[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r157096 - in /lldb/trunk: llvm.zip scripts/llvm.amalgamated.diff scripts/llvm.fix-target-amalgamated.diff scripts/llvm.full-i386-relocations.diff scripts/llvm.info-leak.diff scripts/llvm.template-keyword-fixes.diff

Sean Callanan scallanan at apple.com
Fri May 18 19:36:49 PDT 2012

Author: spyffe
Date: Fri May 18 21:36:49 2012
New Revision: 157096

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=157096&view=rev
Updated LLVM to take a disassembler fix that causes
the LOCK prefix to be printed explicitly when it's
the first prefix on the instruction.


Modified: lldb/trunk/llvm.zip
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/llvm.zip?rev=157096&r1=157095&r2=157096&view=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Added: lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.amalgamated.diff
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.amalgamated.diff?rev=157096&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.amalgamated.diff (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.amalgamated.diff Fri May 18 21:36:49 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+Index: include/llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h
+--- include/llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h	(revision 152265)
++++ include/llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h	(working copy)
+@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
+         ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT1, T, IsInnerUnion,
+           ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT2, T, IsInnerUnion, IsPT3 >
+                                                                    >::Return Ty;
+-      return Ty(Val).is<T>();
++      return Ty(Val).template is<T>();
+     }
+     /// get<T>() - Return the value of the specified pointer type. If the
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
+         ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT1, T, IsInnerUnion,
+           ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT2, T, IsInnerUnion, IsPT3 >
+                                                                    >::Return Ty;
+-      return Ty(Val).get<T>();
++      return Ty(Val).template get<T>();
+     }
+     /// dyn_cast<T>() - If the current value is of the specified pointer type,
+Index: include/llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h
+--- include/llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h	(revision 152265)
++++ include/llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h	(working copy)
+@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@
+     CurSize[Nodes] = CurSize[NewNode];
+     Node[Nodes] = Node[NewNode];
+     CurSize[NewNode] = 0;
+-    Node[NewNode] = this->map->newNode<NodeT>();
++    Node[NewNode] = this->map->template newNode<NodeT>();
+     ++Nodes;
+   }
+Index: utils/TableGen/X86RecognizableInstr.cpp
+--- utils/TableGen/X86RecognizableInstr.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ utils/TableGen/X86RecognizableInstr.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -405,13 +405,13 @@
+     return FILTER_STRONG;
+-  // Filter out artificial instructions
++  // Filter out artificial instructions but leave in the LOCK_PREFIX so it is
++  // printed as a separate "instruction".
+   if (Name.find("_Int") != Name.npos       ||
+       Name.find("Int_") != Name.npos       ||
+       Name.find("_NOREX") != Name.npos     ||
+-      Name.find("2SDL") != Name.npos       ||
+-      Name == "LOCK_PREFIX")
++      Name.find("2SDL") != Name.npos)
+     return FILTER_STRONG;
+   // Filter out instructions with segment override prefixes.
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp
+--- lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     // concerned, so we can't just preserve the callee saved regs.
+     "stmdb sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, lr}\n"
+ #if (defined(__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__))
+-    "fstmfdd sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
++    "vstmdb sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
+ #endif
+     // The LR contains the address of the stub function on entry.
+     // pass it as the argument to the C part of the callback
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
+     //
+ #if (defined(__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__))
+     // Restore VFP caller-saved registers.
+-    "fldmfdd sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
++    "vldmia sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
+ #endif
+     //
+     //      We need to exchange the values in slots 0 and 1 so we can
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrNEON.td
+--- lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrNEON.td	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrNEON.td	(working copy)
+@@ -4795,12 +4795,12 @@
+ // Vector Swap
+ def  VSWPd    : N2VX<0b11, 0b11, 0b00, 0b10, 0b00000, 0, 0,
+-                     (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$Vd1), (ins DPR:$Vm, DPR:$Vm1),
+-                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vd1", "$Vm = $Vd, $Vm1 = $Vd1",
++                     (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$Vm), (ins DPR:$in1, DPR:$in2),
++                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vm", "$in1 = $Vd, $in2 = $Vm",
+                      []>;
+ def  VSWPq    : N2VX<0b11, 0b11, 0b00, 0b10, 0b00000, 1, 0,
+-                     (outs QPR:$Vd, QPR:$Vd1), (ins QPR:$Vm, QPR:$Vm1),
+-                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vd1", "$Vm = $Vd, $Vm1 = $Vd1",
++                     (outs QPR:$Vd, QPR:$Vm), (ins QPR:$in1, QPR:$in2),
++                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vm", "$in1 = $Vd, $in2 = $Vm",
+                      []>;
+ // Vector Move Operations.
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/InstPrinter/ARMInstPrinter.cpp
+--- lib/Target/ARM/InstPrinter/ARMInstPrinter.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/InstPrinter/ARMInstPrinter.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -212,12 +212,12 @@
+   } else {
+     assert(Op.isExpr() && "unknown operand kind in printOperand");
+     // If a symbolic branch target was added as a constant expression then print
+-    // that address in hex.
++    // that address in hex. And only print 32 unsigned bits for the address.
+     const MCConstantExpr *BranchTarget = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.getExpr());
+     int64_t Address;
+     if (BranchTarget && BranchTarget->EvaluateAsAbsolute(Address)) {
+       O << "0x";
+-      O.write_hex(Address);
++      O.write_hex((uint32_t)Address);
+     }
+     else {
+       // Otherwise, just print the expression.
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb2.td
+--- lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb2.td	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb2.td	(working copy)
+@@ -3198,6 +3198,7 @@
+   let Inst{13} = target{17};
+   let Inst{21-16} = target{16-11};
+   let Inst{10-0} = target{10-0};
++  let DecoderMethod = "DecodeT2BInstruction";
+ }
+ let isNotDuplicable = 1, isIndirectBranch = 1 in {
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb.td
+--- lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb.td	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb.td	(working copy)
+@@ -413,11 +413,11 @@
+                   "bl${p}\t$func",
+                   [(ARMtcall tglobaladdr:$func)]>,
+              Requires<[IsThumb, IsNotIOS]> {
+-    bits<22> func;
+-    let Inst{26} = func{21};
++    bits<24> func;
++    let Inst{26} = func{23};
+     let Inst{25-16} = func{20-11};
+-    let Inst{13} = 1;
+-    let Inst{11} = 1;
++    let Inst{13} = func{22};
++    let Inst{11} = func{21};
+     let Inst{10-0} = func{10-0};
+   }
+@@ -427,10 +427,11 @@
+                    "blx${p}\t$func",
+                    [(ARMcall tglobaladdr:$func)]>,
+               Requires<[IsThumb, HasV5T, IsNotIOS]> {
+-    bits<21> func;
++    bits<24> func;
++    let Inst{26} = func{23};
+     let Inst{25-16} = func{20-11};
+-    let Inst{13} = 1;
+-    let Inst{11} = 1;
++    let Inst{13} = func{22};
++    let Inst{11} = func{21};
+     let Inst{10-1} = func{10-1};
+     let Inst{0} = 0; // func{0} is assumed zero
+   }
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/MCTargetDesc/ARMAsmBackend.cpp
+--- lib/Target/ARM/MCTargetDesc/ARMAsmBackend.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/MCTargetDesc/ARMAsmBackend.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -397,39 +397,65 @@
+     return swapped;
+   }
+   case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bl: {
+-    // The value doesn't encode the low bit (always zero) and is offset by
+-    // four. The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination
+-    // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit
+-    //
+-    //   BL:  xxxxxSIIIIIIIIII xxxxxIIIIIIIIIII
+-    //
+-    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
+-    // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
+-    unsigned isNeg = (int64_t(Value - 4) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
+-    uint32_t Binary = 0;
+-    Value = 0x3fffff & ((Value - 4) >> 1);
+-    Binary  = (Value & 0x7ff) << 16;    // Low imm11 value.
+-    Binary |= (Value & 0x1ffc00) >> 11; // High imm10 value.
+-    Binary |= isNeg << 10;              // Sign bit.
+-    return Binary;
++     // The value doesn't encode the low bit (always zero) and is offset by
++     // four. The 32-bit immediate value is encoded as
++     //   imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:0)
++     // where I1 = NOT(J1 ^ S) and I2 = NOT(J2 ^ S).
++     // The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination
++     // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit,
++     // J = either J1 or J2 bit
++     //
++     //
++     // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
++     // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
++     uint32_t offset = (Value - 4) >> 1;
++     uint32_t signBit = (offset & 0x800000) >> 23;
++     uint32_t I1Bit = (offset & 0x400000) >> 22;
++     uint32_t J1Bit = (I1Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
++     uint32_t I2Bit = (offset & 0x200000) >> 21;
++     uint32_t J2Bit = (I2Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
++     uint32_t imm10Bits = (offset & 0x1FF800) >> 11;
++     uint32_t imm11Bits = (offset & 0x000007FF);
++     uint32_t Binary = 0;
++     uint32_t firstHalf = (((uint16_t)signBit << 10) | (uint16_t)imm10Bits);
++     uint32_t secondHalf = (((uint16_t)J1Bit << 13) | ((uint16_t)J2Bit << 11) |
++                           (uint16_t)imm11Bits);
++     Binary |= secondHalf << 16;
++     Binary |= firstHalf;
++     return Binary;
+   }
+   case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_blx: {
+-    // The value doesn't encode the low two bits (always zero) and is offset by
+-    // four (see fixup_arm_thumb_cp). The value is encoded into disjoint bit
+-    // positions in the destination opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value
+-    // bit, S = sign extension bit, 0 = zero.
+-    //
+-    //   BLX: xxxxxSIIIIIIIIII xxxxxIIIIIIIIII0
+-    //
+-    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
+-    // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
+-    unsigned isNeg = (int64_t(Value-4) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
+-    uint32_t Binary = 0;
+-    Value = 0xfffff & ((Value - 2) >> 2);
+-    Binary  = (Value & 0x3ff) << 17;    // Low imm10L value.
+-    Binary |= (Value & 0xffc00) >> 10;  // High imm10H value.
+-    Binary |= isNeg << 10;              // Sign bit.
+-    return Binary;
++     // The value doesn't encode the low two bits (always zero) and is offset by
++     // four (see fixup_arm_thumb_cp). The 32-bit immediate value is encoded as
++     //   imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10H:imm10L:00)
++     // where I1 = NOT(J1 ^ S) and I2 = NOT(J2 ^ S).
++     // The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination 
++     // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit, 
++     // J = either J1 or J2 bit, 0 = zero.
