[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r160095 - in /lldb/trunk: include/lldb/Symbol/UnwindTable.h source/Commands/CommandObjectTarget.cpp source/Symbol/UnwindTable.cpp

Jason Molenda jmolenda at apple.com
Wed Jul 11 17:20:07 PDT 2012

Author: jmolenda
Date: Wed Jul 11 19:20:07 2012
New Revision: 160095

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=160095&view=rev
Add a new 'target modules show-unwind' command to show the different
UnwindPlans for a function.  This specifically does not use any
previously-generated UnwindPlans so if any logging is performed
while creating the UnwindPlans, it will be repeated.  This is
useful for when an lldb stack trace is not correct and you want
to gather diagnostic information from the user -- they can do 
log enable -v lldb unwind, image show-unwind of the function, and
you'll get the full logging as the UnwindPlans are recreated.


Modified: lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Symbol/UnwindTable.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Symbol/UnwindTable.h?rev=160095&r1=160094&r2=160095&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Symbol/UnwindTable.h (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/include/lldb/Symbol/UnwindTable.h Wed Jul 11 19:20:07 2012
@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@
     GetFuncUnwindersContainingAddress (const Address& addr, SymbolContext &sc);
+// Normally when we create a new FuncUnwinders object we track it in this UnwindTable so it can
+// be reused later.  But for the target modules show-unwind we want to create brand new 
+// UnwindPlans for the function of interest - so ignore any existing FuncUnwinders for that
+// function and don't add this new one to our UnwindTable.
+// This FuncUnwinders object does have a reference to the UnwindTable but the lifetime of this
+// uncached FuncUnwinders is expected to be short so in practice this will not be a problem.
+    lldb::FuncUnwindersSP
+    GetUncachedFuncUnwindersContainingAddress (const Address& addr, SymbolContext &sc);
     Dump (Stream &s);

