[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D11843: Make dosep output status by overwriting the same line.

Chaoren Lin via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 7 12:54:35 PDT 2015

chaoren created this revision.
chaoren added a reviewer: zturner.
chaoren added a subscriber: lldb-commits.

Update to D11816.



Index: test/dosep.py
--- test/dosep.py
+++ test/dosep.py
@@ -66,41 +66,47 @@
 output_lock = None
 test_counter = None
 total_tests = None
+test_name_len = None
 dotest_options = None
 output_on_success = False
-def setup_global_variables(lock, counter, total, options):
-    global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, dotest_options
+def setup_global_variables(lock, counter, total, name_len, options):
+    global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
+    global dotest_options
     output_lock = lock
     test_counter = counter
     total_tests = total
+    test_name_len = name_len
     dotest_options = options
 def report_test_failure(name, command, output):
     global output_lock
     with output_lock:
-        print >> sys.stderr, "\n"
+        print >> sys.stderr
         print >> sys.stderr, output
+        print >> sys.stderr, "[%s FAILED]" % name
         print >> sys.stderr, "Command invoked: %s" % ' '.join(command)
-        update_progress("FAILED", name)
+        update_progress(name)
 def report_test_pass(name, output):
     global output_lock, output_on_success
     with output_lock:
         if output_on_success:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "\n"
+            print >> sys.stderr
             print >> sys.stderr, output
-        update_progress("PASSED", name)
+            print >> sys.stderr, "[%s PASSED]" % name
+        update_progress(name)
-def update_progress(test_name, result):
-    global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests
+def update_progress(test_name=""):
+    global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
     with output_lock:
-        if test_name != None:
-            sys.stderr.write("\n[%s %s] - %d out of %d test suites processed" %
-                (result, test_name, test_counter.value, total_tests))
-        else:
-            sys.stderr.write("\n%d out of %d test suites processed" %
-                (test_counter.value, total_tests))
+        counter_len = len(str(total_tests))
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            "\r%*d test suites out of %d directories processed - %-*s" %
+            (counter_len, test_counter.value, total_tests,
+             test_name_len.value, test_name))
+        if len(test_name) > test_name_len.value:
+            test_name_len.value = len(test_name)
         test_counter.value += 1
@@ -213,19 +219,23 @@
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_subdir, topdown=False):
         test_work_items.append((root, files, test_directory, dotest_argv))
-    global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests
+    global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
     output_lock = multiprocessing.RLock()
     total_tests = len(test_work_items)
     test_counter = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
-    print >> sys.stderr, "Testing: %d tests, %d threads" % (total_tests, num_threads)
-    update_progress(None, None)
+    test_name_len = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
+    print >> sys.stderr, "Testing: %d directories, %d threads" % (
+        total_tests, num_threads)
+    update_progress()
     # Run the items, either in a pool (for multicore speedup) or
     # calling each individually.
     if num_threads > 1:
-        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_threads,
-            initializer = setup_global_variables,
-            initargs = (output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, dotest_options))
+        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
+            num_threads,
+            initializer=setup_global_variables,
+            initargs=(output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len,
+                      dotest_options))
         test_results = pool.map(process_dir_worker, test_work_items)
         test_results = []

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