++     //
++     //
++     // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
++     // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
++     uint32_t offset = (Value - 2) >> 2;
++     uint32_t signBit = (offset & 0x400000) >> 22;
++     uint32_t I1Bit = (offset & 0x200000) >> 21;
++     uint32_t J1Bit = (I1Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
++     uint32_t I2Bit = (offset & 0x100000) >> 20;
++     uint32_t J2Bit = (I2Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
++     uint32_t imm10HBits = (offset & 0xFFC00) >> 10;
++     uint32_t imm10LBits = (offset & 0x3FF);
++     uint32_t Binary = 0;
++     uint32_t firstHalf = (((uint16_t)signBit << 10) | (uint16_t)imm10HBits);
++     uint32_t secondHalf = (((uint16_t)J1Bit << 13) | ((uint16_t)J2Bit << 11) | 
++                           ((uint16_t)imm10LBits) << 1);
++     Binary |= secondHalf << 16;
++     Binary |= firstHalf;
++     return Binary;
+   }
+   case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp:
+     // Offset by 4, and don't encode the low two bits. Two bytes of that
+Index: lib/Target/ARM/Disassembler/ARMDisassembler.cpp
+--- lib/Target/ARM/Disassembler/ARMDisassembler.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/ARM/Disassembler/ARMDisassembler.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -182,6 +182,8 @@
+                                uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeAddrMode7Operand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                                uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
++static DecodeStatus DecodeT2BInstruction(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Insn,
++                               uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeBranchImmInstruction(llvm::MCInst &Inst,unsigned Insn,
+                                uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeAddrMode6Operand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+@@ -1945,6 +1947,21 @@
+ }
+ static DecodeStatus
++DecodeT2BInstruction(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Insn,
++                     uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
++  DecodeStatus S = MCDisassembler::Success;
++  unsigned imm = (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 0, 11) << 0) |
++                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 11, 1) << 18) |
++                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 13, 1) << 17) |
++                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 16, 6) << 11) |
++                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 26, 1) << 19);
++  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<20>(imm<<1) + 4,
++                                true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
++    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<20>(imm << 1)));
++  return S;
++static DecodeStatus
+ DecodeBranchImmInstruction(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Insn,
+                            uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
+   DecodeStatus S = MCDisassembler::Success;
+@@ -2177,6 +2194,8 @@
+     case ARM::VLD2b8wb_register:
+     case ARM::VLD2b16wb_register:
+     case ARM::VLD2b32wb_register:
++      Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(0));
++      break;
+     case ARM::VLD3d8_UPD:
+     case ARM::VLD3d16_UPD:
+     case ARM::VLD3d32_UPD:
+@@ -2245,6 +2264,16 @@
+         !Check(S, DecodeGPRRegisterClass(Inst, Rm, Address, Decoder)))
+       return MCDisassembler::Fail;
+     break;
++  case ARM::VLD2d8wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2d16wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2d32wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2b8wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2b16wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2b32wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2q8wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2q16wb_fixed:
++  case ARM::VLD2q32wb_fixed:
++    break;
+   }
+   return S;
+@@ -2313,6 +2342,10 @@
+     case ARM::VST2b8wb_register:
+     case ARM::VST2b16wb_register:
+     case ARM::VST2b32wb_register:
++      if (Rm == 0xF)
++        return MCDisassembler::Fail;
++      Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(0));
++      break;
+     case ARM::VST3d8_UPD:
+     case ARM::VST3d16_UPD:
+     case ARM::VST3d32_UPD:
+@@ -2354,6 +2387,23 @@
+     case ARM::VST1q16wb_fixed:
+     case ARM::VST1q32wb_fixed:
+     case ARM::VST1q64wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d8Twb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d16Twb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d32Twb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d64Twb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d8Qwb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d16Qwb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d32Qwb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST1d64Qwb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2d8wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2d16wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2d32wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2q8wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2q16wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2q32wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2b8wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2b16wb_fixed:
++    case ARM::VST2b32wb_fixed:
+       break;
+   }
+@@ -2837,19 +2887,25 @@
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbBROperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
+-  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<12>(Val << 1)));
++   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<12>(Val<<1) + 4,
++                                 true, 2, Inst, Decoder))
++     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<12>(Val << 1)));
+   return MCDisassembler::Success;
+ }
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeT2BROperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
+-  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<21>(Val)));
++   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<21>(Val) + 4,
++                                 true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
++     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<21>(Val)));
+   return MCDisassembler::Success;
+ }
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbCmpBROperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
+-  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<7>(Val << 1)));
++   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<7>(Val<<1) + 4,
++                                 true, 2, Inst, Decoder))
++     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<7>(Val << 1)));
+   return MCDisassembler::Success;
+ }
+@@ -3162,10 +3218,25 @@
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbBLXOffset(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
++  // Val is passed in as S:J1:J2:imm10H:imm10L:’0’
++  // Note only one trailing zero not two.  Also the J1 and J2 values are from
++  // the encoded instruction.  So here change to I1 and I2 values via:
++  // I1 = NOT(J1 EOR S);
++  // I2 = NOT(J2 EOR S);
++  // and build the imm32 with two trailing zeros as documented:
++  // imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10H:imm10L:’00’, 32);
++  unsigned S = (Val >> 23) & 1;
++  unsigned J1 = (Val >> 22) & 1;
++  unsigned J2 = (Val >> 21) & 1;
++  unsigned I1 = !(J1 ^ S);
++  unsigned I2 = !(J2 ^ S);
++  unsigned tmp = (Val & ~0x600000) | (I1 << 22) | (I2 << 21);
++  int imm32 = SignExtend32<25>(tmp << 1);
+   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address,
+-                                (Address & ~2u) + SignExtend32<22>(Val << 1) + 4,
++                                (Address & ~2u) + imm32 + 4,
+                                 true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
+-    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<22>(Val << 1)));
++    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(imm32));
+   return MCDisassembler::Success;
+ }
+@@ -3271,15 +3342,32 @@
+ static DecodeStatus
+ DecodeThumbBCCTargetOperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                             uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder){
+-  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(Val << 1));
++  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<8>(Val<<1) + 4,
++                                true, 2, Inst, Decoder))
++    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<8>(Val << 1)));
+   return MCDisassembler::Success;
+ }
+ static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbBLTargetOperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
+                                        uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder){
+-  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<22>(Val<<1) + 4,
++  // Val is passed in as S:J1:J2:imm10:imm11
++  // Note no trailing zero after imm11.  Also the J1 and J2 values are from
++  // the encoded instruction.  So here change to I1 and I2 values via:
++  // I1 = NOT(J1 EOR S);
++  // I2 = NOT(J2 EOR S);
++  // and build the imm32 with one trailing zero as documented:
++  // imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:’0’, 32);
++  unsigned S = (Val >> 23) & 1;
++  unsigned J1 = (Val >> 22) & 1;
++  unsigned J2 = (Val >> 21) & 1;
++  unsigned I1 = !(J1 ^ S);
++  unsigned I2 = !(J2 ^ S);
++  unsigned tmp = (Val & ~0x600000) | (I1 << 22) | (I2 << 21);
++  int imm32 = SignExtend32<25>(tmp << 1);
++  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + imm32 + 4,
+                                 true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
+-    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<22>(Val << 1)));
++    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(imm32));
+   return MCDisassembler::Success;
+ }
+Index: lib/Target/X86/Disassembler/X86DisassemblerDecoder.c
+--- lib/Target/X86/Disassembler/X86DisassemblerDecoder.c	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/Target/X86/Disassembler/X86DisassemblerDecoder.c	(working copy)
+@@ -312,6 +312,13 @@
+     if (consumeByte(insn, &byte))
+       return -1;
++    // If the the first byte is a LOCK prefix break and let it be disassembled
++    // as a lock "instruction", by creating an <MCInst #xxxx LOCK_PREFIX>.
++    // FIXME there is currently no way to get the disassembler to print the
++    // lock prefix if it is not the first byte.
++    if (insn->readerCursor - 1 == insn->startLocation && byte == 0xf0)
++      break;
+     switch (byte) {
+     case 0xf0:  /* LOCK */
+Index: lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp
+--- lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
+ bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
+ resolveRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
+                   uint64_t FinalAddress,
+-                  uint64_t Value,
++                  uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                  uint64_t FinalSource2,
+                   bool isPCRel,
+                   unsigned Type,
+                   unsigned Size,
+@@ -32,10 +33,20 @@
+   // This just dispatches to the proper target specific routine.
+   switch (CPUType) {
+   default: llvm_unreachable("Unsupported CPU type!");
++  case mach::CTM_i386:
++    return resolveI386Relocation(LocalAddress,
++                                 FinalAddress,
++                                 FinalSource1,
++                                 FinalSource2,
++                                 isPCRel,
++                                 Type,
++                                 Size,
++                                 Addend);
+   case mach::CTM_x86_64:
+     return resolveX86_64Relocation(LocalAddress,
+                                    FinalAddress,
+-                                   (uintptr_t)Value,
++                                   FinalSource1,
++                                   FinalSource2,
+                                    isPCRel,
+                                    Type,
+                                    Size,
+@@ -43,7 +54,8 @@
+   case mach::CTM_ARM:
+     return resolveARMRelocation(LocalAddress,
+                                 FinalAddress,
+-                                (uintptr_t)Value,
++                                FinalSource1,
++                                FinalSource2,
+                                 isPCRel,
+                                 Type,
+                                 Size,
+@@ -52,19 +64,52 @@
+ }
+ bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
++resolveI386Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
++                      uint64_t FinalAddress,
++                      uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                      uint64_t FinalSource2,
++                      bool isPCRel,
++                      unsigned Type,
++                      unsigned Size,
++                      int64_t Addend) {
++  int64_t ValueToWrite = Addend;
++  switch (Type) {
++  default:
++    llvm_unreachable("Invalid relocation type!");
++  case macho::RIT_Vanilla:
++    ValueToWrite += FinalSource1;
++    break;
++  case macho::RIT_Difference:
++  case macho::RIT_Generic_LocalDifference:
++  case macho::RIT_Generic_PreboundLazyPointer:
++    ValueToWrite += FinalSource1;
++    ValueToWrite -= FinalSource2;
++    break;
++  }
++  if (isPCRel)
++    ValueToWrite -= FinalAddress + 4; // see resolveX86_64Relocation
++  uint8_t *p = LocalAddress;
++  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
++    *p++ = (uint8_t)(ValueToWrite & 0xff);
++    ValueToWrite >>= 8;
++  }
++  return false;
++bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
+ resolveX86_64Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
+                         uint64_t FinalAddress,
+-                        uint64_t Value,
++                        uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                        uint64_t FinalSource2,
+                         bool isPCRel,
+                         unsigned Type,
+                         unsigned Size,
+                         int64_t Addend) {
+-  // If the relocation is PC-relative, the value to be encoded is the
+-  // pointer difference.
+-  if (isPCRel)
+-    // FIXME: It seems this value needs to be adjusted by 4 for an effective PC
+-    // address. Is that expected? Only for branches, perhaps?
+-    Value -= FinalAddress + 4;
++  int64_t ValueToWrite = Addend;
+   switch(Type) {
+   default:
+@@ -74,41 +119,53 @@
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Signed4:
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Signed:
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Unsigned:
+-  case macho::RIT_X86_64_Branch: {
+-    Value += Addend;
+-    // Mask in the target value a byte at a time (we don't have an alignment
+-    // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
+-    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)LocalAddress;
+-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
+-      *p++ = (uint8_t)Value;
+-      Value >>= 8;
+-    }
+-    return false;
+-  }
++  case macho::RIT_X86_64_Branch:
++    ValueToWrite += FinalSource1;
++    break;
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_GOTLoad:
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_GOT:
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Subtractor:
+   case macho::RIT_X86_64_TLV:
+     return Error("Relocation type not implemented yet!");
+   }
++  // If the relocation is PC-relative, the value to be encoded is the
++  // pointer difference.
++  if (isPCRel)
++    // FIXME: It seems this value needs to be adjusted by 4 for an effective PC
++    // address. Is that expected? Only for branches, perhaps?
++    ValueToWrite -= FinalAddress + 4;
++  // Mask in the target value a byte at a time (we don't have an alignment
++  // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
++  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)LocalAddress;
++  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
++    *p++ = (uint8_t)(ValueToWrite & 0xff);
++    ValueToWrite >>= 8;
++  }
++  return false;
+ }
+ bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
+ resolveARMRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
+                      uint64_t FinalAddress,
+-                     uint64_t Value,
++                     uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                     uint64_t FinalSource2,
+                      bool isPCRel,
+                      unsigned Type,
+                      unsigned Size,
+                      int64_t Addend) {
++  int64_t ValueToWrite = Addend;
+   // If the relocation is PC-relative, the value to be encoded is the
+   // pointer difference.
+   if (isPCRel) {
+-    Value -= FinalAddress;
++    ValueToWrite -= FinalAddress;
+     // ARM PCRel relocations have an effective-PC offset of two instructions
+     // (four bytes in Thumb mode, 8 bytes in ARM mode).
+     // FIXME: For now, assume ARM mode.
+-    Value -= 8;
++    ValueToWrite -= 8;
+   }
+   switch(Type) {
+@@ -119,8 +176,8 @@
+     // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
+     uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)LocalAddress;
+     for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
+-      *p++ = (uint8_t)Value;
+-      Value >>= 8;
++      *p++ = (uint8_t)(ValueToWrite & 0xff);
++      ValueToWrite >>= 8;
+     }
+     break;
+   }
+@@ -129,15 +186,15 @@
+     // 32-bit aligned, so we can do it all at once.
+     uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)LocalAddress;
+     // The low two bits of the value are not encoded.
+-    Value >>= 2;
++    ValueToWrite >>= 2;
+     // Mask the value to 24 bits.
+-    Value &= 0xffffff;
++    ValueToWrite &= 0xffffff;
+     // FIXME: If the destination is a Thumb function (and the instruction
+     // is a non-predicated BL instruction), we need to change it to a BLX
+     // instruction instead.
+     // Insert the value into the instruction.
+-    *p = (*p & ~0xffffff) | Value;
++    *p = (*p & ~0xffffff) | ValueToWrite;
+     break;
+   }
+   case macho::RIT_ARM_ThumbBranch22Bit:
+@@ -153,6 +210,29 @@
+   return false;
+ }
++static bool
++ResolveSectionAndOffset(const MachOObject *Obj,
++                        SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &SectionMap,
++                        const MachOObject::LoadCommandInfo *SegmentLCI,
++                        InMemoryStruct<macho::SegmentLoadCommand> &SegmentLC,
++                        uint64_t Address,
++                        unsigned &SectionID,
++                        uint64_t &Offset)
++  for (unsigned SI = 0, SE = SegmentLC->NumSections; SI < SE; ++SI) {
++    InMemoryStruct<macho::Section> CandidateSection;
++    Obj->ReadSection(*SegmentLCI, SI, CandidateSection);
++    if (Address >= CandidateSection->Address &&
++        Address < CandidateSection->Address + CandidateSection->Size) {
++      SectionID = SectionMap[SI];
++      Offset = Address - CandidateSection->Address;
++      return true;
++    }
++  }
++  return false;
+ bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
+ loadSegment32(const MachOObject *Obj,
+               const MachOObject::LoadCommandInfo *SegmentLCI,
+@@ -210,6 +290,7 @@
+   // Process the relocations for each section we're loading.
