[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r153907 - /lldb/trunk/examples/python/symbolicate-crash.py
Greg Clayton
gclayton at apple.com
Mon Apr 2 15:57:33 PDT 2012
Author: gclayton
Date: Mon Apr 2 17:57:32 2012
New Revision: 153907
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=153907&view=rev
Remove unused file as this file is deprecated (use ./crashlog.py instead).
Removed: lldb/trunk/examples/python/symbolicate-crash.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/examples/python/symbolicate-crash.py?rev=153906&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/examples/python/symbolicate-crash.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/examples/python/symbolicate-crash.py (removed)
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-# Be sure to add the python path that points to the LLDB shared library.
-# On MacOSX csh, tcsh:
-# setenv PYTHONPATH /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python
-# On MacOSX sh, bash:
-# export PYTHONPATH=/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python
-import lldb
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-class CrashLog:
- """Class that does parses darwin crash logs"""
- thread_state_regex = re.compile('^Thread ([0-9]+) crashed with')
- thread_regex = re.compile('^Thread ([0-9]+)([^:]*):(.*)')
- frame_regex = re.compile('^([0-9]+).*\t(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +(.*)')
- image_regex_uuid = re.compile('(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[- ]+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +([^ ]+) +([^<]+)<([-0-9a-fA-F]+)> (.*)');
- image_regex_no_uuid = re.compile('(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[- ]+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +([^ ]+) +([^/]+)/(.*)');
- empty_line_regex = re.compile('^$')
- class Thread:
- """Class that represents a thread in a darwin crash log"""
- def __init__(self, index):
- self.index = index
- self.frames = list()
- self.registers = dict()
- self.reason = None
- self.queue = None
- def dump(self, prefix):
- print "%sThread[%u] %s" % (prefix, self.index, self.reason)
- if self.frames:
- print "%s Frames:" % (prefix)
- for frame in self.frames:
- frame.dump(prefix + ' ')
- if self.registers:
- print "%s Registers:" % (prefix)
- for reg in self.registers.keys():
- print "%s %-5s = %#16.16x" % (prefix, reg, self.registers[reg])
- def did_crash(self):
- return self.reason != None
- def __str__(self):
- s = "Thread[%u]" % self.index
- if self.reason:
- s += ' %s' % self.reason
- return s
- class Frame:
- """Class that represents a stack frame in a thread in a darwin crash log"""
- def __init__(self, index, pc, details):
- self.index = index
- self.pc = pc
- self.sym_ctx = None
- self.details = details
- def __str__(self):
- return "[%2u] %#16.16x %s" % (self.index, self.pc, self.details)
- def dump(self, prefix):
- print "%s%s" % (prefix, self)
- class Image:
- """Class that represents a binary images in a darwin crash log"""
- def __init__(self, text_addr_lo, text_addr_hi, ident, version, uuid, path):
- self.text_addr_lo = text_addr_lo
- self.text_addr_hi = text_addr_hi
- self.ident = ident
- self.version = version
- self.uuid = uuid
- self.path = path
- def dump(self, prefix):
- print "%s%s" % (prefix, self)
- def __str__(self):
- return "%#16.16x %s %s" % (self.text_addr_lo, self.uuid, self.path)
- def __init__(self, path):
- """CrashLog constructor that take a path to a darwin crash log file"""
- self.path = path;
- self.info_lines = list()
- self.system_profile = list()
- self.threads = list()
- self.images = list()
- self.crashed_thread_idx = -1
- self.version = -1
- # With possible initial component of ~ or ~user replaced by that user's home directory.
