[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r154528 - in /lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work: ./ examples/darwin/heap_find/heap.py

Johnny Chen johnny.chen at apple.com
Wed Apr 11 13:36:46 PDT 2012

Author: johnny
Date: Wed Apr 11 15:36:46 2012
New Revision: 154528

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=154528&view=rev
Merge r154519 from ToT:

svn merge -r 154506:154519 https://johnny@llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/lldb/trunk .

    lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work/   (props changed)

Propchange: lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work/
--- svn:mergeinfo (original)
+++ svn:mergeinfo Wed Apr 11 15:36:46 2012
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work/examples/darwin/heap_find/heap.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work/examples/darwin/heap_find/heap.py?rev=154528&r1=154527&r2=154528&view=diff
--- lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work/examples/darwin/heap_find/heap.py (original)
+++ lldb/branches/lldb-platform-work/examples/darwin/heap_find/heap.py Wed Apr 11 15:36:46 2012
@@ -18,113 +18,150 @@
 import lldb
 import commands
 import optparse
+import os
 import shlex
-def heap_search(debugger, command, result, dict):
+def heap_search(options, arg_str):
+    expr = None
+    if options.type == 'pointer':
+        ptr = int(arg_str, 0)
+        expr = 'find_pointer_in_heap(0x%x)' % ptr
+    elif options.type == 'cstr':
+        expr = 'find_cstring_in_heap("%s")' % arg_str
+    else:
+        print 'error: invalid type "%s"\nvalid values are "pointer", "cstr"' % options.type
+        return
+    expr_sbvalue = lldb.frame.EvaluateExpression (expr)
+    if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
+        if expr_sbvalue.unsigned:
+            match_value = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)  
+            i = 0
+            while 1:
+                match_entry = match_value[i]; i += 1
+                malloc_addr = match_entry.addr.sbvalue.unsigned
+                if malloc_addr == 0:
+                    break
+                malloc_size = int(match_entry.size)
+                offset = int(match_entry.offset)
+                dynamic_value = match_entry.addr.sbvalue.GetDynamicValue(lldb.eDynamicCanRunTarget)
+                # If the type is still 'void *' then we weren't able to figure
+                # out a dynamic type for the malloc_addr
+                type_name = dynamic_value.type.name
+                if type_name == 'void *':
+                    if options.type == 'pointer' and malloc_size == 4096:
+                        error = lldb.SBError()
+                        data = bytearray(lldb.process.ReadMemory(malloc_addr, 16, error))
+                        if data == '\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1AUTORELEASE!':
+                            print 'found %s %s: block = 0x%x, size = %u, offset = %u, type = (autorelease object pool)' % (options.type, arg_str, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset)
+                            continue
+                print 'found %s %s: block = 0x%x, size = %u, offset = %u, type = \'%s\'' % (options.type, arg_str, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset, type_name),
+                derefed_dynamic_value = dynamic_value.deref
+                ivar_member = None
+                if derefed_dynamic_value:
+                    derefed_dynamic_type = derefed_dynamic_value.type
+                    member = derefed_dynamic_type.GetFieldAtIndex(0)
+                    search_bases = False
+                    if member:
+                        if member.GetOffsetInBytes() <= offset:
+                            for field_idx in range (derefed_dynamic_type.GetNumberOfFields()):
+                                member = derefed_dynamic_type.GetFieldAtIndex(field_idx)
+                                member_byte_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
+                                if member_byte_offset == offset:
+                                    ivar_member = member
+                                    break
+                        else:
+                            search_bases = True
+                    else:
+                        search_bases = True
+                    if not ivar_member and search_bases:
+                        for field_idx in range (derefed_dynamic_type.GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses()):
+                            member = derefed_dynamic_type.GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(field_idx)
+                            member_byte_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
+                            if member_byte_offset == offset:
+                                ivar_member = member
+                                break
+                        if not ivar_member:
+                            for field_idx in range (derefed_dynamic_type.GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses()):
+                                member = derefed_dynamic_type.GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(field_idx)
+                                member_byte_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
+                                if member_byte_offset == offset:
+                                    ivar_member = member
+                                    break
+                    if ivar_member:
+                        print ", ivar = %s" % ivar_member.name,
+                    print "\n", dynamic_value.deref
+                else:
+                    print
+                if options.print_object_description:
+                    desc = dynamic_value.GetObjectDescription()
+                    if desc:
+                        print '  (%s) 0x%x %s\n' % (type_name, malloc_addr, desc)
+        else:
+            print '%s %s was not found in any malloc blocks' % (options.type, arg_str)
+    else:
+        print expr_sbvalue.error        
+def heap_ptr_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
     command_args = shlex.split(command)
     usage = "usage: %prog [options] <PATH> [PATH ...]"
-    description='''This command lets you run the /bin/ls command from within lldb as a quick and easy example.'''
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='heap_search',usage=usage)
+    description='''Searches the heap for pointer references on darwin user space programs. 
+    Any matches that were found will dump the malloc blocks that contain the pointers 
+    and might be able to print what kind of objects the pointers are contained in using 
+    dynamic type information from the program.'''
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='heap_ptr_refs',usage=usage)
     parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
-    parser.add_option('-t', '--type', type='string', dest='type', help='the type of data to search for (defaults to "pointer")', default='pointer')
-    parser.add_option('-o', '--po', action='store_true', dest='po', default='print the object descriptions for any matches')
+    parser.add_option('-o', '--po', action='store_true', dest='print_object_description', help='print the object descriptions for any matches', default=False)
         (options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
+    options.type = 'pointer'
     if args:
