-redirect.txt")
-            self.runCmd('process launch -o {remote}'.format(remote=remote_path))
-            # copy remote_path to local host
-            self.runCmd('platform get-file {remote} "{local}"'.format(
-                remote=remote_path, local=self.golden_filename))
-        else:
-            self.runCmd('process launch -o "{local}"'.format(local=self.golden_filename))
-    def generic_type_tester(self, exe_name, atoms, quotedDisplay=False, blockCaptured=False):
-        """Test that variables with basic types are displayed correctly."""
-        self.runCmd("file %s" % exe_name, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        # First, capture the golden output emitted by the oracle, i.e., the
-        # series of printf statements.
-        self.process_launch_o(self.golden_filename)
-        with open(self.golden_filename) as f:
-            go = f.read()
-        # This golden list contains a list of (variable, value) pairs extracted
-        # from the golden output.
-        gl = []
-        # Scan the golden output line by line, looking for the pattern:
-        #
-        #     variable = 'value'
-        #
-        for line in go.split(os.linesep):
-            # We'll ignore variables of array types from inside a block.
-            if blockCaptured and '[' in line:
-                continue
-            match = self.pattern.search(line)
-            if match:
-                var, val = match.group(1), match.group(2)
-                gl.append((var, val))
-        #print("golden list:", gl)
-        # This test uses a #include of "basic_type.cpp" so we need to enable
-        # always setting inlined breakpoints.
-        self.runCmd('settings set target.inline-breakpoint-strategy always')
-        # And add hooks to restore the settings during tearDown().
-        self.addTearDownHook(
-            lambda: self.runCmd("settings set target.inline-breakpoint-strategy headers"))
-        # Bring the program to the point where we can issue a series of
-        # 'frame variable --show-types' command.
-        if blockCaptured:
-            break_line = line_number ("basic_type.cpp", "// Break here to test block captured variables.")
-        else:
-            break_line = line_number ("basic_type.cpp", "// Here is the line we will break on to check variables.")
-        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "basic_type.cpp", break_line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True)
-        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
-        self.expect("process status", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
-            substrs = [" at basic_type.cpp:%d" % break_line,
-                       "stop reason = breakpoint"])
-        #self.runCmd("frame variable --show-types")
-        # Now iterate through the golden list, comparing against the output from
-        # 'frame variable --show-types var'.
-        for var, val in gl:
-            self.runCmd("frame variable --show-types %s" % var)
-            output = self.res.GetOutput()
-            # The input type is in a canonical form as a set of named atoms.
-            # The display type string must contain each and every element.
-            #
-            # Example:
-            #     runCmd: frame variable --show-types a_array_bounded[0]
-            #     output: (char) a_array_bounded[0] = 'a'
-            #
-            try:
-                dt = re.match("^\((.*)\)", output).group(1)
-            except:
-                self.fail(self.DATA_TYPE_GROKKED)
-            # Expect the display type string to contain each and every atoms.
-            self.expect(dt,
-                        "Display type: '%s' must contain the type atoms: '%s'" %
-                        (dt, atoms),
-                        exe=False,
-                substrs = list(atoms))
-            # The (var, val) pair must match, too.
-            nv = ("%s = '%s'" if quotedDisplay else "%s = %s") % (var, val)
-            self.expect(output, Msg(var, val, True), exe=False,
-                substrs = [nv])
-        pass
-    def generic_type_expr_tester(self, exe_name, atoms, quotedDisplay=False, blockCaptured=False):
-        """Test that variable expressions with basic types are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.runCmd("file %s" % exe_name, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        # First, capture the golden output emitted by the oracle, i.e., the
-        # series of printf statements.
-        self.process_launch_o(self.golden_filename)
-        with open(self.golden_filename) as f:
-            go = f.read()
-        # This golden list contains a list of (variable, value) pairs extracted
-        # from the golden output.
-        gl = []
-        # Scan the golden output line by line, looking for the pattern:
-        #
-        #     variable = 'value'
-        #
-        for line in go.split(os.linesep):
-            # We'll ignore variables of array types from inside a block.
-            if blockCaptured and '[' in line:
-                continue
-            match = self.pattern.search(line)
-            if match:
-                var, val = match.group(1), match.group(2)
-                gl.append((var, val))
-        #print("golden list:", gl)
-        # This test uses a #include of "basic_type.cpp" so we need to enable
-        # always setting inlined breakpoints.
