[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] Add SBArgs to the public interface

Zachary Turner zturner at google.com
Wed Mar 11 15:05:13 PDT 2015

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D8265#139320, @clayborg wrote:

> You can also test with setting the "target.run-args":
>   (lldb) settings set target.run-args "one 1" 'two 2' three
>   (lldb) settings show target.run-args
>   target.run-args (arguments) =
>     [0]: "one 1"
>     [1]: "two 2"
>     [2]: "three"

I'm also not crazy about this.  it's not testing the real thing.  A long time ago I proposed C++ based unit tests and the reaction wasn't very warm, but on the other hand now we're saying "don't add classes to the public API just for testing".  Put together, this sounds like "we don't need to test everything".  I know that's not the intention, but the point is these two statements don't really reconcile very well with each other.   If the SB API is the way to test things, then we should be able to add things to it for the purpose of testing.  If it's not, then we need to get gtest up and running on all platforms and all build systems and we need to start writing unit tests.



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