[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libc++][doc] Use installed std modules in external projects. (PR #80601)

Runzhong Li via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Mar 3 09:15:48 PST 2024

@@ -105,36 +105,36 @@ Users need to be able to build their own BMI files.
    system vendors, with the goal that building the BMI files is done by
    the build system.
-Currently this requires a local build of libc++ with modules enabled. Since
-modules are not part of the installation yet, they are used from the build
-directory. First libc++ needs to be build with module support enabled.
+Currently this requires a local build of libc++ with modules installation enabled.
+Since modules are not installed by default. You can build and install the modules
+to ``<install_prefix>`` with the following commands.
 .. code-block:: bash
-  $ git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git
+  $ git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git --depth 1
   $ cd llvm-project
   $ mkdir build
-  $ cmake -G Ninja -S runtimes -B build -DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES="libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind"
-  $ ninja -C build
-The above ``build`` directory will be referred to as ``<build>`` in the
-rest of these instructions.
+  $ cmake -G Ninja -S runtimes -B build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<path-to-compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<path-to-compiler> -DLIBCXX_INSTALL_MODULES=ON -DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES="libcxx;libcxxabi;libunwind"
+  $ cmake --build build -- -j $(nproc)
+  $ cmake --install build --prefix <install_prefix>
 This is a small sample program that uses the module ``std``. It consists of a
-``CMakeLists.txt`` and a ``main.cpp`` file.
+``CMakeLists.txt``, an ``std.cmake``, and a ``main.cpp`` file.
 .. code-block:: cpp
+  // main.cpp
   import std; // When importing std.compat it's not needed to import std.
   import std.compat;
   int main() {
-    std::cout << "Hello modular world\n";
+    std::println("Hello modular world");
a858438680 wrote:

OK, will change it back


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