+   Relocations.grow(Relocations.size() + SegmentLC->NumSections);
++  RelocationSources.grow(RelocationSources.size() + SegmentLC->NumSections);
+   for (unsigned SectNum = 0; SectNum != SegmentLC->NumSections; ++SectNum) {
+     InMemoryStruct<macho::Section> Sect;
+     Obj->ReadSection(*SegmentLCI, SectNum, Sect);
+@@ -218,51 +299,135 @@
+     for (unsigned j = 0; j != Sect->NumRelocationTableEntries; ++j) {
+       InMemoryStruct<macho::RelocationEntry> RE;
+       Obj->ReadRelocationEntry(Sect->RelocationTableOffset, j, RE);
+-      if (RE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered)
+-        return Error("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: scattered relocations.");
+-      // Word0 of the relocation is the offset into the section where the
+-      // relocation should be applied. We need to translate that into an
+-      // offset into a function since that's our atom.
+-      uint32_t Offset = RE->Word0;
+-      bool isExtern = (RE->Word1 >> 27) & 1;
+-      // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
+-      // FIXME: VERY imporant for internal relocations.
+-      // Figure out the source symbol of the relocation. If isExtern is true,
+-      // this relocation references the symbol table, otherwise it references
+-      // a section in the same object, numbered from 1 through NumSections
+-      // (SectionBases is [0, NumSections-1]).
+-      uint32_t SourceNum = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
+-      if (!isExtern) {
+-        assert(SourceNum > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
+-        unsigned SectionID = SectionMap[SourceNum - 1];
++      if (RE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered) {
++        // The lower 24 bits of Word0 of the scattered relocation is the offset
++        // into the section where the relocation should be applied, i.e., the
++        // current section.
++        uint32_t OffsetInTarget = RE->Word0 & 0x00ffffff;
+         unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
+-        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internal relocation at Section #"
+-                     << TargetID << " + " << Offset
+-                     << " from Section #"
+-                     << SectionID << " (Word1: "
+-                     << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
+-        // Store the relocation information. It will get resolved when
+-        // the section addresses are assigned.
+-        Relocations[SectionID].push_back(RelocationEntry(TargetID,
+-                                                         Offset,
+-                                                         RE->Word1,
+-                                                         0 /*Addend*/));
++        // Word1 of the scattered relocation is a file offset which needs to
++        // be resolved into Section+Offset form.  This gives the address of the
++        // source.
++        unsigned Source1ID;
++        uint64_t Source1Offset;
++        if (!ResolveSectionAndOffset(Obj,
++                                     SectionMap,
++                                     SegmentLCI,
++                                     SegmentLC,
++                                     RE->Word1,
++                                     Source1ID,
++                                     Source1Offset))
++          return Error("couldn't find scattered relocation value in sections");
++        // This relocation may have a paired relocation entry. If it does, set
++        // the source/offset information for it correctly.
++        unsigned Source2ID = SectionOffset::NoSectionID;
++        uint64_t Source2Offset = 0;
++        if (j + 1 < Sect->NumRelocationTableEntries) {
++          InMemoryStruct<macho::RelocationEntry> PairRE;
++          Obj->ReadRelocationEntry(Sect->RelocationTableOffset, j+1, PairRE);
++          if ((PairRE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered) &&
++              ((PairRE->Word0 & 0x0f000000) >> 24) == macho::RIT_Pair) {
++            if (!ResolveSectionAndOffset(Obj,
++                                         SectionMap,
++                                         SegmentLCI,
++                                         SegmentLC,
++                                         PairRE->Word1,
++                                         Source2ID,
++                                         Source2Offset))
++              return Error("couldn't find scattered relocation value in sections");
++            ++j;
++          }
++        }
++        if (Source2ID == SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
++          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Scattered relocation at Section #"
++                       << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
++                       << " from Section #" << Source1ID
++                       << "+" << Source1Offset
++                       << " (Word0: "
++                       << format("0x%x", RE->Word0) << ")\n");
++        else
++          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Scattered relocation at Section #"
++                       << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
++                       << " from Section #" << Source1ID
++                       << "+" << Source1Offset
++                       << " and Section #" << Source2ID
++                       << "+" << Source2Offset
++                       << " (Word0: "
++                       << format("0x%x", RE->Word0) << ")\n");
++        uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
++        // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
++        // FIXME: VERY imporant for internal relocations.
++        RelocationEntry TranslatedRE(OffsetInTarget,
++                                     Source1ID,
++                                     Source1Offset,
++                                     Source2ID,
++                                     Source2Offset,
++                                     RE->Word1,
++                                     0 /*Addend*/);
++        Relocations[TargetID].push_back(TranslatedRE);
++        RelocationSources[Source1ID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
++                                                                RelocationIndex,
++                                                                0));
++        if (Source2ID != SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
++          RelocationSources[Source2ID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
++                                                                  RelocationIndex,
++                                                                  1));
+       } else {
+-        StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum];
+-        // Now store the relocation information. Associate it with the source
+-        // symbol. Just add it to the unresolved list and let the general
+-        // path post-load resolve it if we know where the symbol is.
+-        UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationEntry(SectNum,
+-                                                                    Offset,
+-                                                                    RE->Word1,
+-                                                                 0 /*Addend*/));
+-        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << Offset
+-              << " from '" << SourceName << "(Word1: "
+-              << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
++        // Word0 of the relocation is the offset into the section where the
++        // relocation should be applied, i.e., the current section. We need
++        // to translate that into an offset into a function since that's our atom.
++        uint32_t OffsetInTarget = RE->Word0;
++        bool isExtern = (RE->Word1 >> 27) & 1;
++        // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
++        // FIXME: VERY imporant for internal relocations.
++        // Figure out the source symbol of the relocation. If isExtern is true,
++        // this relocation references the symbol table, otherwise it references
++        // a section in the same object, numbered from 1 through NumSections
++        // (SectionBases is [0, NumSections-1]).
++        uint32_t SourceNum_OneBased = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
++        if (!isExtern) {
++          assert(SourceNum_OneBased > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
++          unsigned SourceID = SectionMap[SourceNum_OneBased - 1];
++          unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
++          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internal relocation at Section #"
++                       << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
++                       << " from Section #"
++                       << SourceID << " (Word1: "
++                       << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
++          // Store the relocation information. It will get resolved when
++          // the section addresses are assigned.
++          uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
++          Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
++                                                          SourceID,
++                                                          SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
++                                                          RE->Word1,
++                                                          0 /*Addend*/));
++          RelocationSources[SourceID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
++                                                                 RelocationIndex,
++                                                                 0));
++        } else {
++          StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum_OneBased];
++          // Now store the relocation information. Associate it with the source
++          // symbol. Just add it to the unresolved list and let the general
++          // path post-load resolve it if we know where the symbol is.
++          unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
++          uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
++          Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
++                                                          SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID,
++                                                          SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
++                                                          RE->Word1,
++                                                          0 /*Addend*/));
++          UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
++                                                                       RelocationIndex,
++                                                                       0));
++          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << OffsetInTarget
++                << " from '" << SourceName << "' (Word1: "
++                << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
++        }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+@@ -332,6 +497,7 @@
+   // Process the relocations for each section we're loading.
+   Relocations.grow(Relocations.size() + Segment64LC->NumSections);
++  RelocationSources.grow(RelocationSources.size() + Segment64LC->NumSections);
+   for (unsigned SectNum = 0; SectNum != Segment64LC->NumSections; ++SectNum) {
+     InMemoryStruct<macho::Section64> Sect;
+     Obj->ReadSection64(*SegmentLCI, SectNum, Sect);
+@@ -341,11 +507,11 @@
+       InMemoryStruct<macho::RelocationEntry> RE;
+       Obj->ReadRelocationEntry(Sect->RelocationTableOffset, j, RE);
+       if (RE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered)
+-        return Error("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: scattered relocations.");
++        return Error("scattered relocations don't exist on 64-bit platforms");
+       // Word0 of the relocation is the offset into the section where the
+       // relocation should be applied. We need to translate that into an
+       // offset into a function since that's our atom.
+-      uint32_t Offset = RE->Word0;
++      uint32_t OffsetInTarget = RE->Word0;
+       bool isExtern = (RE->Word1 >> 27) & 1;
+       // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
+@@ -355,34 +521,45 @@
+       // this relocation references the symbol table, otherwise it references
+       // a section in the same object, numbered from 1 through NumSections
+       // (SectionBases is [0, NumSections-1]).
+-      uint32_t SourceNum = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
++      uint32_t SourceNum_OneBased = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
+       if (!isExtern) {
+-        assert(SourceNum > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
+-        unsigned SectionID = SectionMap[SourceNum - 1];
++        assert(SourceNum_OneBased > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
++        unsigned SourceID = SectionMap[SourceNum_OneBased - 1];
+         unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
+         DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internal relocation at Section #"
+-                     << TargetID << " + " << Offset
++                     << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
+                      << " from Section #"
+-                     << SectionID << " (Word1: "
++                     << SourceID << " (Word1: "
+                      << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
+         // Store the relocation information. It will get resolved when
+         // the section addresses are assigned.
+-        Relocations[SectionID].push_back(RelocationEntry(TargetID,
+-                                                         Offset,
+-                                                         RE->Word1,
+-                                                         0 /*Addend*/));
++        uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
++        Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
++                                                        SourceID,
++                                                        SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
++                                                        RE->Word1,
++                                                        0 /*Addend*/));
++        RelocationSources[SourceID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
++                                                               RelocationIndex,
++                                                               0));
+       } else {
+-        StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum];
++        StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum_OneBased];
+         // Now store the relocation information. Associate it with the source
+         // symbol. Just add it to the unresolved list and let the general
+         // path post-load resolve it if we know where the symbol is.
+-        UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationEntry(SectNum,
+-                                                                    Offset,
+-                                                                    RE->Word1,
+-                                                                 0 /*Addend*/));
+-        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << Offset
++        unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
++        uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
++        Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
++                                                        SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID,
++                                                        SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
++                                                        RE->Word1,
++                                                        0 /*Addend*/));
++        UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
++                                                                     RelocationIndex,
++                                                                     0));
++        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << OffsetInTarget
+               << " from '" << SourceName << "(Word1: "
+               << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
+       }
+@@ -468,18 +645,22 @@
+   if (Loc == SymbolTable.end())
+     return;
+-  RelocationList &Relocs = UnresolvedRelocations[Name];
++  RelocationSourceList &SourcesForSymbol = UnresolvedRelocations[Name];
+   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving symbol '" << Name << "'\n");
+-  for (int i = 0, e = Relocs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+-    // Change the relocation to be section relative rather than symbol
+-    // relative and move it to the resolved relocation list.
+-    RelocationEntry Entry = Relocs[i];
+-    Entry.Addend += Loc->second.second;
+-    Relocations[Loc->second.first].push_back(Entry);
++  for (int i = 0, e = SourcesForSymbol.size(); i != e; ++i) {
++    // Find the relocation entry corresponding to this source and fill
++    // in its source information with the resolved information from this
++    // symbol.
++    RelocationSource &Source = SourcesForSymbol[i];
++    RelocationEntry &Entry = Relocations[Source.SectionID][Source.Index];
++    Entry.Sources[Source.SourceIdx].Offset = Loc->second.second;
++    Entry.Sources[Source.SourceIdx].ID = Loc->second.first;
++    // Now create a relocation source in the pointed-to section.
++    RelocationSources[Loc->second.first].push_back(Source);
+   }
+   // FIXME: Keep a worklist of the relocations we've added so that we can
+   // resolve more selectively later.
+-  Relocs.clear();
++  SourcesForSymbol.clear();
+ }
+ bool RuntimeDyldMachO::loadObject(MemoryBuffer *InputBuffer) {
+@@ -575,6 +756,56 @@
+   return false;
+ }
++bool RuntimeDyldMachO::resolveRelocationEntry(unsigned SectionID,
++                                              RelocationEntry &RE)
++  uint8_t *Target = (uint8_t*)Sections[SectionID].base() + RE.Offset;
++  uint64_t FinalTarget = SectionLoadAddress[SectionID] + RE.Offset;
++  uint64_t FinalSource1 = 0;
++  uint64_t FinalSource2 = 0;
++  if (RE.Sources[0].ID == SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID ||
++      RE.Sources[1].ID == SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID)
++    return false;
++  FinalSource1 = SectionLoadAddress[RE.Sources[0].ID] + RE.Sources[0].Offset;
++  if (RE.Sources[1].ID != SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
++    FinalSource2 = SectionLoadAddress[RE.Sources[1].ID] + RE.Sources[1].Offset;
++  bool isPCRel = RE.isPCRel();
++  unsigned Type = RE.type();
++  unsigned Size = RE.length();
++  if (RE.Sources[1].ID == SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
++    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocation at Section #" << SectionID
++          << " + " << RE.Offset << " (" << format("%p", Target) << ")"
++          << " from Section #" << RE.Sources[0].ID << "+" << RE.Sources[0].Offset
++          << " (" << format("0x%llx", FinalSource1) << ")"
++          << " (" << (isPCRel ? "pcrel" : "absolute")
++          << ", type: " << Type << ", Size: " << Size << ", Addend: "
++          << RE.Addend << ").\n");
++  else
++    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocation at Section #" << SectionID
++          << " + " << RE.Offset << " (" << format("%p", Target) << ")"
++          << " from Section #" << RE.Sources[0].ID << "+" << RE.Sources[0].Offset
++          << " (" << format("0x%llx", FinalSource1) << ")"
++          << " and Section #" << RE.Sources[1].ID << "+" << RE.Sources[1].Offset
++          << " (" << format("0x%llx", FinalSource2) << ")"
++          << " (" << (isPCRel ? "pcrel" : "absolute")
++          << ", type: " << Type << ", Size: " << Size << ", Addend: "
++          << RE.Addend << ").\n");
++  return resolveRelocation(Target,
++                           FinalTarget,
++                           FinalSource1,
++                           FinalSource2,
++                           isPCRel,
++                           Type,
++                           Size,
++                           RE.Addend);
+ // Assign an address to a symbol name and resolve all the relocations
+ // associated with it.