-        self.runCmd('settings set target.inline-breakpoint-strategy always')
-        # And add hooks to restore the settings during tearDown().
-        self.addTearDownHook(
-            lambda: self.runCmd("settings set target.inline-breakpoint-strategy headers"))
-        # Bring the program to the point where we can issue a series of
-        # 'expr' command.
-        if blockCaptured:
-            break_line = line_number ("basic_type.cpp", "// Break here to test block captured variables.")
-        else:
-            break_line = line_number ("basic_type.cpp", "// Here is the line we will break on to check variables.")
-        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "basic_type.cpp", break_line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True)
-        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
-        self.expect("process status", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
-            substrs = [" at basic_type.cpp:%d" % break_line,
-                       "stop reason = breakpoint"])
-        #self.runCmd("frame variable --show-types")
-        # Now iterate through the golden list, comparing against the output from
-        # 'expr var'.
-        for var, val in gl:
-            self.runCmd("expression %s" % var)
-            output = self.res.GetOutput()
-            # The input type is in a canonical form as a set of named atoms.
-            # The display type string must contain each and every element.
-            #
-            # Example:
-            #     runCmd: expr a
-            #     output: (double) $0 = 1100.12
-            #
-            try:
-                dt = re.match("^\((.*)\) \$[0-9]+ = ", output).group(1)
-            except:
-                self.fail(self.DATA_TYPE_GROKKED)
-            # Expect the display type string to contain each and every atoms.
-            self.expect(dt,
-                        "Display type: '%s' must contain the type atoms: '%s'" %
-                        (dt, atoms),
-                        exe=False,
-                substrs = list(atoms))
-            # The val part must match, too.
-            valPart = ("'%s'" if quotedDisplay else "%s") % val
-            self.expect(output, Msg(var, val, False), exe=False,
-                substrs = [valPart])
-        pass

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/HideTestFailures.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/HideTestFailures.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/HideTestFailures.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/HideTestFailures.py (removed)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Test that variables of integer basic types are displayed correctly.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import AbstractBase
-import sys
-import lldb
-from lldbtest import *
-# rdar://problem/9649573
-# Capture the lldb and gdb-remote log files for test failures when run with no "-w" option
-class DebugIntegerTypesFailures(TestBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        TestBase.setUp(self)
-        # If we're lucky, test_long_type_with_dsym fails.
-        # Let's turn on logging just for that.
-        try:
-            if "test_long_type_with_dsym" in self.id():
-                self.runCmd(
-                    "log enable -n -f %s lldb commands event process state" %
-                    os.environ["DEBUG_LLDB_LOG"])
-                self.runCmd(
-                    "log enable -n -f %s gdb-remote packets process" %
-                    os.environ["DEBUG_GDB_REMOTE_LOG"])
-        except:
-            pass
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # If we're lucky, test_long_type_with_dsym fails.
-        # Let's turn off logging just for that.
-        if "test_long_type_with_dsym" in self.id():
-            self.runCmd("log disable lldb")
-            self.runCmd("log disable gdb-remote")
-        # Call super's tearDown().
