[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r248072 - Added a curses based way to see the test suite running. Works only where curses is implemented. Try it out with:

Greg Clayton via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 18 17:39:09 PDT 2015

Author: gclayton
Date: Fri Sep 18 19:39:09 2015
New Revision: 248072

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=248072&view=rev
Added a curses based way to see the test suite running. Works only where curses is implemented. Try it out with:

./dotest.py --results-formatter=test_results.Curses --results-file=/dev/stdout


Modified: lldb/trunk/test/dosep.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/dosep.py?rev=248072&r1=248071&r2=248072&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/dosep.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/dosep.py Fri Sep 18 19:39:09 2015
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import signal
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import threading
+import test_results
 import dotest_channels
 import dotest_args
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ total_tests = None
 test_name_len = None
 dotest_options = None
 output_on_success = False
@@ -114,20 +113,22 @@ def setup_global_variables(
 def report_test_failure(name, command, output):
     global output_lock
     with output_lock:
-        print >> sys.stderr
-        print >> sys.stderr, output
-        print >> sys.stderr, "[%s FAILED]" % name
-        print >> sys.stderr, "Command invoked: %s" % ' '.join(command)
+        if not (RESULTS_FORMATTER and RESULTS_FORMATTER.is_using_terminal()):
+            print >> sys.stderr
+            print >> sys.stderr, output
+            print >> sys.stderr, "[%s FAILED]" % name
+            print >> sys.stderr, "Command invoked: %s" % ' '.join(command)
 def report_test_pass(name, output):
     global output_lock, output_on_success
     with output_lock:
-        if output_on_success:
-            print >> sys.stderr
-            print >> sys.stderr, output
-            print >> sys.stderr, "[%s PASSED]" % name
+        if not (RESULTS_FORMATTER and RESULTS_FORMATTER.is_using_terminal()):
+            if output_on_success:
+                print >> sys.stderr
+                print >> sys.stderr, output
+                print >> sys.stderr, "[%s PASSED]" % name
@@ -135,10 +136,11 @@ def update_progress(test_name=""):
     global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
     with output_lock:
         counter_len = len(str(total_tests))
-        sys.stderr.write(
-            "\r%*d out of %d test suites processed - %-*s" %
-            (counter_len, test_counter.value, total_tests,
-             test_name_len.value, test_name))
+        if not (RESULTS_FORMATTER and RESULTS_FORMATTER.is_using_terminal()):
+            sys.stderr.write(
+                "\r%*d out of %d test suites processed - %-*s" %
+                (counter_len, test_counter.value, total_tests,
+                 test_name_len.value, test_name))
         if len(test_name) > test_name_len.value:
             test_name_len.value = len(test_name)
         test_counter.value += 1
@@ -434,11 +436,13 @@ def find_test_files_in_dir_tree(dir_root
 def initialize_global_vars_common(num_threads, test_work_items):
     global total_tests, test_counter, test_name_len
     total_tests = sum([len(item[1]) for item in test_work_items])
     test_counter = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
     test_name_len = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
-    print >> sys.stderr, "Testing: %d test suites, %d thread%s" % (
-        total_tests, num_threads, (num_threads > 1) * "s")
+    if not (RESULTS_FORMATTER and RESULTS_FORMATTER.is_using_terminal()):
+        print >> sys.stderr, "Testing: %d test suites, %d thread%s" % (
+            total_tests, num_threads, (num_threads > 1) * "s")
@@ -1162,9 +1166,10 @@ def main(print_details_on_success, num_t
     dotest_argv = sys.argv[1:]
-    global output_on_success, RESULTS_FORMATTER
+    global output_on_success, RESULTS_FORMATTER, output_lock
     output_on_success = print_details_on_success
     RESULTS_FORMATTER = results_formatter
+    RESULTS_FORMATTER.set_lock(output_lock)
     # We can't use sys.path[0] to determine the script directory
     # because it doesn't work under a debugger

