[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] ffc5d2b - [libc++][test] Refactor tests for ranges::swap_range algorithms (#121138)

via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 26 08:49:22 PST 2025

Author: Peng Liu
Date: 2025-02-26T11:49:19-05:00
New Revision: ffc5d2b5d46f979b41cfc822efe8017d919f3d58

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ffc5d2b5d46f979b41cfc822efe8017d919f3d58
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ffc5d2b5d46f979b41cfc822efe8017d919f3d58.diff

LOG: [libc++][test] Refactor tests for ranges::swap_range algorithms (#121138)

This PR refactors tests for `ranges::swap_range`, `std::{swap_range,
iter_swap, swap}` algorithms to eliminate redundant code.




diff  --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/iter_swap.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/iter_swap.pass.cpp
index b3a9f5fc259ef..283832ec656ab 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/iter_swap.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/iter_swap.pass.cpp
@@ -10,35 +10,43 @@
 // template<Iterator Iter1, Iterator Iter2>
 //   requires HasSwap<Iter1::reference, Iter2::reference>
-//   void
-//   iter_swap(Iter1 a, Iter2 b);
+// void iter_swap(Iter1 a, Iter2 b); // constexpr since C++20
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cassert>
 #include "test_macros.h"
-#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
-constexpr bool test_swap_constexpr()
-    int i = 1;
-    int j = 2;
-    std::iter_swap(&i, &j);
-    return i == 2 && j == 1;
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
+struct TestIterators {
+  template <class Iter>
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 void operator()() {
+    types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>(), TestImpl<Iter>());
+  }
+  template <class Iter1>
+  struct TestImpl {
+    template <class Iter2>
+    TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 void operator()() {
+      int i = 1;
+      int j = 2;
+      std::iter_swap(Iter1(&i), Iter2(&j));
+      assert(i == 2 && j == 1);
+    }
+  };
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
+  types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>(), TestIterators());
+  return true;
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
-int main(int, char**)
-    int i = 1;
-    int j = 2;
-    std::iter_swap(&i, &j);
-    assert(i == 2);
-    assert(j == 1);
-#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
-    static_assert(test_swap_constexpr());
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
+int main(int, char**) {
+  test();
+#if TEST_STD_VER >= 20
+  static_assert(test());
   return 0;

diff  --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/ranges.swap_ranges.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/ranges.swap_ranges.pass.cpp
index a8d69b2832b46..9b61768cffd97 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/ranges.swap_ranges.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/ranges.swap_ranges.pass.cpp
@@ -24,51 +24,45 @@
 #include <cassert>
 #include <ranges>
+#include <cstdio>
 #include "test_iterators.h"
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
 constexpr void test_
diff erent_lengths() {
-  using Expected = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<int*, int*>;
-  int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
-  int j[1] = {4};
+  using Expected                = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<int*, int*>;
+  int i[3]                      = {1, 2, 3};
+  int j[1]                      = {4};
   std::same_as<Expected> auto r = std::ranges::swap_ranges(i, i + 3, j, j + 1);
   assert(r.in1 == i + 1);
   assert(r.in2 == j + 1);
-  assert(i[0] == 4);
-  assert(i[1] == 2);
