[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D13234: Use the correct Python lib for each build configuration generated by the Visual Studio CMake generator

Zachary Turner via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 30 08:45:14 PDT 2015

Ok, looks good

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:27 AM Vadim Macagon <vadim.macagon at gmail.com>

> enlight updated this revision to Diff 36072.
> enlight added a comment.
> This revision is now accepted and ready to land.
> Added an explanation of the generator expression used in this patch.
> Repository:
>   rL LLVM
> http://reviews.llvm.org/D13234
> Files:
>   cmake/modules/LLDBConfig.cmake
> Index: cmake/modules/LLDBConfig.cmake
> ===================================================================
> --- cmake/modules/LLDBConfig.cmake
> +++ cmake/modules/LLDBConfig.cmake
> @@ -48,15 +48,39 @@
>    if ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "Windows")
>      if (NOT "${PYTHON_HOME}" STREQUAL "")
> -      if ("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "Debug")
> -        file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python_d.exe"
> -        file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/libs/python27_d.lib"
> -        file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python27_d.dll" PYTHON_DLL)
> -      else()
> -        file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python.exe" PYTHON_EXECUTABLE)
> -        file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/libs/python27.lib"
> -        file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python27.dll" PYTHON_DLL)
> -      endif()
> +      file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python_d.exe" PYTHON_DEBUG_EXE)
> +      file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/libs/python27_d.lib"
> +      file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python27_d.dll" PYTHON_DEBUG_DLL)
> +
> +      file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python.exe" PYTHON_RELEASE_EXE)
> +      file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/libs/python27.lib"
> +      file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${PYTHON_HOME}/python27.dll" PYTHON_RELEASE_DLL)
> +
> +      # Generator expressions are evaluated in the context of each build
> configuration generated
> +      # by CMake. Here we use the $<CONFIG:Debug>:VALUE logical generator
> expression to ensure
> +      # that the debug Python library, DLL, and executable are used in
> the Debug build configuration.
> +      #
> +      # Generator expressions can be difficult to grok at first so here's
> a breakdown of the one
> +      # used for PYTHON_LIBRARY:
> +      #
> +      # 1. $<CONFIG:Debug> evaluates to 1 when the Debug configuration is
> being generated,
> +      #    or 0 in all other cases.
> +      # 2. $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:${PYTHON_DEBUG_LIB}> expands to
> ${PYTHON_DEBUG_LIB} when the Debug
> +      #    configuration is being generated, or nothing (literally) in
> all other cases.
> +      # 3. $<$<NOT:$<CONFIG:Debug>>:${PYTHON_RELEASE_LIB}> expands to
> +      #    any configuration other than Debug is being generated, or
> nothing in all other cases.
> +      # 4. The conditionals in 2 & 3 are mutually exclusive.
> +      # 5. A logical expression with a conditional that evaluates to 0
> yields no value at all.
> +      #
> +      # Due to 4 & 5 it's possible to concatenate 2 & 3 to obtain a
> single value specific to each
> +      # build configuration. In this example the value will be
> ${PYTHON_DEBUG_LIB} when generating the
> +      # Debug configuration, or ${PYTHON_RELEASE_LIB} when generating any
> other configuration.
> +      # Note that it's imperative that there is no whitespace between the
> two expressions, otherwise
> +      # CMake will insert a semicolon between the two.
> +
> +      set (PYTHON_LIBRARY
> +      set (PYTHON_DLL
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