[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r247903 - Add sync-source.py utility.

Todd Fiala via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 17 10:14:32 PDT 2015

Author: tfiala
Date: Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
New Revision: 247903

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=247903&view=rev
Add sync-source.py utility.


for more  details.

See utils/sync-source/README.txt for documentation
and a sample .sync-sourcerc file.


Added: lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/README.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/README.txt?rev=247903&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/README.txt (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/README.txt Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+The sync-source.py utility transfers groups of files between
+computers. The primary use case is to enable developing LLVM project
+software on one machine, transfer it efficiently to other machines ---
+possibly of other architectures --- and test it there. sync-source.py
+supports configurable, named source-to-destination mappings and has a
+transfer agent plug-in architecture. The current distribution provides
+an rsync-over-ssh transfer agent.
+The primary benefits of using sync-source.py are:
+* Provides a simple, reliable way to get a mirror copy of primary-
+  machine files onto several different destinations without concern
+  of compromising the patch during testing on different machines.
+* Handles directory-mapping differences between two machines.  For
+  LLDB, this is helpful when going between OS X and any other non-OS X
+  target system.
+This utility was developed in the context of working on the LLDB
+project.  Below we show the transfers we'd like to have happen,
+and the configuration that supports it.
+Workflow Example:
+* Develop on OS X (primary machine)
+* Test candidate changes on OS X.
+* Test candidate changes on a Linux machine (machine-name: lldb-linux).
+* Test candidate changes on a FreeBSD machine (machine-name: lldb-freebsd).
+* Do check-ins from OS X machine.
+* OS X machine requires the lldb source layout: lldb, lldb/llvm,
+  lldb/llvm/tools/clang. Note this is different than the canonical
+  llvm, llvm/tools/clang, llvm/tools/lldb layout that we'll want on
+  the Linux and FreeBSD test machines.
+* Linux machine requires the llvm, llvm/tools/clang and
+  llvm/tools/lldb layout.
+* FreeBSD machine requires the same layout as the llvm machine.
+sync-source.py configuration in ~/.sync-sourcerc:
+# This is my configuration with a comment.  Configuration
+# files are JSON-based.
+{ "configurations": [
+    # Here we have a collection of named configuration blocks.
+    # Configuration blocks can chain back to a parent by name.
+    {
+        # Every block has a name so it can be referenced from
+        # the command line or chained back to by a child block
+        # for sharing.
+        "name": "base_tot_settings",
+        # This directive lists the "directory ids" that we'll care
+        # about.  If your local repository has additional directories
+        # for other projects that need to ride along, add them here.
+        # For defaulting purposes, it makes sense to name the
+        # directory IDs as the most likely name for the directory
+        # itself.  For stock LLDB from top of tree, we generally only
+        # care about lldb, llvm and clang.
+        "dir_names": [ "llvm", "clang", "lldb" ],
+        # This section describes where the source files live on
+        # the primary machine.  There should always be a base_dir
+        # entry, which indicates where in the local filesystem the
+        # projects are rooted.  For each dir in dir_names, there
+        # should be either:
+        # 1. an entry named {dir-id}_dir (e.g. llvm_dir), which
+        #    specifies the source directory for the given dir id
+        #    relative to the base_dir entry, OR
+        # 2. no entry, in which case the directory is assumed to
+        #    be the same as {dir-id}.  In the example below, the
+        #    base_dir-relative directory for the "lldb" dir-id is
+        #    defaulted to being "lldb".  That's exactly what
+        #    we need in an OS X-style lldb dir layout.
+        "source": {
+            "base_dir": "~/work/lldb-tot",
+            "llvm_dir": "lldb/llvm",
+            "clang_dir": "lldb/llvm/tools/clang"
+        },
+        # source_excludes covers any exclusions that:
+        # * should be applied when copying files from the source
+        # * should be excluded from deletion on the destination
+        #
+        # By default, ".git", ".svn" and ".pyc" are added to
+        # all dir-id exclusions.  The default excludes can be
+        # controlled by the sync-source.py --default-excludes
+        # option.
+        #
+        # Below, I have transfer of the lldb dir skip everything
+        # rooted at "/llvm" below the the lldb dir.  This is
+        # because we want the source OS X lldb to move to
+        # a destination of {some-dest-root}/llvm/tools/lldb, and
+        # not have the OS-X-inverted llvm copy over with the lldb
+        # transfer portion.  We'll see the complete picture of
+        # how this works when we get to specifying destinations
+        # later on in the config.
+        #
+        # We also exclude the "/build" and "/llvm-build" dir rooted in
+        # the OS X-side sources.  The Xcode configuration on this
+        # OS X machine will dump lldb builds in the /build directory
+        # relative to the lldb dir, and it will build llvm+clang in
+        # the /llvm-build dir relative to the lldb dir.
+        #
+        # Note the first forward slash in "/build" indicates to the
+        # transfer agent that we only want to exclude the
+        # ~/work/lldb-tot/lldb/build dir, not just any file or
+        # directory named "build" somewhere underneath the lldb
+        # directory.  Without the leading forward slash, any file
+        # or directory called build anywhere underneath the lldb dir
+        # will be excluded, which is definitely not what we want here.
+        #
+        # For the llvm dir, we do a source-side exclude for
+        # "/tools/clang".  We manage the clang transfer as a separate
+        # entity, so we don't want the movement of llvm to also move
+        # clang.
+        #
+        # The llvm_dir exclusion of "/tools/lldb" is the first example
+        # of an exclude targeting a requirement of the destination
+        # side.  Normally the transfer agent will delete anything on
+        # the destination that is not present on the source.  It is
