[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libc++][modules] Rewrite the modulemap to have fewer top-level modules (PR #107638)

Ian Anderson via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 12 14:25:19 PDT 2024

@@ -1,2111 +1,1843 @@
-// Main C++ standard library interfaces
-module std_algorithm [system] {
-  header "algorithm"
-  export *
-module std_any [system] {
-  header "any"
-  export *
-module std_array [system] {
-  header "array"
-  export *
-module std_atomic [system] {
-  header "atomic"
-  export *
-module std_barrier [system] {
-  header "barrier"
-  export *
-module std_bit [system] {
-  header "bit"
-  export *
-module std_bitset [system] {
-  header "bitset"
-  export *
-module std_charconv [system] {
-  header "charconv"
-  module chars_format            { header "__charconv/chars_format.h" }
-  module from_chars_integral     { header "__charconv/from_chars_integral.h" }
-  module from_chars_result       { header "__charconv/from_chars_result.h" }
-  module tables                  { header "__charconv/tables.h" }
-  module to_chars                { header "__charconv/to_chars.h" }
-  module to_chars_base_10        { header "__charconv/to_chars_base_10.h" }
-  module to_chars_floating_point { header "__charconv/to_chars_floating_point.h" }
-  module to_chars_integral       { header "__charconv/to_chars_integral.h" }
-  module to_chars_result         { header "__charconv/to_chars_result.h" }
-  module traits                  { header "__charconv/traits.h" }
-  export *
-module std_chrono [system] {
-  header "chrono"
-  export *
-module std_codecvt [system] {
-  header "codecvt"
-  export *
-module std_compare [system] {
-  header "compare"
-  export *
-module std_complex [system] {
-  header "complex"
-  export *
-module std_concepts [system] {
-  header "concepts"
-  export *
-module std_condition_variable [system] {
-  header "condition_variable"
-  module condition_variable { header "__condition_variable/condition_variable.h" }
-  export *
-module std_coroutine [system] {
-  header "coroutine"
-  module coroutine_handle      { header "__coroutine/coroutine_handle.h" }
-  module coroutine_traits      { header "__coroutine/coroutine_traits.h" }
-  module noop_coroutine_handle { header "__coroutine/noop_coroutine_handle.h" }
-  module trivial_awaitables    { header "__coroutine/trivial_awaitables.h" }
-  export *
-module std_deque [system] {
-  header "deque"
-  export *
-module std_exception [system] {
-  header "exception"
-  export *
-module std_execution [system] {
-  header "execution"
-  export *
-module std_expected [system] {
-  header "expected"
-  export *
-module std_filesystem [system] {
-  header "filesystem"
-  module copy_options                 { header "__filesystem/copy_options.h" }
-  module directory_entry              { header "__filesystem/directory_entry.h" }
-  module directory_iterator           { header "__filesystem/directory_iterator.h" }
-  module directory_options            { header "__filesystem/directory_options.h" }
-  module file_status                  { header "__filesystem/file_status.h" }
-  module file_time_type               { header "__filesystem/file_time_type.h" }
-  module file_type                    { header "__filesystem/file_type.h" }
-  module filesystem_error             {
-    header "__filesystem/filesystem_error.h"
-    export std_private_memory_shared_ptr
-  }
-  module operations                   { header "__filesystem/operations.h" }
-  module path                         {
-    header "__filesystem/path.h"
-    export std_string // returned by various methods
-  }
-  module path_iterator                { header "__filesystem/path_iterator.h" }
-  module perm_options                 { header "__filesystem/perm_options.h" }
-  module perms                        { header "__filesystem/perms.h" }
-  module recursive_directory_iterator { header "__filesystem/recursive_directory_iterator.h" }
-  module space_info                   { header "__filesystem/space_info.h" }
-  module u8path                       { header "__filesystem/u8path.h" }
-  export *
-module std_format [system] {
-  header "format"
-  export *
-module std_forward_list [system] {
-  header "forward_list"
-  export *
-module std_fstream [system] {
-  header "fstream"
-  export *
-module std_functional [system] {
-  header "functional"
-  export *
-module std_future [system] {
-  header "future"
-  export *
-module std_initializer_list [system] {
-  header "initializer_list"
-  export *
-module std_iomanip [system] {
-  header "iomanip"
-  export *
-module std_ios [system] {
-  header "ios"
-  export *
-module std_iosfwd [system] {
-  header "iosfwd"
-  export *
-module std_iostream [system] {
-  header "iostream"
-  export *
-module std_istream [system] {
-  header "istream"
-  export *
-module std_iterator [system] {
-  header "iterator"
-  export *
-module std_latch [system] {
-  header "latch"
-  export *
-module std_limits [system] {
-  header "limits"
-  export *
-module std_list [system] {
-  header "list"
-  export *
-module std_locale [system] {
-  header "locale"
-  export *
-module std_map [system] {
-  header "map"
+// This module contains headers related to the configuration of the library. These headers
+// are free of any dependency on the rest of libc++.
+module std_config [system] {
+  textual header "__config"
ian-twilightcoder wrote:

Do those have to come from the includers or could they be set on the command line? The problem with __config being textual is that its declarations are going to be copied into every pcm that sees it. That can confuse Swift because it'll see the same declarations with different names since it uses the module name as part of the declaration name. It's probably ok since nobody's going to write anything declared in __config in code, but if we could change these to not be textual that would be ideal


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