Added: lldb/trunk/test/lldbcurses.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/lldbcurses.py?rev=248072&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/lldbcurses.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/lldbcurses.py Fri Sep 18 19:39:09 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+import time 
+import curses, curses.panel
+class Point(object):
+    def __init__(self, x, y):
+        self.x = x
+        self.y = y
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "(x=%u, y=%u)" % (self.x, self.y)
+    def is_valid_coordinate(self):
+        return self.x >= 0 and self.y >= 0
+class Size(object):
+    def __init__(self, w, h):
+        self.w = w
+        self.h = h
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "(w=%u, h=%u)" % (self.w, self.h)
+class Rect(object):
+    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0):
+        self.origin = Point(x, y)
+        self.size = Size(w, h)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "{ %s, %s }" % (str(self.origin), str(self.size))
+    def get_min_x(self):
+        return self.origin.x
+    def get_max_x(self):
+        return self.origin.x + self.size.w
+    def get_min_y(self):
+        return self.origin.y
+    def get_max_y(self):
+        return self.origin.y + self.size.h
+    def contains_point(self, pt):
+        if pt.x < self.get_max_x():
+            if pt.y < self.get_max_y():
+                if pt.x >= self.get_min_y():
+                    return pt.y >= self.get_min_y()
+        return False
+class Window(object):
+    def __init__(self, window):
+        self.window = window
+    def point_in_window(self, pt):
+        size = self.get_size()
+        return pt.x >= 0 and pt.x < size.w and pt.y >= 0 and pt.y < size.h
+    def addstr(self, pt, str):
+        try:
+            self.window.addstr(pt.y, pt.x, str)
+        except:
+            pass
+    def addnstr(self, pt, str, n):
+        try:
+            self.window.addnstr(pt.y, pt.x, str, n)
+        except:
+            pass
+    def box(self):
+        self.window.box()
+    def get_contained_rect(self, top_inset=0, bottom_inset=0, left_inset=0, right_inset=0, height=-1, width=-1):
+        '''Get a rectangle based on the top "height" lines of this window'''
+        rect = self.get_frame()
+        x = rect.origin.x + left_inset
+        y = rect.origin.y + top_inset
+        if height == -1:
+            h = rect.size.h - (top_inset + bottom_inset)
+        else:
+            h = height
+        if width == -1:
+            w = rect.size.w - (left_inset + right_inset)
+        else:
+            w = width
+        return Rect (x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h)
+    def erase(self):
+        self.window.erase()
+    def get_frame(self):
+        position = self.get_position()
+        size = self.get_size()
+        return Rect(x=position.x, y=position.y, w=size.w, h=size.h)
+    def get_position(self):
+        (y, x) = self.window.getbegyx()
+        return Point(x, y)
+    def get_size(self):
+        (y, x) = self.window.getmaxyx()
+        return Size(w=x, h=y)
+    def refresh(self):
+        curses.panel.update_panels()
+        return self.window.refresh()
+    def resize(self, size):
+        return window.resize(size.h, size.w)
+class Panel(Window):
+    def __init__(self, frame):
+        window = curses.newwin(frame.size.h,frame.size.w, frame.origin.y, frame.origin.x)
+        super(Panel, self).__init__(window)
+        self.panel = curses.panel.new_panel(window)
+    def top(self):
+        self.panel.top()
+    def set_position(self, pt):
+        self.panel.move(pt.y, pt.x)
+    def slide_position(self, pt):
+        new_position = self.get_position()
+        new_position.x = new_position.x + pt.x
+        new_position.y = new_position.y + pt.y
+        self.set_position(new_position)
+class BoxedPanel(Panel):
+    def __init__(self, frame, title):
+        super(BoxedPanel, self).__init__(frame)
+        self.title = title
+        self.lines = list()
+        self.first_visible_idx = 0
+        self.update()
+    def get_usable_width(self):
+        '''Valid usable width is 0 to (width - 3) since the left and right lines display the box around 
+           this frame and we skip a leading space'''
+        w = self.get_size().w
+        if w > 3:
+            return w-3
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def get_usable_height(self):
+        '''Valid line indexes are 0 to (height - 2) since the top and bottom lines display the box around this frame.'''
+        h = self.get_size().h
+        if h > 2:
+            return h-2
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def get_point_for_line(self, global_line_idx):
+        '''Returns the point to use when displaying a line whose index is "line_idx"'''
+        line_idx = global_line_idx - self.first_visible_idx
+        num_lines = self.get_usable_height()
+        if line_idx < num_lines:
+            return Point(x=2, y=1+line_idx)
+        else:
+            return Point(x=-1, y=-1) # return an invalid coordinate if the line index isn't valid
+    def set_title (self, title, update=True):
+        self.title = title
+        if update:
+            self.update()
+    def _adjust_first_visible_line(self):
+        num_lines = len(self.lines)
+        max_visible_lines = self.get_usable_height()
+        if (num_lines - self.first_visible_idx) > max_visible_lines:
+            self.first_visible_idx = num_lines - max_visible_lines
+    def append_line(self, s, update=True):
+        self.lines.append(s)
+        self._adjust_first_visible_line()
+        if update:
+            self.update()
+    def set_line(self, line_idx, s, update=True):
+        '''Sets a line "line_idx" within the boxed panel to be "s"'''
+        if line_idx < 0:
+            return
+        while line_idx >= len(self.lines):
+            self.lines.append('')
+        self.lines[line_idx] = s
+        self._adjust_first_visible_line()
+        if update:
+            self.update()
+    def update(self):
+        self.erase()
+        self.box()
+        if self.title:
+            self.addstr(Point(x=2, y=0), ' ' + self.title + ' ')
+        max_width = self.get_usable_width()
+        for line_idx in range(self.first_visible_idx, len(self.lines)):
+            pt = self.get_point_for_line(line_idx)
+            if pt.is_valid_coordinate():
+                self.addnstr(pt, self.lines[line_idx], max_width)
+            else:
+                return
+class StatusPanel(Panel):
+    def __init__(self, frame):
+        super(StatusPanel, self).__init__(frame)
+        self.status_items = list()
+        self.status_dicts = dict()
+        self.next_status_x = 1
+    def add_status_item(self, name, title, format, width, value, update=True):
+        status_item_dict = { 'name': name,
+                             'title' : title,
+                             'width' : width,
+                             'format' : format,
+                             'value' : value,
+                             'x' : self.next_status_x }
+        index = len(self.status_items)
+        self.status_items.append(status_item_dict)
+        self.status_dicts[name] = index
+        self.next_status_x += width + 2;
+        if update:
+            self.update()
+    def increment_status(self, name, update=True):
+        if name in self.status_dicts:
+            status_item_idx = self.status_dicts[name]
+            status_item_dict = self.status_items[status_item_idx]
+            status_item_dict['value'] = status_item_dict['value'] + 1
+        if update:
+            self.update()
+    def update_status(self, name, value, update=True):
+        if name in self.status_dicts:
+            status_item_idx = self.status_dicts[name]
+            status_item_dict = self.status_items[status_item_idx]
+            status_item_dict['value'] = status_item_dict['format'] % (value)
+        if update:
+            self.update()
+    def update(self):
+        self.erase();
+        for status_item_dict in self.status_items:
+            self.addnstr(Point(x=status_item_dict['x'], y=0), '%s: %s' % (status_item_dict['title'], status_item_dict['value']), status_item_dict['width'])
+stdscr = None
+def intialize_curses():
+    global stdscr
+    stdscr = curses.initscr()
+    curses.noecho()
+    curses.cbreak()
+    stdscr.keypad(1)
+    try:
+        curses.start_color()
+    except:
+        pass
+    return Window(stdscr)
+def terminate_curses():
+    global stdscr
+    if stdscr:
+        stdscr.keypad(0)
+    curses.echo()
+    curses.nocbreak()
+    curses.endwin()