-  assert(i[2] == 3);
-  assert(j[0] == 1);
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(i, std::array{4, 2, 3}));
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(j, std::array{1}));
   std::same_as<Expected> auto r2 = std::ranges::swap_ranges(i, j);
   assert(r2.in1 == i + 1);
   assert(r2.in2 == j + 1);
-  assert(i[0] == 1);
-  assert(i[1] == 2);
-  assert(i[2] == 3);
-  assert(j[0] == 4);
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(i, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(j, std::array{4}));
   std::same_as<Expected> auto r3 = std::ranges::swap_ranges(j, j + 1, i, i + 3);
   assert(r3.in1 == j + 1);
   assert(r3.in2 == i + 1);
-  assert(i[0] == 4);
-  assert(i[1] == 2);
-  assert(i[2] == 3);
-  assert(j[0] == 1);
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(i, std::array{4, 2, 3}));
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(j, std::array{1}));
   std::same_as<Expected> auto r4 = std::ranges::swap_ranges(j, i);
   assert(r4.in1 == j + 1);
   assert(r4.in2 == i + 1);
-  assert(i[0] == 1);
-  assert(i[1] == 2);
-  assert(i[2] == 3);
-  assert(j[0] == 4);
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(i, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(j, std::array{4}));
 constexpr void test_range() {
   std::array r1 = {1, 2, 3};
   std::array r2 = {4, 5, 6};
-  std::same_as<std::ranges::in_in_result<std::array<int, 3>::iterator, std::array<int, 3>::iterator>> auto r = std::ranges::swap_ranges(r1, r2);
+  std::same_as<std::ranges::in_in_result<std::array<int, 3>::iterator, std::array<int, 3>::iterator>> auto r =
+      std::ranges::swap_ranges(r1, r2);
   assert(r.in1 == r1.end());
   assert(r.in2 == r2.end());
   assert((r1 == std::array{4, 5, 6}));
   assert((r2 == std::array{1, 2, 3}));
@@ -78,75 +72,54 @@ constexpr void test_borrowed_input_range() {
     int r1[] = {1, 2, 3};
     int r2[] = {4, 5, 6};
     std::ranges::swap_ranges(std::views::all(r1), r2);
-    assert(r1[0] == 4);
-    assert(r1[1] == 5);
-    assert(r1[2] == 6);
-    assert(r2[0] == 1);
-    assert(r2[1] == 2);
-    assert(r2[2] == 3);
+    assert(std::ranges::equal(r1, std::array{4, 5, 6}));
+    assert(std::ranges::equal(r2, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
     int r1[] = {1, 2, 3};
     int r2[] = {4, 5, 6};
     std::ranges::swap_ranges(r1, std::views::all(r2));
-    assert(r1[0] == 4);
-    assert(r1[1] == 5);
-    assert(r1[2] == 6);
-    assert(r2[0] == 1);
-    assert(r2[1] == 2);
-    assert(r2[2] == 3);
+    assert(std::ranges::equal(r1, std::array{4, 5, 6}));
+    assert(std::ranges::equal(r2, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
     int r1[] = {1, 2, 3};
     int r2[] = {4, 5, 6};
     std::ranges::swap_ranges(std::views::all(r1), std::views::all(r2));
-    assert(r1[0] == 4);
-    assert(r1[1] == 5);
-    assert(r1[2] == 6);
-    assert(r2[0] == 1);
-    assert(r2[1] == 2);
-    assert(r2[2] == 3);
+    assert(std::ranges::equal(r1, std::array{4, 5, 6}));
+    assert(std::ranges::equal(r2, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
 constexpr void test_sentinel() {
-  int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
-  int j[3] = {4, 5, 6};
-  using It = cpp17_input_iterator<int*>;
-  using Sent = sentinel_wrapper<It>;
-  using Expected = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<It, It>;
-  std::same_as<Expected> auto r =
-      std::ranges::swap_ranges(It(i), Sent(It(i + 3)), It(j), Sent(It(j + 3)));
+  int i[3]                      = {1, 2, 3};
+  int j[3]                      = {4, 5, 6};
+  using It                      = cpp17_input_iterator<int*>;
+  using Sent                    = sentinel_wrapper<It>;
+  using Expected                = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<It, It>;