+        # trying to mirror, and ensure both sides have the same
+        # content.  The source side of llvm on OS X does not have a
+        # "/tools/lldb", so at first this exclude looks non-sensical.
+        # But on the canonical destination layout, lldb lives in
+        # {some-dest-root}/llvm/tools/lldb.  Without this exclude,
+        # the transfer agent would blow away the tools/lldb directory
+        # on the destination every time we transfer, and then have to
+        # copy the lldb dir all over again.  For rsync+ssh, that
+        # totally would defeat the huge transfer efficiencies gained
+        # by using rsync in the first place.
+        #
+        # Note the overloading of both source and dest style excludes
+        # ultimately comes from the rsync-style exclude mechanism.
+        # If it wasn't for that, I would have separated source and
+        # dest excludes out better.
+        "source_excludes": {
+            "lldb_dir": ["/llvm", "/build", "/llvm-build"],
+            "llvm_dir": ["/tools/lldb", "/tools/clang"]
+        }
+    },
+    # Top of tree public, common settings for all destinations.
+    {
+        # The name for this config block.
+        "name": "common_tot",
+        # Here is our first chaining back to a parent config block.
+        # Any settings in "common_tot" not specified here are going
+        # to be retrieved from the parent.
+        "parent": "base_tot_settings",
+        # The transfer agent class to use.  Right now, the only one
+        # available is this one here that uses rsync over ssh.
+        # If some other mechanism is needed to reach this destination,
+        # it can be specified here in full [[package.]module.]class form.
+        "transfer_class": "transfer.rsync.RsyncOverSsh",
+        # Specifies the destination-root-relative directories.
+        # Here our desination is rooted at:
+        # {some-yet-to-be-specified-destination-root} + "base_dir".
+        # In other words, each destination will have some kind of root
+        # for all relative file placement.  We'll see those defined
+        # later, as they can change per destination machine.
+        # The block below describes the settings relative to that
+        # destination root.
+        #
+        # As before, each dir-id used in this configuration is
+        # expected to have either:
+        # 1. an entry named {dir-id}_dir (e.g. llvm_dir), which
+        #    specifies the destination directory for the given dir id
+        #    relative to the dest_root+base_dir entries, OR
+        # 2. no entry, in which case the directory is assumed to
+        #    be the same as {dir-id}.  In the example below, the
+        #    dest_root+base_dir-relative directory for the "llvm" dir-id is
+        #    defaulted to being "llvm".  That's exactly what
+        #    we need in a canonical llvm/clang/lldb setup on
+        #    Linux/FreeBSD.
+        #
+        #    Note we see the untangling of the OS X lldb-centric
+        #    directory structure to the canonical llvm,
+        #    llvm/tools/clang, llvm/tools/lldb structure below.
+        #    We are mapping lldb into a subdirectory of the llvm
+        #    directory.
+        #
+        #    The transfer logic figures out which directories to copy
+        #    first by finding the shortest destination absolute path
+        #    and doing them in that order.  For our case, this ensures
+        #    llvm is copied over before lldb or clang.
+        "dest": {
+            "base_dir": "work/mirror/git",
+            "lldb_dir": "llvm/tools/lldb",
+            "clang_dir": "llvm/tools/clang"
+        }
+    },
+    # Describe the lldb-linux destination.  With this,
+    # we're done with the mapping for transfer setup
+    # for the lldb-linux box.  This configuration can
+    # be used either by:
+    # 1. having a parent "default" blockthat points to this one,
+    #    which then gets used by default, or
+    # 2. using the --configuration/-c CONFIG option to
+    #    specify using this name on the sync-source.py command line.
+    {
+        "name": "lldb-linux"
+        "parent": "common_tot",
+        # The ssh block is understood by the rsync+ssh transfer
+        # agent.  Other agents would probably require different
+        # agent-specific details that they could read from
+        # other blocks.
+        "ssh": {
+            # This specifies the host name (or IP address) as would
+            # be used as the target for an ssh command.
+            "dest_host": "lldb-linux.example.com",
+            # root_dir specifies the global root directory for
+            # this destination.  All destinations on this target
+            # will be in a directory that is built from
+            # root_dir + base_dir + {dir_id}_dir.
+            "root_dir" : "/home/tfiala",
+            # The ssh user is specified here.
+            "user": "tfiala",
+            # The ssh port is specified here.
+            "port": 22
+        }
+    },
+    # Describe the lldb-freebsd destination.
+    # Very similar to the lldb-linux one.
+    {
+        "name": "lldb-freebsd"
+        "parent": "common_tot",
+        "ssh": {
+            "dest_host": "lldb-freebsd.example.com",
+            # Specify a different destination-specific root dir here.
+            "root_dir" : "/mnt/ssd02/fialato",
+            "user": "fialato",
+            # The ssh port is specified here.
+            "port": 2022
+        }
+    },
+    # If a block named "default" exists, and if no configuration
+    # is specified on the command line, then the default block
+    # will be used.  Use this block to point to the most common
+    # transfer destination you would use.
+    {
+        "name": "default",
+        "parent": "lldb-linux"
+    }
+Using it
+Now that we have a .sync-sourcerc file set up, we can do a transfer.
+The .sync-sourcerc file will be searched for as follows, using the
+first one that is found:
+* First check the --rc-file RCFILE option.  If this is specified
+  and doesn't exist, it will raise an error and quit.
+* Check if the current directory has a .sync-sourcerc file.  If so,
+  use that.
+* Use the .sync-sourcerc file from the user's home directory.
+Run the command:
+python /path/to/sync-source.rc -c {configuration-name}
+The -c {configuration-name} can be left off, in which case a
+configuration with the name 'default' will be used.
+After that, the transfer will occur.  With the rsync-over-ssh
+transfer agent, one rsync per dir-id will be used.  rsync output
+is redirected to the console.
+Feel free to pass feedback along to Todd Fiala (todd.fiala at gmail.com).