- f = open(os.path.expanduser(self.path))
- self.file_lines = f.read().splitlines()
- parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_NORMAL
- thread = None
- for line in self.file_lines:
- # print line
- line_len = len(line)
- if line_len == 0:
- if thread:
- if parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_THREAD:
- if thread.index == self.crashed_thread_idx:
- thread.reason = ''
- if self.thread_exception:
- thread.reason += self.thread_exception
- if self.thread_exception_data:
- thread.reason += " (%s)" % self.thread_exception_data
- self.threads.append(thread)
- thread = None
- else:
- # only append an extra empty line if the previous line
- # in the info_lines wasn't empty
- if len(self.info_lines) > 0 and len(self.info_lines[-1]):
- self.info_lines.append(line)
- parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_NORMAL
- elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_NORMAL:
- if line.startswith ('Process:'):
- (self.process_name, pid_with_brackets) = line[8:].strip().split()
- self.process_id = pid_with_brackets.strip('[]')
- elif line.startswith ('Path:'):
- self.process_path = line[5:].strip()
- elif line.startswith ('Identifier:'):
- self.process_identifier = line[11:].strip()
- elif line.startswith ('Version:'):
- (self.process_version, compatability_version) = line[8:].strip().split()
- self.process_compatability_version = compatability_version.strip('()')
- elif line.startswith ('Parent Process:'):
- (self.parent_process_name, pid_with_brackets) = line[15:].strip().split()
- self.parent_process_id = pid_with_brackets.strip('[]')
- elif line.startswith ('Exception Type:'):
- self.thread_exception = line[15:].strip()
- continue
- elif line.startswith ('Exception Codes:'):
- self.thread_exception_data = line[16:].strip()
- continue
- elif line.startswith ('Crashed Thread:'):
- self.crashed_thread_idx = int(line[15:].strip().split()[0])
- continue
- elif line.startswith ('Report Version:'):
- self.version = int(line[15:].strip())
- continue
- elif line.startswith ('System Profile:'):
- parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_SYSTEM
- continue
- elif (line.startswith ('Interval Since Last Report:') or
- line.startswith ('Crashes Since Last Report:') or
- line.startswith ('Per-App Interval Since Last Report:') or
- line.startswith ('Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:') or
- line.startswith ('Sleep/Wake UUID:') or
- line.startswith ('Anonymous UUID:')):
- # ignore these
- continue
- elif line.startswith ('Thread'):
- thread_state_match = self.thread_state_regex.search (line)
- if thread_state_match:
- thread_state_match = self.thread_regex.search (line)
- thread_idx = int(thread_state_match.group(1))
- parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_THREGS
- thread = self.threads[thread_idx]
- else:
- thread_match = self.thread_regex.search (line)
- if thread_match:
- parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_THREAD
- thread_idx = int(thread_match.group(1))
- thread = CrashLog.Thread(thread_idx)
- continue
- elif line.startswith ('Binary Images:'):
- parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_IMAGES
- continue
- self.info_lines.append(line.strip())
- elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_THREAD:
- frame_match = self.frame_regex.search(line)
- if frame_match:
- thread.frames.append (CrashLog.Frame(int(frame_match.group(1)), int(frame_match.group(2), 0), frame_match.group(3)))
- else:
- print "error: frame regex failed"
- elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_IMAGES:
- image_match = self.image_regex_uuid.search (line)
- if image_match:
- image = CrashLog.Image (int(image_match.group(1),0),
- int(image_match.group(2),0),
- image_match.group(3).strip(),
- image_match.group(4).strip(),
- image_match.group(5),
- image_match.group(6))
- self.images.append (image)
- else:
- image_match = self.image_regex_no_uuid.search (line)
- if image_match:
- image = CrashLog.Image (int(image_match.group(1),0),
- int(image_match.group(2),0),
- image_match.group(3).strip(),
- image_match.group(4).strip(),
- None,
- image_match.group(5))
- self.images.append (image)
- else:
- print "error: image regex failed for: %s" % line
- elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_THREGS:
- stripped_line = line.strip()
- reg_values = stripped_line.split(' ')
- for reg_value in reg_values:
- (reg, value) = reg_value.split(': ')
- thread.registers[reg.strip()] = int(value, 0)
- elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_SYSTEM:
- self.system_profile.append(line)
- f.close()
- def dump(self):
- print "Crash Log File: %s" % (self.path)
- print "\nThreads:"
- for thread in self.threads:
- thread.dump(' ')
- print "\nImages:"
- for image in self.images:
- image.dump(' ')
-def disassemble_instructions (target, instructions, pc, insts_before_pc, insts_after_pc):
- lines = list()
- pc_index = -1
- comment_column = 50
- for inst_idx, inst in enumerate(instructions):
- inst_pc = inst.GetAddress().GetLoadAddress(target);
- if pc == inst_pc:
- pc_index = inst_idx
- mnemonic = inst.GetMnemonic (target)
- operands = inst.GetOperands (target)
- comment = inst.GetComment (target)
- #data = inst.GetData (target)
- lines.append ("%#16.16x: %8s %s" % (inst_pc, mnemonic, operands))
- if comment:
- line_len = len(lines[-1])
- if line_len < comment_column:
- lines[-1] += ' ' * (comment_column - line_len)
- lines[-1] += "; %s" % comment
- if pc_index >= 0:
- if pc_index >= insts_before_pc:
- start_idx = pc_index - insts_before_pc
- else:
- start_idx = 0
- end_idx = pc_index + insts_after_pc
- if end_idx > inst_idx:
- end_idx = inst_idx
- for i in range(start_idx, end_idx+1):
- if i == pc_index:
- print ' -> ', lines[i]
- else:
- print ' ', lines[i]
-def print_module_section_data (section):
- print section
- section_data = section.GetSectionData()
- if section_data:
- ostream = lldb.SBStream()
- section_data.GetDescription (ostream, section.GetFileAddress())
- print ostream.GetData()
-def print_module_section (section, depth):
- print section
- if depth > 0:
- num_sub_sections = section.GetNumSubSections()
- for sect_idx in range(num_sub_sections):
- print_module_section (section.GetSubSectionAtIndex(sect_idx), depth - 1)
-def print_module_sections (module, depth):
- for sect in module.section_iter():
- print_module_section (sect, depth)
-def print_module_symbols (module):
- for sym in module:
- print sym
-def usage():
- print "Usage: lldb-symbolicate.py [-n name] executable-image"
- sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(description='A script that parses skinny and universal mach-o files.')
- parser.add_option('--arch', type='string', metavar='arch', dest='triple', help='specify one architecture or target triple')
- parser.add_option('--platform', type='string', metavar='platform', dest='platform', help='specify one platform by name')
- parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
- parser.add_option('--interactive', action='store_true', dest='interactive', help='enable interactive mode', default=False)
- parser.add_option('--no-images', action='store_false', dest='show_images', help='don\'t show images in stack frames', default=True)
- parser.add_option('--no-dependents', action='store_false', dest='dependents', help='skip loading dependent modules', default=True)
- parser.add_option('--sections', action='store_true', dest='dump_sections', help='show module sections', default=False)
- parser.add_option('--symbols', action='store_true', dest='dump_symbols', help='show module symbols', default=False)
- parser.add_option('--image-list', action='store_true', dest='dump_image_list', help='show image list', default=False)
- parser.add_option('--debug-delay', type='int', dest='debug_delay', metavar='NSEC', help='pause for NSEC seconds for debugger', default=0)
- parser.add_option('--section-depth', type='int', dest='section_depth', help='set the section depth to use when showing sections', default=0)
- parser.add_option('--section-data', type='string', action='append', dest='sect_data_names', help='specify sections by name to display data for')
- parser.add_option('--address', type='int', action='append', dest='addresses', help='specify addresses to lookup')
- parser.add_option('--crash-log', type='string', action='append', dest='crash_log_files', help='specify crash log files to symbolicate')
- parser.add_option('--crashed-only', action='store_true', dest='crashed_only', help='only show the crashed thread', default=False)
- loaded_addresses = False
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if options.verbose:
- print 'options', options
- if options.debug_delay > 0:
- print "Waiting %u seconds for debugger to attach..." % options.debug_delay
- time.sleep(options.debug_delay)
- # Create a new debugger instance
- debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
- # When we step or continue, don't return from the function until the process
- # stops. We do this by setting the async mode to false.
