[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r209560 - Added gdb remote tests to verify $Hg{thread-id}.

Todd Fiala todd.fiala at gmail.com
Fri May 23 15:25:30 PDT 2014

Author: tfiala
Date: Fri May 23 17:25:29 2014
New Revision: 209560

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=209560&view=rev
Added gdb remote tests to verify $Hg{thread-id}.

Added test to check that each thread reported by $q{f,s}ThreadInfo
can be switched to by $Hg, verified by a follow-up $qC.

Modified test exe to accept "thread:new" to create a new thread 
that runs and sleeps for 5 seconds.

@llgs_test/@debugserver_test now buffer output.
llgs and debugserver gdbremote protocol tests now collect $O notification
output into the context returned from expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay.
context["O_count"] is an integer indicating the number of $O packets
collected during the replay, and context["O_content"] contains the
accumulated hex-decoded text output by the inferior (stdout and stderr).

Modified the $O check test to check the accumulated output rather than
a direct $O packet.


Modified: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/Makefile?rev=209560&r1=209559&r2=209560&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/Makefile (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/Makefile Fri May 23 17:25:29 2014
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 LEVEL = ../../make
+LD_EXTRAS := -lpthread
 CXX_SOURCES := main.cpp
 include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules

Modified: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/TestLldbGdbServer.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/TestLldbGdbServer.py?rev=209560&r1=209559&r2=209560&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/TestLldbGdbServer.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/TestLldbGdbServer.py Fri May 23 17:25:29 2014
@@ -435,10 +435,15 @@ class LldbGdbServerTestCase(TestBase):
             ["read packet: $vCont;c#00",
-             "send packet: $O{}#00".format(gdbremote_hex_encode_string("hello, world\r\n")),
              "send packet: $W00#00"],
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        O_content = context.get("O_content")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(O_content)
+        self.assertEquals(O_content, "hello, world\r\n")
@@ -1009,5 +1014,121 @@ class LldbGdbServerTestCase(TestBase):
+    def wait_for_thread_count(self, thread_count, timeout_seconds=3):
+        start_time = time.time()
+        timeout_time = start_time + timeout_seconds
+        actual_thread_count = 0
+        while actual_thread_count < thread_count:
+            self.reset_test_sequence()
+            self.add_threadinfo_collection_packets()
+            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+            threads = self.parse_threadinfo_packets(context)
+            self.assertIsNotNone(threads)
+            actual_thread_count = len(threads)
+            if time.time() > timeout_time:
+                raise Exception(
+                    'timed out after {} seconds while waiting for theads: waiting for at least {} threads, found {}'.format(
+                        timeout_seconds, thread_count, actual_thread_count))
+        return threads
+    def run_process_then_stop(self, run_seconds=1):
+        # Tell the stub to continue.
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+             ["read packet: $vCont;c#00"],
+             True)
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        # Wait for run_seconds.
+        time.sleep(run_seconds)
+        # Send an interrupt, capture a T response.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            ["read packet: {}".format(chr(03)),
+             {"direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]+)([^#]+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", "capture":{1:"stop_result"} }],
+            True)
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stop_result"))
+    def Hg_switches_to_3_threads(self):
+        # Startup the inferior with three threads (main + 2 new ones).
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["thread:new", "thread:new"])
+        # Let the inferior process have a few moments to start up the thread when launched.  (The launch scenario has no time to run, so threads won't be there yet.)
+        self.run_process_then_stop(run_seconds=1)
+        # thread_created_regex = re.compile(r"^thread 0x([0-9a-fA-F])+: created")
+        # self.add_log_lines([
+        #    {"type":"output_matcher", "regex":[thread_created_regex, thread_created_regex], "timeout_seconds":"5", save_key:"create_messages"}],
+        #    True)
+        # Wait at most x seconds for 3 threads to be present.
+        threads = self.wait_for_thread_count(3, timeout_seconds=5)
+        self.assertEquals(len(threads), 3)
+        # TODO verify we can $H to each thead, and $qC matches the thread we set.
+        for thread in threads:
+            # Change to each thread, verify current thread id.
+            self.reset_test_sequence()
+            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+                ["read packet: $Hg{}#00".format(hex(thread)),  # Set current thread.
+                 "send packet: $OK#00",
+                 "read packet: $qC#00",
+                 { "direction":"send", "regex":r"^\$QC([0-9a-fA-F]+)#", "capture":{1:"thread_id"} }],
+                True)
+            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+            # Verify the thread id.
+            self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("thread_id"))
+            self.assertEquals(int(context.get("thread_id"), 16), thread)
+    @debugserver_test
+    @dsym_test
+    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_launch_debugserver_dsym(self):
+        self.init_debugserver_test()
+        self.buildDsym()
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
+    @llgs_test
+    @dwarf_test
+    @unittest2.expectedFailure()
+    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_launch_llgs_dwarf(self):
+        self.init_llgs_test()
+        self.buildDwarf()
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
+    @debugserver_test
+    @dsym_test
+    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_attach_debugserver_dsym(self):
+        self.init_debugserver_test()
+        self.buildDsym()
+        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
+        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
+    @llgs_test
+    @dwarf_test
+    @unittest2.expectedFailure()
+    def test_Hg_switches_to_3_threads_attach_llgs_dwarf(self):
+        self.init_llgs_test()
+        self.buildDwarf()
+        self.set_inferior_startup_attach()
+        self.Hg_switches_to_3_threads()
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/lldbgdbserverutils.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/lldbgdbserverutils.py?rev=209560&r1=209559&r2=209560&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/lldbgdbserverutils.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/lldbgdbserverutils.py Fri May 23 17:25:29 2014
@@ -108,6 +108,19 @@ def _is_packet_lldb_gdbserver_input(pack
         raise "Unknown packet type: {}".format(packet_type)
+def handle_O_packet(context, packet_contents):
+    """Handle O packets."""
+    if (not packet_contents) or (len(packet_contents) < 1):
+        return False
+    elif packet_contents[0] != "O":
+        return False
+    elif packet_contents == "OK":
+        return False
+    context["O_content"] += gdbremote_hex_decode_string(packet_contents[1:])
+    context["O_count"] += 1
+    return True
 _STRIP_CHECKSUM_REGEX = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$')
 _STRIP_COMMAND_PREFIX_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\$")
 _STRIP_COMMAND_PREFIX_M_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\$m")
@@ -151,6 +164,15 @@ def expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay(
         protocol sequence.  This will contain any of the capture
         elements specified to any GdbRemoteEntry instances in
+        The context will also contain an entry, context["O_content"]
+        which contains the text from the inferior received via $O
+        packets.  $O packets should not attempt to be matched
+        directly since they are not entirely deterministic as to
+        how many arrive and how much text is in each one.
+        context["O_count"] will contain an integer of the number of
+        O packets received.
     # Ensure we have some work to do.
@@ -159,7 +181,7 @@ def expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay(
     received_lines = []
     receive_buffer = ''
-    context = {}
+    context = {"O_count":0, "O_content":""}
     sequence_entry = test_sequence.entries.pop(0)
     while sequence_entry:
@@ -183,11 +205,14 @@ def expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay(
                 # check for timeout
                 if time.time() > timeout_time:
                     raise Exception(
-                        'timed out after {} seconds while waiting for llgs to respond with: {}, currently received: {}'.format(
-                            timeout_seconds, sequence_entry.exact_payload, receive_buffer))
+                        'timed out after {} seconds while waiting for llgs to respond, currently received: {}'.format(
+                            timeout_seconds, receive_buffer))
                 can_read, _, _ = select.select([sock], [], [], 0)
                 if can_read and sock in can_read:
-                    new_bytes = sock.recv(4096)
+                    try:
+                        new_bytes = sock.recv(4096)
+                    except:
+                        new_bytes = None
                     if new_bytes and len(new_bytes) > 0:
                         # read the next bits from the socket
                         if logger:
@@ -208,7 +233,9 @@ def expect_lldb_gdbserver_replay(
                                 packet_match = _GDB_REMOTE_PACKET_REGEX.match(receive_buffer)
                                 if packet_match:
-                                    received_lines.append(packet_match.group(0))
+                                    if not handle_O_packet(context, packet_match.group(1)):
+                                        # Normal packet to match.
+                                        received_lines.append(packet_match.group(0))
                                     receive_buffer = receive_buffer[len(packet_match.group(0)):]
                                     if logger:
                                         logger.debug('parsed packet from llgs: {}, new receive_buffer: {}'.format(packet_match.group(0), receive_buffer))
@@ -235,6 +262,8 @@ def gdbremote_hex_encode_string(str):
         output += '{0:02x}'.format(ord(c))
     return output
+def gdbremote_hex_decode_string(str):
+    return str.decode("hex")
 def gdbremote_packet_encode_string(str):
     checksum = 0