-        TestBase.tearDown(self)
-    def test_char_type(self):
-        """Test that char-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        d = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'char.cpp'}
-        self.build(dictionary=d)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
-        self.generic_type_tester(set(['char']), quotedDisplay=True)
-    def test_short_type(self):
-        """Test that short-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        d = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'short.cpp'}
-        self.build(dictionary=d)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
-        self.generic_type_tester(set(['short']))
-    def test_int_type(self):
-        """Test that int-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        d = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'int.cpp'}
-        self.build(dictionary=d)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
-        self.generic_type_tester(set(['int']))
-    def test_long_type(self):
-        """Test that long-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        d = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'long.cpp'}
-        self.build(dictionary=d)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
-        self.generic_type_tester(set(['long']))
-    def test_long_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'long long'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        d = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'long_long.cpp'}
-        self.build(dictionary=d)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
-        self.generic_type_tester(set(['long long']))

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/Makefile?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/Makefile (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/Makefile (removed)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-LEVEL = ../make
-# Example:
-# CXX_SOURCES := int.cpp
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypes.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypes.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypes.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypes.py (removed)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Test that variables of floating point types are displayed correctly.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import AbstractBase
-import lldb
-import sys
-from lldbtest import *
-class FloatTypesTestCase(AbstractBase.GenericTester):
-    mydir = AbstractBase.GenericTester.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        AbstractBase.GenericTester.setUp(self)
-        # disable "There is a running process, kill it and restart?" prompt
-        self.runCmd("settings set auto-confirm true")
-        self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.runCmd("settings clear auto-confirm"))
-    def test_float_type(self):
-        """Test that float-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('float.cpp', set(['float']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_float_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that float-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('float.cpp', set(['float']), bc=True)
-    def test_double_type(self):
-        """Test that double-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('double.cpp', set(['double']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_double_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that double-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('double.cpp', set(['double']), bc=True)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypesExpr.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypesExpr.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypesExpr.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/TestFloatTypesExpr.py (removed)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Test that variable expressions of floating point types are evaluated correctly.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import AbstractBase
-import lldb
-import sys
-from lldbtest import *
-class FloatTypesExprTestCase(AbstractBase.GenericTester):
-    mydir = AbstractBase.GenericTester.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    # rdar://problem/8493023
-    # test/types failures for Test*TypesExpr.py: element offset computed wrong and sign error?
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        AbstractBase.GenericTester.setUp(self)
-        # disable "There is a running process, kill it and restart?" prompt
-        self.runCmd("settings set auto-confirm true")
-        self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.runCmd("settings clear auto-confirm"))
-    def test_float_type(self):
-        """Test that float-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('float.cpp', set(['float']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_float_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that float-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('float.cpp', set(['float']), bc=True)
-    def test_double_type(self):
-        """Test that double-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('double.cpp', set(['double']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_double_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that double-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('double.cpp', set(['double']), bc=True)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypes.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypes.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypes.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypes.py (removed)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Test that variables of integer basic types are displayed correctly.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import AbstractBase
-import lldb
-import sys
-from lldbtest import *
-class IntegerTypesTestCase(AbstractBase.GenericTester):
-    mydir = AbstractBase.GenericTester.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        AbstractBase.GenericTester.setUp(self)
-        # disable "There is a running process, kill it and restart?" prompt
-        self.runCmd("settings set auto-confirm true")
-        self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.runCmd("settings clear auto-confirm"))
-    def test_char_type(self):
-        """Test that char-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('char.cpp', set(['char']), qd=True)
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_char_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that char-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('char.cpp', set(['char']), bc=True, qd=True)
-    def test_unsigned_char_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_char'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_char.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'char']), qd=True)
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_char_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned char'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_char.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'char']), bc=True, qd=True)