Added: lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/protocol.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/protocol.py?rev=247903&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/protocol.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/protocol.py Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class Protocol(object):
+    def __init__(self, options, config):
+        self.options = options
+        self.config = config
+    def transfer(transfer_specs, dry_run):
+        raise "transfer must be overridden by transfer implementation"

Added: lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/rsync.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/rsync.py?rev=247903&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/rsync.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/rsync.py Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import os.path
+import pprint
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import transfer.protocol
+class RsyncOverSsh(transfer.protocol.Protocol):
+    def __init__(self, options, config):
+        super(RsyncOverSsh, self).__init__(options, config)
+        self.ssh_config = config.get_value("ssh")
+    def build_rsync_command(self, transfer_spec, dry_run):
+        dest_path = os.path.join(
+            self.ssh_config["root_dir"],
+            transfer_spec.dest_path)
+        flags = "-avz"
+        if dry_run:
+            flags += "n"
+        cmd = [
+            "rsync",
+            flags,
+            "-e",
+            "ssh -p {}".format(self.ssh_config["port"]),
+            "--rsync-path",
+            # The following command needs to know the right way to do
+            # this on the dest platform - ensures the target dir exists.
+            "mkdir -p {} && rsync".format(dest_path)
+        ]
+        # Add source dir exclusions
+        if transfer_spec.exclude_paths:
+            for exclude_path in transfer_spec.exclude_paths:
+                cmd.append("--exclude")
+                cmd.append(exclude_path)
+        cmd.extend([
+            "--delete",
+            transfer_spec.source_path + "/",
+            "{}@{}:{}".format(
+                self.ssh_config["user"],
+                self.ssh_config["dest_host"],
+                dest_path)])
+        return cmd
+    def transfer(self, transfer_specs, dry_run):
+        if self.options.verbose:
+            printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
+            for spec in transfer_specs:
+                printer.pprint(spec)
+        for spec in transfer_specs:
+            cmd = self.build_rsync_command(spec, dry_run)
+            if self.options.verbose:
+                print "executing the following command:\n{}".format(cmd)
+            result = subprocess.call(
+                cmd, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
+            if result != 0:
+                return result