+  std::same_as<Expected> auto r = std::ranges::swap_ranges(It(i), Sent(It(i + 3)), It(j), Sent(It(j + 3)));
   assert(base(r.in1) == i + 3);
   assert(base(r.in2) == j + 3);
-  assert(i[0] == 4);
-  assert(i[1] == 5);
-  assert(i[2] == 6);
-  assert(j[0] == 1);
-  assert(j[1] == 2);
-  assert(j[2] == 3);
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(i, std::array{4, 5, 6}));
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(j, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
 template <class Iter1, class Iter2>
-constexpr void test_iterators() {
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 void test_iterators() {
   using Expected = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<Iter1, Iter2>;
-  int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
-  int j[3] = {4, 5, 6};
+  int a[3]       = {1, 2, 3};
+  int b[3]       = {4, 5, 6};
   std::same_as<Expected> auto r =
-      std::ranges::swap_ranges(Iter1(i), sentinel_wrapper(Iter1(i + 3)), Iter2(j), sentinel_wrapper(Iter2(j + 3)));
-  assert(base(r.in1) == i + 3);
-  assert(base(r.in2) == j + 3);
-  assert(i[0] == 4);
-  assert(i[1] == 5);
-  assert(i[2] == 6);
-  assert(j[0] == 1);
-  assert(j[1] == 2);
-  assert(j[2] == 3);
+      std::ranges::swap_ranges(Iter1(a), sentinel_wrapper(Iter1(a + 3)), Iter2(b), sentinel_wrapper(Iter2(b + 3)));
+  assert(base(r.in1) == a + 3);
+  assert(base(r.in2) == b + 3);
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(a, std::array{4, 5, 6}));
+  assert(std::ranges::equal(b, std::array{1, 2, 3}));
 constexpr void test_rval_range() {
-    using Expected = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<std::array<int, 3>::iterator, std::ranges::dangling>;
+    using Expected       = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<std::array<int, 3>::iterator, std::ranges::dangling>;
     std::array<int, 3> r = {1, 2, 3};
     std::same_as<Expected> auto a = std::ranges::swap_ranges(r, std::array{4, 5, 6});
     assert((r == std::array{4, 5, 6}));
@@ -154,66 +127,27 @@ constexpr void test_rval_range() {
     std::array<int, 3> r = {1, 2, 3};
-    using Expected = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<std::ranges::dangling, std::array<int, 3>::iterator>;
+    using Expected       = std::ranges::swap_ranges_result<std::ranges::dangling, std::array<int, 3>::iterator>;
     std::same_as<Expected> auto b = std::ranges::swap_ranges(std::array{4, 5, 6}, r);
     assert((r == std::array{4, 5, 6}));
     assert(b.in2 == r.begin() + 3);
-template <class Out>
-constexpr void test_proxy_in_iterators() {
-  test_iterators<ProxyIterator<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>, Out>();
-  test_iterators<ProxyIterator<forward_iterator<int*>>, Out>();
-  test_iterators<ProxyIterator<bidirectional_iterator<int*>>, Out>();
-  test_iterators<ProxyIterator<random_access_iterator<int*>>, Out>();
-  test_iterators<ProxyIterator<contiguous_iterator<int*>>, Out>();
 constexpr bool test() {
-  test_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-  test_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>, cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<forward_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<random_access_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-  test_iterators<int*, cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<int*, forward_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<int*, bidirectional_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<int*, random_access_iterator<int*>>();
-  test_iterators<int*, int*>();
-  test_proxy_in_iterators<ProxyIterator<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>>();
-  test_proxy_in_iterators<ProxyIterator<forward_iterator<int*>>>();