Modified: lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/main.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/main.cpp?rev=209560&r1=209559&r2=209560&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/main.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/tools/lldb-gdbserver/main.cpp Fri May 23 17:25:29 2014
@@ -1,14 +1,36 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <pthread.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <vector>
 static const char *const RETVAL_PREFIX = "retval:";
 static const char *const SLEEP_PREFIX  = "sleep:";
 static const char *const STDERR_PREFIX = "stderr:";
+static const char *const THREAD_PREFIX = "thread:";
+static const char *const THREAD_COMMAND_NEW = "new"; 
+static void*
+thread_func (void *arg)
+	// For now, just sleep for a few seconds.
+	// std::cout << "thread " << pthread_self() << ": created" << std::endl;
+	int sleep_seconds_remaining = 5;
+	while (sleep_seconds_remaining > 0)
+	{
+		sleep_seconds_remaining = sleep (sleep_seconds_remaining);
+	}
+	// std::cout << "thread " << pthread_self() << ": exiting" << std::endl;
+	return NULL;
 int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	std::vector<pthread_t> threads;
     int return_value = 0;
     for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
@@ -36,11 +58,44 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 				// std::cout << "sleep result (call " << i << "): " << sleep_seconds_remaining << std::endl;
+		else if (std::strstr (argv[i], THREAD_PREFIX))
+		{
+			// Check if we're creating a new thread.
+			if (std::strstr (argv[i] + strlen(THREAD_PREFIX), THREAD_COMMAND_NEW))
+			{
+				// Create a new thread.
+				pthread_t new_thread;
+				const int err = ::pthread_create (&new_thread, NULL, thread_func, NULL);
+			    if (err)
+				{
+					std::cerr << "pthread_create() failed with error code " << err << std::endl;
+					exit (err);
+				}
+				threads.push_back (new_thread);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// At this point we don't do anything else with threads.
+				// Later use thread index and send command to thread.
+			}
+		}
             // Treat the argument as text for stdout.
             std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;
+	// If we launched any threads, join them
+	for (std::vector<pthread_t>::iterator it = threads.begin (); it != threads.end (); ++it)
+	{
+		void *thread_retval = NULL;
+		const int err = ::pthread_join (*it, &thread_retval);
+	    if (err != 0)
+		{
+			std::cerr << "pthread_join() failed with error code " << err << std::endl;
+		}
+	}
     return return_value;

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