-    def test_short_type(self):
-        """Test that short-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('short.cpp', set(['short']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_short_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that short-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('short.cpp', set(['short']), bc=True)
-    def test_unsigned_short_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_short'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_short.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'short']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_short_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned short'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_short.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'short']), bc=True)
-    def test_int_type(self):
-        """Test that int-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('int.cpp', set(['int']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_int_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that int-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('int.cpp', set(['int']))
-    def test_unsigned_int_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_int'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_int.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'int']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_int_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned int'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_int.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'int']), bc=True)
-    def test_long_type(self):
-        """Test that long-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('long.cpp', set(['long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that long-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('long.cpp', set(['long']), bc=True)
-    def test_unsigned_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned long'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_long'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long']), bc=True)
-    def test_long_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'long long'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('long_long.cpp', set(['long long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_long_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'long_long'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('long_long.cpp', set(['long long']), bc=True)
-    def test_unsigned_long_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned long long'-type variables are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_long_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_long_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_long_long'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run('unsigned_long_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long long']), bc=True)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypesExpr.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypesExpr.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypesExpr.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/TestIntegerTypesExpr.py (removed)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Test that variable expressions of integer basic types are evaluated correctly.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import AbstractBase
-import lldb
-import sys
-from lldbtest import *
-class IntegerTypesExprTestCase(AbstractBase.GenericTester):
-    mydir = AbstractBase.GenericTester.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        AbstractBase.GenericTester.setUp(self)
-        # disable "There is a running process, kill it and restart?" prompt
-        self.runCmd("settings set auto-confirm true")
-        self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.runCmd("settings clear auto-confirm"))
-    def test_char_type(self):
-        """Test that char-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('char.cpp', set(['char']), qd=True)
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_char_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that char-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('char.cpp', set(['char']), bc=True, qd=True)
-    def test_unsigned_char_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_char'-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_char.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'char']), qd=True)
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_char_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned char'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_char.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'char']), bc=True, qd=True)
-    def test_short_type(self):
-        """Test that short-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('short.cpp', set(['short']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_short_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that short-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('short.cpp', set(['short']), bc=True)
-    def test_unsigned_short_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_short'-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_short.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'short']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_short_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned short'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_short.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'short']), bc=True)
-    def test_int_type(self):
-        """Test that int-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('int.cpp', set(['int']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_int_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that int-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('int.cpp', set(['int']))
-    def test_unsigned_int_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_int'-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_int.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'int']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_int_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned int'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_int.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'int']), bc=True)
-    def test_long_type(self):
-        """Test that long-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('long.cpp', set(['long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that long-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('long.cpp', set(['long']), bc=True)
-    def test_unsigned_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned long'-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_long'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long']), bc=True)
-    def test_long_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'long long'-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('long_long.cpp', set(['long long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_long_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'long_long'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('long_long.cpp', set(['long long']), bc=True)