+ void RuntimeDyldMachO::reassignSectionAddress(unsigned SectionID,
+@@ -590,30 +821,17 @@
+   SectionLoadAddress[SectionID] = Addr;
+-  RelocationList &Relocs = Relocations[SectionID];
+-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Relocs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+-    RelocationEntry &RE = Relocs[i];
+-    uint8_t *Target = (uint8_t*)Sections[RE.SectionID].base() + RE.Offset;
+-    uint64_t FinalTarget = (uint64_t)SectionLoadAddress[RE.SectionID] + RE.Offset;
+-    bool isPCRel = (RE.Data >> 24) & 1;
+-    unsigned Type = (RE.Data >> 28) & 0xf;
+-    unsigned Size = 1 << ((RE.Data >> 25) & 3);
+-    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocation at Section #" << RE.SectionID
+-          << " + " << RE.Offset << " (" << format("%p", Target) << ")"
+-          << " from Section #" << SectionID << " (" << format("%p", Addr) << ")"
+-          << "(" << (isPCRel ? "pcrel" : "absolute")
+-          << ", type: " << Type << ", Size: " << Size << ", Addend: "
+-          << RE.Addend << ").\n");
+-    resolveRelocation(Target,
+-                      FinalTarget,
+-                      Addr,
+-                      isPCRel,
+-                      Type,
+-                      Size,
+-                      RE.Addend);
++  RelocationList &RelocsForSection = Relocations[SectionID];
++  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RelocsForSection.size(); i != e; ++i) {
++    RelocationEntry &RE = RelocsForSection[i];
++    resolveRelocationEntry(SectionID, RE);
+   }
++  RelocationSourceList &SourcesForSection = RelocationSources[SectionID];
++  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SourcesForSection.size(); i != e; ++i) {
++    RelocationSource &R = SourcesForSection[i];
++    RelocationEntry &RE = Relocations[R.SectionID][R.Index];
++    resolveRelocationEntry(R.SectionID, RE);
++  }
+ }
+ bool RuntimeDyldMachO::isKnownFormat(const MemoryBuffer *InputBuffer) {
+Index: lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.h
+--- lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.h	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.h	(working copy)
+@@ -26,48 +26,183 @@
+ namespace llvm {
+ class RuntimeDyldMachO : public RuntimeDyldImpl {
+-  // For each symbol, keep a list of relocations based on it. Anytime
+-  // its address is reassigned (the JIT re-compiled the function, e.g.),
+-  // the relocations get re-resolved.
+-  // The symbol (or section) the relocation is sourced from is the Key
+-  // in the relocation list where it's stored.
++  // For each section, keep a list of relocatable pieces of data that
++  // reside in it.  If the section moves, or the sections whose
++  // locations the data depends on move, re-resolve the relocations
++  // based on that movement.
++  //
++  // RelocationEntry structures correspond to one or two Mach-O
++  // relocation_info or scattered_relocation_info structures --
++  // usually one, but two iff the original has a paired structure
++  // following it.
++  //
++  // To facilitate updating a relocation when its sources move, we
++  // also keep RelocationSource structures associated with the sections
++  // whose location the data depends on.
++  // FIXME: Use SymbolLoc for this instead.  Where should the enum live?
++  struct SectionOffset {
++    uint64_t    Offset;     // Offset of the location into its section.
++    unsigned    ID;         // The section the location is contained in.
++    enum {
++      NoSectionID        = 0xffff0000,
++      UnresolvedSourceID = 0xffffffff
++    };
++  };
+   struct RelocationEntry {
+-    unsigned    SectionID;  // Section the relocation is contained in.
+-    uint64_t    Offset;     // Offset into the section for the relocation.
+-    uint32_t    Data;       // Second word of the raw macho relocation entry.
+-    int64_t     Addend;     // Addend encoded in the instruction itself, if any,
+-                            // plus the offset into the source section for
+-                            // the symbol once the relocation is resolvable.
++    SectionOffset Sources[2]; // The section/offset pairs this relocation
++                              // refers to.
++                              // If the original Mach-O relocation entries used
++                              // relocation_info, this data is computed from
++                              // r_symbolnum and the offsets are locked to 0.
++                              // (The only offset is determined by the addend.)
++                              // If the original Mach-O relocation entries used
++                              // scattered_relocation_info, this data, including
++                              // offsets, is computed by looking r_value up in
++                              // the section table.
+-    RelocationEntry(unsigned id, uint64_t offset, uint32_t data, int64_t addend)
+-      : SectionID(id), Offset(offset), Data(data), Addend(addend) {}
++    uint64_t      Offset;     // The offset of the data to be relocated.
++                              // We don't use a SectionOffset because this
++                              // RelocationEntry is already associated with the
++                              // proper Section.
++    int64_t       Addend;     // Addend encoded in the instruction itself, if any,
++                              // plus the offset into the source section for
++                              // the symbol once the relocation is resolvable.
++    uint32_t      Data;       // If the original Mach-O relocation entry was a
++                              // relocation_info, the bitfield { r_symbolnum,
++                              // r_pcrel, r_length, r_extern, r_type }.
++                              // If the original Mach-O relocation entry was a
++                              // scattered_relocation_info, the bitfield
++                              // { r_address, r_type, r_length, r_pcrel,
++                              // r_scattered }.
++    bool          Scattered;  // True iff this relocation is scattered.
++    bool isPCRel()
++    {
++      if (Scattered)
++        return (Data & 0x40000000) >> 30;
++      else
++        return (Data & 0x01000000) >> 24;
++    }
++    uint8_t type()
++    {
++      if (Scattered)
++        return (Data & 0x0f000000) >> 24;
++      else
++        return (Data & 0xf0000000) >> 28;
++    }
++    // Returns the decoded version of the length field
++    uint8_t length()
++    {
++      if (Scattered)
++        return 1 << ((Data & 0x30000000) >> 28);
++      else
++        return 1 << ((Data & 0x0e000000) >> 25);
++    }
++    // Used with an ordinary relocation entry, where the source_offsets are not
++    // known yet.
++    RelocationEntry(uint64_t offset,      // See the Offset field.
++                    unsigned source_id0,  // The section ID for the first source.
++                    unsigned source_id1,  // The section ID for the second source.
++                    uint32_t data,        // See the Data field.
++                    int64_t addend)       // See the Addend field.
++      : Offset(offset),
++        Addend(addend),
++        Data(data),
++        Scattered(false) {
++      Sources[0].ID = source_id0;
++      Sources[0].Offset = 0;
++      Sources[1].ID = source_id1;
++      Sources[1].Offset = 0;
++    }
++    // Used with a scattered relocation entry, where the source_offsets can be
++    // derived from the value.
++    RelocationEntry(uint64_t offset,      // See the Offset field.
++                    unsigned source_id0,  // The section ID for the first source.
++                    uint64_t source_off0, // The offset for the first source.
++                    unsigned source_id1,  // The section ID for the second source.
++                    uint64_t source_off1, // The offset for the second source.
++                    uint32_t data,        // See the Data field.
++                    int64_t addend)       // See the Addend field.
++      : Offset(offset),
++        Addend(addend),
++        Data(data), 
++        Scattered(true) {
++      Sources[0].ID = source_id0;
++      Sources[0].Offset = source_off0;
++      Sources[1].ID = source_id1;
++      Sources[1].Offset = source_off1;
++    }
+   };
+   typedef SmallVector<RelocationEntry, 4> RelocationList;
+-  // Relocations to sections already loaded. Indexed by SectionID which is the
+-  // source of the address. The target where the address will be writen is
+-  // SectionID/Offset in the relocation itself.
++  // For each section, keep a list of sources that are used by relocations in
++  // other sections.  Whenever a relocation gets created, create one or two
++  // corresponding relocation sources.  Whenever relocations are re-resolved
++  // for a section, also re-resolve the relocations corresponding to that
++  // section's relocation targets.
++  struct RelocationSource {
++    unsigned    SectionID;      // Section whose RelocationList contains the relocation.
++    uint32_t    Index : 24;     // Index of the RelocatonEntry in that RelocationList.
++    uint8_t     SourceIdx : 1;  // Index of this source in the RelocationEntry's Sources.
++    RelocationSource(unsigned id,
++                     uint32_t index,
++                     uint8_t source_idx)
++      : SectionID(id),
++        Index(index),
++        SourceIdx(source_idx) {}
++  };
++  typedef SmallVector<RelocationSource, 4> RelocationSourceList;
++  // Relocations which refer to already-loaded section. Indexed by SectionID
++  // which is the section containing the relocatable data.
+   IndexedMap<RelocationList> Relocations;
++  // Targets corresponding to Relocations.
++  IndexedMap<RelocationSourceList> RelocationSources;
+   // Relocations to symbols that are not yet resolved. Must be external
+   // relocations by definition. Indexed by symbol name.
+-  StringMap<RelocationList> UnresolvedRelocations;
++  StringMap<RelocationSourceList> UnresolvedRelocations;
++  bool resolveRelocationEntry(unsigned SectionID,
++                              RelocationEntry &RE);
+   bool resolveRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
+                          uint64_t FinalAddress,
+-                         uint64_t Value,
++                         uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                         uint64_t FinalSource2,
+                          bool isPCRel,
+                          unsigned Type,
+                          unsigned Size,
+                          int64_t Addend);
++  bool resolveI386Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
++                             uint64_t FinalAddress,
++                             uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                             uint64_t FinalSource2,
++                             bool isPCRel,
++                             unsigned Type,
++                             unsigned Size,
++                             int64_t Addend);
+   bool resolveX86_64Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
+                                uint64_t FinalAddress,
+-                               uint64_t Value,
++                               uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                               uint64_t FinalSource2,
+                                bool isPCRel,
+                                unsigned Type,
+                                unsigned Size,
+                                int64_t Addend);
+   bool resolveARMRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
+                             uint64_t FinalAddress,
+-                            uint64_t Value,
++                            uint64_t FinalSource1,
++                            uint64_t FinalSource2,
+                             bool isPCRel,
+                             unsigned Type,
+                             unsigned Size,
+Index: lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.cpp
+--- lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.cpp	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
+ #include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler.h"
+ #include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
+ #include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
++#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
+ #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
++#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
+ #include "llvm/Support/MemoryObject.h"
+ #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
+ #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
+@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@
+   LLVMDisasmContext *DC = new LLVMDisasmContext(TripleName, DisInfo, TagType,
+                                                 GetOpInfo, SymbolLookUp,
+                                                 TheTarget, MAI, MRI,
+-                                                Ctx, DisAsm, IP);
++                                                STI, Ctx, DisAsm, IP);
+   assert(DC && "Allocation failure!");
+   return DC;
+Index: lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.h
+--- lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.h	(revision 152265)
++++ lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.h	(working copy)
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ class MCDisassembler;
+ class MCInstPrinter; 
+ class MCRegisterInfo;
++class MCSubtargetInfo;
+ class Target;
+ //
+@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@
+   llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCAsmInfo> MAI;
+   // The register information for the target architecture.
+   llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCRegisterInfo> MRI;
++  // The subtarget information for the target architecture.
++  llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo> MSI;
+   // The assembly context for creating symbols and MCExprs.
+   llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCContext> Ctx;
+   // The disassembler for the target architecture.
+@@ -78,6 +81,7 @@
+                     LLVMSymbolLookupCallback symbolLookUp,
+                     const Target *theTarget, const MCAsmInfo *mAI,
+                     const MCRegisterInfo *mRI,
++                    const MCSubtargetInfo *mSI,
+                     llvm::MCContext *ctx, const MCDisassembler *disAsm,
+                     MCInstPrinter *iP) : TripleName(tripleName),
+                     DisInfo(disInfo), TagType(tagType), GetOpInfo(getOpInfo),
+@@ -85,6 +89,7 @@
+                     CommentStream(CommentsToEmit) {
+     MAI.reset(mAI);
+     MRI.reset(mRI);
++    MSI.reset(mSI);
+     Ctx.reset(ctx);
+     DisAsm.reset(disAsm);
+     IP.reset(iP);

Removed: lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.fix-target-amalgamated.diff
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.fix-target-amalgamated.diff?rev=157095&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.fix-target-amalgamated.diff (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.fix-target-amalgamated.diff (removed)
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp
---- lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-     // concerned, so we can't just preserve the callee saved regs.