         for data in args:
-            if options.type == 'pointer':
-                ptr = int(data, 0)
-                expr = 'find_pointer_in_heap(0x%x)' % ptr
-                #print 'expr: %s' % expr
-                expr_sbvalue = lldb.frame.EvaluateExpression (expr)
-                if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
-                    if expr_sbvalue.unsigned:
-                        match_value = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)  
-                        i = 0
-                        while 1:
-                            match_entry = match_value[i]; i += 1
-                            malloc_addr = int(match_entry.addr)
-                            if malloc_addr == 0:
-                                break
-                            malloc_size = int(match_entry.size)
-                            offset = int(match_entry.offset)
-                            dynamic_value = match_entry.addr.sbvalue.dynamic
-                            # If the type is still 'void *' then we weren't able to figure
-                            # out a dynamic type for the malloc_addr
-                            type_name = dynamic_value.type.name
-                            if type_name == 'void *':
-                                if malloc_size == 4096:
-                                    error = lldb.SBError()
-                                    data = bytearray(lldb.process.ReadMemory(malloc_addr, 16, error))
-                                    if data == '\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1AUTORELEASE!':
-                                        print 'found %s 0x%x in (autorelease object pool) 0x%x, malloc_size = %u, offset = %u' % (options.type, ptr, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset)
-                                        continue
-                                print 'found %s 0x%x in malloc block 0x%x, malloc_size = %u, offset = %u' % (options.type, ptr, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset)
-                            else:
-                                print 'found %s 0x%x in (%s) 0x%x, malloc_size = %u, offset = %u' % (options.type, ptr, type_name, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset)
-                                if options.po:
-                                    desc = dynamic_value.GetObjectDescription()
-                                    if desc:
-                                        print '  (%s) 0x%x %s\n' % (type_name, malloc_addr, desc)
-                    else:
-                        print '%s 0x%x was not found in any malloc blocks' % (options.type, ptr)
-                else:
-                    print expr_sbvalue.error
-            elif options.type == 'cstring':
-                expr = 'find_cstring_in_heap("%s")' % data
-                #print 'expr: %s' % expr
-                expr_sbvalue = lldb.frame.EvaluateExpression (expr)
-                if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
-                    if expr_sbvalue.unsigned:
-                        match_value = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)  
-                        print match_value
-                        i = 0
-                        while 1:
-                            match_entry = match_value[i]; i += 1
-                            malloc_addr = int(match_entry.addr)
-                            if malloc_addr == 0:
-                                break
-                            malloc_size = int(match_entry.size)
-                            offset = int(match_entry.offset)
-                            dynamic_value = match_entry.addr.sbvalue.dynamic
-                            # If the type is still 'void *' then we weren't able to figure
-                            # out a dynamic type for the malloc_addr
-                            type_name = dynamic_value.type.name
-                            if type_name == 'void *':
-                                print 'found %s "%s" in malloc block 0x%x, malloc_size = %u, offset = %u' % (options.type, data, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset)
-                            else:
-                                print 'found %s "%s" in (%s) 0x%x, malloc_size = %u, offset = %u' % (options.type, data, type_name, malloc_addr, malloc_size, offset)
-                                if options.po:
-                                    desc = dynamic_value.GetObjectDescription()
-                                    if desc:
-                                        print '  (%s) 0x%x %s\n' % (type_name, malloc_addr, desc)
-                    else:
-                        print '%s "%s" was not found in any malloc blocks' % (options.type, data)
-                else:
-                    print expr_sbvalue.error
-            else:
-                print 'error: invalid type "%s"\nvalid values are "pointer", "cstring"' % options.type
-                sys.exit(1)
+            heap_search (options, data)
-        print 'error: no arguments were given'
+        print 'error: no pointer arguments were given'
+def heap_cstr_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
+    command_args = shlex.split(command)
+    usage = "usage: %prog [options] <PATH> [PATH ...]"
+    description='''Searches the heap for C string references on darwin user space programs. 
+    Any matches that were found will dump the malloc blocks that contain the C strings 
+    and might be able to print what kind of objects the pointers are contained in using 
+    dynamic type information from the program.'''
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='heap_cstr_refs',usage=usage)
+    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
+    parser.add_option('-o', '--po', action='store_true', dest='print_object_description', help='print the object descriptions for any matches', default=False)
+    try:
+        (options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
+    except:
+        return
+    options.type = 'cstr'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # This script is being run from the command line, create a debugger in case we are
-    # going to use any debugger functions in our function.
-    lldb.debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
-    ls (sys.argv)
+    if args:
+        for data in args:
+            heap_search (options, data)
+    else:
+        print 'error: no c string arguments were given to search for'
 def __lldb_init_module (debugger, dict):
     # This initializer is being run from LLDB in the embedded command interpreter
     # Add any commands contained in this module to LLDB
-    debugger.HandleCommand('process load libheap.dylib')
-    debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f heap.heap_search heap_search')
-    print '"heap_search" command installed, type "heap_search --help" for detailed help'
+    libheap_dylib_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/libheap.dylib'
+    debugger.HandleCommand('process load "%s"' % libheap_dylib_path)
+    debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f heap.heap_ptr_refs heap_ptr_refs')
+    debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f heap.heap_cstr_refs heap_cstr_refs')
+    print '"heap_ptr_refs" and "heap_cstr_refs" commands have been installed, use the "--help" options on these commands for detailed help.'

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