[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] Use 32-bit RegisterValue object on IsWatchpoint functions for 32-bit linux

Matthew Gardiner mg11 at csr.com
Tue Feb 25 01:01:07 PST 2014


An issue currently exists for 32-bit linux such that when lldb receives the
first SIGTRAP, an assertion failure occurs in POSIXThread::WatchNotify. This
failure is due to 0x118 being read back from dr6, but with no watchpoints set.

In trying to trace this I have discovered that IsWatchpointHit/Vacant both
create a RegiaterValue object thusly:

RegisterValue zero_bits = RegisterValue(uint64_t(0));

and then issue a write request. When this write is handled
(Linux/ProcessMonitor.cpp) we coerce this value into a 32-bit int as follows:

#if __WORDSIZE == 32
     buf = (void*) m_value.GetAsUInt32();

This is problematic since RegisterValue (deliberately?) returns "fail_value"
for this call if m_type==eTypeUInt64.

Without really trying to analyse the design of RegisterValue, I think an
expedient fix is to conditionally compile 32-bit lldb to use a 32-bit type
for it's "RegisterValue zero_bits". Yes, the Watchpoint assert failure still
happens, however, at least now we are actually writing what we expect.

Would somebody please apply the following patch which implements the
proposed fix?

Index: source/Plugins/Process/POSIX/RegisterContextPOSIXProcessMonitor_x86.cpp
--- source/Plugins/Process/POSIX/RegisterContextPOSIXProcessMonitor_x86.cpp	(revision 201779)
+++ source/Plugins/Process/POSIX/RegisterContextPOSIXProcessMonitor_x86.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -506,7 +506,12 @@
      if (m_watchpoints_initialized == false)
          // Reset the debug status and debug control registers
+#ifdef __x86_64__
          RegisterValue zero_bits = RegisterValue(uint64_t(0));
+        RegisterValue zero_bits = RegisterValue(uint32_t(0));
          if (!WriteRegister(m_reg_info.first_dr + 6, zero_bits) || !WriteRegister(m_reg_info.first_dr + 7, zero_bits))
              assert(false && "Could not initialize watchpoint registers");
          m_watchpoints_initialized = true;
@@ -562,7 +567,11 @@
      if (m_watchpoints_initialized == false)
          // Reset the debug status and debug control registers
+#ifdef __x86_64__
          RegisterValue zero_bits = RegisterValue(uint64_t(0));
+        RegisterValue zero_bits = RegisterValue(uint32_t(0));
          if (!WriteRegister(m_reg_info.first_dr + 6, zero_bits) || !WriteRegister(m_reg_info.first_dr + 7, zero_bits))
              assert(false && "Could not initialize watchpoint registers");
          m_watchpoints_initialized = true;

(Possibly a better fix, would be determining at run-time the target application
architecture, therefore permitting 64-bit lldb to debug 32-bit apps.)


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