-     "stmdb sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, lr}\n"
- #if (defined(__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__))
--    "fstmfdd sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
-+    "vstmdb sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
- #endif
-     // The LR contains the address of the stub function on entry.
-     // pass it as the argument to the C part of the callback
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
-     //
- #if (defined(__VFP_FP__) && !defined(__SOFTFP__))
-     // Restore VFP caller-saved registers.
--    "fldmfdd sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
-+    "vldmia sp!, {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}\n"
- #endif
-     //
-     //      We need to exchange the values in slots 0 and 1 so we can
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrNEON.td
---- lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrNEON.td	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrNEON.td	(working copy)
-@@ -4795,12 +4795,12 @@
- // Vector Swap
- def  VSWPd    : N2VX<0b11, 0b11, 0b00, 0b10, 0b00000, 0, 0,
--                     (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$Vd1), (ins DPR:$Vm, DPR:$Vm1),
--                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vd1", "$Vm = $Vd, $Vm1 = $Vd1",
-+                     (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$Vm), (ins DPR:$in1, DPR:$in2),
-+                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vm", "$in1 = $Vd, $in2 = $Vm",
-                      []>;
- def  VSWPq    : N2VX<0b11, 0b11, 0b00, 0b10, 0b00000, 1, 0,
--                     (outs QPR:$Vd, QPR:$Vd1), (ins QPR:$Vm, QPR:$Vm1),
--                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vd1", "$Vm = $Vd, $Vm1 = $Vd1",
-+                     (outs QPR:$Vd, QPR:$Vm), (ins QPR:$in1, QPR:$in2),
-+                     NoItinerary, "vswp", "$Vd, $Vm", "$in1 = $Vd, $in2 = $Vm",
-                      []>;
- // Vector Move Operations.
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/InstPrinter/ARMInstPrinter.cpp
---- lib/Target/ARM/InstPrinter/ARMInstPrinter.cpp	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/InstPrinter/ARMInstPrinter.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -212,12 +212,12 @@
-   } else {
-     assert(Op.isExpr() && "unknown operand kind in printOperand");
-     // If a symbolic branch target was added as a constant expression then print
--    // that address in hex.
-+    // that address in hex. And only print 32 unsigned bits for the address.
-     const MCConstantExpr *BranchTarget = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.getExpr());
-     int64_t Address;
-     if (BranchTarget && BranchTarget->EvaluateAsAbsolute(Address)) {
-       O << "0x";
--      O.write_hex(Address);
-+      O.write_hex((uint32_t)Address);
-     }
-     else {
-       // Otherwise, just print the expression.
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb2.td
---- lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb2.td	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb2.td	(working copy)
-@@ -3198,6 +3198,7 @@
-   let Inst{13} = target{17};
-   let Inst{21-16} = target{16-11};
-   let Inst{10-0} = target{10-0};
-+  let DecoderMethod = "DecodeT2BInstruction";
- }
- let isNotDuplicable = 1, isIndirectBranch = 1 in {
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/MCTargetDesc/ARMAsmBackend.cpp
---- lib/Target/ARM/MCTargetDesc/ARMAsmBackend.cpp	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/MCTargetDesc/ARMAsmBackend.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -397,39 +397,65 @@
-     return swapped;
-   }
-   case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bl: {
--    // The value doesn't encode the low bit (always zero) and is offset by
--    // four. The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination
--    // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit
--    //
--    //   BL:  xxxxxSIIIIIIIIII xxxxxIIIIIIIIIII
--    //
--    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
--    // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
--    unsigned isNeg = (int64_t(Value - 4) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
--    uint32_t Binary = 0;
--    Value = 0x3fffff & ((Value - 4) >> 1);
--    Binary  = (Value & 0x7ff) << 16;    // Low imm11 value.
--    Binary |= (Value & 0x1ffc00) >> 11; // High imm10 value.
--    Binary |= isNeg << 10;              // Sign bit.
--    return Binary;
-+     // The value doesn't encode the low bit (always zero) and is offset by
-+     // four. The 32-bit immediate value is encoded as
-+     //   imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:0)
-+     // where I1 = NOT(J1 ^ S) and I2 = NOT(J2 ^ S).
-+     // The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination
-+     // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit,
-+     // J = either J1 or J2 bit
-+     //
-+     //
-+     // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
-+     // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
-+     uint32_t offset = (Value - 4) >> 1;
-+     uint32_t signBit = (offset & 0x800000) >> 23;
-+     uint32_t I1Bit = (offset & 0x400000) >> 22;
-+     uint32_t J1Bit = (I1Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
-+     uint32_t I2Bit = (offset & 0x200000) >> 21;
-+     uint32_t J2Bit = (I2Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
-+     uint32_t imm10Bits = (offset & 0x1FF800) >> 11;
-+     uint32_t imm11Bits = (offset & 0x000007FF);
-+     uint32_t Binary = 0;
-+     uint32_t firstHalf = (((uint16_t)signBit << 10) | (uint16_t)imm10Bits);
-+     uint32_t secondHalf = (((uint16_t)J1Bit << 13) | ((uint16_t)J2Bit << 11) |
-+                           (uint16_t)imm11Bits);
-+     Binary |= secondHalf << 16;
-+     Binary |= firstHalf;
-+     return Binary;
-   }
-   case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_blx: {
--    // The value doesn't encode the low two bits (always zero) and is offset by
--    // four (see fixup_arm_thumb_cp). The value is encoded into disjoint bit
--    // positions in the destination opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value
--    // bit, S = sign extension bit, 0 = zero.
--    //
--    //   BLX: xxxxxSIIIIIIIIII xxxxxIIIIIIIIII0
--    //
--    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
--    // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
--    unsigned isNeg = (int64_t(Value-4) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
--    uint32_t Binary = 0;
--    Value = 0xfffff & ((Value - 2) >> 2);
--    Binary  = (Value & 0x3ff) << 17;    // Low imm10L value.
--    Binary |= (Value & 0xffc00) >> 10;  // High imm10H value.
--    Binary |= isNeg << 10;              // Sign bit.
--    return Binary;
-+     // The value doesn't encode the low two bits (always zero) and is offset by
-+     // four (see fixup_arm_thumb_cp). The 32-bit immediate value is encoded as
-+     //   imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10H:imm10L:00)
-+     // where I1 = NOT(J1 ^ S) and I2 = NOT(J2 ^ S).
-+     // The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination 
-+     // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit, 
-+     // J = either J1 or J2 bit, 0 = zero.
-+     //
-+     //
-+     // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
-+     // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
-+     uint32_t offset = (Value - 2) >> 2;
-+     uint32_t signBit = (offset & 0x400000) >> 22;
-+     uint32_t I1Bit = (offset & 0x200000) >> 21;
-+     uint32_t J1Bit = (I1Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
-+     uint32_t I2Bit = (offset & 0x100000) >> 20;
-+     uint32_t J2Bit = (I2Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
-+     uint32_t imm10HBits = (offset & 0xFFC00) >> 10;
-+     uint32_t imm10LBits = (offset & 0x3FF);
-+     uint32_t Binary = 0;
-+     uint32_t firstHalf = (((uint16_t)signBit << 10) | (uint16_t)imm10HBits);
-+     uint32_t secondHalf = (((uint16_t)J1Bit << 13) | ((uint16_t)J2Bit << 11) | 
-+                           ((uint16_t)imm10LBits) << 1);
-+     Binary |= secondHalf << 16;
-+     Binary |= firstHalf;
-+     return Binary;
-   }
-   case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp:
-     // Offset by 4, and don't encode the low two bits. Two bytes of that
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb.td
---- lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb.td	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/ARMInstrThumb.td	(working copy)
-@@ -413,11 +413,11 @@
-                   "bl${p}\t$func",
-                   [(ARMtcall tglobaladdr:$func)]>,
-              Requires<[IsThumb, IsNotIOS]> {
--    bits<22> func;
--    let Inst{26} = func{21};
-+    bits<24> func;
-+    let Inst{26} = func{23};
-     let Inst{25-16} = func{20-11};
--    let Inst{13} = 1;
--    let Inst{11} = 1;
-+    let Inst{13} = func{22};
-+    let Inst{11} = func{21};
-     let Inst{10-0} = func{10-0};
-   }
-@@ -427,10 +427,11 @@
-                    "blx${p}\t$func",
-                    [(ARMcall tglobaladdr:$func)]>,
-               Requires<[IsThumb, HasV5T, IsNotIOS]> {
--    bits<21> func;
-+    bits<24> func;
-+    let Inst{26} = func{23};
-     let Inst{25-16} = func{20-11};
--    let Inst{13} = 1;
--    let Inst{11} = 1;
-+    let Inst{13} = func{22};
-+    let Inst{11} = func{21};
-     let Inst{10-1} = func{10-1};
-     let Inst{0} = 0; // func{0} is assumed zero
-   }
-Index: lib/Target/ARM/Disassembler/ARMDisassembler.cpp
---- lib/Target/ARM/Disassembler/ARMDisassembler.cpp	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/Target/ARM/Disassembler/ARMDisassembler.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -182,6 +182,8 @@
-                                uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
- static DecodeStatus DecodeAddrMode7Operand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                                uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
-+static DecodeStatus DecodeT2BInstruction(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Insn,
-+                               uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
- static DecodeStatus DecodeBranchImmInstruction(llvm::MCInst &Inst,unsigned Insn,
-                                uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder);
- static DecodeStatus DecodeAddrMode6Operand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-@@ -1945,6 +1947,21 @@
- }
- static DecodeStatus
-+DecodeT2BInstruction(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Insn,
-+                     uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
-+  DecodeStatus S = MCDisassembler::Success;
-+  unsigned imm = (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 0, 11) << 0) |
-+                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 11, 1) << 18) |
-+                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 13, 1) << 17) |
-+                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 16, 6) << 11) |
-+                 (fieldFromInstruction32(Insn, 26, 1) << 19);
-+  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<20>(imm<<1) + 4,
-+                                true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
-+    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<20>(imm << 1)));
-+  return S;
-+static DecodeStatus
- DecodeBranchImmInstruction(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Insn,
-                            uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
-   DecodeStatus S = MCDisassembler::Success;
-@@ -2177,6 +2194,8 @@
-     case ARM::VLD2b8wb_register:
-     case ARM::VLD2b16wb_register:
-     case ARM::VLD2b32wb_register:
-+      Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(0));
-+      break;
-     case ARM::VLD3d8_UPD:
-     case ARM::VLD3d16_UPD:
-     case ARM::VLD3d32_UPD:
-@@ -2245,6 +2264,16 @@
-         !Check(S, DecodeGPRRegisterClass(Inst, Rm, Address, Decoder)))
-       return MCDisassembler::Fail;
-     break;
-+  case ARM::VLD2d8wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2d16wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2d32wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2b8wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2b16wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2b32wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2q8wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2q16wb_fixed:
-+  case ARM::VLD2q32wb_fixed:
-+    break;
-   }
-   return S;
-@@ -2313,6 +2342,10 @@
-     case ARM::VST2b8wb_register:
-     case ARM::VST2b16wb_register:
-     case ARM::VST2b32wb_register:
-+      if (Rm == 0xF)
-+        return MCDisassembler::Fail;
-+      Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(0));
-+      break;
-     case ARM::VST3d8_UPD:
-     case ARM::VST3d16_UPD:
-     case ARM::VST3d32_UPD:
-@@ -2354,6 +2387,23 @@
-     case ARM::VST1q16wb_fixed:
-     case ARM::VST1q32wb_fixed:
-     case ARM::VST1q64wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d8Twb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d16Twb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d32Twb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d64Twb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d8Qwb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d16Qwb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d32Qwb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST1d64Qwb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2d8wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2d16wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2d32wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2q8wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2q16wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2q32wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2b8wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2b16wb_fixed:
-+    case ARM::VST2b32wb_fixed:
-       break;
-   }
-@@ -2837,19 +2887,25 @@
- static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbBROperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
--  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<12>(Val << 1)));
-+   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<12>(Val<<1) + 4,
-+                                 true, 2, Inst, Decoder))
-+     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<12>(Val << 1)));
-   return MCDisassembler::Success;
- }
- static DecodeStatus DecodeT2BROperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
--  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<21>(Val)));
-+   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<21>(Val) + 4,
-+                                 true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
-+     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<21>(Val)));
-   return MCDisassembler::Success;
- }
- static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbCmpBROperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
--  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<7>(Val << 1)));
-+   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<7>(Val<<1) + 4,
-+                                 true, 2, Inst, Decoder))
-+     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<7>(Val << 1)));
-   return MCDisassembler::Success;
- }
-@@ -3162,10 +3218,25 @@
- static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbBLXOffset(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                                  uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder) {
-+  // Val is passed in as S:J1:J2:imm10H:imm10L:’0’
-+  // Note only one trailing zero not two.  Also the J1 and J2 values are from
-+  // the encoded instruction.  So here change to I1 and I2 values via:
-+  // I1 = NOT(J1 EOR S);
-+  // I2 = NOT(J2 EOR S);
-+  // and build the imm32 with two trailing zeros as documented:
-+  // imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10H:imm10L:’00’, 32);
-+  unsigned S = (Val >> 23) & 1;
-+  unsigned J1 = (Val >> 22) & 1;
-+  unsigned J2 = (Val >> 21) & 1;
-+  unsigned I1 = !(J1 ^ S);
-+  unsigned I2 = !(J2 ^ S);
-+  unsigned tmp = (Val & ~0x600000) | (I1 << 22) | (I2 << 21);
-+  int imm32 = SignExtend32<25>(tmp << 1);
-   if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address,
--                                (Address & ~2u) + SignExtend32<22>(Val << 1) + 4,
-+                                (Address & ~2u) + imm32 + 4,
-                                 true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
--    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<22>(Val << 1)));
-+    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(imm32));
-   return MCDisassembler::Success;
- }
-@@ -3271,15 +3342,32 @@
- static DecodeStatus
- DecodeThumbBCCTargetOperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                             uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder){
--  Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(Val << 1));
-+  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<8>(Val<<1) + 4,
-+                                true, 2, Inst, Decoder))
-+    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<8>(Val << 1)));
-   return MCDisassembler::Success;
- }
- static DecodeStatus DecodeThumbBLTargetOperand(llvm::MCInst &Inst, unsigned Val,
-                                        uint64_t Address, const void *Decoder){
--  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + SignExtend32<22>(Val<<1) + 4,
-+  // Val is passed in as S:J1:J2:imm10:imm11
-+  // Note no trailing zero after imm11.  Also the J1 and J2 values are from
-+  // the encoded instruction.  So here change to I1 and I2 values via:
-+  // I1 = NOT(J1 EOR S);
-+  // I2 = NOT(J2 EOR S);
-+  // and build the imm32 with one trailing zero as documented:
-+  // imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:’0’, 32);
-+  unsigned S = (Val >> 23) & 1;
-+  unsigned J1 = (Val >> 22) & 1;
-+  unsigned J2 = (Val >> 21) & 1;
-+  unsigned I1 = !(J1 ^ S);
-+  unsigned I2 = !(J2 ^ S);
-+  unsigned tmp = (Val & ~0x600000) | (I1 << 22) | (I2 << 21);
-+  int imm32 = SignExtend32<25>(tmp << 1);
-+  if (!tryAddingSymbolicOperand(Address, Address + imm32 + 4,
-                                 true, 4, Inst, Decoder))
--    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(SignExtend32<22>(Val << 1)));
-+    Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(imm32));
-   return MCDisassembler::Success;
- }

Removed: lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.full-i386-relocations.diff
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.full-i386-relocations.diff?rev=157095&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.full-i386-relocations.diff (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.full-i386-relocations.diff (removed)
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
-Index: lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp
---- lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
- bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
- resolveRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-                   uint64_t FinalAddress,
--                  uint64_t Value,
-+                  uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                  uint64_t FinalSource2,
-                   bool isPCRel,
-                   unsigned Type,
-                   unsigned Size,
-@@ -32,10 +33,20 @@
-   // This just dispatches to the proper target specific routine.
