[libcxx-dev] could you plz answer my question about __is_trivially_constructible(Tp) in type_traits header file

李苏旺 via libcxx-dev libcxx-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 23 01:18:00 PST 2019

hi man , With all due respect I saw you have ever committed some code to
LLVM project)(
https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx/blob/master/include/type_traits) , I
am reading the source code about meta-programming in the file - type_traits
in the line number 3445 , "__is_trivially_constructible<...>" is curious to
me , but I can not find the definition of the value , could you please tell
where I can find the definition about __is_trivially_constructible ?
template <class _Tp, class... _Args> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS
is_trivially_constructible : integral_constant<bool,
__is_trivially_constructible(_Tp, _Args...)> { }; similarly, if I can
understand the meaning of "__is_trivially_constructible" , I can understand
__is_trivial ,__is_trivially_copyable , etc thank you in advance .
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