-    def test_unsigned_long_long_type(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned long long'-type variable expressions are evaluated correctly."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_long_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long long']))
-    @skipUnlessDarwin
-    def test_unsigned_long_long_type_from_block(self):
-        """Test that 'unsigned_long_long'-type variables are displayed correctly from a block."""
-        self.build_and_run_expr('unsigned_long_long.cpp', set(['unsigned', 'long long']), bc=True)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/TestRecursiveTypes.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/TestRecursiveTypes.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/TestRecursiveTypes.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/TestRecursiveTypes.py (removed)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Test that recursive types are handled correctly.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import lldb
-import lldbutil
-import sys
-from lldbtest import *
-class RecursiveTypesTestCase(TestBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        # Call super's setUp().
-        TestBase.setUp(self)
-        # disable "There is a running process, kill it and restart?" prompt
-        self.runCmd("settings set auto-confirm true")
-        self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.runCmd("settings clear auto-confirm"))
-        # Find the line number to break for main.c.
-        self.line = line_number('recursive_type_main.cpp',
-                                '// Test at this line.')
-        self.d1 = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'recursive_type_main.cpp recursive_type_1.cpp'}
-        self.d2 = {'CXX_SOURCES': 'recursive_type_main.cpp recursive_type_2.cpp'}
-    def test_recursive_type_1(self):
-        """Test that recursive structs are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build(dictionary=self.d1)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=self.d1)
-        self.print_struct()
-    def test_recursive_type_2(self):
-        """Test that recursive structs are displayed correctly."""
-        self.build(dictionary=self.d2)
-        self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=self.d2)
-        self.print_struct()
-    def print_struct(self):
-        self.runCmd("file a.out", CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "recursive_type_main.cpp", self.line, num_expected_locations=-1, loc_exact=True)
-        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
-        self.expect("print tpi", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
-        self.expect("print *tpi", RUN_SUCCEEDED)

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/basic_type.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/basic_type.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/basic_type.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/basic_type.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// This file must have the following defined before it is included:
-// T defined to the type to test (int, float, etc)
-// T_CSTR a C string representation of the type T ("int", "float")
-// T_VALUE_1 defined to a valid initializer value for TEST_TYPE (7 for int, 2.0 for float)
-// T_VALUE_2, T_VALUE_3, T_VALUE_4 defined to a valid initializer value for TEST_TYPE that is different from TEST_VALUE_1
-// T_PRINTF_FORMAT defined if T can be printed with printf
-// An example for integers is below
-#if 0
-#define T int
-#define T_CSTR "int"
-#define T_VALUE_1 11001110
-#define T_VALUE_2 22002220
-#define T_VALUE_3 33003330
-#define T_VALUE_4 44044440
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%i"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"
-#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
-class a_class 
-    a_class (const T& a, const T& b) :
-        m_a (a),
-        m_b (b)
-    {
-    }
-    ~a_class ()
-    {
-    }
-    const T&
-    get_a() const
-    {
-        return m_a;
-    } 
-    void
-    set_a (const T& a)
-    {
-        m_a = a;
-    }
-    const T&
-    get_b() const
-    {
-        return m_b;
-    } 
-    void
-    set_b (const T& b)
-    {
-        m_b = b;
-    }
-    T m_a;
-    T m_b;
-typedef struct a_struct_tag {
-    T a;
-    T b;
-} a_struct_t;
-typedef union a_union_zero_tag {
-    T a;
-    double a_double;
-} a_union_zero_t;
-typedef struct a_union_nonzero_tag {
-  double a_double;
-  a_union_zero_t u;
-} a_union_nonzero_t;
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-main (int argc, char const *argv[])
-    T a = T_VALUE_1;
-    T* a_ptr = &a;
-    T& a_ref = a;
-    T a_array_bounded[2] = { T_VALUE_1, T_VALUE_2 };    
-    T a_array_unbounded[] = { T_VALUE_1, T_VALUE_2 };
-    a_class a_class_instance (T_VALUE_1, T_VALUE_2);
-    a_class *a_class_ptr = &a_class_instance;
-    a_class &a_class_ref = a_class_instance;
-    a_struct_t a_struct = { T_VALUE_1, T_VALUE_2 };
-    a_struct_t *a_struct_ptr = &a_struct;
-    a_struct_t &a_struct_ref = a_struct;
-    // Create a union with type T at offset zero
-    a_union_zero_t a_union_zero;
-    a_union_zero.a = T_VALUE_1;
-    a_union_zero_t *a_union_zero_ptr = &a_union_zero;
-    a_union_zero_t &a_union_zero_ref = a_union_zero;
-    // Create a union with type T at a non-zero offset
-    a_union_nonzero_t a_union_nonzero;
-    a_union_nonzero.u.a = T_VALUE_1;
-    a_union_nonzero_t *a_union_nonzero_ptr = &a_union_nonzero;
-    a_union_nonzero_t &a_union_nonzero_ref = a_union_nonzero;
-    a_struct_t a_struct_array_bounded[2]  = {{ T_VALUE_1, T_VALUE_2 }, { T_VALUE_3, T_VALUE_4 }};
-    a_struct_t a_struct_array_unbounded[] = {{ T_VALUE_1, T_VALUE_2 }, { T_VALUE_3, T_VALUE_4 }};
-    a_union_zero_t a_union_zero_array_bounded[2];
-    a_union_zero_array_bounded[0].a = T_VALUE_1;
-    a_union_zero_array_bounded[1].a = T_VALUE_2;
-    a_union_zero_t a_union_zero_array_unbounded[] = {{ T_VALUE_1 }, { T_VALUE_2 }};
-    printf ("%s: a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a);
-    printf ("%s*: %p => *a_ptr = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a_ptr, *a_ptr);
-    printf ("%s&: @%p => a_ref = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, &a_ref, a_ref);
-    printf ("%s[2]: a_array_bounded[0] = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a_array_bounded[0]);
-    printf ("%s[2]: a_array_bounded[1] = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a_array_bounded[1]);
-    printf ("%s[]: a_array_unbounded[0] = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a_array_unbounded[0]);
-    printf ("%s[]: a_array_unbounded[1] = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a_array_unbounded[1]);
-    printf ("(a_class) a_class_instance.m_a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_instance.get_a());
-    printf ("(a_class) a_class_instance.m_b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_instance.get_b());
-    printf ("(a_class*) a_class_ptr = %p, a_class_ptr->m_a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_ptr, a_class_ptr->get_a());