- debugger.SetAsync (False)
- error = lldb.SBError()
- if options.crash_log_files:
- options.dependents = False
- for crash_log_file in options.crash_log_files:
- triple = "x86_64"
- crash_log = CrashLog(crash_log_file)
- #crash_log.dump()
- target = debugger.CreateTarget (crash_log.process_path, options.triple, options.platform, options.dependents, error);
- exe_module = target.GetModuleAtIndex(0)
- image_paths = list()
- for image in crash_log.images:
- if image.path == crash_log.process_path:
- module = exe_module
- else:
- module = target.AddModule (image.path, options.triple, image.uuid)
- if image.path in image_paths:
- print "warning: skipping %s loaded at %#16.16x duplicate entry (probably commpage)" % (image.path, image.text_addr_lo)
- else:
- image_paths.append(image.path)
- if not module and image.uuid != module.GetUUIDString():
- if image.uuid:
- print "warning: couldn't locate %s %s" % (image.uuid, image.path)
- else:
- print "warning: couldn't locate %s" % (image.path)
- else:
- target.SetSectionLoadAddress (module.FindSection ("__TEXT"), image.text_addr_lo)
- for line in crash_log.info_lines:
- print line
- # Reconstruct inlined frames for all threads for anything that has debug info
- for thread in crash_log.threads:
- if options.crashed_only and thread.did_crash() == False:
- continue
- # start a new frame list that we will fixup for each thread
- new_thread_frames = list()
- # Iterate through all concrete frames for a thread and resolve
- # any parent frames of inlined functions
- for frame_idx, frame in enumerate(thread.frames):
- # Resolve the frame's pc into a section + offset address 'pc_addr'
- pc_addr = target.ResolveLoadAddress (frame.pc)
- # Check to see if we were able to resolve the address
- if pc_addr:
- # We were able to resolve the frame's PC into a section offset
- # address.
- # Resolve the frame's PC value into a symbol context. A symbol
- # context can resolve a module, compile unit, function, block,
- # line table entry and/or symbol. If the frame has a block, then
- # we can look for inlined frames, which are represented by blocks
- # that have inlined information in them
- frame.sym_ctx = target.ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (pc_addr, lldb.eSymbolContextEverything);
- # dump if the verbose option was specified
- if options.verbose:
- print "frame.pc = %#16.16x (file_addr = %#16.16x)" % (frame.pc, pc_addr.GetFileAddress())
- print "frame.pc_addr = ", pc_addr
- print "frame.sym_ctx = "
- print frame.sym_ctx
- print
- # Append the frame we already had from the crash log to the new
- # frames list
- new_thread_frames.append(frame)
- new_frame = CrashLog.Frame (frame.index, -1, None)
- # Try and use the current frame's symbol context to calculate a
- # parent frame for an inlined function. If the curent frame is
- # inlined, it will return a valid symbol context for the parent
- # frame of the current inlined function
- parent_pc_addr = lldb.SBAddress()
- new_frame.sym_ctx = frame.sym_ctx.GetParentOfInlinedScope (pc_addr, parent_pc_addr)
- # See if we were able to reconstruct anything?
- while new_frame.sym_ctx:
- # We have a parent frame of an inlined frame, create a new frame
- # Convert the section + offset 'parent_pc_addr' to a load address
- new_frame.pc = parent_pc_addr.GetLoadAddress(target)
- # push the new frame onto the new frame stack
- new_thread_frames.append (new_frame)
- # dump if the verbose option was specified
- if options.verbose:
- print "new_frame.pc = %#16.16x (%s)" % (new_frame.pc, parent_pc_addr)
- print "new_frame.sym_ctx = "
- print new_frame.sym_ctx
- print
- # Create another new frame in case we have multiple inlined frames
- prev_new_frame = new_frame
- new_frame = CrashLog.Frame (frame.index, -1, None)
- # Swap the addresses so we can try another inlined lookup
- pc_addr = parent_pc_addr;
- new_frame.sym_ctx = prev_new_frame.sym_ctx.GetParentOfInlinedScope (pc_addr, parent_pc_addr)
- # Replace our thread frames with our new list that includes parent
- # frames for inlined functions
- thread.frames = new_thread_frames
- # Now iterate through all threads and display our richer stack backtraces
- for thread in crash_log.threads:
- this_thread_crashed = thread.did_crash()
- if options.crashed_only and this_thread_crashed == False:
- continue
- print "%s" % thread
- prev_frame_index = -1
- for frame_idx, frame in enumerate(thread.frames):
- details = ' %s' % frame.details
- module = frame.sym_ctx.GetModule()
- instructions = None
- if module:
- module_basename = module.GetFileSpec().GetFilename();
- function_start_load_addr = -1
- function_name = None
- function = frame.sym_ctx.GetFunction()
- block = frame.sym_ctx.GetBlock()
- line_entry = frame.sym_ctx.GetLineEntry()
- symbol = frame.sym_ctx.GetSymbol()