-  test_proxy_in_iterators<ProxyIterator<bidirectional_iterator<int*>>>();
-  test_proxy_in_iterators<ProxyIterator<random_access_iterator<int*>>>();
-  test_proxy_in_iterators<ProxyIterator<contiguous_iterator<int*>>>();
diff erent_lengths();
+  types::for_each(types::cpp20_input_iterator_list<int*>(), []<class Iter1>() {
+    types::for_each(types::cpp20_input_iterator_list<int*>(), []<class Iter2>() {
+      test_iterators<Iter1, Iter2>();
+      test_iterators<ProxyIterator<Iter1>, ProxyIterator<Iter2>>();
+    });
+  });
   return true;

diff  --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/swap_ranges.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/swap_ranges.pass.cpp
index 8bfbcd755e39f..810aa93e076ee 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/swap_ranges.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap/swap_ranges.pass.cpp
@@ -14,162 +14,130 @@
 //   swap_ranges(Iter1 first1, Iter1 last1, Iter2 first2);
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
 #include "test_macros.h"
 #include "test_iterators.h"
-template<class Iter1, class Iter2>
-    int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
-    int j[3] = {4, 5, 6};
-    Iter2 r = std::swap_ranges(Iter1(i), Iter1(i+3), Iter2(j));
-    assert(base(r) == j+3);
-    assert(i[0] == 4);
-    assert(i[1] == 5);
-    assert(i[2] == 6);
-    assert(j[0] == 1);
-    assert(j[1] == 2);
-    assert(j[2] == 3);
+#include "type_algorithms.h"
+struct TestPtr {
+  template <class Iter>
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 void operator()() {
+    types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>(), TestImpl<Iter>());
+  }
+  template <class Iter1>
+  struct TestImpl {
+    template <class Iter2>
+    TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 void operator()() {
+      int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+      int b[] = {4, 5, 6};
+      Iter2 r = std::swap_ranges(Iter1(a), Iter1(a + 3), Iter2(b));
+      assert(base(r) == b + 3);
+      assert(a[0] == 4 && a[1] == 5 && a[2] == 6);
+      assert(b[0] == 1 && b[1] == 2 && b[2] == 3);
+    }
+  };
 #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
-template<class Iter1, class Iter2>
-    std::unique_ptr<int> i[3];
-    for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
-        i[k].reset(new int(k+1));
-    std::unique_ptr<int> j[3];
-    for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
-        j[k].reset(new int(k+4));
-    Iter2 r = std::swap_ranges(Iter1(i), Iter1(i+3), Iter2(j));
-    assert(base(r) == j+3);
-    assert(*i[0] == 4);
-    assert(*i[1] == 5);
-    assert(*i[2] == 6);
-    assert(*j[0] == 1);
-    assert(*j[1] == 2);
-    assert(*j[2] == 3);
+struct TestUniquePtr {
+  template <class Iter>
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX23 void operator()() {
+    types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<std::unique_ptr<int>*>(), TestImpl<Iter>());
+  }
+  template <class Iter1>
+  struct TestImpl {
+    template <class Iter2>
+    TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX23 void operator()() {
+      std::unique_ptr<int> a[3];
+      for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
+        a[k].reset(new int(k + 1));
+      std::unique_ptr<int> b[3];
+      for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
+        b[k].reset(new int(k + 4));
+      Iter2 r = std::swap_ranges(Iter1(a), Iter1(a + 3), Iter2(b));
+      assert(base(r) == b + 3);
+      assert(*a[0] == 4 && *a[1] == 5 && *a[2] == 6);
+      assert(*b[0] == 1 && *b[1] == 2 && *b[2] == 3);
+    }
+  };
+template <template <class> class Iter1, template <class> class Iter2>
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test_simple_cases() {