-    printf ("(a_class*) a_class_ptr = %p, a_class_ptr->m_b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_ptr, a_class_ptr->get_b());
-    printf ("(a_class&) a_class_ref = %p, a_class_ref.m_a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_class_ref, a_class_ref.get_a());
-    printf ("(a_class&) a_class_ref = %p, a_class_ref.m_b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_class_ref, a_class_ref.get_b());
-    printf ("(a_struct_t) a_struct.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct.a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t) a_struct.b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct.b);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t*) a_struct_ptr = %p, a_struct_ptr->a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_ptr, a_struct_ptr->a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t*) a_struct_ptr = %p, a_struct_ptr->b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_ptr, a_struct_ptr->b);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t&) a_struct_ref = %p, a_struct_ref.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_struct_ref, a_struct_ref.a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t&) a_struct_ref = %p, a_struct_ref.b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_struct_ref, a_struct_ref.b);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t) a_union_zero.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero.a);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t*) a_union_zero_ptr = %p, a_union_zero_ptr->a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero_ptr, a_union_zero_ptr->a);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t&) a_union_zero_ref = %p, a_union_zero_ref.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_union_zero_ref, a_union_zero_ref.a);
-    printf ("(a_union_nonzero_t) a_union_nonzero.u.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_nonzero.u.a);
-    printf ("(a_union_nonzero_t*) a_union_nonzero_ptr = %p, a_union_nonzero_ptr->u.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_nonzero_ptr, a_union_nonzero_ptr->u.a);
-    printf ("(a_union_nonzero_t&) a_union_nonzero_ref = %p, a_union_nonzero_ref.u.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_union_nonzero_ref, a_union_nonzero_ref.u.a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[2]) a_struct_array_bounded[0].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_bounded[0].a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[2]) a_struct_array_bounded[0].b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_bounded[0].b);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[2]) a_struct_array_bounded[1].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_bounded[1].a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[2]) a_struct_array_bounded[1].b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_bounded[1].b);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[]) a_struct_array_unbounded[0].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_unbounded[0].a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[]) a_struct_array_unbounded[0].b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_unbounded[0].b);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[]) a_struct_array_unbounded[1].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_unbounded[1].a);
-    printf ("(a_struct_t[]) a_struct_array_unbounded[1].b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_array_unbounded[1].b);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t[2]) a_union_zero_array_bounded[0].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero_array_bounded[0].a);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t[2]) a_union_zero_array_bounded[1].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero_array_bounded[1].a);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t[]) a_union_zero_array_unbounded[0].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero_array_unbounded[0].a);
-    printf ("(a_union_zero_t[]) a_union_zero_array_unbounded[1].a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero_array_unbounded[1].a);
-    puts("About to exit, break here to check values..."); // Here is the line we will break on to check variables.
-    void (^myBlock)() = ^() {
-        printf ("%s: a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a);
-        printf ("%s*: %p => *a_ptr = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, a_ptr, *a_ptr);
-        printf ("%s&: @%p => a_ref = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", T_CSTR, &a_ref, a_ref);
-        printf ("(a_class) a_class_instance.m_a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_instance.get_a());
-        printf ("(a_class) a_class_instance.m_b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_instance.get_b());
-        printf ("(a_class*) a_class_ptr = %p, a_class_ptr->m_a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_ptr, a_class_ptr->get_a());
-        printf ("(a_class*) a_class_ptr = %p, a_class_ptr->m_b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_class_ptr, a_class_ptr->get_b());
-        printf ("(a_class&) a_class_ref = %p, a_class_ref.m_a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_class_ref, a_class_ref.get_a());
-        printf ("(a_class&) a_class_ref = %p, a_class_ref.m_b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_class_ref, a_class_ref.get_b());
-        printf ("(a_struct_t) a_struct.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct.a);
-        printf ("(a_struct_t) a_struct.b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct.b);
-        printf ("(a_struct_t*) a_struct_ptr = %p, a_struct_ptr->a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_ptr, a_struct_ptr->a);
-        printf ("(a_struct_t*) a_struct_ptr = %p, a_struct_ptr->b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_struct_ptr, a_struct_ptr->b);
-        printf ("(a_struct_t&) a_struct_ref = %p, a_struct_ref.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_struct_ref, a_struct_ref.a);
-        printf ("(a_struct_t&) a_struct_ref = %p, a_struct_ref.b = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_struct_ref, a_struct_ref.b);
-        printf ("(a_union_zero_t) a_union_zero.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero.a);
-        printf ("(a_union_zero_t*) a_union_zero_ptr = %p, a_union_zero_ptr->a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_zero_ptr, a_union_zero_ptr->a);
-        printf ("(a_union_zero_t&) a_union_zero_ref = %p, a_union_zero_ref.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_union_zero_ref, a_union_zero_ref.a);
-        printf ("(a_union_nonzero_t) a_union_nonzero.u.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_nonzero.u.a);
-        printf ("(a_union_nonzero_t*) a_union_nonzero_ptr = %p, a_union_nonzero_ptr->u.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", a_union_nonzero_ptr, a_union_nonzero_ptr->u.a);
-        printf ("(a_union_nonzero_t&) a_union_nonzero_ref = %p, a_union_nonzero_ref.u.a = '" T_PRINTF_FORMAT "'\n", &a_union_nonzero_ref, a_union_nonzero_ref.u.a);
-        printf ("That's All Folks!\n"); // Break here to test block captured variables.