-   switch (CPUType) {
-   default: llvm_unreachable("Unsupported CPU type!");
-+  case mach::CTM_i386:
-+    return resolveI386Relocation(LocalAddress,
-+                                 FinalAddress,
-+                                 FinalSource1,
-+                                 FinalSource2,
-+                                 isPCRel,
-+                                 Type,
-+                                 Size,
-+                                 Addend);
-   case mach::CTM_x86_64:
-     return resolveX86_64Relocation(LocalAddress,
-                                    FinalAddress,
--                                   (uintptr_t)Value,
-+                                   FinalSource1,
-+                                   FinalSource2,
-                                    isPCRel,
-                                    Type,
-                                    Size,
-@@ -43,7 +54,8 @@
-   case mach::CTM_ARM:
-     return resolveARMRelocation(LocalAddress,
-                                 FinalAddress,
--                                (uintptr_t)Value,
-+                                FinalSource1,
-+                                FinalSource2,
-                                 isPCRel,
-                                 Type,
-                                 Size,
-@@ -52,19 +64,52 @@
- }
- bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
-+resolveI386Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-+                      uint64_t FinalAddress,
-+                      uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                      uint64_t FinalSource2,
-+                      bool isPCRel,
-+                      unsigned Type,
-+                      unsigned Size,
-+                      int64_t Addend) {
-+  int64_t ValueToWrite = Addend;
-+  switch (Type) {
-+  default:
-+    llvm_unreachable("Invalid relocation type!");
-+  case macho::RIT_Vanilla:
-+    ValueToWrite += FinalSource1;
-+    break;
-+  case macho::RIT_Difference:
-+  case macho::RIT_Generic_LocalDifference:
-+  case macho::RIT_Generic_PreboundLazyPointer:
-+    ValueToWrite += FinalSource1;
-+    ValueToWrite -= FinalSource2;
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  if (isPCRel)
-+    ValueToWrite -= FinalAddress + 4; // see resolveX86_64Relocation
-+  uint8_t *p = LocalAddress;
-+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
-+    *p++ = (uint8_t)(ValueToWrite & 0xff);
-+    ValueToWrite >>= 8;
-+  }
-+  return false;
-+bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
- resolveX86_64Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-                         uint64_t FinalAddress,
--                        uint64_t Value,
-+                        uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                        uint64_t FinalSource2,
-                         bool isPCRel,
-                         unsigned Type,
-                         unsigned Size,
-                         int64_t Addend) {
--  // If the relocation is PC-relative, the value to be encoded is the
--  // pointer difference.
--  if (isPCRel)
--    // FIXME: It seems this value needs to be adjusted by 4 for an effective PC
--    // address. Is that expected? Only for branches, perhaps?
--    Value -= FinalAddress + 4;
-+  int64_t ValueToWrite = Addend;
-   switch(Type) {
-   default:
-@@ -74,41 +119,53 @@
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Signed4:
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Signed:
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Unsigned:
--  case macho::RIT_X86_64_Branch: {
--    Value += Addend;
--    // Mask in the target value a byte at a time (we don't have an alignment
--    // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
--    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)LocalAddress;
--    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
--      *p++ = (uint8_t)Value;
--      Value >>= 8;
--    }
--    return false;
--  }
-+  case macho::RIT_X86_64_Branch:
-+    ValueToWrite += FinalSource1;
-+    break;
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_GOTLoad:
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_GOT:
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_Subtractor:
-   case macho::RIT_X86_64_TLV:
-     return Error("Relocation type not implemented yet!");
-   }
-+  // If the relocation is PC-relative, the value to be encoded is the
-+  // pointer difference.
-+  if (isPCRel)
-+    // FIXME: It seems this value needs to be adjusted by 4 for an effective PC
-+    // address. Is that expected? Only for branches, perhaps?
-+    ValueToWrite -= FinalAddress + 4;
-+  // Mask in the target value a byte at a time (we don't have an alignment
-+  // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
-+  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)LocalAddress;
-+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
-+    *p++ = (uint8_t)(ValueToWrite & 0xff);
-+    ValueToWrite >>= 8;
-+  }
-+  return false;
- }
- bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
- resolveARMRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-                      uint64_t FinalAddress,
--                     uint64_t Value,
-+                     uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                     uint64_t FinalSource2,
-                      bool isPCRel,
-                      unsigned Type,
-                      unsigned Size,
-                      int64_t Addend) {
-+  int64_t ValueToWrite = Addend;
-   // If the relocation is PC-relative, the value to be encoded is the
-   // pointer difference.
-   if (isPCRel) {
--    Value -= FinalAddress;
-+    ValueToWrite -= FinalAddress;
-     // ARM PCRel relocations have an effective-PC offset of two instructions
-     // (four bytes in Thumb mode, 8 bytes in ARM mode).
-     // FIXME: For now, assume ARM mode.
--    Value -= 8;
-+    ValueToWrite -= 8;
-   }
-   switch(Type) {
-@@ -119,8 +176,8 @@
-     // guarantee for the target address, so this is safest).
-     uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)LocalAddress;
-     for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
--      *p++ = (uint8_t)Value;
--      Value >>= 8;
-+      *p++ = (uint8_t)(ValueToWrite & 0xff);
-+      ValueToWrite >>= 8;
-     }
-     break;
-   }
-@@ -129,15 +186,15 @@
-     // 32-bit aligned, so we can do it all at once.
-     uint32_t *p = (uint32_t*)LocalAddress;
-     // The low two bits of the value are not encoded.
--    Value >>= 2;
-+    ValueToWrite >>= 2;
-     // Mask the value to 24 bits.
--    Value &= 0xffffff;
-+    ValueToWrite &= 0xffffff;
-     // FIXME: If the destination is a Thumb function (and the instruction
-     // is a non-predicated BL instruction), we need to change it to a BLX
-     // instruction instead.
-     // Insert the value into the instruction.
--    *p = (*p & ~0xffffff) | Value;
-+    *p = (*p & ~0xffffff) | ValueToWrite;
-     break;
-   }
-   case macho::RIT_ARM_ThumbBranch22Bit:
-@@ -153,6 +210,29 @@
-   return false;
- }
-+static bool
-+ResolveSectionAndOffset(const MachOObject *Obj,
-+                        SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &SectionMap,
-+                        const MachOObject::LoadCommandInfo *SegmentLCI,
-+                        InMemoryStruct<macho::SegmentLoadCommand> &SegmentLC,
-+                        uint64_t Address,
-+                        unsigned &SectionID,
-+                        uint64_t &Offset)
-+  for (unsigned SI = 0, SE = SegmentLC->NumSections; SI < SE; ++SI) {
-+    InMemoryStruct<macho::Section> CandidateSection;
-+    Obj->ReadSection(*SegmentLCI, SI, CandidateSection);
-+    if (Address >= CandidateSection->Address &&
-+        Address < CandidateSection->Address + CandidateSection->Size) {
-+      SectionID = SectionMap[SI];
-+      Offset = Address - CandidateSection->Address;
-+      return true;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  return false;
- bool RuntimeDyldMachO::
- loadSegment32(const MachOObject *Obj,
-               const MachOObject::LoadCommandInfo *SegmentLCI,
-@@ -210,6 +290,7 @@
-   // Process the relocations for each section we're loading.
-   Relocations.grow(Relocations.size() + SegmentLC->NumSections);
-+  RelocationSources.grow(RelocationSources.size() + SegmentLC->NumSections);
-   for (unsigned SectNum = 0; SectNum != SegmentLC->NumSections; ++SectNum) {
-     InMemoryStruct<macho::Section> Sect;
-     Obj->ReadSection(*SegmentLCI, SectNum, Sect);
-@@ -218,51 +299,135 @@
-     for (unsigned j = 0; j != Sect->NumRelocationTableEntries; ++j) {
-       InMemoryStruct<macho::RelocationEntry> RE;
-       Obj->ReadRelocationEntry(Sect->RelocationTableOffset, j, RE);
--      if (RE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered)
--        return Error("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: scattered relocations.");
--      // Word0 of the relocation is the offset into the section where the
--      // relocation should be applied. We need to translate that into an
--      // offset into a function since that's our atom.
--      uint32_t Offset = RE->Word0;
--      bool isExtern = (RE->Word1 >> 27) & 1;
--      // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
--      // FIXME: VERY imporant for internal relocations.
--      // Figure out the source symbol of the relocation. If isExtern is true,
--      // this relocation references the symbol table, otherwise it references
--      // a section in the same object, numbered from 1 through NumSections
--      // (SectionBases is [0, NumSections-1]).
--      uint32_t SourceNum = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
--      if (!isExtern) {
--        assert(SourceNum > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
--        unsigned SectionID = SectionMap[SourceNum - 1];
-+      if (RE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered) {
-+        // The lower 24 bits of Word0 of the scattered relocation is the offset
-+        // into the section where the relocation should be applied, i.e., the
-+        // current section.
-+        uint32_t OffsetInTarget = RE->Word0 & 0x00ffffff;
-         unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
--        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internal relocation at Section #"
--                     << TargetID << " + " << Offset
--                     << " from Section #"
--                     << SectionID << " (Word1: "
--                     << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
--        // Store the relocation information. It will get resolved when
--        // the section addresses are assigned.
--        Relocations[SectionID].push_back(RelocationEntry(TargetID,
--                                                         Offset,
--                                                         RE->Word1,
--                                                         0 /*Addend*/));
-+        // Word1 of the scattered relocation is a file offset which needs to
-+        // be resolved into Section+Offset form.  This gives the address of the
-+        // source.
-+        unsigned Source1ID;
-+        uint64_t Source1Offset;
-+        if (!ResolveSectionAndOffset(Obj,
-+                                     SectionMap,
-+                                     SegmentLCI,
-+                                     SegmentLC,
-+                                     RE->Word1,
-+                                     Source1ID,
-+                                     Source1Offset))
-+          return Error("couldn't find scattered relocation value in sections");
-+        // This relocation may have a paired relocation entry. If it does, set
-+        // the source/offset information for it correctly.