Modified: lldb/trunk/test/test_results.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/test_results.py?rev=248072&r1=248071&r2=248072&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/test_results.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/test_results.py Fri Sep 18 19:39:09 2015
@@ -382,6 +382,8 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
         super(ResultsFormatter, self).__init__()
         self.out_file = out_file
         self.options = options
+        self.using_terminal = False
+        self.lock = None # used when coordinating output is needed
         if not self.out_file:
             raise Exception("ResultsFormatter created with no file object")
         self.start_time_by_test = {}
@@ -392,6 +394,9 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
         # entirely consistent from the outside.
         self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    def set_lock(self, lock):
+        self.lock = lock
     def handle_event(self, test_event):
         """Handles the test event for collection into the formatter output.
@@ -436,6 +441,9 @@ class ResultsFormatter(object):
             del self.start_time_by_test[test_key]
         return end_time - start_time
+    def is_using_terminal(self):
+        """Returns True if this results formatter is using the terminal and output should be avoided"""
+        return self.using_terminal
 class XunitFormatter(ResultsFormatter):
     """Provides xUnit-style formatted output.
@@ -881,6 +889,114 @@ class RawPickledFormatter(ResultsFormatt
             "{}#{}".format(len(pickled_message), pickled_message))
+class Curses(ResultsFormatter):
+    """Receives live results from tests that are running and reports them to the terminal in a curses GUI"""
+    def clear_line(self, y):
+        self.out_file.write("\033[%u;0H\033[2K" % (y))
+        self.out_file.flush()
+    def print_line(self, y, str):
+        self.out_file.write("\033[%u;0H\033[2K%s" % (y, str))
+        self.out_file.flush()
+    def __init__(self, out_file, options):
+        # Initialize the parent
+        super(Curses, self).__init__(out_file, options)
+        self.using_terminal = True
+        self.have_curses = True
+        self.initialize_event = None
+        self.jobs = [None] * 64
+        self.job_tests = [None] * 64
+        try:
+            import lldbcurses
+            self.main_window = lldbcurses.intialize_curses()
+            num_jobs = 8 # TODO: need to dynamically determine this
+            job_frame = self.main_window.get_contained_rect(height=num_jobs+2)
+            fail_frame = self.main_window.get_contained_rect(top_inset=num_jobs+2, bottom_inset=1)
+            status_frame = self.main_window.get_contained_rect(height=1, top_inset=self.main_window.get_size().h-1)
+            self.job_panel = lldbcurses.BoxedPanel(job_frame, "Jobs")
+            self.fail_panel = lldbcurses.BoxedPanel(fail_frame, "Failures")
+            self.status_panel = lldbcurses.StatusPanel(status_frame)
+            self.status_panel.add_status_item(name="success", title="Success (%s)" % self.status_to_short_str('success'), format="%u", width=20, value=0, update=False)
+            self.status_panel.add_status_item(name="failure", title="Failure (%s)" % self.status_to_short_str('failure'), format="%u", width=20, value=0, update=False)
+            self.status_panel.add_status_item(name="error", title="Error (%s)" % self.status_to_short_str('error'), format="%u", width=20, value=0, update=False)
+            self.status_panel.add_status_item(name="skip", title="Skipped  (%s)" % self.status_to_short_str('skip'), format="%u", width=20, value=0, update=True)
+            self.status_panel.add_status_item(name="expected_failure", title="Expected Failure (%s)" % self.status_to_short_str('expected_failure'), format="%u", width=30, value=0, update=False)
+            self.status_panel.add_status_item(name="unexpected_success", title="Unexpected Success (%s)" % self.status_to_short_str('unexpected_success'), format="%u", width=30, value=0, update=False)
+            self.main_window.refresh()
+        except:
+            self.have_curses = False
+            lldbcurses.terminate_curses()
+            self.using_terminal = False
+            print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
+            raise
+        self.line_dict = dict()
+        self.events_file = open("/tmp/events.txt", "w")
+        # self.formatters = list()
+        # if tee_results_formatter:
+        #     self.formatters.append(tee_results_formatter)
+    def status_to_short_str(self, status):
+        if status == 'success':
+            return '.'
+        elif status == 'failure':
+            return 'F'
+        elif status == 'unexpected_success':
+            return '?'
+        elif status == 'expected_failure':
+            return 'X'
+        elif status == 'skip':
+            return 'S'
+        elif status == 'error':
+            return 'E'
+        else:
+            return status
+    def handle_event(self, test_event):
+        if self.lock:
+            self.lock.acquire()
+        super(Curses, self).handle_event(test_event)
+        # for formatter in self.formatters:
+        #     formatter.process_event(test_event)
+        if self.have_curses:
+            worker_index = -1
+            if 'worker_index' in test_event:
+                worker_index = test_event['worker_index']
+            if 'event' in test_event:
+                print >>self.events_file, str(test_event)
+                event = test_event['event']
+                if event == 'test_start':
+                    name = test_event['test_class'] + '.' + test_event['test_name']
+                    self.job_tests[worker_index] = test_event
+                    if 'pid' in test_event:
+                        line = 'pid: ' + str(test_event['pid']) + ' ' + name
+                    else:
+                        line = name
+                    self.job_panel.set_line(worker_index, line)
+                    self.main_window.refresh()
+                elif event == 'test_result':
+                    status = test_event['status']
+                    self.status_panel.increment_status(status)
+                    self.job_panel.set_line(worker_index, '')
+                    # if status != 'success' and status != 'skip' and status != 'expect_failure':
+                    name = test_event['test_class'] + '.' + test_event['test_name']
+                    time = test_event['event_time'] - self.job_tests[worker_index]['event_time']
+                    self.fail_panel.append_line('%s (%6.2f sec) %s' % (self.status_to_short_str(status), time, name))
+                    self.main_window.refresh()
+                    self.job_tests[worker_index] = ''
+                elif event == 'job_begin':
+                    self.jobs[worker_index] = test_event
+                elif event == 'job_end':
+                    self.jobs[worker_index] = ''
+                elif event == 'initialize':
+                    self.initialize_event = test_event
+                    num_jobs = test_event['worker_count']
+                    self.main_window.refresh()
+        if self.lock:
+            self.lock.release()
 class DumpFormatter(ResultsFormatter):
     """Formats events to the file as their raw python dictionary format."""

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