- inlined_block = block.GetContainingInlinedBlock();
- if inlined_block:
- function_name = inlined_block.GetInlinedName();
- block_range_idx = inlined_block.GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress (target.ResolveLoadAddress (frame.pc))
- if block_range_idx < lldb.UINT32_MAX:
- block_range_start_addr = inlined_block.GetRangeStartAddress (block_range_idx)
- function_start_load_addr = block_range_start_addr.GetLoadAddress (target)
- else:
- function_start_load_addr = frame.pc
- if this_thread_crashed and frame_idx == 0:
- instructions = function.GetInstructions(target)
- elif function:
- function_name = function.GetName()
- function_start_load_addr = function.GetStartAddress().GetLoadAddress (target)
- if this_thread_crashed and frame_idx == 0:
- instructions = function.GetInstructions(target)
- elif symbol:
- function_name = symbol.GetName()
- function_start_load_addr = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetLoadAddress (target)
- if this_thread_crashed and frame_idx == 0:
- instructions = symbol.GetInstructions(target)
- if function_name:
- # Print the function or symbol name and annotate if it was inlined
- inline_suffix = ''
- if inlined_block:
- inline_suffix = '[inlined] '
- else:
- inline_suffix = ' '
- if options.show_images:
- details = "%s%s`%s" % (inline_suffix, module_basename, function_name)
- else:
- details = "%s" % (function_name)
- # Dump the offset from the current function or symbol if it is non zero
- function_offset = frame.pc - function_start_load_addr
- if function_offset > 0:
- details += " + %u" % (function_offset)
- elif function_offset < 0:
- defaults += " %i (invalid negative offset, file a bug) " % function_offset
- # Print out any line information if any is available
- if line_entry.GetFileSpec():
- details += ' at %s' % line_entry.GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
- details += ':%u' % line_entry.GetLine ()
- column = line_entry.GetColumn()
- if column > 0:
- details += ':%u' % column
- # Only print out the concrete frame index if it changes.
- # if prev_frame_index != frame.index:
- # print "[%2u] %#16.16x %s" % (frame.index, frame.pc, details)
- # else:
- # print " %#16.16x %s" % (frame.pc, details)
- print "[%2u] %#16.16x %s" % (frame.index, frame.pc, details)
- prev_frame_index = frame.index
- if instructions:
- print
- disassemble_instructions (target, instructions, frame.pc, 4, 4)
- print
- print
- if options.dump_image_list:
- print "Binary Images:"
- for image in crash_log.images:
- print image
- else:
- for exe_file in args:
- # Create a target from a file and arch
- print "Creating a target for '%s'" % exe_file
- target = debugger.CreateTarget (exe_file, options.triple, options.platform, options.dependents, error);
- if target:
- exe_module = None;
- module_count = target.GetNumModules();
- for module_idx in range(module_count):
- module = target.GetModuleAtIndex (module_idx)
- if module_idx == 0:
- exe_module = module
- print "module[%u] = %s" % (module_idx, module)
- if options.dump_symbols:
- print_module_symbols (module)
- if options.dump_sections:
- print_module_sections (module, options.section_depth)
- if options.sect_data_names:
- for sect_name in options.sect_data_names:
- section = module.FindSection (sect_name)
- if section:
- print_module_section_data (section)
- else:
- print "No section was found in '%s' named '%s'" % (module, sect_name)
- if options.addresses:
- for address in options.addresses:
- if loaded_addresses:
- so_address = target.ResolveLoadAddress (address)
- if so_address:
- print so_address
- so_address_sc = exe_module.ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (so_address, lldb.eSymbolContextEverything);
- print so_address_sc
- else:
- print "error: 0x%8.8x failed to resolve as a load address" % (address)
- else:
- so_address = exe_module.ResolveFileAddress (address)
- if so_address:
- print so_address
- so_address_sc = exe_module.ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (so_address, lldb.eSymbolContextEverything);
- print so_address_sc
- else:
- print "error: 0x%8.8x failed to resolve as a file address in %s" % (address, exe_module)
- # text_base_addr = 0x10000
- # load_addr = 0x10bb0
- # text_segment = exe_module.FindSection ("__TEXT")
- # if text_segment:
- # target.SetSectionLoadAddress (text_segment, text_base_addr)
- #
- # load_so_addr = target.ResolveLoadAddress (load_addr)
- #
- # if load_so_addr:
- # sc = target.ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (so_addr, lldb.eSymbolContextEverything);
- # print sc
- # else:
- # print "error: 0x%8.8x failed to resolve as a load address" % (load_addr)
- else:
- print "error: ", error
- lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()
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