[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r148596 - in /lldb/trunk: source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp source/Core/UserSettingsController.cpp test/functionalities/completion/ test/functionalities/completion/TestCompletion.py test/lldbtest.py

Johnny Chen johnny.chen at apple.com
Fri Jan 20 15:02:51 PST 2012

Author: johnny
Date: Fri Jan 20 17:02:51 2012
New Revision: 148596

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=148596&view=rev
o CommandObjectSettingsSet.cpp:

  Fix a bug where "settings set -r th" wouldn't complete.

o UserSettingsController.cpp:

  Fix a bug where "settings set target.process." wouldn't complete.

o test/functionalities/completion:

  Add various completion test cases related to 'settings set' command.


Modified: lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp?rev=148596&r1=148595&r2=148596&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp Fri Jan 20 17:02:51 2012
@@ -188,7 +188,11 @@
     completion_str.erase (cursor_char_position);
     // Attempting to complete variable name
-    if (cursor_index == 1)
+    llvm::StringRef prev_str(cursor_index == 2 ? input.GetArgumentAtIndex(1) : "");
+    if (cursor_index == 1 ||
+        (cursor_index == 2 && prev_str.startswith("-")) // "settings set -r th", followed by Tab.
+        )
+    {
         CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks (m_interpreter,
@@ -197,6 +201,10 @@
+        // If there is only 1 match which fulfills the completion request, do an early return.
+        if (matches.GetSize() == 1 && completion_str.compare(matches.GetStringAtIndex(0)) != 0)
+            return 1;
+    }
     // Attempting to complete value
     if ((cursor_index == 2)   // Partly into the variable's value

Modified: lldb/trunk/source/Core/UserSettingsController.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/source/Core/UserSettingsController.cpp?rev=148596&r1=148595&r2=148596&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/source/Core/UserSettingsController.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/source/Core/UserSettingsController.cpp Fri Jan 20 17:02:51 2012
@@ -1714,19 +1714,21 @@
+        // The variable my_usc_sp keeps track of the user settings controller as
+        // we descend through the tree hierarchy.
+        UserSettingsControllerSP my_usc_sp = usc_sp;
         for (int i = 0; i < num_extra_levels; ++i)
             ConstString child_level (partial_setting_name_pieces.GetArgumentAtIndex (0));
             bool found = false;
-            int num_children = usc_sp->GetNumChildren();
-            UserSettingsControllerSP child_usc_sp = usc_sp;
+            int num_children = my_usc_sp->GetNumChildren();
             for (int j = 0; j < num_children && !found; ++j)
-                if (child_usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (j)->GetLevelName() == child_level)
+                if (my_usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (j)->GetLevelName() == child_level)
                     found = true;
-                    child_usc_sp = child_usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (j);
+                    my_usc_sp = my_usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (j);
@@ -1750,15 +1752,15 @@
             // 'next_name' is an instance name.  The last name piece must be a non-empty partial match against an
             // instance_name, assuming 'next_name' is valid.
-            if (usc_sp->IsLiveInstance (next_name))
+            if (my_usc_sp->IsLiveInstance (next_name))
                 std::string complete_prefix;
-                usc_sp->BuildParentPrefix (complete_prefix);
+                my_usc_sp->BuildParentPrefix (complete_prefix);
-                num_matches = usc_sp->InstanceVariableMatches(partial_setting_name_pieces.GetArgumentAtIndex(0),
-                                                                     complete_prefix,
-                                                                     next_name.c_str(),
-                                                                     matches);
+                num_matches = my_usc_sp->InstanceVariableMatches(partial_setting_name_pieces.GetArgumentAtIndex(0),
+                                                                 complete_prefix,
+                                                                 next_name.c_str(),
+                                                                 matches);
                 word_complete = true;
                 if (num_matches > 1)
                     word_complete = false;
@@ -1772,14 +1774,14 @@
             // 'next_name' must be a child name.  Find the correct child and pass the remaining piece to be resolved.
             bool found = false;
-            int num_children = usc_sp->GetNumChildren();
+            int num_children = my_usc_sp->GetNumChildren();
             ConstString child_level (next_name.c_str());
             for (int i = 0; i < num_children; ++i)
-                if (usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (i)->GetLevelName() == child_level)
+                if (my_usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (i)->GetLevelName() == child_level)
                     found = true;
-                    return UserSettingsController::CompleteSettingsNames (usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (i),
+                    return UserSettingsController::CompleteSettingsNames (my_usc_sp->GetChildAtIndex (i),
                                                                           word_complete, matches);

