[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [MLIR] Enabling Intel GPU Integration. (PR #65539)

Jianhui Li via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 7 12:03:51 PDT 2023

Jianhui-Li wrote:

> > At some point it would be nice to have some design document or documentation somewhere explaining how all these MLIR runners works, including this one.
> The idea is to eventually consolidate all runners into one. This PR is just another piece of the puzzle.
> Once we're all happy with how the runners work, we should common them up using command line options to select the "type" and CMake options to enable particular runner types (depending on the runtimes and hardware available).
> > Globally this PR add a SYCL runner, but it is very specific for Intel Level 0. It would be nice to have in the future some generalization, like SYCL using OpenCL interoperability interface to run the SPIR-V kernels or even native kernels.
> Agreed! The SYCL runtime here is just being used to abstract the LevelZero calls, but this work will be helpful when adding a full SYCL runner (actual language extensions and libraries) to other CPUs/GPUs later.

Agree. The key point of this PR is not to create yet another runner, but just enable the existing mlir-cpu-runner to runs llvm + device kernel on SYCL platform. The current implementation uses L0 but could be extended. 

I won't call this as adding a "SYCL runner", it is add SYCL backend to mlir-cpu-runner.  The term "xxx runner" in MLIR is a bit overused. mlir-cpu-runner doesn't mean it runs only on CPU, instead it runs both the host and device kernel.   mlir-cpu-runner currently does that but the name is a bit misleading.  We really just need a "mlir-runner" with target-platform as command parameters.


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