+  {
+    int a[2] = {1, 2};
+    int b[2] = {4, 5};
+    std::swap_ranges(Iter1<int*>(a), Iter1<int*>(a + 2), Iter2<int*>(b));
+    assert(a[0] == 4 && a[1] == 5);
+    assert(b[0] == 1 && b[1] == 2);
+  }
+  {
+    std::array<int, 3> a = {1, 2, 3}, a0 = a;
+    std::array<int, 3> b = {4, 5, 6}, b0 = b;
+    using It1 = Iter1<std::array<int, 3>::iterator>;
+    using It2 = Iter2<std::array<int, 3>::iterator>;
+    std::swap_ranges(It1(a.begin()), It1(a.end()), It2(b.begin()));
+    assert(a == b0);
+    assert(b == a0);
+  }
+  {
+    std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 2> a = {{{0, 1}, {2, 3}}}, a0 = a;
+    std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 2> b = {{{9, 8}, {7, 6}}}, b0 = b;
+    using It1 = Iter1<std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 2>::iterator>;
+    using It2 = Iter2<std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 2>::iterator>;
+    std::swap_ranges(It1(a.begin()), It1(a.end()), It2(b.begin()));
+    assert(a == b0);
+    assert(b == a0);
+  }
+  {
+    std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 3> a = {{{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}}}, a0 = a;
+    std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 3> b = {{{9, 8, 7}, {6, 5, 4}, {3, 2, 1}}}, b0 = b;
+    using It1 = Iter1<std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 3>::iterator>;
+    using It2 = Iter2<std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 3>::iterator>;
+    std::swap_ranges(It1(a.begin()), It1(a.end()), It2(b.begin()));
+    assert(a == b0);
+    assert(b == a0);
+  }
+  return true;
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER >= 11
-void test2()
-    {
-    int src[2][2]      = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}};
-    decltype(src) dest = {{9, 8}, {7, 6}};
-    std::swap(src, dest);
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
+  test_simple_cases<forward_iterator, forward_iterator>();
+  test_simple_cases<forward_iterator, bidirectional_iterator>();
+  test_simple_cases<forward_iterator, random_access_iterator>();
+  test_simple_cases<bidirectional_iterator, forward_iterator>();
+  test_simple_cases<bidirectional_iterator, bidirectional_iterator>();
+  test_simple_cases<bidirectional_iterator, random_access_iterator>();
+  test_simple_cases<random_access_iterator, random_access_iterator>();
+#if TEST_STD_VER >= 20
+  test_simple_cases<std::type_identity_t, std::type_identity_t>();
-    assert ( src[0][0] == 9 );
-    assert ( src[0][1] == 8 );
-    assert ( src[1][0] == 7 );
-    assert ( src[1][1] == 6 );
+  types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<int*>(), TestPtr());
-    assert ( dest[0][0] == 0 );
-    assert ( dest[0][1] == 1 );
-    assert ( dest[1][0] == 2 );
-    assert ( dest[1][1] == 3 );
-    }
-    {
-    int src[3][3]      = {{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}};
-    decltype(src) dest = {{9, 8, 7}, {6, 5, 4}, {3, 2, 1}};
-    std::swap(src, dest);
-    assert ( src[0][0] == 9 );
-    assert ( src[0][1] == 8 );
-    assert ( src[0][2] == 7 );
-    assert ( src[1][0] == 6 );
-    assert ( src[1][1] == 5 );
-    assert ( src[1][2] == 4 );
-    assert ( src[2][0] == 3 );
-    assert ( src[2][1] == 2 );
-    assert ( src[2][2] == 1 );
-    assert ( dest[0][0] == 0 );
-    assert ( dest[0][1] == 1 );
-    assert ( dest[0][2] == 2 );
-    assert ( dest[1][0] == 3 );
-    assert ( dest[1][1] == 4 );
-    assert ( dest[1][2] == 5 );
-    assert ( dest[2][0] == 6 );
-    assert ( dest[2][1] == 7 );
-    assert ( dest[2][2] == 8 );
-    }
+#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
+  // We can't test unique_ptr in constant evaluation before C++23 as it's constexpr only since C++23.