Added: lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/transfer_spec.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/transfer_spec.py?rev=247903&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/transfer_spec.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/lib/transfer/transfer_spec.py Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+class TransferSpec(object):
+    def __init__(self, source_path, exclude_paths, dest_path):
+        self.source_path = source_path
+        self.exclude_paths = exclude_paths
+        self.dest_path = dest_path
+    def __repr__(self):
+        fmt = (
+            "TransferSpec(source_path='{}', exclude_paths='{}', "
+            "dest_path='{}')")
+        return fmt.format(self.source_path, self.exclude_paths, self.dest_path)

Added: lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/pylintrc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/pylintrc?rev=247903&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/pylintrc (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/pylintrc Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+init-hook='import os; import sys; sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "lib")); print("hello from {}".format(os.getcwd()))'

Added: lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/sync-source.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/sync-source.py?rev=247903&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/sync-source.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/utils/sync-source/sync-source.py Thu Sep 17 12:14:31 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+Sync lldb and related source from a local machine to a remote machine.
+This facilitates working on the lldb sourcecode on multiple machines
+and multiple OS types, verifying changes across all.
+import argparse
+import cStringIO
+import importlib
+import json
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+# Add the local lib directory to the python path.
+LOCAL_LIB_PATH = os.path.join(
+    os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
+    "lib")
+import transfer.transfer_spec
+DOTRC_BASE_FILENAME = ".sync-sourcerc"
+class Configuration(object):
+    """Provides chaining configuration lookup."""
+    def __init__(self, rcdata_configs):
+        self.__rcdata_configs = rcdata_configs
+    def get_value(self, key):
+        """
+        Return the first value in the parent chain that has the key.
+        The traversal starts from the most derived configuration (i.e.
+        child) and works all the way up the parent chain.
+        @return the value of the first key in the parent chain that
+        contains a value for the given key.
+        """
+        for config in self.__rcdata_configs:
+            if key in config:
+                return config[key]
+        return None
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        value = self.get_value(key)
+        if value:
+            return value
+        else:
+            raise KeyError(key)
+def parse_args():
+    """@return options parsed from the command line."""
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--config-name", "-c", action="store", default="default",
+        help="specify configuration name to use")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--default-excludes", action="store", default="*.git,*.svn,*.pyc",
+        help=("comma-separated list of default file patterns to exclude "
+              "from each source directory and to protect from deletion "
+              "on each destination directory; if starting with forward "
+              "slash, it only matches at the top of the base directory"))
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--dry-run", "-n", action="store_true",
+        help="do a dry run of the transfer operation, don't really transfer")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--rc-file", "-r", action="store",
+        help="specify the sync-source rc file to use for configurations")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="turn on verbose output")
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def read_rcfile(filename):
+    """Returns the json-parsed contents of the input file."""
+    # First parse file contents, removing all comments but
+    # preserving the line count.
+    regex = re.compile(r"#.*$")
+    comment_stripped_file = cStringIO.StringIO()
+    with open(filename, "r") as json_file:
+        for line in json_file:
+            comment_stripped_file.write(regex.sub("", line))
+    return json.load(cStringIO.StringIO(comment_stripped_file.getvalue()))
+def find_appropriate_rcfile(options):
+    # Use an options-specified rcfile if specified.
+    if options.rc_file and len(options.rc_file) > 0:
+        if not os.path.isfile(options.rc_file):
+            # If it doesn't exist, error out here.
+            raise "rcfile '{}' specified but doesn't exist".format(
+                options.rc_file)
+        return options.rc_file
+    # Check if current directory .sync-sourcerc exists.  If so, use it.
+    local_rc_filename = os.path.abspath(DOTRC_BASE_FILENAME)
+    if os.path.isfile(local_rc_filename):
+        return local_rc_filename
+    # Check if home directory .sync-sourcerc exists.  If so, use it.
+    homedir_rc_filename = os.path.abspath(
+        os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), DOTRC_BASE_FILENAME))
+    if os.path.isfile(homedir_rc_filename):
+        return homedir_rc_filename
+    # Nothing matched.  We don't have an rc filename candidate.
