[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] Remove lldb_private library implicit dependencies on python

Chandler Carruth chandlerc at google.com
Wed Jun 10 10:29:02 PDT 2015

Ugh, I'm just going to point out that your post to add Greg's other email
address is the first time any of this hit any inbox, or the mailing list

Adding Manuel to see why Phabricator isn't sending these emails (I suspect
the one that did make it was sent manually rather than via Phabricator).

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 11:47 AM Zachary Turner <zturner at google.com> wrote:

> +Greg's other email address for visibility.
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 9:39 AM Zachary Turner <zturner at google.com> wrote:
>> Bump.  Greg, is there any way you could give me an update on this?  I'm
>> currently blocked on the Xcode project, as this seems to be fine everywhere
>> else.  As I mentioned before, I will be gone for an extended period after
>> Friday, and I would prefer for this not to linger while I'm gone.
>> http://reviews.llvm.org/D10189
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__reviews.llvm.org_D10189&d=AwMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=MEqT8U_n7oNfuDW5NRbY3ZV384ZquXIYFPWmprwUdKM&m=aU3t_ylwpyzwGTz2T81_Wl2_qS6x7OankYiuepI_DZo&s=X7olrJJKBkY55l0y-ySbNMLcWRJ7uTUmSaGGu253TfQ&e=>
>>   http://reviews.llvm.org/settings/panel/emailpreferences/
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__reviews.llvm.org_settings_panel_emailpreferences_&d=AwMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=MEqT8U_n7oNfuDW5NRbY3ZV384ZquXIYFPWmprwUdKM&m=aU3t_ylwpyzwGTz2T81_Wl2_qS6x7OankYiuepI_DZo&s=DscmrRpcaeBUPSSAEfQ7hmpHqQDcdmo7OipEckWITZI&e=>
>>  _______________________________________________
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