-    };
-    myBlock();
-    return 0;

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/char.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/char.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/char.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/char.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T char
-#define T_CSTR "char"
-#define T_VALUE_1 'a'
-#define T_VALUE_2 'b'
-#define T_VALUE_3 '!'
-#define T_VALUE_4 '~'
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%c"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/double.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/double.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/double.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/double.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T double
-#define T_CSTR "double"
-#define T_VALUE_1 1100.125
-#define T_VALUE_2 2200.250
-#define T_VALUE_3 33.00
-#define T_VALUE_4 44.00
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%lg"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/float.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/float.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/float.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/float.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T float
-#define T_CSTR "float"
-#define T_VALUE_1 1100.125
-#define T_VALUE_2 2200.250
-#define T_VALUE_3 33.00
-#define T_VALUE_4 44.00
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%g"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/int.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/int.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/int.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/int.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T int
-#define T_CSTR "int"
-#define T_VALUE_1 11001110
-#define T_VALUE_2 22002220
-#define T_VALUE_3 33003330
-#define T_VALUE_4 44004440
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%i"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/long.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/long.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/long.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/long.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#define T long
-#define T_CSTR "long"
-#ifdef __LP64__
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101111
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202222
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303333
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404444
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%ld"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/long_long.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/long_long.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/long_long.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/long_long.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#define T long long
-#define T_CSTR "long long"
-#ifdef __LP64__
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101111
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202222
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303333
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404444
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%lld"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_1.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_1.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_1.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_1.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct t *tp;
-typedef tp (*get_tp)();
-struct s {
-    get_tp get_tp_p;
-struct t {
-    struct s *s;
-struct t t;

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_2.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_2.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_2.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_2.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct t *tp;
-typedef tp (*get_tp)();
-struct t {
-    struct {
-      get_tp get_tp_p;
-    };
-struct t t;

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_main.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_main.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_main.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/recursive_type_main.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct t *tp;
-extern struct t t;
-int main() {
-    tp tpi = &t;
-    // Test at this line.
-    return 0;

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/short.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/short.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/short.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/short.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T short
-#define T_CSTR "short"
-#define T_VALUE_1 11001
-#define T_VALUE_2 22002
-#define T_VALUE_3 -32768
-#define T_VALUE_4 32767
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%hd"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_char.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_char.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_char.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_char.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T unsigned char
-#define T_CSTR "unsigned char"
-#define T_VALUE_1 '0'
-#define T_VALUE_2 '9'
-#define T_VALUE_3 '@'
-#define T_VALUE_4 '$'
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%c"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_int.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_int.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_int.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_int.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T unsigned int
-#define T_CSTR "unsigned int"
-#define T_VALUE_1 11001110
-#define T_VALUE_2 22002220
-#define T_VALUE_3 33003330
-#define T_VALUE_4 44004440
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%u"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#define T unsigned long
-#define T_CSTR "unsigned long"
-#ifdef __LP64__
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101111
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202222
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303333
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404444
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%lu"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long_long.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long_long.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long_long.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_long_long.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#define T unsigned long long
-#define T_CSTR "unsigned long long"
-#ifdef __LP64__
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101111
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202222
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303333
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404444
-#define T_VALUE_1 110011101
-#define T_VALUE_2 220022202
-#define T_VALUE_3 330033303
-#define T_VALUE_4 440044404
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%llu"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_short.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_short.cpp?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_short.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/types/unsigned_short.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define T unsigned short
-#define T_CSTR "unsigned short"
-#define T_VALUE_1 11001
-#define T_VALUE_2 22002
-#define T_VALUE_3 0
-#define T_VALUE_4 65535
-#define T_PRINTF_FORMAT "%hu"
-#include "basic_type.cpp"

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/Makefile?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/Makefile (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/Makefile (removed)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-LEVEL = ../../make
-CXX_SOURCES := main.cpp
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/TestAddDsymCommand.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/TestAddDsymCommand.py?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/TestAddDsymCommand.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/TestAddDsymCommand.py (removed)
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-"""Test that the 'add-dsym', aka 'target symbols add', command informs the user about success or failure."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import use_lldb_suite
-import os, time
-import lldb
-from lldbtest import *
- at skipUnlessDarwin
-class AddDsymCommandCase(TestBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    def setUp(self):
-        TestBase.setUp(self)
-        self.template = 'main.cpp.template'
-        self.source = 'main.cpp'
-        self.teardown_hook_added = False
-    @no_debug_info_test
-    def test_add_dsym_command_with_error(self):
-        """Test that the 'add-dsym' command informs the user about failures."""