-+        unsigned Source2ID = SectionOffset::NoSectionID;
-+        uint64_t Source2Offset = 0;
-+        if (j + 1 < Sect->NumRelocationTableEntries) {
-+          InMemoryStruct<macho::RelocationEntry> PairRE;
-+          Obj->ReadRelocationEntry(Sect->RelocationTableOffset, j+1, PairRE);
-+          if ((PairRE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered) &&
-+              ((PairRE->Word0 & 0x0f000000) >> 24) == macho::RIT_Pair) {
-+            if (!ResolveSectionAndOffset(Obj,
-+                                         SectionMap,
-+                                         SegmentLCI,
-+                                         SegmentLC,
-+                                         PairRE->Word1,
-+                                         Source2ID,
-+                                         Source2Offset))
-+              return Error("couldn't find scattered relocation value in sections");
-+            ++j;
-+          }
-+        }
-+        if (Source2ID == SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
-+          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Scattered relocation at Section #"
-+                       << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
-+                       << " from Section #" << Source1ID
-+                       << "+" << Source1Offset
-+                       << " (Word0: "
-+                       << format("0x%x", RE->Word0) << ")\n");
-+        else
-+          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Scattered relocation at Section #"
-+                       << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
-+                       << " from Section #" << Source1ID
-+                       << "+" << Source1Offset
-+                       << " and Section #" << Source2ID
-+                       << "+" << Source2Offset
-+                       << " (Word0: "
-+                       << format("0x%x", RE->Word0) << ")\n");
-+        uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
-+        // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
-+        // FIXME: VERY imporant for internal relocations.
-+        RelocationEntry TranslatedRE(OffsetInTarget,
-+                                     Source1ID,
-+                                     Source1Offset,
-+                                     Source2ID,
-+                                     Source2Offset,
-+                                     RE->Word1,
-+                                     0 /*Addend*/);
-+        Relocations[TargetID].push_back(TranslatedRE);
-+        RelocationSources[Source1ID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
-+                                                                RelocationIndex,
-+                                                                0));
-+        if (Source2ID != SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
-+          RelocationSources[Source2ID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
-+                                                                  RelocationIndex,
-+                                                                  1));
-       } else {
--        StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum];
--        // Now store the relocation information. Associate it with the source
--        // symbol. Just add it to the unresolved list and let the general
--        // path post-load resolve it if we know where the symbol is.
--        UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationEntry(SectNum,
--                                                                    Offset,
--                                                                    RE->Word1,
--                                                                 0 /*Addend*/));
--        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << Offset
--              << " from '" << SourceName << "(Word1: "
--              << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
-+        // Word0 of the relocation is the offset into the section where the
-+        // relocation should be applied, i.e., the current section. We need
-+        // to translate that into an offset into a function since that's our atom.
-+        uint32_t OffsetInTarget = RE->Word0;
-+        bool isExtern = (RE->Word1 >> 27) & 1;
-+        // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
-+        // FIXME: VERY imporant for internal relocations.
-+        // Figure out the source symbol of the relocation. If isExtern is true,
-+        // this relocation references the symbol table, otherwise it references
-+        // a section in the same object, numbered from 1 through NumSections
-+        // (SectionBases is [0, NumSections-1]).
-+        uint32_t SourceNum_OneBased = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
-+        if (!isExtern) {
-+          assert(SourceNum_OneBased > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
-+          unsigned SourceID = SectionMap[SourceNum_OneBased - 1];
-+          unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
-+          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internal relocation at Section #"
-+                       << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
-+                       << " from Section #"
-+                       << SourceID << " (Word1: "
-+                       << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
-+          // Store the relocation information. It will get resolved when
-+          // the section addresses are assigned.
-+          uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
-+          Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
-+                                                          SourceID,
-+                                                          SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
-+                                                          RE->Word1,
-+                                                          0 /*Addend*/));
-+          RelocationSources[SourceID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
-+                                                                 RelocationIndex,
-+                                                                 0));
-+        } else {
-+          StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum_OneBased];
-+          // Now store the relocation information. Associate it with the source
-+          // symbol. Just add it to the unresolved list and let the general
-+          // path post-load resolve it if we know where the symbol is.
-+          unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
-+          uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
-+          Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
-+                                                          SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID,
-+                                                          SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
-+                                                          RE->Word1,
-+                                                          0 /*Addend*/));
-+          UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
-+                                                                       RelocationIndex,
-+                                                                       0));
-+          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << OffsetInTarget
-+                << " from '" << SourceName << "' (Word1: "
-+                << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
-+        }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-@@ -332,6 +497,7 @@
-   // Process the relocations for each section we're loading.
-   Relocations.grow(Relocations.size() + Segment64LC->NumSections);
-+  RelocationSources.grow(RelocationSources.size() + Segment64LC->NumSections);
-   for (unsigned SectNum = 0; SectNum != Segment64LC->NumSections; ++SectNum) {
-     InMemoryStruct<macho::Section64> Sect;
-     Obj->ReadSection64(*SegmentLCI, SectNum, Sect);
-@@ -341,11 +507,11 @@
-       InMemoryStruct<macho::RelocationEntry> RE;
-       Obj->ReadRelocationEntry(Sect->RelocationTableOffset, j, RE);
-       if (RE->Word0 & macho::RF_Scattered)
--        return Error("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: scattered relocations.");
-+        return Error("scattered relocations don't exist on 64-bit platforms");
-       // Word0 of the relocation is the offset into the section where the
-       // relocation should be applied. We need to translate that into an
-       // offset into a function since that's our atom.
--      uint32_t Offset = RE->Word0;
-+      uint32_t OffsetInTarget = RE->Word0;
-       bool isExtern = (RE->Word1 >> 27) & 1;
-       // FIXME: Get the relocation addend from the target address.
-@@ -355,34 +521,45 @@
-       // this relocation references the symbol table, otherwise it references
-       // a section in the same object, numbered from 1 through NumSections
-       // (SectionBases is [0, NumSections-1]).
--      uint32_t SourceNum = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
-+      uint32_t SourceNum_OneBased = RE->Word1 & 0xffffff; // 24-bit value
-       if (!isExtern) {
--        assert(SourceNum > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
--        unsigned SectionID = SectionMap[SourceNum - 1];
-+        assert(SourceNum_OneBased > 0 && "Invalid relocation section number!");
-+        unsigned SourceID = SectionMap[SourceNum_OneBased - 1];
-         unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
-         DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internal relocation at Section #"
--                     << TargetID << " + " << Offset
-+                     << TargetID << " + " << OffsetInTarget
-                      << " from Section #"
--                     << SectionID << " (Word1: "
-+                     << SourceID << " (Word1: "
-                      << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
-         // Store the relocation information. It will get resolved when
-         // the section addresses are assigned.
--        Relocations[SectionID].push_back(RelocationEntry(TargetID,
--                                                         Offset,
--                                                         RE->Word1,
--                                                         0 /*Addend*/));
-+        uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
-+        Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
-+                                                        SourceID,
-+                                                        SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
-+                                                        RE->Word1,
-+                                                        0 /*Addend*/));
-+        RelocationSources[SourceID].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
-+                                                               RelocationIndex,
-+                                                               0));
-       } else {
--        StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum];
-+        StringRef SourceName = SymbolNames[SourceNum_OneBased];
-         // Now store the relocation information. Associate it with the source
-         // symbol. Just add it to the unresolved list and let the general
-         // path post-load resolve it if we know where the symbol is.
--        UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationEntry(SectNum,
--                                                                    Offset,
--                                                                    RE->Word1,
--                                                                 0 /*Addend*/));
--        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << Offset
-+        unsigned TargetID = SectionMap[SectNum];
-+        uint32_t RelocationIndex = Relocations[TargetID].size();
-+        Relocations[TargetID].push_back(RelocationEntry(OffsetInTarget,
-+                                                        SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID,
-+                                                        SectionOffset::NoSectionID,
-+                                                        RE->Word1,
-+                                                        0 /*Addend*/));
-+        UnresolvedRelocations[SourceName].push_back(RelocationSource(TargetID,
-+                                                                     RelocationIndex,
-+                                                                     0));
-+        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Relocation at Section #" << SectNum << " + " << OffsetInTarget
-               << " from '" << SourceName << "(Word1: "
-               << format("0x%x", RE->Word1) << ")\n");
-       }
-@@ -468,18 +645,22 @@
-   if (Loc == SymbolTable.end())
-     return;
--  RelocationList &Relocs = UnresolvedRelocations[Name];
-+  RelocationSourceList &SourcesForSymbol = UnresolvedRelocations[Name];
-   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving symbol '" << Name << "'\n");
--  for (int i = 0, e = Relocs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
--    // Change the relocation to be section relative rather than symbol
--    // relative and move it to the resolved relocation list.
--    RelocationEntry Entry = Relocs[i];
--    Entry.Addend += Loc->second.second;
--    Relocations[Loc->second.first].push_back(Entry);
-+  for (int i = 0, e = SourcesForSymbol.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-+    // Find the relocation entry corresponding to this source and fill
-+    // in its source information with the resolved information from this
-+    // symbol.
-+    RelocationSource &Source = SourcesForSymbol[i];
-+    RelocationEntry &Entry = Relocations[Source.SectionID][Source.Index];
-+    Entry.Sources[Source.SourceIdx].Offset = Loc->second.second;
-+    Entry.Sources[Source.SourceIdx].ID = Loc->second.first;
-+    // Now create a relocation source in the pointed-to section.
-+    RelocationSources[Loc->second.first].push_back(Source);
-   }
-   // FIXME: Keep a worklist of the relocations we've added so that we can
-   // resolve more selectively later.
--  Relocs.clear();
-+  SourcesForSymbol.clear();
- }
- bool RuntimeDyldMachO::loadObject(MemoryBuffer *InputBuffer) {
-@@ -575,6 +756,56 @@
-   return false;
- }
-+bool RuntimeDyldMachO::resolveRelocationEntry(unsigned SectionID,
-+                                              RelocationEntry &RE)
-+  uint8_t *Target = (uint8_t*)Sections[SectionID].base() + RE.Offset;
-+  uint64_t FinalTarget = SectionLoadAddress[SectionID] + RE.Offset;
-+  uint64_t FinalSource1 = 0;
-+  uint64_t FinalSource2 = 0;
-+  if (RE.Sources[0].ID == SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID ||
-+      RE.Sources[1].ID == SectionOffset::UnresolvedSourceID)
-+    return false;
-+  FinalSource1 = SectionLoadAddress[RE.Sources[0].ID] + RE.Sources[0].Offset;
-+  if (RE.Sources[1].ID != SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
-+    FinalSource2 = SectionLoadAddress[RE.Sources[1].ID] + RE.Sources[1].Offset;
-+  bool isPCRel = RE.isPCRel();
-+  unsigned Type = RE.type();
-+  unsigned Size = RE.length();
-+  if (RE.Sources[1].ID == SectionOffset::NoSectionID)
-+    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocation at Section #" << SectionID
-+          << " + " << RE.Offset << " (" << format("%p", Target) << ")"
-+          << " from Section #" << RE.Sources[0].ID << "+" << RE.Sources[0].Offset
-+          << " (" << format("0x%llx", FinalSource1) << ")"
-+          << " (" << (isPCRel ? "pcrel" : "absolute")
-+          << ", type: " << Type << ", Size: " << Size << ", Addend: "
-+          << RE.Addend << ").\n");
-+  else
-+    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocation at Section #" << SectionID
-+          << " + " << RE.Offset << " (" << format("%p", Target) << ")"
-+          << " from Section #" << RE.Sources[0].ID << "+" << RE.Sources[0].Offset
-+          << " (" << format("0x%llx", FinalSource1) << ")"
-+          << " and Section #" << RE.Sources[1].ID << "+" << RE.Sources[1].Offset
-+          << " (" << format("0x%llx", FinalSource2) << ")"
-+          << " (" << (isPCRel ? "pcrel" : "absolute")
-+          << ", type: " << Type << ", Size: " << Size << ", Addend: "
-+          << RE.Addend << ").\n");
-+  return resolveRelocation(Target,
-+                           FinalTarget,
-+                           FinalSource1,
-+                           FinalSource2,
-+                           isPCRel,
-+                           Type,
-+                           Size,
-+                           RE.Addend);
- // Assign an address to a symbol name and resolve all the relocations
- // associated with it.