+    return None
+def get_configuration(options, rcdata, config_name):
+    rcdata_configs = []
+    next_config_name = config_name
+    while next_config_name:
+        # Find the next rcdata configuration for the given name.
+        rcdata_config = next(
+            config for config in rcdata["configurations"]
+            if config["name"] == next_config_name)
+        # See if we found it.
+        if rcdata_config:
+            # This is our next configuration to use in the chain.
+            rcdata_configs.append(rcdata_config)
+            # If we have a parent, check that next.
+            if "parent" in rcdata_config:
+                next_config_name = rcdata_config["parent"]
+            else:
+                next_config_name = None
+        else:
+            raise "failed to find specified parent config '{}'".format(
+                next_config_name)
+    return Configuration(rcdata_configs)
+def create_transfer_agent(options, configuration):
+    transfer_class_spec = configuration.get_value("transfer_class")
+    if options.verbose:
+        print "specified transfer class: '{}'".format(transfer_class_spec)
+    # Load the module (possibly package-qualified).
+    components = transfer_class_spec.split(".")
+    module = importlib.import_module(".".join(components[:-1]))
+    # Create the class name we need to load.
+    clazz = getattr(module, components[-1])
+    return clazz(options, configuration)
+def sync_configured_sources(options, configuration, default_excludes):
+    # Look up the transfer method.
+    transfer_agent = create_transfer_agent(options, configuration)
+    # For each configured dir_names source, do the following transfer:
+    #   1. Start with base_dir + {source-dir-name}_dir
+    #   2. Copy all files recursively, but exclude
+    #      all dirs specified by source_excludes:
+    #      skip all base_dir + {source-dir-name}_dir +
+    #      {source-dir-name}_dir excludes.
+    source_dirs = configuration.get_value("source")
+    source_excludes = configuration.get_value("source_excludes")
+    dest_dirs = configuration.get_value("dest")
+    source_base_dir = source_dirs["base_dir"]
+    dest_base_dir = dest_dirs["base_dir"]
+    dir_ids = configuration.get_value("dir_names")
+    transfer_specs = []
+    for dir_id in dir_ids:
+        dir_key = "{}_dir".format(dir_id)
+        # Build the source dir (absolute) that we're copying from.
+        # Defaults the base-relative source dir to the source id (e.g. lldb)
+        rel_source_dir = source_dirs.get(dir_key, dir_id)
+        transfer_source_dir = os.path.expanduser(
+            os.path.join(source_base_dir, rel_source_dir))
+        # Exclude dirs do two things:
+        # 1) stop items from being copied on the source side, and
+        # 2) protect things from being deleted on the dest side.
+        #
+        # In both cases, they are specified relative to the base
+        # directory on either the source or dest side.
+        #
+        # Specifying a leading '/' in the directory will limit it to
+        # be rooted in the base directory.  i.e. "/.git" will only
+        # match {base-dir}/.git, not {base-dir}/subdir/.git, but
+        # ".svn" will match {base-dir}/.svn and
+        # {base-dir}/subdir/.svn.
+        #
+        # If excludes are specified for this dir_id, then pass along
+        # the excludes.  These are relative to the dir_id directory
+        # source, and get passed along that way as well.
+        transfer_source_excludes = list(default_excludes)
+        if source_excludes and dir_key in source_excludes:
+            transfer_source_excludes.extend(source_excludes[dir_key])
+        # Build the destination-base-relative dest dir into which
+        # we'll be syncing.  Relative directory defaults to the
+        # dir id
+        rel_dest_dir = dest_dirs.get(dir_key, dir_id)
+        transfer_dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_base_dir, rel_dest_dir)
+        # Add the exploded paths to the list that we'll ask the
+        # transfer agent to transfer for us.
+        transfer_specs.append(
+            transfer.transfer_spec.TransferSpec(
+                transfer_source_dir,
+                transfer_source_excludes,
+                transfer_dest_dir))
+    # Do the transfer.
+    if len(transfer_specs) > 0:
+        transfer_agent.transfer(transfer_specs, options.dry_run)
+    else:
+        raise "nothing to transfer, bad configuration?"
+def main():
+    """Drives the main program."""
+    options = parse_args()
+    if options.default_excludes and len(options.default_excludes) > 0:
+        default_excludes = options.default_excludes.split(",")
+    else:
+        default_excludes = []
+    # Locate the rc filename to load, then load it.
+    rc_filename = find_appropriate_rcfile(options)
+    if rc_filename:
+        if options.verbose:
+            print "reading rc data from file '{}'".format(rc_filename)
+        rcdata = read_rcfile(rc_filename)
+    else:
+        sys.stderr.write("no rcfile specified, cannot guess configuration")
+        exit(1)
+    # Find configuration.
+    configuration = get_configuration(options, rcdata, options.config_name)
+    if not configuration:
+        sys.stderr.write("failed to find configuration for {}".format(
+            options.config_data))
+        exit(2)
+    # Kick off the transfer.
+    sync_configured_sources(options, configuration, default_excludes)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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