[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libc++] Optimize vector growing of trivially relocatable types (PR #76657)

Louis Dionne via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 18 09:25:40 PST 2024

@@ -591,60 +592,48 @@ __uninitialized_allocator_copy(_Alloc& __alloc, _Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1,
   return std::__rewrap_iter(__first2, __result);
-// Move-construct the elements [__first1, __last1) into [__first2, __first2 + N)
-// if the move constructor is noexcept, where N is distance(__first1, __last1).
-// Otherwise try to copy all elements. If an exception is thrown the already copied
-// elements are destroyed in reverse order of their construction.
-template <class _Alloc, class _Iter1, class _Sent1, class _Iter2>
-__uninitialized_allocator_move_if_noexcept(_Alloc& __alloc, _Iter1 __first1, _Sent1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2) {
-  static_assert(__is_cpp17_move_insertable<_Alloc>::value,
-                "The specified type does not meet the requirements of Cpp17MoveInsertable");
-  auto __destruct_first = __first2;
-  auto __guard =
-      std::__make_exception_guard(_AllocatorDestroyRangeReverse<_Alloc, _Iter2>(__alloc, __destruct_first, __first2));
-  while (__first1 != __last1) {
-    allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(__alloc, std::__to_address(__first2), std::move_if_noexcept(*__first1));
-    allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(__alloc, std::__to_address(__first2), std::move(*__first1));
-    ++__first1;
-    ++__first2;
-  }
-  __guard.__complete();
-  return __first2;
 template <class _Alloc, class _Type>
 struct __allocator_has_trivial_move_construct : _Not<__has_construct<_Alloc, _Type*, _Type&&> > {};
 template <class _Type>
 struct __allocator_has_trivial_move_construct<allocator<_Type>, _Type> : true_type {};
-template <
-    class _Alloc,
-    class _Iter1,
-    class _Iter2,
-    class _Type = typename iterator_traits<_Iter1>::value_type,
-    class = __enable_if_t<is_trivially_move_constructible<_Type>::value && is_trivially_move_assignable<_Type>::value &&
-                          __allocator_has_trivial_move_construct<_Alloc, _Type>::value> >
-__uninitialized_allocator_move_if_noexcept(_Alloc&, _Iter1 __first1, _Iter1 __last1, _Iter2 __first2) {
-  if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated()) {
-    while (__first1 != __last1) {
-      std::__construct_at(std::__to_address(__first2), std::move(*__first1));
-      ++__first1;
-      ++__first2;
+template <class _Alloc, class _Tp>
+struct __allocator_has_trivial_destroy : _Not<__has_destroy<_Alloc, _Tp*>> {};
+template <class _Tp, class _Up>
+struct __allocator_has_trivial_destroy<allocator<_Tp>, _Up> : true_type {};
+// __uninitialized_allocator_relocate relocates the objects in [__first, __last) into __result.
+// relocation means that the objects in [__first, __last) are placed into __result as-if by move-construct and destroy,
+// except that the move constructor and destructor may never be called if they are known to be equivalent to a memcpy.
+// Preconditions: __result doesn't contain any objects and [__first, __last) contains objects
+// Postconditions: __result contains the object from [__first, __last) and [__first, __last) doesn't contain any objects
+template <class _Alloc, class _Tp>
+__uninitialized_allocator_relocate(_Alloc& __alloc, _Tp* __first, _Tp* __last, _Tp* __result) {
+  if (__libcpp_is_constant_evaluated() || !__libcpp_is_trivially_relocatable<_Tp>::value ||
+      !__allocator_has_trivial_move_construct<_Alloc, _Tp>::value ||
+      !__allocator_has_trivial_destroy<_Alloc, _Tp>::value) {
+    auto __destruct_first = __result;
+    auto __guard =
+        std::__make_exception_guard(_AllocatorDestroyRangeReverse<_Alloc, _Tp*>(__alloc, __destruct_first, __result));
+    while (__first != __last) {
+      allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(__alloc, std::__to_address(__result), std::move_if_noexcept(*__first));
+      allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(__alloc, std::__to_address(__result), std::move(*__first));
ldionne wrote:

      allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(__alloc, __result, std::move_if_noexcept(*__first));
      allocator_traits<_Alloc>::construct(__alloc, __result, std::move(*__first));

Since it's a raw pointer.


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