Modified: lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectTarget.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectTarget.cpp?rev=160095&r1=160094&r2=160095&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectTarget.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectTarget.cpp Wed Jul 11 19:20:07 2012
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupUInt64.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupUUID.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/FuncUnwinders.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/LineTable.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolVendor.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/UnwindPlan.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
@@ -3206,7 +3208,241 @@
     { 0, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone, NULL }
+#pragma mark CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind
+// Lookup unwind information in images
+class CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind : public CommandObjectParsed
+    enum
+    {
+        eLookupTypeInvalid = -1,
+        eLookupTypeAddress = 0,
+        eLookupTypeSymbol,
+        eLookupTypeFunction,
+        eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol,
+        kNumLookupTypes
+    };
+    class CommandOptions : public Options
+    {
+    public:
+        CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
+        Options(interpreter),
+        m_type(eLookupTypeInvalid),
+        m_str(),
+        m_addr(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
+        {
+        }
+        virtual
+        ~CommandOptions ()
+        {
+        }
+        virtual Error
+        SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg)
+        {
+            Error error;
+            char short_option = (char) m_getopt_table[option_idx].val;
+            switch (short_option)
+            {
+                case 'a':
+                    m_type = eLookupTypeAddress;
+                    m_addr = Args::StringToUInt64(option_arg, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+                    if (m_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
+                        error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("invalid address string '%s'", option_arg);
+                    break;
+                case 'n':
+                    m_str = option_arg;
+                    m_type = eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol;
+                    break;
+            }
+            return error;
+        }
+        void
+        OptionParsingStarting ()
+        {
+            m_type = eLookupTypeInvalid;
+            m_str.clear();
+            m_addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
+        }
+        const OptionDefinition*
+        GetDefinitions ()
+        {
+            return g_option_table;
+        }
+        // Options table: Required for subclasses of Options.
+        static OptionDefinition g_option_table[];
+        // Instance variables to hold the values for command options.
+        int             m_type;         // Should be a eLookupTypeXXX enum after parsing options
+        std::string     m_str;          // Holds name lookup
+        lldb::addr_t    m_addr;         // Holds the address to lookup
+    };
+    CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
+        CommandObjectParsed (interpreter,
+                             "target modules show-unwind",
+                             "Show synthesized unwind instructions for a function.",
+                             NULL),
+        m_options (interpreter)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual
+    ~CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind ()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual
+    Options *
+    GetOptions ()
+    {
+        return &m_options;
+    }
+    bool
+    DoExecute (Args& command,
+             CommandReturnObject &result)
+    {
+        Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
+        if (!target)
+        {
+            result.AppendError ("invalid target, create a debug target using the 'target create' command");
+            result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
+            return false;
+        }
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedExecutionContext();
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        ABI *abi = NULL;
+        if (process)
+          abi = process->GetABI().get();
+        if (process == NULL)
+        {
+            result.AppendError ("You must have a process running to use this command.");
+            result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
+            return false;
+        }
+        ThreadList threads(process->GetThreadList());
+        if (threads.GetSize() == 0)
+        {
+            result.AppendError ("The process must be paused to use this command.");
+            result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
+            return false;
+        }
+        ThreadSP thread(threads.GetThreadAtIndex(0));
+        if (thread.get() == NULL)
+        {
+            result.AppendError ("The process must be paused to use this command.");
+            result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (m_options.m_type == eLookupTypeFunctionOrSymbol)
+        {
+            SymbolContextList sc_list;
+            uint32_t num_matches;
+            ConstString function_name (m_options.m_str.c_str());
+            num_matches = target->GetImages().FindFunctions (function_name, eFunctionNameTypeAuto, true, false, true, sc_list);
+            for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_matches; idx++)
+            {
+                SymbolContext sc;
+                sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(idx, sc);
+                if (sc.symbol == NULL && sc.function == NULL)
+                    continue;
+                if (sc.module_sp.get() == NULL || sc.module_sp->GetObjectFile() == NULL)
+                    continue;
+                AddressRange range;
+                if (!sc.GetAddressRange (eSymbolContextFunction | eSymbolContextSymbol, 0, false, range))
+                    continue;
+                if (!range.GetBaseAddress().IsValid())
+                    continue;
+                ConstString funcname(sc.GetFunctionName());
+                if (funcname.IsEmpty())
+                    continue;
+                addr_t start_addr = range.GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(target);
+                if (abi)
+                    start_addr = abi->FixCodeAddress(start_addr);
+                FuncUnwindersSP func_unwinders_sp (sc.module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetUnwindTable().GetUncachedFuncUnwindersContainingAddress(start_addr, sc));
+                if (func_unwinders_sp.get() == NULL)
+                    continue;
+                Address first_non_prologue_insn (func_unwinders_sp->GetFirstNonPrologueInsn(*target));
+                if (first_non_prologue_insn.IsValid())
+                {
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf("First non-prologue instruction is at address 0x%llx or offset %lld into the function.\n", first_non_prologue_insn.GetLoadAddress(target), first_non_prologue_insn.GetLoadAddress(target) - start_addr);
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
+                }
+                UnwindPlanSP non_callsite_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanAtNonCallSite(*thread.get());
+                if (non_callsite_unwind_plan.get())
+                {
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Asynchronous (not restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%llx):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
+                    non_callsite_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
+                }
+                UnwindPlanSP callsite_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanAtCallSite(-1);
+                if (callsite_unwind_plan.get())
+                {
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Synchronous (restricted to call-sites) UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%llx):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
+                    callsite_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
+                }
+                UnwindPlanSP arch_default_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanArchitectureDefault(*thread.get());
+                if (arch_default_unwind_plan.get())
+                {
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Architecture default UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%llx):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
+                    arch_default_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
+                }
+                UnwindPlanSP fast_unwind_plan = func_unwinders_sp->GetUnwindPlanFastUnwind(*thread.get());
+                if (fast_unwind_plan.get())
+                {
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf("Fast UnwindPlan for %s`%s (start addr 0x%llx):\n", sc.module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename().AsCString(), funcname.AsCString(), start_addr);
+                    fast_unwind_plan->Dump(result.GetOutputStream(), thread.get(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
+                    result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
+                }
+                result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("\n");
+            }
+        }
+        return result.Succeeded();
+    }
+    CommandOptions m_options;
+CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] =
+    { LLDB_OPT_SET_1,   true,  "name",       'n', required_argument, NULL, 0, eArgTypeFunctionName, "Lookup a function or symbol by name in one or more target modules."},
+    { 0,                false, NULL,           0, 0,                 NULL, 0, eArgTypeNone, NULL }
 // Lookup information in images
@@ -3721,6 +3957,7 @@
         LoadSubCommand ("list",         CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesList (interpreter)));
         LoadSubCommand ("lookup",       CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesLookup (interpreter)));
         LoadSubCommand ("search-paths", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesImageSearchPaths (interpreter)));
+        LoadSubCommand ("show-unwind",  CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectTargetModulesShowUnwind (interpreter)));

Modified: lldb/trunk/source/Symbol/UnwindTable.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/source/Symbol/UnwindTable.cpp?rev=160095&r1=160094&r2=160095&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/source/Symbol/UnwindTable.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/source/Symbol/UnwindTable.cpp Wed Jul 11 19:20:07 2012
@@ -107,6 +107,31 @@
     return func_unwinder_sp;
+// Ignore any existing FuncUnwinders for this function, create a new one and don't add it to the
+// UnwindTable.  This is intended for use by target modules show-unwind where we want to create 
+// new UnwindPlans, not re-use existing ones.
+UnwindTable::GetUncachedFuncUnwindersContainingAddress (const Address& addr, SymbolContext &sc)
+    FuncUnwindersSP no_unwind_found;
+    Initialize();
+    AddressRange range;
+    if (!sc.GetAddressRange(eSymbolContextFunction | eSymbolContextSymbol, 0, false, range) || !range.GetBaseAddress().IsValid())
+    {
+        // Does the eh_frame unwind info has a function bounds for this addr?
+        if (m_eh_frame == NULL || !m_eh_frame->GetAddressRange (addr, range))
+        {
+            return no_unwind_found;
+        }
+    }
+    FuncUnwindersSP func_unwinder_sp(new FuncUnwinders(*this, m_assembly_profiler, range));
+    return func_unwinder_sp;
 UnwindTable::Dump (Stream &s)

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