[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libcxx] Unifying __is_trivial_equality_predicate and __is_trivial_plus_operation into __desugars_to (PR #68642)

Louis Dionne via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Oct 13 17:54:00 PDT 2023

   return true;
-template <
-    class _Tp,
-    class _Up,
-    class _BinaryPredicate,
-    __enable_if_t<__is_trivial_equality_predicate<_BinaryPredicate, _Tp, _Up>::value && !is_volatile<_Tp>::value &&
-                      !is_volatile<_Up>::value && __libcpp_is_trivially_equality_comparable<_Tp, _Up>::value,
-                  int> = 0>
+template < class _Tp,
+           class _Up,
+           class _BinaryPredicate,
+           __enable_if_t<__desugars_to<_BinaryPredicate, equal_to<_Tp> >::value && !is_volatile<_Tp>::value &&
ldionne wrote:

I think it is pretty important to say `__desugars_to<_BinaryPredicate, equal_to<void> >::value` here. `equal_to<void>` represents the "transparent" version of `equal_to`, i.e. the one that does `x == y` without any conversion involved. If you use `__desugars_to<_BinaryPredicate, equal_to<_Tp> >::value`, it means that if `_Up` and `_Tp` are different but they happen to be trivially equality-comparable, we would skip this optimization.

You should be able to check that this optimization gets disabled if you use something like [this](https://godbolt.org/z/hGq57j5jM):

#include <algorithm>

using T = int*;
using U = void*;

bool f(T* first1, T* last1, U* first2, U* last2) {
    return std::equal(first1, last1, first2);

f(int**, int**, void**, void**):                       # @f(int**, int**, void**, void**)
        push    rax
        mov     rax, rsi
        sub     rax, rdi
        mov     rsi, rdx
        mov     rdx, rax
        call    bcmp at PLT
        test    eax, eax
        sete    al
        pop     rcx

This is good, if there's no `bcmp` or `memcmp` in the output then the optimization was disabled. Since we don't have access to FileCheck in the libc++ test suite, however, it's going to be really hard to add a test for this. But it would be great if you can validate it manually at least. You can do something like this:

ninja -C build cxx-test-depends

cat <<EOF | clang++ -xc++ - -nostdinc++ -isystem build/default/include/c++/v1 -std=c++17 -S -o a.s -O3 && cat a.s
#include <algorithm>

using T = int*;
using U = void*;

bool f(T* first1, T* last1, U* first2, U* last2) {
    return std::equal(first1, last1, first2);


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