-        # Call the program generator to produce main.cpp, version 1.
-        self.generate_main_cpp(version=1)
-        self.buildDsym(clean=True)
-        # Insert some delay and then call the program generator to produce main.cpp, version 2.
-        time.sleep(5)
-        self.generate_main_cpp(version=101)
-        # Now call make again, but this time don't generate the dSYM.
-        self.buildDwarf(clean=False)
-        self.exe_name = 'a.out'
-        self.do_add_dsym_with_error(self.exe_name)
-    @no_debug_info_test
-    def test_add_dsym_command_with_success(self):
-        """Test that the 'add-dsym' command informs the user about success."""
-        # Call the program generator to produce main.cpp, version 1.
-        self.generate_main_cpp(version=1)
-        self.buildDsym(clean=True)
-        self.exe_name = 'a.out'
-        self.do_add_dsym_with_success(self.exe_name)
-    @no_debug_info_test
-    def test_add_dsym_with_dSYM_bundle(self):
-        """Test that the 'add-dsym' command informs the user about success."""
-        # Call the program generator to produce main.cpp, version 1.
-        self.generate_main_cpp(version=1)
-        self.buildDsym(clean=True)
-        self.exe_name = 'a.out'
-        self.do_add_dsym_with_dSYM_bundle(self.exe_name)
-    def generate_main_cpp(self, version=0):
-        """Generate main.cpp from main.cpp.template."""
-        temp = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.template)
-        with open(temp, 'r') as f:
-            content = f.read()
-        new_content = content.replace('%ADD_EXTRA_CODE%',
-                                      'printf("This is version %d\\n");' % version)
-        src = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.source)
-        with open(src, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(new_content)
-        # The main.cpp has been generated, add a teardown hook to remove it.
-        if not self.teardown_hook_added:
-            self.addTearDownHook(lambda: os.remove(src))
-            self.teardown_hook_added = True
-    def do_add_dsym_with_error(self, exe_name):
-        """Test that the 'add-dsym' command informs the user about failures."""
-        self.runCmd("file " + exe_name, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        wrong_path = os.path.join("%s.dSYM" % exe_name, "Contents")
-        self.expect("add-dsym " + wrong_path, error=True,
-            substrs = ['invalid module path'])
-        right_path = os.path.join("%s.dSYM" % exe_name, "Contents", "Resources", "DWARF", exe_name)
-        self.expect("add-dsym " + right_path, error=True,
-            substrs = ['symbol file', 'does not match'])
-    def do_add_dsym_with_success(self, exe_name):
-        """Test that the 'add-dsym' command informs the user about success."""
-        self.runCmd("file " + exe_name, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        # This time, the UUID should match and we expect some feedback from lldb.
-        right_path = os.path.join("%s.dSYM" % exe_name, "Contents", "Resources", "DWARF", exe_name)
-        self.expect("add-dsym " + right_path,
-            substrs = ['symbol file', 'has been added to'])
-    def do_add_dsym_with_dSYM_bundle(self, exe_name):
-        """Test that the 'add-dsym' command informs the user about success when loading files in bundles."""
-        self.runCmd("file " + exe_name, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        # This time, the UUID should be found inside the bundle
-        right_path = "%s.dSYM" % exe_name
-        self.expect("add-dsym " + right_path,
-            substrs = ['symbol file', 'has been added to'])

Removed: lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/main.cpp.template
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/main.cpp.template?rev=251531&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/main.cpp.template (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/warnings/uuid/main.cpp.template (removed)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-//===-- main.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include <stdio.h>
-main(int argc, char const *argv[])
-    int my_int = argc + 3;
-    printf("Hello UUID Mismatch: %d\n", my_int); // Set breakpoint here.
-    return 0;

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