+    types::for_each(types::forward_iterator_list<std::unique_ptr<int>*>(), TestUniquePtr());
-#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
-constexpr bool test_swap_constexpr()
-    int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
-    int j[3] = {4, 5, 6};
-    std::swap_ranges(i, i+3, j);
-    return i[0] == 4 &&
-           i[1] == 5 &&
-           i[2] == 6 &&
-           j[0] == 1 &&
-           j[1] == 2 &&
-           j[2] == 3;
+  return true;
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
-int main(int, char**)
-    test<forward_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<forward_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<forward_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<forward_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-    test<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<bidirectional_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-    test<random_access_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<random_access_iterator<int*>, bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<random_access_iterator<int*>, random_access_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<random_access_iterator<int*>, int*>();
-    test<int*, forward_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<int*, bidirectional_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<int*, random_access_iterator<int*> >();
-    test<int*, int*>();
-#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
-    test1<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, std::unique_ptr<int>*>();
-    test1<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, std::unique_ptr<int>*>();
-    test1<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*>, std::unique_ptr<int>*>();
-    test1<std::unique_ptr<int>*, forward_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<std::unique_ptr<int>*, bidirectional_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<std::unique_ptr<int>*, random_access_iterator<std::unique_ptr<int>*> >();
-    test1<std::unique_ptr<int>*, std::unique_ptr<int>*>();
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER >= 11
-#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
-    static_assert(test_swap_constexpr());
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
-    test2();
+int main(int, char**) {
+  test();
+#if TEST_STD_VER >= 20
+  static_assert(test());
   return 0;

diff  --git a/libcxx/test/std/utilities/utility/utility.swap/swap_array.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/utilities/utility/utility.swap/swap_array.pass.cpp
index 3d562ddd3fc61..3a6ed3856282f 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/utilities/utility/utility.swap/swap_array.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/utilities/utility/utility.swap/swap_array.pass.cpp
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 // template<ValueType T, size_t N>
 //   requires Swappable<T>
-//   void
-//   swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]);
+// void swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]); // constexpr since C++20
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cassert>
@@ -21,26 +20,23 @@
 #include "test_macros.h"
 #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
 struct CopyOnly {
-    CopyOnly() {}
-    CopyOnly(CopyOnly const&) noexcept {}
-    CopyOnly& operator=(CopyOnly const&) { return *this; }
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 CopyOnly() {}
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 CopyOnly(CopyOnly const&) noexcept {}
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 CopyOnly& operator=(CopyOnly const&) { return *this; }
 struct NoexceptMoveOnly {
-    NoexceptMoveOnly() {}
-    NoexceptMoveOnly(NoexceptMoveOnly&&) noexcept {}
-    NoexceptMoveOnly& operator=(NoexceptMoveOnly&&) noexcept { return *this; }
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 NoexceptMoveOnly() {}
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 NoexceptMoveOnly(NoexceptMoveOnly&&) noexcept {}
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 NoexceptMoveOnly& operator=(NoexceptMoveOnly&&) noexcept { return *this; }
 struct NotMoveConstructible {
-    NotMoveConstructible() {}
-    NotMoveConstructible& operator=(NotMoveConstructible&&) { return *this; }
-    NotMoveConstructible(NotMoveConstructible&&);
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 NotMoveConstructible() {}