- void RuntimeDyldMachO::reassignSectionAddress(unsigned SectionID,
-@@ -590,30 +821,17 @@
-   SectionLoadAddress[SectionID] = Addr;
--  RelocationList &Relocs = Relocations[SectionID];
--  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Relocs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
--    RelocationEntry &RE = Relocs[i];
--    uint8_t *Target = (uint8_t*)Sections[RE.SectionID].base() + RE.Offset;
--    uint64_t FinalTarget = (uint64_t)SectionLoadAddress[RE.SectionID] + RE.Offset;
--    bool isPCRel = (RE.Data >> 24) & 1;
--    unsigned Type = (RE.Data >> 28) & 0xf;
--    unsigned Size = 1 << ((RE.Data >> 25) & 3);
--    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocation at Section #" << RE.SectionID
--          << " + " << RE.Offset << " (" << format("%p", Target) << ")"
--          << " from Section #" << SectionID << " (" << format("%p", Addr) << ")"
--          << "(" << (isPCRel ? "pcrel" : "absolute")
--          << ", type: " << Type << ", Size: " << Size << ", Addend: "
--          << RE.Addend << ").\n");
--    resolveRelocation(Target,
--                      FinalTarget,
--                      Addr,
--                      isPCRel,
--                      Type,
--                      Size,
--                      RE.Addend);
-+  RelocationList &RelocsForSection = Relocations[SectionID];
-+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RelocsForSection.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-+    RelocationEntry &RE = RelocsForSection[i];
-+    resolveRelocationEntry(SectionID, RE);
-   }
-+  RelocationSourceList &SourcesForSection = RelocationSources[SectionID];
-+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SourcesForSection.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-+    RelocationSource &R = SourcesForSection[i];
-+    RelocationEntry &RE = Relocations[R.SectionID][R.Index];
-+    resolveRelocationEntry(R.SectionID, RE);
-+  }
- }
- bool RuntimeDyldMachO::isKnownFormat(const MemoryBuffer *InputBuffer) {
-Index: lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.h
---- lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.h	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldMachO.h	(working copy)
-@@ -26,48 +26,183 @@
- namespace llvm {
- class RuntimeDyldMachO : public RuntimeDyldImpl {
--  // For each symbol, keep a list of relocations based on it. Anytime
--  // its address is reassigned (the JIT re-compiled the function, e.g.),
--  // the relocations get re-resolved.
--  // The symbol (or section) the relocation is sourced from is the Key
--  // in the relocation list where it's stored.
-+  // For each section, keep a list of relocatable pieces of data that
-+  // reside in it.  If the section moves, or the sections whose
-+  // locations the data depends on move, re-resolve the relocations
-+  // based on that movement.
-+  //
-+  // RelocationEntry structures correspond to one or two Mach-O
-+  // relocation_info or scattered_relocation_info structures --
-+  // usually one, but two iff the original has a paired structure
-+  // following it.
-+  //
-+  // To facilitate updating a relocation when its sources move, we
-+  // also keep RelocationSource structures associated with the sections
-+  // whose location the data depends on.
-+  // FIXME: Use SymbolLoc for this instead.  Where should the enum live?
-+  struct SectionOffset {
-+    uint64_t    Offset;     // Offset of the location into its section.
-+    unsigned    ID;         // The section the location is contained in.
-+    enum {
-+      NoSectionID        = 0xffff0000,
-+      UnresolvedSourceID = 0xffffffff
-+    };
-+  };
-   struct RelocationEntry {
--    unsigned    SectionID;  // Section the relocation is contained in.
--    uint64_t    Offset;     // Offset into the section for the relocation.
--    uint32_t    Data;       // Second word of the raw macho relocation entry.
--    int64_t     Addend;     // Addend encoded in the instruction itself, if any,
--                            // plus the offset into the source section for
--                            // the symbol once the relocation is resolvable.
-+    SectionOffset Sources[2]; // The section/offset pairs this relocation
-+                              // refers to.
-+                              // If the original Mach-O relocation entries used
-+                              // relocation_info, this data is computed from
-+                              // r_symbolnum and the offsets are locked to 0.
-+                              // (The only offset is determined by the addend.)
-+                              // If the original Mach-O relocation entries used
-+                              // scattered_relocation_info, this data, including
-+                              // offsets, is computed by looking r_value up in
-+                              // the section table.
--    RelocationEntry(unsigned id, uint64_t offset, uint32_t data, int64_t addend)
--      : SectionID(id), Offset(offset), Data(data), Addend(addend) {}
-+    uint64_t      Offset;     // The offset of the data to be relocated.
-+                              // We don't use a SectionOffset because this
-+                              // RelocationEntry is already associated with the
-+                              // proper Section.
-+    int64_t       Addend;     // Addend encoded in the instruction itself, if any,
-+                              // plus the offset into the source section for
-+                              // the symbol once the relocation is resolvable.
-+    uint32_t      Data;       // If the original Mach-O relocation entry was a
-+                              // relocation_info, the bitfield { r_symbolnum,
-+                              // r_pcrel, r_length, r_extern, r_type }.
-+                              // If the original Mach-O relocation entry was a
-+                              // scattered_relocation_info, the bitfield
-+                              // { r_address, r_type, r_length, r_pcrel,
-+                              // r_scattered }.
-+    bool          Scattered;  // True iff this relocation is scattered.
-+    bool isPCRel()
-+    {
-+      if (Scattered)
-+        return (Data & 0x40000000) >> 30;
-+      else
-+        return (Data & 0x01000000) >> 24;
-+    }
-+    uint8_t type()
-+    {
-+      if (Scattered)
-+        return (Data & 0x0f000000) >> 24;
-+      else
-+        return (Data & 0xf0000000) >> 28;
-+    }
-+    // Returns the decoded version of the length field
-+    uint8_t length()
-+    {
-+      if (Scattered)
-+        return 1 << ((Data & 0x30000000) >> 28);
-+      else
-+        return 1 << ((Data & 0x0e000000) >> 25);
-+    }
-+    // Used with an ordinary relocation entry, where the source_offsets are not
-+    // known yet.
-+    RelocationEntry(uint64_t offset,      // See the Offset field.
-+                    unsigned source_id0,  // The section ID for the first source.
-+                    unsigned source_id1,  // The section ID for the second source.
-+                    uint32_t data,        // See the Data field.
-+                    int64_t addend)       // See the Addend field.
-+      : Offset(offset),
-+        Addend(addend),
-+        Data(data),
-+        Scattered(false) {
-+      Sources[0].ID = source_id0;
-+      Sources[0].Offset = 0;
-+      Sources[1].ID = source_id1;
-+      Sources[1].Offset = 0;
-+    }
-+    // Used with a scattered relocation entry, where the source_offsets can be
-+    // derived from the value.
-+    RelocationEntry(uint64_t offset,      // See the Offset field.
-+                    unsigned source_id0,  // The section ID for the first source.
-+                    uint64_t source_off0, // The offset for the first source.
-+                    unsigned source_id1,  // The section ID for the second source.
-+                    uint64_t source_off1, // The offset for the second source.
-+                    uint32_t data,        // See the Data field.
-+                    int64_t addend)       // See the Addend field.
-+      : Offset(offset),
-+        Addend(addend),
-+        Data(data), 
-+        Scattered(true) {
-+      Sources[0].ID = source_id0;
-+      Sources[0].Offset = source_off0;
-+      Sources[1].ID = source_id1;
-+      Sources[1].Offset = source_off1;
-+    }
-   };
-   typedef SmallVector<RelocationEntry, 4> RelocationList;
--  // Relocations to sections already loaded. Indexed by SectionID which is the
--  // source of the address. The target where the address will be writen is
--  // SectionID/Offset in the relocation itself.
-+  // For each section, keep a list of sources that are used by relocations in
-+  // other sections.  Whenever a relocation gets created, create one or two
-+  // corresponding relocation sources.  Whenever relocations are re-resolved
-+  // for a section, also re-resolve the relocations corresponding to that
-+  // section's relocation targets.
-+  struct RelocationSource {
-+    unsigned    SectionID;      // Section whose RelocationList contains the relocation.
-+    uint32_t    Index : 24;     // Index of the RelocatonEntry in that RelocationList.
-+    uint8_t     SourceIdx : 1;  // Index of this source in the RelocationEntry's Sources.
-+    RelocationSource(unsigned id,
-+                     uint32_t index,
-+                     uint8_t source_idx)
-+      : SectionID(id),
-+        Index(index),
-+        SourceIdx(source_idx) {}
-+  };
-+  typedef SmallVector<RelocationSource, 4> RelocationSourceList;
-+  // Relocations which refer to already-loaded section. Indexed by SectionID
-+  // which is the section containing the relocatable data.
-   IndexedMap<RelocationList> Relocations;
-+  // Targets corresponding to Relocations.
-+  IndexedMap<RelocationSourceList> RelocationSources;
-   // Relocations to symbols that are not yet resolved. Must be external
-   // relocations by definition. Indexed by symbol name.
--  StringMap<RelocationList> UnresolvedRelocations;
-+  StringMap<RelocationSourceList> UnresolvedRelocations;
-+  bool resolveRelocationEntry(unsigned SectionID,
-+                              RelocationEntry &RE);
-   bool resolveRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-                          uint64_t FinalAddress,
--                         uint64_t Value,
-+                         uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                         uint64_t FinalSource2,
-                          bool isPCRel,
-                          unsigned Type,
-                          unsigned Size,
-                          int64_t Addend);
-+  bool resolveI386Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-+                             uint64_t FinalAddress,
-+                             uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                             uint64_t FinalSource2,
-+                             bool isPCRel,
-+                             unsigned Type,
-+                             unsigned Size,
-+                             int64_t Addend);
-   bool resolveX86_64Relocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-                                uint64_t FinalAddress,
--                               uint64_t Value,
-+                               uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                               uint64_t FinalSource2,
-                                bool isPCRel,
-                                unsigned Type,
-                                unsigned Size,
-                                int64_t Addend);
-   bool resolveARMRelocation(uint8_t *LocalAddress,
-                             uint64_t FinalAddress,
--                            uint64_t Value,
-+                            uint64_t FinalSource1,
-+                            uint64_t FinalSource2,
-                             bool isPCRel,
-                             unsigned Type,
-                             unsigned Size,

Removed: lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.info-leak.diff
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.info-leak.diff?rev=157095&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.info-leak.diff (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.info-leak.diff (removed)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Index: lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.cpp
---- lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.cpp	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
- #include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler.h"
- #include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
- #include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
-+#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
- #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
-+#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
- #include "llvm/Support/MemoryObject.h"
- #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
- #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
-@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@
-   LLVMDisasmContext *DC = new LLVMDisasmContext(TripleName, DisInfo, TagType,
-                                                 GetOpInfo, SymbolLookUp,
-                                                 TheTarget, MAI, MRI,
--                                                Ctx, DisAsm, IP);
-+                                                STI, Ctx, DisAsm, IP);
-   assert(DC && "Allocation failure!");
-   return DC;
-Index: lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.h
---- lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.h	(revision 152265)
-+++ lib/MC/MCDisassembler/Disassembler.h	(working copy)
-@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
- class MCDisassembler;
- class MCInstPrinter; 
- class MCRegisterInfo;
-+class MCSubtargetInfo;
- class Target;
- //
-@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@
-   llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCAsmInfo> MAI;
-   // The register information for the target architecture.
-   llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCRegisterInfo> MRI;
-+  // The subtarget information for the target architecture.
-+  llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo> MSI;
-   // The assembly context for creating symbols and MCExprs.
-   llvm::OwningPtr<const llvm::MCContext> Ctx;
-   // The disassembler for the target architecture.
-@@ -78,6 +81,7 @@
-                     LLVMSymbolLookupCallback symbolLookUp,
-                     const Target *theTarget, const MCAsmInfo *mAI,
-                     const MCRegisterInfo *mRI,
-+                    const MCSubtargetInfo *mSI,
-                     llvm::MCContext *ctx, const MCDisassembler *disAsm,
-                     MCInstPrinter *iP) : TripleName(tripleName),
-                     DisInfo(disInfo), TagType(tagType), GetOpInfo(getOpInfo),
-@@ -85,6 +89,7 @@
-                     CommentStream(CommentsToEmit) {
-     MAI.reset(mAI);
-     MRI.reset(mRI);
-+    MSI.reset(mSI);
-     Ctx.reset(ctx);
-     DisAsm.reset(disAsm);
-     IP.reset(iP);

Removed: lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.template-keyword-fixes.diff
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.template-keyword-fixes.diff?rev=157095&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.template-keyword-fixes.diff (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/scripts/llvm.template-keyword-fixes.diff (removed)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Index: include/llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h
---- include/llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h	(revision 152265)
-+++ include/llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h	(working copy)
-@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
-         ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT1, T, IsInnerUnion,
-           ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT2, T, IsInnerUnion, IsPT3 >
-                                                                    >::Return Ty;
--      return Ty(Val).is<T>();
-+      return Ty(Val).template is<T>();
-     }
-     /// get<T>() - Return the value of the specified pointer type. If the
-@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
-         ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT1, T, IsInnerUnion,
-           ::llvm::PointerUnionTypeSelector<PT2, T, IsInnerUnion, IsPT3 >
-                                                                    >::Return Ty;
--      return Ty(Val).get<T>();
-+      return Ty(Val).template get<T>();
-     }
-     /// dyn_cast<T>() - If the current value is of the specified pointer type,
-Index: include/llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h
---- include/llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h	(revision 152265)
-+++ include/llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h	(working copy)
-@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@
-     CurSize[Nodes] = CurSize[NewNode];
-     Node[Nodes] = Node[NewNode];
-     CurSize[NewNode] = 0;
--    Node[NewNode] = this->map->newNode<NodeT>();
-+    Node[NewNode] = this->map->template newNode<NodeT>();
-     ++Nodes;
-   }

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