[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] Fixes for 32-bit linux ptrace and RegisterContext issues

Matthew Gardiner mg11 at csr.com
Thu Feb 27 05:04:00 PST 2014

Hi Folks,

I have been struggling with trying to get a 32-bit linux build of lldb to debug
a simple program. My primary angst was the false reporting of the presence of
a watchpoint, resulting in an assertion fail. I've tracked that done now, and
the implication of my findings are that any usage of the PTRACE/PtraceWrapper
code in Linux/ProcessMonitor.cpp for 32-bit linux is buggy, if

The crux of the problem is this prototype

extern long
PtraceWrapper(int req, lldb::pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data, size_t data_size,
               const char* reqName, const char* file, int line)

using lldb::pid_t as pid which 64-bit;

when this is fed into ptrace which is prototyped as:

extern long int ptrace (enum __ptrace_request __request, ...);

so badness occurs when a 64-bit pid is pulled off the stack by an
implementation expecting 32-bits. Obviously the addr and data parameters
are corrupted...

Another problem I've encountered occurs because the RegisterValue class
returns fail value for GetAsUInt32 if the object is originally constructed
using a 64-bit integer.

Finally, the 64-bit register context was being used to debug 32-bit cores.

The following patch fixes those issues and the result is that 32-bit linux
lldb can debug 32-bit linux applications.

Index: source/Core/RegisterValue.cpp
--- source/Core/RegisterValue.cpp	(revision 202380)
+++ source/Core/RegisterValue.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -706,6 +706,7 @@
          case eTypeUInt8:    return m_data.uint8;
          case eTypeUInt16:   return m_data.uint16;
          case eTypeUInt32:   return m_data.uint32;
+        case eTypeUInt64:   return m_data.uint32;
          case eTypeFloat:
              if (sizeof(float) == sizeof(uint32_t))
                  return m_data.uint32;
Index: source/Plugins/Process/Linux/ProcessMonitor.cpp
--- source/Plugins/Process/Linux/ProcessMonitor.cpp	(revision 202380)
+++ source/Plugins/Process/Linux/ProcessMonitor.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
  // Wrapper for ptrace to catch errors and log calls.
  // Note that ptrace sets errno on error because -1 can be a valid result (i.e. for PTRACE_PEEK*)
  extern long
-PtraceWrapper(int req, lldb::pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data, size_t data_size,
+PtraceWrapper(int req, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data, size_t data_size,
                const char* reqName, const char* file, int line)
      long int result;
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@
          result = ptrace(static_cast<__ptrace_request>(req), pid, *(unsigned int *)addr, data);
          result = ptrace(static_cast<__ptrace_request>(req), pid, addr, data);
      if (log)
          log->Printf("ptrace(%s, %" PRIu64 ", %p, %p, %zu)=%lX called from file %s line %d",
-                    reqName, pid, addr, data, data_size, result, file, line);
+                    reqName, static_cast<lldb::pid_t>(pid), addr, data, data_size, result, file, line);

      PtraceDisplayBytes(req, data, data_size);

Index: source/Plugins/Process/POSIX/POSIXThread.cpp
--- source/Plugins/Process/POSIX/POSIXThread.cpp	(revision 202380)
+++ source/Plugins/Process/POSIX/POSIXThread.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -190,7 +190,9 @@
                          reg_interface = new RegisterContextFreeBSD_x86_64(target_arch);
                      case llvm::Triple::Linux:
-                        reg_interface = new RegisterContextLinux_x86_64(target_arch);
+                        reg_interface = ArchSpec::eCore_x86_64_x86_64 == target_arch.GetCore() ?
+							static_cast<RegisterInfoInterface*>(new RegisterContextLinux_x86_64(target_arch)) :
+							static_cast<RegisterInfoInterface*>(new RegisterContextLinux_i386(target_arch));
                          assert(false && "OS not supported");

Would someone be able to test that this patch is sane for 64-bit linux,
then commit it to SVN?

Matthew Gardiner

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