Added: lldb/trunk/test/functionalities/completion/TestCompletion.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/functionalities/completion/TestCompletion.py?rev=148596&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/test/functionalities/completion/TestCompletion.py (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/functionalities/completion/TestCompletion.py Fri Jan 20 17:02:51 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Test the lldb command line completion mechanism.
+import os
+import unittest2
+import lldb
+import pexpect
+from lldbtest import *
+class CommandLineCompletionTestCase(TestBase):
+    mydir = os.path.join("functionalities", "completion")
+    @classmethod
+    def classCleanup(cls):
+        """Cleanup the test byproducts."""
+        system(["/bin/sh", "-c", "rm -f child_send.txt"])
+        system(["/bin/sh", "-c", "rm -f child_read.txt"])
+    def test_settings_s(self):
+        """Test that 'settings s' completes to ['Available completions:', 'set', 'show']."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings s', ['Available completions:', 'set', 'show'])
+    def test_settings_set_th(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set th' completes to 'settings set thread-format'."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set th', 'settings set thread-format')
+    def test_settings_s_dash(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set -' completes to ['Available completions:', '-n', '-r']."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set -', ['Available completions:', '-n', '-r'])
+    def test_settings_set_dash_r_th(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set -r th' completes to 'settings set -r thread-format'."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set -r th', 'settings set -r thread-format')
+    def test_settings_set_ta(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set ta' completes to 'settings set target.'."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set ta', 'settings set target.')
+    def test_settings_set_target_pr(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set target.pr' completes to ['Available completions:',
+        'target.prefer-dynamic-value', 'target.process.']."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set target.pr',
+                              ['Available completions:',
+                               'target.prefer-dynamic-value',
+                               'target.process.'])
+    def test_settings_set_target_process(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set target.process' completes to 'settings set target.process.'."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set target.process', 'settings set target.process.')
+    def test_settings_set_target_process_dot(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set target.process.' completes to 'settings set target.process.thread.'."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set target.process.', 'settings set target.process.thread.')
+    def test_settings_set_target_process_thread_dot(self):
+        """Test that 'settings set target.process.thread.' completes to ['Available completions:',
+        'target.process.thread.step-avoid-regexp', 'target.process.thread.trace-thread']."""
+        self.complete_from_to('settings set target.process.thread.',
+                              ['Available completions:',
+                               'target.process.thread.step-avoid-regexp',
+                               'target.process.thread.trace-thread'])
+    def complete_from_to(self, str_before, patterns):
+        """Test the completion mechanism completes str_before to pattern, where
+        patterns could be a pattern-string or a list of pattern-strings"""
+        prompt = "(lldb) "
+        add_prompt = "Enter your stop hook command(s).  Type 'DONE' to end.\r\n> "
+        add_prompt1 = "\r\n> "
+        # So that the child gets torn down after the test.
+        self.child = pexpect.spawn('%s %s' % (self.lldbHere, self.lldbOption))
+        child = self.child
+        # Turn on logging for input/output to/from the child.
+        with open('child_send.txt', 'w') as f_send:
+            with open('child_read.txt', 'w') as f_read:
+                child.logfile_send = f_send
+                child.logfile_read = f_read
+                # Test that str_before completes to str_after.
+                child.expect_exact(prompt)
+                child.setecho(True)
+                child.send("%s\t" % str_before)
+                #child.expect_exact("%s\t" % str_after)
+                child.sendline('')
+                child.expect_exact(prompt)
+        with open('child_send.txt', 'r') as fs:
+            if self.TraceOn():
+                print "\n\nContents of child_send.txt:"
+                print fs.read()
+        with open('child_read.txt', 'r') as fr:
+            from_child = fr.read()
+            if self.TraceOn():
+                print "\n\nContents of child_read.txt:"
+                print from_child
+            self.assertFalse(patterns is None)
+            if type(patterns) is not types.ListType:
+                patterns = [patterns]
+            # If each pattern matches from_child, the completion mechanism works!
+            for p in patterns:
+                self.expect(from_child, msg=COMPLETIOND_MSG(str_before, p), exe=False,
+                    patterns = [p])
+        child.logfile_send = None
+        child.logfile_read = None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import atexit
+    lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize()
+    atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate())
+    unittest2.main()

Modified: lldb/trunk/test/lldbtest.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/test/lldbtest.py?rev=148596&r1=148595&r2=148596&view=diff
--- lldb/trunk/test/lldbtest.py (original)
+++ lldb/trunk/test/lldbtest.py Fri Jan 20 17:02:51 2012
@@ -206,6 +206,10 @@
     '''A generic "Command '%s' returns successfully" message generator.'''
     return "Command '%s' returns successfully" % str
+def COMPLETIOND_MSG(str_before, str_after):
+    '''A generic message generator for the completion mechanism.'''
+    return "'%s' successfully completes to '%s'" % (str_before, str_after)
 def EXP_MSG(str, exe):
     '''A generic "'%s' returns expected result" message generator if exe.
     Otherwise, it generates "'%s' matches expected result" message.'''

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