+  TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 NotMoveConstructible& operator=(NotMoveConstructible&&) { return *this; }
+  NotMoveConstructible(NotMoveConstructible&&) = delete;
 template <class Tp>
@@ -51,72 +47,108 @@ auto can_swap_test(...) -> std::false_type;
 template <class Tp>
 constexpr bool can_swap() {
-    return std::is_same<decltype(can_swap_test<Tp>(0)), void>::value;
+  return std::is_same<decltype(can_swap_test<Tp>(0)), void>::value;
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX23 void test_unique_ptr() {
+  std::unique_ptr<int> i[3];
+  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
+    i[k].reset(new int(k + 1));
+  std::unique_ptr<int> j[3];
+  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
+    j[k].reset(new int(k + 4));
+  std::swap(i, j);
+  assert(*i[0] == 4);
+  assert(*i[1] == 5);
+  assert(*i[2] == 6);
+  assert(*j[0] == 1);
+  assert(*j[1] == 2);
+  assert(*j[2] == 3);
-#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
-constexpr bool test_swap_constexpr()
+TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
+  {
     int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
     int j[3] = {4, 5, 6};
     std::swap(i, j);
-    return i[0] == 4 &&
-           i[1] == 5 &&
-           i[2] == 6 &&
-           j[0] == 1 &&
-           j[1] == 2 &&
-           j[2] == 3;
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
-int main(int, char**)
-    {
-        int i[3] = {1, 2, 3};
-        int j[3] = {4, 5, 6};
-        std::swap(i, j);
-        assert(i[0] == 4);
-        assert(i[1] == 5);
-        assert(i[2] == 6);
-        assert(j[0] == 1);
-        assert(j[1] == 2);
-        assert(j[2] == 3);
-    }
+    assert(i[0] == 4);
+    assert(i[1] == 5);
+    assert(i[2] == 6);
+    assert(j[0] == 1);
+    assert(j[1] == 2);
+    assert(j[2] == 3);
+  }
+  {
+    int a[2][2]   = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}};
+    decltype(a) b = {{9, 8}, {7, 6}};
+    std::swap(a, b);
+    assert(a[0][0] == 9);
+    assert(a[0][1] == 8);
+    assert(a[1][0] == 7);
+    assert(a[1][1] == 6);
+    assert(b[0][0] == 0);
+    assert(b[0][1] == 1);
+    assert(b[1][0] == 2);
+    assert(b[1][1] == 3);
+  }
+  {
+    int a[3][3]   = {{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}};
+    decltype(a) b = {{9, 8, 7}, {6, 5, 4}, {3, 2, 1}};
+    std::swap(a, b);
+    assert(a[0][0] == 9);
+    assert(a[0][1] == 8);
+    assert(a[0][2] == 7);
+    assert(a[1][0] == 6);
+    assert(a[1][1] == 5);
+    assert(a[1][2] == 4);
+    assert(a[2][0] == 3);
+    assert(a[2][1] == 2);
+    assert(a[2][2] == 1);
+    assert(b[0][0] == 0);
+    assert(b[0][1] == 1);
+    assert(b[0][2] == 2);
+    assert(b[1][0] == 3);
+    assert(b[1][1] == 4);
+    assert(b[1][2] == 5);
+    assert(b[2][0] == 6);
+    assert(b[2][1] == 7);
+    assert(b[2][2] == 8);
+  }
 #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<int> i[3];
-        for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
-            i[k].reset(new int(k+1));
-        std::unique_ptr<int> j[3];
-        for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
-            j[k].reset(new int(k+4));
-        std::swap(i, j);
-        assert(*i[0] == 4);
-        assert(*i[1] == 5);
-        assert(*i[2] == 6);
-        assert(*j[0] == 1);
-        assert(*j[1] == 2);
-        assert(*j[2] == 3);
-    }
-    {
-        using CA = CopyOnly[42];
-        using MA = NoexceptMoveOnly[42];
-        using NA = NotMoveConstructible[42];
-        static_assert(can_swap<CA&>(), "");
-        static_assert(can_swap<MA&>(), "");
-        static_assert(!can_swap<NA&>(), "");
-        CA ca;
-        MA ma;
-        static_assert(!noexcept(std::swap(ca, ca)), "");
-        static_assert(noexcept(std::swap(ma, ma)), "");
-    }
+  {
+    using CA = CopyOnly[42];
+    using MA = NoexceptMoveOnly[42];
+    using NA = NotMoveConstructible[42];
+    static_assert(can_swap<CA&>(), "");
+    static_assert(can_swap<MA&>(), "");
+    static_assert(!can_swap<NA&>(), "");
+    CA ca;
+    MA ma;
+    static_assert(!noexcept(std::swap(ca, ca)), "");
+    static_assert(noexcept(std::swap(ma, ma)), "");
+  }
+    test_unique_ptr();
-#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
-    static_assert(test_swap_constexpr());
-#endif // TEST_STD_VER > 17
+  return true;
+int main(int, char**) {
+  test();
+#if TEST_STD_VER >= 20
+  static_assert(test());
   return 0;


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