[libcxx-commits] [libcxx] [libc++] add floating point type check for uniform real distrubtion (PR #70564)

Louis Dionne via libcxx-commits libcxx-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 21 11:59:33 PST 2023

 template<class _RealType = double>
 class _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS uniform_real_distribution
+  static_assert(is_floating_point<_RealType>::value, "result_type must be floating type");
ldionne wrote:

Add the following to `libcxx/include/__random/is_valid.h`:

// [rand.req.genl]/1.4:
// The effect of instantiating a template that has a template type parameter
// named RealType is undefined unless the corresponding template argument is
// cv-unqualified and is one of float, double, or long double.

template<class> struct __libcpp_random_is_valid_realtype : false_type {};
template<> struct __libcpp_random_is_valid_realtype<float> : true_type {};
template<> struct __libcpp_random_is_valid_realtype<double> : true_type {};
template<> struct __libcpp_random_is_valid_realtype<long double> : true_type {};

Then, in the distributions mentioned above, add the following `static_assert`:

static_assert(__libcpp_random_is_valid_realtype<_RealType>::value, "RealType must be a supported floating-point type");


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